blob: 2a9f3bfad8d748d6eb27bc77ea037e2566737d0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/compiler/typer.h"
#include "src/base/flags.h"
#include "src/bootstrapper.h"
#include "src/compilation-dependencies.h"
#include "src/compiler/common-operator.h"
#include "src/compiler/graph-reducer.h"
#include "src/compiler/js-operator.h"
#include "src/compiler/node.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-properties.h"
#include "src/compiler/simplified-operator.h"
#include "src/objects-inl.h"
#include "src/type-cache.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
class Typer::Decorator final : public GraphDecorator {
explicit Decorator(Typer* typer) : typer_(typer) {}
void Decorate(Node* node) final;
Typer* const typer_;
Typer::Typer(Isolate* isolate, Graph* graph, Flags flags,
CompilationDependencies* dependencies, FunctionType* function_type)
: isolate_(isolate),
cache_(TypeCache::Get()) {
Zone* zone = this->zone();
Factory* const factory = isolate->factory();
Type* infinity = Type::Constant(factory->infinity_value(), zone);
Type* minus_infinity = Type::Constant(factory->minus_infinity_value(), zone);
// TODO(neis): Unfortunately, the infinities created in other places might
// be different ones (eg the result of NewNumber in TypeNumberConstant).
Type* truncating_to_zero =
Type::Union(Type::Union(infinity, minus_infinity, zone),
Type::MinusZeroOrNaN(), zone);
singleton_false_ = Type::Constant(factory->false_value(), zone);
singleton_true_ = Type::Constant(factory->true_value(), zone);
singleton_the_hole_ = Type::Constant(factory->the_hole_value(), zone);
signed32ish_ = Type::Union(Type::Signed32(), truncating_to_zero, zone);
unsigned32ish_ = Type::Union(Type::Unsigned32(), truncating_to_zero, zone);
falsish_ = Type::Union(
Type::Union(Type::Union(singleton_false_, cache_.kZeroish, zone),
singleton_the_hole_, zone),
truish_ = Type::Union(
Type::Union(Type::DetectableReceiver(), Type::Symbol(), zone), zone);
decorator_ = new (zone) Decorator(this);
Typer::~Typer() {
class Typer::Visitor : public Reducer {
explicit Visitor(Typer* typer)
: typer_(typer), weakened_nodes_(typer->zone()) {}
Reduction Reduce(Node* node) override {
if (node->op()->ValueOutputCount() == 0) return NoChange();
switch (node->opcode()) {
#define DECLARE_CASE(x) \
case IrOpcode::k##x: \
return UpdateType(node, TypeBinaryOp(node, x##Typer));
#define DECLARE_CASE(x) \
case IrOpcode::k##x: \
return UpdateType(node, Type##x(node));
#define DECLARE_CASE(x) case IrOpcode::k##x:
return NoChange();
Type* TypeNode(Node* node) {
switch (node->opcode()) {
#define DECLARE_CASE(x) \
case IrOpcode::k##x: return TypeBinaryOp(node, x##Typer);
#define DECLARE_CASE(x) case IrOpcode::k##x: return Type##x(node);
#define DECLARE_CASE(x) case IrOpcode::k##x:
return nullptr;
Type* TypeConstant(Handle<Object> value);
Typer* typer_;
ZoneSet<NodeId> weakened_nodes_;
#define DECLARE_METHOD(x) inline Type* Type##x(Node* node);
Type* TypeOrNone(Node* node) {
return NodeProperties::IsTyped(node) ? NodeProperties::GetType(node)
: Type::None();
Type* Operand(Node* node, int i) {
Node* operand_node = NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, i);
return TypeOrNone(operand_node);
Type* WrapContextTypeForInput(Node* node);
Type* Weaken(Node* node, Type* current_type, Type* previous_type);
Zone* zone() { return typer_->zone(); }
Isolate* isolate() { return typer_->isolate(); }
Graph* graph() { return typer_->graph(); }
Typer::Flags flags() const { return typer_->flags(); }
CompilationDependencies* dependencies() const {
return typer_->dependencies();
void SetWeakened(NodeId node_id) { weakened_nodes_.insert(node_id); }
bool IsWeakened(NodeId node_id) {
return weakened_nodes_.find(node_id) != weakened_nodes_.end();
typedef Type* (*UnaryTyperFun)(Type*, Typer* t);
typedef Type* (*BinaryTyperFun)(Type*, Type*, Typer* t);
Type* TypeUnaryOp(Node* node, UnaryTyperFun);
Type* TypeBinaryOp(Node* node, BinaryTyperFun);
enum ComparisonOutcomeFlags {
kComparisonTrue = 1,
kComparisonFalse = 2,
kComparisonUndefined = 4
typedef base::Flags<ComparisonOutcomeFlags> ComparisonOutcome;
static ComparisonOutcome Invert(ComparisonOutcome, Typer*);
static Type* Invert(Type*, Typer*);
static Type* FalsifyUndefined(ComparisonOutcome, Typer*);
static Type* Rangify(Type*, Typer*);
static Type* ToPrimitive(Type*, Typer*);
static Type* ToBoolean(Type*, Typer*);
static Type* ToInteger(Type*, Typer*);
static Type* ToLength(Type*, Typer*);
static Type* ToName(Type*, Typer*);
static Type* ToNumber(Type*, Typer*);
static Type* ToObject(Type*, Typer*);
static Type* ToString(Type*, Typer*);
static Type* NumberToInt32(Type*, Typer*);
static Type* NumberToUint32(Type*, Typer*);
static Type* ObjectIsNumber(Type*, Typer*);
static Type* ObjectIsReceiver(Type*, Typer*);
static Type* ObjectIsSmi(Type*, Typer*);
static Type* ObjectIsUndetectable(Type*, Typer*);
static Type* JSAddRanger(RangeType*, RangeType*, Typer*);
static Type* JSSubtractRanger(RangeType*, RangeType*, Typer*);
static Type* JSDivideRanger(RangeType*, RangeType*, Typer*);
static Type* JSModulusRanger(RangeType*, RangeType*, Typer*);
static ComparisonOutcome JSCompareTyper(Type*, Type*, Typer*);
#define DECLARE_METHOD(x) static Type* x##Typer(Type*, Type*, Typer*);
static Type* JSTypeOfTyper(Type*, Typer*);
static Type* JSLoadPropertyTyper(Type*, Type*, Typer*);
static Type* JSCallFunctionTyper(Type*, Typer*);
static Type* ReferenceEqualTyper(Type*, Type*, Typer*);
Reduction UpdateType(Node* node, Type* current) {
if (NodeProperties::IsTyped(node)) {
// Widen the type of a previously typed node.
Type* previous = NodeProperties::GetType(node);
if (node->opcode() == IrOpcode::kPhi) {
// Speed up termination in the presence of range types:
current = Weaken(node, current, previous);
NodeProperties::SetType(node, current);
if (!current->Is(previous)) {
// If something changed, revisit all uses.
return Changed(node);
return NoChange();
} else {
// No previous type, simply update the type.
NodeProperties::SetType(node, current);
return Changed(node);
void Typer::Run() { Run(NodeVector(zone())); }
void Typer::Run(const NodeVector& roots) {
Visitor visitor(this);
GraphReducer graph_reducer(zone(), graph());
for (Node* const root : roots) graph_reducer.ReduceNode(root);
void Typer::Decorator::Decorate(Node* node) {
if (node->op()->ValueOutputCount() > 0) {
// Only eagerly type-decorate nodes with known input types.
// Other cases will generally require a proper fixpoint iteration with Run.
bool is_typed = NodeProperties::IsTyped(node);
if (is_typed || NodeProperties::AllValueInputsAreTyped(node)) {
Visitor typing(typer_);
Type* type = typing.TypeNode(node);
if (is_typed) {
type = Type::Intersect(type, NodeProperties::GetType(node),
NodeProperties::SetType(node, type);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper functions that lift a function f on types to a function on bounds,
// and uses that to type the given node. Note that f is never called with None
// as an argument.
