blob: 2bf197db29ff3959dcc50f50bf290ed5a03bddf1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "syzygy/grinder/profile_grinder.h"
#include "base/at_exit.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_bstr.h"
#include "sawbuck/common/com_utils.h"
#include "syzygy/pe/find.h"
namespace grinder {
using base::win::ScopedBstr;
using base::win::ScopedComPtr;
using trace::parser::AbsoluteAddress64;
using trace::parser::ParseEventHandler;
using sym_util::ModuleInformation;
namespace {
// Compares module information without regard to base address.
// Used to canonicalize module information, even across processes, or multiple
// loads for the same module at different addresses in the same process.
bool ModuleInformationKeyLess(const ModuleInformation& a,
const ModuleInformation& b) {
if (a.module_size > b.module_size)
return false;
if (a.module_size < b.module_size)
return true;
if (a.image_checksum > b.image_checksum)
return false;
if (a.image_checksum < b.image_checksum)
return true;
if (a.time_date_stamp > b.time_date_stamp)
return false;
if (a.time_date_stamp < b.time_date_stamp)
return true;
return a.image_file_name < b.image_file_name;
} // namespace
ProfileGrinder::PartData::PartData() {
: modules_(ModuleInformationKeyLess),
parser_(NULL) {
ProfileGrinder::~ProfileGrinder() {
bool ProfileGrinder::ParseCommandLine(const CommandLine* command_line) {
thread_parts_ = command_line->HasSwitch("thread-parts");
return true;
void ProfileGrinder::SetParser(Parser* parser) {
DCHECK(parser != NULL);
parser_ = parser;
bool ProfileGrinder::Grind() {
if (!ResolveCallers()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error resolving callers.";
return false;
return true;
bool ProfileGrinder::GetSessionForModule(const ModuleInformation* module,
IDiaSession** session_out) {
DCHECK(module != NULL);
DCHECK(session_out != NULL);
DCHECK(*session_out == NULL);
ModuleSessionMap::const_iterator it(
if (it == module_sessions_.end()) {
ScopedComPtr<IDiaDataSource> source;
HRESULT hr = source.CreateInstance(CLSID_DiaSource);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create DiaSource: "
<< com::LogHr(hr) << ".";
return false;
pe::PEFile::Signature signature;
signature.path = module->image_file_name;
signature.base_address = core::AbsoluteAddress(
signature.module_size = module->module_size;
signature.module_time_date_stamp = module->time_date_stamp;
signature.module_checksum = module->image_checksum;
FilePath module_path;
if (!pe::FindModuleBySignature(signature, &module_path) ||
module_path.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to find module matching signature.";
return false;
ScopedComPtr<IDiaSession> new_session;
// We first try loading straight-up for the module. If the module is at
// this path and the symsrv machinery is available, this will bring that
// machinery to bear.
// The downside is that if the module at this path does not match the
// original module, we may load the wrong symbol information for the
// module.
hr = source->loadDataForExe(module_path.value().c_str(), NULL, NULL);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
hr = source->openSession(new_session.Receive());
if (FAILED(hr))
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure in openSession: " << com::LogHr(hr) << ".";
} else {
FilePath pdb_path;
if (!pe::FindPdbForModule(module_path, &pdb_path) ||
pdb_path.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to find PDB for module \""
<< module_path.value() << "\".";
return false;
hr = source->loadDataFromPdb(pdb_path.value().c_str());
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
hr = source->openSession(new_session.Receive());
if (FAILED(hr))
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure in openSession: " << com::LogHr(hr) << ".";
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Failure in loadDataFromPdb('"
<< module_path.value().c_str() << "'): "
<< com::LogHr(hr) << ".";
DCHECK((SUCCEEDED(hr) && new_session.get() != NULL) ||
(FAILED(hr) && new_session.get() == NULL));
// We store an entry to the cache irrespective of whether we succeeded
// in opening a session above. This allows us to cache the failures, which
// means we attempt to load each module only once, and consequently log
// each failing module only once.
it = module_sessions_.insert(
std::make_pair(module, new_session)).first;
DCHECK(it != module_sessions_.end());
if (it->second.get() == NULL) {
// A negative session cache entry - we were previously unable to
// load this module.
return false;
*session_out = it->second;
return true;
ProfileGrinder::PartData* ProfileGrinder::FindOrCreatePart(DWORD process_id,
DWORD thread_id) {
if (!thread_parts_) {
process_id = 0;
thread_id = 0;
// Lookup the part to aggregate to.
