blob: b4873ff2d8f91c01687ca9a2efd1e3d41291f1a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/compiler/gap-resolver.h"
#include "src/compiler/instruction.h"
#include "src/compiler/unwinding-info-writer.h"
#include "src/deoptimizer.h"
#include "src/macro-assembler.h"
#include "src/safepoint-table.h"
#include "src/source-position-table.h"
#include "src/trap-handler/trap-handler.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class CompilationInfo;
namespace compiler {
// Forward declarations.
class DeoptimizationExit;
class FrameAccessState;
class Linkage;
class OutOfLineCode;
struct BranchInfo {
FlagsCondition condition;
Label* true_label;
Label* false_label;
bool fallthru;
class InstructionOperandIterator {
InstructionOperandIterator(Instruction* instr, size_t pos)
: instr_(instr), pos_(pos) {}
Instruction* instruction() const { return instr_; }
InstructionOperand* Advance() { return instr_->InputAt(pos_++); }
Instruction* instr_;
size_t pos_;
// Generates native code for a sequence of instructions.
class CodeGenerator final : public GapResolver::Assembler {
explicit CodeGenerator(Frame* frame, Linkage* linkage,
InstructionSequence* code, CompilationInfo* info);
// Generate native code.
Handle<Code> GenerateCode();
InstructionSequence* code() const { return code_; }
FrameAccessState* frame_access_state() const { return frame_access_state_; }
const Frame* frame() const { return frame_access_state_->frame(); }
Isolate* isolate() const;
Linkage* linkage() const { return linkage_; }
Label* GetLabel(RpoNumber rpo) { return &labels_[rpo.ToSize()]; }
void AssembleSourcePosition(Instruction* instr);
void AssembleSourcePosition(SourcePosition source_position);
// Record a safepoint with the given pointer map.
void RecordSafepoint(ReferenceMap* references, Safepoint::Kind kind,
int arguments, Safepoint::DeoptMode deopt_mode);
MacroAssembler* masm() { return &masm_; }
GapResolver* resolver() { return &resolver_; }
SafepointTableBuilder* safepoints() { return &safepoints_; }
Zone* zone() const { return code()->zone(); }
CompilationInfo* info() const { return info_; }
// Create the FrameAccessState object. The Frame is immutable from here on.
void CreateFrameAccessState(Frame* frame);
// Architecture - specific frame finalization.
void FinishFrame(Frame* frame);
// Checks if {block} will appear directly after {current_block_} when
// assembling code, in which case, a fall-through can be used.
bool IsNextInAssemblyOrder(RpoNumber block) const;
// Check if a heap object can be materialized by loading from a heap root,
// which is cheaper on some platforms than materializing the actual heap
// object constant.
bool IsMaterializableFromRoot(Handle<HeapObject> object,
Heap::RootListIndex* index_return);
enum CodeGenResult { kSuccess, kTooManyDeoptimizationBailouts };
// Assemble instructions for the specified block.
CodeGenResult AssembleBlock(const InstructionBlock* block);
// Assemble code for the specified instruction.
CodeGenResult AssembleInstruction(Instruction* instr,
const InstructionBlock* block);
void AssembleGaps(Instruction* instr);
// Returns true if a instruction is a tail call that needs to adjust the stack
// pointer before execution. The stack slot index to the empty slot above the
// adjusted stack pointer is returned in |slot|.
bool GetSlotAboveSPBeforeTailCall(Instruction* instr, int* slot);
// ===========================================================================
// ============= Architecture-specific code generation methods. ==============
// ===========================================================================
CodeGenResult AssembleArchInstruction(Instruction* instr);
void AssembleArchJump(RpoNumber target);
void AssembleArchBranch(Instruction* instr, BranchInfo* branch);
void AssembleArchBoolean(Instruction* instr, FlagsCondition condition);
void AssembleArchTrap(Instruction* instr, FlagsCondition condition);
void AssembleArchLookupSwitch(Instruction* instr);
void AssembleArchTableSwitch(Instruction* instr);
CodeGenResult AssembleDeoptimizerCall(int deoptimization_id,
SourcePosition pos);
// Generates an architecture-specific, descriptor-specific prologue
// to set up a stack frame.
void AssembleConstructFrame();
// Generates an architecture-specific, descriptor-specific return sequence
// to tear down a stack frame.
void AssembleReturn(InstructionOperand* pop);
void AssembleDeconstructFrame();
// Generates code to manipulate the stack in preparation for a tail call.
void AssemblePrepareTailCall();
// Generates code to pop current frame if it is an arguments adaptor frame.
void AssemblePopArgumentsAdaptorFrame(Register args_reg, Register scratch1,
Register scratch2, Register scratch3);
enum PushTypeFlag {
kImmediatePush = 0x1,
kScalarPush = 0x2,
kFloat32Push = 0x4,
kFloat64Push = 0x8,
kFloatPush = kFloat32Push | kFloat64Push
typedef base::Flags<PushTypeFlag> PushTypeFlags;
static bool IsValidPush(InstructionOperand source, PushTypeFlags push_type);
// Generate a list moves from an instruction that are candidates to be turned
// into push instructions on platforms that support them. In general, the list
// of push candidates are moves to a set of contiguous destination
// InstructionOperand locations on the stack that don't clobber values that
// are needed for resolve the gap or use values generated by the gap,
// i.e. moves that can be hoisted together before the actual gap and assembled
// together.
