blob: 788e4bc0edf7012e5ed2ab3b0e84d7b4d2beeb75 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ic/access-compiler.h"
#include "src/ic/ic-state.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class CallOptimization;
class PropertyHandlerCompiler : public PropertyAccessCompiler {
static Handle<Code> Find(Handle<Name> name, Handle<Map> map, Code::Kind kind);
PropertyHandlerCompiler(Isolate* isolate, Code::Kind kind, Handle<Map> map,
Handle<JSObject> holder)
: PropertyAccessCompiler(isolate, kind), map_(map), holder_(holder) {}
virtual ~PropertyHandlerCompiler() {}
virtual Register FrontendHeader(Register object_reg, Handle<Name> name,
Label* miss) {
virtual void FrontendFooter(Handle<Name> name, Label* miss) { UNREACHABLE(); }
// Frontend loads from receiver(), returns holder register which may be
// different.
Register Frontend(Handle<Name> name);
// When FLAG_vector_ics is true, handlers that have the possibility of missing
// will need to save and pass these to miss handlers.
void PushVectorAndSlot() { PushVectorAndSlot(vector(), slot()); }
void PushVectorAndSlot(Register vector, Register slot);
void PopVectorAndSlot() { PopVectorAndSlot(vector(), slot()); }
void PopVectorAndSlot(Register vector, Register slot);
void DiscardVectorAndSlot();
// TODO(verwaest): Make non-static.
static void GenerateApiAccessorCall(MacroAssembler* masm,
const CallOptimization& optimization,
Handle<Map> receiver_map,
Register receiver, Register scratch,
bool is_store, Register store_parameter,
Register accessor_holder,
int accessor_index);
// Helper function used to check that the dictionary doesn't contain
// the property. This function may return false negatives, so miss_label
// must always call a backup property check that is complete.
// This function is safe to call if the receiver has fast properties.
// Name must be unique and receiver must be a heap object.
static void GenerateDictionaryNegativeLookup(MacroAssembler* masm,
Label* miss_label,
Register receiver,
Handle<Name> name, Register r0,
Register r1);
// Generate code to check that a global property cell is empty. Create
// the property cell at compilation time if no cell exists for the
// property.
static void GenerateCheckPropertyCell(MacroAssembler* masm,
Handle<JSGlobalObject> global,
Handle<Name> name, Register scratch,
Label* miss);
// Generates check that current native context has the same access rights
// as the given |native_context_cell|.
// If |compare_native_contexts_only| is true then access check is considered
// passed if the execution-time native context is equal to contents of
// |native_context_cell|.
// If |compare_native_contexts_only| is false then access check is considered
// passed if the execution-time native context is equal to contents of
// |native_context_cell| or security tokens of both contexts are equal.
void GenerateAccessCheck(Handle<WeakCell> native_context_cell,
Register scratch1, Register scratch2, Label* miss,
bool compare_native_contexts_only);
// Generates code that verifies that the property holder has not changed
// (checking maps of objects in the prototype chain for fast and global
// objects or doing negative lookup for slow objects, ensures that the
// property cells for global objects are still empty) and checks that the map
// of the holder has not changed. If necessary the function also generates
// code for security check in case of global object holders. Helps to make
// sure that the current IC is still valid.
// The scratch and holder registers are always clobbered, but the object
// register is only clobbered if it the same as the holder register. The
// function returns a register containing the holder - either object_reg or
// holder_reg.
Register CheckPrototypes(Register object_reg, Register holder_reg,
Register scratch1, Register scratch2,
Handle<Name> name, Label* miss);
Handle<Code> GetCode(Code::Kind kind, Handle<Name> name);
Handle<Map> map() const { return map_; }
Handle<JSObject> holder() const { return holder_; }
Handle<Map> map_;
Handle<JSObject> holder_;
class NamedLoadHandlerCompiler : public PropertyHandlerCompiler {
NamedLoadHandlerCompiler(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Map> map,
Handle<JSObject> holder)
: PropertyHandlerCompiler(isolate, Code::LOAD_IC, map, holder) {}
virtual ~NamedLoadHandlerCompiler() {}
Handle<Code> CompileLoadCallback(Handle<Name> name,
const CallOptimization& call_optimization,
int accessor_index, Handle<Code> slow_stub);
static void GenerateLoadViaGetterForDeopt(MacroAssembler* masm);
virtual Register FrontendHeader(Register object_reg, Handle<Name> name,
Label* miss);
virtual void FrontendFooter(Handle<Name> name, Label* miss);
Register scratch3() { return registers_[4]; }
class NamedStoreHandlerCompiler : public PropertyHandlerCompiler {
// All store handlers use StoreWithVectorDescriptor calling convention.
typedef StoreWithVectorDescriptor Descriptor;
explicit NamedStoreHandlerCompiler(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Map> map,
Handle<JSObject> holder)
: PropertyHandlerCompiler(isolate, Code::STORE_IC, map, holder) {
#ifdef DEBUG
if (Descriptor::kPassLastArgsOnStack) {
virtual ~NamedStoreHandlerCompiler() {}
void ZapStackArgumentsRegisterAliases();
Handle<Code> CompileStoreCallback(Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<Name> name,
Handle<AccessorInfo> callback,
LanguageMode language_mode);
Handle<Code> CompileStoreCallback(Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<Name> name,
const CallOptimization& call_optimization,
int accessor_index, Handle<Code> slow_stub);
Handle<Code> CompileStoreViaSetter(Handle<JSObject> object, Handle<Name> name,
int accessor_index,
int expected_arguments);
static void GenerateStoreViaSetter(MacroAssembler* masm, Handle<Map> map,
Register receiver, Register holder,
int accessor_index, int expected_arguments,
Register scratch);
static void GenerateStoreViaSetterForDeopt(MacroAssembler* masm) {
GenerateStoreViaSetter(masm, Handle<Map>::null(), no_reg, no_reg, -1, -1,
virtual Register FrontendHeader(Register object_reg, Handle<Name> name,
Label* miss);
virtual void FrontendFooter(Handle<Name> name, Label* miss);
void GenerateRestoreName(Label* label, Handle<Name> name);
static Register value();
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8