PartDataMap::iterator it = parts_.find(thread_id);
if (it == parts_.end()) {
PartData part;
part.process_id_ = process_id;
part.thread_id_ = thread_id;
it = parts_.insert(std::make_pair(thread_id, part)).first;
return &it->second;
bool ProfileGrinder::GetFunctionByRVA(IDiaSession* session,
RVA address,
IDiaSymbol** symbol) {
DCHECK(session != NULL);
DCHECK(symbol != NULL && *symbol == NULL);
ScopedComPtr<IDiaSymbol> function;
HRESULT hr = session->findSymbolByRVA(address,
if (FAILED(hr) || function.get() == NULL) {
// No private function, let's try for a public symbol.
hr = session->findSymbolByRVA(address,
if (FAILED(hr))
return false;
if (function.get() == NULL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "NULL function returned from findSymbolByRVA.";
return false;
*symbol = function.Detach();
return true;
bool ProfileGrinder::GetInfoForCallerRVA(const ModuleRVA& caller,
RVA* function_rva,
size_t* line) {
DCHECK(function_rva != NULL);
DCHECK(line != NULL);
ScopedComPtr<IDiaSession> session;
if (!GetSessionForModule(caller.module, session.Receive()))
return false;
ScopedComPtr<IDiaSymbol> function;
if (!GetFunctionByRVA(session.get(), caller.rva, function.Receive())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No symbol info available for function in module '"
<< caller.module->image_file_name << "'";
// Get the RVA of the function.
DWORD rva = 0;
HRESULT hr = function->get_relativeVirtualAddress(&rva);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure in get_relativeVirtualAddress: "
<< com::LogHr(hr) << ".";
return false;
*function_rva = rva;
ULONGLONG length = 0;
hr = function->get_length(&length);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure in get_length: " << com::LogHr(hr) << ".";
return false;
DWORD line_number = 0;
if (length != 0) {
ScopedComPtr<IDiaEnumLineNumbers> enum_lines;
hr = session->findLinesByRVA(caller.rva,
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure in findLinesByRVA: " << com::LogHr(hr) << ".";
return false;
ScopedComPtr<IDiaLineNumber> line;
ULONG fetched = 0;
hr = enum_lines->Next(1, line.Receive(), &fetched);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure in IDiaLineNumber::Next: "
<< com::LogHr(hr) << ".";
return false;
if (fetched == 1) {
hr = line->get_lineNumber(&line_number);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure in get_lineNumber: " << com::LogHr(hr) << ".";
return false;
} else if (fetched != 0) {
NOTREACHED() << "IDiaLineNumber::Next unexpectedly returned "
<< fetched << " elements.";
*line = line_number;
return true;
bool ProfileGrinder::GetInfoForFunctionRVA(const ModuleRVA& function,
std::wstring* function_name,
std::wstring* file_name,
size_t* line) {
DCHECK(function_name != NULL);
DCHECK(file_name != NULL);
DCHECK(line != NULL);
ScopedComPtr<IDiaSession> session;
if (!GetSessionForModule(function.module, session.Receive()))
return false;
ScopedComPtr<IDiaSymbol> function_sym;
if (!GetFunctionByRVA(session.get(), function.rva, function_sym.Receive())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No symbol info available for function in module '"
<< function.module->image_file_name << "'";
return false;
ScopedBstr function_name_bstr;
HRESULT hr = function_sym->get_name(function_name_bstr.Receive());
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure in get_name: " << com::LogHr(hr) << ".";
return false;
*function_name = com::ToString(function_name_bstr);
ULONGLONG length = 0;
hr = function_sym->get_length(&length);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure in get_length: " << com::LogHr(hr) << ".";
return false;
ScopedBstr file_name_bstr;
DWORD line_number = 0;
if (length != 0) {
ScopedComPtr<IDiaEnumLineNumbers> enum_lines;
hr = session->findLinesByRVA(function.rva,
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure in findLinesByRVA: " << com::LogHr(hr) << ".";
return false;
ScopedComPtr<IDiaLineNumber> line;
ULONG fetched = 0;
hr = enum_lines->Next(1, line.Receive(), &fetched);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure in IDialineNumber::Next: "
<< com::LogHr(hr) << ".";
return false;
if (fetched == 1) {
hr = line->get_lineNumber(&line_number);
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure in get_lineNumber: " << com::LogHr(hr) << ".";
return false;
ScopedComPtr<IDiaSourceFile> source_file;
hr = line->get_sourceFile(source_file.Receive());
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure in get_sourceFile: " << com::LogHr(hr) << ".";
return false;
hr = source_file->get_fileName(file_name_bstr.Receive());
if (FAILED(hr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failure in get_fileName: " << com::LogHr(hr) << ".";
return false;
*file_name = com::ToString(file_name_bstr);
*line = line_number;
return true;
bool ProfileGrinder::ResolveCallers() {
PartDataMap::iterator it = parts_.begin();
for (; it != parts_.end(); ++it) {
if (!ResolveCallersForPart(&it->second))
return false;
return true;
bool ProfileGrinder::ResolveCallersForPart(PartData* part) {
// We start by iterating all the edges, connecting them up to their caller,
// and subtracting the edge metric(s) to compute the inclusive metrics for
// each function.