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeUnaryOp(Node* node, UnaryTyperFun f) {
Type* input = Operand(node, 0);
return input->IsInhabited() ? f(input, typer_) : Type::None();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeBinaryOp(Node* node, BinaryTyperFun f) {
Type* left = Operand(node, 0);
Type* right = Operand(node, 1);
return left->IsInhabited() && right->IsInhabited() ? f(left, right, typer_)
: Type::None();
Type* Typer::Visitor::Invert(Type* type, Typer* t) {
if (type->Is(t->singleton_false_)) return t->singleton_true_;
if (type->Is(t->singleton_true_)) return t->singleton_false_;
return type;
Typer::Visitor::ComparisonOutcome Typer::Visitor::Invert(
ComparisonOutcome outcome, Typer* t) {
ComparisonOutcome result(0);
if ((outcome & kComparisonUndefined) != 0) result |= kComparisonUndefined;
if ((outcome & kComparisonTrue) != 0) result |= kComparisonFalse;
if ((outcome & kComparisonFalse) != 0) result |= kComparisonTrue;
return result;
Type* Typer::Visitor::FalsifyUndefined(ComparisonOutcome outcome, Typer* t) {
if ((outcome & kComparisonFalse) != 0 ||
(outcome & kComparisonUndefined) != 0) {
return (outcome & kComparisonTrue) != 0 ? Type::Boolean()
: t->singleton_false_;
// Type should be non empty, so we know it should be true.
DCHECK((outcome & kComparisonTrue) != 0);
return t->singleton_true_;
Type* Typer::Visitor::Rangify(Type* type, Typer* t) {
if (type->IsRange()) return type; // Shortcut.
if (!type->Is(t->cache_.kInteger)) {
return type; // Give up on non-integer types.
double min = type->Min();
double max = type->Max();
// Handle the degenerate case of empty bitset types (such as
// OtherUnsigned31 and OtherSigned32 on 64-bit architectures).
if (std::isnan(min)) {
return type;
return Type::Range(min, max, t->zone());
// Type conversion.
Type* Typer::Visitor::ToPrimitive(Type* type, Typer* t) {
if (type->Is(Type::Primitive()) && !type->Maybe(Type::Receiver())) {
return type;
return Type::Primitive();
Type* Typer::Visitor::ToBoolean(Type* type, Typer* t) {
if (type->Is(Type::Boolean())) return type;
if (type->Is(t->falsish_)) return t->singleton_false_;
if (type->Is(t->truish_)) return t->singleton_true_;
if (type->Is(Type::PlainNumber()) && (type->Max() < 0 || 0 < type->Min())) {
return t->singleton_true_; // Ruled out nan, -0 and +0.
return Type::Boolean();
// static
Type* Typer::Visitor::ToInteger(Type* type, Typer* t) {
// ES6 section 7.1.4 ToInteger ( argument )
type = ToNumber(type, t);
if (type->Is(t->cache_.kIntegerOrMinusZero)) return type;
return t->cache_.kIntegerOrMinusZero;
// static
Type* Typer::Visitor::ToLength(Type* type, Typer* t) {
// ES6 section 7.1.15 ToLength ( argument )
type = ToInteger(type, t);
double min = type->Min();
double max = type->Max();
if (min <= 0.0) min = 0.0;
if (max > kMaxSafeInteger) max = kMaxSafeInteger;
if (max <= min) max = min;
return Type::Range(min, max, t->zone());
// static
Type* Typer::Visitor::ToName(Type* type, Typer* t) {
// ES6 section 7.1.14 ToPropertyKey ( argument )
type = ToPrimitive(type, t);
if (type->Is(Type::Name())) return type;
if (type->Maybe(Type::Symbol())) return Type::Name();
return ToString(type, t);
// static
Type* Typer::Visitor::ToNumber(Type* type, Typer* t) {
if (type->Is(Type::Number())) return type;
if (type->Is(Type::NullOrUndefined())) {
if (type->Is(Type::Null())) return t->cache_.kSingletonZero;
if (type->Is(Type::Undefined())) return Type::NaN();
return Type::Union(Type::NaN(), t->cache_.kSingletonZero, t->zone());
if (type->Is(Type::NumberOrUndefined())) {
return Type::Union(Type::Intersect(type, Type::Number(), t->zone()),
Type::NaN(), t->zone());
if (type->Is(t->singleton_false_)) return t->cache_.kSingletonZero;
if (type->Is(t->singleton_true_)) return t->cache_.kSingletonOne;
if (type->Is(Type::Boolean())) return t->cache_.kZeroOrOne;
if (type->Is(Type::BooleanOrNumber())) {
return Type::Union(Type::Intersect(type, Type::Number(), t->zone()),
t->cache_.kZeroOrOne, t->zone());
return Type::Number();
// static
Type* Typer::Visitor::ToObject(Type* type, Typer* t) {
// ES6 section 7.1.13 ToObject ( argument )
if (type->Is(Type::Receiver())) return type;
if (type->Is(Type::Primitive())) return Type::OtherObject();
if (!type->Maybe(Type::OtherUndetectable())) {
return Type::DetectableReceiver();
return Type::Receiver();
// static
Type* Typer::Visitor::ToString(Type* type, Typer* t) {
// ES6 section 7.1.12 ToString ( argument )
type = ToPrimitive(type, t);
if (type->Is(Type::String())) return type;
return Type::String();
Type* Typer::Visitor::NumberToInt32(Type* type, Typer* t) {
// TODO(neis): DCHECK(type->Is(Type::Number()));
if (type->Is(Type::Signed32())) return type;
if (type->Is(t->cache_.kZeroish)) return t->cache_.kSingletonZero;
if (type->Is(t->signed32ish_)) {
return Type::Intersect(
Type::Union(type, t->cache_.kSingletonZero, t->zone()),
Type::Signed32(), t->zone());
return Type::Signed32();
Type* Typer::Visitor::NumberToUint32(Type* type, Typer* t) {
// TODO(neis): DCHECK(type->Is(Type::Number()));
if (type->Is(Type::Unsigned32())) return type;
if (type->Is(t->cache_.kZeroish)) return t->cache_.kSingletonZero;
if (type->Is(t->unsigned32ish_)) {
return Type::Intersect(
Type::Union(type, t->cache_.kSingletonZero, t->zone()),
Type::Unsigned32(), t->zone());
return Type::Unsigned32();
// Type checks.
Type* Typer::Visitor::ObjectIsNumber(Type* type, Typer* t) {
if (type->Is(Type::Number())) return t->singleton_true_;
if (!type->Maybe(Type::Number())) return t->singleton_false_;
return Type::Boolean();
Type* Typer::Visitor::ObjectIsReceiver(Type* type, Typer* t) {
if (type->Is(Type::Receiver())) return t->singleton_true_;
if (!type->Maybe(Type::Receiver())) return t->singleton_false_;
return Type::Boolean();
Type* Typer::Visitor::ObjectIsSmi(Type* type, Typer* t) {
if (type->Is(Type::TaggedSigned())) return t->singleton_true_;
if (type->Is(Type::TaggedPointer())) return t->singleton_false_;
return Type::Boolean();
Type* Typer::Visitor::ObjectIsUndetectable(Type* type, Typer* t) {
if (type->Is(Type::Undetectable())) return t->singleton_true_;
if (!type->Maybe(Type::Undetectable())) return t->singleton_false_;
return Type::Boolean();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Control operators.
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeStart(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeIfException(Node* node) { return Type::Any(); }
// Common operators.
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeParameter(Node* node) {
if (FunctionType* function_type = typer_->function_type()) {
int const index = ParameterIndexOf(node->op());
if (index >= 0 && index < function_type->Arity()) {
return function_type->Parameter(index);
return Type::Any();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeOsrValue(Node* node) { return Type::Any(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeInt32Constant(Node* node) {
double number = OpParameter<int32_t>(node);
return Type::Intersect(Type::Range(number, number, zone()),
Type::UntaggedIntegral32(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeInt64Constant(Node* node) {
// TODO(rossberg): This actually seems to be a PointerConstant so far...
return Type::Internal(); // TODO(rossberg): Add int64 bitset type?
