blob: 1c81f4b8ee05a329488f70b3e293bc54a0c3329f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "syzygy/pe/decomposer.h"
#include "pcrecpp.h" // NOLINT
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_bstr.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_comptr.h"
#include "syzygy/core/zstream.h"
#include "syzygy/pdb/omap.h"
#include "syzygy/pdb/pdb_byte_stream.h"
#include "syzygy/pdb/pdb_constants.h"
#include "syzygy/pdb/pdb_dbi_stream.h"
#include "syzygy/pdb/pdb_file.h"
#include "syzygy/pdb/pdb_reader.h"
#include "syzygy/pdb/pdb_symbol_record.h"
#include "syzygy/pdb/pdb_util.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/dia_util.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/find.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/pe_file_parser.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/pe_utils.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/serialization.h"
#include "third_party/cci/Files/CvInfo.h"
namespace cci = Microsoft_Cci_Pdb;
namespace {
using block_graph::BlockGraph;
using block_graph::BlockInfo;
using core::AbsoluteAddress;
using core::FileOffsetAddress;
using core::RelativeAddress;
typedef BlockGraph::Block Block;
} // namespace
namespace pe {
// An intermediate reference representation used while parsing PE blocks.
// This is necessary because at that point we haven't yet chunked the whole
// image into blocks thus some references cannot be resolved.
struct Decomposer::IntermediateReference {
RelativeAddress src_addr;
BlockGraph::ReferenceType type;
BlockGraph::Size size;
RelativeAddress dst_addr;
namespace {
using base::win::ScopedBstr;
using base::win::ScopedComPtr;
using builder::Callback;
using builder::Opt;
using builder::Or;
using builder::Seq;
using builder::Star;
typedef BlockGraph::BlockType BlockType;
typedef BlockGraph::Offset Offset;
typedef BlockGraph::Reference Reference;
typedef BlockGraph::ReferenceType ReferenceType;
typedef core::AddressRange<RelativeAddress, size_t> RelativeRange;
typedef Decomposer::IntermediateReference IntermediateReference;
typedef Decomposer::IntermediateReferences IntermediateReferences;
typedef pcrecpp::RE RE;
typedef std::vector<OMAP> OMAPs;
typedef std::vector<pdb::PdbFixup> PdbFixups;
const char kJumpTable[] = "<jump-table>";
const char kCaseTable[] = "<case-table>";
// The MS linker pads between code blocks with int3s.
static const uint8_t kInt3 = 0xCC;
static const size_t kPointerSize = BlockGraph::Reference::kMaximumSize;
// Some helper functions for testing ranges.
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
bool InRange(T1 value, T2 lower_bound_incl, T3 length_excl) {
T1 upper_bound_excl = static_cast<T1>(lower_bound_incl) + length_excl;
return static_cast<T1>(lower_bound_incl) <= value &&
value < static_cast<T2>(upper_bound_excl);
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
bool InRangeIncl(T1 value, T2 lower_bound_incl, T3 length_incl) {
T1 upper_bound_incl = static_cast<T1>(lower_bound_incl) + length_incl;
return static_cast<T1>(lower_bound_incl) <= value &&
value <= upper_bound_incl;
bool InitializeDia(const PEFile& image_file,
const base::FilePath& pdb_path,
IDiaDataSource** dia_source,
IDiaSession** dia_session,
IDiaSymbol** global) {
DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<IDiaDataSource*>(NULL), *dia_source);
DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<IDiaSession*>(NULL), *dia_session);
DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<IDiaSymbol*>(NULL), *global);
if (!CreateDiaSource(dia_source))
return false;
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<IDiaDataSource*>(NULL), *dia_source);
// We create the session using the PDB file directly, as we've already
// validated that it matches the module.
if (!CreateDiaSession(pdb_path, *dia_source, dia_session))
return false;
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<IDiaSession*>(NULL), *dia_session);
HRESULT hr = (*dia_session)->get_globalScope(global);
if (hr != S_OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get the DIA global scope: "
<< common::LogHr(hr) << ".";
return false;
return true;
// Given a compiland, returns its compiland details.
bool GetCompilandDetailsForCompiland(IDiaSymbol* compiland,
IDiaSymbol** compiland_details) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<IDiaSymbol*>(NULL), compiland);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<IDiaSymbol**>(NULL), compiland_details);
DCHECK(IsSymTag(compiland, SymTagCompiland));
DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<IDiaSymbol*>(NULL), *compiland_details);
// Get the enumeration of compiland details.
ScopedComPtr<IDiaEnumSymbols> enum_symbols;
HRESULT hr = compiland->findChildren(SymTagCompilandDetails, NULL, 0,
// We expect there to be compiland details. For compilands built by
// non-standard toolchains, there usually aren't any.
LONG count = 0;
hr = enum_symbols->get_Count(&count);
if (count == 0) {
// We don't log here because we see this quite often.
return false;
// We do sometimes encounter more than one compiland detail. In fact, for
// import and export tables we get one compiland detail per table entry.
// They are all marked as having been generated by the linker, so using the
// first one is sufficient.
// Get the compiland details.
ULONG fetched = 0;
hr = enum_symbols->Next(1, compiland_details, &fetched);
DCHECK_EQ(1u, fetched);
return true;
// Stores information regarding known compilers.
struct KnownCompilerInfo {
wchar_t* compiler_name;
bool supported;
// A list of known compilers, and their status as being supported or not.
KnownCompilerInfo kKnownCompilerInfos[] = {
{ L"Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler", false },
{ L"Microsoft (R) Optimizing Compiler", true },
{ L"Microsoft (R) LINK", false }
// Given a compiland, determines whether the compiler used is one of those that
// we whitelist.
bool IsBuiltBySupportedCompiler(IDiaSymbol* compiland) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<IDiaSymbol*>(NULL), compiland);
DCHECK(IsSymTag(compiland, SymTagCompiland));
ScopedComPtr<IDiaSymbol> compiland_details;
if (!GetCompilandDetailsForCompiland(compiland,
compiland_details.Receive())) {
// If the compiland has no compiland details we assume the compiler is not
// supported.
ScopedBstr compiland_name;
if (compiland->get_name(compiland_name.Receive()) == S_OK) {
VLOG(1) << "Compiland has no compiland details: "
<< common::ToString(compiland_name);
return false;
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<IDiaSymbol*>(NULL), compiland_details.get());
// Get the compiler name.
ScopedBstr compiler_name;
HRESULT hr = compiland_details->get_compilerName(compiler_name.Receive());
// Check the compiler name against the list of known compilers.
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kKnownCompilerInfos); ++i) {
if (::wcscmp(kKnownCompilerInfos[i].compiler_name, compiler_name) == 0) {
return kKnownCompilerInfos[i].supported;
// Anything we don't explicitly know about is not supported.
VLOG(1) << "Encountered unknown compiler: " << compiler_name;
return false;
// Adds an intermediate reference to the provided vector. The vector is
// specified as the first parameter (in slight violation of our coding
// standards) because this function is intended to be used by Bind.
bool AddIntermediateReference(IntermediateReferences* references,
RelativeAddress src_addr,
ReferenceType type,
BlockGraph::Size size,
RelativeAddress dst_addr) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<IntermediateReferences*>(NULL), references);
IntermediateReference ref = { src_addr, type, size, dst_addr };
return true;
// Create a reference as specified. Ignores existing references if they are of
// the exact same type.
bool CreateReference(RelativeAddress src_addr,
BlockGraph::Size ref_size,
ReferenceType ref_type,
RelativeAddress base_addr,
RelativeAddress dst_addr,
BlockGraph::AddressSpace* image) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BlockGraph::AddressSpace*>(NULL), image);
// Get the source block and offset, and ensure that the reference fits
// within it.
Block* src_block = image->GetBlockByAddress(src_addr);
if (src_block == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to find block for reference originating at "
<< src_addr << ".";
return false;
RelativeAddress src_block_addr;
CHECK(image->GetAddressOf(src_block, &src_block_addr));
Offset src_block_offset = src_addr - src_block_addr;
if (src_block_offset + ref_size > src_block->size()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Reference originating at " << src_addr
<< " extends beyond block \"" << src_block->name() << "\".";
return false;
// Get the destination block and offset.
