blob: 46c0a5f8906f0e587d2e31bb7232f86d80377c57 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "syzygy/pe/dia_browser.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
namespace {
using pe::SymTag;
using pe::SymTagBitSet;
using pe::kSymTagBegin;
using pe::kSymTagEnd;
// Adds a sym_tag to set of SymTagBitSet. Handles the special case of SymTagNull
// by adding *all* tags.
void AddToSymTagBitSet(SymTag tag, SymTagBitSet* set) {
if (tag == SymTagNull) {
} else {
if (tag < kSymTagBegin || tag >= kSymTagEnd)
set->set(static_cast<size_t>(tag) - kSymTagBegin);
bool SymTagBitSetContains(SymTagBitSet set, SymTag tag) {
DCHECK(tag != SymTagNull);
return set.test(tag - kSymTagBegin);
} // namespace
namespace pe {
using base::win::ScopedComPtr;
const SymTag kSymTagInvalid(static_cast<SymTag>(-1));
// Defines an element in a pattern.
struct DiaBrowser::PatternElement {
: sym_tags(),
full_match(false) {}
~PatternElement() {
// Returns true if @p sym_tag matches the SymTagBitSet represented
// by this PatternElement.
bool Matches(SymTag sym_tag) const {
return SymTagBitSetContains(sym_tags, sym_tag);
// Invokes the callback on this PatternElement, if present.
BrowserDirective InvokeCallback(const DiaBrowser& browser,
const SymTagVector& tag_lineage,
const SymbolPtrVector& symbol_lineage,
const MatchCallback& callback) const {
BrowserDirective directive = kBrowserContinue;
if (!callback.is_null())
directive = callback.Run(browser, tag_lineage, symbol_lineage);
if (directive == kBrowserContinue && links.empty())
directive = kBrowserTerminatePath;
return directive;
BrowserDirective InvokePushCallback(
const DiaBrowser& browser,
const SymTagVector& tag_lineage,
const SymbolPtrVector& symbol_lineage) const {
return InvokeCallback(browser, tag_lineage, symbol_lineage, push_callback);
BrowserDirective InvokePopCallback(
const DiaBrowser& browser,
const SymTagVector& tag_lineage,
const SymbolPtrVector& symbol_lineage) const {
return InvokeCallback(browser, tag_lineage, symbol_lineage, pop_callback);
// Calculates the outgoing sym_tags for this element.
void CalculateOutgoingSymtags() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < links.size(); ++i)
outgoing_sym_tags |= links[i]->sym_tags;
// The set of symbols that may be matched at this node.
SymTagBitSet sym_tags;
// The union of all outgoing link SymTagBitSets.
SymTagBitSet outgoing_sym_tags;
// These are links to other PatternElements in the same pattern.
std::vector<PatternElement*> links;
// This indicates to which pattern this element belongs.
// TODO(chrisha): Maybe a separate category_id for visited_ bookkeeping?
size_t pattern_id;
// If this is non-null, when reaching this point in the pattern we will
// invoke the callback.
MatchCallback push_callback;
// This callback will be invoked when retreating back up the stack of matches.
MatchCallback pop_callback;
// If this is true, this node is an exit node for the pattern. Any time
// we reach this node, a full match has been achieved.
bool full_match;
// The PatternBuilder class represents regex-like patterns over SymTag paths.
class DiaBrowser::PatternBuilder {
enum PatternType {
: type_(kPatternNone) {
explicit PatternBuilder(SymTag sym_tag)
: type_(kPatternTags) {
DCHECK(sym_tag != kSymTagInvalid);
AddToSymTagBitSet(sym_tag, &sym_tags_);
DCHECK(sym_tags_.count() > 0);
explicit PatternBuilder(SymTagBitSet sym_tags)
: type_(kPatternTags),
sym_tags_(sym_tags) {
// We don't DCHECK(sym_tags_.count() > 0) because it's possible and valid
// for a SymTagBitSet to be empty. This will fail on AddPattern, however.
// For constructing kPatternSeq/kPatternOr patterns.
PatternBuilder(PatternType type,
const PatternBuilder& pb0,
const PatternBuilder& pb1)
: type_(type),
pb0_(new PatternBuilder()),
pb1_(new PatternBuilder()) {
DCHECK(type_ == kPatternSeq || type_ == kPatternOr);
DCHECK(pb0.type_ != kPatternNone && pb1.type_ != kPatternNone);
// For constructing kPatternOpt/kPatternPlus/kPatternStar patterns.