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat32Constant(Node* node) {
return Type::Intersect(Type::Of(OpParameter<float>(node), zone()),
Type::UntaggedFloat32(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat64Constant(Node* node) {
return Type::Intersect(Type::Of(OpParameter<double>(node), zone()),
Type::UntaggedFloat64(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberConstant(Node* node) {
Factory* f = isolate()->factory();
double number = OpParameter<double>(node);
if (Type::IsInteger(number)) {
return Type::Range(number, number, zone());
return Type::Constant(f->NewNumber(number), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeHeapConstant(Node* node) {
return TypeConstant(OpParameter<Handle<HeapObject>>(node));
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeExternalConstant(Node* node) {
return Type::Internal();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeSelect(Node* node) {
return Type::Union(Operand(node, 1), Operand(node, 2), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypePhi(Node* node) {
int arity = node->op()->ValueInputCount();
Type* type = Operand(node, 0);
for (int i = 1; i < arity; ++i) {
type = Type::Union(type, Operand(node, i), zone());
return type;
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeEffectPhi(Node* node) {
return nullptr;
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeEffectSet(Node* node) {
return nullptr;
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeGuard(Node* node) {
Type* input_type = Operand(node, 0);
Type* guard_type = OpParameter<Type*>(node);
return Type::Intersect(input_type, guard_type, zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeBeginRegion(Node* node) {
return nullptr;
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFinishRegion(Node* node) { return Operand(node, 0); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFrameState(Node* node) {
// TODO(rossberg): Ideally FrameState wouldn't have a value output.
return Type::Internal();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeStateValues(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectState(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeTypedStateValues(Node* node) {
return Type::Internal();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeCall(Node* node) { return Type::Any(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeProjection(Node* node) {
Type* const type = Operand(node, 0);
if (type->Is(Type::None())) return Type::None();
int const index = static_cast<int>(ProjectionIndexOf(node->op()));
if (type->IsTuple() && index < type->AsTuple()->Arity()) {
return type->AsTuple()->Element(index);
return Type::Any();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeDead(Node* node) { return Type::Any(); }
// JS comparison operators.
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSEqualTyper(Type* lhs, Type* rhs, Typer* t) {
if (lhs->Is(Type::NaN()) || rhs->Is(Type::NaN())) return t->singleton_false_;
if (lhs->Is(Type::NullOrUndefined()) && rhs->Is(Type::NullOrUndefined())) {
return t->singleton_true_;
if (lhs->Is(Type::Number()) && rhs->Is(Type::Number()) &&
(lhs->Max() < rhs->Min() || lhs->Min() > rhs->Max())) {
return t->singleton_false_;
if (lhs->IsConstant() && rhs->Is(lhs)) {
// Types are equal and are inhabited only by a single semantic value,
// which is not nan due to the earlier check.
// TODO(neis): Extend this to Range(x,x), MinusZero, ...?
return t->singleton_true_;
return Type::Boolean();
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSNotEqualTyper(Type* lhs, Type* rhs, Typer* t) {
return Invert(JSEqualTyper(lhs, rhs, t), t);
static Type* JSType(Type* type) {
if (type->Is(Type::Boolean())) return Type::Boolean();
if (type->Is(Type::String())) return Type::String();
if (type->Is(Type::Number())) return Type::Number();
if (type->Is(Type::Undefined())) return Type::Undefined();
if (type->Is(Type::Null())) return Type::Null();
if (type->Is(Type::Symbol())) return Type::Symbol();
if (type->Is(Type::Receiver())) return Type::Receiver(); // JS "Object"
return Type::Any();
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSStrictEqualTyper(Type* lhs, Type* rhs, Typer* t) {
if (!JSType(lhs)->Maybe(JSType(rhs))) return t->singleton_false_;
if (lhs->Is(Type::NaN()) || rhs->Is(Type::NaN())) return t->singleton_false_;
if (lhs->Is(Type::Number()) && rhs->Is(Type::Number()) &&
(lhs->Max() < rhs->Min() || lhs->Min() > rhs->Max())) {
return t->singleton_false_;
if ((lhs->Is(t->singleton_the_hole_) || rhs->Is(t->singleton_the_hole_)) &&
!lhs->Maybe(rhs)) {
return t->singleton_false_;
if (lhs->IsConstant() && rhs->Is(lhs)) {
// Types are equal and are inhabited only by a single semantic value,
// which is not nan due to the earlier check.
return t->singleton_true_;
return Type::Boolean();
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSStrictNotEqualTyper(Type* lhs, Type* rhs, Typer* t) {
return Invert(JSStrictEqualTyper(lhs, rhs, t), t);
// The EcmaScript specification defines the four relational comparison operators
// (<, <=, >=, >) with the help of a single abstract one. It behaves like <
// but returns undefined when the inputs cannot be compared.
// We implement the typing analogously.
Typer::Visitor::ComparisonOutcome Typer::Visitor::JSCompareTyper(Type* lhs,
Type* rhs,
Typer* t) {
lhs = ToPrimitive(lhs, t);
rhs = ToPrimitive(rhs, t);
if (lhs->Maybe(Type::String()) && rhs->Maybe(Type::String())) {
return ComparisonOutcome(kComparisonTrue) |
lhs = ToNumber(lhs, t);
rhs = ToNumber(rhs, t);
// Shortcut for NaNs.
if (lhs->Is(Type::NaN()) || rhs->Is(Type::NaN())) return kComparisonUndefined;
ComparisonOutcome result;
if (lhs->IsConstant() && rhs->Is(lhs)) {
// Types are equal and are inhabited only by a single semantic value.
result = kComparisonFalse;
} else if (lhs->Min() >= rhs->Max()) {
result = kComparisonFalse;
} else if (lhs->Max() < rhs->Min()) {
result = kComparisonTrue;
} else {
// We cannot figure out the result, return both true and false. (We do not
// have to return undefined because that cannot affect the result of
// FalsifyUndefined.)
return ComparisonOutcome(kComparisonTrue) |
// Add the undefined if we could see NaN.
if (lhs->Maybe(Type::NaN()) || rhs->Maybe(Type::NaN())) {
result |= kComparisonUndefined;
return result;
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSLessThanTyper(Type* lhs, Type* rhs, Typer* t) {
return FalsifyUndefined(JSCompareTyper(lhs, rhs, t), t);
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSGreaterThanTyper(Type* lhs, Type* rhs, Typer* t) {
return FalsifyUndefined(JSCompareTyper(rhs, lhs, t), t);
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSLessThanOrEqualTyper(Type* lhs, Type* rhs, Typer* t) {
return FalsifyUndefined(Invert(JSCompareTyper(rhs, lhs, t), t), t);
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSGreaterThanOrEqualTyper(
Type* lhs, Type* rhs, Typer* t) {
return FalsifyUndefined(Invert(JSCompareTyper(lhs, rhs, t), t), t);
// JS bitwise operators.
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSBitwiseOrTyper(Type* lhs, Type* rhs, Typer* t) {
lhs = NumberToInt32(ToNumber(lhs, t), t);
rhs = NumberToInt32(ToNumber(rhs, t), t);
double lmin = lhs->Min();
double rmin = rhs->Min();
double lmax = lhs->Max();
double rmax = rhs->Max();
// Or-ing any two values results in a value no smaller than their minimum.
// Even no smaller than their maximum if both values are non-negative.
double min =
lmin >= 0 && rmin >= 0 ? std::max(lmin, rmin) : std::min(lmin, rmin);
double max = Type::Signed32()->Max();
// Or-ing with 0 is essentially a conversion to int32.
if (rmin == 0 && rmax == 0) {
min = lmin;
max = lmax;
if (lmin == 0 && lmax == 0) {
min = rmin;
max = rmax;
if (lmax < 0 || rmax < 0) {
// Or-ing two values of which at least one is negative results in a negative
// value.
max = std::min(max, -1.0);
return Type::Range(min, max, t->zone());
// TODO(neis): Be precise for singleton inputs, here and elsewhere.
