blob: 278e8449665f0289b01207248c85f0b380d57d6a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include 'src/builtins/builtins-typed-array-gen.h'
namespace typed_array {
extern runtime TypedArraySortFast(Context, Object): JSTypedArray;
extern macro TypedArrayBuiltinsAssembler::ValidateTypedArray(
Context, Object, constexpr string): JSTypedArray;
extern macro LoadFixedTypedArrayElementAsTagged(
RawPtr, Smi, constexpr ElementsKind, constexpr ParameterMode): Object;
extern macro StoreFixedTypedArrayElementFromTagged(
Context, FixedTypedArrayBase, Smi, Object, constexpr ElementsKind,
constexpr ParameterMode);
type LoadFn = builtin(Context, JSTypedArray, Smi) => Object;
type StoreFn = builtin(Context, JSTypedArray, Smi, Object) => Object;
// These UnsafeCast specializations are necessary becuase there is no
// way to definitively test whether an Object is a Torque function
// with a specific signature, and the default UnsafeCast implementation
// would try to check this through an assert(Is<>), so the test
// is bypassed in this specialization.
UnsafeCast<LoadFn>(implicit context: Context)(o: Object): LoadFn {
return %RawObjectCast<LoadFn>(o);
UnsafeCast<StoreFn>(implicit context: Context)(o: Object): StoreFn {
return %RawObjectCast<StoreFn>(o);
macro KindForArrayType<T: type>(): constexpr ElementsKind;
KindForArrayType<FixedUint8Array>(): constexpr ElementsKind {
KindForArrayType<FixedInt8Array>(): constexpr ElementsKind {
KindForArrayType<FixedUint16Array>(): constexpr ElementsKind {
KindForArrayType<FixedInt16Array>(): constexpr ElementsKind {
return INT16_ELEMENTS;
KindForArrayType<FixedUint32Array>(): constexpr ElementsKind {
KindForArrayType<FixedInt32Array>(): constexpr ElementsKind {
return INT32_ELEMENTS;
KindForArrayType<FixedFloat32Array>(): constexpr ElementsKind {
KindForArrayType<FixedFloat64Array>(): constexpr ElementsKind {
KindForArrayType<FixedUint8ClampedArray>(): constexpr ElementsKind {
KindForArrayType<FixedBigUint64Array>(): constexpr ElementsKind {
KindForArrayType<FixedBigInt64Array>(): constexpr ElementsKind {
builtin LoadFixedElement<T: type>(
context: Context, array: JSTypedArray, index: Smi): Object {
return LoadFixedTypedArrayElementAsTagged(
array.data_ptr, index, KindForArrayType<T>(), SMI_PARAMETERS);
builtin StoreFixedElement<T: type>(
context: Context, array: JSTypedArray, index: Smi,
value: Object): Object {
const elements: FixedTypedArrayBase =
context, elements, index, value, KindForArrayType<T>(), SMI_PARAMETERS);
return Undefined;
transitioning macro CallCompareWithDetachedCheck(
context: Context, array: JSTypedArray, comparefn: Callable, a: Object,
b: Object): Number
labels Detached {
// a. Let v be ? ToNumber(? Call(comparefn, undefined, x, y)).
const v: Number =
ToNumber_Inline(context, Call(context, comparefn, Undefined, a, b));
// b. If IsDetachedBuffer(buffer) is true, throw a TypeError exception.
if (IsDetachedBuffer(array.buffer)) goto Detached;
// c. If v is NaN, return +0.
if (NumberIsNaN(v)) return 0;
// d. return v.
return v;
// InsertionSort is used for smaller arrays.
