blob: 8e058fcd7036f2d6af7d0c25e63135b265747730 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This file declares some functions used to do the integration tests of the
// Asan interceptor functions.
#include <windows.h> // NOLINT
#include "syzygy/integration_tests/asan_check_tests.h"
namespace testing {
// Disable the intrinsic versions of the intercepted functions.
#pragma function(memset, memcpy, strlen, strcmp)
// Helper function to make sure that a memory read access doesn't get
// instrumented.
// @tparam type The type of the value to be read.
// @param location The location where to read from.
// @returns the value at |location|
template <typename type>
#if defined(__clang__)
type __attribute__((no_sanitize_address)) NonInterceptedRead(type* location) {
return *location;
type NonInterceptedRead(type* location) {
// The try-except statement prevents the function from being instrumented.
__try {
return *location;
// Nothing to do here.
return static_cast<type>(0);
// Helper function to do non instrumented reads from an array.
// @tparam type The type of the values to be read.
// @param src The array where to read from.
// @param size The size of the array.
// @param dst The destination array.
template<typename type>
void NonInterceptedReads(type* src, size_t size, type* dst) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
*dst++ = NonInterceptedRead(src + i);
// Helper function to make sure that a memory write access didn't get
// instrumented.
// @tparam type The type of the value to be written.
// @param location The location where to write to.
// @param val The value to write.
template <typename type>
#if defined(__clang__)
void __attribute__((no_sanitize_address))
NonInterceptedWrite(type* location, type val) {
*location = val;
void NonInterceptedWrite(type* location, type val) {
// The try-except statement prevents the function from being instrumented.
__try {
*location = val;
// Nothing to do here.
// Helper function to do non instrumented writes from an array.
// @tparam type The type of the values to be written.
// @param src The array where to read from.
// @param size The size of the array.
// @param dst The address where to write to.
template<typename type>
void NonInterceptedWrites(type* src, size_t size, type* dst) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
NonInterceptedWrite(dst++, src[i]);
template<typename type>
static type AsanMemsetOverflow() {
const size_t kArraySize = 10;
type* ptr = new type[kArraySize];
type first_trailer_val = NonInterceptedRead(ptr + kArraySize);
TryInvalidCall3(&::memset, static_cast<void*>(ptr), 0xFF,
kArraySize * sizeof(type) + 1);
NonInterceptedWrite(ptr + kArraySize, first_trailer_val);
delete[] ptr;
return 0;
template<typename type>
static type AsanMemsetUnderflow() {
const size_t kArraySize = 10;
type* ptr = new type[kArraySize];
type last_header_val = NonInterceptedRead(ptr - 1);
uint8_t* underflow_address = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr) - 1;
TryInvalidCall3(&::memset, static_cast<void*>(underflow_address), 0xFF,
kArraySize * sizeof(type));
NonInterceptedWrite(ptr - 1, last_header_val);
delete[] ptr;
return 0;
template<typename type>
static type AsanMemsetUseAfterFree() {
const size_t kArraySize = 10;
type* ptr = new type[kArraySize];
delete[] ptr;
TryInvalidCall3(&::memset, static_cast<void*>(ptr), 0xFF,
kArraySize * sizeof(type));
return 0;
template<typename type>
static type AsanMemchrOverflow() {
const size_t kArraySize = 10;
type* ptr = new type[kArraySize];
::memset(ptr, 0xAA, kArraySize * sizeof(type));
TryInvalidCall3(static_cast<void* (*)(void*, int, size_t)>(&::memchr),
kArraySize * sizeof(type) + 1);
delete[] ptr;
return 0;
template<typename type>
static type AsanMemchrUnderflow() {
const size_t kArraySize = 10;
type* ptr = new type[kArraySize];
::memset(ptr, 0xAA, kArraySize * sizeof(type));
uint8_t* underflow_address = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr) - 1;
