blob: f3c68a82c5e314abf8d24c04ad4b498852e8f089 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/objects.h"
#include "src/base/compiler-specific.h"
#include "src/globals.h"
// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards):
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// HashTable is a subclass of FixedArray that implements a hash table
// that uses open addressing and quadratic probing.
// In order for the quadratic probing to work, elements that have not
// yet been used and elements that have been deleted are
// distinguished. Probing continues when deleted elements are
// encountered and stops when unused elements are encountered.
// - Elements with key == undefined have not been used yet.
// - Elements with key == the_hole have been deleted.
// The hash table class is parameterized with a Shape and a Key.
// Shape must be a class with the following interface:
// class ExampleShape {
// public:
// // Tells whether key matches other.
// static bool IsMatch(Key key, Object* other);
// // Returns the hash value for key.
// static uint32_t Hash(Key key);
// // Returns the hash value for object.
// static uint32_t HashForObject(Key key, Object* object);
// // Convert key to an object.
// static inline Handle<Object> AsHandle(Isolate* isolate, Key key);
// // The prefix size indicates number of elements in the beginning
// // of the backing storage.
// static const int kPrefixSize = ..;
// // The Element size indicates number of elements per entry.
// static const int kEntrySize = ..;
// };
// The prefix size indicates an amount of memory in the
// beginning of the backing storage that can be used for non-element
// information by subclasses.
template <typename Key>
class BaseShape {
static const bool UsesSeed = false;
static uint32_t Hash(Key key) { return 0; }
static uint32_t SeededHash(Key key, uint32_t seed) {
return Hash(key);
static uint32_t HashForObject(Key key, Object* object) { return 0; }
static uint32_t SeededHashForObject(Key key, uint32_t seed, Object* object) {
return HashForObject(key, object);
static inline Map* GetMap(Isolate* isolate);
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE HashTableBase : public NON_EXPORTED_BASE(FixedArray) {
// Returns the number of elements in the hash table.
inline int NumberOfElements();
// Returns the number of deleted elements in the hash table.
inline int NumberOfDeletedElements();
// Returns the capacity of the hash table.
inline int Capacity();
// ElementAdded should be called whenever an element is added to a
// hash table.
inline void ElementAdded();
// ElementRemoved should be called whenever an element is removed from
// a hash table.
inline void ElementRemoved();
inline void ElementsRemoved(int n);
// Computes the required capacity for a table holding the given
// number of elements. May be more than HashTable::kMaxCapacity.
static inline int ComputeCapacity(int at_least_space_for);
// Tells whether k is a real key. The hole and undefined are not allowed
// as keys and can be used to indicate missing or deleted elements.
inline bool IsKey(Isolate* isolate, Object* k);
// Compute the probe offset (quadratic probing).
INLINE(static uint32_t GetProbeOffset(uint32_t n)) {
return (n + n * n) >> 1;
static const int kNumberOfElementsIndex = 0;
static const int kNumberOfDeletedElementsIndex = 1;
static const int kCapacityIndex = 2;
static const int kPrefixStartIndex = 3;
// Constant used for denoting a absent entry.
static const int kNotFound = -1;
// Minimum capacity for newly created hash tables.
static const int kMinCapacity = 4;
// Update the number of elements in the hash table.
inline void SetNumberOfElements(int nof);
// Update the number of deleted elements in the hash table.
inline void SetNumberOfDeletedElements(int nod);
// Returns probe entry.
static uint32_t GetProbe(uint32_t hash, uint32_t number, uint32_t size) {
return (hash + GetProbeOffset(number)) & (size - 1);
inline static uint32_t FirstProbe(uint32_t hash, uint32_t size) {
return hash & (size - 1);
inline static uint32_t NextProbe(uint32_t last, uint32_t number,
uint32_t size) {
return (last + number) & (size - 1);
template <typename Derived, typename Shape, typename Key>
class HashTable : public HashTableBase {
typedef Shape ShapeT;
// Wrapper methods
inline uint32_t Hash(Key key) {
if (Shape::UsesSeed) {
return Shape::SeededHash(key, GetHeap()->HashSeed());
} else {
return Shape::Hash(key);
inline uint32_t HashForObject(Key key, Object* object) {
if (Shape::UsesSeed) {
return Shape::SeededHashForObject(key, GetHeap()->HashSeed(), object);
} else {
return Shape::HashForObject(key, object);
// Returns a new HashTable object.
