blob: c2f7fdbb905dbb2e0ae1efffd3a74d2a54fe9e43 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "syzygy/pe/hot_patching_writer.h"
#include <memory>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/basic_block_assembler.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/basic_block_subgraph.h"
#include "syzygy/block_graph/block_builder.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/hot_patching_decomposer.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/hot_patching_unittest_util.h"
namespace pe {
namespace {
using block_graph::BlockGraph;
using block_graph::BlockBuilder;
using block_graph::BasicCodeBlock;
using block_graph::BasicBlockSubGraph;
using block_graph::BasicBlockAssembler;
using block_graph::Displacement;
using block_graph::Immediate;
using block_graph::Operand;
const size_t kTestMemorySize = 1024U * 1024U;
// TODO(cseri): This is based on EntryThunkTransform::CreateOneThunk, where it
// has a comment that is should be made reusable. This class should be
// renamed and moved into a common location.
class TestBlockCreator {
// Set up a basic block subgraph containing a single block description, with
// that block description containing a single empty basic block, and get an
// assembler writing into that basic block.
TestBlockCreator() {
BasicBlockSubGraph::BlockDescription* block_desc =
BasicCodeBlock* bb = bbsg_.AddBasicCodeBlock("foo");
assm_.reset(new BasicBlockAssembler(bb->instructions().begin(),
BasicBlockAssembler* assm() {
return assm_.get();
// Builds a block from the instructions in the assembler.
// @param block_graph A block graph in which the new block should be inserted.
// @param new_block will contain the newly created block.
void ToBlock(BlockGraph* block_graph, BlockGraph::Block** new_block) {
BlockBuilder block_builder(block_graph);
if (!block_builder.Merge(&bbsg_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to build test block.";
*new_block = nullptr;
// Exactly one new block should have been created.
ASSERT_EQ(1U, block_builder.new_blocks().size());
*new_block = block_builder.new_blocks()[0];
BasicBlockSubGraph bbsg_;
std::unique_ptr<BasicBlockAssembler> assm_;
// Creates a simple block with a return instruction.
// @param return_value The return value of the function in the generated block.
// @param block_graph A block graph in which the new block should be inserted.
// @param new_block will contain the newly created block.
void CreateSimpleTestBlock(int return_value,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BlockGraph::Block** new_block) {
TestBlockCreator block_creator;
// The goal is to test with a function that returns return_value.
// Set up our function:
// 1. MOV EAX, [imm32: return_value]
// 2. RET
block_creator.assm()->mov(assm::eax, Immediate(return_value));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(block_creator.ToBlock(block_graph, new_block));
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, new_block);
// Creates a block that, when executed, calls another block using a PC-relative
// reference.
// @param block_to_call The block to be called.
// @param block_graph A block graph in which the new block should be inserted.
// @param new_block will contain the newly created block.
void CreateTestBlockWithPCRelativeReference(BlockGraph::Block* block_to_call,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BlockGraph::Block** new_block) {
TestBlockCreator block_creator;
// The goal is to test with a function that calls |block_to_call| both via
// PC-relative reference.
// The assembly code for the block:
// 1. MOV EAX, 0
// 2. CALL block_to_call // PC-relative reference
// 3. ADD EAX, 1
// 4. RET
// Reset EAX to 1.
block_creator.assm()->mov(assm::eax, Immediate(1));
// Use a call instruction to get a PC-relative reference.
block_creator.assm()->call(Immediate(block_to_call, 0));
block_creator.assm()->add(assm::eax, Immediate(1));
block_creator.ToBlock(block_graph, new_block);
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, new_block);
// Creates a block that, when executed, returns the address of another block
// using an absolute reference.
// @param referenced_block The block that's address should be returned.
// @param block_graph A block graph in which the new block should be inserted.
// @param new_block will contain the newly created block.
void CreateTestBlockWithAbsoluteReference(BlockGraph::Block* referenced_block,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BlockGraph::Block** new_block) {
TestBlockCreator block_creator;
// This test function returns the address of the block in |block_to_call|.
// The assembly code for the block:
// 1. MOV EAX, block_to_call // absolute reference
// 2. RET
block_creator.assm()->mov(assm::eax, Immediate(referenced_block, 0));
block_creator.ToBlock(block_graph, new_block);
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, new_block);
// Using this function pointer type we can call our test functions.
typedef int __stdcall TestFunctionType();
class HotPatchingWriterTest : public testing::Test {
HotPatchingWriterTest() : simple_block_(nullptr),
simple_proc_(nullptr) {}
// Creates a simple block and writes it using the member writer. Updates the
// |simple_block_| and |simple_proc_| members.
// NOTE: |simple_proc_| is nullptr after the call if the write did not
// succeed. This allows testing failure scenarios.
void CreateAndWriteSimpleBlock() {
// Test simple block.
CreateSimpleTestBlock(4, &block_graph_, &simple_block_);
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, simple_block_);
// Write the block into memory.
simple_proc_ = reinterpret_cast<TestFunctionType*>(
// The created test blocks will be inserted into this block graph.
BlockGraph block_graph_;
// The block for the simple block is saved as a member so that we set
// up references to it.