TryInvalidCall3(static_cast<void* (*)(void*, int, size_t)>(&::memchr),
kArraySize * sizeof(type));
delete[] ptr;
return 0;
template<typename type>
static type AsanMemchrUseAfterFree() {
const size_t kArraySize = 10;
type* ptr = new type[kArraySize];
::memset(ptr, 0xAA, kArraySize * sizeof(type));
delete[] ptr;
TryInvalidCall3(static_cast<void* (*)(void*, int, size_t)>(&::memchr),
static_cast<void*>(ptr), 0xFF,
kArraySize * sizeof(type));
return 0;
template<typename type>
static type AsanMemmoveWriteOverflow() {
const size_t kArraySize = 10;
type* ptr = new type[kArraySize];
type first_trailer_val = NonInterceptedRead(ptr + kArraySize);
::memset(ptr, 0xAA, kArraySize * sizeof(type));
uint8_t* dst = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr) + 1;
static_cast<const void*>(ptr),
kArraySize * sizeof(type));
NonInterceptedWrite(ptr + kArraySize, first_trailer_val);
delete[] ptr;
return 0;
template<typename type>
static type AsanMemmoveWriteUnderflow() {
const size_t kArraySize = 10;
type* ptr = new type[kArraySize];
type last_header_val = NonInterceptedRead(ptr - 1);
::memset(ptr, 0xAA, kArraySize * sizeof(type));
uint8_t* underflow_address = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr) - 1;
static_cast<const void*>(ptr),
kArraySize * sizeof(type));
NonInterceptedWrite(ptr - 1, last_header_val);
delete[] ptr;
return 0;
template<typename type>
static type AsanMemmoveReadOverflow() {
const size_t kArraySize = 10;
type* ptr = new type[kArraySize];
::memset(ptr, 0xAA, kArraySize * sizeof(type));
uint8_t* src = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr) + 1;
static_cast<const void*>(src),
kArraySize * sizeof(type));
delete[] ptr;
return 0;
template<typename type>
static type AsanMemmoveReadUnderflow() {
const size_t kArraySize = 10;
type* ptr = new type[kArraySize];
::memset(ptr, 0xAA, kArraySize * sizeof(type));
uint8_t* underflow_address = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr) - 1;
static_cast<const void*>(underflow_address),
kArraySize * sizeof(type));
delete[] ptr;
return 0;
template<typename type>
static type AsanMemmoveUseAfterFree() {
const size_t kArraySize = 10;
type* ptr = new type[kArraySize];
::memset(ptr, 0xAA, kArraySize * sizeof(type));
delete[] ptr;
static_cast<const void*>(ptr),
kArraySize * sizeof(type));
return 0;
template<typename type>
static type AsanMemcpyWriteOverflow() {
const size_t kArraySize = 10;
type* src = new type[kArraySize];
type* dst = new type[kArraySize];
type first_trailer_val = NonInterceptedRead(dst + kArraySize);
::memset(src, 0xAA, kArraySize * sizeof(type));
uint8_t* overflow_dst = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(dst) + 1;
static_cast<const void*>(src),
kArraySize * sizeof(type));
NonInterceptedWrite(dst + kArraySize, first_trailer_val);
delete[] src;
delete[] dst;
return 0;
template<typename type>
static type AsanMemcpyWriteUnderflow() {
const size_t kArraySize = 10;
type* src = new type[kArraySize];
type* dst = new type[kArraySize];
type last_header_val = NonInterceptedRead(dst - 1);
::memset(src, 0xAA, kArraySize * sizeof(type));
uint8_t* underflow_dst = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(dst) - 1;
static_cast<const void*>(src),
kArraySize * sizeof(type));
NonInterceptedWrite(dst - 1, last_header_val);
delete[] src;
delete[] dst;
return 0;
template<typename type>
static type AsanMemcpyReadOverflow() {
const size_t kArraySize = 10;
type* src = new type[kArraySize];
type* dst = new type[kArraySize];
::memset(src, 0xAA, kArraySize * sizeof(type));
uint8_t* overflow_src = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(src) + 1;
static_cast<const void*>(overflow_src),
kArraySize * sizeof(type));
delete[] src;
delete[] dst;
return 0;
template<typename type>
static type AsanMemcpyReadUnderflow() {
const size_t kArraySize = 10;
type* src = new type[kArraySize];
type* dst = new type[kArraySize];
::memset(src, 0xAA, kArraySize * sizeof(type));
