blob: b47d8162c9b742e2fd694901103ac9fa6f4c0660 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/compiler/js-builtin-reducer.h"
#include "src/compilation-dependencies.h"
#include "src/compiler/access-builder.h"
#include "src/compiler/js-graph.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-matchers.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-properties.h"
#include "src/compiler/simplified-operator.h"
#include "src/compiler/type-cache.h"
#include "src/compiler/types.h"
#include "src/objects-inl.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
// Helper class to access JSCallFunction nodes that are potential candidates
// for reduction when they have a BuiltinFunctionId associated with them.
class JSCallReduction {
explicit JSCallReduction(Node* node) : node_(node) {}
// Determines whether the node is a JSCallFunction operation that targets a
// constant callee being a well-known builtin with a BuiltinFunctionId.
bool HasBuiltinFunctionId() {
if (node_->opcode() != IrOpcode::kJSCallFunction) return false;
HeapObjectMatcher m(NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node_, 0));
if (!m.HasValue() || !m.Value()->IsJSFunction()) return false;
Handle<JSFunction> function = Handle<JSFunction>::cast(m.Value());
return function->shared()->HasBuiltinFunctionId();
// Retrieves the BuiltinFunctionId as described above.
BuiltinFunctionId GetBuiltinFunctionId() {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSCallFunction, node_->opcode());
HeapObjectMatcher m(NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node_, 0));
Handle<JSFunction> function = Handle<JSFunction>::cast(m.Value());
return function->shared()->builtin_function_id();
bool ReceiverMatches(Type* type) {
return NodeProperties::GetType(receiver())->Is(type);
// Determines whether the call takes zero inputs.
bool InputsMatchZero() { return GetJSCallArity() == 0; }
// Determines whether the call takes one input of the given type.
bool InputsMatchOne(Type* t1) {
return GetJSCallArity() == 1 &&
// Determines whether the call takes two inputs of the given types.
bool InputsMatchTwo(Type* t1, Type* t2) {
return GetJSCallArity() == 2 &&
NodeProperties::GetType(GetJSCallInput(0))->Is(t1) &&
// Determines whether the call takes inputs all of the given type.
bool InputsMatchAll(Type* t) {
for (int i = 0; i < GetJSCallArity(); i++) {
if (!NodeProperties::GetType(GetJSCallInput(i))->Is(t)) {
return false;
return true;
Node* receiver() { return NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node_, 1); }
Node* left() { return GetJSCallInput(0); }
Node* right() { return GetJSCallInput(1); }
int GetJSCallArity() {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSCallFunction, node_->opcode());
// Skip first (i.e. callee) and second (i.e. receiver) operand.
return node_->op()->ValueInputCount() - 2;
Node* GetJSCallInput(int index) {
DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSCallFunction, node_->opcode());
DCHECK_LT(index, GetJSCallArity());
// Skip first (i.e. callee) and second (i.e. receiver) operand.
return NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node_, index + 2);
Node* node_;
JSBuiltinReducer::JSBuiltinReducer(Editor* editor, JSGraph* jsgraph,
Flags flags,
CompilationDependencies* dependencies)
: AdvancedReducer(editor),
type_cache_(TypeCache::Get()) {}
namespace {
MaybeHandle<Map> GetMapWitness(Node* node) {
Node* receiver = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 1);
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
// Check if the {node} is dominated by a CheckMaps with a single map
// for the {receiver}, and if so use that map for the lowering below.
for (Node* dominator = effect;;) {
if (dominator->opcode() == IrOpcode::kCheckMaps &&
dominator->InputAt(0) == receiver) {
if (dominator->op()->ValueInputCount() == 2) {
HeapObjectMatcher m(dominator->InputAt(1));
if (m.HasValue()) return Handle<Map>::cast(m.Value());
return MaybeHandle<Map>();
if (dominator->op()->EffectInputCount() != 1) {
// Didn't find any appropriate CheckMaps node.
