blob: a1fdc7edab4c576524f2e87cffee36d2107ada8b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "syzygy/sampler/sampler_app.h"
#include <psapi.h>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "syzygy/common/align.h"
#include "syzygy/common/buffer_writer.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/pe_file.h"
#include "syzygy/trace/common/clock.h"
#include "syzygy/trace/protocol/call_trace_defs.h"
#include "syzygy/trace/service/trace_file_writer.h"
namespace sampler {
namespace {
typedef trace::service::TraceFileWriter TraceFileWriter;
const char kUsageFormatStr[] =
"Usage: %ls [options] MODULE_PATH1 [MODULE_PATH2 ...]\n"
" A tool that polls running processes and profiles modules of interest.\n"
" The tool works by monitoring running processes. Any process that gets\n"
" through the optional PID filter will be inspected, and if any of the\n"
" specified modules are loaded in that process they will be profiled.\n"
" --blacklist-pids If a list of PIDs is specified with --pids, this\n"
" makes the list a blacklist of processes not to\n"
" be monitored. Defaults to false, in which case\n"
" the list is a whitelist.\n"
" --bucket-size=POSINT Specifies the bucket size. This must be a power\n"
" of two, and must be >= 4. Defaults to 4.\n"
" --output-dir=DIR The path to write trace-files. Will be created\n"
" if it doesn't exist. Defaults to the current\n"
" working directory.\n"
" --pids=PID1,PID2,... Specifies a list of PIDs. If specified these are\n"
" used as a filter (by default a whitelist) for\n"
" processes to be profiled. If not specified all\n"
" processes will be potentially profiled.\n"
" --sampling-interval=INTERVAL\n"
" Sets the sampling interval. This is a floating\n"
" point value in seconds. Scientific notation is\n"
" acceptable. Defaults to the current system\n"
" setting. Not all sampling intervals are\n"
" available on all systems so the closest value\n"
" available will be used. The actual sampling\n"
" interval used will be reported.\n"
" --output-dir=DIR Specifies the output directory into which trace\n"
" files will be written.\n"
// Parses the bucket size. Leaves the value unchanged if it is not specified.
bool ParseBucketSize(const base::CommandLine* command_line,
size_t* log2_bucket_size) {
DCHECK(command_line != NULL);
DCHECK(log2_bucket_size != NULL);
if (!command_line->HasSwitch(SamplerApp::kBucketSize))
return true;
std::string s = command_line->GetSwitchValueASCII(SamplerApp::kBucketSize);
size_t bucket_size = 0;
if (!base::StringToSizeT(s, &bucket_size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "--" << SamplerApp::kBucketSize << " must be an integer.";
return false;
if (!common::IsPowerOfTwo(bucket_size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "--" << SamplerApp::kBucketSize << " must be a power of 2.";
return false;
if (bucket_size < 4) {
LOG(ERROR) << "--" << SamplerApp::kBucketSize << " must be >= 4.";
return false;
// Convert to a power of two, as required by the SamplingProfiler API.
*log2_bucket_size = 2;
while (bucket_size != 4) {
bucket_size >>= 1;
return true;
// Parses the sampling interval. Leaves the value unchanged if it is not
// specified.
bool ParseSamplingInterval(const base::CommandLine* command_line,
base::TimeDelta* sampling_interval) {
DCHECK(command_line != NULL);
DCHECK(sampling_interval != NULL);
if (!command_line->HasSwitch(SamplerApp::kSamplingInterval))
return true;
std::string s = command_line->GetSwitchValueASCII(
double d = 0;
if (!base::StringToDouble(s, &d)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "--" << SamplerApp::kSamplingInterval << " must be a double.";
return false;
if (d <= 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "-- " << SamplerApp::kSamplingInterval
<< " must be positive.";
return false;
int64_t us = static_cast<int64_t>(1000000 * d);
if (us <= 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "--" << SamplerApp::kSamplingInterval
<< " must be at least 1us.";
return false;
// TimeDelta has its finest resolution in microseconds, so we convert to
// that.