PatternBuilder(PatternType type, const PatternBuilder& pb)
: type_(type),
pb0_(new PatternBuilder()) {
DCHECK(type_ == kPatternOpt || type_ == kPatternPlus ||
type_ == kPatternStar);
DCHECK(pb.type_ != kPatternNone);
// For constructing kPatternCallback patterns.
PatternBuilder(const PatternBuilder& pb,
MatchCallback push_callback,
MatchCallback pop_callback)
: type_(kPatternCallback),
pb0_(new PatternBuilder()),
pb1_() {
DCHECK(pb.type_ != kPatternNone);
// Performs a deep-copy of the given pattern builder.
void CopyFrom(const PatternBuilder& pb) {
type_ = pb.type_;
sym_tags_ = pb.sym_tags_;
push_callback_ = pb.push_callback_;
pop_callback_ = pb.pop_callback_;
if (pb.pb0_.get() != NULL) {
if (pb0_.get() == NULL)
pb0_.reset(new PatternBuilder());
} else {
if (pb.pb1_.get() != NULL) {
if (pb1_.get() == NULL)
pb1_.reset(new PatternBuilder());
} else {
PatternType type() const { return type_; }
// A utility function that builds the 'or' pattern of two sub-patterns.
// Performs optimizations as much as possible (merging SymTag and SymTagSet
// sub-patterns).
static void OrBuilder(const PatternBuilder& pb0,
const PatternBuilder& pb1,
PatternBuilder* pbor) {
// For simplification, we collect Tag-type sub-expressions. We ensure any
// Or statement contains at most one tagset, and if so, this tagset is in
// the first sub-expression. Since patterns are build from the inside out
// (nested sub-expressions first), this simplification will propogate all
// of the way through a set of nested Or statements.
if (pb0.type_ == kPatternTags) {
// If the two sub-expressions are both SymTagSets, merge them.
if (pb1.type_ == kPatternTags) {
pbor->CopyFrom(PatternBuilder(pb0.sym_tags_ | pb1.sym_tags_));
// If we have Or(tagset0, Or(tagset1, other)), merge to
// Or(tagset0|tagset1, other).
if (pb1.type_ == kPatternOr && pb1.pb0_->type_ == kPatternTags) {
pbor->pb0_->sym_tags_ |= pb0.sym_tags_;
pbor->CopyFrom(PatternBuilder(kPatternOr, pb0, pb1));
// If the first sub-expression is not a tagset, but the second one is,
// then swap them and rerun the logic. This will do the simplification
// above.
if (pb1.type_ == kPatternTags) {
DCHECK_NE(kPatternTags, pb0.type_);
return OrBuilder(pb1, pb0, pbor);
// At this point, neither of the sub-expression is a simple tagset.
// Bring nested tagsets to the outermost Or expression, if they exist.
// If the exist, they will be in the first sub-expression.
DCHECK_NE(kPatternTags, pb0.type_);
DCHECK_NE(kPatternTags, pb1.type_);
if (pb0.type_ == kPatternOr && pb0.pb0_->type_ == kPatternTags) {
// The second entry should never also be a tagset, as it should have
// been simplified if this were the case.
DCHECK_NE(kPatternTags, pb0.pb1_->type_);
// If both are of type Or(tagset, other), then merge their
// sym_tags and keep the sym_tags as the outermost entry.
// That is, Or(Or(tagset0, other0), Or(tagset1, other1)) ->
// Or(tagset0|tagset1, Or(other0, other1)).
if (pb1.type_ == kPatternOr && pb1.pb0_->type_ == kPatternTags) {
PatternBuilder pbA(pb0.pb0_->sym_tags_ | pb1.pb0_->sym_tags_);
PatternBuilder pbB(kPatternOr, *pb0.pb1_, *pb1.pb1_);
pbor->CopyFrom(PatternBuilder(kPatternOr, pbA, pbB));
// Keep the sym_tags as the first sub-expression.
PatternBuilder pb(kPatternOr, *pb0.pb1_, pb1);
pbor->CopyFrom(PatternBuilder(kPatternOr, *pb0.pb0_, pb));
// If the second sub-expression contains a nested tagset, but the first
// does not, swap their order and rerun the logic. The above logic will
// do the necessary simplification.
if (pb1.type_ == kPatternOr && pb1.pb0_->type_ == kPatternTags) {
DCHECK(pb0.type_ != kPatternOr || pb0.pb0_->type_ != kPatternTags);
return OrBuilder(pb1, pb0, pbor);
// If we get here, then neither of the sub-expressions contains a tagset.