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSBitwiseAndTyper(Type* lhs, Type* rhs, Typer* t) {
lhs = NumberToInt32(ToNumber(lhs, t), t);
rhs = NumberToInt32(ToNumber(rhs, t), t);
double lmin = lhs->Min();
double rmin = rhs->Min();
double lmax = lhs->Max();
double rmax = rhs->Max();
double min = Type::Signed32()->Min();
// And-ing any two values results in a value no larger than their maximum.
// Even no larger than their minimum if both values are non-negative.
double max =
lmin >= 0 && rmin >= 0 ? std::min(lmax, rmax) : std::max(lmax, rmax);
// And-ing with a non-negative value x causes the result to be between
// zero and x.
if (lmin >= 0) {
min = 0;
max = std::min(max, lmax);
if (rmin >= 0) {
min = 0;
max = std::min(max, rmax);
return Type::Range(min, max, t->zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSBitwiseXorTyper(Type* lhs, Type* rhs, Typer* t) {
lhs = NumberToInt32(ToNumber(lhs, t), t);
rhs = NumberToInt32(ToNumber(rhs, t), t);
double lmin = lhs->Min();
double rmin = rhs->Min();
double lmax = lhs->Max();
double rmax = rhs->Max();
if ((lmin >= 0 && rmin >= 0) || (lmax < 0 && rmax < 0)) {
// Xor-ing negative or non-negative values results in a non-negative value.
return Type::Unsigned31();
if ((lmax < 0 && rmin >= 0) || (lmin >= 0 && rmax < 0)) {
// Xor-ing a negative and a non-negative value results in a negative value.
// TODO(jarin) Use a range here.
return Type::Negative32();
return Type::Signed32();
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSShiftLeftTyper(Type* lhs, Type* rhs, Typer* t) {
return Type::Signed32();
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSShiftRightTyper(Type* lhs, Type* rhs, Typer* t) {
lhs = NumberToInt32(ToNumber(lhs, t), t);
rhs = NumberToUint32(ToNumber(rhs, t), t);
double min = kMinInt;
double max = kMaxInt;
if (lhs->Min() >= 0) {
// Right-shifting a non-negative value cannot make it negative, nor larger.
min = std::max(min, 0.0);
max = std::min(max, lhs->Max());
if (rhs->Min() > 0 && rhs->Max() <= 31) {
max = static_cast<int>(max) >> static_cast<int>(rhs->Min());
if (lhs->Max() < 0) {
// Right-shifting a negative value cannot make it non-negative, nor smaller.
min = std::max(min, lhs->Min());
max = std::min(max, -1.0);
if (rhs->Min() > 0 && rhs->Max() <= 31) {
min = static_cast<int>(min) >> static_cast<int>(rhs->Min());
if (rhs->Min() > 0 && rhs->Max() <= 31) {
// Right-shifting by a positive value yields a small integer value.
double shift_min = kMinInt >> static_cast<int>(rhs->Min());
double shift_max = kMaxInt >> static_cast<int>(rhs->Min());
min = std::max(min, shift_min);
max = std::min(max, shift_max);
// TODO(jarin) Ideally, the following micro-optimization should be performed
// by the type constructor.
if (max != Type::Signed32()->Max() || min != Type::Signed32()->Min()) {
return Type::Range(min, max, t->zone());
return Type::Signed32();
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSShiftRightLogicalTyper(Type* lhs, Type* rhs, Typer* t) {
lhs = NumberToUint32(ToNumber(lhs, t), t);
// Logical right-shifting any value cannot make it larger.
return Type::Range(0.0, lhs->Max(), t->zone());
// JS arithmetic operators.
// Returns the array's least element, ignoring NaN.
// There must be at least one non-NaN element.
// Any -0 is converted to 0.
static double array_min(double a[], size_t n) {
DCHECK(n != 0);
double x = +V8_INFINITY;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (!std::isnan(a[i])) {
x = std::min(a[i], x);
return x == 0 ? 0 : x; // -0 -> 0
// Returns the array's greatest element, ignoring NaN.
// There must be at least one non-NaN element.
// Any -0 is converted to 0.
static double array_max(double a[], size_t n) {
DCHECK(n != 0);
double x = -V8_INFINITY;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (!std::isnan(a[i])) {
x = std::max(a[i], x);
return x == 0 ? 0 : x; // -0 -> 0
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSAddRanger(RangeType* lhs, RangeType* rhs, Typer* t) {
double results[4];
results[0] = lhs->Min() + rhs->Min();
results[1] = lhs->Min() + rhs->Max();
results[2] = lhs->Max() + rhs->Min();
results[3] = lhs->Max() + rhs->Max();
// Since none of the inputs can be -0, the result cannot be -0 either.
// However, it can be nan (the sum of two infinities of opposite sign).
// On the other hand, if none of the "results" above is nan, then the actual
// result cannot be nan either.
int nans = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if (std::isnan(results[i])) ++nans;
if (nans == 4) return Type::NaN(); // [-inf..-inf] + [inf..inf] or vice versa
Type* range =
Type::Range(array_min(results, 4), array_max(results, 4), t->zone());
return nans == 0 ? range : Type::Union(range, Type::NaN(), t->zone());
// Examples:
// [-inf, -inf] + [+inf, +inf] = NaN
// [-inf, -inf] + [n, +inf] = [-inf, -inf] \/ NaN
// [-inf, +inf] + [n, +inf] = [-inf, +inf] \/ NaN
// [-inf, m] + [n, +inf] = [-inf, +inf] \/ NaN
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSAddTyper(Type* lhs, Type* rhs, Typer* t) {
lhs = ToPrimitive(lhs, t);
rhs = ToPrimitive(rhs, t);
if (lhs->Maybe(Type::String()) || rhs->Maybe(Type::String())) {
if (lhs->Is(Type::String()) || rhs->Is(Type::String())) {
return Type::String();
} else {
return Type::NumberOrString();
lhs = Rangify(ToNumber(lhs, t), t);
rhs = Rangify(ToNumber(rhs, t), t);
if (lhs->Is(Type::NaN()) || rhs->Is(Type::NaN())) return Type::NaN();
if (lhs->IsRange() && rhs->IsRange()) {
return JSAddRanger(lhs->AsRange(), rhs->AsRange(), t);
// TODO(neis): Deal with numeric bitsets here and elsewhere.
return Type::Number();
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSSubtractRanger(RangeType* lhs, RangeType* rhs,
Typer* t) {
double results[4];
results[0] = lhs->Min() - rhs->Min();
results[1] = lhs->Min() - rhs->Max();
results[2] = lhs->Max() - rhs->Min();
results[3] = lhs->Max() - rhs->Max();
// Since none of the inputs can be -0, the result cannot be -0.
// However, it can be nan (the subtraction of two infinities of same sign).