*sampling_interval = base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(us);
return true;
// A utility function for converting a time delta to a human readable string.
const std::string TimeDeltaToString(const base::TimeDelta& td) {
// Aliases to constants from base::Time (which have overly long names).
const int64_t& kMillisecond = base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerMillisecond;
const int64_t& kSecond = base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond;
const int64_t& kMinute = base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerMinute;
const int64_t& kHour = base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerHour;
const int64_t& kDay = base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerDay;
int64_t us = td.InMicroseconds();
if (us == 0)
return "0s";
bool negative = us < 0;
if (negative)
us *= -1;
std::string s;
if (negative)
s = "-";
// Special case: We're less than a second.
if (us < kSecond) {
// We're in the hundreds of milliseconds.
if (us >= 100 * kMillisecond) {
s.append(base::StringPrintf("%.6fs", static_cast<double>(us) / kSecond));
} else if (us >= kMillisecond) {
// We're in the milliseconds.
static_cast<double>(us) / kMillisecond));
} else {
// We're in microseconds.
s.append(base::StringPrintf("%lldus", us));
return s;
int64_t days = us / kDay;
int64_t hours = (us % kDay) / kHour;
int64_t minutes = (us % kHour) / kMinute;
int64_t seconds = (us % kMinute) / kSecond;
us %= kSecond;
if (days > 0)
s.append(base::StringPrintf("%lldd", days));
if (hours > 0)
s.append(base::StringPrintf("%lldh", hours));
if (minutes > 0)
s.append(base::StringPrintf("%lldm", minutes));
if (seconds > 0 || us > 0)
s.append(base::StringPrintf("%lld.%06llds", seconds, us));
return s;
// Sets the sampling interval used across all sampling profilers.
bool SetSamplingInterval(base::TimeDelta* sampling_interval) {
bool use_system_default = sampling_interval->ToInternalValue() == 0;
if (!use_system_default) {
// Set the sampling interval.
if (!SamplingProfiler::SetSamplingInterval(*sampling_interval)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "SetSamplingInterval failed.";
return false;
// Get the actual sampling interval.
base::TimeDelta actual_sampling_interval;
if (!SamplingProfiler::GetSamplingInterval(&actual_sampling_interval)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "GetSamplingInterval failed.";
return false;
if (use_system_default) {
// If we're using the system default then report it.
LOG(INFO) << "Using system default sampling interval of "
<< TimeDeltaToString(actual_sampling_interval) << ".";
} else {
// If the actual sampling interval and the requested one don't match, then
// output a warning.
if (actual_sampling_interval != *sampling_interval) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Requested sampling interval of "
<< TimeDeltaToString(*sampling_interval)
<< " but actual sampling interval is "
<< TimeDeltaToString(actual_sampling_interval) << ".";
*sampling_interval = actual_sampling_interval;
return true;
// Populates a vector of active process IDs on the system. By the time has
// returned some of the PIDs may no longer be active, and others may have
// started. Returns true on success, false otherwise.
typedef std::vector<DWORD> PidVector;
bool GetRunningProcessIds(PidVector* pids) {
DCHECK(pids != NULL);
// Start with a fairly large size.
while (true) {
DWORD bytes_avail = pids->size() * sizeof(PidVector::value_type);
DWORD bytes_used = 0;
BOOL result = ::EnumProcesses(&((*pids)[0]), bytes_avail, &bytes_used);
if (!result) {
DWORD error = ::GetLastError();
LOG(ERROR) << "EnumProcess failed: " << common::LogWe(error);
return false;
// We know that we've finished reading the list if the system call didn't
// use the entire available buffer. Shrink it back down to minimum size
// and return it.
if (bytes_used < bytes_avail) {
size_t pid_count = bytes_used / sizeof(PidVector::value_type);
return true;
// Making it to this point means there wasn't enough room for all of the
// PIDs. Grow bigger and try again.
pids->resize(pids->size() * 2);
// Opens the given process. If the process no longer exists or if access is
// denied this returns true but sets @p process to NULL. If it fails for any
// other reason this returns false. Upon success @p process will be set to the
// process handle (which must be closed by the caller) and returns true.
bool GetProcessHandle(DWORD pid, HANDLE* process) {
DCHECK(process != NULL);
// Get a handle to the process.
*process = ::OpenProcess(kDesiredAccess, FALSE /* inherit_handle */, pid);
if (*process != NULL)
return true;
DWORD error = ::GetLastError();
// If access is denied this is not an unexpected failure and we simply
// return an empty module list. If the PID is not valid (the process has
// since shut down) we can also safely ignore failure.
return true;
// Getting here means we were unable to open a handle to the process.