DCHECK(pb0.type_ != kPatternOr || pb0.pb0_->type_ != kPatternTags);
DCHECK(pb1.type_ != kPatternOr || pb1.pb0_->type_ != kPatternTags);
pbor->CopyFrom(PatternBuilder(kPatternOr, pb0, pb1));
friend class DiaBrowser;
// Returns the length of this pattern.
size_t Length() const {
switch (type_) {
case kPatternNone:
return 0;
case kPatternTags:
return 1;
case kPatternSeq:
case kPatternOr:
return pb0_->Length() + pb1_->Length();
case kPatternOpt:
case kPatternPlus:
case kPatternStar:
case kPatternCallback:
return pb0_->Length();
NOTREACHED() << "Invalid PatternType.";
return 0;
// Appends the entries of this pattern to @p entries.
void GetEntries(PatternElement* pattern,
size_t offset,
std::vector<PatternElement*>* entries) const {
switch (type_) {
case kPatternNone:
case kPatternTags:
entries->push_back(pattern + offset);
case kPatternSeq:
case kPatternOpt:
case kPatternPlus:
case kPatternStar:
case kPatternCallback:
pb0_->GetEntries(pattern, offset, entries);
case kPatternOr:
pb0_->GetEntries(pattern, offset, entries);
pb1_->GetEntries(pattern, offset + pb0_->Length(), entries);
NOTREACHED() << "Invalid PatternType.";
// Builds this pattern inside of a Pattern. We are given the set
// of exit nodes of our predecessor pattern, and need to build a set of exit
// nodes for our pattern. Exit nodes are appended to @p out_exits.
// @p pattern is the root element of the pattern into which we are building,
// and @p offset is the location at which we will insert our pattern.
void Build(PatternElement* pattern,
size_t offset,
const std::vector<PatternElement*>& in_exits,
std::vector<PatternElement*>* out_exits) const {
switch (type_) {
case kPatternNone:
case kPatternTags: {
pattern[offset].sym_tags = sym_tags_;
for (size_t i = 0; i < in_exits.size(); ++i)
in_exits[i]->links.push_back(pattern + offset);
out_exits->push_back(pattern + offset);
case kPatternSeq: {
size_t len0 = pb0_->Length();
std::vector<PatternElement*> exits0;
pb0_->Build(pattern, offset, in_exits, &exits0);
pb1_->Build(pattern, offset + len0, exits0, out_exits);
case kPatternOr: {
size_t len0 = pb0_->Length();
pb0_->Build(pattern, offset, in_exits, out_exits);
pb1_->Build(pattern, offset + len0, in_exits, out_exits);
case kPatternOpt:
case kPatternPlus:
case kPatternStar: {
// Link in the sub-pattern.
pb0_->Build(pattern, offset, in_exits, out_exits);
if (type_ != kPatternOpt) {
// Hook up the output exits to the entries of the sub-pattern,
// allowing this sub-pattern to be repeated.
std::vector<PatternElement*> entries;
pb0_->GetEntries(pattern, offset, &entries);
for (size_t i = 0; i < out_exits->size(); ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j < entries.size(); ++j)
if (type_ != kPatternPlus) {
// Add the input exits to the output exits, making the sub-pattern
// optional.
out_exits->insert(out_exits->end(), in_exits.begin(), in_exits.end());
case kPatternCallback: {
pb0_->Build(pattern, offset, in_exits, out_exits);
// Label the exit points of the sub-pattern with the provided
// callback.
for (size_t i = 0; i < out_exits->size(); ++i) {
(*out_exits)[i]->push_callback = push_callback_;
(*out_exits)[i]->pop_callback = pop_callback_;
NOTREACHED() << "Invalid PatternType.";
PatternType type_;
SymTagBitSet sym_tags_;
MatchCallback push_callback_;
MatchCallback pop_callback_;
std::unique_ptr<PatternBuilder> pb0_;
std::unique_ptr<PatternBuilder> pb1_;
DiaBrowser::~DiaBrowser() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < patterns_.size(); ++i)
delete [] patterns_[i];
bool DiaBrowser::AddPattern(const builder::Proxy& pattern_builder_proxy,
const MatchCallback& push_callback) {
return AddPattern(pattern_builder_proxy, push_callback, MatchCallback());
bool DiaBrowser::AddPattern(const builder::Proxy& pattern_builder_proxy,
const MatchCallback& push_callback,
const MatchCallback& pop_callback) {
const PatternBuilder& pattern_builder(pattern_builder_proxy);
size_t pattern_length = pattern_builder.Length();
// Empty patterns are rejected.
