blob: 8a28f114f1fe80fb64026f93e118235acaec8337 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/base/bit-field.h"
#include "src/base/discriminated-union.h"
#include "src/base/enum-set.h"
#include "src/base/logging.h"
#include "src/base/macros.h"
#include "src/base/small-vector.h"
#include "src/base/threaded-list.h"
#include "src/codegen/label.h"
#include "src/codegen/machine-type.h"
#include "src/codegen/reglist.h"
#include "src/codegen/source-position.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/common/operation.h"
#include "src/compiler/access-info.h"
#include "src/compiler/backend/instruction.h"
#include "src/compiler/feedback-source.h"
#include "src/compiler/heap-refs.h"
// TODO(dmercadier): move the Turboshaft utils functions to shared code (in
// particular, any_of, which is the reason we're including this Turboshaft
// header)
#include "src/compiler/turboshaft/snapshot-table.h"
#include "src/compiler/turboshaft/utils.h"
#include "src/deoptimizer/deoptimize-reason.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecode-flags.h"
#include "src/interpreter/bytecode-register.h"
#include "src/maglev/maglev-compilation-unit.h"
#include "src/objects/smi.h"
#include "src/roots/roots.h"
#include "src/utils/utils.h"
#include "src/zone/zone.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
enum Condition : uint8_t;
namespace maglev {
class BasicBlock;
class ProcessingState;
class MaglevAssembler;
class MaglevCodeGenState;
class MaglevCompilationUnit;
class MaglevGraphLabeller;
class MaglevVregAllocationState;
class CompactInterpreterFrameState;
class MergePointInterpreterFrameState;
// Nodes are either
// 1. side-effecting or value-holding SSA nodes in the body of basic blocks, or
// 2. Control nodes that store the control flow at the end of basic blocks, and
// form a separate node hierarchy to non-control nodes.
// The macro lists below must match the node class hierarchy.
V(GenericAdd) \
V(GenericSubtract) \
V(GenericMultiply) \
V(GenericDivide) \
V(GenericModulus) \
V(GenericExponentiate) \
V(GenericBitwiseAnd) \
V(GenericBitwiseOr) \
V(GenericBitwiseXor) \
V(GenericShiftLeft) \
V(GenericShiftRight) \
V(GenericShiftRightLogical) \
V(GenericBitwiseNot) \
V(GenericNegate) \
V(GenericIncrement) \
V(GenericDecrement) \
V(GenericEqual) \
V(GenericStrictEqual) \
V(GenericLessThan) \
V(GenericLessThanOrEqual) \
V(GenericGreaterThan) \
V(Int32AddWithOverflow) \
V(Int32SubtractWithOverflow) \
V(Int32MultiplyWithOverflow) \
V(Int32DivideWithOverflow) \
V(Int32ModulusWithOverflow) \
V(Int32BitwiseAnd) \
V(Int32BitwiseOr) \
V(Int32BitwiseXor) \
V(Int32ShiftLeft) \
V(Int32ShiftRight) \
V(Int32ShiftRightLogical) \
V(Int32BitwiseNot) \
V(Int32NegateWithOverflow) \
V(Int32IncrementWithOverflow) \
V(Int32DecrementWithOverflow) \
V(Int32Equal) \
V(Int32StrictEqual) \
V(Int32LessThan) \
V(Int32LessThanOrEqual) \
V(Int32GreaterThan) \
V(Float64Add) \
V(Float64Subtract) \
V(Float64Multiply) \
V(Float64Divide) \
V(Float64Exponentiate) \
V(Float64Modulus) \
V(Float64Negate) \
V(Float64Round) \
V(Float64Equal) \
V(Float64StrictEqual) \
V(Float64LessThan) \
V(Float64LessThanOrEqual) \
V(Float64GreaterThan) \
V(Float64GreaterThanOrEqual) \
V(Constant) \
V(ExternalConstant) \
V(Float64Constant) \
V(Int32Constant) \
V(RootConstant) \
V(BuiltinStringFromCharCode) \
#define VALUE_NODE_LIST(V) \
V(Identity) \
V(AllocateRaw) \
V(Call) \
V(CallBuiltin) \
V(CallRuntime) \
V(CallWithArrayLike) \
V(CallWithSpread) \
V(CallKnownJSFunction) \
V(CallSelf) \
V(Construct) \
V(CheckConstructResult) \
V(ConstructWithSpread) \
V(ConvertReceiver) \
V(ConvertHoleToUndefined) \
V(CreateArrayLiteral) \
V(CreateShallowArrayLiteral) \
V(CreateObjectLiteral) \
V(CreateShallowObjectLiteral) \
V(CreateFunctionContext) \
V(CreateClosure) \
V(FastCreateClosure) \
V(CreateRegExpLiteral) \
V(DeleteProperty) \
V(EnsureWritableFastElements) \
V(FoldedAllocation) \
V(ForInPrepare) \
V(ForInNext) \
V(GeneratorRestoreRegister) \
V(GetIterator) \
V(GetSecondReturnedValue) \
V(GetTemplateObject) \
V(HasInPrototypeChain) \
V(InitialValue) \
V(LoadPolymorphicDoubleField) \
V(LoadPolymorphicTaggedField) \
V(LoadTaggedField) \
V(LoadDoubleField) \
V(LoadTaggedFieldByFieldIndex) \
V(LoadFixedArrayElement) \
V(LoadFixedDoubleArrayElement) \
V(LoadHoleyFixedDoubleArrayElement) \
V(LoadSignedIntDataViewElement) \
V(LoadDoubleDataViewElement) \
V(LoadSignedIntTypedArrayElement) \
V(LoadSignedIntTypedArrayElementNoDeopt) \
V(LoadUnsignedIntTypedArrayElement) \
V(LoadUnsignedIntTypedArrayElementNoDeopt) \
V(LoadDoubleTypedArrayElement) \
V(LoadDoubleTypedArrayElementNoDeopt) \
V(LoadEnumCacheLength) \
V(LoadGlobal) \
V(LoadNamedGeneric) \
V(LoadNamedFromSuperGeneric) \
V(MaybeGrowAndEnsureWritableFastElements) \
V(SetNamedGeneric) \
V(DefineNamedOwnGeneric) \
V(StoreInArrayLiteralGeneric) \
V(StoreGlobal) \
V(GetKeyedGeneric) \
V(SetKeyedGeneric) \
V(DefineKeyedOwnGeneric) \
V(Phi) \
V(RegisterInput) \
V(CheckedSmiTagInt32) \
V(CheckedSmiTagUint32) \
V(UnsafeSmiTag) \
V(CheckedSmiUntag) \
V(UnsafeSmiUntag) \
V(CheckedInternalizedString) \
V(CheckedObjectToIndex) \
V(CheckedTruncateNumberOrOddballToInt32) \
V(CheckedInt32ToUint32) \
V(CheckedUint32ToInt32) \
V(ChangeInt32ToFloat64) \
V(ChangeUint32ToFloat64) \
V(CheckedTruncateFloat64ToInt32) \
V(CheckedTruncateFloat64ToUint32) \
V(TruncateNumberOrOddballToInt32) \
V(TruncateUint32ToInt32) \
V(TruncateFloat64ToInt32) \
V(UnsafeTruncateUint32ToInt32) \
V(UnsafeTruncateFloat64ToInt32) \
V(Int32ToUint8Clamped) \
V(Uint32ToUint8Clamped) \
V(Float64ToUint8Clamped) \
V(CheckedNumberToUint8Clamped) \
V(Int32ToNumber) \
V(Uint32ToNumber) \
V(Float64ToTagged) \
V(HoleyFloat64ToTagged) \
V(CheckedSmiTagFloat64) \
V(CheckedNumberOrOddballToFloat64) \
V(UncheckedNumberOrOddballToFloat64) \
V(CheckedHoleyFloat64ToFloat64) \
V(HoleyFloat64ToMaybeNanFloat64) \
V(LogicalNot) \
V(SetPendingMessage) \
V(StringAt) \
V(StringEqual) \
V(StringLength) \
V(StringConcat) \
V(ToBoolean) \
V(ToBooleanLogicalNot) \
V(TaggedEqual) \
V(TaggedNotEqual) \
V(TestInstanceOf) \
V(TestUndetectable) \
V(TestTypeOf) \
V(ToName) \
V(ToNumberOrNumeric) \
V(ToObject) \
V(ToString) \
V(NumberToString) \
V(ConstantGapMove) \
#define NODE_LIST(V) \
V(AssertInt32) \
V(CheckDynamicValue) \
V(CheckInt32IsSmi) \
V(CheckUint32IsSmi) \
V(CheckHoleyFloat64IsSmi) \
V(CheckHeapObject) \
V(CheckInt32Condition) \
V(CheckFixedArrayNonEmpty) \
V(CheckBounds) \
V(CheckJSDataViewBounds) \
V(CheckJSTypedArrayBounds) \
V(CheckMaps) \
V(CheckMapsWithMigration) \
V(CheckNumber) \
V(CheckSmi) \
V(CheckString) \
V(CheckSymbol) \
V(CheckValue) \
V(CheckValueEqualsInt32) \
V(CheckValueEqualsFloat64) \
V(CheckValueEqualsString) \
V(CheckInstanceType) \
V(DebugBreak) \
V(FunctionEntryStackCheck) \
V(GeneratorStore) \
V(TryOnStackReplacement) \
V(StoreMap) \
V(StoreDoubleField) \
V(StoreFixedArrayElementWithWriteBarrier) \
V(StoreFixedArrayElementNoWriteBarrier) \
V(StoreFixedDoubleArrayElement) \
V(StoreFloat64) \
V(StoreIntTypedArrayElement) \
V(StoreIntTypedArrayElementNoDeopt) \
V(StoreDoubleTypedArrayElement) \
V(StoreDoubleTypedArrayElementNoDeopt) \
V(StoreSignedIntDataViewElement) \
V(StoreDoubleDataViewElement) \
V(StoreTaggedFieldNoWriteBarrier) \
V(StoreTaggedFieldWithWriteBarrier) \
V(ReduceInterruptBudgetForLoop) \
V(ReduceInterruptBudgetForReturn) \
V(ThrowReferenceErrorIfHole) \
V(ThrowSuperNotCalledIfHole) \
V(ThrowSuperAlreadyCalledIfNotHole) \
V(ThrowIfNotSuperConstructor) \
V(TransitionElementsKind) \
V(UpdateJSArrayLength) \
V(BranchIfRootConstant) \
V(BranchIfToBooleanTrue) \
V(BranchIfInt32ToBooleanTrue) \
V(BranchIfFloat64ToBooleanTrue) \
V(BranchIfReferenceCompare) \
V(BranchIfInt32Compare) \
V(BranchIfFloat64Compare) \
V(BranchIfUndefinedOrNull) \
V(BranchIfUndetectable) \
V(BranchIfJSReceiver) \
V(Switch) \
V(Jump) \
V(JumpLoop) \
V(JumpToInlined) \
V(Abort) \
V(Return) \
#define NODE_BASE_LIST(V) \
// Define the opcode enum.
#define DEF_OPCODES(type) k##type,
enum class Opcode : uint16_t { NODE_BASE_LIST(DEF_OPCODES) };
#define PLUS_ONE(type) +1
static constexpr int kOpcodeCount = NODE_BASE_LIST(PLUS_ONE);
static constexpr Opcode kFirstOpcode = static_cast<Opcode>(0);
static constexpr Opcode kLastOpcode = static_cast<Opcode>(kOpcodeCount - 1);
#undef PLUS_ONE
const char* OpcodeToString(Opcode opcode);
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Opcode opcode) {
return os << OpcodeToString(opcode);
#define V(Name) Opcode::k##Name,
static constexpr Opcode kFirstValueNodeOpcode =
std::min({VALUE_NODE_LIST(V) kLastOpcode});
static constexpr Opcode kLastValueNodeOpcode =
std::max({VALUE_NODE_LIST(V) kFirstOpcode});
static constexpr Opcode kFirstConstantNodeOpcode =
std::min({CONSTANT_VALUE_NODE_LIST(V) kLastOpcode});
static constexpr Opcode kLastConstantNodeOpcode =
std::max({CONSTANT_VALUE_NODE_LIST(V) kFirstOpcode});
static constexpr Opcode kFirstGapMoveNodeOpcode =
std::min({GAP_MOVE_NODE_LIST(V) kLastOpcode});
static constexpr Opcode kLastGapMoveNodeOpcode =
std::max({GAP_MOVE_NODE_LIST(V) kFirstOpcode});
static constexpr Opcode kFirstNodeOpcode = std::min({NODE_LIST(V) kLastOpcode});
static constexpr Opcode kLastNodeOpcode = std::max({NODE_LIST(V) kFirstOpcode});
static constexpr Opcode kFirstBranchControlNodeOpcode =
std::min({BRANCH_CONTROL_NODE_LIST(V) kLastOpcode});
static constexpr Opcode kLastBranchControlNodeOpcode =
std::max({BRANCH_CONTROL_NODE_LIST(V) kFirstOpcode});
static constexpr Opcode kFirstConditionalControlNodeOpcode =
static constexpr Opcode kLastConditionalControlNodeOpcode =
std::max({CONDITIONAL_CONTROL_NODE_LIST(V) kFirstOpcode});
static constexpr Opcode kLastUnconditionalControlNodeOpcode =
static constexpr Opcode kFirstUnconditionalControlNodeOpcode =
static constexpr Opcode kLastTerminalControlNodeOpcode =
std::max({TERMINAL_CONTROL_NODE_LIST(V) kFirstOpcode});
static constexpr Opcode kFirstTerminalControlNodeOpcode =
std::min({TERMINAL_CONTROL_NODE_LIST(V) kLastOpcode});
static constexpr Opcode kFirstControlNodeOpcode =
std::min({CONTROL_NODE_LIST(V) kLastOpcode});
static constexpr Opcode kLastControlNodeOpcode =
std::max({CONTROL_NODE_LIST(V) kFirstOpcode});
#undef V
constexpr bool IsValueNode(Opcode opcode) {
return kFirstValueNodeOpcode <= opcode && opcode <= kLastValueNodeOpcode;
constexpr bool IsConstantNode(Opcode opcode) {
return kFirstConstantNodeOpcode <= opcode &&
opcode <= kLastConstantNodeOpcode;
constexpr bool IsGapMoveNode(Opcode opcode) {
return kFirstGapMoveNodeOpcode <= opcode && opcode <= kLastGapMoveNodeOpcode;
constexpr bool IsControlNode(Opcode opcode) {
return kFirstControlNodeOpcode <= opcode && opcode <= kLastControlNodeOpcode;
constexpr bool IsBranchControlNode(Opcode opcode) {
return kFirstBranchControlNodeOpcode <= opcode &&
opcode <= kLastBranchControlNodeOpcode;
constexpr bool IsConditionalControlNode(Opcode opcode) {
return kFirstConditionalControlNodeOpcode <= opcode &&
opcode <= kLastConditionalControlNodeOpcode;
constexpr bool IsUnconditionalControlNode(Opcode opcode) {
return kFirstUnconditionalControlNodeOpcode <= opcode &&
opcode <= kLastUnconditionalControlNodeOpcode;
constexpr bool IsTerminalControlNode(Opcode opcode) {
return kFirstTerminalControlNodeOpcode <= opcode &&
opcode <= kLastTerminalControlNodeOpcode;
// Forward-declare NodeBase sub-hierarchies.
class Node;
class ControlNode;
class ConditionalControlNode;
class BranchControlNode;
class UnconditionalControlNode;
class TerminalControlNode;
class ValueNode;
enum class ValueRepresentation : uint8_t {
inline constexpr bool IsDoubleRepresentation(ValueRepresentation repr) {
return repr == ValueRepresentation::kFloat64 ||
repr == ValueRepresentation::kHoleyFloat64;
// The intersection (using `&`) of any two NodeTypes must be a valid NodeType
// (possibly "kUnknown").
// All heap object types include the heap object bit, so that they can be
// checked for AnyHeapObject with a single bit check.
#define NODE_TYPE_LIST(V) \
V(Unknown, 0) \
V(NumberOrOddball, (1 << 1)) \
V(Number, (1 << 2) | kNumberOrOddball) \
V(ObjectWithKnownMap, (1 << 3)) \
V(Smi, (1 << 4) | kObjectWithKnownMap | kNumber) \
V(AnyHeapObject, (1 << 5)) \
V(Oddball, (1 << 6) | kAnyHeapObject | kNumberOrOddball) \
V(Boolean, (1 << 7) | kOddball) \
V(Name, (1 << 8) | kAnyHeapObject) \
V(String, (1 << 9) | kName) \
V(InternalizedString, (1 << 10) | kString) \
V(Symbol, (1 << 11) | kName) \
V(JSReceiver, (1 << 12) | kAnyHeapObject) \
V(HeapObjectWithKnownMap, kObjectWithKnownMap | kAnyHeapObject) \
V(HeapNumber, kHeapObjectWithKnownMap | kNumber) \
V(JSReceiverWithKnownMap, kJSReceiver | kHeapObjectWithKnownMap)
enum class NodeType : uint16_t {
#define DEFINE_NODE_TYPE(Name, Value) k##Name = Value,
inline NodeType CombineType(NodeType left, NodeType right) {
return static_cast<NodeType>(static_cast<int>(left) |
inline NodeType IntersectType(NodeType left, NodeType right) {
return static_cast<NodeType>(static_cast<int>(left) &
inline bool NodeTypeIs(NodeType type, NodeType to_check) {
int right = static_cast<int>(to_check);
return (static_cast<int>(type) & right) == right;
#define DEFINE_NODE_TYPE_CHECK(Type, _) \
inline bool NodeTypeIs##Type(NodeType type) { \
return NodeTypeIs(type, NodeType::k##Type); \
enum class TaggedToFloat64ConversionType : uint8_t {
constexpr Condition ConditionFor(Operation cond);
constexpr Condition ConditionForNaN();
bool FromConstantToBool(LocalIsolate* local_isolate, ValueNode* node);
bool FromConstantToBool(MaglevAssembler* masm, ValueNode* node);
inline int ExternalArrayElementSize(const ExternalArrayType element_type) {
switch (element_type) {
#define TYPED_ARRAY_CASE(Type, type, TYPE, ctype) \
case kExternal##Type##Array: \
DCHECK_LE(sizeof(ctype), 8); \
return sizeof(ctype);
inline int ElementsKindSize(ElementsKind element_kind) {
switch (element_kind) {
#define TYPED_ARRAY_CASE(Type, type, TYPE, ctype) \
DCHECK_LE(sizeof(ctype), 8); \
return sizeof(ctype);
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const ValueRepresentation& repr) {
switch (repr) {
case ValueRepresentation::kTagged:
return os << "Tagged";
case ValueRepresentation::kInt32:
return os << "Int32";
case ValueRepresentation::kUint32:
return os << "Uint32";
case ValueRepresentation::kFloat64:
return os << "Float64";
case ValueRepresentation::kHoleyFloat64:
return os << "HoleyFloat64";
case ValueRepresentation::kWord64:
return os << "Word64";
inline std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& os, const TaggedToFloat64ConversionType& conversion_type) {
switch (conversion_type) {
case TaggedToFloat64ConversionType::kOnlyNumber:
return os << "Number";
case TaggedToFloat64ConversionType::kNumberOrOddball:
return os << "NumberOrOddball";
inline bool HasOnlyJSTypedArrayMaps(base::Vector<const compiler::MapRef> maps) {
for (compiler::MapRef map : maps) {
if (!map.IsJSTypedArrayMap()) return false;
return true;
inline bool HasOnlyJSArrayMaps(base::Vector<const compiler::MapRef> maps) {
for (compiler::MapRef map : maps) {
if (!map.IsJSArrayMap()) return false;
return true;
inline bool HasOnlyJSObjectMaps(base::Vector<const compiler::MapRef> maps) {
for (compiler::MapRef map : maps) {
if (!map.IsJSObjectMap()) return false;
return true;
inline bool HasOnlyStringMaps(base::Vector<const compiler::MapRef> maps) {
for (compiler::MapRef map : maps) {
if (!map.IsStringMap()) return false;
return true;
inline bool HasOnlyNumberMaps(base::Vector<const compiler::MapRef> maps) {
for (compiler::MapRef map : maps) {
if (map.instance_type() != HEAP_NUMBER_TYPE) return false;
return true;
#define DEF_FORWARD_DECLARATION(type, ...) class type;
using NodeIdT = uint32_t;
static constexpr uint32_t kInvalidNodeId = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t kFirstValidNodeId = 1;
// Represents either a direct BasicBlock pointer, or an entry in a list of
// unresolved BasicBlockRefs which will be mutated (in place) at some point into
// direct BasicBlock pointers.
class BasicBlockRef {
struct BasicBlockRefBuilder;
BasicBlockRef() : next_ref_(nullptr) {
#ifdef DEBUG
state_ = kRefList;
explicit BasicBlockRef(BasicBlock* block) : block_ptr_(block) {
#ifdef DEBUG
state_ = kBlockPointer;
// Refs can't be copied or moved, since they are referenced by `this` pointer
// in the ref list.
BasicBlockRef(const BasicBlockRef&) = delete;
BasicBlockRef(BasicBlockRef&&) = delete;
BasicBlockRef& operator=(const BasicBlockRef&) = delete;
BasicBlockRef& operator=(BasicBlockRef&&) = delete;
// Construct a new ref-list mode BasicBlockRef and add it to the given ref
// list.
explicit BasicBlockRef(BasicBlockRef* ref_list_head) : BasicBlockRef() {
BasicBlockRef* old_next_ptr = MoveToRefList(ref_list_head);
// Change this ref to a direct basic block pointer, returning the old "next"
// pointer of the current ref.
BasicBlockRef* SetToBlockAndReturnNext(BasicBlock* block) {
DCHECK_EQ(state_, kRefList);
BasicBlockRef* old_next_ptr = next_ref_;
block_ptr_ = block;
#ifdef DEBUG
state_ = kBlockPointer;
return old_next_ptr;
// Reset this ref list to null, returning the old ref list (i.e. the old
// "next" pointer).
BasicBlockRef* Reset() {
DCHECK_EQ(state_, kRefList);
BasicBlockRef* old_next_ptr = next_ref_;
next_ref_ = nullptr;
return old_next_ptr;
// Move this ref to the given ref list, returning the old "next" pointer of
// the current ref.
