blob: ad90ed36a370448e54d95d1b6e834b3f7bd77cfd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "src/handles/maybe-handles.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class FeedbackMetadata;
class PersistentHandles;
class Script;
class SharedFunctionInfo;
class String;
struct ScriptDetails;
// Contains data transferred between threads for background merging between a
// newly compiled or deserialized script and an existing script from the Isolate
// compilation cache.
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE BackgroundMergeTask {
// Step 1: on the main thread, check whether the Isolate compilation cache
// contains the script.
void SetUpOnMainThread(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> source_text,
const ScriptDetails& script_details,
LanguageMode language_mode);
// Alternative step 1: on the main thread, if the caller has already looked up
// the script in the Isolate compilation cache, set up the necessary
// persistent data for the background merge.
void SetUpOnMainThread(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Script> cached_script);
// Step 2: on the background thread, update pointers in the new Script's
// object graph to point to corresponding objects from the cached Script where
// appropriate. May only be called if HasPendingBackgroundWork returned true.
void BeginMergeInBackground(LocalIsolate* isolate, Handle<Script> new_script);
// Step 3: on the main thread again, complete the merge so that all relevant
// objects are reachable from the cached Script. May only be called if
// HasPendingForegroundWork returned true. Returns the top-level
// SharedFunctionInfo that should be used.
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> CompleteMergeInForeground(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Script> new_script);
bool HasPendingBackgroundWork() const {
return state_ == kPendingBackgroundWork;
bool HasPendingForegroundWork() const {
return state_ == kPendingForegroundWork;
std::unique_ptr<PersistentHandles> persistent_handles_;
// Data from main thread:
MaybeHandle<Script> cached_script_;
// Data from background thread:
// The top-level SharedFunctionInfo from the cached script, if one existed,
// just to keep it alive.
MaybeHandle<SharedFunctionInfo> toplevel_sfi_from_cached_script_;
// New SharedFunctionInfos which are used because there was no corresponding
// SharedFunctionInfo in the cached script. The main thread must:
// 1. Check whether the cached script gained corresponding SharedFunctionInfos
// for any of these, and if so, redo the merge.
// 2. Update the cached script's shared_function_infos list to refer to these.
std::vector<Handle<SharedFunctionInfo>> used_new_sfis_;
// SharedFunctionInfos from the cached script which were not compiled, with
// the corresponding new SharedFunctionInfo. If the SharedFunctionInfo from
// the cached script is still uncompiled when finishing, the main thread must
// copy all fields from the new SharedFunctionInfo to the SharedFunctionInfo
// from the cached script.
struct NewCompiledDataForCachedSfi {
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> cached_sfi;
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> new_sfi;
std::vector<NewCompiledDataForCachedSfi> new_compiled_data_for_cached_sfis_;
enum State {
State state_ = kNotStarted;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8