// On the other hand, if none of the "results" above is nan, then the actual
// result cannot be nan either.
int nans = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if (std::isnan(results[i])) ++nans;
if (nans == 4) return Type::NaN(); // [inf..inf] - [inf..inf] (all same sign)
Type* range =
Type::Range(array_min(results, 4), array_max(results, 4), t->zone());
return nans == 0 ? range : Type::Union(range, Type::NaN(), t->zone());
// Examples:
// [-inf, +inf] - [-inf, +inf] = [-inf, +inf] \/ NaN
// [-inf, -inf] - [-inf, -inf] = NaN
// [-inf, -inf] - [n, +inf] = [-inf, -inf] \/ NaN
// [m, +inf] - [-inf, n] = [-inf, +inf] \/ NaN
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSSubtractTyper(Type* lhs, Type* rhs, Typer* t) {
lhs = Rangify(ToNumber(lhs, t), t);
rhs = Rangify(ToNumber(rhs, t), t);
if (lhs->Is(Type::NaN()) || rhs->Is(Type::NaN())) return Type::NaN();
if (lhs->IsRange() && rhs->IsRange()) {
return JSSubtractRanger(lhs->AsRange(), rhs->AsRange(), t);
return Type::Number();
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSMultiplyTyper(Type* lhs, Type* rhs, Typer* t) {
lhs = Rangify(ToNumber(lhs, t), t);
rhs = Rangify(ToNumber(rhs, t), t);
if (lhs->Is(Type::NaN()) || rhs->Is(Type::NaN())) return Type::NaN();
if (lhs->IsRange() && rhs->IsRange()) {
double results[4];
double lmin = lhs->AsRange()->Min();
double lmax = lhs->AsRange()->Max();
double rmin = rhs->AsRange()->Min();
double rmax = rhs->AsRange()->Max();
results[0] = lmin * rmin;
results[1] = lmin * rmax;
results[2] = lmax * rmin;
results[3] = lmax * rmax;
// If the result may be nan, we give up on calculating a precise type,
// because
// the discontinuity makes it too complicated. Note that even if none of
// the
// "results" above is nan, the actual result may still be, so we have to do
// a
// different check:
bool maybe_nan = (lhs->Maybe(t->cache_.kSingletonZero) &&
(rmin == -V8_INFINITY || rmax == +V8_INFINITY)) ||
(rhs->Maybe(t->cache_.kSingletonZero) &&
(lmin == -V8_INFINITY || lmax == +V8_INFINITY));
if (maybe_nan) return t->cache_.kIntegerOrMinusZeroOrNaN; // Giving up.
bool maybe_minuszero = (lhs->Maybe(t->cache_.kSingletonZero) && rmin < 0) ||
(rhs->Maybe(t->cache_.kSingletonZero) && lmin < 0);
Type* range =
Type::Range(array_min(results, 4), array_max(results, 4), t->zone());
return maybe_minuszero ? Type::Union(range, Type::MinusZero(), t->zone())
: range;
return Type::Number();
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSDivideTyper(Type* lhs, Type* rhs, Typer* t) {
lhs = ToNumber(lhs, t);
rhs = ToNumber(rhs, t);
if (lhs->Is(Type::NaN()) || rhs->Is(Type::NaN())) return Type::NaN();
// Division is tricky, so all we do is try ruling out nan.
// TODO(neis): try ruling out -0 as well?
bool maybe_nan =
lhs->Maybe(Type::NaN()) || rhs->Maybe(t->cache_.kZeroish) ||
((lhs->Min() == -V8_INFINITY || lhs->Max() == +V8_INFINITY) &&
(rhs->Min() == -V8_INFINITY || rhs->Max() == +V8_INFINITY));
return maybe_nan ? Type::Number() : Type::OrderedNumber();
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSModulusRanger(RangeType* lhs, RangeType* rhs,
Typer* t) {
double lmin = lhs->Min();
double lmax = lhs->Max();
double rmin = rhs->Min();
double rmax = rhs->Max();
double labs = std::max(std::abs(lmin), std::abs(lmax));
double rabs = std::max(std::abs(rmin), std::abs(rmax)) - 1;
double abs = std::min(labs, rabs);
bool maybe_minus_zero = false;
double omin = 0;
double omax = 0;
if (lmin >= 0) { // {lhs} positive.
omin = 0;
omax = abs;
} else if (lmax <= 0) { // {lhs} negative.
omin = 0 - abs;
omax = 0;
maybe_minus_zero = true;
} else {
omin = 0 - abs;
omax = abs;
maybe_minus_zero = true;
Type* result = Type::Range(omin, omax, t->zone());
if (maybe_minus_zero)
result = Type::Union(result, Type::MinusZero(), t->zone());
return result;
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSModulusTyper(Type* lhs, Type* rhs, Typer* t) {
lhs = ToNumber(lhs, t);
rhs = ToNumber(rhs, t);
if (lhs->Is(Type::NaN()) || rhs->Is(Type::NaN())) return Type::NaN();
if (lhs->Maybe(Type::NaN()) || rhs->Maybe(t->cache_.kZeroish) ||
lhs->Min() == -V8_INFINITY || lhs->Max() == +V8_INFINITY) {
// Result maybe NaN.
return Type::Number();
lhs = Rangify(lhs, t);
rhs = Rangify(rhs, t);
if (lhs->IsRange() && rhs->IsRange()) {
return JSModulusRanger(lhs->AsRange(), rhs->AsRange(), t);
return Type::OrderedNumber();
// JS unary operators.
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSTypeOfTyper(Type* type, Typer* t) {
Factory* const f = t->isolate()->factory();
if (type->Is(Type::Boolean())) {
return Type::Constant(f->boolean_string(), t->zone());
} else if (type->Is(Type::Number())) {
return Type::Constant(f->number_string(), t->zone());
} else if (type->Is(Type::String())) {
return Type::Constant(f->string_string(), t->zone());
} else if (type->Is(Type::Symbol())) {
return Type::Constant(f->symbol_string(), t->zone());
} else if (type->Is(Type::Union(Type::Undefined(), Type::OtherUndetectable(),
t->zone()))) {
return Type::Constant(f->undefined_string(), t->zone());
} else if (type->Is(Type::Null())) {
return Type::Constant(f->object_string(), t->zone());
} else if (type->Is(Type::Function())) {
return Type::Constant(f->function_string(), t->zone());
} else if (type->IsConstant()) {
return Type::Constant(
Object::TypeOf(t->isolate(), type->AsConstant()->Value()), t->zone());
return Type::InternalizedString();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSTypeOf(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, JSTypeOfTyper);
// JS conversion operators.
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSToBoolean(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToBoolean);
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSToNumber(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToNumber);
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSToString(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToString);
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSToName(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToName);
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSToObject(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToObject);
// JS object operators.
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreate(Node* node) { return Type::Object(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateArguments(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherObject();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateArray(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherObject();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateClosure(Node* node) {
return Type::Function();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateIterResultObject(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherObject();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateLiteralArray(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherObject();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateLiteralObject(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherObject();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateLiteralRegExp(Node* node) {
return Type::OtherObject();
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSLoadPropertyTyper(Type* object, Type* name, Typer* t) {
// TODO(rossberg): Use range types and sized array types to filter undefined.
if (object->IsArray() && name->Is(Type::Integral32())) {
return Type::Union(
object->AsArray()->Element(), Type::Undefined(), t->zone());
return Type::Any();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSLoadProperty(Node* node) {
return TypeBinaryOp(node, JSLoadPropertyTyper);
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSLoadNamed(Node* node) {
Factory* const f = isolate()->factory();
Handle<Name> name = NamedAccessOf(node->op()).name();
if (name.is_identical_to(f->prototype_string())) {
Type* receiver = Operand(node, 0);
if (receiver->Is(Type::None())) return Type::None();
if (receiver->IsConstant() &&
receiver->AsConstant()->Value()->IsJSFunction()) {
Handle<JSFunction> function =
if (function->has_prototype()) {
// We need to add a code dependency on the initial map of the {function}
// in order to be notified about changes to "prototype" of {function},
// so we can only infer a constant type if deoptimization is enabled.
if (flags() & kDeoptimizationEnabled) {
Handle<Map> initial_map(function->initial_map(), isolate());
return Type::Constant(handle(initial_map->prototype(), isolate()),
} else if (receiver->IsClass() &&
receiver->AsClass()->Map()->IsJSFunctionMap()) {
Handle<Map> map = receiver->AsClass()->Map();
return map->has_non_instance_prototype() ? Type::Primitive()
: Type::Receiver();
return Type::Any();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSLoadGlobal(Node* node) { return Type::Any(); }
// Returns a somewhat larger range if we previously assigned
// a (smaller) range to this node. This is used to speed up
// the fixpoint calculation in case there appears to be a loop
// in the graph. In the current implementation, we are
// increasing the limits to the closest power of two.