BasicBlockRef* MoveToRefList(BasicBlockRef* ref_list_head) {
DCHECK_EQ(state_, kRefList);
DCHECK_EQ(ref_list_head->state_, kRefList);
BasicBlockRef* old_next_ptr = next_ref_;
next_ref_ = ref_list_head->next_ref_;
ref_list_head->next_ref_ = this;
return old_next_ptr;
BasicBlock* block_ptr() const {
DCHECK_EQ(state_, kBlockPointer);
return block_ptr_;
BasicBlockRef* next_ref() const {
DCHECK_EQ(state_, kRefList);
return next_ref_;
bool has_ref() const {
DCHECK_EQ(state_, kRefList);
return next_ref_ != nullptr;
union {
BasicBlock* block_ptr_;
BasicBlockRef* next_ref_;
#ifdef DEBUG
enum { kBlockPointer, kRefList } state_;
#endif // DEBUG
class OpProperties {
constexpr bool is_call() const {
// Only returns true for non-deferred calls. Use `is_any_call` to check
// deferred calls as well.
return kIsCallBit::decode(bitfield_);
constexpr bool can_eager_deopt() const {
return kCanEagerDeoptBit::decode(bitfield_);
constexpr bool can_lazy_deopt() const {
return kCanLazyDeoptBit::decode(bitfield_);
constexpr bool can_deopt() const {
return can_eager_deopt() || can_lazy_deopt();
constexpr bool can_throw() const {
return kCanThrowBit::decode(bitfield_) && can_lazy_deopt();
constexpr bool can_read() const { return kCanReadBit::decode(bitfield_); }
constexpr bool can_write() const { return kCanWriteBit::decode(bitfield_); }
constexpr bool non_memory_side_effects() const {
return kNonMemorySideEffectsBit::decode(bitfield_);
constexpr ValueRepresentation value_representation() const {
return kValueRepresentationBits::decode(bitfield_);
constexpr bool is_tagged() const {
return value_representation() == ValueRepresentation::kTagged;
constexpr bool is_conversion() const {
return kIsConversionBit::decode(bitfield_);
constexpr bool needs_register_snapshot() const {
return kNeedsRegisterSnapshotBit::decode(bitfield_);
constexpr bool is_pure() const {
return (bitfield_ & kPureMask) == kPureValue;
constexpr bool has_any_side_effects() const {
return can_write() || non_memory_side_effects();
constexpr bool is_required_when_unused() {
if (is_conversion()) {
// Calls in conversions are not counted as side-effect as far as
// is_required_when_unused is concerned, since they should always be to
// the Allocate builtin.
return has_any_side_effects() || can_throw() || can_deopt();
} else {
return has_any_side_effects() || can_throw() || can_deopt() ||
constexpr OpProperties operator|(const OpProperties& that) {
return OpProperties(bitfield_ | that.bitfield_);
static constexpr OpProperties Pure() { return OpProperties(kPureValue); }
static constexpr OpProperties Call() {
return OpProperties(kIsCallBit::encode(true));
static constexpr OpProperties EagerDeopt() {
return OpProperties(kCanEagerDeoptBit::encode(true));
static constexpr OpProperties LazyDeopt() {
return OpProperties(kCanLazyDeoptBit::encode(true));
static constexpr OpProperties Throw() {
return OpProperties(kCanThrowBit::encode(true)) | LazyDeopt();
static constexpr OpProperties Reading() {
return OpProperties(kCanReadBit::encode(true));
static constexpr OpProperties Writing() {
return OpProperties(kCanWriteBit::encode(true));
static constexpr OpProperties NonMemorySideEffects() {
return OpProperties(kNonMemorySideEffectsBit::encode(true));
static constexpr OpProperties TaggedValue() {
return OpProperties(
static constexpr OpProperties ExternalReference() {
return OpProperties(
static constexpr OpProperties Int32() {
return OpProperties(
static constexpr OpProperties Uint32() {
return OpProperties(
static constexpr OpProperties Float64() {
return OpProperties(
static constexpr OpProperties HoleyFloat64() {
return OpProperties(
static constexpr OpProperties ConversionNode() {
return OpProperties(kIsConversionBit::encode(true));
static constexpr OpProperties CanCallUserCode() {
return NonMemorySideEffects() | LazyDeopt() | Throw();
// Without auditing the call target, we must assume it can cause a lazy deopt
// and throw. Use this when codegen calls runtime or a builtin, unless
// certain that the target either doesn't throw or cannot deopt.
// TODO(jgruber): Go through all nodes marked with this property and decide
// whether to keep it (or remove either the lazy-deopt or throw flag).
static constexpr OpProperties GenericRuntimeOrBuiltinCall() {
return Call() | CanCallUserCode();
static constexpr OpProperties JSCall() { return Call() | CanCallUserCode(); }
static constexpr OpProperties AnySideEffects() {
return Reading() | Writing() | NonMemorySideEffects();
static constexpr OpProperties DeferredCall() {
// Operations with a deferred call need a snapshot of register state,
// because they need to be able to push registers to save them, and annotate
// the safepoint with information about which registers are tagged.
return NeedsRegisterSnapshot();
constexpr explicit OpProperties(uint32_t bitfield) : bitfield_(bitfield) {}
operator uint32_t() const { return bitfield_; }
OpProperties WithNewValueRepresentation(ValueRepresentation new_repr) const {
return OpProperties(kValueRepresentationBits::update(bitfield_, new_repr));
OpProperties WithoutDeopt() const {
return OpProperties(kCanLazyDeoptBit::update(
kCanEagerDeoptBit::update(bitfield_, false), false));
using kIsCallBit = base::BitField<bool, 0, 1>;
using kCanEagerDeoptBit = kIsCallBit::Next<bool, 1>;
using kCanLazyDeoptBit = kCanEagerDeoptBit::Next<bool, 1>;
using kCanThrowBit = kCanLazyDeoptBit::Next<bool, 1>;
using kCanReadBit = kCanThrowBit::Next<bool, 1>;
using kCanWriteBit = kCanReadBit::Next<bool, 1>;
using kNonMemorySideEffectsBit = kCanWriteBit::Next<bool, 1>;
using kValueRepresentationBits =
kNonMemorySideEffectsBit::Next<ValueRepresentation, 3>;
using kIsConversionBit = kValueRepresentationBits::Next<bool, 1>;
using kNeedsRegisterSnapshotBit = kIsConversionBit::Next<bool, 1>;
static const uint32_t kPureMask = kCanReadBit::kMask | kCanWriteBit::kMask |
static const uint32_t kPureValue = kCanReadBit::encode(false) |
kCanWriteBit::encode(false) |
// NeedsRegisterSnapshot is only used for DeferredCall, and we rely on this in
// `is_any_call` to detect deferred calls. If you need to use
// NeedsRegisterSnapshot for something else that DeferredCalls, then you'll
// have to update `is_any_call`.
static constexpr OpProperties NeedsRegisterSnapshot() {
return OpProperties(kNeedsRegisterSnapshotBit::encode(true));
const uint32_t bitfield_;
static const size_t kSize = kNeedsRegisterSnapshotBit::kLastUsedBit + 1;
constexpr bool is_any_call() const {
// Currently, there is no kDeferredCall bit, but DeferredCall only sets a
// single bit: kNeedsRegisterSnapShot. If this static assert breaks, it
// means that you added additional properties to DeferredCall, and you
// should update this function accordingly.
static_assert(DeferredCall().bitfield_ ==
return is_call() || needs_register_snapshot();
constexpr inline OpProperties StaticPropertiesForOpcode(Opcode opcode);
class ValueLocation {
ValueLocation() = default;
template <typename... Args>
void SetUnallocated(Args&&... args) {
operand_ = compiler::UnallocatedOperand(args...);
template <typename... Args>
void SetAllocated(Args&&... args) {
operand_ = compiler::AllocatedOperand(args...);
// Only to be used on inputs that inherit allocation.
void InjectLocation(compiler::InstructionOperand location) {
operand_ = location;
// We use USED_AT_START to indicate that the input will be clobbered.
bool Cloberred() {
return compiler::UnallocatedOperand::cast(operand_).IsUsedAtStart();
template <typename... Args>
void SetConstant(Args&&... args) {
operand_ = compiler::ConstantOperand(args...);
Register AssignedGeneralRegister() const {
return compiler::AllocatedOperand::cast(operand_).GetRegister();
DoubleRegister AssignedDoubleRegister() const {
return compiler::AllocatedOperand::cast(operand_).GetDoubleRegister();
bool IsAnyRegister() const { return operand_.IsAnyRegister(); }
bool IsGeneralRegister() const { return operand_.IsRegister(); }
bool IsDoubleRegister() const { return operand_.IsDoubleRegister(); }
const compiler::InstructionOperand& operand() const { return operand_; }
const compiler::InstructionOperand& operand() { return operand_; }
compiler::InstructionOperand operand_;
class InputLocation : public ValueLocation {
NodeIdT next_use_id() const { return next_use_id_; }
// Used in ValueNode::mark_use
NodeIdT* get_next_use_id_address() { return &next_use_id_; }
NodeIdT next_use_id_ = kInvalidNodeId;
class Input : public InputLocation {
explicit Input(ValueNode* node) : node_(node) {}
ValueNode* node() const { return node_; }
ValueNode* node_;
class InterpretedDeoptFrame;
class InlinedArgumentsDeoptFrame;
class ConstructStubDeoptFrame;
class BuiltinContinuationDeoptFrame;
class DeoptFrame {
enum class FrameType {
struct InterpretedFrameData {
const MaglevCompilationUnit& unit;
const CompactInterpreterFrameState* frame_state;
ValueNode* closure;
const BytecodeOffset bytecode_position;
const SourcePosition source_position;
struct InlinedArgumentsFrameData {
const MaglevCompilationUnit& unit;
const BytecodeOffset bytecode_position;
ValueNode* closure;
const base::Vector<ValueNode*> arguments;
struct ConstructStubFrameData {
const MaglevCompilationUnit& unit;
const BytecodeOffset bytecode_position;
const SourcePosition source_position;
ValueNode* closure;
ValueNode* receiver;
const base::Vector<ValueNode*> arguments_without_receiver;
ValueNode* context;
struct BuiltinContinuationFrameData {
const Builtin builtin_id;
const base::Vector<ValueNode*> parameters;
ValueNode* context;
using FrameData = base::DiscriminatedUnion<
FrameType, InterpretedFrameData, InlinedArgumentsFrameData,
ConstructStubFrameData, BuiltinContinuationFrameData>;
DeoptFrame(FrameData&& data, DeoptFrame* parent)
: data_(std::move(data)), parent_(parent) {}
FrameType type() const { return data_.tag(); }
DeoptFrame* parent() { return parent_; }
const DeoptFrame* parent() const { return parent_; }
inline const InterpretedDeoptFrame& as_interpreted() const;
inline const InlinedArgumentsDeoptFrame& as_inlined_arguments() const;
inline const ConstructStubDeoptFrame& as_construct_stub() const;
inline const BuiltinContinuationDeoptFrame& as_builtin_continuation() const;
inline InterpretedDeoptFrame& as_interpreted();
inline InlinedArgumentsDeoptFrame& as_inlined_arguments();
inline ConstructStubDeoptFrame& as_construct_stub();
inline BuiltinContinuationDeoptFrame& as_builtin_continuation();
DeoptFrame(InterpretedFrameData&& data, DeoptFrame* parent)
: data_(std::move(data)), parent_(parent) {}
DeoptFrame(InlinedArgumentsFrameData&& data, DeoptFrame* parent)
: data_(std::move(data)), parent_(parent) {}
DeoptFrame(ConstructStubFrameData&& data, DeoptFrame* parent)
: data_(std::move(data)), parent_(parent) {}
DeoptFrame(BuiltinContinuationFrameData&& data, DeoptFrame* parent)
: data_(std::move(data)), parent_(parent) {}
FrameData data_;
DeoptFrame* const parent_;
class InterpretedDeoptFrame : public DeoptFrame {
InterpretedDeoptFrame(const MaglevCompilationUnit& unit,
const CompactInterpreterFrameState* frame_state,
ValueNode* closure, BytecodeOffset bytecode_position,
SourcePosition source_position, DeoptFrame* parent)
: DeoptFrame(InterpretedFrameData{unit, frame_state, closure,
bytecode_position, source_position},
parent) {}
const MaglevCompilationUnit& unit() const { return data().unit; }
const CompactInterpreterFrameState* frame_state() const {
return data().frame_state;
ValueNode*& closure() { return data().closure; }
ValueNode* closure() const { return data().closure; }
BytecodeOffset bytecode_position() const { return data().bytecode_position; }
SourcePosition source_position() const { return data().source_position; }
InterpretedFrameData& data() { return data_.get<InterpretedFrameData>(); }
const InterpretedFrameData& data() const {
return data_.get<InterpretedFrameData>();
// Make sure storing/passing deopt frames by value doesn't truncate them.
static_assert(sizeof(InterpretedDeoptFrame) == sizeof(DeoptFrame));
inline const InterpretedDeoptFrame& DeoptFrame::as_interpreted() const {
DCHECK_EQ(type(), FrameType::kInterpretedFrame);
return static_cast<const InterpretedDeoptFrame&>(*this);
inline InterpretedDeoptFrame& DeoptFrame::as_interpreted() {
DCHECK_EQ(type(), FrameType::kInterpretedFrame);
return static_cast<InterpretedDeoptFrame&>(*this);
class InlinedArgumentsDeoptFrame : public DeoptFrame {
InlinedArgumentsDeoptFrame(const MaglevCompilationUnit& unit,
BytecodeOffset bytecode_position,
ValueNode* closure,
base::Vector<ValueNode*> arguments,
DeoptFrame* parent)
: DeoptFrame(InlinedArgumentsFrameData{unit, bytecode_position, closure,
parent) {}
const MaglevCompilationUnit& unit() const { return data().unit; }
BytecodeOffset bytecode_position() const { return data().bytecode_position; }
ValueNode*& closure() { return data().closure; }
ValueNode* closure() const { return data().closure; }
base::Vector<ValueNode*> arguments() const { return data().arguments; }
InlinedArgumentsFrameData& data() {
return data_.get<InlinedArgumentsFrameData>();
const InlinedArgumentsFrameData& data() const {
return data_.get<InlinedArgumentsFrameData>();
// Make sure storing/passing deopt frames by value doesn't truncate them.
static_assert(sizeof(InlinedArgumentsDeoptFrame) == sizeof(DeoptFrame));
inline const InlinedArgumentsDeoptFrame& DeoptFrame::as_inlined_arguments()
const {
DCHECK_EQ(type(), FrameType::kInlinedArgumentsFrame);
return static_cast<const InlinedArgumentsDeoptFrame&>(*this);
inline InlinedArgumentsDeoptFrame& DeoptFrame::as_inlined_arguments() {
DCHECK_EQ(type(), FrameType::kInlinedArgumentsFrame);
return static_cast<InlinedArgumentsDeoptFrame&>(*this);
class ConstructStubDeoptFrame : public DeoptFrame {
ConstructStubDeoptFrame(const MaglevCompilationUnit& unit,
BytecodeOffset bytecode_position,
SourcePosition source_position, ValueNode* closure,
ValueNode* receiver,
base::Vector<ValueNode*> arguments_without_receiver,
ValueNode* context, DeoptFrame* parent)
: DeoptFrame(ConstructStubFrameData{unit, bytecode_position,
source_position, closure, receiver,
arguments_without_receiver, context},
parent) {}
const MaglevCompilationUnit& unit() const { return data().unit; }
BytecodeOffset bytecode_position() const { return data().bytecode_position; }
ValueNode*& closure() { return data().closure; }
ValueNode* closure() const { return data().closure; }
ValueNode*& receiver() { return data().receiver; }
ValueNode* receiver() const { return data().receiver; }
base::Vector<ValueNode*> arguments_without_receiver() const {
return data().arguments_without_receiver;
ValueNode*& context() { return data().context; }
ValueNode* context() const { return data().context; }
SourcePosition source_position() const { return data().source_position; }
ConstructStubFrameData& data() { return data_.get<ConstructStubFrameData>(); }
const ConstructStubFrameData& data() const {
return data_.get<ConstructStubFrameData>();
// Make sure storing/passing deopt frames by value doesn't truncate them.
static_assert(sizeof(ConstructStubDeoptFrame) == sizeof(DeoptFrame));
inline const ConstructStubDeoptFrame& DeoptFrame::as_construct_stub() const {
DCHECK_EQ(type(), FrameType::kConstructStubFrame);
return static_cast<const ConstructStubDeoptFrame&>(*this);
inline ConstructStubDeoptFrame& DeoptFrame::as_construct_stub() {
DCHECK_EQ(type(), FrameType::kConstructStubFrame);
return static_cast<ConstructStubDeoptFrame&>(*this);
class BuiltinContinuationDeoptFrame : public DeoptFrame {
BuiltinContinuationDeoptFrame(Builtin builtin_id,
base::Vector<ValueNode*> parameters,
ValueNode* context, DeoptFrame* parent)
: DeoptFrame(
BuiltinContinuationFrameData{builtin_id, parameters, context},
parent) {}
const Builtin& builtin_id() const { return data().builtin_id; }
base::Vector<ValueNode*> parameters() const { return data().parameters; }
ValueNode*& context() { return data().context; }
ValueNode* context() const { return data().context; }
BuiltinContinuationFrameData& data() {
return data_.get<BuiltinContinuationFrameData>();
const BuiltinContinuationFrameData& data() const {
return data_.get<BuiltinContinuationFrameData>();
// Make sure storing/passing deopt frames by value doesn't truncate them.
static_assert(sizeof(BuiltinContinuationDeoptFrame) == sizeof(DeoptFrame));
inline const BuiltinContinuationDeoptFrame&
DeoptFrame::as_builtin_continuation() const {
DCHECK_EQ(type(), FrameType::kBuiltinContinuationFrame);
return static_cast<const BuiltinContinuationDeoptFrame&>(*this);
inline BuiltinContinuationDeoptFrame& DeoptFrame::as_builtin_continuation() {
DCHECK_EQ(type(), FrameType::kBuiltinContinuationFrame);
return static_cast<BuiltinContinuationDeoptFrame&>(*this);
class DeoptInfo {
DeoptInfo(Zone* zone, const DeoptFrame top_frame,
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_to_update);
DeoptFrame& top_frame() { return top_frame_; }
const DeoptFrame& top_frame() const { return top_frame_; }
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback_to_update() {
return feedback_to_update_;
InputLocation* input_locations() const { return input_locations_; }
Label* deopt_entry_label() { return &deopt_entry_label_; }
int translation_index() const { return translation_index_; }
void set_translation_index(int index) { translation_index_ = index; }
DeoptFrame top_frame_;
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_to_update_;
InputLocation* const input_locations_;
Label deopt_entry_label_;
int translation_index_ = -1;
struct RegisterSnapshot {
RegList live_registers;
RegList live_tagged_registers;
DoubleRegList live_double_registers;
class EagerDeoptInfo : public DeoptInfo {
EagerDeoptInfo(Zone* zone, const DeoptFrame top_frame,
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_to_update)
: DeoptInfo(zone, top_frame, feedback_to_update) {}
DeoptimizeReason reason() const { return reason_; }
void set_reason(DeoptimizeReason reason) { reason_ = reason; }
DeoptimizeReason reason_ = DeoptimizeReason::kUnknown;
class LazyDeoptInfo : public DeoptInfo {
LazyDeoptInfo(Zone* zone, const DeoptFrame top_frame,
interpreter::Register result_location, int result_size,
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_to_update)
: DeoptInfo(zone, top_frame, feedback_to_update),
DeoptingCallReturnPcField::encode(kUninitializedCallReturnPc) |
ResultSizeField::encode(result_size)) {}
interpreter::Register result_location() const {
// We should only be checking this for interpreted frames, other kinds of
// frames shouldn't be considered for result locations.
DCHECK_EQ(top_frame().type(), DeoptFrame::FrameType::kInterpretedFrame);
return result_location_;
int result_size() const {
// We should only be checking this for interpreted frames, other kinds of
// frames shouldn't be considered for result locations.
DCHECK_EQ(top_frame().type(), DeoptFrame::FrameType::kInterpretedFrame);
return ResultSizeField::decode(bitfield_);
bool IsResultRegister(interpreter::Register reg) const;
void UpdateResultLocation(interpreter::Register result_location,
int result_size) {
// We should only update to a subset of the existing result location.
DCHECK_GE(result_location.index(), result_location_.index());
DCHECK_LE(result_location.index() + result_size,
result_location_.index() + this->result_size());
result_location_ = result_location;
bitfield_ = ResultSizeField::update(bitfield_, result_size);
bool HasResultLocation() const {
// We should only be checking this for interpreted frames, other kinds of
// frames shouldn't be considered for result locations.
