blob: 8350e21527280849f357399777b6cb64e0b15939 [file] [log] [blame]
# Shell script to update undici in the source tree to the latest release.
# This script must be in the tools directory when it runs because it uses the
# script source file path to determine directories to work in.
set -ex
cd "$( dirname "$0" )/.." || exit
rm -rf deps/undici/src
rm -f deps/undici/undici.js
rm -rf undici-tmp
mkdir undici-tmp
cd undici-tmp || exit
[ -z "$NODE" ] && NODE="$ROOT/out/Release/node"
[ -x "$NODE" ] || NODE=$(command -v node)
"$NODE" "$NPM" init --yes
"$NODE" "$NPM" install --global-style --no-bin-links --ignore-scripts undici
cd node_modules/undici
"$NODE" "$NPM" run build:node
mv undici-tmp/node_modules/undici deps/undici/src
mv deps/undici/src/undici-fetch.js deps/undici/undici.js
cp deps/undici/src/LICENSE deps/undici/LICENSE
rm -rf undici-tmp/