blob: 133634e3087d4d1b30c01c0b9d9ca052cec008b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Declares Story, a class encapsulating a collection of PlotLines. Each
// PlotLine is an ordered sequence of events that will be played independently
// (ie. on their own threads), with potential interactions between them via
// the Backdrop and any causality constraints, themselves represented via
// LinkedEvents.
// The serialized file is organized as follows:
// - PlotLines
// - number of plot lines
// - PlotLine0
// - number of events in plot line
// - Event0
// - type of event 0
// - serialization of event 0
// - ... repeat for other events ...
// - ... repeated for other plot lines ...
// - causality constraints (the number of linked events is implicit)
// - (linked event id) of event with input constraints
// - number of input constraints
// - (linked event id) of input constraint 0
// - ... repeated for other constraints ...
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/threading/simple_thread.h"
#include "syzygy/bard/event.h"
#include "syzygy/core/serialization.h"
namespace bard {
// Container class for storing and serializing PlotLines.
class Story {
// A PlotLine is a simple ordered sequence of events. At some point we may
// need additional functionality on this class but for now a vector does the
// job.
using PlotLine = ScopedVector<EventInterface>;
// PlotLine playback thread runner.
class PlotLineRunner;
// Some constants used in serialization.
static const uint32_t kBardMagic = 0xBA4D7355;
static const uint32_t kBardVersion = 1;
Story() {}
// Add a PlotLine to the Story. Story takes ownership of all the PlotLines
// that it stores.
// @param event a std::unique_ptr to the PlotLine to be added to the Story.
// @returns a pointer to the stored PlotLine.
PlotLine* AddPlotLine(std::unique_ptr<PlotLine> plot_line);
// Creates a plotline, adding it to this story.
// @returns a pointer to the created plotline.
PlotLine* CreatePlotLine();
// @name Serialization methods.
// @{
bool Save(core::OutArchive* out_archive) const;
bool Load(core::InArchive* in_archive);
// @}
// Accessor for unittesting.
const ScopedVector<PlotLine>& plot_lines() const { return plot_lines_; }
// Plays this story against the provided backdrop. Spins up a thread per
// plot line and plays the events back as fast as possible on each thread.
bool Play(void* backdrop);
// For unittesting.
bool operator==(const Story& story) const;
ScopedVector<PlotLine> plot_lines_;
// Thread main body for playing back all events on a PlotLine. Since there is
// lots of waiting/signaling between the various threads it is impossible for
// one thread to exit with an error and the rest of them to hang. Thus each
// thread communicates that it has completed via a callback.
// This uses a PlatformThread::Delegate rather than base::SimpleThread or other
// implementations as those have the expectation that Join has been called for
// each thread. The current implementation can't support this in the general
// case as some thread's may hang if others exit with an error, meaning they
// are not guaranteed to be joinable.
class Story::PlotLineRunner : public base::PlatformThread::Delegate {
// Invoked to indicate that this runner has completed.
using OnCompleteCallback = base::Callback<void(PlotLineRunner*)>;
PlotLineRunner(void* backdrop, PlotLine* plot_line);
~PlotLineRunner() override {}
void set_on_complete(OnCompleteCallback on_complete) {
on_complete_ = on_complete;
// @returns true if the playback failed.
bool Failed() const { return failed_event_ != nullptr; }
// @returns the event that failed during playback, if an event failed.
EventInterface* failed_event() const { return failed_event_; }
// Implementation of PlatformThread::Delegate.
void ThreadMain() override;
// For starting and stopping the thread.
void Start();
void Join();
void RunImpl();
void* backdrop_;
PlotLine* plot_line_;
OnCompleteCallback on_complete_;
// If an error occurs, this is left pointing at the event that failed.
// Useful for debugging.
EventInterface* failed_event_;
base::PlatformThreadHandle handle_;
} // namespace bard
// Comparison operator for PlotLines.
// @param pl1 The first plotline to compare.
// @param pl2 The second plotline to compare.
// @returns true if the two plotlines are equal, false otherwise.
// @note This is in the root namespace so its found by test fixtures.
bool operator==(const bard::Story::PlotLine& pl1,
const bard::Story::PlotLine& pl2);