LOG(ERROR) << "OpenProcess failed: " << common::LogWe(error);
return false;
// Populates a vector of module handles for the given process. By the time this
// call has returned some modules may no longer be in memory and others may
// have been loaded. If the process is unable to be read because it is 64-bit
// then this will return an empty module list. Returns true on success, false
// otherwise.
typedef std::vector<HMODULE> HmoduleVector;
bool GetProcessModules(HANDLE process, HmoduleVector* modules) {
DCHECK(process != NULL);
DCHECK(modules != NULL);
while (true) {
DWORD bytes_avail = modules->size() * sizeof(HmoduleVector::value_type);
DWORD bytes_used = 0;
if (!::EnumProcessModules(process, &modules->at(0),
bytes_avail, &bytes_used)) {
DWORD error = ::GetLastError();
// Trying to enumerate the modules of a 64-bit process from this 32-bit
// process is not possible. We simply return an empty module list.
if (error == ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY) {
return true;
LOG(ERROR) << "EnumProcessModules failed: " << common::LogWe(error);
return false;
// We know that we've finished reading the list if the system call didn't
// use the entire available buffer. Shrink it back down to minimum size
// and return it.
if (bytes_used < bytes_avail) {
size_t module_count = bytes_used / sizeof(HmoduleVector::value_type);
return true;
// Making it to this point means that there wasn't enough room for all of
// the modules. Grow bigger and try again.
modules->resize(modules->size() * 2);
return true;
// Gets the signature of the given loaded module. Returns true on success,
// false otherwise.
bool GetModuleSignature(HANDLE process,
HMODULE module,
SamplerApp::ModuleSignature* module_sig) {
DCHECK(process != NULL);
DCHECK(module != NULL);
DCHECK(module_sig != NULL);
uint8_t buffer[4096] = {};
sizeof(buffer) >= sizeof(IMAGE_DOS_HEADER) + sizeof(IMAGE_NT_HEADERS),
"buffer must be at least as big as headers.");
// Read the first page of the module from the remote process. We use
// this to get the module headers so we can grab its signature.
SIZE_T bytes_read = 0;
if (!::ReadProcessMemory(process, module, buffer, sizeof(buffer),
&bytes_read)) {
DWORD error = ::GetLastError();
LOG(ERROR) << "ReadProcessMemory failed: " << common::LogWe(error);
return false;
if (bytes_read != sizeof(buffer)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "ReadProcessMemory only performed a partial read.";
return false;
// Get the DOS header and make sure the NT headers are contained entirely in
// the buffer.
const IMAGE_DOS_HEADER* dos_header =
reinterpret_cast<const IMAGE_DOS_HEADER*>(buffer);
if (dos_header->e_lfanew + sizeof(IMAGE_NT_HEADERS) > sizeof(buffer)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "NT headers not contained in buffer.";
return false;
// Grab the NT headers.
const IMAGE_NT_HEADERS* nt_headers =
reinterpret_cast<const IMAGE_NT_HEADERS*>(buffer + dos_header->e_lfanew);
// Extract the signature.
module_sig->checksum = nt_headers->OptionalHeader.CheckSum;
module_sig->size = nt_headers->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage;
module_sig->time_date_stamp = nt_headers->FileHeader.TimeDateStamp;
return true;
typedef base::Callback<void (const SampledModuleCache::Module*)>
// Attaches to the running process with the specified PID and iterates over
// its modules. If any of them is found in the list of modules to be profiled
// adds the process/module pair to the sample module cache.
bool InspectProcessModules(DWORD pid,
SamplerApp::ModuleSignatureSet& module_sigs,
StartProfilingCallback callback,
SampledModuleCache* cache) {
DCHECK(cache != NULL);
base::win::ScopedHandle handle;
HANDLE temp_handle;
if (!GetProcessHandle(pid, &temp_handle))
return false;
// GetProcessHandle can succeed but return no handle. In this case the
// process has since exited.
if (!handle.IsValid())
return true;
// Get a list of modules in the process.
HmoduleVector modules;
if (!GetProcessModules(handle.Get(), &modules))
return false;
// Iterate over the modules in the process.
for (size_t i = 0; i < modules.size(); ++i) {
SamplerApp::ModuleSignature module_sig = {};
if (!GetModuleSignature(handle.Get(), modules[i], &module_sig))
return false;
// Skip over this module if its not in the set of modules of interest.
if (module_sigs.find(module_sig) == module_sigs.end())
// Add this module to the list of those being profiled.