static void GetPushCompatibleMoves(Instruction* instr,
PushTypeFlags push_type,
ZoneVector<MoveOperands*>* pushes);
// Called before a tail call |instr|'s gap moves are assembled and allows
// gap-specific pre-processing, e.g. adjustment of the sp for tail calls that
// need it before gap moves or conversion of certain gap moves into pushes.
void AssembleTailCallBeforeGap(Instruction* instr,
int first_unused_stack_slot);
// Called after a tail call |instr|'s gap moves are assembled and allows
// gap-specific post-processing, e.g. adjustment of the sp for tail calls that
// need it after gap moves.
void AssembleTailCallAfterGap(Instruction* instr,
int first_unused_stack_slot);
void FinishCode();
// ===========================================================================
// ============== Architecture-specific gap resolver methods. ================
// ===========================================================================
// Interface used by the gap resolver to emit moves and swaps.
void AssembleMove(InstructionOperand* source,
InstructionOperand* destination) final;
void AssembleSwap(InstructionOperand* source,
InstructionOperand* destination) final;
// ===========================================================================
// =================== Jump table construction methods. ======================
// ===========================================================================
class JumpTable;
// Adds a jump table that is emitted after the actual code. Returns label
// pointing to the beginning of the table. {targets} is assumed to be static
// or zone allocated.
Label* AddJumpTable(Label** targets, size_t target_count);
// Emits a jump table.
void AssembleJumpTable(Label** targets, size_t target_count);
// ===========================================================================
// ================== Deoptimization table construction. =====================
// ===========================================================================
void RecordCallPosition(Instruction* instr);
void PopulateDeoptimizationData(Handle<Code> code);
int DefineDeoptimizationLiteral(Handle<Object> literal);
DeoptimizationEntry const& GetDeoptimizationEntry(Instruction* instr,
size_t frame_state_offset);
DeoptimizeKind GetDeoptimizationKind(int deoptimization_id) const;
DeoptimizeReason GetDeoptimizationReason(int deoptimization_id) const;
int BuildTranslation(Instruction* instr, int pc_offset,
size_t frame_state_offset,
OutputFrameStateCombine state_combine);
void BuildTranslationForFrameStateDescriptor(
FrameStateDescriptor* descriptor, InstructionOperandIterator* iter,
Translation* translation, OutputFrameStateCombine state_combine);
void TranslateStateValueDescriptor(StateValueDescriptor* desc,
StateValueList* nested,
Translation* translation,
InstructionOperandIterator* iter);
void TranslateFrameStateDescriptorOperands(FrameStateDescriptor* desc,
InstructionOperandIterator* iter,
OutputFrameStateCombine combine,
Translation* translation);
void AddTranslationForOperand(Translation* translation, Instruction* instr,
InstructionOperand* op, MachineType type);
void EnsureSpaceForLazyDeopt();
void MarkLazyDeoptSite();
DeoptimizationExit* AddDeoptimizationExit(Instruction* instr,
size_t frame_state_offset);
// ===========================================================================
class DeoptimizationState final : public ZoneObject {
DeoptimizationState(BailoutId bailout_id, int translation_id, int pc_offset,
DeoptimizeKind kind, DeoptimizeReason reason)
: bailout_id_(bailout_id),
reason_(reason) {}
BailoutId bailout_id() const { return bailout_id_; }
int translation_id() const { return translation_id_; }
int pc_offset() const { return pc_offset_; }
DeoptimizeKind kind() const { return kind_; }
DeoptimizeReason reason() const { return reason_; }
BailoutId bailout_id_;
int translation_id_;
int pc_offset_;
DeoptimizeKind kind_;
DeoptimizeReason reason_;
struct HandlerInfo {
Label* handler;
int pc_offset;
friend class OutOfLineCode;
FrameAccessState* frame_access_state_;
Linkage* const linkage_;
InstructionSequence* const code_;
UnwindingInfoWriter unwinding_info_writer_;
CompilationInfo* const info_;
Label* const labels_;
Label return_label_;
RpoNumber current_block_;
SourcePosition current_source_position_;
MacroAssembler masm_;
GapResolver resolver_;
SafepointTableBuilder safepoints_;
ZoneVector<HandlerInfo> handlers_;
ZoneDeque<DeoptimizationExit*> deoptimization_exits_;
ZoneDeque<DeoptimizationState*> deoptimization_states_;
ZoneDeque<Handle<Object>> deoptimization_literals_;
size_t inlined_function_count_;
TranslationBuffer translations_;
int last_lazy_deopt_pc_;
JumpTable* jump_tables_;
OutOfLineCode* ools_;
int osr_pc_offset_;
int optimized_out_literal_id_;
SourcePositionTableBuilder source_position_table_builder_;
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8