MUST_USE_RESULT static Handle<Derived> New(
Isolate* isolate, int at_least_space_for,
MinimumCapacity capacity_option = USE_DEFAULT_MINIMUM_CAPACITY,
PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
// Garbage collection support.
void IteratePrefix(ObjectVisitor* visitor);
void IterateElements(ObjectVisitor* visitor);
// Find entry for key otherwise return kNotFound.
inline int FindEntry(Key key);
inline int FindEntry(Isolate* isolate, Key key, int32_t hash);
int FindEntry(Isolate* isolate, Key key);
inline bool Has(Isolate* isolate, Key key);
inline bool Has(Key key);
// Rehashes the table in-place.
void Rehash(Key key);
// Returns the key at entry.
Object* KeyAt(int entry) { return get(EntryToIndex(entry) + kEntryKeyIndex); }
static const int kElementsStartIndex = kPrefixStartIndex + Shape::kPrefixSize;
static const int kEntrySize = Shape::kEntrySize;
STATIC_ASSERT(kEntrySize > 0);
static const int kEntryKeyIndex = 0;
static const int kElementsStartOffset =
kHeaderSize + kElementsStartIndex * kPointerSize;
// Maximal capacity of HashTable. Based on maximal length of underlying
// FixedArray. Staying below kMaxCapacity also ensures that EntryToIndex
// cannot overflow.
static const int kMaxCapacity =
(FixedArray::kMaxLength - kElementsStartIndex) / kEntrySize;
// Maximum length to create a regular HashTable (aka. non large object).
static const int kMaxRegularCapacity = 16384;
// Returns the index for an entry (of the key)
static constexpr inline int EntryToIndex(int entry) {
return (entry * kEntrySize) + kElementsStartIndex;
friend class ObjectHashTable;
MUST_USE_RESULT static Handle<Derived> New(Isolate* isolate, int capacity,
PretenureFlag pretenure);
// Find the entry at which to insert element with the given key that
// has the given hash value.
uint32_t FindInsertionEntry(uint32_t hash);
// Attempt to shrink hash table after removal of key.
MUST_USE_RESULT static Handle<Derived> Shrink(Handle<Derived> table, Key key);
// Ensure enough space for n additional elements.
MUST_USE_RESULT static Handle<Derived> EnsureCapacity(
Handle<Derived> table, int n, Key key,
PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
// Returns true if this table has sufficient capacity for adding n elements.
bool HasSufficientCapacityToAdd(int number_of_additional_elements);
// Ensure that kMaxRegularCapacity yields a non-large object dictionary.
STATIC_ASSERT(EntryToIndex(kMaxRegularCapacity) < kMaxRegularLength);
static const int kMaxRegularEntry = kMaxRegularCapacity / kEntrySize;
static const int kMaxRegularIndex = EntryToIndex(kMaxRegularEntry);
STATIC_ASSERT(OffsetOfElementAt(kMaxRegularIndex) <
// Sets the capacity of the hash table.
void SetCapacity(int capacity) {
// To scale a computed hash code to fit within the hash table, we
// use bit-wise AND with a mask, so the capacity must be positive
// and non-zero.
DCHECK(capacity > 0);
DCHECK(capacity <= kMaxCapacity);
set(kCapacityIndex, Smi::FromInt(capacity));
// Returns _expected_ if one of entries given by the first _probe_ probes is
// equal to _expected_. Otherwise, returns the entry given by the probe
// number _probe_.
uint32_t EntryForProbe(Key key, Object* k, int probe, uint32_t expected);
void Swap(uint32_t entry1, uint32_t entry2, WriteBarrierMode mode);
// Rehashes this hash-table into the new table.
void Rehash(Handle<Derived> new_table, Key key);
// HashTableKey is an abstract superclass for virtual key behavior.
class HashTableKey {
// Returns whether the other object matches this key.
virtual bool IsMatch(Object* other) = 0;
// Returns the hash value for this key.
virtual uint32_t Hash() = 0;
// Returns the hash value for object.
virtual uint32_t HashForObject(Object* key) = 0;
// Returns the key object for storing into the hash table.