DCHECK_EQ(top_frame().type(), DeoptFrame::FrameType::kInterpretedFrame);
return result_location_.is_valid();
int deopting_call_return_pc() const {
return DeoptingCallReturnPcField::decode(bitfield_);
void set_deopting_call_return_pc(int pc) {
bitfield_ = DeoptingCallReturnPcField::update(bitfield_, pc);
using DeoptingCallReturnPcField = base::BitField<unsigned int, 0, 30>;
using ResultSizeField = DeoptingCallReturnPcField::Next<unsigned int, 2>;
// The max code size is enforced by the various assemblers, but it's not
// visible here, so static assert against the magic constant that we happen
// to know is correct.
static constexpr int kMaxCodeSize = 512 * MB;
static constexpr unsigned int kUninitializedCallReturnPc =
static_assert(kMaxCodeSize != kUninitializedCallReturnPc);
// Lazy deopts can have at most two result registers -- temporarily three for
// ForInPrepare.
static_assert(ResultSizeField::kMax >= 3);
interpreter::Register result_location_;
uint32_t bitfield_;
class ExceptionHandlerInfo {
const int kNoExceptionHandlerPCOffsetMarker = 0xdeadbeef;
: catch_block(), pc_offset(kNoExceptionHandlerPCOffsetMarker) {}
explicit ExceptionHandlerInfo(BasicBlockRef* catch_block_ref)
: catch_block(catch_block_ref), pc_offset(-1) {}
bool HasExceptionHandler() {
return pc_offset != kNoExceptionHandlerPCOffsetMarker;
BasicBlockRef catch_block;
Label trampoline_entry;
int pc_offset;
// Dummy type for the initial raw allocation.
struct NodeWithInlineInputs {};
namespace detail {
// Helper for getting the static opcode of a Node subclass. This is in a
// "detail" namespace rather than in NodeBase because we can't template
// specialize outside of namespace scopes before C++17.
template <class T>
struct opcode_of_helper;
#define DEF_OPCODE_OF(Name) \
template <> \
struct opcode_of_helper<Name> { \
static constexpr Opcode value = Opcode::k##Name; \
template <typename T>
constexpr T* ObjectPtrBeforeAddress(void* address) {
char* address_as_char_ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(address);
char* object_ptr_as_char_ptr = address_as_char_ptr - sizeof(T);
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(object_ptr_as_char_ptr);
template <typename T>
constexpr const T* ObjectPtrBeforeAddress(const void* address) {
const char* address_as_char_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(address);
const char* object_ptr_as_char_ptr = address_as_char_ptr - sizeof(T);
return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(object_ptr_as_char_ptr);
} // namespace detail
class NodeBase : public ZoneObject {
// Bitfield specification.
using OpcodeField = base::BitField64<Opcode, 0, 16>;
using OpPropertiesField =
OpcodeField::Next<OpProperties, OpProperties::kSize>;
using NumTemporariesNeededField = OpPropertiesField::Next<uint8_t, 2>;
using NumDoubleTemporariesNeededField =
NumTemporariesNeededField::Next<uint8_t, 1>;
// Align input count to 32-bit.
using UnusedField = NumDoubleTemporariesNeededField::Next<uint8_t, 1>;
using InputCountField = UnusedField::Next<size_t, 17>;
static_assert(InputCountField::kShift == 32);
// Subclasses may use the remaining bitfield bits.
template <class T, int size>
using NextBitField = InputCountField::Next<T, size>;
static constexpr int kMaxInputs = InputCountField::kMax;
template <class T>
static constexpr Opcode opcode_of = detail::opcode_of_helper<T>::value;
template <class Derived, typename... Args>
static Derived* New(Zone* zone, std::initializer_list<ValueNode*> inputs,
Args&&... args) {
Derived* node =
Allocate<Derived>(zone, inputs.size(), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
int i = 0;
for (ValueNode* input : inputs) {
node->set_input(i++, input);
return node;
// Inputs must be initialized manually.
template <class Derived, typename... Args>
static Derived* New(Zone* zone, size_t input_count, Args&&... args) {
Derived* node =
Allocate<Derived>(zone, input_count, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return node;
// Overwritten by subclasses.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Pure() | OpProperties::TaggedValue();
constexpr Opcode opcode() const { return OpcodeField::decode(bitfield_); }
constexpr OpProperties properties() const {
return OpPropertiesField::decode(bitfield_);
void set_properties(OpProperties properties) {
bitfield_ = OpPropertiesField::update(bitfield_, properties);
template <class T>
constexpr bool Is() const;
template <class T>
constexpr T* Cast() {
return static_cast<T*>(this);
template <class T>
constexpr const T* Cast() const {
return static_cast<const T*>(this);
template <class T>
constexpr T* TryCast() {
return Is<T>() ? static_cast<T*>(this) : nullptr;
constexpr bool has_inputs() const { return input_count() > 0; }
constexpr int input_count() const {
static_assert(InputCountField::kMax <= kMaxInt);
return static_cast<int>(InputCountField::decode(bitfield_));
constexpr Input& input(int index) {
DCHECK_LT(index, input_count());
return *(input_base() - index);
constexpr const Input& input(int index) const {
DCHECK_LT(index, input_count());
return *(input_base() - index);
// Input iterators, use like:
// for (Input& input : *node) { ... }
constexpr auto begin() { return std::make_reverse_iterator(&input(-1)); }
constexpr auto end() {
return std::make_reverse_iterator(&input(input_count() - 1));
constexpr bool has_id() const { return id_ != kInvalidNodeId; }
constexpr NodeIdT id() const {
DCHECK_NE(id_, kInvalidNodeId);
return id_;
void set_id(NodeIdT id) {
DCHECK_EQ(id_, kInvalidNodeId);
DCHECK_NE(id, kInvalidNodeId);
id_ = id;
template <typename RegisterT>
uint8_t num_temporaries_needed() const {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<RegisterT, Register>) {
return NumTemporariesNeededField::decode(bitfield_);
} else {
return NumDoubleTemporariesNeededField::decode(bitfield_);
template <typename RegisterT>
RegListBase<RegisterT>& temporaries() {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<RegisterT, Register>) {
return temporaries_;
} else {
return double_temporaries_;
RegList& general_temporaries() { return temporaries_; }
DoubleRegList& double_temporaries() { return double_temporaries_; }
template <typename RegisterT>
void assign_temporaries(RegListBase<RegisterT> list) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<RegisterT, Register>) {
temporaries_ = list;
} else {
double_temporaries_ = list;
enum class InputAllocationPolicy { kFixedRegister, kArbitraryRegister, kAny };
// Some parts of Maglev require a specific iteration order of the inputs (such
// as UseMarkingProcessor::MarkInputUses or
// StraightForwardRegisterAllocator::AssignInputs). For such cases,
// `ForAllInputsInRegallocAssignmentOrder` can be called with a callback `f`
// that will be called for each input in the "correct" order.
template <typename Function>
void ForAllInputsInRegallocAssignmentOrder(Function&& f);
void Print(std::ostream& os, MaglevGraphLabeller*,
bool skip_targets = false) const;
// For GDB: Print any Node with `print node->Print()`.
void Print() const;
EagerDeoptInfo* eager_deopt_info() {
return reinterpret_cast<EagerDeoptInfo*>(deopt_info_address());
LazyDeoptInfo* lazy_deopt_info() {
return reinterpret_cast<LazyDeoptInfo*>(deopt_info_address());
const RegisterSnapshot& register_snapshot() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<RegisterSnapshot*>(register_snapshot_address());
ExceptionHandlerInfo* exception_handler_info() {
return reinterpret_cast<ExceptionHandlerInfo*>(exception_handler_address());
void set_register_snapshot(RegisterSnapshot snapshot) {
*reinterpret_cast<RegisterSnapshot*>(register_snapshot_address()) =
void change_input(int index, ValueNode* node) { set_input(index, node); }
void change_representation(ValueRepresentation new_repr) {
DCHECK_EQ(opcode(), Opcode::kPhi);
bitfield_ = OpPropertiesField::update(
bitfield_, properties().WithNewValueRepresentation(new_repr));
void set_opcode(Opcode new_opcode) {
bitfield_ = OpcodeField::update(bitfield_, new_opcode);
void CopyEagerDeoptInfoOf(NodeBase* other, Zone* zone) {
new (eager_deopt_info())
EagerDeoptInfo(zone, other->eager_deopt_info()->top_frame(),
void SetEagerDeoptInfo(Zone* zone, DeoptFrame deopt_frame,
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_to_update =
compiler::FeedbackSource()) {
new (eager_deopt_info())
EagerDeoptInfo(zone, deopt_frame, feedback_to_update);
template <typename NodeT>
void OverwriteWith() {
OverwriteWith(NodeBase::opcode_of<NodeT>, NodeT::kProperties);
void OverwriteWith(
Opcode new_opcode,
base::Optional<OpProperties> maybe_new_properties = base::nullopt) {
OpProperties new_properties = maybe_new_properties.has_value()
? maybe_new_properties.value()
: StaticPropertiesForOpcode(new_opcode);
#ifdef DEBUG
CheckCanOverwriteWith(new_opcode, new_properties);
explicit NodeBase(uint64_t bitfield) : bitfield_(bitfield) {}
// Allow updating bits above NextBitField from subclasses
constexpr uint64_t bitfield() const { return bitfield_; }
void set_bitfield(uint64_t new_bitfield) {
#ifdef DEBUG
// Make sure that all the base bitfield bits (all bits before the next
// bitfield start) are equal in the new value.s
const uint64_t base_bitfield_mask =
(uint64_t{1} << NextBitField<bool, 1>::kShift) - 1;
DCHECK_EQ(bitfield_ & base_bitfield_mask,
new_bitfield & base_bitfield_mask);
bitfield_ = new_bitfield;
constexpr Input* input_base() {
return detail::ObjectPtrBeforeAddress<Input>(this);
constexpr const Input* input_base() const {
return detail::ObjectPtrBeforeAddress<Input>(this);
Input* last_input() { return &input(input_count() - 1); }
const Input* last_input() const { return &input(input_count() - 1); }
Address last_input_address() const {
return reinterpret_cast<Address>(last_input());
void set_input(int index, ValueNode* node) {
new (&input(index)) Input(node);
// For nodes that don't have data past the input, allow trimming the input
// count. This is used by Phis to reduce inputs when merging in dead control
// flow.
void reduce_input_count() {
DCHECK_EQ(opcode(), Opcode::kPhi);
bitfield_ = InputCountField::update(bitfield_, input_count() - 1);
// Specify that there need to be a certain number of registers free (i.e.
// useable as scratch registers) on entry into this node.
// Does not include any registers requested by RequireSpecificTemporary.
void set_temporaries_needed(uint8_t value) {
DCHECK_EQ(num_temporaries_needed<Register>(), 0);
bitfield_ = NumTemporariesNeededField::update(bitfield_, value);
void set_double_temporaries_needed(uint8_t value) {
DCHECK_EQ(num_temporaries_needed<DoubleRegister>(), 0);
bitfield_ = NumDoubleTemporariesNeededField::update(bitfield_, value);
// Require that a specific register is free (and therefore clobberable) by the
// entry into this node.
void RequireSpecificTemporary(Register reg) { temporaries_.set(reg); }
void RequireSpecificDoubleTemporary(DoubleRegister reg) {
template <class Derived, typename... Args>
static Derived* Allocate(Zone* zone, size_t input_count, Args&&... args) {
!Derived::kProperties.can_eager_deopt() ||
"The current deopt info representation, at the end of inputs, requires "
"that we cannot have both lazy and eager deopts on a node. If we ever "
"need this, we have to update accessors to check node->properties() "
"for which deopts are active.");
constexpr size_t size_before_inputs = RoundUp<alignof(Input)>(
(Derived::kProperties.can_throw() ? sizeof(ExceptionHandlerInfo) : 0) +
? sizeof(RegisterSnapshot)
: 0) +
(Derived::kProperties.can_eager_deopt() ? sizeof(EagerDeoptInfo) : 0) +
(Derived::kProperties.can_lazy_deopt() ? sizeof(LazyDeoptInfo) : 0));
static_assert(IsAligned(size_before_inputs, alignof(Input)));
const size_t size_before_node =
size_before_inputs + input_count * sizeof(Input);
DCHECK(IsAligned(size_before_inputs, alignof(Derived)));
const size_t size = size_before_node + sizeof(Derived);
intptr_t raw_buffer =
void* node_buffer = reinterpret_cast<void*>(raw_buffer + size_before_node);
uint64_t bitfield = OpcodeField::encode(opcode_of<Derived>) |
OpPropertiesField::encode(Derived::kProperties) |
Derived* node =
new (node_buffer) Derived(bitfield, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return node;
// Returns the position of deopt info if it exists, otherwise returns
// its position as if DeoptInfo size were zero.
Address deopt_info_address() const {
DCHECK(!properties().can_eager_deopt() || !properties().can_lazy_deopt());
size_t extra = RoundUp<alignof(Input)>(
(properties().can_eager_deopt() ? sizeof(EagerDeoptInfo) : 0) +
(properties().can_lazy_deopt() ? sizeof(LazyDeoptInfo) : 0));
return last_input_address() - extra;
// Returns the position of register snapshot if it exists, otherwise returns
// its position as if RegisterSnapshot size were zero.
Address register_snapshot_address() const {
size_t extra = RoundUp<alignof(Input)>((
properties().needs_register_snapshot() ? sizeof(RegisterSnapshot) : 0));
return deopt_info_address() - extra;
// Returns the position of exception handler info if it exists, otherwise
// returns its position as if ExceptionHandlerInfo size were zero.
Address exception_handler_address() const {
size_t extra = RoundUp<alignof(Input)>(
(properties().can_throw() ? sizeof(ExceptionHandlerInfo) : 0));
return register_snapshot_address() - extra;
void CheckCanOverwriteWith(Opcode new_opcode, OpProperties new_properties);
uint64_t bitfield_;
NodeIdT id_ = kInvalidNodeId;
RegList temporaries_;
DoubleRegList double_temporaries_;
NodeBase() = delete;
NodeBase(const NodeBase&) = delete;
NodeBase(NodeBase&&) = delete;
NodeBase& operator=(const NodeBase&) = delete;
NodeBase& operator=(NodeBase&&) = delete;
template <class T>
constexpr bool NodeBase::Is() const {
return opcode() == opcode_of<T>;
// Specialized sub-hierarchy type checks.
template <>
constexpr bool NodeBase::Is<ValueNode>() const {
return IsValueNode(opcode());
template <>
constexpr bool NodeBase::Is<ControlNode>() const {
return IsControlNode(opcode());
template <>
constexpr bool NodeBase::Is<BranchControlNode>() const {
return IsBranchControlNode(opcode());
template <>
constexpr bool NodeBase::Is<ConditionalControlNode>() const {
return IsConditionalControlNode(opcode());
template <>
constexpr bool NodeBase::Is<UnconditionalControlNode>() const {
return IsUnconditionalControlNode(opcode());
template <>
constexpr bool NodeBase::Is<TerminalControlNode>() const {
return IsTerminalControlNode(opcode());
void CheckValueInputIs(const NodeBase* node, int i,
ValueRepresentation expected,
MaglevGraphLabeller* graph_labeller);
// The Node class hierarchy contains all non-control nodes.
class Node : public NodeBase {
using List = base::ThreadedListWithUnsafeInsertions<Node>;
inline ValueLocation& result();
Node* NextNode() const { return next_; }
using NodeBase::NodeBase;
Node** next() { return &next_; }
Node* next_ = nullptr;
friend List;
friend base::ThreadedListTraits<Node>;
// All non-control nodes with a result.
class ValueNode : public Node {
using TaggedResultNeedsDecompressField = NextBitField<bool, 1>;
// Subclasses may use the remaining bitfield bits.
template <class T, int size>
using NextBitField = TaggedResultNeedsDecompressField::Next<T, size>;
ValueLocation& result() { return result_; }
const ValueLocation& result() const { return result_; }
void SetHint(compiler::InstructionOperand hint);
void ClearHint() { hint_ = compiler::InstructionOperand(); }
bool has_hint() { return !hint_.IsInvalid(); }
template <typename RegisterT>
RegisterT GetRegisterHint() {
if (hint_.IsInvalid()) return RegisterT::no_reg();
return RegisterT::from_code(
const compiler::InstructionOperand& hint() const {
DCHECK(hint_.IsInvalid() || hint_.IsUnallocated());
return hint_;
bool is_loadable() const {
DCHECK_EQ(state_, kSpill);
return spill_.IsConstant() || spill_.IsAnyStackSlot();
bool is_spilled() const {
DCHECK_EQ(state_, kSpill);
return spill_.IsAnyStackSlot();
void SetNoSpill();
void SetConstantLocation();
/* For constants only. */
void LoadToRegister(MaglevAssembler*, Register);
void LoadToRegister(MaglevAssembler*, DoubleRegister);
void DoLoadToRegister(MaglevAssembler*, Register);
void DoLoadToRegister(MaglevAssembler*, DoubleRegister);
Handle<Object> Reify(LocalIsolate* isolate) const;
void Spill(compiler::AllocatedOperand operand) {
#ifdef DEBUG
if (state_ == kLastUse) {
state_ = kSpill;
} else {
#endif // DEBUG
spill_ = operand;
compiler::AllocatedOperand spill_slot() const {
return compiler::AllocatedOperand::cast(loadable_slot());
compiler::InstructionOperand loadable_slot() const {
DCHECK_EQ(state_, kSpill);
return spill_;
void mark_use(NodeIdT id, InputLocation* input_location) {
DCHECK_EQ(state_, kLastUse);
DCHECK_NE(id, kInvalidNodeId);
DCHECK_LT(start_id(), id);
DCHECK_IMPLIES(has_valid_live_range(), id >= end_id_);
end_id_ = id;
*last_uses_next_use_id_ = id;
last_uses_next_use_id_ = input_location->get_next_use_id_address();
DCHECK_EQ(*last_uses_next_use_id_, kInvalidNodeId);
struct LiveRange {
NodeIdT start = kInvalidNodeId;
NodeIdT end = kInvalidNodeId; // Inclusive.
bool has_valid_live_range() const { return end_id_ != 0; }
LiveRange live_range() const { return {start_id(), end_id_}; }
NodeIdT next_use() const { return next_use_; }
// The following metods should only be used during register allocation, to
// mark the _current_ state of this Node according to the register allocator.
void set_next_use(NodeIdT use) { next_use_ = use; }
// A node is dead once it has no more upcoming uses.
bool is_dead() const { return next_use_ == kInvalidNodeId; }
constexpr bool use_double_register() const {
return IsDoubleRepresentation(properties().value_representation());
constexpr bool is_tagged() const {
return (properties().value_representation() ==
constexpr bool decompresses_tagged_result() const {
return TaggedResultNeedsDecompressField::decode(bitfield());
void SetTaggedResultNeedsDecompress() {
DCHECK_IMPLIES(!Is<Identity>(), is_tagged());
DCHECK_IMPLIES(Is<Identity>(), input(0).node()->is_tagged());
set_bitfield(TaggedResultNeedsDecompressField::update(bitfield(), true));
if (Is<Phi>()) {
for (Input& input : *this) {
// Avoid endless recursion by terminating on values already marked.
if (input.node()->decompresses_tagged_result()) continue;
} else if (Is<Identity>()) {
DCHECK_EQ(input_count(), 0);
constexpr ValueRepresentation value_representation() const {
return properties().value_representation();
constexpr MachineRepresentation GetMachineRepresentation() const {
switch (properties().value_representation()) {
case ValueRepresentation::kTagged:
return MachineRepresentation::kTagged;
case ValueRepresentation::kInt32:
case ValueRepresentation::kUint32:
return MachineRepresentation::kWord32;
case ValueRepresentation::kWord64:
return MachineRepresentation::kWord64;
case ValueRepresentation::kFloat64:
return MachineRepresentation::kFloat64;
case ValueRepresentation::kHoleyFloat64:
return MachineRepresentation::kFloat64;
void AddRegister(Register reg) {
void AddRegister(DoubleRegister reg) {
void RemoveRegister(Register reg) {
void RemoveRegister(DoubleRegister reg) {
template <typename T>
inline RegListBase<T> ClearRegisters();
int num_registers() const {
if (use_double_register()) {
return double_registers_with_result_.Count();
return registers_with_result_.Count();
bool has_register() const {
if (use_double_register()) {
return double_registers_with_result_ != kEmptyDoubleRegList;
return registers_with_result_ != kEmptyRegList;
bool is_in_register(Register reg) const {
return registers_with_result_.has(reg);
bool is_in_register(DoubleRegister reg) const {
return double_registers_with_result_.has(reg);
template <typename T>
RegListBase<T> result_registers() {
if constexpr (std::is_same<T, DoubleRegister>::value) {
return double_registers_with_result_;
} else {
return registers_with_result_;
compiler::InstructionOperand allocation() const {
if (has_register()) {
return compiler::AllocatedOperand(compiler::LocationOperand::REGISTER,
return spill_;
explicit ValueNode(uint64_t bitfield)
: Node(bitfield),
#ifdef DEBUG
#endif // DEBUG
if (use_double_register()) {
double_registers_with_result_ = kEmptyDoubleRegList;
} else {
registers_with_result_ = kEmptyRegList;
int FirstRegisterCode() const {
if (use_double_register()) {
return double_registers_with_result_.first().code();
return registers_with_result_.first().code();
// Rename for better pairing with `end_id`.
NodeIdT start_id() const { return id(); }
NodeIdT end_id_ = kInvalidNodeId;
NodeIdT next_use_ = kInvalidNodeId;
ValueLocation result_;
union {
RegList registers_with_result_;
DoubleRegList double_registers_with_result_;
union {
// Pointer to the current last use's next_use_id field. Most of the time
// this will be a pointer to an Input's next_use_id_ field, but it's
// initialized to this node's next_use_ to track the first use.
NodeIdT* last_uses_next_use_id_;
compiler::InstructionOperand spill_;
compiler::InstructionOperand hint_;
#ifdef DEBUG
enum {kLastUse, kSpill} state_;
#endif // DEBUG
template <>
inline RegList ValueNode::ClearRegisters() {
return std::exchange(registers_with_result_, kEmptyRegList);
template <>
inline DoubleRegList ValueNode::ClearRegisters() {
return std::exchange(double_registers_with_result_, kEmptyDoubleRegList);
ValueLocation& Node::result() {
return Cast<ValueNode>()->result();
// Mixin for a node with known class (and therefore known opcode and static
// properties), but possibly unknown numbers of inputs.
template <typename Base, typename Derived>
class NodeTMixin : public Base {
// Shadowing for static knowledge.
constexpr Opcode opcode() const { return NodeBase::opcode_of<Derived>; }
constexpr const OpProperties& properties() const {
return Derived::kProperties;
template <typename... Args>
static Derived* New(Zone* zone, std::initializer_list<ValueNode*> inputs,
Args&&... args) {
return NodeBase::New<Derived>(zone, inputs, std::forward<Args>...);
template <typename... Args>
static Derived* New(Zone* zone, size_t input_count, Args&&... args) {
return NodeBase::New<Derived>(zone, input_count, std::forward<Args>...);
template <typename... Args>
explicit NodeTMixin(uint64_t bitfield, Args&&... args)
: Base(bitfield, std::forward<Args>(args)...) {
DCHECK_EQ(NodeBase::opcode(), NodeBase::opcode_of<Derived>);
DCHECK_EQ(NodeBase::properties(), Derived::kProperties);
namespace detail {
// Helper class for defining input types as a std::array, but without
// accidental initialisation with the wrong sized initializer_list.
template <size_t Size>
class ArrayWrapper : public std::array<ValueRepresentation, Size> {
template <typename... Args>
explicit constexpr ArrayWrapper(Args&&... args)
: std::array<ValueRepresentation, Size>({args...}) {
static_assert(sizeof...(args) == Size);
struct YouNeedToDefineAnInputTypesArrayInYourDerivedClass {};
} // namespace detail
// Mixin for a node with known class (and therefore known opcode and static
// properties), and known numbers of inputs.
template <size_t InputCount, typename Base, typename Derived>
class FixedInputNodeTMixin : public NodeTMixin<Base, Derived> {
static constexpr size_t kInputCount = InputCount;
// Shadowing for static knowledge.
constexpr bool has_inputs() const { return input_count() > 0; }
constexpr uint16_t input_count() const { return kInputCount; }
constexpr auto end() {
return std::make_reverse_iterator(&this->input(input_count() - 1));
void VerifyInputs(MaglevGraphLabeller* graph_labeller) const {
if constexpr (kInputCount != 0) {
std::is_same_v<const InputTypes, decltype(Derived::kInputTypes)>);
static_assert(kInputCount == Derived::kInputTypes.size());
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(kInputCount); ++i) {
CheckValueInputIs(this, i, Derived::kInputTypes[i], graph_labeller);
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing() const {
if constexpr (kInputCount != 0) {
std::is_same_v<const InputTypes, decltype(Derived::kInputTypes)>);
static_assert(kInputCount == Derived::kInputTypes.size());
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(kInputCount); ++i) {
if (Derived::kInputTypes[i] == ValueRepresentation::kTagged) {
ValueNode* input_node = this->input(i).node();
using InputTypes = detail::ArrayWrapper<kInputCount>;
detail::YouNeedToDefineAnInputTypesArrayInYourDerivedClass kInputTypes;
template <typename... Args>
explicit FixedInputNodeTMixin(uint64_t bitfield, Args&&... args)
: NodeTMixin<Base, Derived>(bitfield, std::forward<Args>(args)...) {
DCHECK_EQ(NodeBase::input_count(), kInputCount);
template <class Derived>
using NodeT = NodeTMixin<Node, Derived>;
template <class Derived>
using ValueNodeT = NodeTMixin<ValueNode, Derived>;
template <size_t InputCount, class Derived>
using FixedInputNodeT =
FixedInputNodeTMixin<InputCount, NodeT<Derived>, Derived>;
template <size_t InputCount, class Derived>
using FixedInputValueNodeT =
FixedInputNodeTMixin<InputCount, ValueNodeT<Derived>, Derived>;
class Identity : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Identity> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Identity>;
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Pure();
explicit Identity(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
void VerifyInputs(MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {
// Identity is valid for all input types.
