blob: aa4a254c546800aafd0743324722c687b5bf60b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/heap/allocation-observer.h"
#include "src/heap/allocation-result.h"
#include "src/heap/gc-tracer.h"
#include "src/heap/linear-allocation-area.h"
#include "src/tasks/cancelable-task.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class Heap;
class LocalHeap;
class MainAllocator;
class PagedNewSpace;
class PagedSpaceBase;
class SemiSpaceNewSpace;
class SpaceWithLinearArea;
class AllocatorPolicy {
explicit AllocatorPolicy(MainAllocator* allocator);
virtual ~AllocatorPolicy() = default;
// Sets up a linear allocation area that fits the given number of bytes.
// Returns false if there is not enough space and the caller has to retry
// after collecting garbage.
// Writes to `max_aligned_size` the actual number of bytes used for checking
// that there is enough space.
virtual bool EnsureAllocation(int size_in_bytes,
AllocationAlignment alignment,
AllocationOrigin origin) = 0;
virtual void FreeLinearAllocationArea() = 0;
virtual bool SupportsExtendingLAB() const { return false; }
Heap* space_heap() const;
Heap* isolate_heap() const;
MainAllocator* const allocator_;
class SemiSpaceNewSpaceAllocatorPolicy final : public AllocatorPolicy {
explicit SemiSpaceNewSpaceAllocatorPolicy(SemiSpaceNewSpace* space,
MainAllocator* allocator)
: AllocatorPolicy(allocator), space_(space) {}
bool EnsureAllocation(int size_in_bytes, AllocationAlignment alignment,
AllocationOrigin origin) final;
void FreeLinearAllocationArea() final;
static constexpr int kLabSizeInGC = 32 * KB;
void FreeLinearAllocationAreaUnsynchronized();
SemiSpaceNewSpace* const space_;
class PagedSpaceAllocatorPolicy final : public AllocatorPolicy {
PagedSpaceAllocatorPolicy(PagedSpaceBase* space, MainAllocator* allocator)
: AllocatorPolicy(allocator), space_(space) {}
bool EnsureAllocation(int size_in_bytes, AllocationAlignment alignment,
AllocationOrigin origin) final;
void FreeLinearAllocationArea() final;
bool RefillLab(int size_in_bytes, AllocationOrigin origin);
// Returns true if allocation may be possible after sweeping.
bool ContributeToSweeping(
uint32_t max_pages = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
bool TryAllocationFromFreeList(size_t size_in_bytes, AllocationOrigin origin);
bool TryExpandAndAllocate(size_t size_in_bytes, AllocationOrigin origin);
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool TryExtendLAB(int size_in_bytes);
void SetLinearAllocationArea(Address top, Address limit, Address end);
void FreeLinearAllocationAreaUnsynchronized();
PagedSpaceBase* const space_;
friend class PagedNewSpaceAllocatorPolicy;
class PagedNewSpaceAllocatorPolicy final : public AllocatorPolicy {
PagedNewSpaceAllocatorPolicy(PagedNewSpace* space, MainAllocator* allocator);
bool EnsureAllocation(int size_in_bytes, AllocationAlignment alignment,
AllocationOrigin origin) final;
void FreeLinearAllocationArea() final;
bool SupportsExtendingLAB() const final { return true; }
bool TryAllocatePage(int size_in_bytes, AllocationOrigin origin);
bool WaitForSweepingForAllocation(int size_in_bytes, AllocationOrigin origin);
PagedNewSpace* const space_;
std::unique_ptr<PagedSpaceAllocatorPolicy> paged_space_allocator_policy_;
class LinearAreaOriginalData {
Address get_original_top_acquire() const {
return original_top_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
Address get_original_limit_relaxed() const {
return original_limit_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
void set_original_top_release(Address top) {, std::memory_order_release);
void set_original_limit_relaxed(Address limit) {, std::memory_order_relaxed);
base::SharedMutex* linear_area_lock() { return &linear_area_lock_; }
// The top and the limit at the time of setting the linear allocation area.
// These values can be accessed by background tasks. Protected by
// pending_allocation_mutex_.
std::atomic<Address> original_top_ = 0;
std::atomic<Address> original_limit_ = 0;
// Protects original_top_ and original_limit_.
base::SharedMutex linear_area_lock_;
class MainAllocator {
struct InGCTag {};
static constexpr InGCTag kInGC{};
enum class IsNewGeneration { kNo, kYes };
// Use this constructor on main/background threads. `allocation_info` can be
// used for allocation support in generated code (currently new and old
// space).
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE MainAllocator(
LocalHeap* heap, SpaceWithLinearArea* space,
IsNewGeneration is_new_generation,
LinearAllocationArea* allocation_info = nullptr);
// Use this constructor for GC LABs/allocations.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE MainAllocator(Heap* heap, SpaceWithLinearArea* space,
// Returns the allocation pointer in this space.
Address start() const { return allocation_info_->start(); }
Address top() const { return allocation_info_->top(); }
Address limit() const { return allocation_info_->limit(); }
// The allocation top address.
Address* allocation_top_address() const {
return allocation_info_->top_address();
// The allocation limit address.