if (pattern_length == 0)
return false;
// Build the pattern in place. We increment pattern_length by 1 so to have
// room for a special root node at the beginning of the pattern.
size_t pattern_id = patterns_.size();
std::unique_ptr<PatternElement[]> pattern(new PatternElement[pattern_length]);
std::vector<PatternElement*> in_exits(1, pattern.get());
std::vector<PatternElement*> out_exits;
pattern_builder.Build(pattern.get(), 1, in_exits, &out_exits);
// If the root element is one of the out_exits, this pattern will match the
// 'null' sequence. Reject it!
for (size_t i = 0; i < out_exits.size(); ++i) {
if (out_exits[i] == pattern.get()) {
return false;
// If the root element points to itself, the pattern can match a 'null'
// sequence. Reject it!
for (size_t i = 0; i < pattern[0].links.size(); ++i) {
if (pattern[0].links[i] == pattern.get()) {
return false;
// If any element in the pattern matches *no* sym_tags, the pattern is
// unmatchable. Reject it!
for (size_t i = 1; i < pattern_length; ++i) {
if (pattern[i].sym_tags.none()) {
return false;
// Mark the exit nodes as being full match nodes, and set their callbacks.
for (size_t i = 0; i < out_exits.size(); ++i) {
out_exits[i]->full_match = true;
out_exits[i]->push_callback = push_callback;
out_exits[i]->pop_callback = pop_callback;
// Label the pattern node with the id of this pattern, and precalculate
// outgoing sym_tagsets as used by Browse.
for (size_t i = 0; i < pattern_length; ++i) {
pattern[i].pattern_id = pattern_id;
return true;
// This is a light-weight clone of Browse, without the actual DIA browsing,
// and without callbacks. It is intended largely to test the pattern-matching
// functionality.
size_t DiaBrowser::TestMatch(const SymTagVector& sym_tags) const {
size_t match_count = 0;
for (size_t pat_idx = 0; pat_idx < patterns_.size(); ++pat_idx) {
std::vector<const PatternElement*> front0(1, patterns_[pat_idx]);
std::vector<const PatternElement*> front1;
std::vector<const PatternElement*>* active = &front0;
std::vector<const PatternElement*>* next = &front1;
for (size_t sym_tag_idx = 0; sym_tag_idx < sym_tags.size(); ++sym_tag_idx) {
if (active->empty())
SymTag sym_tag = sym_tags[sym_tag_idx];
for (size_t active_idx = 0; active_idx < active->size(); ++active_idx) {
const PatternElement* elem = (*active)[active_idx];
if (elem->links.size() == 0 ||
!SymTagBitSetContains(elem->outgoing_sym_tags, sym_tag))
for (size_t link_idx = 0; link_idx < elem->links.size(); ++link_idx) {
const PatternElement* elem_next = elem->links[link_idx];
if (elem_next->Matches(sym_tag))
std::swap(active, next);
// If we get here, those active nodes marked 'full_match' count as matches.
for (size_t i = 0; i < active->size(); ++i) {
const PatternElement* elem = (*active)[i];
if (elem->full_match)
return match_count;
void DiaBrowser::PrepareForBrowse() {
// Set all patterns as valid, initialize the search front and set up
// the first set of sym_tags to search for.
for (size_t i = 0; i < patterns_.size(); ++i) {
PatternElement* elem = patterns_[i];
stopped_[i] = false;
sym_tags_[0] |= elem->outgoing_sym_tags;
void DiaBrowser::Reset() {
DiaBrowser::BrowserDirective DiaBrowser::PushMatch(SymTag sym_tag,
uint32_t symbol_id,
SymTagBitSet* sym_tags) {
DCHECK(sym_tags != NULL);
size_t new_front = 0;
// Examine every node at our current level in the front, and advance those
// that we can.
size_t front_end = front_.size();
size_t front_begin = front_end - front_size_.back();
for (size_t f = front_begin; f < front_end; ++f) {
size_t patid = front_[f]->pattern_id;
if (stopped_[patid])
// Iterate over the possible destinations of this element.
for (size_t l = 0; l < front_[f]->links.size(); ++l) {
PatternElement* elem = front_[f]->links[l];
if (!elem->Matches(sym_tag))
// Each element will only be visited once per pattern element.
if (!visited_.insert(std::make_pair(elem, symbol_id)).second)
// Invoke the callback for each valid destination, and truncate the
// search if necessary.