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing() {
// Do not mark inputs as decompressing here, since we don't yet know whether
// this Phi needs decompression. Instead, let
// Node::SetTaggedResultNeedsDecompress pass through phis.
void SetValueLocationConstraints() {}
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&) {}
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
template <class Derived, Operation kOperation>
class UnaryWithFeedbackNode : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Derived> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Derived>;
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
static constexpr int kOperandIndex = 0;
Input& operand_input() { return Node::input(kOperandIndex); }
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const { return feedback_; }
explicit UnaryWithFeedbackNode(uint64_t bitfield,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback)
: Base(bitfield), feedback_(feedback) {}
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_;
template <class Derived, Operation kOperation>
class BinaryWithFeedbackNode : public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, Derived> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, Derived>;
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
static constexpr int kLeftIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kRightIndex = 1;
Input& left_input() { return Node::input(kLeftIndex); }
Input& right_input() { return Node::input(kRightIndex); }
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const { return feedback_; }
BinaryWithFeedbackNode(uint64_t bitfield,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback)
: Base(bitfield), feedback_(feedback) {}
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_;
class Name : public Super<Name, Operation::k##OpName> { \
using Base = Super<Name, Operation::k##OpName>; \
public: \
Name(uint64_t bitfield, const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback) \
: Base(bitfield, feedback) {} \
int MaxCallStackArgs() const { return 0; } \
void SetValueLocationConstraints(); \
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&); \
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {} \
DEF_OPERATION_WITH_FEEDBACK_NODE(Generic##Name, UnaryWithFeedbackNode, Name)
DEF_OPERATION_WITH_FEEDBACK_NODE(Generic##Name, BinaryWithFeedbackNode, Name)
template <class Derived, Operation kOperation>
class Int32BinaryWithOverflowNode : public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, Derived> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, Derived>;
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::EagerDeopt() | OpProperties::Int32();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kInt32, ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
static constexpr int kLeftIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kRightIndex = 1;
Input& left_input() { return Node::input(kLeftIndex); }
Input& right_input() { return Node::input(kRightIndex); }
explicit Int32BinaryWithOverflowNode(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
#define DEF_OPERATION_NODE(Name, Super, OpName) \
class Name : public Super<Name, Operation::k##OpName> { \
using Base = Super<Name, Operation::k##OpName>; \
public: \
explicit Name(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {} \
void SetValueLocationConstraints(); \
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&); \
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {} \
DEF_OPERATION_NODE(Int32##Name##WithOverflow, Int32BinaryWithOverflowNode, \
template <class Derived, Operation kOperation>
class Int32BinaryNode : public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, Derived> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, Derived>;
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Int32();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kInt32, ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
static constexpr int kLeftIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kRightIndex = 1;
Input& left_input() { return Node::input(kLeftIndex); }
Input& right_input() { return Node::input(kRightIndex); }
explicit Int32BinaryNode(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
#define DEF_INT32_BINARY_NODE(Name) \
DEF_OPERATION_NODE(Int32##Name, Int32BinaryNode, Name)
class Int32BitwiseNot : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Int32BitwiseNot> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Int32BitwiseNot>;
explicit Int32BitwiseNot(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Int32();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
static constexpr int kValueIndex = 0;
Input& value_input() { return Node::input(kValueIndex); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
template <class Derived, Operation kOperation>
class Int32UnaryWithOverflowNode : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Derived> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Derived>;
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::EagerDeopt() | OpProperties::Int32();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
static constexpr int kValueIndex = 0;
Input& value_input() { return Node::input(kValueIndex); }
explicit Int32UnaryWithOverflowNode(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
DEF_OPERATION_NODE(Int32##Name##WithOverflow, Int32UnaryWithOverflowNode, \
class Int32ShiftRightLogical
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, Int32ShiftRightLogical> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, Int32ShiftRightLogical>;
explicit Int32ShiftRightLogical(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
// Unlike the other Int32 nodes, logical right shift returns a Uint32.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Uint32();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kInt32, ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
static constexpr int kLeftIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kRightIndex = 1;
Input& left_input() { return Node::input(kLeftIndex); }
Input& right_input() { return Node::input(kRightIndex); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
template <class Derived, Operation kOperation>
class Int32CompareNode : public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, Derived> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, Derived>;
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kInt32, ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
static constexpr int kLeftIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kRightIndex = 1;
Input& left_input() { return Node::input(kLeftIndex); }
Input& right_input() { return Node::input(kRightIndex); }
explicit Int32CompareNode(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
#define DEF_INT32_COMPARE_NODE(Name) \
DEF_OPERATION_NODE(Int32##Name, Int32CompareNode, Name)
template <class Derived, Operation kOperation>
class Float64BinaryNode : public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, Derived> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, Derived>;
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Float64();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kHoleyFloat64, ValueRepresentation::kHoleyFloat64};
static constexpr int kLeftIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kRightIndex = 1;
Input& left_input() { return Node::input(kLeftIndex); }
Input& right_input() { return Node::input(kRightIndex); }
explicit Float64BinaryNode(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
#define DEF_OPERATION_NODE_WITH_CALL(Name, Super, OpName) \
class Name : public Super<Name, Operation::k##OpName> { \
using Base = Super<Name, Operation::k##OpName>; \
public: \
explicit Name(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {} \
int MaxCallStackArgs() const; \
void SetValueLocationConstraints(); \
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&); \
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {} \
template <class Derived, Operation kOperation>
class Float64BinaryNodeWithCall : public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, Derived> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, Derived>;
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Float64() | OpProperties::Call();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kHoleyFloat64, ValueRepresentation::kHoleyFloat64};
static constexpr int kLeftIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kRightIndex = 1;
Input& left_input() { return Node::input(kLeftIndex); }
Input& right_input() { return Node::input(kRightIndex); }
explicit Float64BinaryNodeWithCall(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
#define DEF_FLOAT64_BINARY_NODE(Name) \
DEF_OPERATION_NODE(Float64##Name, Float64BinaryNode, Name)
DEF_OPERATION_NODE_WITH_CALL(Float64##Name, Float64BinaryNodeWithCall, Name)
// On Arm64, floating point modulus is implemented with a call to a C++
// function, while on x64, it's implemented natively without call.
template <class Derived, Operation kOperation>
class Float64CompareNode : public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, Derived> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, Derived>;
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kFloat64, ValueRepresentation::kFloat64};
static constexpr int kLeftIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kRightIndex = 1;
Input& left_input() { return Node::input(kLeftIndex); }
Input& right_input() { return Node::input(kRightIndex); }
explicit Float64CompareNode(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
#define DEF_FLOAT64_COMPARE_NODE(Name) \
DEF_OPERATION_NODE(Float64##Name, Float64CompareNode, Name)
class Float64Negate : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Float64Negate> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Float64Negate>;
explicit Float64Negate(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Float64();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kHoleyFloat64};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class Float64Ieee754Unary
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Float64Ieee754Unary> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Float64Ieee754Unary>;
explicit Float64Ieee754Unary(uint64_t bitfield,
ExternalReference ieee_function)
: Base(bitfield), ieee_function_(ieee_function) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Float64() | OpProperties::Call();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kHoleyFloat64};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
ExternalReference ieee_function_;
class CheckInt32IsSmi : public FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckInt32IsSmi> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckInt32IsSmi>;
explicit CheckInt32IsSmi(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class CheckUint32IsSmi : public FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckUint32IsSmi> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckUint32IsSmi>;
explicit CheckUint32IsSmi(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kUint32};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class CheckHoleyFloat64IsSmi
: public FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckHoleyFloat64IsSmi> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckHoleyFloat64IsSmi>;
explicit CheckHoleyFloat64IsSmi(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kHoleyFloat64};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class CheckedSmiTagInt32 : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedSmiTagInt32> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedSmiTagInt32>;
explicit CheckedSmiTagInt32(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::EagerDeopt() | OpProperties::ConversionNode();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class CheckedSmiTagUint32
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedSmiTagUint32> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedSmiTagUint32>;
explicit CheckedSmiTagUint32(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::EagerDeopt() | OpProperties::ConversionNode();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kUint32};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
// Input must guarantee to fit in a Smi.
class UnsafeSmiTag : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, UnsafeSmiTag> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, UnsafeSmiTag>;
explicit UnsafeSmiTag(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::ConversionNode();
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void VerifyInputs(MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing() {
// No tagged inputs.
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class CheckedSmiUntag : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedSmiUntag> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedSmiUntag>;
explicit CheckedSmiUntag(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt() |
OpProperties::Int32() |
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing() {
// Don't need to decompress to untag.
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class UnsafeSmiUntag : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, UnsafeSmiUntag> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, UnsafeSmiUntag>;
explicit UnsafeSmiUntag(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Int32() | OpProperties::ConversionNode();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing() {
// Don't need to decompress to untag.
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class Int32Constant : public FixedInputValueNodeT<0, Int32Constant> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<0, Int32Constant>;
using OutputRegister = Register;
explicit Int32Constant(uint64_t bitfield, int32_t value)
: Base(bitfield), value_(value) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Int32();
int32_t value() const { return value_; }
bool ToBoolean(LocalIsolate* local_isolate) const { return value_ != 0; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
void DoLoadToRegister(MaglevAssembler*, OutputRegister);
Handle<Object> DoReify(LocalIsolate* isolate) const;
const int32_t value_;
class Float64Constant : public FixedInputValueNodeT<0, Float64Constant> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<0, Float64Constant>;
using OutputRegister = DoubleRegister;
explicit Float64Constant(uint64_t bitfield, Float64 value)
: Base(bitfield), value_(value) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Float64();
Float64 value() const { return value_; }
bool ToBoolean(LocalIsolate* local_isolate) const {
return value_.get_scalar() != 0.0 && !value_.is_nan();
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
void DoLoadToRegister(MaglevAssembler*, OutputRegister);
Handle<Object> DoReify(LocalIsolate* isolate) const;
const Float64 value_;
class Int32ToUint8Clamped
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Int32ToUint8Clamped> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Int32ToUint8Clamped>;
explicit Int32ToUint8Clamped(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Int32();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class Uint32ToUint8Clamped
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Uint32ToUint8Clamped> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Uint32ToUint8Clamped>;
explicit Uint32ToUint8Clamped(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Int32();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kUint32};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class Float64ToUint8Clamped
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Float64ToUint8Clamped> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Float64ToUint8Clamped>;
explicit Float64ToUint8Clamped(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Int32();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kHoleyFloat64};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class CheckedNumberToUint8Clamped
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedNumberToUint8Clamped> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedNumberToUint8Clamped>;
explicit CheckedNumberToUint8Clamped(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::EagerDeopt() | OpProperties::Int32();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class Int32ToNumber : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Int32ToNumber> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Int32ToNumber>;
explicit Int32ToNumber(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::DeferredCall() | OpProperties::ConversionNode();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const { return 0; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class Uint32ToNumber : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Uint32ToNumber> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Uint32ToNumber>;
explicit Uint32ToNumber(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::DeferredCall() | OpProperties::ConversionNode();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kUint32};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const { return 0; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class Float64ToTagged : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Float64ToTagged> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Float64ToTagged>;
enum class ConversionMode { kCanonicalizeSmi, kForceHeapNumber };
explicit Float64ToTagged(
uint64_t bitfield, ConversionMode mode = ConversionMode::kCanonicalizeSmi)
: Base(ConversionModeBitField::update(bitfield, mode)) {}
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kFloat64};
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::DeferredCall() | OpProperties::ConversionNode();
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const { return 0; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
bool canonicalize_smi() {
return ConversionModeBitField::decode(bitfield()) ==
using ConversionModeBitField = NextBitField<ConversionMode, 1>;
class HoleyFloat64ToTagged
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, HoleyFloat64ToTagged> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, HoleyFloat64ToTagged>;
enum class ConversionMode { kCanonicalizeSmi, kForceHeapNumber };
explicit HoleyFloat64ToTagged(
uint64_t bitfield, ConversionMode mode = ConversionMode::kCanonicalizeSmi)
: Base(ConversionModeBitField::update(bitfield, mode)) {}
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kHoleyFloat64};
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::DeferredCall() | OpProperties::ConversionNode();
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const { return 0; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
bool canonicalize_smi() {
return ConversionModeBitField::decode(bitfield()) ==
using ConversionModeBitField = NextBitField<ConversionMode, 1>;
class CheckedSmiTagFloat64
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedSmiTagFloat64> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedSmiTagFloat64>;
explicit CheckedSmiTagFloat64(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kHoleyFloat64};
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::EagerDeopt() | OpProperties::ConversionNode();
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const { return 0; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class CheckedInt32ToUint32
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedInt32ToUint32> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedInt32ToUint32>;
explicit CheckedInt32ToUint32(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Uint32() |
OpProperties::ConversionNode() |
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class CheckedUint32ToInt32
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedUint32ToInt32> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedUint32ToInt32>;
explicit CheckedUint32ToInt32(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Int32() |
OpProperties::ConversionNode() |
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kUint32};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class ChangeInt32ToFloat64
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, ChangeInt32ToFloat64> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, ChangeInt32ToFloat64>;
explicit ChangeInt32ToFloat64(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Float64() | OpProperties::ConversionNode();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class ChangeUint32ToFloat64
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, ChangeUint32ToFloat64> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, ChangeUint32ToFloat64>;
explicit ChangeUint32ToFloat64(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Float64() | OpProperties::ConversionNode();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kUint32};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class CheckedTruncateFloat64ToInt32
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedTruncateFloat64ToInt32> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedTruncateFloat64ToInt32>;
explicit CheckedTruncateFloat64ToInt32(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt() |
OpProperties::Int32() |
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kHoleyFloat64};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class Float64Round : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Float64Round> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, Float64Round>;
enum class Kind { kFloor, kCeil, kNearest };
static Builtin continuation(Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Kind::kCeil:
return Builtin::kMathCeilContinuation;
case Kind::kFloor:
return Builtin::kMathFloorContinuation;
case Kind::kNearest:
return Builtin::kMathRoundContinuation;
explicit Float64Round(uint64_t bitfield, Kind kind)
: Base(bitfield), kind_(kind) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Float64();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kHoleyFloat64};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
Kind kind_;
class CheckedTruncateFloat64ToUint32
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedTruncateFloat64ToUint32> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedTruncateFloat64ToUint32>;
explicit CheckedTruncateFloat64ToUint32(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kHoleyFloat64};
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt() |
OpProperties::Uint32() |
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
#define DEFINE_TRUNCATE_NODE(name, from_repr, properties) \
class name : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, name> { \
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, name>; \
public: \
explicit name(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {} \
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = properties; \
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ \
ValueRepresentation::k##from_repr}; \
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); } \
void SetValueLocationConstraints(); \
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&); \
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {} \
DEFINE_TRUNCATE_NODE(TruncateUint32ToInt32, Uint32, OpProperties::Int32())
DEFINE_TRUNCATE_NODE(TruncateFloat64ToInt32, HoleyFloat64,
DEFINE_TRUNCATE_NODE(UnsafeTruncateUint32ToInt32, Uint32, OpProperties::Int32())
DEFINE_TRUNCATE_NODE(UnsafeTruncateFloat64ToInt32, HoleyFloat64,
class CheckedNumberOrOddballToFloat64
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedNumberOrOddballToFloat64> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedNumberOrOddballToFloat64>;
explicit CheckedNumberOrOddballToFloat64(
uint64_t bitfield, TaggedToFloat64ConversionType conversion_type)
: Base(TaggedToFloat64ConversionTypeOffset::update(bitfield,
conversion_type)) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt() |
OpProperties::Float64() |
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
TaggedToFloat64ConversionType conversion_type() const {
return TaggedToFloat64ConversionTypeOffset::decode(bitfield());
using TaggedToFloat64ConversionTypeOffset =
NextBitField<TaggedToFloat64ConversionType, 1>;
class UncheckedNumberOrOddballToFloat64
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, UncheckedNumberOrOddballToFloat64> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, UncheckedNumberOrOddballToFloat64>;
explicit UncheckedNumberOrOddballToFloat64(
uint64_t bitfield, TaggedToFloat64ConversionType conversion_type)
: Base(TaggedToFloat64ConversionTypeOffset::update(bitfield,
conversion_type)) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Float64() | OpProperties::ConversionNode();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
TaggedToFloat64ConversionType conversion_type() const {
return TaggedToFloat64ConversionTypeOffset::decode(bitfield());
using TaggedToFloat64ConversionTypeOffset =
NextBitField<TaggedToFloat64ConversionType, 1>;
class CheckedHoleyFloat64ToFloat64
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedHoleyFloat64ToFloat64> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedHoleyFloat64ToFloat64>;
explicit CheckedHoleyFloat64ToFloat64(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt() |
OpProperties::Float64() |
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kHoleyFloat64};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const { return 0; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class HoleyFloat64ToMaybeNanFloat64
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, HoleyFloat64ToMaybeNanFloat64> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, HoleyFloat64ToMaybeNanFloat64>;
explicit HoleyFloat64ToMaybeNanFloat64(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Float64();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kHoleyFloat64};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const { return 0; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class TruncateNumberOrOddballToInt32
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, TruncateNumberOrOddballToInt32> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, TruncateNumberOrOddballToInt32>;
explicit TruncateNumberOrOddballToInt32(
uint64_t bitfield, TaggedToFloat64ConversionType conversion_type)
: Base(TaggedToFloat64ConversionTypeOffset::update(bitfield,
conversion_type)) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Int32();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
TaggedToFloat64ConversionType conversion_type() const {
return TaggedToFloat64ConversionTypeOffset::decode(bitfield());
using TaggedToFloat64ConversionTypeOffset =
NextBitField<TaggedToFloat64ConversionType, 1>;
class CheckedTruncateNumberOrOddballToInt32
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedTruncateNumberOrOddballToInt32> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedTruncateNumberOrOddballToInt32>;
explicit CheckedTruncateNumberOrOddballToInt32(
uint64_t bitfield, TaggedToFloat64ConversionType conversion_type)
: Base(TaggedToFloat64ConversionTypeOffset::update(bitfield,
conversion_type)) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::EagerDeopt() | OpProperties::Int32();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& input() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
TaggedToFloat64ConversionType conversion_type() const {
return TaggedToFloat64ConversionTypeOffset::decode(bitfield());
using TaggedToFloat64ConversionTypeOffset =
NextBitField<TaggedToFloat64ConversionType, 1>;
class LogicalNot : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, LogicalNot> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, LogicalNot>;
explicit LogicalNot(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& value() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class SetPendingMessage : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, SetPendingMessage> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, SetPendingMessage>;
explicit SetPendingMessage(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Writing() | OpProperties::Reading();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& value() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
enum class CheckType { kCheckHeapObject, kOmitHeapObjectCheck };
class ToBoolean : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, ToBoolean> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, ToBoolean>;
explicit ToBoolean(uint64_t bitfield, CheckType check_type)
: Base(CheckTypeBitField::update(bitfield, check_type)) {}
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& value() { return Node::input(0); }
CheckType check_type() const { return CheckTypeBitField::decode(bitfield()); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
using CheckTypeBitField = NextBitField<CheckType, 1>;
class ToBooleanLogicalNot
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, ToBooleanLogicalNot> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, ToBooleanLogicalNot>;
explicit ToBooleanLogicalNot(uint64_t bitfield, CheckType check_type)
: Base(CheckTypeBitField::update(bitfield, check_type)) {}
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& value() { return Node::input(0); }
CheckType check_type() const { return CheckTypeBitField::decode(bitfield()); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
using CheckTypeBitField = NextBitField<CheckType, 1>;
class StringEqual : public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, StringEqual> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, StringEqual>;
explicit StringEqual(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Call() | OpProperties::LazyDeopt();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& lhs() { return Node::input(0); }
Input& rhs() { return Node::input(1); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const { return 0; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class TaggedEqual : public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, TaggedEqual> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, TaggedEqual>;
explicit TaggedEqual(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& lhs() { return Node::input(0); }
Input& rhs() { return Node::input(1); }
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing() {
// Don't need to decompress to compare reference equality.
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class TaggedNotEqual : public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, TaggedNotEqual> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, TaggedNotEqual>;
explicit TaggedNotEqual(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& lhs() { return Node::input(0); }
Input& rhs() { return Node::input(1); }
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing() {
// Don't need to decompress to compare reference equality.
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class TestInstanceOf : public FixedInputValueNodeT<3, TestInstanceOf> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<3, TestInstanceOf>;
explicit TestInstanceOf(uint64_t bitfield, compiler::FeedbackSource feedback)
: Base(bitfield), feedback_(feedback) {}
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged,
Input& context() { return input(0); }
Input& object() { return input(1); }
Input& callable() { return input(2); }
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const { return feedback_; }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_;
class TestUndetectable : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, TestUndetectable> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, TestUndetectable>;
explicit TestUndetectable(uint64_t bitfield, CheckType check_type)
: Base(CheckTypeBitField::update(bitfield, check_type)) {}
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& value() { return Node::input(0); }
CheckType check_type() const { return CheckTypeBitField::decode(bitfield()); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
using CheckTypeBitField = NextBitField<CheckType, 1>;
class TestTypeOf : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, TestTypeOf> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, TestTypeOf>;
explicit TestTypeOf(uint64_t bitfield,
interpreter::TestTypeOfFlags::LiteralFlag literal)
: Base(bitfield), literal_(literal) {}
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& value() { return Node::input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
interpreter::TestTypeOfFlags::LiteralFlag literal_;
class ToName : public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, ToName> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, ToName>;
explicit ToName(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& context() { return Node::input(0); }
Input& value_input() { return Node::input(1); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class ToNumberOrNumeric : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, ToNumberOrNumeric> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, ToNumberOrNumeric>;
explicit ToNumberOrNumeric(uint64_t bitfield, Object::Conversion mode)
: Base(bitfield), mode_(mode) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::DeferredCall() | OpProperties::CanCallUserCode();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& value_input() { return Node::input(0); }
Object::Conversion mode() const { return mode_; }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const Object::Conversion mode_;
class DeleteProperty : public FixedInputValueNodeT<3, DeleteProperty> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<3, DeleteProperty>;
explicit DeleteProperty(uint64_t bitfield, LanguageMode mode)
: Base(bitfield), mode_(mode) {}
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged,
Input& context() { return Node::input(0); }
Input& object() { return Node::input(1); }
Input& key() { return Node::input(2); }
LanguageMode mode() const { return mode_; }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const LanguageMode mode_;
class GeneratorStore : public NodeT<GeneratorStore> {
using Base = NodeT<GeneratorStore>;
// We assume the context as fixed input.
static constexpr int kContextIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kGeneratorIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kFixedInputCount = 2;
// This ctor is used when for variable input counts.
// Inputs must be initialized manually.