Type* Typer::Visitor::Weaken(Node* node, Type* current_type,
Type* previous_type) {
static const double kWeakenMinLimits[] = {
0.0, -1073741824.0, -2147483648.0, -4294967296.0, -8589934592.0,
-17179869184.0, -34359738368.0, -68719476736.0, -137438953472.0,
-274877906944.0, -549755813888.0, -1099511627776.0, -2199023255552.0,
-4398046511104.0, -8796093022208.0, -17592186044416.0, -35184372088832.0,
-70368744177664.0, -140737488355328.0, -281474976710656.0,
static const double kWeakenMaxLimits[] = {
0.0, 1073741823.0, 2147483647.0, 4294967295.0, 8589934591.0,
17179869183.0, 34359738367.0, 68719476735.0, 137438953471.0,
274877906943.0, 549755813887.0, 1099511627775.0, 2199023255551.0,
4398046511103.0, 8796093022207.0, 17592186044415.0, 35184372088831.0,
70368744177663.0, 140737488355327.0, 281474976710655.0,
STATIC_ASSERT(arraysize(kWeakenMinLimits) == arraysize(kWeakenMaxLimits));
// If the types have nothing to do with integers, return the types.
Type* const integer = typer_->cache_.kInteger;
if (!previous_type->Maybe(integer)) {
return current_type;
Type* current_integer = Type::Intersect(current_type, integer, zone());
Type* previous_integer = Type::Intersect(previous_type, integer, zone());
// Once we start weakening a node, we should always weaken.
if (!IsWeakened(node->id())) {
// Only weaken if there is range involved; we should converge quickly
// for all other types (the exception is a union of many constants,
// but we currently do not increase the number of constants in unions).
Type* previous = previous_integer->GetRange();
Type* current = current_integer->GetRange();
if (current == nullptr || previous == nullptr) {
return current_type;
// Range is involved => we are weakening.
double current_min = current_integer->Min();
double new_min = current_min;
// Find the closest lower entry in the list of allowed
// minima (or negative infinity if there is no such entry).
if (current_min != previous_integer->Min()) {
new_min = -V8_INFINITY;
for (double const min : kWeakenMinLimits) {
if (min <= current_min) {
new_min = min;
double current_max = current_integer->Max();
double new_max = current_max;
// Find the closest greater entry in the list of allowed
// maxima (or infinity if there is no such entry).
if (current_max != previous_integer->Max()) {
new_max = V8_INFINITY;
for (double const max : kWeakenMaxLimits) {
if (max >= current_max) {
new_max = max;
return Type::Union(current_type,
Type::Range(new_min, new_max, typer_->zone()),
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSStoreProperty(Node* node) {
return nullptr;
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSStoreNamed(Node* node) {
return nullptr;
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSStoreGlobal(Node* node) {
return nullptr;
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSDeleteProperty(Node* node) {
return Type::Boolean();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSHasProperty(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSInstanceOf(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
// JS context operators.
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSLoadContext(Node* node) {
ContextAccess const& access = ContextAccessOf(node->op());
if (access.index() == Context::EXTENSION_INDEX) {
return Type::TaggedPointer();
// Since contexts are mutable, we just return the top.
return Type::Any();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSStoreContext(Node* node) {
return nullptr;
Type* Typer::Visitor::WrapContextTypeForInput(Node* node) {
Type* outer = TypeOrNone(NodeProperties::GetContextInput(node));
if (outer->Is(Type::None())) {
return Type::None();
} else {
return Type::Context(outer, zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateFunctionContext(Node* node) {
return WrapContextTypeForInput(node);
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateCatchContext(Node* node) {
return WrapContextTypeForInput(node);
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateWithContext(Node* node) {
return WrapContextTypeForInput(node);
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateBlockContext(Node* node) {
return WrapContextTypeForInput(node);
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateModuleContext(Node* node) {
// TODO(rossberg): this is probably incorrect
return WrapContextTypeForInput(node);
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCreateScriptContext(Node* node) {
return WrapContextTypeForInput(node);
// JS other operators.
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSYield(Node* node) { return Type::Any(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCallConstruct(Node* node) {
return Type::Receiver();
Type* Typer::Visitor::JSCallFunctionTyper(Type* fun, Typer* t) {
if (fun->IsFunction()) {
return fun->AsFunction()->Result();
if (fun->IsConstant() && fun->AsConstant()->Value()->IsJSFunction()) {
Handle<JSFunction> function =
if (function->shared()->HasBuiltinFunctionId()) {
switch (function->shared()->builtin_function_id()) {
case kMathRandom:
return Type::OrderedNumber();
case kMathFloor:
case kMathRound:
case kMathCeil:
return t->cache_.kIntegerOrMinusZeroOrNaN;
// Unary math functions.
case kMathAbs:
case kMathLog:
case kMathExp:
case kMathSqrt:
case kMathCos:
case kMathSin:
case kMathTan:
case kMathAcos:
case kMathAsin:
case kMathAtan:
case kMathFround:
return Type::Number();
// Binary math functions.
case kMathAtan2:
case kMathPow:
case kMathMax:
case kMathMin:
return Type::Number();
case kMathImul:
return Type::Signed32();
case kMathClz32:
return t->cache_.kZeroToThirtyTwo;
// String functions.
case kStringCharCodeAt:
return Type::Union(Type::Range(0, kMaxUInt16, t->zone()), Type::NaN(),
case kStringCharAt:
case kStringConcat:
case kStringFromCharCode:
case kStringToLowerCase:
case kStringToUpperCase:
return Type::String();
// Array functions.
case kArrayIndexOf:
case kArrayLastIndexOf:
return Type::Number();
return Type::Any();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCallFunction(Node* node) {
// TODO(bmeurer): We could infer better types if we wouldn't ignore the
// argument types for the JSCallFunctionTyper above.
return TypeUnaryOp(node, JSCallFunctionTyper);
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSCallRuntime(Node* node) {
switch (CallRuntimeParametersOf(node->op()).id()) {
case Runtime::kInlineIsJSReceiver:
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ObjectIsReceiver);
case Runtime::kInlineIsSmi:
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ObjectIsSmi);
case Runtime::kInlineIsArray:
case Runtime::kInlineIsDate:
case Runtime::kInlineIsTypedArray:
case Runtime::kInlineIsRegExp:
return Type::Boolean();
case Runtime::kInlineDoubleLo:
case Runtime::kInlineDoubleHi:
return Type::Signed32();
case Runtime::kInlineConstructDouble:
case Runtime::kInlineMathFloor:
case Runtime::kInlineMathSqrt:
case Runtime::kInlineMathAtan2:
return Type::Number();
case Runtime::kInlineMathClz32:
return Type::Range(0, 32, zone());
case Runtime::kInlineCreateIterResultObject:
case Runtime::kInlineRegExpConstructResult:
return Type::OtherObject();
case Runtime::kInlineSubString:
case Runtime::kInlineStringCharFromCode:
return Type::String();
case Runtime::kInlineToInteger:
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToInteger);
case Runtime::kInlineToLength:
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToLength);
case Runtime::kInlineToName:
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToName);
case Runtime::kInlineToNumber:
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToNumber);
case Runtime::kInlineToObject:
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToObject);
case Runtime::kInlineToPrimitive:
case Runtime::kInlineToPrimitive_Number:
case Runtime::kInlineToPrimitive_String:
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToPrimitive);
case Runtime::kInlineToString:
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToString);
case Runtime::kHasInPrototypeChain:
return Type::Boolean();
return Type::Any();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSConvertReceiver(Node* node) {
return Type::Receiver();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSForInNext(Node* node) {
return Type::Union(Type::Name(), Type::Undefined(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSForInPrepare(Node* node) {
STATIC_ASSERT(Map::EnumLengthBits::kMax <= FixedArray::kMaxLength);
Factory* const f = isolate()->factory();
Type* const cache_type = Type::Union(
typer_->cache_.kSmi, Type::Class(f->meta_map(), zone()), zone());
Type* const cache_array = Type::Class(f->fixed_array_map(), zone());
Type* const cache_length = typer_->cache_.kFixedArrayLengthType;
return Type::Tuple(cache_type, cache_array, cache_length, zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSForInDone(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSForInStep(Node* node) {
STATIC_ASSERT(Map::EnumLengthBits::kMax <= FixedArray::kMaxLength);
return Type::Range(1, FixedArray::kMaxLength + 1, zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSLoadMessage(Node* node) { return Type::Any(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSStoreMessage(Node* node) {
return nullptr;
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeJSStackCheck(Node* node) { return Type::Any(); }
// Simplified operators.