BrowserDirective directive = elem->InvokePushCallback(*this,
bool need_pop_callback = false;
switch (directive) {
// Normal match. Add the destination to the new search front. We don't
// need a local pop callback because this node will be added to the
// search front. The pop callback will be invoked when we backtrack
// later on.
case kBrowserContinue:
*sym_tags |= elem->outgoing_sym_tags;
// Stop searching on this path: do not add the destination to the
// search front and carry on as usual.
case kBrowserTerminatePath:
need_pop_callback = true;
// Stop searching using this pattern: do not add the destination to the
// search front, and mark the pattern as stopped.
case kBrowserTerminatePattern:
stopped_[patid] = true;
l = front_[f]->links.size();
need_pop_callback = true;
// Both of these cause the search to terminate prematurely so we can
// return immediately.
case kBrowserTerminateAll:
case kBrowserAbort:
return directive;
// Sometimes elements are the leaf node in a search, in which case we
// need to immediately follow the push callback with a pop callback.
// NOTE: We are currently handling the pop callback in two places: in
// PopMatch and here. We could move all the handling to PopMatch if we
// also pushed 'dead' search avenues to the front, but this would require
// keeping additional state in the search front, or changing the semantics
// of InvokeCallback and the logic in this routine, BrowseImpl and
// PopMatch. Handling terminated paths here is far simpler.
if (need_pop_callback) {
directive = elem->InvokePopCallback(*this,
if (directive == kBrowserTerminateAll || directive == kBrowserAbort)
return directive;
if (directive == kBrowserTerminatePattern) {
stopped_[patid] = true;
break; // This breaks out of the for loop.
return new_front == 0 ? kBrowserTerminatePath : kBrowserContinue;
DiaBrowser::BrowserDirective DiaBrowser::PopMatch(bool do_callbacks) {
if (do_callbacks) {
// Before popping this bunch of elements from the search front, invoke their
// callbacks with a 'pop' notification.
size_t i = front_.size() - front_size_.back();
for (; i < front_.size(); ++i) {
// If this pattern is already stopped then we don't call the pop
// callback.
size_t patid = front_[i]->pattern_id;
if (stopped_[patid])
// Call the pop callback.
BrowserDirective directive =
switch (directive) {
// The path can't be stopped during a 'pop' notification, as its already
// been explored by that point. So TerminatePath is a nop.
case kBrowserContinue:
case kBrowserTerminatePath:
// Stop searching using this pattern. This will prevent it from being
// used in further search paths.
case kBrowserTerminatePattern:
stopped_[patid] = true;
// Both of these cause the search to terminate prematurely.
case kBrowserTerminateAll:
case kBrowserAbort:
return directive;
// Pop off the match history.
front_.resize(front_.size() - front_size_.back());
return kBrowserContinue;
bool DiaBrowser::Browse(IDiaSymbol* root) {
BrowserDirective directive = BrowseImpl(root, 0);
return directive != kBrowserAbort;
DiaBrowser::BrowserDirective DiaBrowser::BrowseImpl(IDiaSymbol* root,
size_t depth) {
if (sym_tags_[depth].none())
return kBrowserContinue;
// Make sure we have a SymTagBitSet for the next level of recursion.
if (sym_tags_.size() < depth + 2)
sym_tags_.resize(depth + 2);
// If all symbols are accepted, we can use SymTagNull as a wildcard rather
// than iterating over each individual SymTag.
if (sym_tags_[depth].count() == sym_tags_[depth].size())
return BrowseEnum(root, depth, SymTagNull);
// Iterate through all possible symbol tags that can be matched.
