blob: 889168ca77454cb52cbaeee533b3954cc854fe4f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/base/atomic-utils.h"
#include "src/objects/slots.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// This class is intended to be used as a wrapper for elements of an array
// that is passed in to STL functions such as std::sort. It ensures that
// elements accesses are atomic.
// Usage example:
// FixedArray array;
// AtomicSlot start(array->GetFirstElementAddress());
// std::sort(start, start + given_length,
// [](Address a, Address b) {
// return my_comparison(a, b);
// });
// Note how the comparator operates on Address values, representing the raw
// data found at the given heap location, so you probably want to construct
// an Object from it.
class AtomicSlot : public SlotBase<AtomicSlot> {
// This class is a stand-in for "Address&" that uses custom atomic
// read/write operations for the actual memory accesses.
class Reference {
explicit Reference(Address* address) : address_(address) {}
Reference(const Reference& other) : address_(other.address_) {}
Reference& operator=(const Reference& other) {
address_, base::AsAtomicWord::Relaxed_Load(other.address_));
return *this;
Reference& operator=(Address value) {
base::AsAtomicWord::Relaxed_Store(address_, value);
return *this;
// Values of type AtomicSlot::reference must be implicitly convertible
// to AtomicSlot::value_type.
operator Address() const {
return base::AsAtomicWord::Relaxed_Load(address_);
void swap(Reference& other) {
Address tmp = value();
base::AsAtomicWord::Relaxed_Store(address_, other.value());
base::AsAtomicWord::Relaxed_Store(other.address_, tmp);
bool operator<(const Reference& other) const {
return value() < other.value();
bool operator==(const Reference& other) const {
return value() == other.value();
Address value() const { return base::AsAtomicWord::Relaxed_Load(address_); }
Address* address_;
// The rest of this class follows C++'s "RandomAccessIterator" requirements.
// Most of the heavy lifting is inherited from SlotBase.
typedef int difference_type;
typedef Address value_type;
typedef Reference reference;
typedef void* pointer; // Must be present, but should not be used.
typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
AtomicSlot() : SlotBase(kNullAddress) {}
explicit AtomicSlot(Address address) : SlotBase(address) {}
explicit AtomicSlot(ObjectSlot slot) : SlotBase(slot.address()) {}
Reference operator*() const {
return Reference(reinterpret_cast<Address*>(address()));
Reference operator[](difference_type i) const {
return Reference(reinterpret_cast<Address*>(address() + i * kPointerSize));
friend void swap(Reference lhs, Reference rhs) { lhs.swap(rhs); }
friend difference_type operator-(AtomicSlot a, AtomicSlot b) {
return static_cast<int>(a.address() - b.address()) / kPointerSize;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8