SampledModuleCache::ProfilingStatus status =
const SampledModuleCache::Module* module = NULL;
if (!cache->AddModule(handle.Get(), modules[i], &status, &module))
return false;
// If this module was just added for the first time then invoke the
// testing seam callback.
if (status == SampledModuleCache::kProfilingStarted)
return true;
// Writes a trace data object to a trace file, preceding it with a record
// prefix and trace-file segment header as necessary.
template<typename TraceDataType>
bool WriteTraceRecord(const TraceDataType* trace_data,
size_t size,
TraceEventType data_type,
TraceFileWriter* writer) {
DCHECK(writer != NULL);
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer;
common::VectorBufferWriter w(&buffer);
// Write the record prefix for the segment header.
RecordPrefix record = {};
record.timestamp = trace::common::GetTsc();
record.size = sizeof(TraceFileSegmentHeader);
record.type = TraceFileSegmentHeader::kTypeId;
record.version.hi = TRACE_VERSION_HI;
record.version.lo = TRACE_VERSION_LO;
if (!w.Write(record))
return false;
// Write the segment header.
TraceFileSegmentHeader segment = {};
segment.thread_id = 0;
segment.segment_length = sizeof(RecordPrefix) + size;
if (!w.Write(segment))
return false;
// Now write a record-prefix for the actual data.
record.size = size;
record.type = data_type;
if (!w.Write(record))
return false;
// Write the actual data.
if (!w.Write(size, reinterpret_cast<const void*>(trace_data)))
return false;
// Align the output to the block size.
if (!w.Align(writer->block_size()))
return false;
// Write the whole chunk of data.
if (!writer->WriteRecord(, buffer.size()))
return false;
return true;
// Output a TRACE_PROCESS_ATTACH_EVENT for |module|. This allows the grinder
// to tie subsequent sample data to a module on disk.
bool WriteTraceModuleDataRecord(const SampledModuleCache::Module* module,
TraceFileWriter* writer) {
DCHECK(module != NULL);
DCHECK(writer != NULL);
TraceModuleData module_data = {};
module_data.module_base_addr = reinterpret_cast<ModuleAddr>(module->module());
module_data.module_base_size = module->module_size();
module_data.module_checksum = module->module_checksum();
module_data.module_time_date_stamp = module->module_time_date_stamp();
base::FilePath basename = module->module_path().BaseName();
::wcsncpy(module_data.module_name, basename.value().c_str(),
arraysize(module_data.module_name) - 1);
::wcsncpy(module_data.module_exe, module->module_path().value().c_str(),
arraysize(module_data.module_exe) - 1);
// We simulate a 'process attached to module' event. The sampling is across
// all threads in a process, so we can't actually tie the data to any
// particular thread.
if (!WriteTraceRecord(&module_data, sizeof(module_data),
return false;
return true;
// Converts the sample data in |module| to a TraceSampleData buffer and outputs
// it to the provided TraceFileWriter.
bool WriteTraceSampleDataRecord(uint64_t sampling_interval_in_cycles,
const SampledModuleCache::Module* module,
TraceFileWriter* writer) {
DCHECK(module != NULL);
DCHECK(writer != NULL);
const ULONG* buckets = module->profiler().buckets().data();
size_t bucket_count = module->profiler().buckets().size();
DCHECK_LT(0u, bucket_count);
// Calculate the size of the buffer required to store the samples.
size_t size = offsetof(TraceSampleData, buckets) +
sizeof(buckets[0]) * bucket_count;
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(size);
TraceSampleData* data = reinterpret_cast<TraceSampleData*>(;
static_assert(sizeof(buckets[0]) == sizeof(data->buckets[0]),
"buckets have mismatched sizes.");
// Populate the TraceSampleData structure.
data->module_base_addr = reinterpret_cast<ModuleAddr>(module->module());
data->module_size = module->module_size();
data->module_checksum = module->module_checksum();
data->module_time_date_stamp = module->module_time_date_stamp();
data->bucket_size = 1 << module->log2_bucket_size();
data->bucket_start = reinterpret_cast<ModuleAddr>(module->buckets_begin());
data->bucket_count = bucket_count;
data->sampling_start_time = module->profiling_start_time();
data->sampling_end_time = module->profiling_stop_time();
data->sampling_interval = sampling_interval_in_cycles;
// Copy the samples into the buffer.
