blob: 909d7f27cae43df3971d0caf7542f33cc26c2e21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/runtime/runtime.h"
#include "src/unique.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
// Forward declarations.
class Operator;
struct JSOperatorBuilderImpl;
// Defines the arity and the call flags for a JavaScript function call. This is
// used as a parameter by JSCallFunction operators.
class CallFunctionParameters FINAL {
CallFunctionParameters(size_t arity, CallFunctionFlags flags)
: arity_(arity), flags_(flags) {}
size_t arity() const { return arity_; }
CallFunctionFlags flags() const { return flags_; }
const size_t arity_;
const CallFunctionFlags flags_;
const CallFunctionParameters& CallFunctionParametersOf(const Operator* op);
// Defines the arity and the ID for a runtime function call. This is used as a
// parameter by JSCallRuntime operators.
class CallRuntimeParameters FINAL {
CallRuntimeParameters(Runtime::FunctionId id, size_t arity)
: id_(id), arity_(arity) {}
Runtime::FunctionId id() const { return id_; }
size_t arity() const { return arity_; }
const Runtime::FunctionId id_;
const size_t arity_;
const CallRuntimeParameters& CallRuntimeParametersOf(const Operator* op);
// Defines the location of a context slot relative to a specific scope. This is
// used as a parameter by JSLoadContext and JSStoreContext operators and allows
// accessing a context-allocated variable without keeping track of the scope.
class ContextAccess FINAL {
ContextAccess(size_t depth, size_t index, bool immutable);
size_t depth() const { return depth_; }
size_t index() const { return index_; }
bool immutable() const { return immutable_; }
// For space reasons, we keep this tightly packed, otherwise we could just use
// a simple int/int/bool POD.
const bool immutable_;
const uint16_t depth_;
const uint32_t index_;
bool operator==(const ContextAccess& lhs, const ContextAccess& rhs);
bool operator!=(const ContextAccess& lhs, const ContextAccess& rhs);
const ContextAccess& ContextAccessOf(const Operator* op);
// Defines the property being loaded from an object by a named load. This is
// used as a parameter by JSLoadNamed operators.
class LoadNamedParameters FINAL {
LoadNamedParameters(const Unique<Name>& name, ContextualMode contextual_mode)
: name_(name), contextual_mode_(contextual_mode) {}
const Unique<Name>& name() const { return name_; }
ContextualMode contextual_mode() const { return contextual_mode_; }
const Unique<Name> name_;
const ContextualMode contextual_mode_;
const LoadNamedParameters& LoadNamedParametersOf(const Operator* op);
// Defines the property being stored to an object by a named store. This is
// used as a parameter by JSStoreNamed operators.
class StoreNamedParameters FINAL {
StoreNamedParameters(StrictMode strict_mode, const Unique<Name>& name)
: strict_mode_(strict_mode), name_(name) {}
StrictMode strict_mode() const { return strict_mode_; }
const Unique<Name>& name() const { return name_; }
const StrictMode strict_mode_;
const Unique<Name> name_;
const StoreNamedParameters& StoreNamedParametersOf(const Operator* op);
// Interface for building JavaScript-level operators, e.g. directly from the
// AST. Most operators have no parameters, thus can be globally shared for all
// graphs.
class JSOperatorBuilder FINAL {
explicit JSOperatorBuilder(Zone* zone);
const Operator* Equal();
const Operator* NotEqual();
const Operator* StrictEqual();
const Operator* StrictNotEqual();
const Operator* LessThan();
const Operator* GreaterThan();
const Operator* LessThanOrEqual();
const Operator* GreaterThanOrEqual();
const Operator* BitwiseOr();
const Operator* BitwiseXor();
const Operator* BitwiseAnd();
const Operator* ShiftLeft();
const Operator* ShiftRight();
const Operator* ShiftRightLogical();
const Operator* Add();
const Operator* Subtract();
const Operator* Multiply();
const Operator* Divide();
const Operator* Modulus();
const Operator* UnaryNot();
const Operator* ToBoolean();
const Operator* ToNumber();
const Operator* ToString();
const Operator* ToName();
const Operator* ToObject();
const Operator* Yield();
const Operator* Create();
const Operator* CallFunction(size_t arity, CallFunctionFlags flags);
const Operator* CallRuntime(Runtime::FunctionId id, size_t arity);
const Operator* CallConstruct(int arguments);
const Operator* LoadProperty();
const Operator* LoadNamed(const Unique<Name>& name,
ContextualMode contextual_mode = NOT_CONTEXTUAL);
const Operator* StoreProperty(StrictMode strict_mode);
const Operator* StoreNamed(StrictMode strict_mode, const Unique<Name>& name);
const Operator* DeleteProperty(StrictMode strict_mode);
const Operator* HasProperty();
const Operator* LoadContext(size_t depth, size_t index, bool immutable);
const Operator* StoreContext(size_t depth, size_t index);
const Operator* TypeOf();
const Operator* InstanceOf();
const Operator* Debugger();
// TODO(titzer): nail down the static parts of each of these context flavors.
const Operator* CreateFunctionContext();
const Operator* CreateCatchContext(const Unique<String>& name);
const Operator* CreateWithContext();
const Operator* CreateBlockContext();
const Operator* CreateModuleContext();
const Operator* CreateGlobalContext();
Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
const JSOperatorBuilderImpl& impl_;
Zone* const zone_;
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8