GeneratorStore(uint64_t bitfield, ValueNode* context, ValueNode* generator,
int suspend_id, int bytecode_offset)
: Base(bitfield),
bytecode_offset_(bytecode_offset) {
set_input(kContextIndex, context);
set_input(kGeneratorIndex, generator);
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::DeferredCall();
int suspend_id() const { return suspend_id_; }
int bytecode_offset() const { return bytecode_offset_; }
Input& context_input() { return input(kContextIndex); }
Input& generator_input() { return input(kGeneratorIndex); }
int num_parameters_and_registers() const {
return input_count() - kFixedInputCount;
Input& parameters_and_registers(int i) { return input(i + kFixedInputCount); }
void set_parameters_and_registers(int i, ValueNode* node) {
set_input(i + kFixedInputCount, node);
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void VerifyInputs(MaglevGraphLabeller* graph_labeller) const;
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing() {
// Don't need to decompress to store.
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const int suspend_id_;
const int bytecode_offset_;
class TryOnStackReplacement : public FixedInputNodeT<1, TryOnStackReplacement> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<1, TryOnStackReplacement>;
explicit TryOnStackReplacement(uint64_t bitfield, int32_t loop_depth,
FeedbackSlot feedback_slot,
BytecodeOffset osr_offset,
MaglevCompilationUnit* unit)
: Base(bitfield),
unit_(unit) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::DeferredCall() |
OpProperties::EagerDeopt() |
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& closure() { return Node::input(0); }
const MaglevCompilationUnit* unit() const { return unit_; }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
// For OSR.
const int32_t loop_depth_;
const FeedbackSlot feedback_slot_;
const BytecodeOffset osr_offset_;
MaglevCompilationUnit* const unit_;
class ForInPrepare : public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, ForInPrepare> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, ForInPrepare>;
explicit ForInPrepare(uint64_t bitfield, compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback)
: Base(bitfield), feedback_(feedback) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const { return feedback_; }
Input& context() { return Node::input(0); }
Input& enumerator() { return Node::input(1); }
int ReturnCount() const { return 2; }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_;
class ForInNext : public FixedInputValueNodeT<5, ForInNext> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<5, ForInNext>;
explicit ForInNext(uint64_t bitfield, compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback)
: Base(bitfield), feedback_(feedback) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged,
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged,
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const { return feedback_; }
Input& context() { return Node::input(0); }
Input& receiver() { return Node::input(1); }
Input& cache_array() { return Node::input(2); }
Input& cache_type() { return Node::input(3); }
Input& cache_index() { return Node::input(4); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_;
class GetIterator : public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, GetIterator> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, GetIterator>;
explicit GetIterator(uint64_t bitfield, int load_slot, int call_slot,
compiler::FeedbackVectorRef feedback)
: Base(bitfield),
feedback_(feedback.object()) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& context() { return input(0); }
Input& receiver() { return input(1); }
int load_slot() const { return load_slot_; }
int call_slot() const { return call_slot_; }
Handle<FeedbackVector> feedback() const { return feedback_; }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const int load_slot_;
const int call_slot_;
const Handle<FeedbackVector> feedback_;
class GetSecondReturnedValue
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<0, GetSecondReturnedValue> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<0, GetSecondReturnedValue>;
explicit GetSecondReturnedValue(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class ToObject : public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, ToObject> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, ToObject>;
explicit ToObject(uint64_t bitfield, CheckType check_type)
: Base(CheckTypeBitField::update(bitfield, check_type)) {}
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& context() { return Node::input(0); }
Input& value_input() { return Node::input(1); }
CheckType check_type() const { return CheckTypeBitField::decode(bitfield()); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
using CheckTypeBitField = NextBitField<CheckType, 1>;
class ToString : public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, ToString> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, ToString>;
enum ConversionMode { kConvertSymbol, kThrowOnSymbol };
explicit ToString(uint64_t bitfield, ConversionMode mode)
: Base(ConversionModeBitField::update(bitfield, mode)) {}
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& context() { return Node::input(0); }
Input& value_input() { return Node::input(1); }
ConversionMode mode() const {
return ConversionModeBitField::decode(bitfield());
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
using ConversionModeBitField = NextBitField<ConversionMode, 1>;
class NumberToString : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, NumberToString> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, NumberToString>;
explicit NumberToString(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Call() | OpProperties::LazyDeopt();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& value_input() { return Node::input(0); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const { return 0; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class GeneratorRestoreRegister
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, GeneratorRestoreRegister> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, GeneratorRestoreRegister>;
explicit GeneratorRestoreRegister(uint64_t bitfield, int index)
: Base(bitfield), index_(index) {}
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& array_input() { return input(0); }
Input& stale_input() { return input(1); }
int index() const { return index_; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const int index_;
class InitialValue : public FixedInputValueNodeT<0, InitialValue> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<0, InitialValue>;
explicit InitialValue(uint64_t bitfield, interpreter::Register source);
interpreter::Register source() const { return source_; }
uint32_t stack_slot() const;
static uint32_t stack_slot(uint32_t register_idx);
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const interpreter::Register source_;
class RegisterInput : public FixedInputValueNodeT<0, RegisterInput> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<0, RegisterInput>;
explicit RegisterInput(uint64_t bitfield, Register input)
: Base(bitfield), input_(input) {}
Register input() const { return input_; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const Register input_;
class SmiConstant : public FixedInputValueNodeT<0, SmiConstant> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<0, SmiConstant>;
using OutputRegister = Register;
explicit SmiConstant(uint64_t bitfield, Smi value)
: Base(bitfield), value_(value) {}
Smi value() const { return value_; }
bool ToBoolean(LocalIsolate* local_isolate) const {
return value_ != Smi::FromInt(0);
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
void DoLoadToRegister(MaglevAssembler*, OutputRegister);
Handle<Object> DoReify(LocalIsolate* isolate) const;
const Smi value_;
class ExternalConstant : public FixedInputValueNodeT<0, ExternalConstant> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<0, ExternalConstant>;
using OutputRegister = Register;
explicit ExternalConstant(uint64_t bitfield,
const ExternalReference& reference)
: Base(bitfield), reference_(reference) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Pure() | OpProperties::ExternalReference();
ExternalReference reference() const { return reference_; }
bool ToBoolean(LocalIsolate* local_isolate) const { UNREACHABLE(); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
void DoLoadToRegister(MaglevAssembler*, OutputRegister);
Handle<Object> DoReify(LocalIsolate* isolate) const;
const ExternalReference reference_;
class Constant : public FixedInputValueNodeT<0, Constant> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<0, Constant>;
using OutputRegister = Register;
explicit Constant(uint64_t bitfield, compiler::HeapObjectRef object)
: Base(bitfield), object_(object) {}
bool ToBoolean(LocalIsolate* local_isolate) const {
return object_.object()->BooleanValue(local_isolate);
bool IsTheHole(compiler::JSHeapBroker* broker) const {
return object_.IsTheHole();
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
compiler::HeapObjectRef object() { return object_; }
void DoLoadToRegister(MaglevAssembler*, OutputRegister);
Handle<Object> DoReify(LocalIsolate* isolate) const;
compiler::HeapObjectRef ref() const { return object_; }
const compiler::HeapObjectRef object_;
class RootConstant : public FixedInputValueNodeT<0, RootConstant> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<0, RootConstant>;
using OutputRegister = Register;
explicit RootConstant(uint64_t bitfield, RootIndex index)
: Base(bitfield), index_(index) {}
bool ToBoolean(LocalIsolate* local_isolate) const;
RootIndex index() const { return index_; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
void DoLoadToRegister(MaglevAssembler*, OutputRegister);
Handle<Object> DoReify(LocalIsolate* isolate) const;
const RootIndex index_;
class CreateArrayLiteral : public FixedInputValueNodeT<0, CreateArrayLiteral> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<0, CreateArrayLiteral>;
explicit CreateArrayLiteral(uint64_t bitfield,
compiler::HeapObjectRef constant_elements,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback,
int flags)
: Base(bitfield),
flags_(flags) {}
compiler::HeapObjectRef constant_elements() { return constant_elements_; }
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const { return feedback_; }
int flags() const { return flags_; }
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Call() | OpProperties::Throw() | OpProperties::LazyDeopt();
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const compiler::HeapObjectRef constant_elements_;
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_;
const int flags_;
class CreateShallowArrayLiteral
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<0, CreateShallowArrayLiteral> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<0, CreateShallowArrayLiteral>;
explicit CreateShallowArrayLiteral(uint64_t bitfield,
compiler::HeapObjectRef constant_elements,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback,
int flags)
: Base(bitfield),
flags_(flags) {}
compiler::HeapObjectRef constant_elements() { return constant_elements_; }
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const { return feedback_; }
int flags() const { return flags_; }
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const compiler::HeapObjectRef constant_elements_;
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_;
const int flags_;
class CreateObjectLiteral
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<0, CreateObjectLiteral> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<0, CreateObjectLiteral>;
explicit CreateObjectLiteral(
uint64_t bitfield,
compiler::ObjectBoilerplateDescriptionRef boilerplate_descriptor,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback, int flags)
: Base(bitfield),
flags_(flags) {}
compiler::ObjectBoilerplateDescriptionRef boilerplate_descriptor() {
return boilerplate_descriptor_;
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const { return feedback_; }
int flags() const { return flags_; }
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Call() | OpProperties::Throw() | OpProperties::LazyDeopt();
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const compiler::ObjectBoilerplateDescriptionRef boilerplate_descriptor_;
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_;
const int flags_;
class CreateShallowObjectLiteral
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<0, CreateShallowObjectLiteral> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<0, CreateShallowObjectLiteral>;
explicit CreateShallowObjectLiteral(
uint64_t bitfield,
compiler::ObjectBoilerplateDescriptionRef boilerplate_descriptor,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback, int flags)
: Base(bitfield),
flags_(flags) {}
// TODO(victorgomes): We should not need a boilerplate descriptor in
// CreateShallowObjectLiteral.
compiler::ObjectBoilerplateDescriptionRef boilerplate_descriptor() {
return boilerplate_descriptor_;
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const { return feedback_; }
int flags() const { return flags_; }
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const compiler::ObjectBoilerplateDescriptionRef boilerplate_descriptor_;
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_;
const int flags_;
class AllocateRaw : public FixedInputValueNodeT<0, AllocateRaw> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<0, AllocateRaw>;
explicit AllocateRaw(uint64_t bitfield, AllocationType allocation_type,
int size)
: Base(bitfield), allocation_type_(allocation_type), size_(size) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::DeferredCall();
int MaxCallStackArgs() const { return 0; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
AllocationType allocation_type() const { return allocation_type_; }
int size() const { return size_; }
// Allow increasing the size for allocation folding.
void extend(int size) {
DCHECK_GT(size, 0);
size_ += size;
AllocationType allocation_type_;
int size_;
class FoldedAllocation : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, FoldedAllocation> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, FoldedAllocation>;
explicit FoldedAllocation(uint64_t bitfield, int offset)
: Base(bitfield), offset_(offset) {}
Input& raw_allocation() { return input(0); }
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
void VerifyInputs(MaglevGraphLabeller* graph_labeller) const;
int offset() const { return offset_; }
int offset_;
class CreateFunctionContext
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CreateFunctionContext> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CreateFunctionContext>;
explicit CreateFunctionContext(uint64_t bitfield,
compiler::ScopeInfoRef scope_info,
uint32_t slot_count, ScopeType scope_type)
: Base(bitfield),
scope_type_(scope_type) {}
compiler::ScopeInfoRef scope_info() const { return scope_info_; }
uint32_t slot_count() const { return slot_count_; }
ScopeType scope_type() const { return scope_type_; }
Input& context() { return input(0); }
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const compiler::ScopeInfoRef scope_info_;
const uint32_t slot_count_;
ScopeType scope_type_;
class FastCreateClosure : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, FastCreateClosure> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, FastCreateClosure>;
explicit FastCreateClosure(
uint64_t bitfield, compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared_function_info,
compiler::FeedbackCellRef feedback_cell)
: Base(bitfield),
feedback_cell_(feedback_cell) {}
compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared_function_info() const {
return shared_function_info_;
compiler::FeedbackCellRef feedback_cell() const { return feedback_cell_; }
Input& context() { return input(0); }
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared_function_info_;
const compiler::FeedbackCellRef feedback_cell_;
class CreateRegExpLiteral
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<0, CreateRegExpLiteral> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<0, CreateRegExpLiteral>;
explicit CreateRegExpLiteral(uint64_t bitfield, compiler::StringRef pattern,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback,
int flags)
: Base(bitfield), pattern_(pattern), feedback_(feedback), flags_(flags) {}
compiler::StringRef pattern() { return pattern_; }
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const { return feedback_; }
int flags() const { return flags_; }
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Call();
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
compiler::StringRef pattern_;
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_;
const int flags_;
class CreateClosure : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CreateClosure> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CreateClosure>;
explicit CreateClosure(uint64_t bitfield,
compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared_function_info,
compiler::FeedbackCellRef feedback_cell,
bool pretenured)
: Base(bitfield),
pretenured_(pretenured) {}
compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared_function_info() const {
return shared_function_info_;
compiler::FeedbackCellRef feedback_cell() const { return feedback_cell_; }
bool pretenured() const { return pretenured_; }
Input& context() { return input(0); }
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Call();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared_function_info_;
const compiler::FeedbackCellRef feedback_cell_;
const bool pretenured_;
V(Equal) \
V(NotEqual) \
V(LessThan) \
V(LessThanEqual) \
V(GreaterThan) \
V(GreaterThanEqual) \
V(UnsignedLessThan) \
V(UnsignedLessThanEqual) \
V(UnsignedGreaterThan) \
enum class AssertCondition {
#define D(Name) k##Name,
#undef D
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AssertCondition cond) {
switch (cond) {
#define CASE(Name) \
case AssertCondition::k##Name: \
os << #Name; \
#undef CASE
return os;
class AssertInt32 : public FixedInputNodeT<2, AssertInt32> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<2, AssertInt32>;
explicit AssertInt32(uint64_t bitfield, AssertCondition condition,
AbortReason reason)
: Base(bitfield), condition_(condition), reason_(reason) {}
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kInt32, ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
Input& left_input() { return input(0); }
Input& right_input() { return input(1); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
AssertCondition condition_;
AbortReason reason_;
// Helper for generating the platform-specific parts of map comparison
// operations.
class MapCompare {
MapCompare() : register_for_map_compare_(Register::no_reg()) {}
// Call this first to load the map of the object.
void GenerateMapLoad(MaglevAssembler* masm, Register object);
// These can be used after GenerateMapLoad has been called.
void GenerateMapCompare(MaglevAssembler* masm, Handle<Map> map);
void GenerateMapDeprecatedCheck(MaglevAssembler* masm, Label* not_deprecated);
// Helpers:
Register GetScratchRegister(MaglevAssembler* masm);
// For counting the temporaries needed by the above operations:
int TemporaryCountForMapLoad();
int TemporaryCountForGetScratchRegister();
Register register_for_map_compare_;
class CheckMaps : public FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckMaps> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckMaps>;
explicit CheckMaps(uint64_t bitfield, const compiler::ZoneRefSet<Map>& maps,
CheckType check_type)
: Base(CheckTypeBitField::update(bitfield, check_type)), maps_(maps) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
const compiler::ZoneRefSet<Map>& maps() const { return maps_; }
CheckType check_type() const { return CheckTypeBitField::decode(bitfield()); }
static constexpr int kReceiverIndex = 0;
Input& receiver_input() { return input(kReceiverIndex); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
MapCompare& map_compare() { return map_compare_; }
using CheckTypeBitField = NextBitField<CheckType, 1>;
const compiler::ZoneRefSet<Map> maps_;
MapCompare map_compare_;
class CheckValue : public FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckValue> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckValue>;
explicit CheckValue(uint64_t bitfield, compiler::HeapObjectRef value)
: Base(bitfield), value_(value) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
compiler::HeapObjectRef value() const { return value_; }
static constexpr int kTargetIndex = 0;
Input& target_input() { return input(kTargetIndex); }
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing() {
// Don't need to decompress to compare reference equality.
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const compiler::HeapObjectRef value_;
class CheckValueEqualsInt32 : public FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckValueEqualsInt32> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckValueEqualsInt32>;
explicit CheckValueEqualsInt32(uint64_t bitfield, int32_t value)
: Base(bitfield), value_(value) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
int32_t value() const { return value_; }
static constexpr int kTargetIndex = 0;
Input& target_input() { return input(kTargetIndex); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const int32_t value_;
class CheckValueEqualsFloat64
: public FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckValueEqualsFloat64> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckValueEqualsFloat64>;
explicit CheckValueEqualsFloat64(uint64_t bitfield, double value)
: Base(bitfield), value_(value) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kFloat64};
double value() const { return value_; }
static constexpr int kTargetIndex = 0;
Input& target_input() { return input(kTargetIndex); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const double value_;
class CheckValueEqualsString
: public FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckValueEqualsString> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckValueEqualsString>;
explicit CheckValueEqualsString(uint64_t bitfield,
compiler::InternalizedStringRef value)
: Base(bitfield), value_(value) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::EagerDeopt() | OpProperties::DeferredCall();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
compiler::InternalizedStringRef value() const { return value_; }
static constexpr int kTargetIndex = 0;
Input& target_input() { return input(kTargetIndex); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const { return 0; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const compiler::InternalizedStringRef value_;
class CheckDynamicValue : public FixedInputNodeT<2, CheckDynamicValue> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<2, CheckDynamicValue>;
explicit CheckDynamicValue(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
static constexpr int kFirstIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kSecondIndex = 1;
Input& first_input() { return input(kFirstIndex); }
Input& second_input() { return input(kSecondIndex); }
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing() {
// Don't need to decompress to compare reference equality.
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class CheckSmi : public FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckSmi> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckSmi>;
explicit CheckSmi(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
static constexpr int kReceiverIndex = 0;
Input& receiver_input() { return input(kReceiverIndex); }
using Node::set_input;
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing() {
// Don't need to decompress to check Smi bits.
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class CheckNumber : public FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckNumber> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckNumber>;
explicit CheckNumber(uint64_t bitfield, Object::Conversion mode)
: Base(bitfield), mode_(mode) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
static constexpr int kReceiverIndex = 0;
Input& receiver_input() { return input(kReceiverIndex); }
Object::Conversion mode() const { return mode_; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const Object::Conversion mode_;
class CheckHeapObject : public FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckHeapObject> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckHeapObject>;
explicit CheckHeapObject(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
static constexpr int kReceiverIndex = 0;
Input& receiver_input() { return input(kReceiverIndex); }
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing() {
// Don't need to decompress to check Smi bits.
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class CheckSymbol : public FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckSymbol> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckSymbol>;
explicit CheckSymbol(uint64_t bitfield, CheckType check_type)
: Base(CheckTypeBitField::update(bitfield, check_type)) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
static constexpr int kReceiverIndex = 0;
Input& receiver_input() { return input(kReceiverIndex); }
CheckType check_type() const { return CheckTypeBitField::decode(bitfield()); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
using CheckTypeBitField = NextBitField<CheckType, 1>;
class CheckInstanceType : public FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckInstanceType> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckInstanceType>;
explicit CheckInstanceType(uint64_t bitfield, CheckType check_type,
InstanceType instance_type)
: CheckInstanceType(bitfield, check_type, instance_type, instance_type) {}
explicit CheckInstanceType(uint64_t bitfield, CheckType check_type,
InstanceType first_instance_type,
InstanceType last_instance_type)
: Base(CheckTypeBitField::update(bitfield, check_type)),
last_instance_type_(last_instance_type) {
DCHECK_LE(first_instance_type, last_instance_type);
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
static constexpr int kReceiverIndex = 0;
Input& receiver_input() { return input(kReceiverIndex); }
CheckType check_type() const { return CheckTypeBitField::decode(bitfield()); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
using CheckTypeBitField = NextBitField<CheckType, 1>;
const InstanceType first_instance_type_;
const InstanceType last_instance_type_;
class CheckString : public FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckString> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckString>;
explicit CheckString(uint64_t bitfield, CheckType check_type)
: Base(CheckTypeBitField::update(bitfield, check_type)) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
static constexpr int kReceiverIndex = 0;
Input& receiver_input() { return input(kReceiverIndex); }
CheckType check_type() const { return CheckTypeBitField::decode(bitfield()); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
using CheckTypeBitField = NextBitField<CheckType, 1>;
class CheckMapsWithMigration
: public FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckMapsWithMigration> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckMapsWithMigration>;
explicit CheckMapsWithMigration(uint64_t bitfield,
const compiler::ZoneRefSet<Map>& maps,
CheckType check_type)
: Base(CheckTypeBitField::update(bitfield, check_type)), maps_(maps) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt() |
OpProperties::DeferredCall() |
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
const compiler::ZoneRefSet<Map>& maps() const { return maps_; }
static constexpr int kReceiverIndex = 0;
Input& receiver_input() { return input(kReceiverIndex); }
CheckType check_type() const { return CheckTypeBitField::decode(bitfield()); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
MapCompare& map_compare() { return map_compare_; }
using CheckTypeBitField = NextBitField<CheckType, 1>;
const compiler::ZoneRefSet<Map> maps_;
MapCompare map_compare_;
class CheckFixedArrayNonEmpty
: public FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckFixedArrayNonEmpty> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<1, CheckFixedArrayNonEmpty>;
explicit CheckFixedArrayNonEmpty(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
static constexpr int kReceiverIndex = 0;
Input& receiver_input() { return input(kReceiverIndex); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class CheckBounds : public FixedInputNodeT<2, CheckBounds> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<2, CheckBounds>;
explicit CheckBounds(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kInt32, ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
static constexpr int kValueIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kBoundIndex = 1;
Input& value_input() { return input(kValueIndex); }
Input& bound_input() { return input(kBoundIndex); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class CheckJSDataViewBounds : public FixedInputNodeT<2, CheckJSDataViewBounds> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<2, CheckJSDataViewBounds>;
explicit CheckJSDataViewBounds(uint64_t bitfield,
ExternalArrayType element_type)
: Base(bitfield), element_type_(element_type) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::EagerDeopt() | OpProperties::DeferredCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
static constexpr int kReceiverIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kIndexIndex = 1;
Input& receiver_input() { return input(kReceiverIndex); }
Input& index_input() { return input(kIndexIndex); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
ExternalArrayType element_type_;
class CheckJSTypedArrayBounds
: public FixedInputNodeT<2, CheckJSTypedArrayBounds> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<2, CheckJSTypedArrayBounds>;
explicit CheckJSTypedArrayBounds(uint64_t bitfield,
ElementsKind elements_kind)
: Base(bitfield), elements_kind_(elements_kind) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kUint32};
static constexpr int kReceiverIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kIndexIndex = 1;
Input& receiver_input() { return input(kReceiverIndex); }
Input& index_input() { return input(kIndexIndex); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
ElementsKind elements_kind_;
class CheckInt32Condition : public FixedInputNodeT<2, CheckInt32Condition> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<2, CheckInt32Condition>;
explicit CheckInt32Condition(uint64_t bitfield, AssertCondition condition,
DeoptimizeReason reason)
: Base(bitfield), condition_(condition), reason_(reason) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kInt32, ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
static constexpr int kLeftIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kRightIndex = 1;
Input& left_input() { return input(kLeftIndex); }
Input& right_input() { return input(kRightIndex); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
AssertCondition condition_;
DeoptimizeReason reason_;
class DebugBreak : public FixedInputNodeT<0, DebugBreak> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<0, DebugBreak>;
explicit DebugBreak(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class FunctionEntryStackCheck
: public FixedInputNodeT<0, FunctionEntryStackCheck> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<0, FunctionEntryStackCheck>;
explicit FunctionEntryStackCheck(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::DeferredCall() | OpProperties::LazyDeopt();
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class CheckedInternalizedString
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedInternalizedString> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedInternalizedString>;
explicit CheckedInternalizedString(uint64_t bitfield, CheckType check_type)
: Base(CheckTypeBitField::update(bitfield, check_type)) {
CHECK_EQ(properties().value_representation(), ValueRepresentation::kTagged);
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::EagerDeopt() | OpProperties::TaggedValue();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 0;
Input& object_input() { return Node::input(kObjectIndex); }
CheckType check_type() const { return CheckTypeBitField::decode(bitfield()); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
using CheckTypeBitField = NextBitField<CheckType, 1>;
class CheckedObjectToIndex
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedObjectToIndex> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, CheckedObjectToIndex>;
explicit CheckedObjectToIndex(uint64_t bitfield, CheckType check_type)
: Base(CheckTypeBitField::update(bitfield, check_type)) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::EagerDeopt() | OpProperties::Int32() |
OpProperties::DeferredCall() | OpProperties::ConversionNode();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 0;
Input& object_input() { return Node::input(kObjectIndex); }
CheckType check_type() const { return CheckTypeBitField::decode(bitfield()); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
using CheckTypeBitField = NextBitField<CheckType, 1>;
class GetTemplateObject : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, GetTemplateObject> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, GetTemplateObject>;
explicit GetTemplateObject(
uint64_t bitfield, compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared_function_info,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback)
: Base(bitfield),
feedback_(feedback) {}
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& description() { return input(0); }
compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared_function_info() {
return shared_function_info_;
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const { return feedback_; }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared_function_info_;
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_;
class HasInPrototypeChain
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, HasInPrototypeChain> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, HasInPrototypeChain>;
explicit HasInPrototypeChain(uint64_t bitfield,
compiler::HeapObjectRef prototype)
: Base(bitfield), prototype_(prototype) {}
// The implementation can enter user code in the deferred call (due to
// proxied getPrototypeOf).
