blob: 7dedd88df3066fc82b7fbc77bed83cec267f6ca7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// A basic block subgraph transform that prepares a block for hot patching.
// To make a block hot patchable, we insert five bytes of padding before the
// block to accommodate a long jump instruction and make the first instruction
// of the block atomically replaceable with a two-byte jump that jumps
// to the long jump in the padding. An instruction is atomically replaceable
// if it is at least two bytes long and its first two bytes do not cross
// a 4-byte boundary. Therefore the alignment of the block will be increased
// to at least two and if the block begins with a one-byte instruction, a
// two-byte NOP will be prepended and the references referring after the NOP
// will refer to the beginning of the block.
#include <vector>
#include "syzygy/block_graph/transforms/iterative_transform.h"
namespace pe {
namespace transforms {
class PEHotPatchingBasicBlockTransform
: public block_graph::transforms::NamedBasicBlockSubGraphTransformImpl<
PEHotPatchingBasicBlockTransform> {
typedef block_graph::BlockGraph BlockGraph;
typedef block_graph::BasicBlockSubGraph BasicBlockSubGraph;
typedef block_graph::TransformPolicyInterface TransformPolicyInterface;
typedef BasicBlockSubGraph::BasicCodeBlock BasicCodeBlock;
// The transform name.
static const char kTransformName[];
PEHotPatchingBasicBlockTransform() {}
// BasicBlockSubGraphTransformInterface implementation.
// @pre The subgraph must contain a single block that must begin with
// a basic code block.
virtual bool TransformBasicBlockSubGraph(
const TransformPolicyInterface* policy,
BlockGraph* block_graph,
BasicBlockSubGraph* bbsg) override;
// The length of a long jump instruction. This is the amount of padding that
// will be inserted before each block that needs hot patching.
static const size_t kLongJumpInstructionLength;
// Insert a NOP at the beginning of the code block.
// @param code_block The basic code block to insert into.
void InsertTwoByteNopAtBlockBeginning(BasicCodeBlock* code_block);
// Checks if the first instruction of a basic code block is atomically
// replaceable.
// @param code_block The basic code block to examine.
// @returns true iff the first instruction of the basic code block is
// atomically replaceable.
bool IsAtomicallyReplaceableFirstInstruction(BasicCodeBlock* code_block);
// Ensures that the first instruction of a block is atomically replaceable.
// This function increases the alignment to 2 (if it was lower), checks
// the first instruction, and if it is not atomically replaceable
// (only one byte long) then prepends a two-byte NOP to the first basic code
// block.
// @param bbsg The basic block subgraph to change.
// @pre The subgraph must contain a single block that must begin with
// a basic code block.
void EnsureAtomicallyReplaceableFirstInstruction(BasicBlockSubGraph* bbsg);
// Ensures that there is at least kLongJumpInstructionLength padding before
// the block represented by the basic block subgraph.
// @param block The target block.
// @pre The subgraph must contain a single block.
void EnsurePaddingForJumpBeforeBlock(BasicBlockSubGraph* bbsg);
// Gets the first basic code block of a block in a subgraph according to
// the basic block ordering in the block description.
// @param bbsg The basic block subgraph to query.
// @returns The first code block
// @pre The subgraph must contain a single block that must begin with
// a basic code block.
BasicCodeBlock* GetFirstBasicCodeBlock(BasicBlockSubGraph* bbsg);
} // namespace transforms
} // namespace pe