MUST_USE_RESULT virtual Handle<Object> AsHandle(Isolate* isolate) = 0;
// Required.
virtual ~HashTableKey() {}
class ObjectHashTableShape : public BaseShape<Handle<Object>> {
static inline bool IsMatch(Handle<Object> key, Object* other);
static inline uint32_t Hash(Handle<Object> key);
static inline uint32_t HashForObject(Handle<Object> key, Object* object);
static inline Handle<Object> AsHandle(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> key);
static const int kPrefixSize = 0;
static const int kEntrySize = 2;
// ObjectHashTable maps keys that are arbitrary objects to object values by
// using the identity hash of the key for hashing purposes.
class ObjectHashTable
: public HashTable<ObjectHashTable, ObjectHashTableShape, Handle<Object>> {
typedef HashTable<ObjectHashTable, ObjectHashTableShape, Handle<Object>>
// Attempt to shrink hash table after removal of key.
MUST_USE_RESULT static inline Handle<ObjectHashTable> Shrink(
Handle<ObjectHashTable> table, Handle<Object> key);
// Looks up the value associated with the given key. The hole value is
// returned in case the key is not present.
Object* Lookup(Handle<Object> key);
Object* Lookup(Handle<Object> key, int32_t hash);
Object* Lookup(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> key, int32_t hash);
// Returns the value at entry.
Object* ValueAt(int entry);
// Adds (or overwrites) the value associated with the given key.
static Handle<ObjectHashTable> Put(Handle<ObjectHashTable> table,
Handle<Object> key, Handle<Object> value);
static Handle<ObjectHashTable> Put(Handle<ObjectHashTable> table,
Handle<Object> key, Handle<Object> value,
int32_t hash);
// Returns an ObjectHashTable (possibly |table|) where |key| has been removed.
static Handle<ObjectHashTable> Remove(Handle<ObjectHashTable> table,
Handle<Object> key, bool* was_present);
static Handle<ObjectHashTable> Remove(Handle<ObjectHashTable> table,
Handle<Object> key, bool* was_present,
int32_t hash);
friend class MarkCompactCollector;
void AddEntry(int entry, Object* key, Object* value);
void RemoveEntry(int entry);
// Returns the index to the value of an entry.
static inline int EntryToValueIndex(int entry) {
return EntryToIndex(entry) + 1;
class ObjectHashSetShape : public ObjectHashTableShape {
static const int kPrefixSize = 0;
static const int kEntrySize = 1;
class ObjectHashSet
: public HashTable<ObjectHashSet, ObjectHashSetShape, Handle<Object>> {
static Handle<ObjectHashSet> Add(Handle<ObjectHashSet> set,
Handle<Object> key);
inline bool Has(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> key, int32_t hash);
inline bool Has(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> key);
// OrderedHashTable is a HashTable with Object keys that preserves
// insertion order. There are Map and Set interfaces (OrderedHashMap
// and OrderedHashTable, below). It is meant to be used by JSMap/JSSet.
// Only Object* keys are supported, with Object::SameValueZero() used as the
// equality operator and Object::GetHash() for the hash function.
// Based on the "Deterministic Hash Table" as described by Jason Orendorff at
// Originally attributed to Tyler Close.
// Memory layout:
// [0]: element count
// [1]: deleted element count
// [2]: bucket count
// [3..(3 + NumberOfBuckets() - 1)]: "hash table", where each item is an
// offset into the data table (see below) where the
// first item in this bucket is stored.
// [3 + NumberOfBuckets()..length]: "data table", an array of length
// Capacity() * kEntrySize, where the first entrysize
// items are handled by the derived class and the
// item at kChainOffset is another entry into the
// data table indicating the next entry in this hash
// bucket.
// When we transition the table to a new version we obsolete it and reuse parts
// of the memory to store information how to transition an iterator to the new
// table:
// Memory layout for obsolete table:
// [0]: bucket count
// [1]: Next newer table
// [2]: Number of removed holes or -1 when the table was cleared.
// [3..(3 + NumberOfRemovedHoles() - 1)]: The indexes of the removed holes.
// [3 + NumberOfRemovedHoles()..length]: Not used
template <class Derived, int entrysize>
class OrderedHashTable : public FixedArray {
// Returns an OrderedHashTable with a capacity of at least |capacity|.
static Handle<Derived> Allocate(Isolate* isolate, int capacity,
PretenureFlag pretenure = NOT_TENURED);
// Returns an OrderedHashTable (possibly |table|) with enough space
// to add at least one new element.
static Handle<Derived> EnsureGrowable(Handle<Derived> table);
// Returns an OrderedHashTable (possibly |table|) that's shrunken
// if possible.
static Handle<Derived> Shrink(Handle<Derived> table);
// Returns a new empty OrderedHashTable and records the clearing so that
// existing iterators can be updated.