BlockGraph::Block* simple_block_;
// The pointer for the simple procedure after written by the writer.
TestFunctionType* simple_proc_;
// The hot patching writer used by the tests.
HotPatchingWriter writer_;
} // namespace
TEST_F(HotPatchingWriterTest, SimpleBlock) {
// Initialize writer with buffer that has a sufficient size.
// Create and write a simple block that we will call.
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, simple_proc_);
// Call the block and test the result. Zero EAX before calling to be sure
// it does not contain the right result beforehand.
__asm xor eax, eax;
int test1 = simple_proc_();
ASSERT_EQ(4, test1);
// Test writing a block that has a PC-relative reference.
TEST_F(HotPatchingWriterTest, PCRelativeReference) {
// Initialize writer with buffer that has a sufficient size.
// Create and write a simple block that we can reference.
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, simple_proc_);
// Create a block with a PC-relative call.
BlockGraph::Block* block = nullptr;
simple_block_, &block_graph_, &block));
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, block);
// Write the block to executable memory.
TestFunctionType* test_proc =
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, test_proc);
// Call the block and test the result.
int test_result = test_proc();
ASSERT_EQ(5, test_result);
// Test writing a block that has an absolute reference.
TEST_F(HotPatchingWriterTest, AbsoluteReference) {
// Initialize writer with buffer that has a sufficient size.
// Create and write a simple block that we can reference.
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, simple_proc_);
// Create a block with an absolute reference.
BlockGraph::Block* block = nullptr;
simple_block_, &block_graph_, &block));
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, block);
// Write the block to executable memory.
TestFunctionType* test_proc =
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, test_proc);
// Call the block and test the result. The expected result is the function
// pointer of the simple block.
int test_result = test_proc();
ASSERT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<int>(simple_proc_), test_result);
TEST_F(HotPatchingWriterTest, WriteFailsIfNotEnoughSpace) {
// Initialize the writer with a buffer that's not big enough to hold the
// simple test block.
// Writing the block into memory should fail.
ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, simple_proc_);
namespace {
// A basic block transform that does not change the basic block subgraph.
class IdentityBasicBlockTransform
: public block_graph::transforms::NamedBasicBlockSubGraphTransformImpl<
IdentityBasicBlockTransform> {
typedef block_graph::BlockGraph BlockGraph;
typedef block_graph::BasicBlockSubGraph BasicBlockSubGraph;
typedef block_graph::TransformPolicyInterface TransformPolicyInterface;
IdentityBasicBlockTransform() { }
// @name BasicBlockSubGraphTransformInterface method.
virtual bool TransformBasicBlockSubGraph(
const TransformPolicyInterface* policy,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BasicBlockSubGraph* basic_block_subgraph) override {
return true;
static const char kTransformName[];
const char IdentityBasicBlockTransform::kTransformName[] =
class HotPatchingWriterTestDllTest : public testing::HotPatchingTestDllTest {
} // namespace
TEST_F(HotPatchingWriterTestDllTest, Write) {
// Load hot patchable library into memory.
testing::ScopedHMODULE module;
LoadTestDll(hp_test_dll_path_, &module);
// Decompose the hot patchable library.
BlockGraph block_graph;
pe::ImageLayout layout(&block_graph);
HotPatchingDecomposer decomposer(module);
pe::HotPatchingWriter writer;
// The block map changes during the basic block transform, so save the list of
// blocks to transform first.
std::vector<BlockGraph::Block*> blocks_to_transform;
for (auto& entry : block_graph.blocks_mutable()) {
BlockGraph::Block* block = &entry.second;
if (block->type() == BlockGraph::CODE_BLOCK &&
!(block->attributes() & BlockGraph::BUILT_BY_UNSUPPORTED_COMPILER)) {
pe::PETransformPolicy pe_policy;
bool dllmain_found = false;
// NOTE: This test assumes that the blocks IDs are the same order as in the
// blocks themselves in the hot patching metadata.
for (size_t i = 0; i < blocks_to_transform.size(); ++i) {
BlockGraph::Block* original_block = hp_transform_.blocks_prepared()[i];
BlockGraph::Block* block = blocks_to_transform[i];
EXPECT_EQ(block->addr(), original_block->addr());
// Write the transformed block of DllMain and call the written function.
// There is no sense testing the other functions as we can't call them
// without knowing their calling conventions.
if (original_block->name() == "DllMain") {
dllmain_found = true;
std::vector<BlockGraph::Block*> new_blocks;
IdentityBasicBlockTransform transform;
const void* old_entry_point = block->data();
// Do a basic block decomposition first, that should ruin the references
// in the memory.
ASSERT_EQ(1U, new_blocks.size());
BlockGraph::Block* transformed_block = new_blocks.front();
HotPatchingWriter::FunctionPointer new_entry_point =
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, new_entry_point);
ASSERT_NE(old_entry_point, new_entry_point);
// Call the DllMain.
typedef BOOL WINAPI DllMainProc(
_In_ DWORD fdwReason,
_In_ LPVOID lpvReserved
nullptr, DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, nullptr);
} // namespace pe