return MaybeHandle<Map>();
dominator = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(dominator);
// TODO(turbofan): This was copied from Crankshaft, might be too restrictive.
bool IsReadOnlyLengthDescriptor(Handle<Map> jsarray_map) {
Isolate* isolate = jsarray_map->GetIsolate();
Handle<Name> length_string = isolate->factory()->length_string();
DescriptorArray* descriptors = jsarray_map->instance_descriptors();
int number =
descriptors->SearchWithCache(isolate, *length_string, *jsarray_map);
DCHECK_NE(DescriptorArray::kNotFound, number);
return descriptors->GetDetails(number).IsReadOnly();
// TODO(turbofan): This was copied from Crankshaft, might be too restrictive.
bool CanInlineArrayResizeOperation(Handle<Map> receiver_map) {
Isolate* const isolate = receiver_map->GetIsolate();
if (!receiver_map->prototype()->IsJSArray()) return false;
Handle<JSArray> receiver_prototype(JSArray::cast(receiver_map->prototype()),
// Ensure that all prototypes of the {receiver} are stable.
for (PrototypeIterator it(isolate, receiver_prototype, kStartAtReceiver);
!it.IsAtEnd(); it.Advance()) {
Handle<JSReceiver> current = PrototypeIterator::GetCurrent<JSReceiver>(it);
if (!current->map()->is_stable()) return false;
return receiver_map->instance_type() == JS_ARRAY_TYPE &&
IsFastElementsKind(receiver_map->elements_kind()) &&
!receiver_map->is_dictionary_map() && receiver_map->is_extensible() &&
(!receiver_map->is_prototype_map() || receiver_map->is_stable()) &&
isolate->IsFastArrayConstructorPrototypeChainIntact() &&
isolate->IsAnyInitialArrayPrototype(receiver_prototype) &&
} // namespace
// ES6 section Array.prototype.pop ( )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceArrayPop(Node* node) {
Handle<Map> receiver_map;
Node* receiver = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 1);
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
// TODO(turbofan): Extend this to also handle fast (holey) double elements
// once we got the hole NaN mess sorted out in TurboFan/V8.
if (GetMapWitness(node).ToHandle(&receiver_map) &&
CanInlineArrayResizeOperation(receiver_map) &&
IsFastSmiOrObjectElementsKind(receiver_map->elements_kind())) {
// Install code dependencies on the {receiver} prototype maps and the
// global array protector cell.
// Load the "length" property of the {receiver}.
Node* length = effect = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, effect, control);
// Check if the {receiver} has any elements.
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberEqual(), length,
Node* branch =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kFalse), check, control);
Node* if_true = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch);
Node* etrue = effect;
Node* vtrue = jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant();
Node* if_false = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch);
Node* efalse = effect;
Node* vfalse;
// Load the elements backing store from the {receiver}.
Node* elements = efalse = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, efalse, if_false);
// Ensure that we aren't popping from a copy-on-write backing store.
elements = efalse =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->EnsureWritableFastElements(), receiver,
elements, efalse, if_false);
// Compute the new {length}.
length = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberSubtract(), length,
// Store the new {length} to the {receiver}.
efalse = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, length, efalse, if_false);
// Load the last entry from the {elements}.
vfalse = efalse = graph()->NewNode(
elements, length, efalse, if_false);
// Store a hole to the element we just removed from the {receiver}.
efalse = graph()->NewNode(
elements, length, jsgraph()->TheHoleConstant(), efalse, if_false);
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), if_true, if_false);
effect = graph()->NewNode(common()->EffectPhi(2), etrue, efalse, control);
Node* value =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2),
vtrue, vfalse, control);
// Convert the hole to undefined. Do this last, so that we can optimize
// conversion operator via some smart strength reduction in many cases.
if (IsFastHoleyElementsKind(receiver_map->elements_kind())) {
value =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->ConvertTaggedHoleToUndefined(), value);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Array.prototype.push ( )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceArrayPush(Node* node) {
Handle<Map> receiver_map;
// We need exactly target, receiver and value parameters.
if (node->op()->ValueInputCount() != 3) return NoChange();
Node* receiver = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 1);
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
Node* value = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 2);
if (GetMapWitness(node).ToHandle(&receiver_map) &&
CanInlineArrayResizeOperation(receiver_map)) {
// Install code dependencies on the {receiver} prototype maps and the
// global array protector cell.