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::DeferredCall() | OpProperties::CanCallUserCode();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& object() { return input(0); }
compiler::HeapObjectRef prototype() { return prototype_; }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
compiler::HeapObjectRef prototype_;
class BuiltinStringFromCharCode
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, BuiltinStringFromCharCode> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, BuiltinStringFromCharCode>;
explicit BuiltinStringFromCharCode(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::DeferredCall();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
Input& code_input() { return input(0); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class BuiltinStringPrototypeCharCodeOrCodePointAt
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<2,
BuiltinStringPrototypeCharCodeOrCodePointAt> {
using Base =
FixedInputValueNodeT<2, BuiltinStringPrototypeCharCodeOrCodePointAt>;
enum Mode {
explicit BuiltinStringPrototypeCharCodeOrCodePointAt(uint64_t bitfield,
Mode mode)
: Base(bitfield), mode_(mode) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Reading() |
OpProperties::DeferredCall() |
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
static constexpr int kStringIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kIndexIndex = 1;
Input& string_input() { return input(kStringIndex); }
Input& index_input() { return input(kIndexIndex); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
Mode mode_;
class PolymorphicAccessInfo {
enum Kind {
static PolymorphicAccessInfo NotFound(
const ZoneVector<compiler::MapRef>& maps) {
return PolymorphicAccessInfo(kNotFound, maps, Representation::Tagged());
static PolymorphicAccessInfo Constant(
const ZoneVector<compiler::MapRef>& maps, compiler::ObjectRef constant) {
return PolymorphicAccessInfo(kConstant, maps, Representation::Tagged(),
static PolymorphicAccessInfo DataLoad(
const ZoneVector<compiler::MapRef>& maps, Representation representation,
compiler::OptionalJSObjectRef holder, FieldIndex field_index) {
return PolymorphicAccessInfo(kDataLoad, maps, representation, holder,
static PolymorphicAccessInfo ModuleExport(
const ZoneVector<compiler::MapRef>& maps, compiler::CellRef cell) {
return PolymorphicAccessInfo(kModuleExport, maps, Representation::Tagged(),
static PolymorphicAccessInfo StringLength(
const ZoneVector<compiler::MapRef>& maps) {
return PolymorphicAccessInfo(kStringLength, maps, Representation::Smi());
Kind kind() const { return kind_; }
const ZoneVector<compiler::MapRef>& maps() const { return maps_; }
Handle<Object> constant() const {
DCHECK_EQ(kind_, kConstant);
return constant_.object();
Handle<Cell> cell() const {
DCHECK_EQ(kind_, kModuleExport);
return constant_.AsCell().object();
compiler::OptionalJSObjectRef holder() const {
DCHECK_EQ(kind_, kDataLoad);
return data_load_.holder_;
FieldIndex field_index() const {
DCHECK_EQ(kind_, kDataLoad);
return data_load_.field_index_;
Representation field_representation() const { return representation_; }
explicit PolymorphicAccessInfo(Kind kind,
const ZoneVector<compiler::MapRef>& maps,
Representation representation)
: kind_(kind), maps_(maps), representation_(representation) {
DCHECK(kind == kNotFound || kind == kStringLength);
PolymorphicAccessInfo(Kind kind, const ZoneVector<compiler::MapRef>& maps,
Representation representation,
compiler::ObjectRef constant)
: kind_(kind),
constant_(constant) {
DCHECK(kind == kConstant || kind == kModuleExport);
PolymorphicAccessInfo(Kind kind, const ZoneVector<compiler::MapRef>& maps,
Representation representation,
compiler::OptionalJSObjectRef holder,
FieldIndex field_index)
: kind_(kind),
data_load_{holder, field_index} {
DCHECK_EQ(kind, kDataLoad);
const Kind kind_;
// TODO(victorgomes): Create a PolymorphicMapChecks and avoid the maps here.
const ZoneVector<compiler::MapRef> maps_;
const Representation representation_;
union {
const compiler::ObjectRef constant_;
struct {
const compiler::OptionalJSObjectRef holder_;
const FieldIndex field_index_;
} data_load_;
class LoadPolymorphicTaggedField
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, LoadPolymorphicTaggedField> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, LoadPolymorphicTaggedField>;
explicit LoadPolymorphicTaggedField(
uint64_t bitfield, Representation field_representation,
ZoneVector<PolymorphicAccessInfo>&& access_info)
: Base(bitfield),
access_infos_(access_info) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Reading() |
OpProperties::EagerDeopt() |
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 0;
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
Representation field_representation() const { return field_representation_; }
const ZoneVector<PolymorphicAccessInfo> access_infos() const {
return access_infos_;
int MaxCallStackArgs() const { return 0; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
Representation field_representation_;
ZoneVector<PolymorphicAccessInfo> access_infos_;
class LoadPolymorphicDoubleField
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, LoadPolymorphicDoubleField> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, LoadPolymorphicDoubleField>;
explicit LoadPolymorphicDoubleField(
uint64_t bitfield, ZoneVector<PolymorphicAccessInfo>&& access_info)
: Base(bitfield), access_infos_(access_info) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Reading() |
OpProperties::EagerDeopt() |
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 0;
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
const ZoneVector<PolymorphicAccessInfo> access_infos() const {
return access_infos_;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
ZoneVector<PolymorphicAccessInfo> access_infos_;
class LoadTaggedField : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, LoadTaggedField> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, LoadTaggedField>;
explicit LoadTaggedField(uint64_t bitfield, int offset)
: Base(bitfield), offset_(offset) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Reading();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
int offset() const { return offset_; }
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 0;
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const int offset_;
class LoadDoubleField : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, LoadDoubleField> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, LoadDoubleField>;
explicit LoadDoubleField(uint64_t bitfield, int offset)
: Base(bitfield), offset_(offset) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Reading() | OpProperties::Float64();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
int offset() const { return offset_; }
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 0;
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const int offset_;
class LoadTaggedFieldByFieldIndex
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, LoadTaggedFieldByFieldIndex> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, LoadTaggedFieldByFieldIndex>;
explicit LoadTaggedFieldByFieldIndex(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Reading() | OpProperties::DeferredCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kIndexIndex = 1;
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
Input& index_input() { return input(kIndexIndex); }
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing() {
// Only need to decompress the object, the index should be a Smi.
int MaxCallStackArgs() const { return 0; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class LoadFixedArrayElement
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, LoadFixedArrayElement> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, LoadFixedArrayElement>;
explicit LoadFixedArrayElement(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Reading();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
static constexpr int kElementsIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kIndexIndex = 1;
Input& elements_input() { return input(kElementsIndex); }
Input& index_input() { return input(kIndexIndex); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
class EnsureWritableFastElements
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, EnsureWritableFastElements> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, EnsureWritableFastElements>;
explicit EnsureWritableFastElements(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::DeferredCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
static constexpr int kElementsIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 1;
Input& elements_input() { return input(kElementsIndex); }
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const { return 0; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class MaybeGrowAndEnsureWritableFastElements
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<4, MaybeGrowAndEnsureWritableFastElements> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<4, MaybeGrowAndEnsureWritableFastElements>;
explicit MaybeGrowAndEnsureWritableFastElements(uint64_t bitfield,
ElementsKind elements_kind)
: Base(bitfield), elements_kind_(elements_kind) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::DeferredCall() | OpProperties::EagerDeopt();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged,
ValueRepresentation::kInt32, ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
static constexpr int kElementsIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kIndexIndex = 2;
static constexpr int kElementsLengthIndex = 3;
Input& elements_input() { return input(kElementsIndex); }
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
Input& index_input() { return input(kIndexIndex); }
Input& elements_length_input() { return input(kElementsLengthIndex); }
ElementsKind elements_kind() const { return elements_kind_; }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const { return 0; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const ElementsKind elements_kind_;
class StoreFixedArrayElementWithWriteBarrier
: public FixedInputNodeT<3, StoreFixedArrayElementWithWriteBarrier> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<3, StoreFixedArrayElementWithWriteBarrier>;
explicit StoreFixedArrayElementWithWriteBarrier(uint64_t bitfield)
: Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Writing() | OpProperties::DeferredCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kInt32,
static constexpr int kElementsIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kIndexIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kValueIndex = 2;
Input& elements_input() { return input(kElementsIndex); }
Input& index_input() { return input(kIndexIndex); }
Input& value_input() { return input(kValueIndex); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const { return 0; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
// StoreFixedArrayElementNoWriteBarrier never does a Deferred Call. However,
// PhiRepresentationSelector can cause some StoreFixedArrayElementNoWriteBarrier
// to become StoreFixedArrayElementWithWriteBarrier, which can do Deferred
// Calls, and thus need the register snapshot. We thus set the DeferredCall
// property in StoreFixedArrayElementNoWriteBarrier so that it's allocated with
// enough space for the register snapshot.
class StoreFixedArrayElementNoWriteBarrier
: public FixedInputNodeT<3, StoreFixedArrayElementNoWriteBarrier> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<3, StoreFixedArrayElementNoWriteBarrier>;
explicit StoreFixedArrayElementNoWriteBarrier(uint64_t bitfield)
: Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Writing() | OpProperties::DeferredCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kInt32,
static constexpr int kElementsIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kIndexIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kValueIndex = 2;
Input& elements_input() { return input(kElementsIndex); }
Input& index_input() { return input(kIndexIndex); }
Input& value_input() { return input(kValueIndex); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const {
// StoreFixedArrayElementNoWriteBarrier never really does any call.
return 0;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class LoadFixedDoubleArrayElement
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, LoadFixedDoubleArrayElement> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, LoadFixedDoubleArrayElement>;
explicit LoadFixedDoubleArrayElement(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Reading() | OpProperties::Float64();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
static constexpr int kElementsIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kIndexIndex = 1;
Input& elements_input() { return input(kElementsIndex); }
Input& index_input() { return input(kIndexIndex); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class LoadHoleyFixedDoubleArrayElement
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, LoadHoleyFixedDoubleArrayElement> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, LoadHoleyFixedDoubleArrayElement>;
explicit LoadHoleyFixedDoubleArrayElement(uint64_t bitfield)
: Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Reading() | OpProperties::HoleyFloat64();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
static constexpr int kElementsIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kIndexIndex = 1;
Input& elements_input() { return input(kElementsIndex); }
Input& index_input() { return input(kIndexIndex); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class StoreFixedDoubleArrayElement
: public FixedInputNodeT<3, StoreFixedDoubleArrayElement> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<3, StoreFixedDoubleArrayElement>;
explicit StoreFixedDoubleArrayElement(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Writing();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kInt32,
static constexpr int kElementsIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kIndexIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kValueIndex = 2;
Input& elements_input() { return input(kElementsIndex); }
Input& index_input() { return input(kIndexIndex); }
Input& value_input() { return input(kValueIndex); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class LoadSignedIntDataViewElement
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<3, LoadSignedIntDataViewElement> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<3, LoadSignedIntDataViewElement>;
explicit LoadSignedIntDataViewElement(uint64_t bitfield,
ExternalArrayType type)
: Base(bitfield), type_(type) {
DCHECK(type == ExternalArrayType::kExternalInt8Array ||
type == ExternalArrayType::kExternalInt16Array ||
type == ExternalArrayType::kExternalInt32Array);
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Reading() | OpProperties::Int32();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kInt32,
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kIndexIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kIsLittleEndianIndex = 2;
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
Input& index_input() { return input(kIndexIndex); }
Input& is_little_endian_input() { return input(kIsLittleEndianIndex); }
bool is_little_endian_constant() {
return IsConstantNode(is_little_endian_input().node()->opcode());
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
ExternalArrayType type_;
class LoadDoubleDataViewElement
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<3, LoadDoubleDataViewElement> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<3, LoadDoubleDataViewElement>;
explicit LoadDoubleDataViewElement(uint64_t bitfield, ExternalArrayType type)
: Base(bitfield) {
DCHECK_EQ(type, ExternalArrayType::kExternalFloat64Array);
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Reading() | OpProperties::Float64();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kInt32,
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kIndexIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kIsLittleEndianIndex = 2;
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
Input& index_input() { return input(kIndexIndex); }
Input& is_little_endian_input() { return input(kIsLittleEndianIndex); }
bool is_little_endian_constant() {
return IsConstantNode(is_little_endian_input().node()->opcode());
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
#define LOAD_TYPED_ARRAY(name, properties, ...) \
class name : public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, name> { \
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, name>; \
public: \
explicit name(uint64_t bitfield, ElementsKind elements_kind) \
: Base(bitfield), elements_kind_(elements_kind) { \
DCHECK(elements_kind == \
v8::internal::compiler::turboshaft::any_of(__VA_ARGS__)); \
} \
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = \
OpProperties::Reading() | properties; \
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ \
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kUint32}; \
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 0; \
static constexpr int kIndexIndex = 1; \
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); } \
Input& index_input() { return input(kIndexIndex); } \
void SetValueLocationConstraints(); \
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&); \
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {} \
private: \
ElementsKind elements_kind_; \
// Nodes that can deopt are larger, since they contain the DeoptInfo. Thus, to
// have better performance, we split the LoadxxxTypedArrayElement nodes in two:
// those who can deopt and those who can't. Deoptimization in a
// LoadxxxTypedArrayElement node is always because of a detached array buffer.
// The NoDeopt versions of the nodes rely on the ArrayBufferDetachingProtector,
// while the deopting versions have a runtime check that triggers a deopt if the
// buffer is detached.
OpProperties::EagerDeopt() | OpProperties::Int32(),
LOAD_TYPED_ARRAY(LoadSignedIntTypedArrayElementNoDeopt, OpProperties::Int32(),
OpProperties::EagerDeopt() | OpProperties::Uint32(),
OpProperties::EagerDeopt() | OpProperties::Float64(),
LOAD_TYPED_ARRAY(LoadDoubleTypedArrayElementNoDeopt, OpProperties::Float64(),
#define STORE_TYPED_ARRAY(name, properties, type, ...) \
class name : public FixedInputNodeT<3, name> { \
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<3, name>; \
public: \
explicit name(uint64_t bitfield, ElementsKind elements_kind) \
: Base(bitfield), elements_kind_(elements_kind) { \
DCHECK(elements_kind == \
v8::internal::compiler::turboshaft::any_of(__VA_ARGS__)); \
} \
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = properties; \
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ \
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kUint32, type}; \
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 0; \
static constexpr int kIndexIndex = 1; \
static constexpr int kValueIndex = 2; \
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); } \
Input& index_input() { return input(kIndexIndex); } \
Input& value_input() { return input(kValueIndex); } \
void SetValueLocationConstraints(); \
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&); \
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {} \
private: \
ElementsKind elements_kind_; \
// Nodes that can deopt are larger, since they contain the DeoptInfo. Thus, to
// have better performance, we split the StorexxxTypedArrayElement nodes in two:
// those who can deopt and those who can't. Deoptimization in a
// StorexxxTypedArrayElement node is always because of a detached array buffer.
// The NoDeopt versions of the nodes rely on the ArrayBufferDetachingProtector,
// while the deopting versions have a runtime check that triggers a deopt if the
// buffer is detached.
OpProperties::EagerDeopt() | OpProperties::Writing(),
ValueRepresentation::kInt32, INT8_ELEMENTS, INT16_ELEMENTS,
STORE_TYPED_ARRAY(StoreIntTypedArrayElementNoDeopt, OpProperties::Writing(),
ValueRepresentation::kInt32, INT8_ELEMENTS, INT16_ELEMENTS,
OpProperties::EagerDeopt() | OpProperties::Writing(),
ValueRepresentation::kHoleyFloat64, FLOAT32_ELEMENTS,
STORE_TYPED_ARRAY(StoreDoubleTypedArrayElementNoDeopt, OpProperties::Writing(),
ValueRepresentation::kHoleyFloat64, FLOAT32_ELEMENTS,
class StoreSignedIntDataViewElement
: public FixedInputNodeT<4, StoreSignedIntDataViewElement> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<4, StoreSignedIntDataViewElement>;
explicit StoreSignedIntDataViewElement(uint64_t bitfield,
ExternalArrayType type)
: Base(bitfield), type_(type) {
DCHECK(type == ExternalArrayType::kExternalInt8Array ||
type == ExternalArrayType::kExternalInt16Array ||
type == ExternalArrayType::kExternalInt32Array);
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Writing();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kInt32,
ValueRepresentation::kInt32, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kIndexIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kValueIndex = 2;
static constexpr int kIsLittleEndianIndex = 3;
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
Input& index_input() { return input(kIndexIndex); }
Input& value_input() { return input(kValueIndex); }
Input& is_little_endian_input() { return input(kIsLittleEndianIndex); }
bool is_little_endian_constant() {
return IsConstantNode(is_little_endian_input().node()->opcode());
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
ExternalArrayType type_;
class StoreDoubleDataViewElement
: public FixedInputNodeT<4, StoreDoubleDataViewElement> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<4, StoreDoubleDataViewElement>;
explicit StoreDoubleDataViewElement(uint64_t bitfield, ExternalArrayType type)
: Base(bitfield) {
DCHECK_EQ(type, ExternalArrayType::kExternalFloat64Array);
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Writing();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kInt32,
ValueRepresentation::kHoleyFloat64, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kIndexIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kValueIndex = 2;
static constexpr int kIsLittleEndianIndex = 3;
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
Input& index_input() { return input(kIndexIndex); }
Input& value_input() { return input(kValueIndex); }
Input& is_little_endian_input() { return input(kIsLittleEndianIndex); }
bool is_little_endian_constant() {
return IsConstantNode(is_little_endian_input().node()->opcode());
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class StoreDoubleField : public FixedInputNodeT<2, StoreDoubleField> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<2, StoreDoubleField>;
explicit StoreDoubleField(uint64_t bitfield, int offset)
: Base(bitfield), offset_(offset) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Writing();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kFloat64};
int offset() const { return offset_; }
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kValueIndex = 1;
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
Input& value_input() { return input(kValueIndex); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const int offset_;
class StoreFloat64 : public FixedInputNodeT<2, StoreFloat64> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<2, StoreFloat64>;
explicit StoreFloat64(uint64_t bitfield, int offset)
: Base(bitfield), offset_(offset) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Writing();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kFloat64};
int offset() const { return offset_; }
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kValueIndex = 1;
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
Input& value_input() { return input(kValueIndex); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const int offset_;
class StoreTaggedFieldNoWriteBarrier
: public FixedInputNodeT<2, StoreTaggedFieldNoWriteBarrier> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<2, StoreTaggedFieldNoWriteBarrier>;
explicit StoreTaggedFieldNoWriteBarrier(uint64_t bitfield, int offset)
: Base(bitfield), offset_(offset) {}
// StoreTaggedFieldNoWriteBarrier never does a Deferred Call. However,
// PhiRepresentationSelector can cause some StoreTaggedFieldNoWriteBarrier to
// become StoreTaggedFieldWithWriteBarrier, which can do Deferred Calls, and
// thus need the register snapshot. We thus set the DeferredCall property in
// StoreTaggedFieldNoWriteBarrier so that it's allocated with enough space for
// the register snapshot.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Writing() | OpProperties::DeferredCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
int offset() const { return offset_; }
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kValueIndex = 1;
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
Input& value_input() { return input(kValueIndex); }
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing() {
// Don't need to decompress value to store it.
int MaxCallStackArgs() const {
// StoreTaggedFieldNoWriteBarrier never really does any call.
return 0;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const int offset_;
class StoreMap : public FixedInputNodeT<1, StoreMap> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<1, StoreMap>;
explicit StoreMap(uint64_t bitfield, compiler::MapRef map)
: Base(bitfield), map_(map) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Writing() | OpProperties::DeferredCall();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 0;
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const compiler::MapRef map_;
class StoreTaggedFieldWithWriteBarrier
: public FixedInputNodeT<2, StoreTaggedFieldWithWriteBarrier> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<2, StoreTaggedFieldWithWriteBarrier>;
explicit StoreTaggedFieldWithWriteBarrier(uint64_t bitfield, int offset)
: Base(bitfield), offset_(offset) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Writing() | OpProperties::DeferredCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
int offset() const { return offset_; }
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kValueIndex = 1;
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
Input& value_input() { return input(kValueIndex); }
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing() {
// Don't need to decompress value to store it.