for (size_t i = 0; i < kSymTagCount; ++i) {
if (!sym_tags_[depth].test(i))
SymTag sym_tag = static_cast<SymTag>(kSymTagBegin + i);
BrowserDirective directive = BrowseEnum(root, depth, sym_tag);
if (directive == kBrowserTerminateAll || directive == kBrowserAbort)
return directive;
return kBrowserContinue;
DiaBrowser::BrowserDirective DiaBrowser::BrowseEnum(
IDiaSymbol* root, size_t depth, SymTag sym_tag) {
// Get the enum for this symbol type
ScopedComPtr<IDiaEnumSymbols> enum_symbols;
HRESULT hr = root->findChildren(sym_tag,
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get DIA symbol enumerator: " << hr << ".";
return kBrowserAbort;
// Sometimes a NULL enum gets returned rather than an empty
// enum. (Why?)
if (enum_symbols.get() == NULL)
return kBrowserContinue;
BrowserDirective directive = kBrowserContinue;
// Iterate through the returned symbols.
while (true) {
SymbolPtr symbol;
ULONG fetched = 0;
hr = enum_symbols->Next(1, symbol.Receive(), &fetched);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to enumerate DIA symbols: " << hr << ".";
directive = kBrowserAbort;
// No more symbols?
if (fetched == 0)
// Get the symbol ID and tag type.
DWORD symbol_id = 0;
DWORD actual_sym_tag_dw = SymTagNull;
if (FAILED(symbol->get_symIndexId(&symbol_id)) ||
FAILED(symbol->get_symTag(&actual_sym_tag_dw))) {
NOTREACHED() << "Failed to get symbol properties.";
directive = kBrowserAbort;
SymTag actual_sym_tag = static_cast<SymTag>(actual_sym_tag_dw);
if (sym_tag != SymTagNull)
DCHECK_EQ(sym_tag, actual_sym_tag);
tag_lineage_.back() = actual_sym_tag;
symbol_lineage_.back() = symbol;
// Try to extend the match using this symbol. If this succeeds, recurse.
directive = PushMatch(actual_sym_tag, symbol_id, &sym_tags_[depth + 1]);
if (directive == kBrowserContinue)
directive = BrowseImpl(symbol.get(), depth + 1);
if (directive == kBrowserTerminateAll || directive == kBrowserAbort) {
// We've terminated the search already, so we don't need to invoke the
// pop callbacks.
// Roll back the search front, and terminate the search if need be.
directive = PopMatch(true);
if (directive == kBrowserTerminateAll || directive == kBrowserAbort)
return directive;
namespace builder {
typedef DiaBrowser::PatternBuilder PatternBuilder;
: pattern_builder_(new PatternBuilder()) {
Proxy::Proxy(const PatternBuilder& pb)
: pattern_builder_(new PatternBuilder()) {
Proxy::Proxy(SymTag sym_tag)
: pattern_builder_(new PatternBuilder(sym_tag)) {
Proxy::Proxy(SymTagBitSet sym_tags)
: pattern_builder_(new PatternBuilder(sym_tags)) {
Proxy::~Proxy() {
delete pattern_builder_;
Proxy Tag(SymTag sym_tag) {
return Proxy(sym_tag);
Proxy Tags(SymTagBitSet sym_tags) {
return Proxy(sym_tags);
Proxy Tags(SymTag st0, SymTag st1, SymTag st2, SymTag st3,
SymTag st4, SymTag st5, SymTag st6, SymTag st7) {
DCHECK(st0 != kSymTagInvalid);
SymTagBitSet sym_tags;
AddToSymTagBitSet(st0, &sym_tags);
AddToSymTagBitSet(st1, &sym_tags);
AddToSymTagBitSet(st2, &sym_tags);
AddToSymTagBitSet(st3, &sym_tags);
AddToSymTagBitSet(st4, &sym_tags);
AddToSymTagBitSet(st5, &sym_tags);
AddToSymTagBitSet(st6, &sym_tags);
AddToSymTagBitSet(st7, &sym_tags);
DCHECK(sym_tags.count() > 0);
return Proxy(sym_tags);
Proxy Not(SymTagBitSet sym_tags) {
return Proxy(~sym_tags);
Proxy Not(SymTag st0, SymTag st1, SymTag st2, SymTag st3,
SymTag st4, SymTag st5, SymTag st6, SymTag st7) {
DCHECK(st0 != kSymTagInvalid);
SymTagBitSet sym_tags;
AddToSymTagBitSet(st0, &sym_tags);
AddToSymTagBitSet(st1, &sym_tags);
AddToSymTagBitSet(st2, &sym_tags);
AddToSymTagBitSet(st3, &sym_tags);
AddToSymTagBitSet(st4, &sym_tags);
AddToSymTagBitSet(st5, &sym_tags);
AddToSymTagBitSet(st6, &sym_tags);
AddToSymTagBitSet(st7, &sym_tags);
// We don't DCHECK(sym_tags_.count() > 0) because it's possible and valid
// for a Not(SymTagNull) to have created an empty SymTagBitSet. This will
// fail on AddPattern, however.