// TODO(turbofan): Perform type checks on the {value}. We are not guaranteed
// to learn from these checks in case they fail, as the witness (i.e. the
// map check from the LoadIC for a.push) might not be executed in baseline
// code (after we stored the value in the builtin and thereby changed the
// elements kind of a) before be decide to optimize this function again. We
// currently don't have a proper way to deal with this; the proper solution
// here is to learn on deopt, i.e. disable Array.prototype.push inlining
// for this function.
if (IsFastSmiElementsKind(receiver_map->elements_kind())) {
value = effect = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->CheckTaggedSigned(),
value, effect, control);
} else if (IsFastDoubleElementsKind(receiver_map->elements_kind())) {
value = effect =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->CheckNumber(), value, effect, control);
// Make sure we do not store signaling NaNs into double arrays.
value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberSilenceNaN(), value);
// Load the "length" property of the {receiver}.
Node* length = effect = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, effect, control);
// Load the elements backing store of the {receiver}.
Node* elements = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->LoadField(AccessBuilder::ForJSObjectElements()), receiver,
effect, control);
// TODO(turbofan): Check if we need to grow the {elements} backing store.
// This will deopt if we cannot grow the array further, and we currently
// don't necessarily learn from it. See the comment on the value type check
// above.
GrowFastElementsFlags flags = GrowFastElementsFlag::kArrayObject;
if (IsFastDoubleElementsKind(receiver_map->elements_kind())) {
flags |= GrowFastElementsFlag::kDoubleElements;
elements = effect =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->MaybeGrowFastElements(flags), receiver,
elements, length, length, effect, control);
// Append the value to the {elements}.
effect = graph()->NewNode(
elements, length, value, effect, control);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
namespace {
bool HasInstanceTypeWitness(Node* receiver, Node* effect,
InstanceType instance_type) {
for (Node* dominator = effect;;) {
if (dominator->opcode() == IrOpcode::kCheckMaps &&
dominator->InputAt(0) == receiver) {
// Check if all maps have the given {instance_type}.
for (int i = 1; i < dominator->op()->ValueInputCount(); ++i) {
Node* const map = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(dominator, i);
Type* const map_type = NodeProperties::GetType(map);
if (!map_type->IsConstant()) return false;
Handle<Map> const map_value =
if (map_value->instance_type() != instance_type) return false;
return true;
switch (dominator->opcode()) {
case IrOpcode::kStoreField: {
FieldAccess const& access = FieldAccessOf(dominator->op());
if (access.base_is_tagged == kTaggedBase &&
access.offset == HeapObject::kMapOffset) {
return false;
case IrOpcode::kStoreElement:
case IrOpcode::kStoreTypedElement:
default: {
DCHECK_EQ(1, dominator->op()->EffectOutputCount());
if (dominator->op()->EffectInputCount() != 1 ||
!dominator->op()->HasProperty(Operator::kNoWrite)) {
// Didn't find any appropriate CheckMaps node.