InvocationEdgeMap::iterator edge_it(part->edges_.begin());
for (; edge_it != part->edges_.end(); ++edge_it) {
InvocationEdge& edge = edge_it->second;
RVA function_rva = 0;
if (GetInfoForCallerRVA(edge.caller, &function_rva, &edge.line)) {
ModuleRVA node_key;
node_key.module = edge.caller.module;
node_key.rva = function_rva;
InvocationNodeMap::iterator node_it(part->nodes_.find(node_key));
if (node_it == part->nodes_.end()) {
// This is a fringe node - e.g. this is a non-instrumented caller
// calling into an instrumented function. Create the node now,
// but note that we won't have any metrics recorded for the function
// and must be careful not to try and tally exclusive stats for it.
node_it = part->nodes_.insert(
std::make_pair(node_key, InvocationNode())).first;
node_it->second.function = node_key;
DCHECK_EQ(0, node_it->second.metrics.num_calls);
DCHECK_EQ(0, node_it->second.metrics.cycles_sum);
InvocationNode& node = node_it->second;
// Hook the edge up to the node's list of outgoing edges.
edge.next_call = node.first_call;
node.first_call = &edge;
// Make the function's cycle count exclusive, by subtracting all
// the outbound (inclusive) cycle counts from the total. We make
// special allowance for the "fringe" nodes mentioned above, by
// noting they have no recorded calls.
if (node.metrics.num_calls != 0) {
node.metrics.cycles_sum -= edge.metrics.cycles_sum;
} else {
// TODO(siggi): The profile instrumentation currently doesn't record
// sufficient module information that we can resolve calls from
// system and dependent modules.
LOG(WARNING) << "Found no info for module: '"
<< edge.caller.module->image_file_name << "'.";
return true;
bool ProfileGrinder::OutputData(FILE* file) {
// Output the file header.
bool succeeded = true;
PartDataMap::iterator it = parts_.begin();
for (; it != parts_.end(); ++it) {
if (!OutputDataForPart(it->second, file)) {
// Keep going despite problems in output
succeeded = false;
return succeeded;
bool ProfileGrinder::OutputDataForPart(const PartData& part, FILE* file) {
// TODO(siggi): Output command line here.
::fprintf(file, "pid: %d\n", part.process_id_);
if (part.thread_id_ != 0)
::fprintf(file, "thread: %d\n", part.thread_id_);
::fprintf(file, "events: Calls Cycles Cycles-Min Cycles-Max\n");
if (!part.thread_name_.empty())
::fprintf(file, "desc: Trigger: %s\n", part.thread_name_.c_str());
// Walk the nodes and output the data.
InvocationNodeMap::const_iterator node_it(part.nodes_.begin());
for (; node_it != part.nodes_.end(); ++node_it) {
const InvocationNode& node = node_it->second;
std::wstring function_name;
std::wstring file_name;
size_t line = 0;
if (GetInfoForFunctionRVA(node.function,
&line)) {
// Output the function information.
::fprintf(file, "fl=%ws\n", file_name.c_str());
::fprintf(file, "fn=%ws\n", function_name.c_str());
::fprintf(file, "%d %I64d %I64d %I64d\n", line,
node.metrics.num_calls, node.metrics.cycles_sum,
node.metrics.cycles_min, node.metrics.cycles_max);
// Output the call information from this function.
const InvocationEdge* call = node.first_call;
for (; call != NULL; call = call->next_call) {
if (GetInfoForFunctionRVA(call->function,
&line)) {
::fprintf(file, "cfl=%ws\n", file_name.c_str());
::fprintf(file, "cfn=%ws\n", function_name.c_str());
::fprintf(file, "calls=%d %d\n", call->metrics.num_calls, line);
::fprintf(file, "%d %I64d %I64d %I64d\n", call->line,
call->metrics.num_calls, call->metrics.cycles_sum,
call->metrics.cycles_min, call->metrics.cycles_max);
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to resolve function.";
return false;
return true;
void ProfileGrinder::OnInvocationBatch(base::Time time,
DWORD process_id,
DWORD thread_id,
size_t num_invocations,
const TraceBatchInvocationInfo* data) {
PartData* part = FindOrCreatePart(process_id, thread_id);
DCHECK(data != NULL);
// Process and aggregate the individual invocation entries.
