blob: c2177d7945ebcbe01effc982095f67d0938c1d21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/globals.h"
#include "src/roots.h"
#include "src/objects.h"
// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards):
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class Heap;
// HeapObject is the superclass for all classes describing heap allocated
// objects.
class HeapObject : public Object {
bool is_null() const { return ptr() == kNullAddress; }
// [map]: Contains a map which contains the object's reflective
// information.
inline Map map() const;
inline void set_map(Map value);
inline MapWordSlot map_slot() const;
// The no-write-barrier version. This is OK if the object is white and in
// new space, or if the value is an immortal immutable object, like the maps
// of primitive (non-JS) objects like strings, heap numbers etc.
inline void set_map_no_write_barrier(Map value);
// Get the map using acquire load.
inline Map synchronized_map() const;
inline MapWord synchronized_map_word() const;
// Set the map using release store
inline void synchronized_set_map(Map value);
inline void synchronized_set_map_word(MapWord map_word);
// Initialize the map immediately after the object is allocated.
// Do not use this outside Heap.
inline void set_map_after_allocation(
Map value, WriteBarrierMode mode = UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER);
// During garbage collection, the map word of a heap object does not
// necessarily contain a map pointer.
inline MapWord map_word() const;
inline void set_map_word(MapWord map_word);
// TODO(v8:7464): Once RO_SPACE is shared between isolates, this method can be
// removed as ReadOnlyRoots will be accessible from a global variable. For now
// this method exists to help remove GetIsolate/GetHeap from HeapObject, in a
// way that doesn't require passing Isolate/Heap down huge call chains or to
// places where it might not be safe to access it.
inline ReadOnlyRoots GetReadOnlyRoots() const;
#define IS_TYPE_FUNCTION_DECL(Type) V8_INLINE bool Is##Type() const;
bool IsExternal(Isolate* isolate) const;
// Oddball checks are faster when they are raw pointer comparisons, so the
// isolate/read-only roots overloads should be preferred where possible.
#define IS_TYPE_FUNCTION_DECL(Type, Value) \
V8_INLINE bool Is##Type(Isolate* isolate) const; \
V8_INLINE bool Is##Type(ReadOnlyRoots roots) const; \
V8_INLINE bool Is##Type() const;
V8_INLINE bool IsNullOrUndefined(Isolate* isolate) const;
V8_INLINE bool IsNullOrUndefined(ReadOnlyRoots roots) const;
V8_INLINE bool IsNullOrUndefined() const;
#define DECL_STRUCT_PREDICATE(NAME, Name, name) V8_INLINE bool Is##Name() const;
// Converts an address to a HeapObject pointer.
static inline HeapObject FromAddress(Address address) {
return HeapObject(address + kHeapObjectTag);
// Returns the address of this HeapObject.
inline Address address() const { return ptr() - kHeapObjectTag; }
// Iterates over pointers contained in the object (including the Map).
// If it's not performance critical iteration use the non-templatized
// version.
void Iterate(ObjectVisitor* v);
template <typename ObjectVisitor>
inline void IterateFast(ObjectVisitor* v);
// Iterates over all pointers contained in the object except the
// first map pointer. The object type is given in the first
// parameter. This function does not access the map pointer in the
// object, and so is safe to call while the map pointer is modified.
// If it's not performance critical iteration use the non-templatized
// version.
void IterateBody(ObjectVisitor* v);
void IterateBody(Map map, int object_size, ObjectVisitor* v);
template <typename ObjectVisitor>
inline void IterateBodyFast(ObjectVisitor* v);
template <typename ObjectVisitor>
inline void IterateBodyFast(Map map, int object_size, ObjectVisitor* v);
// Returns true if the object contains a tagged value at given offset.
// It is used for invalid slots filtering. If the offset points outside
// of the object or to the map word, the result is UNDEFINED (!!!).
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool IsValidSlot(Map map, int offset);
// Returns the heap object's size in bytes
inline int Size() const;
// Given a heap object's map pointer, returns the heap size in bytes
// Useful when the map pointer field is used for other purposes.
// GC internal.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE int SizeFromMap(Map map) const;
// Returns the field at offset in obj, as a read/write Object reference.
// Does no checking, and is safe to use during GC, while maps are invalid.
// Does not invoke write barrier, so should only be assigned to
// during marking GC.
inline ObjectSlot RawField(int byte_offset) const;
inline MaybeObjectSlot RawMaybeWeakField(int byte_offset) const;
// Return the write barrier mode for this. Callers of this function
// must be able to present a reference to an DisallowHeapAllocation
// object as a sign that they are not going to use this function
// from code that allocates and thus invalidates the returned write
// barrier mode.
inline WriteBarrierMode GetWriteBarrierMode(
const DisallowHeapAllocation& promise);
// Dispatched behavior.
void HeapObjectShortPrint(std::ostream& os); // NOLINT
void PrintHeader(std::ostream& os, const char* id); // NOLINT
inline void VerifyObjectField(Isolate* isolate, int offset);
inline void VerifySmiField(int offset);
inline void VerifyMaybeObjectField(Isolate* isolate, int offset);
// Verify a pointer is a valid HeapObject pointer that points to object
// areas in the heap.
static void VerifyHeapPointer(Isolate* isolate, Object p);
static inline AllocationAlignment RequiredAlignment(Map map);
// Whether the object needs rehashing. That is the case if the object's
// content depends on FLAG_hash_seed. When the object is deserialized into
// a heap with a different hash seed, these objects need to adapt.
bool NeedsRehashing() const;
// Rehashing support is not implemented for all objects that need rehashing.
// With objects that need rehashing but cannot be rehashed, rehashing has to
// be disabled.
bool CanBeRehashed() const;
// Rehash the object based on the layout inferred from its map.
void RehashBasedOnMap(ReadOnlyRoots root);
// Layout description.
V(kMapOffset, kTaggedSize) \
/* Header size. */ \
V(kHeaderSize, 0)
STATIC_ASSERT(kMapOffset == Internals::kHeapObjectMapOffset);
inline Address GetFieldAddress(int field_offset) const;
// Special-purpose constructor for subclasses that have fast paths where
// their ptr() is a Smi.
enum class AllowInlineSmiStorage { kRequireHeapObjectTag, kAllowBeingASmi };
inline HeapObject(Address ptr, AllowInlineSmiStorage allow_smi);
// Helper class for objects that can never be in RO space.
class NeverReadOnlySpaceObject {
// The Heap the object was allocated in. Used also to access Isolate.
static inline Heap* GetHeap(const HeapObject object);
// Convenience method to get current isolate.
static inline Isolate* GetIsolate(const HeapObject object);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"