return false;
dominator = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(dominator);
} // namespace
// ES6 section Date.prototype.getTime ( )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceDateGetTime(Node* node) {
Node* receiver = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 1);
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
if (HasInstanceTypeWitness(receiver, effect, JS_DATE_TYPE)) {
Node* value = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->LoadField(AccessBuilder::ForJSDateValue()), receiver,
effect, control);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section 18.2.2 isFinite ( number )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceGlobalIsFinite(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// isFinite(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberEqual(a', a')
// where a' = NumberSubtract(ToNumber(a), ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* diff = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberSubtract(), input, input);
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberEqual(), diff, diff);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section 18.2.3 isNaN ( number )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceGlobalIsNaN(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// isNaN(a:plain-primitive) -> BooleanNot(NumberEqual(a', a'))
// where a' = ToNumber(a)
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberEqual(), input, input);
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->BooleanNot(), check);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.abs ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathAbs(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.abs(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberAbs(ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberAbs(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.acos ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathAcos(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.acos(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberAcos(ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberAcos(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.acosh ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathAcosh(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.acosh(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberAcosh(ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberAcosh(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.asin ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathAsin(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.asin(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberAsin(ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberAsin(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.asinh ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathAsinh(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.asinh(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberAsinh(ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberAsinh(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.atan ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathAtan(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.atan(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberAtan(ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberAtan(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.atanh ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathAtanh(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.atanh(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberAtanh(ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberAtanh(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.atan2 ( y, x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathAtan2(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchTwo(Type::PlainPrimitive(), Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.atan2(a:plain-primitive,
// b:plain-primitive) -> NumberAtan2(ToNumber(a),
// ToNumber(b))
Node* left = ToNumber(r.left());
Node* right = ToNumber(r.right());
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberAtan2(), left, right);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.ceil ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathCeil(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.ceil(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberCeil(ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberCeil(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.clz32 ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathClz32(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.clz32(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberClz32(ToUint32(a))
Node* input = ToUint32(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberClz32(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.cos ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathCos(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.cos(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberCos(ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberCos(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.cosh ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathCosh(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.cosh(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberCosh(ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberCosh(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.exp ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathExp(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.exp(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberExp(ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberExp(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.expm1 ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathExpm1(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::Number())) {
// Math.expm1(a:number) -> NumberExpm1(a)
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberExpm1(), r.left());
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.floor ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathFloor(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.floor(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberFloor(ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberFloor(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.fround ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathFround(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.fround(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberFround(ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberFround(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.imul ( x, y )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathImul(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchTwo(Type::PlainPrimitive(), Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.imul(a:plain-primitive,
// b:plain-primitive) -> NumberImul(ToUint32(a),
// ToUint32(b))
Node* left = ToUint32(r.left());
Node* right = ToUint32(r.right());
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberImul(), left, right);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.log ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathLog(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.log(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberLog(ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberLog(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.log1p ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathLog1p(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.log1p(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberLog1p(ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberLog1p(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.log10 ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathLog10(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::Number())) {
// Math.log10(a:number) -> NumberLog10(a)
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberLog10(), r.left());
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.log2 ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathLog2(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::Number())) {
// Math.log2(a:number) -> NumberLog(a)
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberLog2(), r.left());
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.max ( value1, value2, ...values )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathMax(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchZero()) {
// Math.max() -> -Infinity
return Replace(jsgraph()->Constant(-V8_INFINITY));
if (r.InputsMatchAll(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.max(a:plain-primitive, b:plain-primitive, ...)
Node* value = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
for (int i = 1; i < r.GetJSCallArity(); i++) {
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(i));
value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberMax(), value, input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.min ( value1, value2, ...values )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathMin(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchZero()) {
// Math.min() -> Infinity
return Replace(jsgraph()->Constant(V8_INFINITY));
if (r.InputsMatchAll(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.min(a:plain-primitive, b:plain-primitive, ...)