uint8_t* underflow_src = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(src) - 1;
static_cast<const void*>(underflow_src),
kArraySize * sizeof(type));
delete[] src;
delete[] dst;
return 0;
template<typename type>
static type AsanMemcpyUseAfterFree() {
const size_t kArraySize = 10;
type* src = new type[kArraySize];
type* dst = new type[kArraySize];
::memset(src, 0xAA, kArraySize * sizeof(type));
delete[] src;
static_cast<const void*>(src),
kArraySize * sizeof(type));
delete[] dst;
return 0;
size_t AsanStrcspnKeysOverflow();
size_t AsanStrcspnKeysUnderflow();
size_t AsanStrcspnKeysUseAfterFree();
size_t AsanStrcspnSrcOverflow();
size_t AsanStrcspnSrcUnderflow();
size_t AsanStrcspnSrcUseAfterFree();
size_t AsanStrlenOverflow();
size_t AsanStrlenUnderflow();
size_t AsanStrlenUseAfterFree();
size_t AsanStrnlenOverflow();
size_t AsanStrnlenUnderflow();
size_t AsanStrnlenUseAfterFree();
size_t AsanWcsnlenOverflow();
size_t AsanWcsnlenUnderflow();
size_t AsanWcsnlenUseAfterFree();
size_t AsanStrrchrOverflow();
size_t AsanStrrchrUnderflow();
size_t AsanStrrchrUseAfterFree();
size_t AsanWcsrchrOverflow();
size_t AsanWcsrchrUnderflow();
size_t AsanWcsrchrUseAfterFree();
size_t AsanWcschrOverflow();
size_t AsanWcschrUnderflow();
size_t AsanWcschrUseAfterFree();
size_t AsanStrcmpSrc1Overflow();
size_t AsanStrcmpSrc1Underflow();
size_t AsanStrcmpSrc1UseAfterFree();
size_t AsanStrcmpSrc2Overflow();
size_t AsanStrcmpSrc2Underflow();
size_t AsanStrcmpSrc2UseAfterFree();
size_t AsanStrpbrkKeysOverflow();
size_t AsanStrpbrkKeysUnderflow();
size_t AsanStrpbrkKeysUseAfterFree();
size_t AsanStrpbrkSrcOverflow();
size_t AsanStrpbrkSrcUnderflow();
size_t AsanStrpbrkSrcUseAfterFree();
size_t AsanStrstrSrc1Overflow();
size_t AsanStrstrSrc1Underflow();
size_t AsanStrstrSrc1UseAfterFree();
size_t AsanStrstrSrc2Overflow();
size_t AsanStrstrSrc2Underflow();
size_t AsanStrstrSrc2UseAfterFree();
size_t AsanWcsstrKeysOverflow();
size_t AsanStrspnKeysOverflow();
size_t AsanStrspnKeysUnderflow();
size_t AsanStrspnKeysUseAfterFree();
size_t AsanStrspnSrcOverflow();
size_t AsanStrspnSrcUnderflow();
size_t AsanStrspnSrcUseAfterFree();
size_t AsanStrncpySrcOverflow();
size_t AsanStrncpySrcUnderflow();
size_t AsanStrncpySrcUseAfterFree();
size_t AsanStrncpyDstOverflow();
size_t AsanStrncpyDstUnderflow();
size_t AsanStrncpyDstUseAfterFree();
size_t AsanStrncatSuffixOverflow();
size_t AsanStrncatSuffixUnderflow();
size_t AsanStrncatSuffixUseAfterFree();
size_t AsanStrncatDstOverflow();
size_t AsanStrncatDstUnderflow();
size_t AsanStrncatDstUseAfterFree();
size_t AsanReadFileOverflow();
size_t AsanReadFileUseAfterFree();
size_t AsanWriteFileOverflow();
size_t AsanWriteFileUseAfterFree();
size_t AsanCorruptBlock();
size_t AsanCorruptBlockInQuarantine();
// Non-Asan errors that are meant to be caught by the heap checker after
// an exception is caught by the unfiltered exception handler.
size_t AsanInvalidAccessWithCorruptAllocatedBlockHeader();
size_t AsanInvalidAccessWithCorruptAllocatedBlockTrailer();
size_t AsanInvalidAccessWithCorruptFreedBlock();
// Generates a call to memcmp that will cause an access violation to be
// raised. Catches and swallows the access violation by itself. When
// instrumented, this should be caught by the SyzyAsan exception handler.
size_t AsanMemcmpAccessViolation();
// Null and near-null pointers access exceptions should not be reported by
// SyzyASAN unless we detect heap corruption. In the "instrumented" tests, the
// invalid accesses will be caught by the Shadow memory and the RTL, whereas the
// "uninstrumented" tests will cause an access violation exception to be thrown.
size_t AsanNearNullptrAccessHeapCorruptionInstrumented();
size_t AsanNearNullptrAccessHeapCorruptionUninstrumented();
size_t AsanNearNullptrAccessNoHeapCorruptionInstrumented();
size_t AsanNearNullptrAccessNoHeapCorruptionUninstrumented();
size_t AsanNullptrAccessNoHeapCorruptionUninstrumented();
} // namespace testing