Block* dst_block = image->GetBlockByAddress(base_addr);
if (dst_block == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to find block for reference pointing at "
<< base_addr << ".";
return false;
RelativeAddress dst_block_addr;
CHECK(image->GetAddressOf(dst_block, &dst_block_addr));
Offset base = base_addr - dst_block_addr;
Offset offset = dst_addr - dst_block_addr;
Reference ref(ref_type, ref_size, dst_block, offset, base);
// Check if a reference already exists at this offset.
Block::ReferenceMap::const_iterator ref_it =
if (ref_it != src_block->references().end()) {
// If an identical reference already exists then we're done.
if (ref == ref_it->second)
return true;
LOG(ERROR) << "Block \"" << src_block->name() << "\" has a conflicting "
<< "reference at offset " << src_block_offset << ".";
return false;
CHECK(src_block->SetReference(src_block_offset, ref));
return true;
// Loads FIXUP and OMAP_FROM debug streams.
bool LoadDebugStreams(IDiaSession* dia_session,
PdbFixups* pdb_fixups,
OMAPs* omap_from) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<IDiaSession*>(NULL), dia_session);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<PdbFixups*>(NULL), pdb_fixups);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<OMAPs*>(NULL), omap_from);
// Load the fixups. These must exist.
SearchResult search_result = FindAndLoadDiaDebugStreamByName(
kFixupDiaDebugStreamName, dia_session, pdb_fixups);
if (search_result != kSearchSucceeded) {
if (search_result == kSearchFailed) {
LOG(ERROR) << "PDB file does not contain a FIXUP stream. Module must be "
"linked with '/PROFILE' or '/DEBUGINFO:FIXUP' flag.";
return false;
// Load the omap_from table. It is not necessary that one exist.
search_result = FindAndLoadDiaDebugStreamByName(
kOmapFromDiaDebugStreamName, dia_session, omap_from);
if (search_result == kSearchErrored) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error trying to read " << kOmapFromDiaDebugStreamName
<< " stream.";
return false;
return true;
bool GetFixupDestinationAndType(const PEFile& image_file,
const pdb::PdbFixup& fixup,
RelativeAddress* dst_addr,
ReferenceType* ref_type) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<RelativeAddress*>(NULL), dst_addr);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<ReferenceType*>(NULL), ref_type);
RelativeAddress src_addr(fixup.rva_location);
// Get the destination displacement from the actual image itself. We only see
// fixups for 32-bit references.
uint32_t data = 0;
if (!image_file.ReadImage(src_addr, &data, sizeof(data))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read image data for fixup with source address "
<< "at" << src_addr << ".";
return false;
// Translate this to a relative displacement value.
switch (fixup.type) {
case pdb::PdbFixup::TYPE_ABSOLUTE: {
*ref_type = BlockGraph::ABSOLUTE_REF;
*dst_addr = RelativeAddress(image_file.AbsToRelDisplacement(data));
case pdb::PdbFixup::TYPE_PC_RELATIVE: {
*ref_type = BlockGraph::PC_RELATIVE_REF;
*dst_addr = RelativeAddress(fixup.rva_location) + sizeof(data) + data;
case pdb::PdbFixup::TYPE_RELATIVE: {
*ref_type = BlockGraph::RELATIVE_REF;
*dst_addr = RelativeAddress(data);
default: {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected fixup type (" << fixup.type << ").";
return false;
return true;
// Creates references from the @p pdb_fixups (translating them via the
// provided @p omap_from information if it is not empty), all while removing the
// corresponding entries from @p reloc_set. If @p reloc_set is not empty after
// this then the PDB fixups are out of sync with the image and we are unable to
// safely decompose.
// @note This function deliberately ignores fixup information for the resource
// section. This is because chrome.dll gets modified by a manifest tool
// which doesn't update the FIXUPs in the corresponding PDB. They are thus
// out of sync. Even if they were in sync this doesn't harm us as we have no
// need to reach in and modify resource data.
bool CreateReferencesFromFixupsImpl(
const PEFile& image_file,
const PdbFixups& pdb_fixups,
const OMAPs& omap_from,
PEFile::RelocSet* reloc_set,
BlockGraph::AddressSpace* image) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<PEFile::RelocSet*>(NULL), reloc_set);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BlockGraph::AddressSpace*>(NULL), image);
bool have_omap = !omap_from.empty();
size_t fixups_used = 0;
// The resource section in Chrome is modified post-link by a tool that adds a
// manifest to it. This causes all of the fixups in the resource section (and
// anything beyond it) to be invalid. As long as the resource section is the
// last section in the image, this is not a problem (we can safely ignore the
// .rsrc fixups, which we know how to parse without them). However, if there
// is a section after the resource section, things will have been shifted
// and potentially crucial fixups will be invalid.
const IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER* rsrc_header = image_file.GetSectionHeader(
RelativeAddress rsrc_start(0xffffffff);
RelativeAddress rsrc_end(0xffffffff);
if (rsrc_header != NULL) {
rsrc_start = RelativeAddress(rsrc_header->VirtualAddress);
rsrc_end = rsrc_start + rsrc_header->Misc.VirtualSize;
// Ensure the fixups are all valid.
for (size_t i = 0; i < pdb_fixups.size(); ++i) {
if (!pdb_fixups[i].ValidHeader()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown fixup header: "
<< base::StringPrintf("0x%08X.", pdb_fixups[i].header);
return false;
// For now, we skip any offset fixups. We've only seen this in the context
// of TLS data access, and we don't mess with TLS structures.
if (pdb_fixups[i].is_offset())
// All fixups we handle should be full size pointers.
DCHECK_EQ(Reference::kMaximumSize, pdb_fixups[i].size());
// Get the original addresses, and map them through OMAP information.
// Normally DIA takes care of this for us, but there is no API for
// getting DIA to give us FIXUP information, so we have to do it manually.
RelativeAddress src_addr(pdb_fixups[i].rva_location);
RelativeAddress base_addr(pdb_fixups[i].rva_base);
if (have_omap) {
src_addr = pdb::TranslateAddressViaOmap(omap_from, src_addr);
base_addr = pdb::TranslateAddressViaOmap(omap_from, base_addr);
// If the reference originates beyond the .rsrc section then we can't
// trust it.
if (src_addr >= rsrc_end) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Found fixup originating beyond .rsrc section.";
return false;
// If the reference originates from a part of the .rsrc section, ignore it.
if (src_addr >= rsrc_start)
// Get the relative address/displacement of the fixup. This logs on failure.
RelativeAddress dst_addr;
ReferenceType type = BlockGraph::RELATIVE_REF;
if (!GetFixupDestinationAndType(image_file, pdb_fixups[i], &dst_addr,
&type)) {
return false;
// Finally, create the reference. This logs verbosely for us on failure.
if (!CreateReference(src_addr, Reference::kMaximumSize, type, base_addr,
dst_addr, image)) {
return false;
// Remove this reference from the relocs.
PEFile::RelocSet::iterator reloc_it = reloc_set->find(src_addr);
if (reloc_it != reloc_set->end()) {
// We should only find a reloc if the fixup was of absolute type.
if (type != BlockGraph::ABSOLUTE_REF) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Found a reloc corresponding to a non-absolute fixup.";
return false;
return true;
bool GetDataSymbolSize(IDiaSymbol* symbol, size_t* length) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<IDiaSymbol*>(NULL), symbol);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<size_t*>(NULL), length);
*length = 0;
ScopedComPtr<IDiaSymbol> type;
HRESULT hr = symbol->get_type(type.Receive());
// This happens if the symbol has no type information.
if (hr == S_FALSE)
return true;
if (hr != S_OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get type symbol: " << common::LogHr(hr) << ".";
return false;
ULONGLONG ull_length = 0;
hr = type->get_length(&ull_length);
if (hr != S_OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to retrieve type length properties: "
<< common::LogHr(hr) << ".";
return false;
DCHECK_LE(ull_length, 0xFFFFFFFF);
*length = static_cast<size_t>(ull_length);
return true;
bool ScopeSymTagToLabelProperties(enum SymTagEnum sym_tag,
size_t scope_count,
BlockGraph::LabelAttributes* attr,
std::string* name) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BlockGraph::LabelAttributes*>(NULL), attr);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<std::string*>(NULL), name);
switch (sym_tag) {
case SymTagFuncDebugStart: {
*attr = BlockGraph::DEBUG_START_LABEL;
*name = "<debug-start>";
return true;
case SymTagFuncDebugEnd: {
*attr = BlockGraph::DEBUG_END_LABEL;
*name = "<debug-end>";
return true;
case SymTagBlock: {
*attr = BlockGraph::SCOPE_START_LABEL;
*name = base::StringPrintf("<scope-start-%d>", scope_count);
return true;
return false;
return false;
// Reads the linker module symbol stream from the given PDB file. This should
// always exist as the last module.