Node* value = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
for (int i = 1; i < r.GetJSCallArity(); i++) {
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(i));
value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberMin(), value, input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.pow ( x, y )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathPow(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchTwo(Type::PlainPrimitive(), Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.pow(a:plain-primitive,
// b:plain-primitive) -> NumberPow(ToNumber(a), ToNumber(b))
Node* left = ToNumber(r.left());
Node* right = ToNumber(r.right());
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberPow(), left, right);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.round ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathRound(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.round(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberRound(ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberRound(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.cbrt ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathCbrt(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::Number())) {
// Math.cbrt(a:number) -> NumberCbrt(a)
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberCbrt(), r.left());
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.sign ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathSign(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.sign(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberSign(ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberSign(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.sin ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathSin(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.sin(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberSin(ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberSin(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.sinh ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathSinh(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.sinh(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberSinh(ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberSinh(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.sqrt ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathSqrt(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.sqrt(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberSqrt(ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberSqrt(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.tan ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathTan(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.tan(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberTan(ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberTan(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.tanh ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathTanh(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.tanh(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberTanh(ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberTanh(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Math.trunc ( x )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceMathTrunc(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// Math.trunc(a:plain-primitive) -> NumberTrunc(ToNumber(a))
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberTrunc(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Number.isFinite ( number )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceNumberIsFinite(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::Number())) {
// Number.isFinite(a:number) -> NumberEqual(a', a')
// where a' = NumberSubtract(a, a)
Node* input = r.GetJSCallInput(0);
Node* diff = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberSubtract(), input, input);
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberEqual(), diff, diff);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Number.isInteger ( number )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceNumberIsInteger(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::Number())) {
// Number.isInteger(x:number) -> NumberEqual(NumberSubtract(x, x'), #0)
// where x' = NumberTrunc(x)
Node* input = r.GetJSCallInput(0);
Node* trunc = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberTrunc(), input);
Node* diff = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberSubtract(), input, trunc);
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberEqual(), diff,
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Number.isNaN ( number )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceNumberIsNaN(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::Number())) {
// Number.isNaN(a:number) -> BooleanNot(NumberEqual(a, a))
Node* input = r.GetJSCallInput(0);
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberEqual(), input, input);
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->BooleanNot(), check);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Number.isSafeInteger ( number )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceNumberIsSafeInteger(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(type_cache_.kSafeInteger)) {
// Number.isInteger(x:safe-integer) -> #true
Node* value = jsgraph()->TrueConstant();
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section Number.parseInt ( string, radix )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceNumberParseInt(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(type_cache_.kSafeInteger) ||
type_cache_.kZeroOrUndefined) ||
r.InputsMatchTwo(type_cache_.kSafeInteger, type_cache_.kTenOrUndefined)) {
// Number.parseInt(a:safe-integer) -> NumberToInt32(a)
// Number.parseInt(a:safe-integer,b:#0\/undefined) -> NumberToInt32(a)
// Number.parseInt(a:safe-integer,b:#10\/undefined) -> NumberToInt32(a)
Node* input = r.GetJSCallInput(0);
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberToInt32(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section String.fromCharCode ( ...codeUnits )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceStringFromCharCode(Node* node) {
JSCallReduction r(node);
if (r.InputsMatchOne(Type::PlainPrimitive())) {
// String.fromCharCode(a:plain-primitive) -> StringFromCharCode(a)
Node* input = ToNumber(r.GetJSCallInput(0));
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StringFromCharCode(), input);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
namespace {
Node* GetStringWitness(Node* node) {
Node* receiver = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 1);
Type* receiver_type = NodeProperties::GetType(receiver);
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
if (receiver_type->Is(Type::String())) return receiver;
// Check if the {node} is dominated by a CheckString renaming for
// it's {receiver}, and if so use that renaming as {receiver} for
// the lowering below.
for (Node* dominator = effect;;) {
if (dominator->opcode() == IrOpcode::kCheckString &&
dominator->InputAt(0) == receiver) {
return dominator;
if (dominator->op()->EffectInputCount() != 1) {
// Didn't find any appropriate CheckString node.
return nullptr;
dominator = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(dominator);
} // namespace
// ES6 section String.prototype.charAt ( pos )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceStringCharAt(Node* node) {
// We need at least target, receiver and index parameters.
if (node->op()->ValueInputCount() >= 3) {
Node* index = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 2);
Type* index_type = NodeProperties::GetType(index);
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
if (index_type->Is(Type::Unsigned32())) {
if (Node* receiver = GetStringWitness(node)) {
// Determine the {receiver} length.
Node* receiver_length = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->LoadField(AccessBuilder::ForStringLength()), receiver,
effect, control);
// Check if {index} is less than {receiver} length.