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeBooleanNot(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeBooleanToNumber(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToNumber);
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberEqual(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberLessThan(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberLessThanOrEqual(Node* node) {
return Type::Boolean();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberAdd(Node* node) { return Type::Number(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberSubtract(Node* node) { return Type::Number(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberMultiply(Node* node) { return Type::Number(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberDivide(Node* node) { return Type::Number(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberModulus(Node* node) { return Type::Number(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberBitwiseOr(Node* node) {
return Type::Signed32();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberBitwiseXor(Node* node) {
return Type::Signed32();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberBitwiseAnd(Node* node) {
return Type::Signed32();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberShiftLeft(Node* node) {
return Type::Signed32();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberShiftRight(Node* node) {
return Type::Signed32();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberShiftRightLogical(Node* node) {
return Type::Unsigned32();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberToInt32(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, NumberToInt32);
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberToUint32(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, NumberToUint32);
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeNumberIsHoleNaN(Node* node) {
return Type::Boolean();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypePlainPrimitiveToNumber(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ToNumber);
// static
Type* Typer::Visitor::ReferenceEqualTyper(Type* lhs, Type* rhs, Typer* t) {
if (lhs->IsConstant() && rhs->Is(lhs)) {
return t->singleton_true_;
return Type::Boolean();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeReferenceEqual(Node* node) {
return TypeBinaryOp(node, ReferenceEqualTyper);
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeStringEqual(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeStringLessThan(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeStringLessThanOrEqual(Node* node) {
return Type::Boolean();
namespace {
Type* ChangeRepresentation(Type* type, Type* rep, Zone* zone) {
return Type::Union(Type::Semantic(type, zone),
Type::Representation(rep, zone), zone);
} // namespace
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeChangeTaggedToInt32(Node* node) {
Type* arg = Operand(node, 0);
// TODO(neis): DCHECK(arg->Is(Type::Signed32()));
return ChangeRepresentation(arg, Type::UntaggedIntegral32(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeChangeTaggedToUint32(Node* node) {
Type* arg = Operand(node, 0);
// TODO(neis): DCHECK(arg->Is(Type::Unsigned32()));
return ChangeRepresentation(arg, Type::UntaggedIntegral32(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeChangeTaggedToFloat64(Node* node) {
Type* arg = Operand(node, 0);
// TODO(neis): DCHECK(arg->Is(Type::Number()));
return ChangeRepresentation(arg, Type::UntaggedFloat64(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeChangeInt32ToTagged(Node* node) {
Type* arg = Operand(node, 0);
// TODO(neis): DCHECK(arg->Is(Type::Signed32()));
Type* rep =
arg->Is(Type::SignedSmall()) ? Type::TaggedSigned() : Type::Tagged();
return ChangeRepresentation(arg, rep, zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeChangeUint32ToTagged(Node* node) {
Type* arg = Operand(node, 0);
// TODO(neis): DCHECK(arg->Is(Type::Unsigned32()));
return ChangeRepresentation(arg, Type::Tagged(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeChangeFloat64ToTagged(Node* node) {
Type* arg = Operand(node, 0);
// TODO(neis): CHECK(arg.upper->Is(Type::Number()));
return ChangeRepresentation(arg, Type::Tagged(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeChangeBoolToBit(Node* node) {
Type* arg = Operand(node, 0);
// TODO(neis): DCHECK(arg.upper->Is(Type::Boolean()));
return ChangeRepresentation(arg, Type::UntaggedBit(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeChangeBitToBool(Node* node) {
Type* arg = Operand(node, 0);
// TODO(neis): DCHECK(arg.upper->Is(Type::Boolean()));
return ChangeRepresentation(arg, Type::TaggedPointer(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeAllocate(Node* node) { return Type::TaggedPointer(); }
namespace {
MaybeHandle<Map> GetStableMapFromObjectType(Type* object_type) {
if (object_type->IsConstant() &&
object_type->AsConstant()->Value()->IsHeapObject()) {
Handle<Map> object_map(
if (object_map->is_stable()) return object_map;
} else if (object_type->IsClass()) {
Handle<Map> object_map = object_type->AsClass()->Map();
if (object_map->is_stable()) return object_map;
return MaybeHandle<Map>();
} // namespace
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeLoadField(Node* node) {
FieldAccess const& access = FieldAccessOf(node->op());
if (access.base_is_tagged == kTaggedBase &&
access.offset == HeapObject::kMapOffset) {
// The type of LoadField[Map](o) is Constant(map) if map is stable and
// either
// (a) o has type Constant(object) and map == object->map, or
// (b) o has type Class(map),
// and either
// (1) map cannot transition further, or
// (2) deoptimization is enabled and we can add a code dependency on the
// stability of map (to guard the Constant type information).
Type* const object = Operand(node, 0);
if (object->Is(Type::None())) return Type::None();
Handle<Map> object_map;
if (GetStableMapFromObjectType(object).ToHandle(&object_map)) {
if (object_map->CanTransition()) {
if (flags() & kDeoptimizationEnabled) {
} else {
return access.type;
Type* object_map_type = Type::Constant(object_map, zone());
return object_map_type;
return access.type;
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeLoadBuffer(Node* node) {
// TODO(bmeurer): This typing is not yet correct. Since we can still access
// out of bounds, the type in the general case has to include Undefined.
switch (BufferAccessOf(node->op()).external_array_type()) {
#define TYPED_ARRAY_CASE(Type, type, TYPE, ctype, size) \
case kExternal##Type##Array: \
return typer_->cache_.k##Type;
return nullptr;
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeLoadElement(Node* node) {
return ElementAccessOf(node->op()).type;
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeStoreField(Node* node) {
return nullptr;
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeStoreBuffer(Node* node) {
return nullptr;
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeStoreElement(Node* node) {
return nullptr;
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectIsNumber(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ObjectIsNumber);
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectIsReceiver(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ObjectIsReceiver);
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectIsSmi(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ObjectIsSmi);
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeObjectIsUndetectable(Node* node) {
return TypeUnaryOp(node, ObjectIsUndetectable);
// Machine operators.