scoped_refptr<pdb::PdbStream> GetLinkerSymbolStream(
const pdb::PdbFile& pdb_file) {
static const char kLinkerModuleName[] = "* Linker *";
// Get the DBI stream.
scoped_refptr<pdb::PdbStream> stream =
if (stream.get() == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "PDB does not contain a DBI stream.";
return false;
// Read the entire thing into memory before parsing it. This makes parsing
// much faster.
scoped_refptr<pdb::PdbByteStream> dbi_stream(new pdb::PdbByteStream());
if (!dbi_stream->Init(stream.get())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read DBI stream.";
// Parse the DBI stream.
pdb::DbiStream dbi;
if (!dbi.Read(dbi_stream.get())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to parse DBI stream.";
return false;
if (dbi.modules().empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "DBI stream contains no modules.";
return false;
// The last module has always been observed to be the linker module.
const pdb::DbiModuleInfo& linker = dbi.modules().back();
if (linker.module_name() != kLinkerModuleName) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Last module is not the linker module.";
return false;
// Get the symbol stream.
stream = pdb_file.GetStream(linker.module_info_base().stream);
if (stream.get() == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to open linker symbol stream.";
return false;
// Also read it entirely into memory for faster parsing.
scoped_refptr<pdb::PdbByteStream> symbols(new pdb::PdbByteStream());
if (!symbols->Init(stream.get())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read linker symbol stream.";
return symbols;
// Parses a symbol from a PDB symbol stream. The @p buffer is populated with the
// data and upon success this returns the symbol directly cast onto the
// @p buffer data. On failure this returns NULL.
template <typename SymbolType>
const SymbolType* ParseSymbol(uint16_t symbol_length,
common::BinaryStreamReader* reader,
std::vector<uint8_t>* buffer) {
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<common::BinaryStreamReader*>(nullptr), reader);
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<std::vector<uint8_t>*>(nullptr), buffer);
if (symbol_length < sizeof(SymbolType)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Symbol too small for casting.";
return NULL;
common::BinaryStreamParser parser(reader);
if (!parser.ReadMultiple(symbol_length, buffer)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read symbol.";
return NULL;
return reinterpret_cast<const SymbolType*>(buffer->data());
// If the given run of bytes consists of a single value repeated, returns that
// value. Otherwise, returns -1.
int RepeatedValue(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(NULL), data);
const uint8_t* data_end = data + size;
uint8_t value = *(data++);
for (; data < data_end; ++data) {
if (*data != value)
return -1;
return value;
// Searches through the given image layout graph, and labels blocks that are
// simply padding blocks.
bool FindPaddingBlocks(ImageLayout* image_layout) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<ImageLayout*>(NULL), image_layout);
BlockGraph* block_graph = image_layout->blocks.graph();
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<BlockGraph*>(NULL), block_graph);
BlockGraph::BlockMap::iterator block_it =
for (; block_it != block_graph->blocks_mutable().end(); ++block_it) {
Block& block = block_it->second;
// Padding blocks must not have any symbol information: no labels,
// no references, no referrers, and they must be a gap block.
if (block.labels().size() != 0 ||
block.references().size() != 0 ||
block.referrers().size() != 0 ||
(block.attributes() & BlockGraph::GAP_BLOCK) == 0) {
switch (block.type()) {
// Code blocks should be fully defined and consist of only int3s.
case BlockGraph::CODE_BLOCK: {
if (block.data_size() != block.size() ||
RepeatedValue(, block.data_size()) != kInt3)
// Data blocks should be uninitialized or have fully defined data
// consisting only of zeros.
default: {
DCHECK_EQ(BlockGraph::DATA_BLOCK, block.type());
if (block.data_size() == 0) // Uninitialized data blocks are padding.
if (block.data_size() != block.size() ||
RepeatedValue(, block.data_size()) != 0)
// If we fall through to this point, then the block is a padding block.
return true;
bool CodeBlockHasAlignedJumpTables(const Block* block) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<Block*>(NULL), block);
DCHECK_EQ(BlockGraph::CODE_BLOCK, block->type());
// Iterate over the labels of this block looking for jump tables.
bool has_jump_tables = false;
Block::LabelMap::const_iterator label_it =
for (; label_it != block->labels().end(); ++label_it) {
if (!label_it->second.has_attributes(BlockGraph::JUMP_TABLE_LABEL))
has_jump_tables = true;
// If the jump table is misaligned we can return false immediately.
if (label_it->first % kPointerSize != 0)
return false;
return has_jump_tables;
bool AlignCodeBlocks(ImageLayout* image_layout) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<ImageLayout*>(NULL), image_layout);
BlockGraph::AddressSpace::RangeMapConstIter block_it =
for (; block_it != image_layout->blocks.end(); ++block_it) {
Block* block = block_it->second;
if (block->type() != BlockGraph::CODE_BLOCK)
// Preserve alignment for anything built by an unknown compiler. There may
// be inline data that has alignment requirements we don't know about. SSE
// and AVX instructions have 8 and 16 byte alignments, so we preserve
// these. It is not possible for a function to contain both instructions
// and data with an alignment constraint unless the size of the block is at
// least twice the alignment; this is used as a simple filter to avoid
// adding alignment where unnecessary.
if (block->attributes() & BlockGraph::BUILT_BY_UNSUPPORTED_COMPILER) {
uint32_t align = std::min(16u, static_cast<uint32_t>(
if (align >= 8 && block->size() >= 2 * align) {
VLOG(1) << "Preserving alignment of " << BlockInfo(block) << " as "
<< align << ".";
// We only care about code blocks that are already 4-byte aligned but
// whose explicit alignment is currently less than that.
if (block->alignment() >= kPointerSize)
if (block_it->first.start().value() % kPointerSize != 0)
// Inspect them to see if they have aligned jump tables. If they do,
// set the alignment of the block itself.
if (CodeBlockHasAlignedJumpTables(block_it->second))
return true;
void GuessDataBlockAlignment(uint32_t max_alignment,
RelativeAddress block_rva,
Block* block) {
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<Block*>(NULL), block);
DCHECK_EQ(BlockGraph::DATA_BLOCK, block->type());
uint32_t alignment = static_cast<uint32_t>(block_rva.GetAlignment());
// Cap the alignment.
if (alignment > max_alignment)
alignment = max_alignment;
void GuessDataBlockAlignments(const PEFile& pe_file,
ImageLayout* image_layout) {
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<ImageLayout*>(NULL), image_layout);
uint32_t max_alignment =
BlockGraph::AddressSpace::RangeMapConstIter it = image_layout->blocks.begin();
for (; it != image_layout->blocks.end(); ++it) {
RelativeAddress block_rva = it->first.start();
BlockGraph::Block* block = it->second;
if (block->type() != BlockGraph::DATA_BLOCK)
GuessDataBlockAlignment(max_alignment, block_rva, block);
} // namespace
// We use ", " as a separator between symbol names. We sometimes see commas
// in symbol names but do not see whitespace. Thus, this provides a useful
// separator that is also human friendly to read.
const char Decomposer::kLabelNameSep[] = ", ";
// This is by CreateBlocksFromCoffGroups to communicate shared state to
// VisitLinkerSymbol via the VisitSymbols helper function.
struct Decomposer::VisitLinkerSymbolContext {
int current_group_index;
std::string current_group_prefix;
RelativeAddress current_group_start;
// These are the set of patterns that indicate bracketing groups. They
// should match both the opening and the closing symbol, and have at least
// one match group returning the common prefix.
std::vector<RE> bracketing_groups;
VisitLinkerSymbolContext() : current_group_index(-1) {
// Matches groups like: .CRT$XCA -> .CRT$XCZ
// Matches groups like: .rtc$IAA -> .rtc$IZZ
// Matches exactly: ATL$__a -> ATL$__z
// Matches exactly: .tls -> .tls$ZZZ
Decomposer::Decomposer(const PEFile& image_file)
: image_file_(image_file), image_layout_(NULL), image_(NULL),
current_block_(NULL), current_scope_count_(0) {
bool Decomposer::Decompose(ImageLayout* image_layout) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<ImageLayout*>(NULL), image_layout);
// The temporaries should be NULL.
DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<ImageLayout*>(NULL), image_layout_);
DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<BlockGraph::AddressSpace*>(NULL), image_);
// Set the image format.
