blob: 131bf3f09074b38b9794806e4669932b7e0a1f6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/objects/struct.h"
#include "src/objects/trusted-object.h"
// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards):
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class BytecodeWrapper;
namespace interpreter {
class Register;
} // namespace interpreter
// TODO(jgruber): These should no longer be included here; instead, all
// TorqueGeneratedFooAsserts should be emitted into a global .cc file.
#include "torque-generated/src/objects/"
// BytecodeArray represents a sequence of interpreter bytecodes.
class BytecodeArray : public ExposedTrustedObject {
// The length of this bytecode array, in bytes.
inline int length() const;
inline int length(AcquireLoadTag tag) const;
inline void set_length(int value);
inline void set_length(int value, ReleaseStoreTag tag);
// The handler table contains offsets of exception handlers.
DECL_PROTECTED_POINTER_ACCESSORS(handler_table, TrustedByteArray)
DECL_PROTECTED_POINTER_ACCESSORS(constant_pool, TrustedFixedArray)
// The BytecodeWrapper for this BytecodeArray. When the sandbox is enabled,
// the BytecodeArray lives in trusted space outside of the sandbox, but the
// wrapper object lives inside the main heap and therefore inside the
// sandbox. As such, the wrapper object can be used in cases where a
// BytecodeArray needs to be referenced alongside other tagged pointer
// references (so for example inside a FixedArray).
DECL_ACCESSORS(wrapper, Tagged<BytecodeWrapper>)
// Source position table. Can contain:
// * Smi::zero() (initial value, or if an error occurred while explicitly
// collecting source positions for pre-existing bytecode).
// * empty_trusted_byte_array (for bytecode generated for functions that will
// never have source positions, e.g. native functions).
// * TrustedByteArray (if source positions were collected for the bytecode)
static constexpr int SizeFor(int length) {
return OBJECT_POINTER_ALIGN(kHeaderSize + length);
inline uint8_t get(int index) const;
inline void set(int index, uint8_t value);
inline Address GetFirstBytecodeAddress();
// Note: The register count is derived from frame_size.
inline int register_count() const;
// Note: the parameter count includes the implicit 'this' receiver.
inline int32_t parameter_count() const;
inline void set_parameter_count(int32_t number_of_parameters);
inline interpreter::Register incoming_new_target_or_generator_register()
inline void set_incoming_new_target_or_generator_register(
interpreter::Register incoming_new_target_or_generator_register);
inline bool HasSourcePositionTable() const;
// If source positions have not been collected or an exception has been thrown
// this will return the empty_trusted_byte_array.
DECL_GETTER(SourcePositionTable, Tagged<TrustedByteArray>)
// Raw accessors to access these fields during code cache deserialization.
DECL_GETTER(raw_constant_pool, Tagged<Object>)
DECL_GETTER(raw_handler_table, Tagged<Object>)
// This accessor can also be used when it's not guaranteed that a source
// position table exists, for example because it hasn't been collected. In
// that case, Smi::zero() will be returned.
DECL_ACQUIRE_GETTER(raw_source_position_table, Tagged<Object>)
// Indicates that an attempt was made to collect source positions, but that it
// failed, most likely due to stack exhaustion. When in this state
// |SourcePositionTable| will return an empty byte array.
inline void SetSourcePositionsFailedToCollect();
inline int BytecodeArraySize() const;
// Returns the size of bytecode and its metadata. This includes the size of
// bytecode, constant pool, source position table, and handler table.
DECL_GETTER(SizeIncludingMetadata, int)
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void PrintJson(std::ostream& os);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void Disassemble(std::ostream& os);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void Disassemble(Handle<BytecodeArray> handle,
std::ostream& os);
void CopyBytecodesTo(Tagged<BytecodeArray> to);
// Clear uninitialized padding space. This ensures that the snapshot content
// is deterministic.
inline void clear_padding();
// Maximal memory consumption for a single BytecodeArray.
static const int kMaxSize = 512 * MB;
// Maximal length of a single BytecodeArray.
static const int kMaxLength = kMaxSize - kHeaderSize;
#define FIELD_LIST(V) \
V(kLengthOffset, kTaggedSize) \
V(kWrapperOffset, kTaggedSize) \
V(kSourcePositionTableOffset, kTaggedSize) \
V(kHandlerTableOffset, kTaggedSize) \
V(kConstantPoolOffset, kTaggedSize) \
V(kFrameSizeOffset, kInt32Size) \
V(kParameterSizeOffset, kInt32Size) \
V(kIncomingNewTargetOrGeneratorRegisterOffset, kInt32Size) \
V(kOptionalPaddingOffset, 0) \
V(kUnalignedHeaderSize, OBJECT_POINTER_PADDING(kUnalignedHeaderSize)) \
V(kHeaderSize, 0) \
V(kBytesOffset, 0)
class BodyDescriptor;
OBJECT_CONSTRUCTORS(BytecodeArray, ExposedTrustedObject);
// A BytecodeWrapper wraps a BytecodeArray but lives inside the sandbox. This
// can be useful for example when a reference to a BytecodeArray needs to be
// stored along other tagged pointers inside an array or similar datastructure.
class BytecodeWrapper : public Struct {
// When flushing bytecode, we in-place convert the wrapper object to an
// UncompiledData object (we cannot convert the BytecodeArray itself as that
// lives in trusted space). As such, the wrapper object must be at least as
// large as an UncompiledData object and therefore requires padding.
#define FIELD_LIST(V) \
V(kBytecodeOffset, kTrustedPointerSize) \
V(kPadding1Offset, kInt32Size) \
V(kPadding2Offset, kInt32Size) \
V(kHeaderSize, 0) \
V(kSize, 0)
inline void clear_padding();
class BodyDescriptor;
OBJECT_CONSTRUCTORS(BytecodeWrapper, Struct);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"