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const int offset_;
class LoadGlobal : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, LoadGlobal> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, LoadGlobal>;
explicit LoadGlobal(uint64_t bitfield, compiler::NameRef name,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback,
TypeofMode typeof_mode)
: Base(bitfield),
typeof_mode_(typeof_mode) {}
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
compiler::NameRef name() const { return name_; }
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const { return feedback_; }
TypeofMode typeof_mode() const { return typeof_mode_; }
Input& context() { return input(0); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const compiler::NameRef name_;
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_;
const TypeofMode typeof_mode_;
class StoreGlobal : public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, StoreGlobal> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, StoreGlobal>;
explicit StoreGlobal(uint64_t bitfield, compiler::NameRef name,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback)
: Base(bitfield), name_(name), feedback_(feedback) {}
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
compiler::NameRef name() const { return name_; }
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const { return feedback_; }
Input& context() { return input(0); }
Input& value() { return input(1); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const compiler::NameRef name_;
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_;
class UpdateJSArrayLength : public FixedInputNodeT<3, UpdateJSArrayLength> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<3, UpdateJSArrayLength>;
explicit UpdateJSArrayLength(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Writing();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kInt32,
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kIndexIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kLengthIndex = 2;
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
Input& index_input() { return input(kIndexIndex); }
Input& length_input() { return input(kLengthIndex); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class LoadNamedGeneric : public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, LoadNamedGeneric> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, LoadNamedGeneric>;
explicit LoadNamedGeneric(uint64_t bitfield, compiler::NameRef name,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback)
: Base(bitfield), name_(name), feedback_(feedback) {}
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
compiler::NameRef name() const { return name_; }
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const { return feedback_; }
static constexpr int kContextIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 1;
Input& context() { return input(kContextIndex); }
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const compiler::NameRef name_;
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_;
class LoadNamedFromSuperGeneric
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<3, LoadNamedFromSuperGeneric> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<3, LoadNamedFromSuperGeneric>;
explicit LoadNamedFromSuperGeneric(uint64_t bitfield, compiler::NameRef name,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback)
: Base(bitfield), name_(name), feedback_(feedback) {}
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged,
compiler::NameRef name() const { return name_; }
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const { return feedback_; }
static constexpr int kContextIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kReceiverIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kLookupStartObjectIndex = 2;
Input& context() { return input(kContextIndex); }
Input& receiver() { return input(kReceiverIndex); }
Input& lookup_start_object() { return input(kLookupStartObjectIndex); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const compiler::NameRef name_;
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_;
class SetNamedGeneric : public FixedInputValueNodeT<3, SetNamedGeneric> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<3, SetNamedGeneric>;
explicit SetNamedGeneric(uint64_t bitfield, compiler::NameRef name,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback)
: Base(bitfield), name_(name), feedback_(feedback) {}
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged,
compiler::NameRef name() const { return name_; }
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const { return feedback_; }
static constexpr int kContextIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kValueIndex = 2;
Input& context() { return input(kContextIndex); }
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
Input& value_input() { return input(kValueIndex); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const compiler::NameRef name_;
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_;
class LoadEnumCacheLength
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, LoadEnumCacheLength> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, LoadEnumCacheLength>;
explicit LoadEnumCacheLength(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Reading() | OpProperties::Int32();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
static constexpr int kMapInput = 0;
Input& map_input() { return input(kMapInput); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class StringAt : public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, StringAt> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, StringAt>;
explicit StringAt(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Reading() | OpProperties::DeferredCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
static constexpr int kStringIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kIndexIndex = 1;
Input& string_input() { return input(kStringIndex); }
Input& index_input() { return input(kIndexIndex); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class StringLength : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, StringLength> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, StringLength>;
explicit StringLength(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Reading() | OpProperties::Int32();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 0;
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class StringConcat : public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, StringConcat> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, StringConcat>;
explicit StringConcat(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Call() | OpProperties::LazyDeopt() | OpProperties::Throw();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& lhs() { return Node::input(0); }
Input& rhs() { return Node::input(1); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const { return 0; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class DefineNamedOwnGeneric
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<3, DefineNamedOwnGeneric> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<3, DefineNamedOwnGeneric>;
explicit DefineNamedOwnGeneric(uint64_t bitfield, compiler::NameRef name,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback)
: Base(bitfield), name_(name), feedback_(feedback) {}
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged,
compiler::NameRef name() const { return name_; }
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const { return feedback_; }
static constexpr int kContextIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kValueIndex = 2;
Input& context() { return input(kContextIndex); }
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
Input& value_input() { return input(kValueIndex); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const compiler::NameRef name_;
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_;
class StoreInArrayLiteralGeneric
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<4, StoreInArrayLiteralGeneric> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<4, StoreInArrayLiteralGeneric>;
explicit StoreInArrayLiteralGeneric(uint64_t bitfield,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback)
: Base(bitfield), feedback_(feedback) {}
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged,
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const { return feedback_; }
static constexpr int kContextIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kNameIndex = 2;
static constexpr int kValueIndex = 3;
Input& context() { return input(kContextIndex); }
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
Input& name_input() { return input(kNameIndex); }
Input& value_input() { return input(kValueIndex); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_;
class GetKeyedGeneric : public FixedInputValueNodeT<3, GetKeyedGeneric> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<3, GetKeyedGeneric>;
explicit GetKeyedGeneric(uint64_t bitfield,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback)
: Base(bitfield), feedback_(feedback) {}
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged,
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const { return feedback_; }
static constexpr int kContextIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kKeyIndex = 2;
Input& context() { return input(kContextIndex); }
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
Input& key_input() { return input(kKeyIndex); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_;
class SetKeyedGeneric : public FixedInputValueNodeT<4, SetKeyedGeneric> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<4, SetKeyedGeneric>;
explicit SetKeyedGeneric(uint64_t bitfield,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback)
: Base(bitfield), feedback_(feedback) {}
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged,
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const { return feedback_; }
static constexpr int kContextIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kKeyIndex = 2;
static constexpr int kValueIndex = 3;
Input& context() { return input(kContextIndex); }
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
Input& key_input() { return input(kKeyIndex); }
Input& value_input() { return input(kValueIndex); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_;
class DefineKeyedOwnGeneric
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<5, DefineKeyedOwnGeneric> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<5, DefineKeyedOwnGeneric>;
explicit DefineKeyedOwnGeneric(uint64_t bitfield,
const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback)
: Base(bitfield), feedback_(feedback) {}
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged,
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged,
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const { return feedback_; }
static constexpr int kContextIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kObjectIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kKeyIndex = 2;
static constexpr int kValueIndex = 3;
static constexpr int kFlagsIndex = 4;
Input& context() { return input(kContextIndex); }
Input& object_input() { return input(kObjectIndex); }
Input& key_input() { return input(kKeyIndex); }
Input& value_input() { return input(kValueIndex); }
Input& flags_input() { return input(kFlagsIndex); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_;
class GapMove : public FixedInputNodeT<0, GapMove> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<0, GapMove>;
GapMove(uint64_t bitfield, compiler::AllocatedOperand source,
compiler::AllocatedOperand target)
: Base(bitfield), source_(source), target_(target) {}
compiler::AllocatedOperand source() const { return source_; }
compiler::AllocatedOperand target() const { return target_; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
compiler::AllocatedOperand source_;
compiler::AllocatedOperand target_;
class ConstantGapMove : public FixedInputNodeT<0, ConstantGapMove> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<0, ConstantGapMove>;
ConstantGapMove(uint64_t bitfield, ValueNode* node,
compiler::AllocatedOperand target)
: Base(bitfield), node_(node), target_(target) {}
compiler::AllocatedOperand target() const { return target_; }
ValueNode* node() const { return node_; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
ValueNode* node_;
compiler::InstructionOperand source_;
compiler::AllocatedOperand target_;
class MergePointInterpreterFrameState;
// ValueRepresentation doesn't distinguish between Int32 and TruncatedInt32:
// both are Int32. For Phi untagging however, it's interesting to have a
// difference between the 2, as a TruncatedInt32 would allow untagging to
// Float64, whereas a Int32 use wouldn't (because it would require a deopting
// Float64->Int32 conversion, whereas the truncating version of this conversion
// cannot deopt). We thus use a UseRepresentation to record use hints for Phis.
enum class UseRepresentation : uint8_t {
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const UseRepresentation& repr) {
switch (repr) {
case UseRepresentation::kTagged:
return os << "Tagged";
case UseRepresentation::kInt32:
return os << "Int32";
case UseRepresentation::kTruncatedInt32:
return os << "TruncatedInt32";
case UseRepresentation::kUint32:
return os << "Uint32";
case UseRepresentation::kFloat64:
return os << "Float64";
case UseRepresentation::kHoleyFloat64:
return os << "HoleyFloat64";
typedef base::EnumSet<ValueRepresentation, int8_t> ValueRepresentationSet;
typedef base::EnumSet<UseRepresentation, int8_t> UseRepresentationSet;
// TODO(verwaest): It may make more sense to buffer phis in merged_states until
// we set up the interpreter frame state for code generation. At that point we
// can generate correctly-sized phis.
class Phi : public ValueNodeT<Phi> {
using Base = ValueNodeT<Phi>;
using List = base::ThreadedList<Phi>;
// TODO(jgruber): More intuitive constructors, if possible.
Phi(uint64_t bitfield, MergePointInterpreterFrameState* merge_state,
interpreter::Register owner)
: Base(bitfield),
post_loop_type_(NodeType::kUnknown) {
interpreter::Register owner() const { return owner_; }
const MergePointInterpreterFrameState* merge_state() const {
return merge_state_;
using Node::reduce_input_count;
using Node::set_input;
bool is_exception_phi() const { return input_count() == 0; }
bool is_loop_phi() const;
bool is_backedge_offset(int i) const {
return is_loop_phi() && i == input_count() - 1;
void VerifyInputs(MaglevGraphLabeller* graph_labeller) const;
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing() {
// Do not mark inputs as decompressing here, since we don't yet know whether
// this Phi needs decompression. Instead, let
// Node::SetTaggedResultNeedsDecompress pass through phis.
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
BasicBlock* predecessor_at(int i);
void RecordUseReprHint(UseRepresentation repr, int current_offset) {
RecordUseReprHint(UseRepresentationSet{repr}, current_offset);
void RecordUseReprHint(UseRepresentationSet repr_mask, int current_offset);
UseRepresentationSet get_uses_repr_hints() { return uses_repr_hint_; }
UseRepresentationSet get_same_loop_uses_repr_hints() {
return same_loop_uses_repr_hint_;
void merge_post_loop_type(NodeType type) {
post_loop_type_ = IntersectType(post_loop_type_, type);
void set_post_loop_type(NodeType type) {
post_loop_type_ = type;
void promote_post_loop_type() {
type_ = post_loop_type_;
void merge_type(NodeType type) {
type_ = IntersectType(type_, type);
void set_type(NodeType type) {
type_ = type;
NodeType type() const {
return type_;
using Key = compiler::turboshaft::SnapshotTable<ValueNode*>::Key;
bool has_key() const { return has_key_; }
Key key() const {
return key_;
void set_key(Key key) {
has_key_ = true;
key_ = key;
Phi** next() { return &next_; }
const interpreter::Register owner_;
bool has_key_ = false; // True if the {key_} field has been initialized.
UseRepresentationSet uses_repr_hint_ = {};
UseRepresentationSet same_loop_uses_repr_hint_ = {};
Phi* next_ = nullptr;
MergePointInterpreterFrameState* const merge_state_;
union {
struct {
// The type of this Phi based on its predecessors' types.
NodeType type_;
// {type_} for loop Phis should always be Unknown until their backedge has
// been bound (because we don't know what will be the type of the
// backedge). However, once the backedge is bound, we might be able to
// refine it. {post_loop_type_} is thus used to keep track of loop Phi
// types: for loop Phis, we update {post_loop_type_} when we merge
// predecessors, but keep {type_} as Unknown. Once the backedge is bound,
// we set {type_} as {post_loop_type_}.
NodeType post_loop_type_;
// After graph building, {type_} and {post_loop_type_} are not used anymore,
// so we reuse this memory to store the SnapshotTable Key for this Phi for
// phi untagging.
Key key_;
friend base::ThreadedListTraits<Phi>;
class Call : public ValueNodeT<Call> {
using Base = ValueNodeT<Call>;
enum class TargetType { kJSFunction, kAny };
// We assume function and context as fixed inputs.
static constexpr int kFunctionIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kContextIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kFixedInputCount = 2;
// We need enough inputs to have these fixed inputs plus the maximum arguments
// to a function call.
static_assert(kMaxInputs >= kFixedInputCount + Code::kMaxArguments);
// This ctor is used when for variable input counts.
// Inputs must be initialized manually.
Call(uint64_t bitfield, ConvertReceiverMode mode, TargetType target_type,
ValueNode* function, ValueNode* context)
: Base(bitfield), receiver_mode_(mode), target_type_(target_type) {
set_input(kFunctionIndex, function);
set_input(kContextIndex, context);
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
Input& function() { return input(kFunctionIndex); }
const Input& function() const { return input(kFunctionIndex); }
Input& context() { return input(kContextIndex); }
const Input& context() const { return input(kContextIndex); }
int num_args() const { return input_count() - kFixedInputCount; }
Input& arg(int i) { return input(i + kFixedInputCount); }
void set_arg(int i, ValueNode* node) {
set_input(i + kFixedInputCount, node);
auto args_begin() { return std::make_reverse_iterator(&arg(-1)); }
auto args_end() { return std::make_reverse_iterator(&arg(num_args() - 1)); }
void VerifyInputs(MaglevGraphLabeller* graph_labeller) const;
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing();
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
ConvertReceiverMode receiver_mode_;
TargetType target_type_;
class Construct : public ValueNodeT<Construct> {
using Base = ValueNodeT<Construct>;
// We assume function and context as fixed inputs.
static constexpr int kFunctionIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kNewTargetIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kContextIndex = 2;
static constexpr int kFixedInputCount = 3;
// We need enough inputs to have these fixed inputs plus the maximum arguments
// to a function call.
static_assert(kMaxInputs >= kFixedInputCount + Code::kMaxArguments);
// This ctor is used when for variable input counts.
// Inputs must be initialized manually.
Construct(uint64_t bitfield, const compiler::FeedbackSource& feedback,
ValueNode* function, ValueNode* new_target, ValueNode* context)
: Base(bitfield), feedback_(feedback) {
set_input(kFunctionIndex, function);
set_input(kNewTargetIndex, new_target);
set_input(kContextIndex, context);
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
Input& function() { return input(kFunctionIndex); }
const Input& function() const { return input(kFunctionIndex); }
Input& new_target() { return input(kNewTargetIndex); }
const Input& new_target() const { return input(kNewTargetIndex); }
Input& context() { return input(kContextIndex); }
const Input& context() const { return input(kContextIndex); }
int num_args() const { return input_count() - kFixedInputCount; }
Input& arg(int i) { return input(i + kFixedInputCount); }
void set_arg(int i, ValueNode* node) {
set_input(i + kFixedInputCount, node);
auto args_begin() { return std::make_reverse_iterator(&arg(-1)); }
auto args_end() { return std::make_reverse_iterator(&arg(num_args() - 1)); }
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const { return feedback_; }
void VerifyInputs(MaglevGraphLabeller* graph_labeller) const;
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing();
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_;
class CallBuiltin : public ValueNodeT<CallBuiltin> {
using Base = ValueNodeT<CallBuiltin>;
enum FeedbackSlotType { kTaggedIndex, kSmi };
// This ctor is used when for variable input counts.
// Inputs must be initialized manually.
CallBuiltin(uint64_t bitfield, Builtin builtin)
: Base(bitfield), builtin_(builtin) {
// This ctor is used when for variable input counts.
// Inputs must be initialized manually.
CallBuiltin(uint64_t bitfield, Builtin builtin, ValueNode* context)
: Base(bitfield), builtin_(builtin) {
// We use the last valid input for the context.
set_input(input_count() - 1, context);
// This is an overestimation, since some builtins might not call JS code.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
bool has_feedback() const { return feedback_.has_value(); }
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const {
return feedback_.value();
FeedbackSlotType slot_type() const {
return slot_type_;
void set_feedback(compiler::FeedbackSource const& feedback,
FeedbackSlotType slot_type) {
feedback_ = feedback;
slot_type_ = slot_type;
Builtin builtin() const { return builtin_; }
int InputCountWithoutContext() const {
auto descriptor = Builtins::CallInterfaceDescriptorFor(builtin_);
bool has_context = descriptor.HasContextParameter();
int extra_input_count = has_context ? 1 : 0;
return input_count() - extra_input_count;
int InputsInRegisterCount() const {
auto descriptor = Builtins::CallInterfaceDescriptorFor(builtin_);
if (has_feedback()) {
int slot_index = InputCountWithoutContext();
int vector_index = slot_index + 1;
// There are three possibilities:
// 1. Feedback slot and vector are in register.
// 2. Feedback slot is in register and vector is on stack.
// 3. Feedback slot and vector are on stack.
if (vector_index < descriptor.GetRegisterParameterCount()) {
return descriptor.GetRegisterParameterCount() - 2;
} else if (vector_index == descriptor.GetRegisterParameterCount()) {
return descriptor.GetRegisterParameterCount() - 1;
} else {
return descriptor.GetRegisterParameterCount();
return descriptor.GetRegisterParameterCount();
auto stack_args_begin() {
return std::make_reverse_iterator(&input(InputsInRegisterCount() - 1));
auto stack_args_end() {
return std::make_reverse_iterator(&input(InputCountWithoutContext() - 1));
void set_arg(int i, ValueNode* node) { set_input(i, node); }
int ReturnCount() const {
return Builtins::CallInterfaceDescriptorFor(builtin_).GetReturnCount();
void VerifyInputs(MaglevGraphLabeller* graph_labeller) const;
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing();
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
template <typename... Args>
void PushArguments(MaglevAssembler* masm, Args... extra_args);
void PassFeedbackSlotInRegister(MaglevAssembler*);
void PushFeedbackAndArguments(MaglevAssembler*);
Builtin builtin_;
base::Optional<compiler::FeedbackSource> feedback_;
FeedbackSlotType slot_type_ = kTaggedIndex;
class CallRuntime : public ValueNodeT<CallRuntime> {
using Base = ValueNodeT<CallRuntime>;
// We assume the context as fixed input.
static constexpr int kContextIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kFixedInputCount = 1;
// This ctor is used when for variable input counts.
// Inputs must be initialized manually.
CallRuntime(uint64_t bitfield, Runtime::FunctionId function_id,
ValueNode* context)
: Base(bitfield), function_id_(function_id) {
set_input(kContextIndex, context);
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
Runtime::FunctionId function_id() const { return function_id_; }
Input& context() { return input(kContextIndex); }
const Input& context() const { return input(kContextIndex); }
int num_args() const { return input_count() - kFixedInputCount; }
Input& arg(int i) { return input(i + kFixedInputCount); }
void set_arg(int i, ValueNode* node) {
set_input(i + kFixedInputCount, node);
auto args_begin() { return std::make_reverse_iterator(&arg(-1)); }
auto args_end() { return std::make_reverse_iterator(&arg(num_args() - 1)); }
int ReturnCount() const {
return Runtime::FunctionForId(function_id())->result_size;
void VerifyInputs(MaglevGraphLabeller* graph_labeller) const;
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing();
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
Runtime::FunctionId function_id_;
class CallWithSpread : public ValueNodeT<CallWithSpread> {
using Base = ValueNodeT<CallWithSpread>;
// We assume function and context as fixed inputs.
static constexpr int kFunctionIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kContextIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kFixedInputCount = 2;
// This ctor is used when for variable input counts.
// Inputs must be initialized manually.
CallWithSpread(uint64_t bitfield, ValueNode* function, ValueNode* context)
: Base(bitfield) {
set_input(kFunctionIndex, function);
set_input(kContextIndex, context);
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
Input& function() { return input(kFunctionIndex); }
const Input& function() const { return input(kFunctionIndex); }
Input& context() { return input(kContextIndex); }
const Input& context() const { return input(kContextIndex); }
int num_args() const { return input_count() - kFixedInputCount; }
int num_args_no_spread() const {
DCHECK_GT(num_args(), 0);
return num_args() - 1;
Input& arg(int i) { return input(i + kFixedInputCount); }
void set_arg(int i, ValueNode* node) {
set_input(i + kFixedInputCount, node);
auto args_no_spread_begin() { return std::make_reverse_iterator(&arg(-1)); }
auto args_no_spread_end() {
return std::make_reverse_iterator(&arg(num_args_no_spread() - 1));
Input& spread() {
// Spread is the last argument/input.
return input(input_count() - 1);
Input& receiver() { return arg(0); }
void VerifyInputs(MaglevGraphLabeller* graph_labeller) const;
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing();
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class CallWithArrayLike : public FixedInputValueNodeT<4, CallWithArrayLike> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<4, CallWithArrayLike>;
// We assume function and context as fixed inputs.
static constexpr int kFunctionIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kReceiverIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kArgumentsListIndex = 2;
static constexpr int kContextIndex = 3;
// This ctor is used when for variable input counts.
// Inputs must be initialized manually.
explicit CallWithArrayLike(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
Input& function() { return input(kFunctionIndex); }
Input& receiver() { return input(kReceiverIndex); }
Input& arguments_list() { return input(kArgumentsListIndex); }
Input& context() { return input(kContextIndex); }
void VerifyInputs(MaglevGraphLabeller* graph_labeller) const;
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing();
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class CallSelf : public ValueNodeT<CallSelf> {
using Base = ValueNodeT<CallSelf>;
static constexpr int kClosureIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kContextIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kReceiverIndex = 2;
static constexpr int kNewTargetIndex = 3;
static constexpr int kFixedInputCount = 4;
// We need enough inputs to have these fixed inputs plus the maximum arguments
// to a function call.
static_assert(kMaxInputs >= kFixedInputCount + Code::kMaxArguments);
// This ctor is used when for variable input counts.
// Inputs must be initialized manually.
CallSelf(uint64_t bitfield,
compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared_function_info,
ValueNode* closure, ValueNode* context, ValueNode* receiver,
ValueNode* new_target)
: Base(bitfield),
.internal_formal_parameter_count_with_receiver()) {
set_input(kClosureIndex, closure);
set_input(kContextIndex, context);
set_input(kReceiverIndex, receiver);
set_input(kNewTargetIndex, new_target);
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
Input& closure() { return input(kClosureIndex); }
const Input& closure() const { return input(kClosureIndex); }
Input& context() { return input(kContextIndex); }
const Input& context() const { return input(kContextIndex); }
Input& receiver() { return input(kReceiverIndex); }
const Input& receiver() const { return input(kReceiverIndex); }
Input& new_target() { return input(kNewTargetIndex); }
const Input& new_target() const { return input(kNewTargetIndex); }
int num_args() const { return input_count() - kFixedInputCount; }
Input& arg(int i) { return input(i + kFixedInputCount); }
void set_arg(int i, ValueNode* node) {
set_input(i + kFixedInputCount, node);
auto args_begin() { return std::make_reverse_iterator(&arg(-1)); }
auto args_end() { return std::make_reverse_iterator(&arg(num_args() - 1)); }
compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared_function_info() const {
return shared_function_info_;
void VerifyInputs(MaglevGraphLabeller* graph_labeller) const;
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing();
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared_function_info_;
// Cache the expected parameter count so that we can access it in
// MaxCallStackArgs without needing to unpark the local isolate.
int expected_parameter_count_;
class CallKnownJSFunction : public ValueNodeT<CallKnownJSFunction> {
using Base = ValueNodeT<CallKnownJSFunction>;
static constexpr int kClosureIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kContextIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kReceiverIndex = 2;
static constexpr int kNewTargetIndex = 3;
static constexpr int kFixedInputCount = 4;
// We need enough inputs to have these fixed inputs plus the maximum arguments
// to a function call.
static_assert(kMaxInputs >= kFixedInputCount + Code::kMaxArguments);
// This ctor is used when for variable input counts.