// We start by finding the PDB path.
if (!FindAndValidatePdbPath())
return false;
// Load the serialized block-graph from the PDB if it exists. This allows
// round-trip decomposition.
bool stream_exists = false;
if (LoadBlockGraphFromPdb(
pdb_path_, image_file_, image_layout, &stream_exists)) {
return true;
} else if (stream_exists) {
// If the stream exists but hasn't been loaded we return an error. At this
// point an error message has already been logged if there was one.
return false;
// At this point a full decomposition needs to be performed.
image_layout_ = image_layout;
image_ = &(image_layout->blocks);
bool success = DecomposeImpl();
image_layout_ = NULL;
image_ = NULL;
return success;
bool Decomposer::FindAndValidatePdbPath() {
// Manually find the PDB path if it is not specified.
if (pdb_path_.empty()) {
if (!FindPdbForModule(image_file_.path(), &pdb_path_) ||
pdb_path_.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to find PDB file for module: "
<< image_file_.path().value();
return false;
if (!base::PathExists(pdb_path_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Path not found: " << pdb_path_.value();
return false;
if (!pe::PeAndPdbAreMatched(image_file_.path(), pdb_path_)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "PDB file \"" << pdb_path_.value() << "\" does not match "
<< "module \"" << image_file_.path().value() << "\".";
return false;
return true;
bool Decomposer::LoadBlockGraphFromPdbStream(
const PEFile& image_file,
pdb::PdbStream* block_graph_stream,
ImageLayout* image_layout) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<pdb::PdbStream*>(NULL), block_graph_stream);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<ImageLayout*>(NULL), image_layout);
LOG(INFO) << "Reading block-graph and image layout from the PDB.";
// Initialize an input archive pointing to the stream.
scoped_refptr<pdb::PdbByteStream> byte_stream = new pdb::PdbByteStream();
if (!byte_stream->Init(block_graph_stream))
return false;
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<pdb::PdbByteStream*>(NULL), byte_stream.get());
core::ScopedInStreamPtr pdb_in_stream;
byte_stream->data(), byte_stream->data() + byte_stream->length()));
// Read the header.
uint32_t stream_version = 0;
unsigned char compressed = 0;
if (!pdb_in_stream->Read(sizeof(stream_version),
reinterpret_cast<core::Byte*>(&stream_version)) ||
reinterpret_cast<core::Byte*>(&compressed))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read existing Syzygy block-graph stream header.";
return false;
// Check the stream version.
if (stream_version != pdb::kSyzygyBlockGraphStreamVersion) {
LOG(ERROR) << "PDB contains an unsupported Syzygy block-graph stream"
<< " version (got " << stream_version << ", expected "
<< pdb::kSyzygyBlockGraphStreamVersion << ").";
return false;
// If the stream is compressed insert the decompression filter.
core::InStream* in_stream = pdb_in_stream.get();
std::unique_ptr<core::ZInStream> zip_in_stream;
if (compressed != 0) {
zip_in_stream.reset(new core::ZInStream(in_stream));
if (!zip_in_stream->Init()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to initialize ZInStream.";
return false;
in_stream = zip_in_stream.get();
// Deserialize the image-layout.
core::NativeBinaryInArchive in_archive(in_stream);
block_graph::BlockGraphSerializer::Attributes attributes = 0;
if (!LoadBlockGraphAndImageLayout(
image_file, &attributes, image_layout, &in_archive)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to deserialize block-graph and image layout.";
return false;
return true;
bool Decomposer::LoadBlockGraphFromPdb(const base::FilePath& pdb_path,
const PEFile& image_file,
ImageLayout* image_layout,
bool* stream_exists) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<ImageLayout*>(NULL), image_layout);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<bool*>(NULL), stream_exists);
pdb::PdbFile pdb_file;
pdb::PdbReader pdb_reader;
if (!pdb_reader.Read(pdb_path, &pdb_file)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read the PDB named \"" << pdb_path.value()
<< "\".";
return NULL;
// Try to get the block-graph stream from the PDB.
scoped_refptr<pdb::PdbStream> block_graph_stream;
if (!pdb::LoadNamedStreamFromPdbFile(pdb::kSyzygyBlockGraphStreamName,
&block_graph_stream) ||
block_graph_stream.get() == NULL) {
*stream_exists = false;
return false;
if (block_graph_stream->length() == 0) {
*stream_exists = false;
LOG(WARNING) << "The block-graph stream is empty, ignoring it.";
return false;
// The PDB contains a block-graph stream, the block-graph and the image layout
// will be read from this stream.
*stream_exists = true;
if (!LoadBlockGraphFromPdbStream(image_file, block_graph_stream.get(),
image_layout)) {
return false;
return true;
bool Decomposer::DecomposeImpl() {
// Instantiate and initialize our Debug Interface Access session. This logs
// verbosely for us.
ScopedComPtr<IDiaDataSource> dia_source;
ScopedComPtr<IDiaSession> dia_session;
ScopedComPtr<IDiaSymbol> global;
if (!InitializeDia(image_file_, pdb_path_, dia_source.Receive(),
dia_session.Receive(), global.Receive())) {
return false;
// Copy the image headers to the layout.
// Create the sections in the underlying block-graph.
if (!CopySectionInfoToBlockGraph(image_file_, image_->graph()))
return false;
// We scope the first few operations so that we don't keep the intermediate
// references around any longer than we have to.
IntermediateReferences references;
// First we parse out the PE blocks.
VLOG(1) << "Parsing PE blocks.";
if (!CreatePEImageBlocksAndReferences(&references))
return false;
// Now we parse the COFF group symbols from the linker's symbol stream.
// These indicate things like static initializers, which must stay together
// in a single block.
VLOG(1) << "Parsing COFF groups.";
if (!CreateBlocksFromCoffGroups())
return false;
// Next we parse out section contributions. Some of these may coincide with
// existing PE parsed blocks, but when they do we expect them to be exact
// collisions.
VLOG(1) << "Parsing section contributions.";
if (!CreateBlocksFromSectionContribs(dia_session.get()))
return false;
VLOG(1) << "Finding cold blocks.";
if (!FindColdBlocksFromCompilands(dia_session.get()))
return false;
// Flesh out the rest of the image with gap blocks.
VLOG(1) << "Creating gap blocks.";
if (!CreateGapBlocks())
return false;
// Finalize the PE-parsed intermediate references.
VLOG(1) << "Finalizing intermediate references.";
if (!FinalizeIntermediateReferences(references))
return false;
// Parse the fixups and use them to create references.
VLOG(1) << "Parsing fixups.";
if (!CreateReferencesFromFixups(dia_session.get()))
return false;
// Annotate the block-graph with symbol information.
VLOG(1) << "Parsing symbols.";
if (!ProcessSymbols(global.get()))
return false;
// Now, find and label any padding blocks.
VLOG(1) << "Labeling padding blocks.";
if (!FindPaddingBlocks(image_layout_))
return false;
// Set the alignment on code blocks with jump tables. This ensures that the
// jump tables remain aligned post-transform.
VLOG(1) << "Calculating code block alignments.";
if (!AlignCodeBlocks(image_layout_))
return false;
// Set the alignment of data blocks. This is not precise in that it simply
// guesses the alignment based on the address of the block. Some instructions
// have alignment requirements on their data but unfortunately the PDB does
// not contain explicit alignment information.
VLOG(1) << "Guessing data block alignments.";
GuessDataBlockAlignments(image_file_, image_layout_);
return true;
bool Decomposer::CreatePEImageBlocksAndReferences(
IntermediateReferences* references) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<IntermediateReferences*>(NULL), references);
PEFileParser::AddReferenceCallback add_reference(
base::Bind(&AddIntermediateReference, base::Unretained(references)));
PEFileParser parser(image_file_, image_, add_reference);
PEFileParser::PEHeader header;
if (!parser.ParseImage(&header)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to parse PE image.";
return false;
return true;
bool Decomposer::CreateBlocksFromCoffGroups() {
pdb::PdbFile pdb_file;
pdb::PdbReader pdb_reader;
if (!pdb_reader.Read(pdb_path_, &pdb_file)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load PDB: " << pdb_path_.value();
return false;
scoped_refptr<pdb::PdbStream> symbols = GetLinkerSymbolStream(pdb_file);
// Process the symbols in the linker module symbol stream.
