blob: 9527f2ae296b93c5e3c083e015eb1e4ed42c7e49 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Declares structure and functions useful to grinders that process basic-
// block frequency data.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "sawbuck/sym_util/types.h"
#include "syzygy/grinder/line_info.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/pe_file.h"
#include "syzygy/trace/protocol/call_trace_defs.h"
namespace grinder {
namespace basic_block_util {
// Address related types.
typedef core::RelativeAddress RelativeAddress;
typedef core::AddressRange<RelativeAddress, size_t> RelativeAddressRange;
typedef std::vector<RelativeAddressRange> RelativeAddressRangeVector;
// Module information.
typedef sym_util::ModuleInformation ModuleInformation;
// Compares module information on identity properties alone.
struct ModuleIdentityComparator {
bool operator()(const ModuleInformation& lhs, const ModuleInformation& rhs);
// Type definitions for the basic block entry count data.
typedef int EntryCountType;
typedef int BasicBlockOffset;
// An entry count map maps from the relative virtual address of the first
// instruction or data byte in the basic bloc, to its entry count.
typedef std::map<BasicBlockOffset, EntryCountType> EntryCountMap;
typedef std::map<ModuleInformation,
ModuleIdentityComparator> ModuleEntryCountMap;
// This structure holds the information extracted from a PDB file for a
// given module.
struct PdbInfo {
// The path to this PDB file.
FilePath pdb_path;
// Line and coverage information for all the source files associated with
// a particular PDB.
LineInfo line_info;
// Basic-block addresses for the module associated with a particular PDB.
// Used to transform basic-block frequency data to line visits via
// line_info.
RelativeAddressRangeVector bb_ranges;
typedef std::map<ModuleInformation,
ModuleIdentityComparator> PdbInfoMap;
// A helper function to populate a ModuleInforamtion structure from a PE
// signature.
void InitModuleInfo(const pe::PEFile::Signature& signature,
ModuleInformation* module_info);
// Given a module @p signature, find the matching @p module_information
// and @p entry_count_map in the given @p module_entry_count_map.
// @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool FindEntryCountMap(const pe::PEFile::Signature& signature,
const ModuleEntryCountMap& module_entry_count_map,
const EntryCountMap** entry_count_map);
// A helper function to populate @p bb_ranges from the PDB file given by
// @p pdb_path.
// @returns true on successs, false otherwise.
bool LoadBasicBlockRanges(const FilePath& pdb_path,
RelativeAddressRangeVector* bb_ranges);
// Loads a new or retrieves the cached PDB info for the given module. This
// also caches failures; it will not re-attempt to look up PDB information
// if a previous attempt for the same module failed.
// @param pdb_info_cache the cache of PDB info already seen.
// @param module_info the info representing the module to find PDB info for.
// @param pdb_info a pointer to the pdb info will be returned here.
// @return true on success, false otherwise.
bool LoadPdbInfo(PdbInfoMap* pdb_info_cache,
const ModuleInformation& module_info,
PdbInfo** pdb_info);
// @returns true if the given @p size is a valid frequency size.
bool IsValidFrequencySize(size_t size);
// @returns the frequency value contained in @p data for the basic_block given
// by @p bb_id.
uint32 GetFrequency(const TraceBasicBlockFrequencyData* data, size_t bb_id);
} // namespace basic_block_util
} // namespace grinder