static Handle<Derived> Clear(Handle<Derived> table);
// Returns a true if the OrderedHashTable contains the key
static bool HasKey(Handle<Derived> table, Handle<Object> key);
int NumberOfElements() {
return Smi::cast(get(kNumberOfElementsIndex))->value();
int NumberOfDeletedElements() {
return Smi::cast(get(kNumberOfDeletedElementsIndex))->value();
// Returns the number of contiguous entries in the data table, starting at 0,
// that either are real entries or have been deleted.
int UsedCapacity() { return NumberOfElements() + NumberOfDeletedElements(); }
int NumberOfBuckets() {
return Smi::cast(get(kNumberOfBucketsIndex))->value();
// Returns an index into |this| for the given entry.
int EntryToIndex(int entry) {
return kHashTableStartIndex + NumberOfBuckets() + (entry * kEntrySize);
int HashToBucket(int hash) { return hash & (NumberOfBuckets() - 1); }
int HashToEntry(int hash) {
int bucket = HashToBucket(hash);
Object* entry = this->get(kHashTableStartIndex + bucket);
return Smi::cast(entry)->value();
int KeyToFirstEntry(Isolate* isolate, Object* key) {
Object* hash = key->GetHash();
// If the object does not have an identity hash, it was never used as a key
if (hash->IsUndefined(isolate)) return kNotFound;
return HashToEntry(Smi::cast(hash)->value());
int NextChainEntry(int entry) {
Object* next_entry = get(EntryToIndex(entry) + kChainOffset);
return Smi::cast(next_entry)->value();
// use KeyAt(i)->IsTheHole(isolate) to determine if this is a deleted entry.
Object* KeyAt(int entry) {
DCHECK_LT(entry, this->UsedCapacity());
return get(EntryToIndex(entry));
bool IsObsolete() { return !get(kNextTableIndex)->IsSmi(); }
// The next newer table. This is only valid if the table is obsolete.
Derived* NextTable() { return Derived::cast(get(kNextTableIndex)); }
// When the table is obsolete we store the indexes of the removed holes.
int RemovedIndexAt(int index) {
return Smi::cast(get(kRemovedHolesIndex + index))->value();
static const int kNotFound = -1;
static const int kMinCapacity = 4;
static const int kNumberOfElementsIndex = 0;
// The next table is stored at the same index as the nof elements.
static const int kNextTableIndex = kNumberOfElementsIndex;
static const int kNumberOfDeletedElementsIndex = kNumberOfElementsIndex + 1;
static const int kNumberOfBucketsIndex = kNumberOfDeletedElementsIndex + 1;
static const int kHashTableStartIndex = kNumberOfBucketsIndex + 1;
static constexpr const int kNumberOfElementsOffset =
static constexpr const int kNextTableOffset =
static constexpr const int kNumberOfDeletedElementsOffset =
static constexpr const int kNumberOfBucketsOffset =
static constexpr const int kHashTableStartOffset =
static const int kEntrySize = entrysize + 1;
static const int kChainOffset = entrysize;
static const int kLoadFactor = 2;
// NumberOfDeletedElements is set to kClearedTableSentinel when
// the table is cleared, which allows iterator transitions to
// optimize that case.
static const int kClearedTableSentinel = -1;
static Handle<Derived> Rehash(Handle<Derived> table, int new_capacity);
void SetNumberOfBuckets(int num) {
set(kNumberOfBucketsIndex, Smi::FromInt(num));
void SetNumberOfElements(int num) {
set(kNumberOfElementsIndex, Smi::FromInt(num));
void SetNumberOfDeletedElements(int num) {
set(kNumberOfDeletedElementsIndex, Smi::FromInt(num));
// Returns the number elements that can fit into the allocated buffer.