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_invocations; ++i) {
const InvocationInfo& info = data->invocations[i];
if (info.caller == NULL || info.function == NULL) {
// This may happen due to a termination race when the traces are captured.
LOG(WARNING) << "Empty invocation record. Record " << i << " of " <<
num_invocations << ".";
AbsoluteAddress64 function =
ModuleRVA function_rva;
ConvertToModuleRVA(process_id, function, &function_rva);
// We should always have module information for functions.
DCHECK(function_rva.module != NULL);
AbsoluteAddress64 caller =
ModuleRVA caller_rva;
ConvertToModuleRVA(process_id, caller, &caller_rva);
AggregateEntryToPart(function_rva, caller_rva, info, part);
void ProfileGrinder::OnThreadName(base::Time time,
DWORD process_id,
DWORD thread_id,
const base::StringPiece& thread_name) {
if (!thread_parts_)
PartData* part = FindOrCreatePart(process_id, thread_id);
part->thread_name_ = thread_name.as_string();
void ProfileGrinder::AggregateEntryToPart(const ModuleRVA& function_rva,
const ModuleRVA& caller_rva,
const InvocationInfo& info,
PartData* part) {
// Have we recorded this node before?
InvocationNodeMap::iterator node_it(part->nodes_.find(function_rva));
if (node_it != part->nodes_.end()) {
// Yups, we've seen this edge before.
// Aggregate the new data with the old.
InvocationNode& found = node_it->second;
found.metrics.num_calls += info.num_calls;
found.metrics.cycles_min = std::min(found.metrics.cycles_min,
found.metrics.cycles_max = std::max(found.metrics.cycles_max,
found.metrics.cycles_sum += info.cycles_sum;
} else {
// Nopes, we haven't seen this pair before, insert it.
InvocationNode& node = part->nodes_[function_rva];
node.function = function_rva;
node.metrics.num_calls = info.num_calls;
node.metrics.cycles_min = info.cycles_min;
node.metrics.cycles_max = info.cycles_max;
node.metrics.cycles_sum = info.cycles_sum;
// If the caller is NULL, we can't do anything with the edge as the
// caller is unknown, so skip recording it. The data will be aggregated
// to the edge above.
if (caller_rva.module != NULL) {
InvocationEdgeKey key(function_rva, caller_rva);
// Have we recorded this edge before?
InvocationEdgeMap::iterator edge_it(part->edges_.find(key));
if (edge_it != part->edges_.end()) {
// Yups, we've seen this edge before.
// Aggregate the new data with the old.
InvocationEdge& found = edge_it->second;
found.metrics.num_calls += info.num_calls;
found.metrics.cycles_min = std::min(found.metrics.cycles_min,
found.metrics.cycles_max = std::max(found.metrics.cycles_max,
found.metrics.cycles_sum += info.cycles_sum;
} else {
// Nopes, we haven't seen this edge before, insert it.
InvocationEdge& edge = part->edges_[key];
edge.function = function_rva;
edge.caller = caller_rva;
edge.metrics.num_calls = info.num_calls;
edge.metrics.cycles_min = info.cycles_min;
edge.metrics.cycles_max = info.cycles_max;
edge.metrics.cycles_sum = info.cycles_sum;
void ProfileGrinder::ConvertToModuleRVA(uint32 process_id,
AbsoluteAddress64 addr,
ModuleRVA* rva) {
DCHECK(rva != NULL);
const ModuleInformation* module =
parser_->GetModuleInformation(process_id, addr);
if (module == NULL) {
// We have no module information for this address.
rva->module = NULL;
rva->rva = 0;
// Convert the address to an RVA.
rva->rva = static_cast<RVA>(addr - module->base_address);
// And find or record the canonical module information
// for this module.
ModuleInformationSet::iterator it(modules_.find(*module));
if (it == modules_.end()) {
it = modules_.insert(*module).first;
DCHECK(it != modules_.end());
rva->module = &(*it);
} // namespace grinder