VisitLinkerSymbolContext context;
pdb::VisitSymbolsCallback callback = base::Bind(
if (!pdb::VisitSymbols(callback, 0, symbols->length(), true, symbols.get()))
return false;
// Bail if we did not encounter a closing bracketing symbol where one was
// expected.
if (context.current_group_index != -1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to close bracketed COFF group \""
<< context.current_group_prefix << "\".";
return false;
return true;
bool Decomposer::CreateBlocksFromSectionContribs(IDiaSession* session) {
ScopedComPtr<IDiaEnumSectionContribs> section_contribs;
SearchResult search_result = FindDiaTable(session,
if (search_result != kSearchSucceeded) {
if (search_result == kSearchFailed)
LOG(ERROR) << "No section contribution table found.";
return false;
size_t rsrc_id = image_file_.GetSectionIndex(kResourceSectionName);
LONG count = 0;
if (section_contribs->get_Count(&count) != S_OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get section contributions enumeration length.";
return false;
for (LONG visited = 0; visited < count; ++visited) {
ScopedComPtr<IDiaSectionContrib> section_contrib;
ULONG fetched = 0;
HRESULT hr = section_contribs->Next(1, section_contrib.Receive(), &fetched);
// The standard way to end an enumeration (according to the docs) is by
// returning S_FALSE and setting fetched to 0. We don't actually see this,
// but it wouldn't be an error if we did.
if (hr == S_FALSE && fetched == 0)
if (hr != S_OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get DIA section contribution: "
<< common::LogHr(hr) << ".";
return false;
// We actually end up seeing S_OK and fetched == 0 when the enumeration
// terminates, which goes against the publishes documentations.
if (fetched == 0)
DWORD rva = 0;
DWORD length = 0;
DWORD section_id = 0;
BOOL code = FALSE;
ScopedComPtr<IDiaSymbol> compiland;
ScopedBstr bstr_compiland_name;
if ((hr = section_contrib->get_relativeVirtualAddress(&rva)) != S_OK ||
(hr = section_contrib->get_length(&length)) != S_OK ||
(hr = section_contrib->get_addressSection(&section_id)) != S_OK ||
(hr = section_contrib->get_code(&code)) != S_OK ||
(hr = section_contrib->get_compiland(compiland.Receive())) != S_OK ||
(hr = compiland->get_name(bstr_compiland_name.Receive())) != S_OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get section contribution properties: "
<< common::LogHr(hr) << ".";
return false;
// Determine if this function was built by a supported compiler.
bool is_built_by_supported_compiler =
// DIA numbers sections from 1 to n, while we do 0 to n - 1.
DCHECK_LT(0u, section_id);
// We don't parse the resource section, as it is parsed by the PEFileParser.
if (section_id == rsrc_id)
std::string compiland_name;
if (!base::WideToUTF8(bstr_compiland_name, bstr_compiland_name.Length(),
&compiland_name)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to convert compiland name to UTF8.";
return false;
// Give a name to the block based on the basename of the object file. This
// will eventually be replaced by the full symbol name, if one exists for
// the block.
size_t last_component = compiland_name.find_last_of('\\');
size_t extension = compiland_name.find_last_of('.');
if (last_component == std::string::npos) {
last_component = 0;
} else {
// We don't want to include the last slash.
if (extension < last_component)
extension = compiland_name.size();
std::string name = compiland_name.substr(last_component,
extension - last_component);
// TODO(chrisha): We see special section contributions with the name
// "* CIL *". These are concatenations of data symbols and can very
// likely be chunked using symbols directly. A cursory visual inspection
// of symbol names hints that these might be related to WPO.
// Create the block.
BlockType block_type =
code ? BlockGraph::CODE_BLOCK : BlockGraph::DATA_BLOCK;
Block* block = CreateBlockOrFindCoveringPeBlock(
block_type, RelativeAddress(rva), length, name);
if (block == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create block for compiland \""
<< compiland_name << "\".";
return false;
// Set the block compiland name.
// Set the block attributes.
if (!is_built_by_supported_compiler)
return true;
bool Decomposer::FindColdBlocksFromCompilands(IDiaSession* session) {
// Detect hot/cold code separation. Some blocks are outside the function
// address range and must be handled as separate blocks. When building
// with PGO, the compiler can split functions into "hot" and "cold" blocks,
// and move the "cold" blocks out to separate pages, so the function can be
// noncontiguous.
ScopedComPtr<IDiaSymbol> global;
if (session->get_globalScope(global.Receive()) != S_OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot get global symbol.";
return false;
// Find compilands within the global scope.
ScopedComPtr<IDiaEnumSymbols> compilands;
HRESULT status =
global->findChildren(SymTagCompiland, NULL, 0, compilands.Receive());
if (status != S_OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Finding compilands failed on the global symbol: "
<< common::LogHr(status) << ".";
return false;
// For each compiland, process its lexical blocks.
while (true) {
ULONG count = 0;
ScopedComPtr<IDiaSymbol> compiland;
if (compilands->Next(1, compiland.Receive(), &count) != S_OK ||
count != 1) {
ScopedComPtr<IDiaEnumSymbols> compiland_blocks;
status = compiland->findChildren(SymTagBlock,
if (status != S_OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Finding blocks failed on compiland: "
<< common::LogHr(status) << ".";
return false;
LONG blocks_count = 0;
if (compiland_blocks->get_Count(&blocks_count) != S_OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get compiland blocks enumeration length.";
return false;
for (LONG block_index = 0; block_index < blocks_count; ++block_index) {
ScopedComPtr<IDiaSymbol> compiland_block;
ULONG fetched = 0;
status = compiland_blocks->Next(1, compiland_block.Receive(), &fetched);
if (status == S_FALSE && fetched == 0)
if (status != S_OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get function block: "
<< common::LogHr(status) << ".";
return false;
if (fetched == 0)
ScopedComPtr<IDiaSymbol> parent;
DWORD parent_tag = 0;
if (compiland_block->get_lexicalParent(parent.Receive()) != S_OK ||
parent->get_symTag(&parent_tag) != S_OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot retrieve block parent.";
return false;
// Only consider function block.
if (parent_tag != SymTagFunction)
// Get relative adresses.
DWORD func_rva, block_rva;
ULONGLONG func_length;
if (compiland_block->get_relativeVirtualAddress(&block_rva) != S_OK ||
parent->get_relativeVirtualAddress(&func_rva) != S_OK ||
parent->get_length(&func_length) != S_OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot retrieve parent address range.";
return false;
// Retrieve the function block.
Block* func_block = image_->GetBlockByAddress(RelativeAddress(func_rva));
if (func_block == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot retrieve parent block.";
return false;
// Skip blocks within the range of its parent.
if (block_rva >= func_rva && block_rva <= func_rva + func_length)
// A cold block is detected and needs special handling.
Block* cold_block = image_->GetBlockByAddress(RelativeAddress(block_rva));
if (cold_block == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot retrieve parent block.";
return false;
RelativeAddress cold_block_addr;
if (!image_->GetAddressOf(cold_block, &cold_block_addr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot retrieve cold block address.";
return false;
// Add cold_block as a child of the function block.
cold_blocks_[func_block][cold_block_addr] = cold_block;
// Set the parent relation for blocks belonging to the function block.
cold_blocks_parent_[func_block] = func_block;
cold_blocks_parent_[cold_block] = func_block;
return true;
bool Decomposer::CreateGapBlocks() {
size_t num_sections = image_file_.nt_headers()->FileHeader.NumberOfSections;
// Iterate through all the image sections.
