blob: 78c2f43237e528bbd1c12a690db5ad93fdec204d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Utility class for constructing a buffer of binary data. There are two
// implementations provided:
// 1. BufferWriter: for writing to fixed-size preallocated buffers; and,
// 2. VectorBufferWriter: for writing to growable std::vector<uint8_t>-backed
// buffers.
// Intended usage:
// uint8_t buffer[1024];
// FixedBufferWriter writer(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
// writer.WriteString(some_string);
// writer.AlignUp(sizeof(uint32_t);
// writer.Write(number_of_elements, array_of_uint32_t);
// writer.Write(some_complex_object);
#include <vector>
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
namespace common {
// A helper class for creating buffers of binary data. This allows writing of
// arbitrary binary objects with helpers for controlling alignment, etc. This is
// a pure virtual base class, allowing this class to easily be extended for
// targeting other growable buffer types. Derived classes need only provide a
// constructor and implement the GrowBuffer function.
class BufferWriter {
// Constructor.
// @param buffer the initial destination buffer.
// @param buffer_length the initial length of the buffer, in bytes.
BufferWriter(void* buffer, size_t buffer_length);
// @{
// Simple accessors and mutators.
size_t pos() const { return pos_; }
void set_pos(size_t pos) { pos_ = pos; }
size_t length() const { return buffer_length_; }
// @}
// Returns the remaining bytes in the buffer. If we're using an expandable
// vector and this returns zero, the next write will cause the vector to
// grow.
// @returns the number of allocated bytes remaining.
size_t RemainingBytes() const;
// Advance the write position by @p bytes. This skips over the existing data.
// @param bytes the number of bytes to skip.
// @returns true if there was sufficient room for the seek, false otherwise.
bool Consume(size_t bytes);
// Advances the output position to the next multiple of @p bytes.
// @param bytes the alignment, which must be a power of two.
// @returns true if there was sufficient room for the align, false otherwise.
bool Align(size_t bytes);
// Determines if the current output position is aligned.
// @param bytes the alignment to confirm, which must be a multiple of two.
// @returns true if aligned, false otherwise.
bool IsAligned(size_t bytes) const;
// Writes the given data to the buffer, advancing the write pointer.
// @param data_len the data length in bytes.
// @param data the buffer of data to write.
// @returns true if there was sufficient room for the write, false otherwise.
bool Write(size_t data_len, const void* data);
// Writes the given data to the buffer, advancing the write pointer. Writes
// sizeof(T) * element_count bytes.
// @param element_count the number of elements to write.
// @param elements the array of elements to write.
// @returns true if there was sufficient room for the write, false otherwise.
template<typename T> bool Write(size_t element_count, const T* elements);
// Writes the given data to the buffer, advancing the write pointer. Writes
// sizeof(T) bytes.
// @param element the element to write.
// @returns true if there was sufficient room for the write, false otherwise.
template<typename T> bool Write(const T& element);
// @{
// Writes the given zero terminated string to the buffer. Writes
// (string.size() + 1) * sizeof(string[0]) bytes.
// @param string the string to write.
// @returns true if there was sufficient room for the write, false otherwise.
bool WriteString(const base::StringPiece& string);
bool WriteString(const base::StringPiece16& string);
// @}
// This is intended to be called by the constructors of derived classes.
// @param buffer the initial destination buffer.
// @param buffer_length the initial length of the buffer, in bytes.
void SetBuffer(uint8_t* buffer, size_t buffer_length);
// This function is responsible for ensuring that the buffer has the expected
// size. It should return a pointer to the buffer with sufficient size, or
// return NULL if the resize is not possible. If the resize causes a
// reallocation, this routine is also responsible for copying all data up to
// and the current position pos_ into the new buffer. Upon success this is
// also responsible for cleaning up the memory used by the old buffer if a
// resize was required. Upon failure to resize the old buffer must be
// maintained as the BufferWriter will keep a pointer to it.
// NOTE: Implementations of this function should be careful not to cause an
// O(N^2) algorithm. They should generally do something like vector
// and actually double the buffer size when a reallocation is needed.
// Further calls to GrowBuffer can simply return the same buffer as long
// as new_length < the actual allocated length.
// @param new_length the new buffer length requested.
// @returns a pointer to the buffer of size at least @p new_length bytes on
// success, a NULL pointer on failure.
virtual uint8_t* GrowBuffer(size_t new_length);
// This handles overflow checking, determines if the buffer needs to be
// grown, delegates to GrowBuffer, and updates internal structures as
// necessary. Upon a successful call buffer_ points to a buffer of size at
// least @p new_length, and buffer_length_ is set to @p new_length.
// @param new_length the new buffer length requested.
// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool EnsureCanWriteFromCurrentPosition(size_t new_length);
uint8_t* buffer_;
size_t buffer_length_;
size_t pos_;
class VectorBufferWriter : public BufferWriter {
// Constructor for writing to an expandable buffer based on a vector.
// @param vector the vector to be written to. Writing will start at position
// zero, and once we've exceeded the current size of the vector writes
// will cause it to grow.
explicit VectorBufferWriter(std::vector<uint8_t>* vector);
virtual uint8_t* GrowBuffer(size_t size);
std::vector<uint8_t>* vector_;
template<typename T> bool BufferWriter::Write(size_t element_count,
const T* elements) {
return Write(element_count * sizeof(T),
static_cast<const void*>(elements));
template<typename T> bool BufferWriter::Write(const T& element) {
return Write(sizeof(T), static_cast<const void*>(&element));
} // namespace common