int Capacity() { return NumberOfBuckets() * kLoadFactor; }
void SetNextTable(Derived* next_table) { set(kNextTableIndex, next_table); }
void SetRemovedIndexAt(int index, int removed_index) {
return set(kRemovedHolesIndex + index, Smi::FromInt(removed_index));
static const int kRemovedHolesIndex = kHashTableStartIndex;
static const int kMaxCapacity =
(FixedArray::kMaxLength - kHashTableStartIndex) /
(1 + (kEntrySize * kLoadFactor));
class OrderedHashSet : public OrderedHashTable<OrderedHashSet, 1> {
static Handle<OrderedHashSet> Add(Handle<OrderedHashSet> table,
Handle<Object> value);
static Handle<FixedArray> ConvertToKeysArray(Handle<OrderedHashSet> table,
GetKeysConversion convert);
class OrderedHashMap : public OrderedHashTable<OrderedHashMap, 2> {
inline Object* ValueAt(int entry);
static const int kValueOffset = 1;
template <int entrysize>
class WeakHashTableShape : public BaseShape<Handle<Object>> {
static inline bool IsMatch(Handle<Object> key, Object* other);
static inline uint32_t Hash(Handle<Object> key);
static inline uint32_t HashForObject(Handle<Object> key, Object* object);
static inline Handle<Object> AsHandle(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Object> key);
static const int kPrefixSize = 0;
static const int kEntrySize = entrysize;
// WeakHashTable maps keys that are arbitrary heap objects to heap object
// values. The table wraps the keys in weak cells and store values directly.
// Thus it references keys weakly and values strongly.
class WeakHashTable
: public HashTable<WeakHashTable, WeakHashTableShape<2>, Handle<Object>> {
typedef HashTable<WeakHashTable, WeakHashTableShape<2>, Handle<Object>>
// Looks up the value associated with the given key. The hole value is
// returned in case the key is not present.
Object* Lookup(Handle<HeapObject> key);
// Adds (or overwrites) the value associated with the given key. Mapping a
// key to the hole value causes removal of the whole entry.
MUST_USE_RESULT static Handle<WeakHashTable> Put(Handle<WeakHashTable> table,
Handle<HeapObject> key,
Handle<HeapObject> value);
static Handle<FixedArray> GetValues(Handle<WeakHashTable> table);
friend class MarkCompactCollector;
void AddEntry(int entry, Handle<WeakCell> key, Handle<HeapObject> value);
// Returns the index to the value of an entry.
static inline int EntryToValueIndex(int entry) {
return EntryToIndex(entry) + 1;
// OrderedHashTableIterator is an iterator that iterates over the keys and
// values of an OrderedHashTable.
// The iterator has a reference to the underlying OrderedHashTable data,
// [table], as well as the current [index] the iterator is at.
// When the OrderedHashTable is rehashed it adds a reference from the old table
// to the new table as well as storing enough data about the changes so that the
// iterator [index] can be adjusted accordingly.
// When the [Next] result from the iterator is requested, the iterator checks if
// there is a newer table that it needs to transition to.
template <class Derived, class TableType>
class OrderedHashTableIterator : public JSObject {
// [table]: the backing hash table mapping keys to values.
DECL_ACCESSORS(table, Object)
// [index]: The index into the data table.
DECL_ACCESSORS(index, Object)
// [kind]: The kind of iteration this is. One of the [Kind] enum values.
DECL_ACCESSORS(kind, Object)
void OrderedHashTableIteratorPrint(std::ostream& os); // NOLINT
static const int kTableOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
static const int kIndexOffset = kTableOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kKindOffset = kIndexOffset + kPointerSize;
static const int kSize = kKindOffset + kPointerSize;
enum Kind { kKindKeys = 1, kKindValues = 2, kKindEntries = 3 };
// Whether the iterator has more elements. This needs to be called before
// calling |CurrentKey| and/or |CurrentValue|.
bool HasMore();
// Move the index forward one.
void MoveNext() { set_index(Smi::FromInt(Smi::cast(index())->value() + 1)); }
// Populates the array with the next key and value and then moves the iterator
// forward.
// This returns the |kind| or 0 if the iterator is already at the end.
Smi* Next(JSArray* value_array);
// Returns the current key of the iterator. This should only be called when
// |HasMore| returns true.
inline Object* CurrentKey();
// Transitions the iterator to the non obsolete backing store. This is a NOP
// if the [table] is not obsolete.
void Transition();
class JSSetIterator
: public OrderedHashTableIterator<JSSetIterator, OrderedHashSet> {
// Dispatched behavior.
// Called by |Next| to populate the array. This allows the subclasses to
// populate the array differently.
inline void PopulateValueArray(FixedArray* array);
class JSMapIterator
: public OrderedHashTableIterator<JSMapIterator, OrderedHashMap> {
// Dispatched behavior.
// Called by |Next| to populate the array. This allows the subclasses to
// populate the array differently.
inline void PopulateValueArray(FixedArray* array);
// Returns the current value of the iterator. This should only be called when
// |HasMore| returns true.
inline Object* CurrentValue();
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"