::memcpy(data->buckets, buckets, sizeof(buckets[0]) * bucket_count);
if (!WriteTraceRecord(data, size, TRACE_SAMPLE_DATA, writer))
return false;
return true;
} // namespace
const char SamplerApp::kBlacklistPids[] = "blacklist-pids";
const char SamplerApp::kBucketSize[] = "bucket-size";
const char SamplerApp::kPids[] = "pids";
const char SamplerApp::kSamplingInterval[] = "sampling-interval";
const char SamplerApp::kOutputDir[] = "output-dir";
const size_t SamplerApp::kDefaultLog2BucketSize = 2;
base::Lock SamplerApp::console_ctrl_lock_;
SamplerApp* SamplerApp::console_ctrl_owner_ = NULL;
: application::AppImplBase("Sampler"),
sampling_interval_in_cycles_(0) {
SamplerApp::~SamplerApp() {
bool SamplerApp::ParseCommandLine(const base::CommandLine* command_line) {
DCHECK(command_line != NULL);
if (command_line->HasSwitch("help"))
return PrintUsage(command_line->GetProgram(), "");
// Parse the profiler parameters.
if (!ParseBucketSize(command_line, &log2_bucket_size_) ||
!ParseSamplingInterval(command_line, &sampling_interval_)) {
return PrintUsage(command_line->GetProgram(), "");
// By default we set up an empty PID blacklist. This means that all PIDs
// will be profiled.
if (command_line->HasSwitch(kPids)) {
// If PIDs have been specified then parse them.
if (!ParsePids(command_line->GetSwitchValueASCII(kPids)))
return PrintUsage(command_line->GetProgram(), "");
blacklist_pids_ = command_line->HasSwitch(kBlacklistPids);
output_dir_ = command_line->GetSwitchValuePath(kOutputDir);
const base::CommandLine::StringVector& args = command_line->GetArgs();
if (args.size() == 0) {
return PrintUsage(command_line->GetProgram(),
"Must specify at least one module to profile.");
// Parse the list of modules to profile.
for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) {
ModuleSignature sig = {};
if (!GetModuleSignature(base::FilePath(args[i]), &sig))
return PrintUsage(command_line->GetProgram(), "");
return true;
int SamplerApp::Run() {
// Grab the console control if we can.
base::AutoLock auto_lock(console_ctrl_lock_);
if (console_ctrl_owner_ == NULL) {
if (!::SetConsoleCtrlHandler(&OnConsoleCtrl, TRUE)) {
DWORD error = ::GetLastError();
LOG(ERROR) << "SetConsoleCtrlHandler failed: " << common::LogWe(error);
return false;
console_ctrl_owner_ = this;
int i = RunImpl();
// Clean up the console control hook if we own it.
base::AutoLock auto_lock(console_ctrl_lock_);
if (console_ctrl_owner_ == this) {
if (!::SetConsoleCtrlHandler(&OnConsoleCtrl, FALSE)) {
DWORD error = ::GetLastError();
LOG(ERROR) << "SetConsoleCtrlHandler failed: " << common::LogWe(error);
return false;
console_ctrl_owner_ = NULL;
return i;
int SamplerApp::RunImpl() {
// Ensure the output directory exists.
if (!output_dir_.empty()) {
if (!base::PathExists(output_dir_)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Creating output directory \"" << output_dir_.value()
<< "\".";
if (!base::CreateDirectory(output_dir_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create output directory \""
<< output_dir_.value() << "\".";
return false;
if (!SetSamplingInterval(&sampling_interval_))
return 1;
// TODO(chrisha): Output the clock information to the trace file. This should
// be part of the header!
// Get the system clock information and calculate our sampling interval in
// system clock cycles.
trace::common::ClockInfo clock_info = {};
double interval_in_seconds = sampling_interval_.InSecondsF();
sampling_interval_in_cycles_ =
interval_in_seconds * clock_info.tsc_info.frequency;
SampledModuleCache cache(log2_bucket_size_);
base::Bind(&SamplerApp::OnDeadModule, base::Unretained(this)));
// These are used for keeping track of how many modules are being profiled.
size_t process_count = 0;
size_t module_count = 0;
// Sit in a loop, actively monitoring running processes.
while (running()) {
// Mark all profiling module as dead. If they aren't remarked as alive after
// iterating through processes and modules then they will be reaped and
// their profile data written to disk.
PidVector pids;
if (!GetRunningProcessIds(&pids))
return 1;
// Those PIDs in the pids_ filter that aren't seen at all in the list of
// running processes have to be removed so that they aren't re-filtered if
// that PID is reused again. We keep track of the PIDs that have been seen
// in every iteration here.
PidSet filtered_pids;
// Iterate over the processes.
for (size_t i = 0; i < pids.size(); ++i) {
DWORD pid = pids[i];
if (blacklist_pids_) {
// We have a blacklist filter. Skip this process if it is in the
// blacklist.
if (pids_.find(pid) != pids_.end()) {
} else {
// If our PID filter is empty then we have no more work to do, so
// we can skip out this loop.
if (pids_.empty()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Whitelist is empty, no more work to do.";
// We have a whitelist filter. Skip this process if it isn't in the
// whitelist.
if (pids_.find(pid) == pids_.end()) {
} else {
// If we get here the process corresponding to this PID needs to be
// examined.