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberLessThan(), index,
Node* branch = graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kTrue),
check, control);
Node* if_true = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch);
Node* vtrue;
// Load the character from the {receiver}.
vtrue = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StringCharCodeAt(), receiver,
index, if_true);
// Return it as single character string.
vtrue = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StringFromCharCode(), vtrue);
// Return the empty string otherwise.
Node* if_false = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch);
Node* vfalse = jsgraph()->EmptyStringConstant();
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), if_true, if_false);
Node* value =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2),
vtrue, vfalse, control);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
// ES6 section String.prototype.charCodeAt ( pos )
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceStringCharCodeAt(Node* node) {
// We need at least target, receiver and index parameters.
if (node->op()->ValueInputCount() >= 3) {
Node* index = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 2);
Type* index_type = NodeProperties::GetType(index);
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
if (index_type->Is(Type::Unsigned32())) {
if (Node* receiver = GetStringWitness(node)) {
// Determine the {receiver} length.
Node* receiver_length = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->LoadField(AccessBuilder::ForStringLength()), receiver,
effect, control);
// Check if {index} is less than {receiver} length.
Node* check = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberLessThan(), index,
Node* branch = graph()->NewNode(common()->Branch(BranchHint::kTrue),
check, control);
// Load the character from the {receiver}.
Node* if_true = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfTrue(), branch);
Node* vtrue = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->StringCharCodeAt(),
receiver, index, if_true);
// Return NaN otherwise.
Node* if_false = graph()->NewNode(common()->IfFalse(), branch);
Node* vfalse = jsgraph()->NaNConstant();
control = graph()->NewNode(common()->Merge(2), if_true, if_false);
Node* value =
graph()->NewNode(common()->Phi(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, 2),
vtrue, vfalse, control);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::ReduceArrayBufferViewAccessor(
Node* node, InstanceType instance_type, FieldAccess const& access) {
Node* receiver = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 1);
Node* effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node);
if (HasInstanceTypeWitness(receiver, effect, instance_type)) {
// Load the {receiver}s field.
Node* receiver_value = effect = graph()->NewNode(
simplified()->LoadField(access), receiver, effect, control);
// Check if the {receiver}s buffer was neutered.
Node* receiver_buffer = effect = graph()->NewNode(
receiver, effect, control);
Node* check = effect =
receiver_buffer, effect, control);
// Default to zero if the {receiver}s buffer was neutered.
Node* value = graph()->NewNode(
common()->Select(MachineRepresentation::kTagged, BranchHint::kFalse),
check, jsgraph()->ZeroConstant(), receiver_value);
ReplaceWithValue(node, value, effect, control);
return Replace(value);
return NoChange();
Reduction JSBuiltinReducer::Reduce(Node* node) {
Reduction reduction = NoChange();
JSCallReduction r(node);
// Dispatch according to the BuiltinFunctionId if present.