return Proxy(~sym_tags);
Proxy Seq(const Proxy& p0, const Proxy& p1, const Proxy& p2, const Proxy& p3,
const Proxy& p4, const Proxy& p5, const Proxy& p6, const Proxy& p7) {
DCHECK(p0->type() != PatternBuilder::kPatternNone);
DCHECK(p1->type() != PatternBuilder::kPatternNone);
PatternBuilder pb(PatternBuilder::kPatternSeq, p0, p1);
if (p2->type() != PatternBuilder::kPatternNone)
pb.CopyFrom(PatternBuilder(PatternBuilder::kPatternSeq, pb, p2));
if (p3->type() != PatternBuilder::kPatternNone)
pb.CopyFrom(PatternBuilder(PatternBuilder::kPatternSeq, pb, p3));
if (p4->type() != PatternBuilder::kPatternNone)
pb.CopyFrom(PatternBuilder(PatternBuilder::kPatternSeq, pb, p4));
if (p5->type() != PatternBuilder::kPatternNone)
pb.CopyFrom(PatternBuilder(PatternBuilder::kPatternSeq, pb, p5));
if (p6->type() != PatternBuilder::kPatternNone)
pb.CopyFrom(PatternBuilder(PatternBuilder::kPatternSeq, pb, p6));
if (p7->type() != PatternBuilder::kPatternNone)
pb.CopyFrom(PatternBuilder(PatternBuilder::kPatternSeq, pb, p7));
return Proxy(pb);
Proxy Or(const Proxy& p0, const Proxy& p1, const Proxy& p2, const Proxy& p3,
const Proxy& p4, const Proxy& p5, const Proxy& p6, const Proxy& p7) {
DCHECK(p0->type() != PatternBuilder::kPatternNone);
DCHECK(p1->type() != PatternBuilder::kPatternNone);
// We use the OrBuilder as an optimization to make sure that Tags
// PatternBuilders are accumulated and simplified.
PatternBuilder pbor;
PatternBuilder::OrBuilder(p0, p1, &pbor);
if (p2->type() != PatternBuilder::kPatternNone) {
PatternBuilder pbtemp;
PatternBuilder::OrBuilder(pbor, p2, &pbtemp);
if (p3->type() != PatternBuilder::kPatternNone) {
PatternBuilder pbtemp;
PatternBuilder::OrBuilder(pbor, p3, &pbtemp);
if (p4->type() != PatternBuilder::kPatternNone) {
PatternBuilder pbtemp;
PatternBuilder::OrBuilder(pbor, p4, &pbtemp);
if (p5->type() != PatternBuilder::kPatternNone) {
PatternBuilder pbtemp;
PatternBuilder::OrBuilder(pbor, p5, &pbtemp);
if (p6->type() != PatternBuilder::kPatternNone) {
PatternBuilder pbtemp;
PatternBuilder::OrBuilder(pbor, p6, &pbtemp);
if (p7->type() != PatternBuilder::kPatternNone) {
PatternBuilder pbtemp;
PatternBuilder::OrBuilder(pbor, p7, &pbtemp);
return Proxy(pbor);
Proxy Opt(const Proxy& p) {
return Proxy(PatternBuilder(PatternBuilder::kPatternOpt, p));
Proxy Plus(const Proxy& p) {
return Proxy(PatternBuilder(PatternBuilder::kPatternPlus, p));
Proxy Star(const Proxy& p) {
return Proxy(PatternBuilder(PatternBuilder::kPatternStar, p));
Proxy Callback(const Proxy& p, const MatchCallback& push_callback) {
return Proxy(PatternBuilder(*p, push_callback, MatchCallback()));
Proxy Callback(const Proxy& p,
const MatchCallback& push_callback,
const MatchCallback& pop_callback) {
return Proxy(PatternBuilder(*p, push_callback, pop_callback));
} // namespace builder
} // namespace pe