transitioning macro TypedArrayInsertionSort(
context: Context, array: JSTypedArray, fromArg: Smi, toArg: Smi,
comparefn: Callable, load: LoadFn, store: StoreFn)
labels Detached {
let from: Smi = fromArg;
let to: Smi = toArg;
if (IsDetachedBuffer(array.buffer)) goto Detached;
for (let i: Smi = from + 1; i < to; ++i) {
const element: Object = load(context, array, i);
let j: Smi = i - 1;
for (; j >= from; --j) {
const tmp: Object = load(context, array, j);
const order: Number = CallCompareWithDetachedCheck(
context, array, comparefn, tmp, element) otherwise Detached;
if (order > 0) {
store(context, array, j + 1, tmp);
} else {
store(context, array, j + 1, element);
transitioning macro TypedArrayQuickSortImpl(
context: Context, array: JSTypedArray, fromArg: Smi, toArg: Smi,
comparefn: Callable, load: LoadFn, store: StoreFn)
labels Detached {
let from: Smi = fromArg;
let to: Smi = toArg;
while (to - from > 1) {
if (to - from <= 10) {
// TODO(szuend): Investigate InsertionSort removal.
// Currently it does not make any difference when the
// benchmarks are run locally.
context, array, from, to, comparefn, load, store)
otherwise Detached;
// TODO(szuend): Check if a more involved thirdIndex calculation is
// worth it for very large arrays.
const thirdIndex: Smi = from + ((to - from) >> 1);
if (IsDetachedBuffer(array.buffer)) goto Detached;
// Find a pivot as the median of first, last and middle element.
let v0: Object = load(context, array, from);
let v1: Object = load(context, array, to - 1);
let v2: Object = load(context, array, thirdIndex);
const c01: Number = CallCompareWithDetachedCheck(
context, array, comparefn, v0, v1) otherwise Detached;
if (c01 > 0) {
// v1 < v0, so swap them.
let tmp: Object = v0;
v0 = v1;
v1 = tmp;
// v0 <= v1.
const c02: Number = CallCompareWithDetachedCheck(
context, array, comparefn, v0, v2) otherwise Detached;
if (c02 >= 0) {
// v2 <= v0 <= v1.
const tmp: Object = v0;
v0 = v2;
v2 = v1;
v1 = tmp;
} else {
// v0 <= v1 && v0 < v2.
const c12: Number = CallCompareWithDetachedCheck(
context, array, comparefn, v1, v2) otherwise Detached;
if (c12 > 0) {
// v0 <= v2 < v1.
const tmp: Object = v1;
v1 = v2;
v2 = tmp;
// v0 <= v1 <= v2.
store(context, array, from, v0);
store(context, array, to - 1, v2);
const pivot: Object = v1;
let lowEnd: Smi = from + 1; // Upper bound of elems lower than pivot.
let highStart: Smi = to - 1; // Lower bound of elems greater than pivot.
let lowEndValue: Object = load(context, array, lowEnd);
store(context, array, thirdIndex, lowEndValue);
store(context, array, lowEnd, pivot);
// From lowEnd to idx are elements equal to pivot.
// From idx to highStart are elements that haven"t been compared yet.
for (let idx: Smi = lowEnd + 1; idx < highStart; idx++) {
let element: Object = load(context, array, idx);
let order: Number = CallCompareWithDetachedCheck(
context, array, comparefn, element, pivot) otherwise Detached;
if (order < 0) {
lowEndValue = load(context, array, lowEnd);
store(context, array, idx, lowEndValue);
store(context, array, lowEnd, element);
} else if (order > 0) {
let breakFor: bool = false;
while (order > 0) {
if (highStart == idx) {
breakFor = true;
const topElement: Object = load(context, array, highStart);
order = CallCompareWithDetachedCheck(
context, array, comparefn, topElement, pivot)
otherwise Detached;
if (breakFor) {
const highStartValue: Object = load(context, array, highStart);
store(context, array, idx, highStartValue);
store(context, array, highStart, element);
if (order < 0) {
element = load(context, array, idx);
lowEndValue = load(context, array, lowEnd);
store(context, array, idx, lowEndValue);
store(context, array, lowEnd, element);
if ((to - highStart) < (lowEnd - from)) {
context, array, highStart, to, comparefn, load, store);
to = lowEnd;
} else {
context, array, from, lowEnd, comparefn, load, store);
from = highStart;
transitioning builtin TypedArrayQuickSort(
context: Context, array: JSTypedArray, from: Smi, to: Smi,
comparefn: Callable, load: LoadFn, store: StoreFn): JSTypedArray {
try {
TypedArrayQuickSortImpl(context, array, from, to, comparefn, load, store)
otherwise Detached;
label Detached {
context, kDetachedOperation, '%TypedArray%.prototype.sort');
return array;
transitioning javascript builtin TypedArrayPrototypeSort(
context: Context, receiver: Object, ...arguments): JSTypedArray {
// 1. If comparefn is not undefined and IsCallable(comparefn) is false,
// throw a TypeError exception.