if (!r.HasBuiltinFunctionId()) return NoChange();
switch (r.GetBuiltinFunctionId()) {
case kArrayPop:
return ReduceArrayPop(node);
case kArrayPush:
return ReduceArrayPush(node);
case kDateGetTime:
return ReduceDateGetTime(node);
case kGlobalIsFinite:
reduction = ReduceGlobalIsFinite(node);
case kGlobalIsNaN:
reduction = ReduceGlobalIsNaN(node);
case kMathAbs:
reduction = ReduceMathAbs(node);
case kMathAcos:
reduction = ReduceMathAcos(node);
case kMathAcosh:
reduction = ReduceMathAcosh(node);
case kMathAsin:
reduction = ReduceMathAsin(node);
case kMathAsinh:
reduction = ReduceMathAsinh(node);
case kMathAtan:
reduction = ReduceMathAtan(node);
case kMathAtanh:
reduction = ReduceMathAtanh(node);
case kMathAtan2:
reduction = ReduceMathAtan2(node);
case kMathCbrt:
reduction = ReduceMathCbrt(node);
case kMathCeil:
reduction = ReduceMathCeil(node);
case kMathClz32:
reduction = ReduceMathClz32(node);
case kMathCos:
reduction = ReduceMathCos(node);
case kMathCosh:
reduction = ReduceMathCosh(node);
case kMathExp:
reduction = ReduceMathExp(node);
case kMathExpm1:
reduction = ReduceMathExpm1(node);
case kMathFloor:
reduction = ReduceMathFloor(node);
case kMathFround:
reduction = ReduceMathFround(node);
case kMathImul:
reduction = ReduceMathImul(node);
case kMathLog:
reduction = ReduceMathLog(node);
case kMathLog1p:
reduction = ReduceMathLog1p(node);
case kMathLog10:
reduction = ReduceMathLog10(node);
case kMathLog2:
reduction = ReduceMathLog2(node);
case kMathMax:
reduction = ReduceMathMax(node);
case kMathMin:
reduction = ReduceMathMin(node);
case kMathPow:
reduction = ReduceMathPow(node);
case kMathRound:
reduction = ReduceMathRound(node);
case kMathSign:
reduction = ReduceMathSign(node);
case kMathSin:
reduction = ReduceMathSin(node);
case kMathSinh:
reduction = ReduceMathSinh(node);
case kMathSqrt:
reduction = ReduceMathSqrt(node);
case kMathTan:
reduction = ReduceMathTan(node);
case kMathTanh:
reduction = ReduceMathTanh(node);
case kMathTrunc:
reduction = ReduceMathTrunc(node);
case kNumberIsFinite:
reduction = ReduceNumberIsFinite(node);
case kNumberIsInteger:
reduction = ReduceNumberIsInteger(node);
case kNumberIsNaN:
reduction = ReduceNumberIsNaN(node);
case kNumberIsSafeInteger:
reduction = ReduceNumberIsSafeInteger(node);
case kNumberParseInt:
reduction = ReduceNumberParseInt(node);
case kStringFromCharCode:
reduction = ReduceStringFromCharCode(node);
case kStringCharAt:
return ReduceStringCharAt(node);
case kStringCharCodeAt:
return ReduceStringCharCodeAt(node);
case kDataViewByteLength:
return ReduceArrayBufferViewAccessor(
case kDataViewByteOffset:
return ReduceArrayBufferViewAccessor(
case kTypedArrayByteLength:
return ReduceArrayBufferViewAccessor(
case kTypedArrayByteOffset:
return ReduceArrayBufferViewAccessor(
case kTypedArrayLength:
return ReduceArrayBufferViewAccessor(
node, JS_TYPED_ARRAY_TYPE, AccessBuilder::ForJSTypedArrayLength());
// Replace builtin call assuming replacement nodes are pure values that don't
// produce an effect. Replaces {node} with {reduction} and relaxes effects.
if (reduction.Changed()) ReplaceWithValue(node, reduction.replacement());
return reduction;
Node* JSBuiltinReducer::ToNumber(Node* input) {
Type* input_type = NodeProperties::GetType(input);
if (input_type->Is(Type::Number())) return input;
return graph()->NewNode(simplified()->PlainPrimitiveToNumber(), input);
Node* JSBuiltinReducer::ToUint32(Node* input) {
input = ToNumber(input);
Type* input_type = NodeProperties::GetType(input);
if (input_type->Is(Type::Unsigned32())) return input;
return graph()->NewNode(simplified()->NumberToUint32(), input);
Graph* JSBuiltinReducer::graph() const { return jsgraph()->graph(); }
Factory* JSBuiltinReducer::factory() const { return isolate()->factory(); }
Isolate* JSBuiltinReducer::isolate() const { return jsgraph()->isolate(); }
CommonOperatorBuilder* JSBuiltinReducer::common() const {
return jsgraph()->common();
SimplifiedOperatorBuilder* JSBuiltinReducer::simplified() const {
return jsgraph()->simplified();
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8