StartProfilingCallback callback = base::Bind(
&SamplerApp::OnStartProfiling, base::Unretained(this));
if (!InspectProcessModules(pid, module_sigs_, callback, &cache))
return 1;
// Remove any profiled modules that are 'dead'. This invokes the callback
// and causes the profile information to be written to a trace file.
// Count the number of actively profiled modules and processes.
size_t new_process_count = cache.processes().size();
size_t new_module_count = cache.module_count();
// Output some quick statistics.
if (process_count != new_process_count ||
module_count != new_module_count) {
process_count = new_process_count;
module_count = new_module_count;
LOG(INFO) << "Profiling " << module_count << " module"
<< (module_count != 1 ? "s" : "") << " across "
<< process_count << " process"
<< (process_count != 1 ? "es" : "") << ".";
// Update our list of filtered PIDs.
pids_ = filtered_pids;
// We poll every second so as not to consume too much CPU time, but to not
// get caught too easily by PID reuse.
// Mark all modules as dead and remove them. This will clean up any in
// progress profiling data.
return 0;
bool SamplerApp::PrintUsage(const base::FilePath& program,
const base::StringPiece& message) {
if (!message.empty()) {
::fwrite(, 1, message.length(), out());
::fprintf(out(), "\n\n");
::fprintf(out(), kUsageFormatStr, program.BaseName().value().c_str());
return false;
bool SamplerApp::ParsePids(const std::string& pids) {
std::vector<std::string> split =
base::SplitString(pids, ",", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL);
for (size_t i = 0; i < split.size(); ++i) {
// Skip empty strings.
if (split[i].empty())
uint32_t pid = 0;
if (!base::StringToUint(split[i], &pid)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to parse \"" << split[i] << "\" as a PID.";
return false;
if (pids_.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "--" << kPids << " must not be empty.";
return false;
return true;
void SamplerApp::OnDeadModule(const SampledModuleCache::Module* module) {
DCHECK(module != NULL);
// Invoke our testing seam callback.
const SampledModuleCache::Process* process = module->process();
DCHECK(process != NULL);
base::FilePath basename = TraceFileWriter::GenerateTraceFileBaseName(
base::FilePath trace_file_path = output_dir_.Append(basename);
LOG(INFO) << "Writing module samples to \"" << trace_file_path.value()
<< "\".";
// TODO(chrisha): If we deal with processes with multiple profiled modules
// or repeatedly loaded and unloaded modules, we could persist a trace
// file writer for each process and use it repeatedly.
TraceFileWriter writer;
if (!writer.Open(trace_file_path))
if (!writer.WriteHeader(process->process_info()))
if (!WriteTraceModuleDataRecord(module, &writer))
if (!WriteTraceSampleDataRecord(sampling_interval_in_cycles_, module,
&writer)) {
bool SamplerApp::GetModuleSignature(
const base::FilePath& module, ModuleSignature* sig) {
DCHECK(sig != NULL);
pe::PEFile pe_file;
if (!pe_file.Init(module))
return false;
pe::PEFile::Signature pe_sig;
sig->size = pe_sig.module_size;
sig->time_date_stamp = pe_sig.module_time_date_stamp;
sig->checksum = pe_sig.module_checksum;
return true;
// Handler for Ctrl-C keypresses.
BOOL WINAPI SamplerApp::OnConsoleCtrl(DWORD ctrl_type) {
base::AutoLock auto_lock(console_ctrl_lock_);
// If we're getting messages we should have an owner.
DCHECK(console_ctrl_owner_ != NULL);
// We don't handle logoff events.
if (ctrl_type == CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT)
return FALSE;
// Any console signal means we should shutdown.
LOG(INFO) << "Caught console signal, shutting down.";
return TRUE;
bool SamplerApp::running() {
base::AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
return running_;
void SamplerApp::set_running(bool running) {
base::AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
running_ = running;
bool SamplerApp::ModuleSignature::operator<(const ModuleSignature& rhs) const {
if (size != rhs.size)
return size < rhs.size;
if (time_date_stamp != rhs.time_date_stamp)
return time_date_stamp < rhs.time_date_stamp;
return checksum < rhs.checksum;
} // namespace sampler