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_sections; ++i) {
const IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER* header = image_file_.section_header(i);
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER*>(NULL), header);
BlockType type = BlockGraph::CODE_BLOCK;
const char* section_type = NULL;
switch (GetSectionType(*header)) {
case kSectionCode:
type = BlockGraph::CODE_BLOCK;
section_type = "code";
case kSectionData:
type = BlockGraph::DATA_BLOCK;
section_type = "data";
if (!CreateSectionGapBlocks(header, type)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create gap blocks for " << section_type
<< " section \"" << header->Name << "\".";
return false;
return true;
bool Decomposer::FinalizeIntermediateReferences(
const IntermediateReferences& references) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < references.size(); ++i) {
// This logs verbosely for us.
if (!CreateReference(references[i].src_addr,
image_)) {
return false;
return true;
bool Decomposer::CreateReferencesFromFixups(IDiaSession* session) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<IDiaSession*>(NULL), session);
PEFile::RelocSet reloc_set;
if (!image_file_.DecodeRelocs(&reloc_set))
return false;
OMAPs omap_from;
PdbFixups fixups;
if (!LoadDebugStreams(session, &fixups, &omap_from))
return false;
// While creating references from the fixups this removes the
// corresponding reference data from the relocs. We use this as a kind of
// double-entry bookkeeping to ensure all is well and right in the world.
if (!CreateReferencesFromFixupsImpl(image_file_, fixups, omap_from,
&reloc_set, image_)) {
return false;
if (!reloc_set.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Found reloc entries without matching FIXUP entries.";
return false;
return true;
bool Decomposer::ProcessSymbols(IDiaSymbol* root) {
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<IDiaSymbol*>(NULL), root);
DiaBrowser::MatchCallback on_push_function_or_thunk_symbol(
DiaBrowser::MatchCallback on_pop_function_or_thunk_symbol(
DiaBrowser::MatchCallback on_function_child_symbol(
DiaBrowser::MatchCallback on_data_symbol(
base::Bind(&Decomposer::OnDataSymbol, base::Unretained(this)));
DiaBrowser::MatchCallback on_public_symbol(
base::Bind(&Decomposer::OnPublicSymbol, base::Unretained(this)));
DiaBrowser::MatchCallback on_label_symbol(
base::Bind(&Decomposer::OnLabelSymbol, base::Unretained(this)));
DiaBrowser dia_browser;
// Find thunks.
dia_browser.AddPattern(Seq(Opt(SymTagCompiland), SymTagThunk),
// Find functions and all data, labels, callsites, debug start/end and block
// symbols below them. This is done in one single pattern so that the
// function pushes/pops happen in the right order.
Callback(Or(SymTagFunction, SymTagThunk),
// Global data and code label symbols.
dia_browser.AddPattern(Seq(Opt(SymTagCompiland), SymTagLabel),
dia_browser.AddPattern(Seq(Opt(SymTagCompiland), SymTagData),
// Public symbols. These provide decorated names without any type info, but
// are useful for debugging.
dia_browser.AddPattern(SymTagPublicSymbol, on_public_symbol);
return dia_browser.Browse(root);
bool Decomposer::VisitLinkerSymbol(VisitLinkerSymbolContext* context,
uint16_t symbol_length,
uint16_t symbol_type,
common::BinaryStreamReader* reader) {
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<VisitLinkerSymbolContext*>(NULL), context);
DCHECK_NE(static_cast<common::BinaryStreamReader*>(NULL), reader);
if (symbol_type != cci::S_COFFGROUP)
return true;
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer;
const cci::CoffGroupSym* coffgroup =
ParseSymbol<cci::CoffGroupSym>(symbol_length, reader, &buffer);
if (coffgroup == NULL)
return false;
// The PDB numbers sections starting at index 1 but we use index 0.
RelativeAddress rva(image_layout_->sections[coffgroup->seg - 1].addr +
// We are looking for an opening symbol.
if (context->current_group_index == -1) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < context->bracketing_groups.size(); ++i) {
std::string prefix;
if (context->bracketing_groups[i].FullMatch(coffgroup->name, &prefix)) {
context->current_group_index = i;
context->current_group_prefix = prefix;
context->current_group_start = rva;
return true;
// No opening symbol was encountered. We can safely ignore this
// COFF group symbol.
return true;
// If we get here we've found an opening symbol and we're looking for the
// matching closing symbol.
std::string prefix;
if (!context->bracketing_groups[context->current_group_index].FullMatch(
coffgroup->name, &prefix)) {
return true;
if (prefix != context->current_group_prefix) {
// We see another symbol open/close while already in an opened symbol.
// This indicates nested bracketing information, which we've never seen
// before.
LOG(ERROR) << "Encountered nested bracket symbol \"" << prefix
<< "\" while in \"" << context->current_group_prefix << "\".";
return false;
RelativeAddress end = rva + coffgroup->cb;
DCHECK_LE(context->current_group_start, end);
// If the COFF group is not empty, then create a block corresponding to it.
if (context->current_group_start != end) {
// Create a block for this bracketed COFF group.
Block* block = CreateBlock(
end - context->current_group_start,
base::StringPrintf("Bracketed COFF group: %s", prefix.c_str()));
if (block == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create bracketed COFF group \""
<< prefix << "\".";
return false;
// Indicate that this block is closed and we're looking for another opening
// bracket symbol.
context->current_group_index = -1;
context->current_group_start = RelativeAddress(0);
return true;
DiaBrowser::BrowserDirective Decomposer::OnPushFunctionOrThunkSymbol(
const DiaBrowser& dia_browser,
const DiaBrowser::SymTagVector& sym_tags,
const DiaBrowser::SymbolPtrVector& symbols) {
DCHECK_EQ(sym_tags.size(), symbols.size());
DiaBrowser::SymbolPtr symbol = symbols.back();
DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<Block*>(NULL), current_block_);
DCHECK_EQ(current_address_, RelativeAddress(0));
DCHECK_EQ(0u, current_scope_count_);
DWORD location_type = LocIsNull;
DWORD rva = 0;
ULONGLONG length = 0;
ScopedBstr name_bstr;
if (FAILED(hr = symbol->get_locationType(&location_type)) ||
FAILED(hr = symbol->get_relativeVirtualAddress(&rva)) ||
FAILED(hr = symbol->get_length(&length)) ||
FAILED(hr = symbol->get_name(name_bstr.Receive()))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get function/thunk properties: "
<< common::LogHr(hr) << ".";
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserAbort;
// We only care about functions with static storage. We can stop looking at
// things below this node, as we won't be able to resolve them either.
if (location_type != LocIsStatic)
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserTerminatePath;
RelativeAddress addr(rva);
Block* block = image_->GetBlockByAddress(addr);
CHECK(block != NULL);
RelativeAddress block_addr;
CHECK(image_->GetAddressOf(block, &block_addr));
DCHECK(InRange(addr, block_addr, block->size()));
std::string name;
if (!base::WideToUTF8(name_bstr, name_bstr.Length(), &name)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to convert function/thunk name to UTF8.";
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserAbort;
// We know the function starts in this block but we need to make sure its
// end does not extend past the end of the block.
if (addr + length > block_addr + block->size()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Got function/thunk \"" << name << "\" that is not contained "
<< "by section contribution \"" << block->name() << "\".";
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserAbort;
Offset offset = addr - block_addr;
if (!AddLabelToBlock(offset, name, BlockGraph::CODE_LABEL, block))
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserAbort;
// Keep track of the generated block. We will use this when parsing symbols
// that belong to this function. This prevents us from having to do repeated
// lookups and also allows us to associate labels outside of the block to the
// correct block.
current_block_ = block;
current_address_ = block_addr;
// Certain properties are not defined on all blocks, so the following calls
// may return S_FALSE.
BOOL no_return = FALSE;
if (symbol->get_noReturn(&no_return) != S_OK)
no_return = FALSE;
BOOL has_inl_asm = FALSE;
if (symbol->get_hasInlAsm(&has_inl_asm) != S_OK)
has_inl_asm = FALSE;
BOOL has_eh = FALSE;
if (symbol->get_hasEH(&has_eh) != S_OK)
has_eh = FALSE;
BOOL has_seh = FALSE;
if (symbol->get_hasSEH(&has_seh) != S_OK)
has_seh = FALSE;
// Set the block attributes.
if (no_return == TRUE)
if (has_inl_asm == TRUE)
if (has_eh || has_seh)
if (IsSymTag(symbol.get(), SymTagThunk))
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserContinue;
DiaBrowser::BrowserDirective Decomposer::OnPopFunctionOrThunkSymbol(
const DiaBrowser& dia_browser,
const DiaBrowser::SymTagVector& sym_tags,
const DiaBrowser::SymbolPtrVector& symbols) {
// Simply clean up the current function block and address.
current_block_ = NULL;
current_address_ = RelativeAddress(0);
current_scope_count_ = 0;
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserContinue;
DiaBrowser::BrowserDirective Decomposer::OnFunctionChildSymbol(
const DiaBrowser& dia_browser,
const DiaBrowser::SymTagVector& sym_tags,
const DiaBrowser::SymbolPtrVector& symbols) {
DCHECK_EQ(sym_tags.size(), symbols.size());
// This can only be called from the context of a function, so we expect the
// parent function block to be set and remembered.