Address* allocation_limit_address() const {
return allocation_info_->limit_address();
Address original_top_acquire() const {
return linear_area_original_data().get_original_top_acquire();
Address original_limit_relaxed() const {
return linear_area_original_data().get_original_limit_relaxed();
void MoveOriginalTopForward();
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void ResetLab(Address start, Address end,
Address extended_end);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool IsPendingAllocation(Address object_address);
LinearAllocationArea& allocation_info() { return *allocation_info_; }
const LinearAllocationArea& allocation_info() const {
return *allocation_info_;
AllocationCounter& allocation_counter() {
return allocation_counter_.value();
const AllocationCounter& allocation_counter() const {
return allocation_counter_.value();
AllocateRaw(int size_in_bytes, AllocationAlignment alignment,
AllocationOrigin origin);
AllocateRawForceAlignmentForTesting(int size_in_bytes,
AllocationAlignment alignment,
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void AddAllocationObserver(AllocationObserver* observer);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void RemoveAllocationObserver(AllocationObserver* observer);
void PauseAllocationObservers();
void ResumeAllocationObservers();
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void AdvanceAllocationObservers();
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void InvokeAllocationObservers(Address soon_object,
size_t size_in_bytes,
size_t aligned_size_in_bytes,
size_t allocation_size);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void MakeLinearAllocationAreaIterable();
void MarkLinearAllocationAreaBlack();
void UnmarkLinearAllocationArea();
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE Address AlignTopForTesting(AllocationAlignment alignment,
int offset);
V8_INLINE bool TryFreeLast(Address object_address, int object_size);
// When allocation observers are active we may use a lower limit to allow the
// observers to 'interrupt' earlier than the natural limit. Given a linear
// area bounded by [start, end), this function computes the limit to use to
// allow proper observation based on existing observers. min_size specifies
// the minimum size that the limited area should have.
Address ComputeLimit(Address start, Address end, size_t min_size) const;
void Verify() const;
#endif // DEBUG
// Checks whether the LAB is currently in use.
V8_INLINE bool IsLabValid() {
return allocation_info_->top() != kNullAddress;
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void FreeLinearAllocationArea();
void ExtendLAB(Address limit);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool EnsureAllocationForTesting(
int size_in_bytes, AllocationAlignment alignment,
AllocationOrigin origin);
enum class BlackAllocation {
static constexpr BlackAllocation ComputeBlackAllocation(IsNewGeneration);
// Allocates an object from the linear allocation area. Assumes that the
// linear allocation area is large enough to fit the object.
AllocateFastUnaligned(int size_in_bytes, AllocationOrigin origin);
// Tries to allocate an aligned object from the linear allocation area.
// Returns nullptr if the linear allocation area does not fit the object.
// Otherwise, returns the object pointer and writes the allocation size
// (object size + alignment filler size) to the result_aligned_size_in_bytes.
AllocateFastAligned(int size_in_bytes, int* result_aligned_size_in_bytes,
AllocationAlignment alignment, AllocationOrigin origin);
// Slow path of allocation function
AllocateRawSlow(int size_in_bytes, AllocationAlignment alignment,
AllocationOrigin origin);
// Allocate the requested number of bytes in the space if possible, return a
// failure object if not.
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT AllocationResult AllocateRawSlowUnaligned(
int size_in_bytes, AllocationOrigin origin = AllocationOrigin::kRuntime);
// Allocate the requested number of bytes in the space double aligned if
// possible, return a failure object if not.
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT AllocationResult
AllocateRawSlowAligned(int size_in_bytes, AllocationAlignment alignment,
AllocationOrigin origin = AllocationOrigin::kRuntime);
bool EnsureAllocation(int size_in_bytes, AllocationAlignment alignment,
AllocationOrigin origin);
void MarkLabStartInitialized();
bool IsBlackAllocationEnabled() const;
LinearAreaOriginalData& linear_area_original_data() {
return linear_area_original_data_.value();
const LinearAreaOriginalData& linear_area_original_data() const {
return linear_area_original_data_.value();
int ObjectAlignment() const;
AllocationSpace identity() const;
bool SupportsAllocationObserver() const {
return allocation_counter_.has_value();
bool SupportsPendingAllocation() const {
return linear_area_original_data_.has_value();
// Returns true when this LAB is used during GC.
bool in_gc() const { return local_heap_ == nullptr; }
// Returns true when this LAB is used during GC and the space is in the heap
// that is currently collected. This is needed because a GC can directly
// promote new space objects into shared space (which might not be currently
// collected in worker isolates).
bool in_gc_for_space() const;
bool supports_extending_lab() const { return supports_extending_lab_; }
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool is_main_thread() const;
LocalHeap* local_heap() const { return local_heap_; }
// The heap for the current thread (respectively LocalHeap). See comment for
// `space_heap()` as well.
Heap* isolate_heap() const { return isolate_heap_; }
// Returns the space's heap. Note that this might differ from `isolate_heap()`
// for shared space in worker isolates.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE Heap* space_heap() const;
// The current main or background thread's LocalHeap. nullptr for GC threads.
LocalHeap* const local_heap_;
Heap* const isolate_heap_;
SpaceWithLinearArea* const space_;
std::optional<AllocationCounter> allocation_counter_;
LinearAllocationArea* const allocation_info_;
// This memory is used if no LinearAllocationArea& is passed in as argument.
LinearAllocationArea owned_allocation_info_;
std::optional<LinearAreaOriginalData> linear_area_original_data_;
std::unique_ptr<AllocatorPolicy> allocator_policy_;
const bool supports_extending_lab_;
const BlackAllocation black_allocation_;
friend class AllocatorPolicy;
friend class PagedSpaceAllocatorPolicy;
friend class SemiSpaceNewSpaceAllocatorPolicy;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8