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeLoad(Node* node) { return Type::Any(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeStackSlot(Node* node) { return Type::Any(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeStore(Node* node) {
return nullptr;
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord32And(Node* node) { return Type::Integral32(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord32Or(Node* node) { return Type::Integral32(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord32Xor(Node* node) { return Type::Integral32(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord32Shl(Node* node) { return Type::Integral32(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord32Shr(Node* node) { return Type::Integral32(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord32Sar(Node* node) { return Type::Integral32(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord32Ror(Node* node) { return Type::Integral32(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord32Equal(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord32Clz(Node* node) { return Type::Integral32(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord32Ctz(Node* node) { return Type::Integral32(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord32ReverseBits(Node* node) {
return Type::Integral32();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord32Popcnt(Node* node) {
return Type::Integral32();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord64And(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord64Or(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord64Xor(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord64Shl(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord64Shr(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord64Sar(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord64Ror(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord64Clz(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord64Ctz(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord64ReverseBits(Node* node) {
return Type::Internal();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord64Popcnt(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord64Equal(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeInt32Add(Node* node) { return Type::Integral32(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeInt32AddWithOverflow(Node* node) {
return Type::Internal();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeInt32Sub(Node* node) { return Type::Integral32(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeInt32SubWithOverflow(Node* node) {
return Type::Internal();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeInt32Mul(Node* node) { return Type::Integral32(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeInt32MulHigh(Node* node) { return Type::Signed32(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeInt32Div(Node* node) { return Type::Integral32(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeInt32Mod(Node* node) { return Type::Integral32(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeInt32LessThan(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeInt32LessThanOrEqual(Node* node) {
return Type::Boolean();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeUint32Div(Node* node) { return Type::Unsigned32(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeUint32LessThan(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeUint32LessThanOrEqual(Node* node) {
return Type::Boolean();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeUint32Mod(Node* node) { return Type::Unsigned32(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeUint32MulHigh(Node* node) {
return Type::Unsigned32();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeInt64Add(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeInt64AddWithOverflow(Node* node) {
return Type::Internal();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeInt64Sub(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeInt64SubWithOverflow(Node* node) {
return Type::Internal();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeInt64Mul(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeInt64Div(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeInt64Mod(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeInt64LessThan(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeInt64LessThanOrEqual(Node* node) {
return Type::Boolean();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeUint64Div(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeUint64LessThan(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeUint64LessThanOrEqual(Node* node) {
return Type::Boolean();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeUint64Mod(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeChangeFloat32ToFloat64(Node* node) {
return Type::Intersect(Type::Number(), Type::UntaggedFloat64(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeChangeFloat64ToInt32(Node* node) {
return Type::Intersect(Type::Signed32(), Type::UntaggedIntegral32(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeChangeFloat64ToUint32(Node* node) {
return Type::Intersect(Type::Unsigned32(), Type::UntaggedIntegral32(),
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeTruncateFloat32ToInt32(Node* node) {
return Type::Intersect(Type::Signed32(), Type::UntaggedIntegral32(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeTruncateFloat32ToUint32(Node* node) {
return Type::Intersect(Type::Unsigned32(), Type::UntaggedIntegral32(),
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeTryTruncateFloat32ToInt64(Node* node) {
return Type::Internal();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeTryTruncateFloat64ToInt64(Node* node) {
return Type::Internal();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeTryTruncateFloat32ToUint64(Node* node) {
return Type::Internal();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeTryTruncateFloat64ToUint64(Node* node) {
return Type::Internal();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeChangeInt32ToFloat64(Node* node) {
return Type::Intersect(Type::Signed32(), Type::UntaggedFloat64(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeChangeInt32ToInt64(Node* node) {
return Type::Internal();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeChangeUint32ToFloat64(Node* node) {
return Type::Intersect(Type::Unsigned32(), Type::UntaggedFloat64(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeChangeUint32ToUint64(Node* node) {
return Type::Internal();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeTruncateFloat64ToFloat32(Node* node) {
return Type::Intersect(Type::Number(), Type::UntaggedFloat32(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeTruncateFloat64ToInt32(Node* node) {
return Type::Intersect(Type::Signed32(), Type::UntaggedIntegral32(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeTruncateInt64ToInt32(Node* node) {
return Type::Intersect(Type::Signed32(), Type::UntaggedIntegral32(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeRoundInt32ToFloat32(Node* node) {
return Type::Intersect(Type::PlainNumber(), Type::UntaggedFloat32(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeRoundInt64ToFloat32(Node* node) {
return Type::Intersect(Type::PlainNumber(), Type::UntaggedFloat32(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeRoundInt64ToFloat64(Node* node) {
return Type::Intersect(Type::PlainNumber(), Type::UntaggedFloat64(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeRoundUint32ToFloat32(Node* node) {
return Type::Intersect(Type::PlainNumber(), Type::UntaggedFloat32(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeRoundUint64ToFloat32(Node* node) {
return Type::Intersect(Type::PlainNumber(), Type::UntaggedFloat32(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeRoundUint64ToFloat64(Node* node) {
return Type::Intersect(Type::PlainNumber(), Type::UntaggedFloat64(), zone());
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeBitcastFloat32ToInt32(Node* node) {
return Type::Number();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeBitcastFloat64ToInt64(Node* node) {
return Type::Number();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeBitcastInt32ToFloat32(Node* node) {
return Type::Number();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeBitcastInt64ToFloat64(Node* node) {
return Type::Number();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat32Add(Node* node) { return Type::Number(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat32Sub(Node* node) { return Type::Number(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat32Mul(Node* node) { return Type::Number(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat32Div(Node* node) { return Type::Number(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat32Max(Node* node) { return Type::Number(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat32Min(Node* node) { return Type::Number(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat32Abs(Node* node) {
// TODO(turbofan): We should be able to infer a better type here.
return Type::Number();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat32Sqrt(Node* node) { return Type::Number(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat32Equal(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat32LessThan(Node* node) {
return Type::Boolean();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat32LessThanOrEqual(Node* node) {
return Type::Boolean();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat64Add(Node* node) { return Type::Number(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat64Sub(Node* node) { return Type::Number(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat64Mul(Node* node) { return Type::Number(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat64Div(Node* node) { return Type::Number(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat64Mod(Node* node) { return Type::Number(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat64Max(Node* node) { return Type::Number(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat64Min(Node* node) { return Type::Number(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat64Abs(Node* node) {
// TODO(turbofan): We should be able to infer a better type here.
return Type::Number();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat64Sqrt(Node* node) { return Type::Number(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat64Equal(Node* node) { return Type::Boolean(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat64LessThan(Node* node) {
return Type::Boolean();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat64LessThanOrEqual(Node* node) {
return Type::Boolean();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat32RoundDown(Node* node) {
// TODO(sigurds): We could have a tighter bound here.
return Type::Number();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat64RoundDown(Node* node) {
// TODO(sigurds): We could have a tighter bound here.
return Type::Number();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat32RoundUp(Node* node) {
// TODO(sigurds): We could have a tighter bound here.
return Type::Number();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat64RoundUp(Node* node) {
// TODO(sigurds): We could have a tighter bound here.
return Type::Number();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat32RoundTruncate(Node* node) {
// TODO(sigurds): We could have a tighter bound here.
return Type::Number();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat64RoundTruncate(Node* node) {
// TODO(sigurds): We could have a tighter bound here.
return Type::Number();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat64RoundTiesAway(Node* node) {
// TODO(sigurds): We could have a tighter bound here.
return Type::Number();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat32RoundTiesEven(Node* node) {
// TODO(sigurds): We could have a tighter bound here.
return Type::Number();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat64RoundTiesEven(Node* node) {
// TODO(sigurds): We could have a tighter bound here.
return Type::Number();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat64ExtractLowWord32(Node* node) {
return Type::Signed32();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat64ExtractHighWord32(Node* node) {
return Type::Signed32();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat64InsertLowWord32(Node* node) {
return Type::Number();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeFloat64InsertHighWord32(Node* node) {
return Type::Number();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeLoadStackPointer(Node* node) {
return Type::Internal();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeLoadFramePointer(Node* node) {
return Type::Internal();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeLoadParentFramePointer(Node* node) {
return Type::Internal();
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeCheckedLoad(Node* node) { return Type::Any(); }
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeCheckedStore(Node* node) {
return nullptr;
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeWord32PairShl(Node* node) { return Type::Internal(); }
// Heap constants.
Type* Typer::Visitor::TypeConstant(Handle<Object> value) {
if (value->IsJSTypedArray()) {
switch (JSTypedArray::cast(*value)->type()) {
#define TYPED_ARRAY_CASE(Type, type, TYPE, ctype, size) \
case kExternal##Type##Array: \
return typer_->cache_.k##Type##Array;
if (Type::IsInteger(*value)) {
return Type::Range(value->Number(), value->Number(), zone());
return Type::Constant(value, zone());
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8