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<Block*>(NULL), current_block_);
// The set of sym tags here should match the pattern used in the DiaBrowser
// instance set up in ProcessSymbols.
switch (sym_tags.back()) {
case SymTagData:
return OnDataSymbol(dia_browser, sym_tags, symbols);
case SymTagLabel:
return OnLabelSymbol(dia_browser, sym_tags, symbols);
case SymTagBlock:
case SymTagFuncDebugStart:
case SymTagFuncDebugEnd:
return OnScopeSymbol(sym_tags.back(), symbols.back());
case SymTagCallSite:
return OnCallSiteSymbol(symbols.back());
LOG(ERROR) << "Unhandled function child symbol: " << sym_tags.back() << ".";
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserAbort;
DiaBrowser::BrowserDirective Decomposer::OnDataSymbol(
const DiaBrowser& dia_browser,
const DiaBrowser::SymTagVector& sym_tags,
const DiaBrowser::SymbolPtrVector& symbols) {
DCHECK_EQ(sym_tags.size(), symbols.size());
DiaBrowser::SymbolPtr symbol = symbols.back();
DWORD location_type = LocIsNull;
DWORD rva = 0;
ScopedBstr name_bstr;
if (FAILED(hr = symbol->get_locationType(&location_type)) ||
FAILED(hr = symbol->get_relativeVirtualAddress(&rva)) ||
FAILED(hr = symbol->get_name(name_bstr.Receive()))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get data properties: " << common::LogHr(hr) << ".";
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserAbort;
// Symbols with an address of zero are essentially invalid. They appear to
// have been optimized away by the compiler, but they are still reported.
if (rva == 0)
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserTerminatePath;
// We only care about functions with static storage. We can stop looking at
// things below this node, as we won't be able to resolve them either.
if (location_type != LocIsStatic)
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserTerminatePath;
// Get the size of this datum from its type info.
size_t length = 0;
if (!GetDataSymbolSize(symbol.get(), &length))
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserAbort;
// Reuse the parent function block if we can. This acts as small lookup
// cache.
RelativeAddress addr(rva);
Block* block = current_block_;
RelativeAddress block_addr(current_address_);
if (block == NULL || !InRange(addr, block_addr, block->size())) {
block = image_->GetBlockByAddress(addr);
CHECK(block != NULL);
CHECK(image_->GetAddressOf(block, &block_addr));
DCHECK(InRange(addr, block_addr, block->size()));
std::string name;
if (!base::WideToUTF8(name_bstr, name_bstr.Length(), &name)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to convert label name to UTF8.";
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserAbort;
// Zero-length data symbols mark case/jump tables, or are forward declares.
BlockGraph::LabelAttributes attr = BlockGraph::DATA_LABEL;
Offset offset = addr - block_addr;
if (length == 0) {
// Jump and case tables come in as data symbols with no name. Jump tables
// are always an array of pointers, thus they coincide exactly with a
// reference. Case tables are simple arrays of integer values (themselves
// indices into a jump table), thus do not coincide with a reference.
if (name.empty() && block->type() == BlockGraph::CODE_BLOCK) {
if (block->references().find(offset) != block->references().end()) {
name = kJumpTable;
attr |= BlockGraph::JUMP_TABLE_LABEL;
} else {
name = kCaseTable;
attr |= BlockGraph::CASE_TABLE_LABEL;
} else {
// Zero-length data symbols act as 'forward declares' in some sense. They
// are always followed by a non-zero length data symbol with the same name
// and location.
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserTerminatePath;
// Verify that the data symbol does not exceed the size of the block.
if (addr + length > block_addr + block->size()) {
base::StringPiece spname(name);
// The data symbol can exceed the size of the block in the case of data
// imports. For some reason the toolchain emits a global data symbol with
// type information equal to the type of the data *pointed* to by the import
// entry rather than the type of the entry itself. Thus, if the data type
// is bigger than the entire IAT this symbol will exceed it. To complicate
// matters even more, a poorly written module can import its own export in
// which case a linker generated pseudo-import-entry block will be
// generated. This won't be part of the IAT, so we can't even filter based
// on that. Instead, we simply ignore global data symbols that exceed the
// block size.
bool is_imported_data_symbol = (sym_tags.size() == 1 &&
// In VS2017 we've noticed that the size returned by IDiaSymbol::get_length
// function is invalid for the objects using RTTI in VS2017. This has been
// reported here:
// In this situation the data symbol that we get always starts 4 bytes after
// the beginning of its parent block and has an identical size.
bool is_vtable_symbol = spname.ends_with("::`vftable'") &&
(addr - block_addr == 4) &&
length == block->size();
if (is_imported_data_symbol) {
VLOG(1) << "Encountered an imported data symbol \"" << name << "\" that "
<< "extends past its parent block \"" << block->name() << "\".";
} else if (is_vtable_symbol) {
VLOG(1) << "Encountered a vtable data symbol \"" << name << "\" that "
<< "extends past its parent block \"" << block->name() << "\".";
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Received data symbol \"" << name << "\" that extends past "
<< "its parent block \"" << block->name() << "\".";
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserAbort;
if (!AddLabelToBlock(offset, name, attr, block))
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserAbort;
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserContinue;
DiaBrowser::BrowserDirective Decomposer::OnPublicSymbol(
const DiaBrowser& dia_browser,
const DiaBrowser::SymTagVector& sym_tags,
const DiaBrowser::SymbolPtrVector& symbols) {
DCHECK_EQ(sym_tags.size(), symbols.size());
DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<Block*>(NULL), current_block_);
DiaBrowser::SymbolPtr symbol = symbols.back();
DWORD rva = 0;
ScopedBstr name_bstr;
if (FAILED(hr = symbol->get_relativeVirtualAddress(&rva)) ||
FAILED(hr = symbol->get_name(name_bstr.Receive()))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get public symbol properties: "
<< common::LogHr(hr) << ".";
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserAbort;
RelativeAddress addr(rva);
Block* block = image_->GetBlockByAddress(addr);
CHECK(block != NULL);
RelativeAddress block_addr;
CHECK(image_->GetAddressOf(block, &block_addr));
DCHECK(InRange(addr, block_addr, block->size()));
std::string name;
base::WideToUTF8(name_bstr, name_bstr.Length(), &name);
// Public symbol names are mangled. Remove leading '_' as per
if (name[0] == '_')
name = name.substr(1);
Offset offset = addr - block_addr;
if (!AddLabelToBlock(offset, name, BlockGraph::PUBLIC_SYMBOL_LABEL, block))
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserAbort;
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserContinue;
DiaBrowser::BrowserDirective Decomposer::OnLabelSymbol(
const DiaBrowser& dia_browser,
const DiaBrowser::SymTagVector& sym_tags,
const DiaBrowser::SymbolPtrVector& symbols) {
DCHECK_EQ(sym_tags.size(), symbols.size());
DiaBrowser::SymbolPtr symbol = symbols.back();
DWORD rva = 0;
ScopedBstr name_bstr;
if (FAILED(hr = symbol->get_relativeVirtualAddress(&rva)) ||
FAILED(hr = symbol->get_name(name_bstr.Receive()))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get label symbol properties: " << common::LogHr(hr)
<< ".";
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserAbort;
// If we have a current_block_ the label should lie within its scope.
RelativeAddress addr(rva);
Block* block = current_block_;
RelativeAddress block_addr(current_address_);
if (block != NULL) {
// Try to find the block in the cold blocks. The cold blocks aren't in the
// same address space as the original function.
if (!InRangeIncl(addr, block_addr, block->size())) {
// Determine the function block containing this block.
ColdBlocksParent::iterator function_block =
if (function_block != cold_blocks_parent_.end())
block = function_block->second;
// Retrieve the first cold block related to that function before |addr|.
ColdBlocksMap::iterator cold_blocks_it = cold_blocks_.find(block);
if (cold_blocks_it != cold_blocks_.end()) {
ColdBlocks& cold_blocks = cold_blocks_it->second;
if (!cold_blocks.empty()) {
// Find the block containing the address |addr|. When |addr| is not
// the same as the block address, the iterator points to the next
// block.
ColdBlocks::iterator cold_block_it = cold_blocks.lower_bound(addr);
if (cold_block_it == cold_blocks.end() ||
cold_block_it->second->addr() != addr) {
// Check whether the address falls into this cold block.