const comparefnObj: Object =
arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : Undefined;
if (comparefnObj != Undefined && !TaggedIsCallable(comparefnObj)) {
ThrowTypeError(context, kBadSortComparisonFunction, comparefnObj);
// 2. Let obj be the this value.
const obj: Object = receiver;
// 3. Let buffer be ? ValidateTypedArray(obj).
// ValidateTypedArray currently returns the array, not the ViewBuffer.
const array: JSTypedArray =
ValidateTypedArray(context, obj, '%TypedArray%.prototype.sort');
// Default sorting is done in C++ using std::sort
if (comparefnObj == Undefined) {
return TypedArraySortFast(context, obj);
// 4. Let len be obj.[[ArrayLength]].
const len: Smi = array.length;
try {
const comparefn: Callable =
Cast<Callable>(comparefnObj) otherwise CastError;
let loadfn: LoadFn;
let storefn: StoreFn;
let elementsKind: ElementsKind = array.elements_kind;
if (IsElementsKindGreaterThan(elementsKind, UINT32_ELEMENTS)) {
if (elementsKind == INT32_ELEMENTS) {
loadfn = LoadFixedElement<FixedInt32Array>;
storefn = StoreFixedElement<FixedInt32Array>;
} else if (elementsKind == FLOAT32_ELEMENTS) {
loadfn = LoadFixedElement<FixedFloat32Array>;
storefn = StoreFixedElement<FixedFloat32Array>;
} else if (elementsKind == FLOAT64_ELEMENTS) {
loadfn = LoadFixedElement<FixedFloat64Array>;
storefn = StoreFixedElement<FixedFloat64Array>;
} else if (elementsKind == UINT8_CLAMPED_ELEMENTS) {
loadfn = LoadFixedElement<FixedUint8ClampedArray>;
storefn = StoreFixedElement<FixedUint8ClampedArray>;
} else if (elementsKind == BIGUINT64_ELEMENTS) {
loadfn = LoadFixedElement<FixedBigUint64Array>;
storefn = StoreFixedElement<FixedBigUint64Array>;
} else if (elementsKind == BIGINT64_ELEMENTS) {
loadfn = LoadFixedElement<FixedBigInt64Array>;
storefn = StoreFixedElement<FixedBigInt64Array>;
} else {
} else {
if (elementsKind == UINT8_ELEMENTS) {
loadfn = LoadFixedElement<FixedUint8Array>;
storefn = StoreFixedElement<FixedUint8Array>;
} else if (elementsKind == INT8_ELEMENTS) {
loadfn = LoadFixedElement<FixedInt8Array>;
storefn = StoreFixedElement<FixedInt8Array>;
} else if (elementsKind == UINT16_ELEMENTS) {
loadfn = LoadFixedElement<FixedUint16Array>;
storefn = StoreFixedElement<FixedUint16Array>;
} else if (elementsKind == INT16_ELEMENTS) {
loadfn = LoadFixedElement<FixedInt16Array>;
storefn = StoreFixedElement<FixedInt16Array>;
} else if (elementsKind == UINT32_ELEMENTS) {
loadfn = LoadFixedElement<FixedUint32Array>;
storefn = StoreFixedElement<FixedUint32Array>;
} else {
TypedArrayQuickSort(context, array, 0, len, comparefn, loadfn, storefn);
label CastError {
return array;