// Inputs must be initialized manually.
CallKnownJSFunction(uint64_t bitfield,
compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared_function_info,
ValueNode* closure, ValueNode* context,
ValueNode* receiver, ValueNode* new_target)
: Base(bitfield),
.internal_formal_parameter_count_with_receiver()) {
set_input(kClosureIndex, closure);
set_input(kContextIndex, context);
set_input(kReceiverIndex, receiver);
set_input(kNewTargetIndex, new_target);
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
Input& closure() { return input(kClosureIndex); }
const Input& closure() const { return input(kClosureIndex); }
Input& context() { return input(kContextIndex); }
const Input& context() const { return input(kContextIndex); }
Input& receiver() { return input(kReceiverIndex); }
const Input& receiver() const { return input(kReceiverIndex); }
Input& new_target() { return input(kNewTargetIndex); }
const Input& new_target() const { return input(kNewTargetIndex); }
int num_args() const { return input_count() - kFixedInputCount; }
Input& arg(int i) { return input(i + kFixedInputCount); }
void set_arg(int i, ValueNode* node) {
set_input(i + kFixedInputCount, node);
auto args_begin() { return std::make_reverse_iterator(&arg(-1)); }
auto args_end() { return std::make_reverse_iterator(&arg(num_args() - 1)); }
compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared_function_info() const {
return shared_function_info_;
void VerifyInputs(MaglevGraphLabeller* graph_labeller) const;
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing();
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const compiler::SharedFunctionInfoRef shared_function_info_;
// Cache the expected parameter count so that we can access it in
// MaxCallStackArgs without needing to unpark the local isolate.
int expected_parameter_count_;
class ConstructWithSpread : public ValueNodeT<ConstructWithSpread> {
using Base = ValueNodeT<ConstructWithSpread>;
// We assume function and context as fixed inputs.
static constexpr int kFunctionIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kNewTargetIndex = 1;
static constexpr int kContextIndex = 2;
static constexpr int kFixedInputCount = 3;
// This ctor is used when for variable input counts.
// Inputs must be initialized manually.
ConstructWithSpread(uint64_t bitfield, compiler::FeedbackSource feedback,
ValueNode* function, ValueNode* new_target,
ValueNode* context)
: Base(bitfield), feedback_(feedback) {
set_input(kFunctionIndex, function);
set_input(kNewTargetIndex, new_target);
set_input(kContextIndex, context);
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::JSCall();
Input& function() { return input(kFunctionIndex); }
const Input& function() const { return input(kFunctionIndex); }
Input& new_target() { return input(kNewTargetIndex); }
const Input& new_target() const { return input(kNewTargetIndex); }
Input& context() { return input(kContextIndex); }
const Input& context() const { return input(kContextIndex); }
int num_args() const { return input_count() - kFixedInputCount; }
int num_args_no_spread() const {
DCHECK_GT(num_args(), 0);
return num_args() - 1;
Input& arg(int i) { return input(i + kFixedInputCount); }
void set_arg(int i, ValueNode* node) {
set_input(i + kFixedInputCount, node);
Input& spread() {
// Spread is the last argument/input.
return input(input_count() - 1);
auto args_no_spread_begin() { return std::make_reverse_iterator(&arg(-1)); }
auto args_no_spread_end() {
return std::make_reverse_iterator(&arg(num_args_no_spread() - 1));
compiler::FeedbackSource feedback() const { return feedback_; }
void VerifyInputs(MaglevGraphLabeller* graph_labeller) const;
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing();
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const compiler::FeedbackSource feedback_;
class ConvertReceiver : public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, ConvertReceiver> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, ConvertReceiver>;
explicit ConvertReceiver(uint64_t bitfield,
compiler::NativeContextRef native_context,
ConvertReceiverMode mode)
: Base(bitfield), native_context_(native_context), mode_(mode) {}
Input& receiver_input() { return input(0); }
// The implementation currently calls runtime.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Call();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const compiler::NativeContextRef native_context_;
ConvertReceiverMode mode_;
class CheckConstructResult
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<2, CheckConstructResult> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<2, CheckConstructResult>;
explicit CheckConstructResult(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
Input& construct_result_input() { return input(0); }
Input& implicit_receiver_input() { return input(1); }
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Throw() | OpProperties::DeferredCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class ConvertHoleToUndefined
: public FixedInputValueNodeT<1, ConvertHoleToUndefined> {
using Base = FixedInputValueNodeT<1, ConvertHoleToUndefined>;
explicit ConvertHoleToUndefined(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& object_input() { return input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class ReduceInterruptBudgetForLoop
: public FixedInputNodeT<0, ReduceInterruptBudgetForLoop> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<0, ReduceInterruptBudgetForLoop>;
explicit ReduceInterruptBudgetForLoop(uint64_t bitfield, int amount)
: Base(bitfield), amount_(amount) {
DCHECK_GT(amount, 0);
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::DeferredCall() | OpProperties::LazyDeopt();
int amount() const { return amount_; }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const int amount_;
class ReduceInterruptBudgetForReturn
: public FixedInputNodeT<0, ReduceInterruptBudgetForReturn> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<0, ReduceInterruptBudgetForReturn>;
explicit ReduceInterruptBudgetForReturn(uint64_t bitfield, int amount)
: Base(bitfield), amount_(amount) {
DCHECK_GT(amount, 0);
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::DeferredCall();
int amount() const { return amount_; }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const int amount_;
class ThrowReferenceErrorIfHole
: public FixedInputNodeT<1, ThrowReferenceErrorIfHole> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<1, ThrowReferenceErrorIfHole>;
explicit ThrowReferenceErrorIfHole(uint64_t bitfield, compiler::NameRef name)
: Base(bitfield), name_(name) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Throw() | OpProperties::DeferredCall();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
compiler::NameRef name() const { return name_; }
Input& value() { return Node::input(0); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const compiler::NameRef name_;
class ThrowSuperNotCalledIfHole
: public FixedInputNodeT<1, ThrowSuperNotCalledIfHole> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<1, ThrowSuperNotCalledIfHole>;
explicit ThrowSuperNotCalledIfHole(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Throw() | OpProperties::DeferredCall();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& value() { return Node::input(0); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class ThrowSuperAlreadyCalledIfNotHole
: public FixedInputNodeT<1, ThrowSuperAlreadyCalledIfNotHole> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<1, ThrowSuperAlreadyCalledIfNotHole>;
explicit ThrowSuperAlreadyCalledIfNotHole(uint64_t bitfield)
: Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Throw() | OpProperties::DeferredCall();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& value() { return Node::input(0); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class ThrowIfNotSuperConstructor
: public FixedInputNodeT<2, ThrowIfNotSuperConstructor> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<2, ThrowIfNotSuperConstructor>;
explicit ThrowIfNotSuperConstructor(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {}
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::Throw() | OpProperties::DeferredCall();
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& constructor() { return Node::input(0); }
Input& function() { return Node::input(1); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class TransitionElementsKind
: public FixedInputNodeT<1, TransitionElementsKind> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeT<1, TransitionElementsKind>;
explicit TransitionElementsKind(
uint64_t bitfield,
base::Vector<const compiler::MapRef> transition_sources,
compiler::MapRef transition_target)
: Base(bitfield),
transition_target_(transition_target) {}
// TODO(leszeks): Special case the case where all transitions are fast.
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties =
OpProperties::DeferredCall() | OpProperties::Writing();
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& object_input() { return Node::input(0); }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const base::Vector<const compiler::MapRef> transition_sources_;
const compiler::MapRef transition_target_;
class ControlNode : public NodeBase {
// A "hole" in control flow is a control node that unconditionally interrupts
// linear control flow (either by jumping or by exiting).
// A "post-dominating" hole is a hole that is guaranteed to be be reached in
// control flow after this node (i.e. it is a hole that is a post-dominator
// of this node).
ControlNode* next_post_dominating_hole() const {
return next_post_dominating_hole_;
void set_next_post_dominating_hole(ControlNode* node) {
DCHECK_IMPLIES(node != nullptr, node->Is<UnconditionalControlNode>() ||
node->Is<TerminalControlNode>() ||
next_post_dominating_hole_ = node;
using NodeBase::NodeBase;
ControlNode* next_post_dominating_hole_ = nullptr;
class UnconditionalControlNode : public ControlNode {
BasicBlock* target() const { return target_.block_ptr(); }
int predecessor_id() const { return predecessor_id_; }
void set_predecessor_id(int id) { predecessor_id_ = id; }
explicit UnconditionalControlNode(uint64_t bitfield,
BasicBlockRef* target_refs)
: ControlNode(bitfield), target_(target_refs) {}
explicit UnconditionalControlNode(uint64_t bitfield, BasicBlock* target)
: ControlNode(bitfield), target_(target) {}
const BasicBlockRef target_;
int predecessor_id_ = 0;
template <class Derived>
class UnconditionalControlNodeT
: public FixedInputNodeTMixin<0, UnconditionalControlNode, Derived> {
explicit UnconditionalControlNodeT(uint64_t bitfield,
BasicBlockRef* target_refs)
: FixedInputNodeTMixin<0, UnconditionalControlNode, Derived>(
bitfield, target_refs) {}
explicit UnconditionalControlNodeT(uint64_t bitfield, BasicBlock* target)
: FixedInputNodeTMixin<0, UnconditionalControlNode, Derived>(bitfield,
target) {}
class ConditionalControlNode : public ControlNode {
explicit ConditionalControlNode(uint64_t bitfield) : ControlNode(bitfield) {}
class BranchControlNode : public ConditionalControlNode {
BranchControlNode(uint64_t bitfield, BasicBlockRef* if_true_refs,
BasicBlockRef* if_false_refs)
: ConditionalControlNode(bitfield),
if_false_(if_false_refs) {}
BasicBlock* if_true() const { return if_true_.block_ptr(); }
BasicBlock* if_false() const { return if_false_.block_ptr(); }
BasicBlockRef if_true_;
BasicBlockRef if_false_;
class TerminalControlNode : public ControlNode {
explicit TerminalControlNode(uint64_t bitfield) : ControlNode(bitfield) {}
template <size_t InputCount, class Derived>
class TeminalControlNodeT
: public FixedInputNodeTMixin<InputCount, TerminalControlNode, Derived> {
explicit TeminalControlNodeT(uint64_t bitfield)
: FixedInputNodeTMixin<InputCount, TerminalControlNode, Derived>(
bitfield) {}
template <size_t InputCount, class Derived>
class BranchControlNodeT
: public FixedInputNodeTMixin<InputCount, BranchControlNode, Derived> {
explicit BranchControlNodeT(uint64_t bitfield, BasicBlockRef* if_true_refs,
BasicBlockRef* if_false_refs)
: FixedInputNodeTMixin<InputCount, BranchControlNode, Derived>(
bitfield, if_true_refs, if_false_refs) {}
class Jump : public UnconditionalControlNodeT<Jump> {
using Base = UnconditionalControlNodeT<Jump>;
Jump(uint64_t bitfield, BasicBlockRef* target_refs)
: Base(bitfield, target_refs) {}
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class JumpLoop : public UnconditionalControlNodeT<JumpLoop> {
using Base = UnconditionalControlNodeT<JumpLoop>;
explicit JumpLoop(uint64_t bitfield, BasicBlock* target)
: Base(bitfield, target) {}
explicit JumpLoop(uint64_t bitfield, BasicBlockRef* ref)
: Base(bitfield, ref) {}
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
base::Vector<Input> used_nodes() { return used_node_locations_; }
void set_used_nodes(base::Vector<Input> locations) {
used_node_locations_ = locations;
base::Vector<Input> used_node_locations_;
class JumpToInlined : public UnconditionalControlNodeT<JumpToInlined> {
using Base = UnconditionalControlNodeT<JumpToInlined>;
explicit JumpToInlined(uint64_t bitfield, BasicBlockRef* target_refs,
MaglevCompilationUnit* unit)
: Base(bitfield, target_refs), unit_(unit) {}
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const MaglevCompilationUnit* unit() const { return unit_; }
MaglevCompilationUnit* const unit_;
class JumpFromInlined : public UnconditionalControlNodeT<JumpFromInlined> {
using Base = UnconditionalControlNodeT<JumpFromInlined>;
explicit JumpFromInlined(uint64_t bitfield, BasicBlockRef* target_refs)
: Base(bitfield, target_refs) {}
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class Abort : public TeminalControlNodeT<0, Abort> {
using Base = TeminalControlNodeT<0, Abort>;
explicit Abort(uint64_t bitfield, AbortReason reason)
: Base(bitfield), reason_(reason) {
DCHECK_EQ(NodeBase::opcode(), opcode_of<Abort>);
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::Call();
AbortReason reason() const { return reason_; }
int MaxCallStackArgs() const;
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
const AbortReason reason_;
class Return : public TeminalControlNodeT<1, Return> {
using Base = TeminalControlNodeT<1, Return>;
explicit Return(uint64_t bitfield) : Base(bitfield) {
DCHECK_EQ(NodeBase::opcode(), opcode_of<Return>);
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& value_input() { return input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class Deopt : public TeminalControlNodeT<0, Deopt> {
using Base = TeminalControlNodeT<0, Deopt>;
explicit Deopt(uint64_t bitfield, DeoptimizeReason reason)
: Base(bitfield), reason_(reason) {
DCHECK_EQ(NodeBase::opcode(), opcode_of<Deopt>);
static constexpr OpProperties kProperties = OpProperties::EagerDeopt();
DeoptimizeReason reason() const { return reason_; }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
DeoptimizeReason reason_;
class Switch : public FixedInputNodeTMixin<1, ConditionalControlNode, Switch> {
using Base = FixedInputNodeTMixin<1, ConditionalControlNode, Switch>;
explicit Switch(uint64_t bitfield, int value_base, BasicBlockRef* targets,
int size)
: Base(bitfield),
fallthrough_() {}
explicit Switch(uint64_t bitfield, int value_base, BasicBlockRef* targets,
int size, BasicBlockRef* fallthrough)
: Base(bitfield),
fallthrough_(fallthrough) {}
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
int value_base() const { return value_base_; }
const BasicBlockRef* targets() const { return targets_; }
int size() const { return size_; }
bool has_fallthrough() const { return fallthrough_.has_value(); }
BasicBlock* fallthrough() const {
return fallthrough_.value().block_ptr();
Input& value() { return input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
const int value_base_;
const BasicBlockRef* targets_;
const int size_;
base::Optional<BasicBlockRef> fallthrough_;
class BranchIfRootConstant
: public BranchControlNodeT<1, BranchIfRootConstant> {
using Base = BranchControlNodeT<1, BranchIfRootConstant>;
explicit BranchIfRootConstant(uint64_t bitfield, RootIndex root_index,
BasicBlockRef* if_true_refs,
BasicBlockRef* if_false_refs)
: Base(bitfield, if_true_refs, if_false_refs), root_index_(root_index) {}
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
RootIndex root_index() { return root_index_; }
Input& condition_input() { return input(0); }
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing() {
// Don't need to decompress values to reference compare.
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
RootIndex root_index_;
class BranchIfUndefinedOrNull
: public BranchControlNodeT<1, BranchIfUndefinedOrNull> {
using Base = BranchControlNodeT<1, BranchIfUndefinedOrNull>;
explicit BranchIfUndefinedOrNull(uint64_t bitfield,
BasicBlockRef* if_true_refs,
BasicBlockRef* if_false_refs)
: Base(bitfield, if_true_refs, if_false_refs) {}
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& condition_input() { return input(0); }
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing() {
// Don't need to decompress values to reference compare.
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class BranchIfUndetectable
: public BranchControlNodeT<1, BranchIfUndetectable> {
using Base = BranchControlNodeT<1, BranchIfUndetectable>;
explicit BranchIfUndetectable(uint64_t bitfield, CheckType check_type,
BasicBlockRef* if_true_refs,
BasicBlockRef* if_false_refs)
: Base(CheckTypeBitField::update(bitfield, check_type), if_true_refs,
if_false_refs) {}
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& condition_input() { return input(0); }
CheckType check_type() const { return CheckTypeBitField::decode(bitfield()); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
using CheckTypeBitField = NextBitField<CheckType, 1>;
class BranchIfJSReceiver : public BranchControlNodeT<1, BranchIfJSReceiver> {
using Base = BranchControlNodeT<1, BranchIfJSReceiver>;
explicit BranchIfJSReceiver(uint64_t bitfield, BasicBlockRef* if_true_refs,
BasicBlockRef* if_false_refs)
: Base(bitfield, if_true_refs, if_false_refs) {}
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& condition_input() { return input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class BranchIfToBooleanTrue
: public BranchControlNodeT<1, BranchIfToBooleanTrue> {
using Base = BranchControlNodeT<1, BranchIfToBooleanTrue>;
explicit BranchIfToBooleanTrue(uint64_t bitfield, CheckType check_type,
BasicBlockRef* if_true_refs,
BasicBlockRef* if_false_refs)
: Base(CheckTypeBitField::update(bitfield, check_type), if_true_refs,
if_false_refs) {}
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
Input& condition_input() { return input(0); }
CheckType check_type() const { return CheckTypeBitField::decode(bitfield()); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
using CheckTypeBitField = NextBitField<CheckType, 1>;
class BranchIfInt32ToBooleanTrue
: public BranchControlNodeT<1, BranchIfInt32ToBooleanTrue> {
using Base = BranchControlNodeT<1, BranchIfInt32ToBooleanTrue>;
explicit BranchIfInt32ToBooleanTrue(uint64_t bitfield,
BasicBlockRef* if_true_refs,
BasicBlockRef* if_false_refs)
: Base(bitfield, if_true_refs, if_false_refs) {}
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
Input& condition_input() { return input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class BranchIfFloat64ToBooleanTrue
: public BranchControlNodeT<1, BranchIfFloat64ToBooleanTrue> {
using Base = BranchControlNodeT<1, BranchIfFloat64ToBooleanTrue>;
explicit BranchIfFloat64ToBooleanTrue(uint64_t bitfield,
BasicBlockRef* if_true_refs,
BasicBlockRef* if_false_refs)
: Base(bitfield, if_true_refs, if_false_refs) {}
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kHoleyFloat64};
Input& condition_input() { return input(0); }
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const {}
class BranchIfInt32Compare
: public BranchControlNodeT<2, BranchIfInt32Compare> {
using Base = BranchControlNodeT<2, BranchIfInt32Compare>;
static constexpr int kLeftIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kRightIndex = 1;
Input& left_input() { return NodeBase::input(kLeftIndex); }
Input& right_input() { return NodeBase::input(kRightIndex); }
explicit BranchIfInt32Compare(uint64_t bitfield, Operation operation,
BasicBlockRef* if_true_refs,
BasicBlockRef* if_false_refs)
: Base(bitfield, if_true_refs, if_false_refs), operation_(operation) {}
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kInt32, ValueRepresentation::kInt32};
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
Operation operation_;
class BranchIfFloat64Compare
: public BranchControlNodeT<2, BranchIfFloat64Compare> {
using Base = BranchControlNodeT<2, BranchIfFloat64Compare>;
static constexpr int kLeftIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kRightIndex = 1;
Input& left_input() { return NodeBase::input(kLeftIndex); }
Input& right_input() { return NodeBase::input(kRightIndex); }
explicit BranchIfFloat64Compare(uint64_t bitfield, Operation operation,
BasicBlockRef* if_true_refs,
BasicBlockRef* if_false_refs)
: Base(bitfield, if_true_refs, if_false_refs), operation_(operation) {}
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kFloat64, ValueRepresentation::kFloat64};
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
Operation operation_;
class BranchIfReferenceCompare
: public BranchControlNodeT<2, BranchIfReferenceCompare> {
using Base = BranchControlNodeT<2, BranchIfReferenceCompare>;
static constexpr int kLeftIndex = 0;
static constexpr int kRightIndex = 1;
Input& left_input() { return NodeBase::input(kLeftIndex); }
Input& right_input() { return NodeBase::input(kRightIndex); }
explicit BranchIfReferenceCompare(uint64_t bitfield, Operation operation,
BasicBlockRef* if_true_refs,
BasicBlockRef* if_false_refs)
: Base(bitfield, if_true_refs, if_false_refs), operation_(operation) {}
static constexpr typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{
ValueRepresentation::kTagged, ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
void MarkTaggedInputsAsDecompressing() {
// Don't need to decompress values to reference compare.
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
Operation operation_;
class BranchIfTypeOf : public BranchControlNodeT<1, BranchIfTypeOf> {
using Base = BranchControlNodeT<1, BranchIfTypeOf>;
static constexpr int kValueIndex = 0;
Input& value_input() { return NodeBase::input(kValueIndex); }
explicit BranchIfTypeOf(uint64_t bitfield,
interpreter::TestTypeOfFlags::LiteralFlag literal,
BasicBlockRef* if_true_refs,
BasicBlockRef* if_false_refs)
: Base(bitfield, if_true_refs, if_false_refs), literal_(literal) {}
static constexpr
typename Base::InputTypes kInputTypes{ValueRepresentation::kTagged};
void SetValueLocationConstraints();
void GenerateCode(MaglevAssembler*, const ProcessingState&);
void PrintParams(std::ostream&, MaglevGraphLabeller*) const;
interpreter::TestTypeOfFlags::LiteralFlag literal_;
constexpr inline OpProperties StaticPropertiesForOpcode(Opcode opcode) {
switch (opcode) {
#define CASE(op) \
case Opcode::k##op: \
return op::kProperties;
#undef CASE
template <typename Function>
inline void NodeBase::ForAllInputsInRegallocAssignmentOrder(Function&& f) {
auto iterate_inputs = [&](InputAllocationPolicy category) {
for (Input& input : *this) {
switch (compiler::UnallocatedOperand::cast(input.operand())
.extended_policy()) {
case compiler::UnallocatedOperand::MUST_HAVE_REGISTER:
if (category == InputAllocationPolicy::kArbitraryRegister)
f(category, &input);
case compiler::UnallocatedOperand::REGISTER_OR_SLOT_OR_CONSTANT:
if (category == InputAllocationPolicy::kAny) f(category, &input);
case compiler::UnallocatedOperand::FIXED_REGISTER:
case compiler::UnallocatedOperand::FIXED_FP_REGISTER:
if (category == InputAllocationPolicy::kFixedRegister)
f(category, &input);
case compiler::UnallocatedOperand::REGISTER_OR_SLOT:
case compiler::UnallocatedOperand::SAME_AS_INPUT:
case compiler::UnallocatedOperand::NONE:
case compiler::UnallocatedOperand::MUST_HAVE_SLOT:
} // namespace maglev
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#endif // V8_MAGLEV_MAGLEV_IR_H_