DCHECK(cold_block_it != cold_blocks.end());
Block* cold_block = cold_block_it->second;
if (InRangeIncl(addr, cold_block->addr(), cold_block->size()))
block = cold_block;
// Update the block address according to the cold block found.
if (!image_->GetAddressOf(block, &block_addr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot retrieve cold block address.";
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserAbort;
if (!InRangeIncl(addr, block_addr, block->size())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Label falls outside of current block \""
<< block->name() << "\".";
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserAbort;
} else {
// If there is no current block this is a compiland scope label.
block = image_->GetBlockByAddress(addr);
CHECK(block != NULL);
CHECK(image_->GetAddressOf(block, &block_addr));
DCHECK(InRange(addr, block_addr, block->size()));
// TODO(chrisha): This label is in compiland scope, so we should be
// finding the block whose section contribution shares the same
// compiland.
std::string name;
base::WideToUTF8(name_bstr, name_bstr.Length(), &name);
Offset offset = addr - block_addr;
if (!AddLabelToBlock(offset, name, BlockGraph::CODE_LABEL, block))
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserAbort;
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserContinue;
DiaBrowser::BrowserDirective Decomposer::OnScopeSymbol(
enum SymTagEnum type, DiaBrowser::SymbolPtr symbol) {
// We should only get here via the successful exploration of a SymTagFunction,
// so current_block_ should be set.
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<Block*>(NULL), current_block_);
DWORD rva = 0;
if (FAILED(hr = symbol->get_relativeVirtualAddress(&rva))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get scope symbol properties: " << common::LogHr(hr)
<< ".";
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserAbort;
// The label may potentially lay at the first byte past the function.
RelativeAddress addr(rva);
DCHECK_LE(current_address_, addr);
DCHECK_LE(addr, current_address_ + current_block_->size());
// Get the attributes for this label.
BlockGraph::LabelAttributes attr = 0;
std::string name;
CHECK(ScopeSymTagToLabelProperties(type, current_scope_count_, &attr, &name));
// Add the label.
Offset offset = addr - current_address_;
if (!AddLabelToBlock(offset, name, attr, current_block_))
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserAbort;
// If this is a scope we extract the length and explicitly add a corresponding
// end label.
if (type == SymTagBlock) {
ULONGLONG length = 0;
if (symbol->get_length(&length) != S_OK) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to extract code scope length for block \""
<< current_block_->name() << "\".";
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserAbort;
DCHECK_LE(static_cast<size_t>(offset + length), current_block_->size());
name = base::StringPrintf("<scope-end-%d>", current_scope_count_);
if (!AddLabelToBlock(offset + length, name,
BlockGraph::SCOPE_END_LABEL, current_block_)) {
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserAbort;
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserContinue;
DiaBrowser::BrowserDirective Decomposer::OnCallSiteSymbol(
DiaBrowser::SymbolPtr symbol) {
// We should only get here via the successful exploration of a SymTagFunction,
// so current_block_ should be set.
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<Block*>(NULL), current_block_);
DWORD rva = 0;
if (FAILED(hr = symbol->get_relativeVirtualAddress(&rva))) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get call site symbol properties: "
<< common::LogHr(hr) << ".";
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserAbort;
RelativeAddress addr(rva);
if (!InRange(addr, current_address_, current_block_->size())) {
// We see this happen under some build configurations (notably debug
// component builds of Chrome). As long as the label falls entirely
// outside of the block it is harmless and can be safely ignored.
VLOG(1) << "Call site falls outside of current block \""
<< current_block_->name() << "\".";
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserContinue;
Offset offset = addr - current_address_;
if (!AddLabelToBlock(offset, "<call-site>", BlockGraph::CALL_SITE_LABEL,
current_block_)) {
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserAbort;
return DiaBrowser::kBrowserContinue;
Block* Decomposer::CreateBlock(BlockType type,
RelativeAddress address,
BlockGraph::Size size,
const base::StringPiece& name) {
Block* block = image_->AddBlock(type, address, size, name);
if (block == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to add block \"" << name.as_string() << "\" at "
<< address << " with size " << size << ".";
return NULL;
// Mark the source range from whence this block originates. This is assuming
// an untransformed image. To handle transformed images we'd have to use the
// OMAP information to do this properly.
bool pushed = block->source_ranges().Push(
Block::DataRange(0, size),
Block::SourceRange(address, size));
BlockGraph::SectionId section = image_file_.GetSectionIndex(address, size);
if (section == BlockGraph::kInvalidSectionId) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Block \"" << name.as_string() << "\" at " << address
<< " with size " << size << " lies outside of all sections.";
return NULL;
const uint8_t* data = image_file_.GetImageData(address, size);
if (data != NULL)
block->SetData(data, size);
return block;
Block* Decomposer::CreateBlockOrFindCoveringPeBlock(
BlockType type,
RelativeAddress addr,
BlockGraph::Size size,
const base::StringPiece& name) {
Block* block = image_->GetBlockByAddress(addr);
if (block != NULL) {
RelativeAddress block_addr;
CHECK(image_->GetAddressOf(block, &block_addr));
// Allow PE-parsed blocks to be grown to reflect reality. For example,
// in VS2013 the linker makes space for 2 debug directories rather than
// just one, and the symbols reflect this. We parse the debug directory
// with the size indicated in the PE header, which conflicts with that
// indicated by the section contributions.
if (name == "* Linker *" && block_addr == addr && size > block->size()) {
if (!image_->ResizeBlock(block, size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to extend PE-parsed "
<< BlockInfo(block, block_addr) << " with linker "
<< "section contribution of size " << size << ".";
// Get the conflicting block and output additional information about
// it.
Block* conflict = image_->GetFirstIntersectingBlock(
block_addr + block->size(), size - block->size());
if (conflict) {
RelativeAddress conflict_addr;
CHECK(image_->GetAddressOf(conflict, &conflict_addr));
LOG(ERROR) << "Conflicts with existing "
<< BlockInfo(conflict, conflict_addr) << ".";
return NULL;
// Update the data in the extended block.
const uint8_t* data = image_file_.GetImageData(addr, size);
block->SetData(data, size);
return block;
// If this is not a PE parsed or COFF group block that covers us entirely,
// then this is an error.
static const BlockGraph::BlockAttributes kCoveringAttributes =
BlockGraph::PE_PARSED | BlockGraph::COFF_GROUP;
RelativeRange existing_block(block_addr, block->size());
if ((block->attributes() & kCoveringAttributes) == 0 ||
!existing_block.Contains(addr, size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Trying to create block \"" << name.as_string() << "\" at "
<< addr.value() << " with size " << size << " that conflicts "
<< "with existing " << BlockInfo(block, block_addr) << ".";
return NULL;
return block;
DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<Block*>(NULL), block);
return CreateBlock(type, addr, size, name);
bool Decomposer::CreateGapBlock(BlockType block_type,
RelativeAddress address,
BlockGraph::Size size) {
Block* block = CreateBlock(block_type, address, size,
base::StringPrintf("Gap Block 0x%08X", address.value()).c_str());
if (block == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to create gap block.";
return false;
return true;
bool Decomposer::CreateSectionGapBlocks(const IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER* header,
BlockType block_type) {
RelativeAddress section_begin(header->VirtualAddress);
RelativeAddress section_end(section_begin + header->Misc.VirtualSize);
RelativeAddress image_end(
// Search for the first and last blocks interesting from the start and end
// of the section to the end of the image.
BlockGraph::AddressSpace::RangeMap::const_iterator it(
image_end - section_begin)));
BlockGraph::AddressSpace::RangeMap::const_iterator end =
if (section_end < image_end) {
end = image_->address_space_impl().FindFirstIntersection(
image_end - section_end));
// The whole section is missing. Cover it with one gap block.
if (it == end)
return CreateGapBlock(
block_type, section_begin, section_end - section_begin);
// Create the head gap block if need be.
if (section_begin < it->first.start()) {
if (!CreateGapBlock(
block_type, section_begin, it->first.start() - section_begin)) {
return false;
// Now iterate the blocks and fill in gaps.
for (; it != end; ++it) {
const Block* block = it->second;
DCHECK_NE(reinterpret_cast<Block*>(NULL), block);
RelativeAddress block_end = it->first.start() + block->size();
if (block_end >= section_end)
// Walk to the next address in turn.
BlockGraph::AddressSpace::RangeMap::const_iterator next = it;
if (next == end) {
// We're at the end of the list. Create the tail gap block.
DCHECK_GT(section_end, block_end);
if (!CreateGapBlock(block_type, block_end, section_end - block_end))
return false;
// Create the interstitial gap block.
if (block_end < next->first.start()) {
if (!CreateGapBlock(
block_type, block_end, next->first.start() - block_end)) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace pe