blob: f8d389a7470ba6fcd4ac6c831bc51f6b014f19ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
const wchar_t* const kLoggerRpcProtocol = L"ncalrpc";
const wchar_t* const kLoggerRpcEndpointRoot = L"syzygy-logger";
typedef struct ExecutionContext {
#ifndef _WIN64
// Integer registers.
unsigned long edi;
unsigned long esi;
unsigned long ebx;
unsigned long edx;
unsigned long ecx;
unsigned long eax;
// Control registers.
unsigned long ebp;
unsigned long eip;
unsigned long seg_cs;
unsigned long eflags;
unsigned long esp;
unsigned long seg_ss;
unsigned long long rdi;
unsigned long long rsi;
unsigned long long rbx;
unsigned long long rdx;
unsigned long long rcx;
unsigned long long rax;
unsigned long long rbp;
unsigned long long rip;
unsigned long long rsp;
unsigned long eflags;
unsigned long seg_cs;
unsigned long seg_ss;
} ExecutionContext;
// Defines the Logger's RPC interface.
interface Logger {
// Write some text to the log.
// @param text The string to be logged.
boolean Write([in] handle_t binding, [in, string] const char* text);
// Write a message and stack trace to the log.
// The log server will use the provided execution @p context and symbol
// information to resolve the most accurate textual stack trace possible.
// The context must remain valid throughout this call. This means that the
// context must either belong to the calling thread (which will block on this
// call) or else the thread whose execution context is provided should be
// blocked or suspended
// @param text The string to be logged.
// @param context The execution context from which to derive a stack trace.
boolean WriteWithContext(
[in] handle_t binding,
[in, string] const char* text,
[in] const ExecutionContext* context);
// Write a message and stack trace to the log. The stack trace must have
// been captured by the caller already. See RtlCaptureStackBacktrace for
// fast, but only approximate, in-proc stack capture.
// @param text The string to be logged.
// @param trace A pointer to the stack trace capture.
// @param trace_size The size (in bytes) if the stack trace capture.
boolean WriteWithTrace(
[in] handle_t binding,
[in, string] const char* text,
[in, size_is(trace_length)] const unsigned __int3264 trace_data[*],
[in] long trace_length);
// Generate a minidump for the calling process.
// @param thread_id the ID of the calling thread.
// @param exception A pointer to an EXCEPTION_POINTERS record describing the
// reason for the minidump, or NULL, cast to an unsigned long. The logger
// peek into the calling process to read the exception pointers.
// @param protobuf The protobuf to include in the minidump.
// @param protobuf_length The length of the protobuf.
// @param memory_ranges_base_addresses An array containing the base addresses
// of the memory ranges to include in the protobuf.
// @param memory_ranges_lengths An array containing the size of these memory
// ranges.
// @param memory_ranges_count The number of memory ranges to report.
// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
boolean SaveMinidumpWithProtobufAndMemoryRanges(
[in] handle_t binding,
[in] unsigned long thread_id,
[in] unsigned __int64 exception,
[in, size_is(protobuf_length)] const byte protobuf[*],
[in] unsigned long protobuf_length,
[in, size_is(memory_ranges_count)]
const unsigned long memory_ranges_base_addresses[*],
[in, size_is(memory_ranges_count)] const unsigned long
[in] unsigned long memory_ranges_count);
// Defines the Logger's RPC Control interface.
// TODO(rogerm): Move this to it's own IDL file and endpoint.
interface LoggerControl {
// Retrieves the process ID of the process that owns the specified logging
// service.
unsigned long GetProcessId([in] handle_t binding);
// Request a shutdown of the logging service.
boolean Stop([in] handle_t binding);