blob: 68d7a5524149e17d7d5dc6136dd4e03efa2abb71 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef V8_OBJECTS_CODE_H_
#define V8_OBJECTS_CODE_H_
#include "src/codegen/maglev-safepoint-table.h"
#include "src/objects/code-kind.h"
#include "src/objects/struct.h"
#include "src/objects/trusted-object.h"
// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards):
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class BytecodeArray;
class CodeDesc;
class CodeWrapper;
class Factory;
template <typename Impl>
class FactoryBase;
class LocalFactory;
class SafepointEntry;
class RootVisitor;
enum class Builtin;
// Code is a container for data fields related to its associated
// {InstructionStream} object. Since {InstructionStream} objects reside on
// write-protected pages within the heap, its header fields need to be
// immutable. Every InstructionStream object has an associated Code object,
// but not every Code object has an InstructionStream (e.g. for builtins).
// Embedded builtins consist of on-heap Code objects, with an out-of-line body
// section. Accessors (e.g. InstructionStart), redirect to the off-heap area.
// Metadata table offsets remain relative to MetadataStart(), i.e. they point
// into the off-heap metadata section. The off-heap layout is described in
// detail in the EmbeddedData class, but at a high level one can assume a
// dedicated, out-of-line, instruction and metadata section for each embedded
// builtin:
// +--------------------------+ <-- InstructionStart()
// | off-heap instructions |
// | ... |
// +--------------------------+ <-- InstructionEnd()
// +--------------------------+ <-- MetadataStart() (MS)
// | off-heap metadata |
// | ... | <-- MS + handler_table_offset()
// | | <-- MS + constant_pool_offset()
// | | <-- MS + code_comments_offset()
// | | <-- MS + unwinding_info_offset()
// +--------------------------+ <-- MetadataEnd()
// When the sandbox is enabled, Code objects are allocated outside the sandbox
// and referenced through indirect pointers, so they need to inherit from
// ExposedTrustedObject.
class Code : public ExposedTrustedObject {
// When V8_EXTERNAL_CODE_SPACE is enabled, InstructionStream objects are
// allocated in a separate pointer compression cage instead of the cage where
// all the other objects are allocated.
inline PtrComprCageBase code_cage_base() const;
// Back-reference to the InstructionStream object.
// Note the cage-less accessor versions may not be called if the current Code
// object is InReadOnlySpace. That may only be the case for Code objects
// representing builtins, or in other words, Code objects for which
// has_instruction_stream() is never true.
DECL_GETTER(instruction_stream, Tagged<InstructionStream>)
DECL_RELAXED_GETTER(instruction_stream, Tagged<InstructionStream>)
DECL_ACCESSORS(raw_instruction_stream, Tagged<Object>)
DECL_RELAXED_GETTER(raw_instruction_stream, Tagged<Object>)
// An unchecked accessor to be used during GC.
inline Tagged<InstructionStream> unchecked_instruction_stream() const;
// Whether this Code object has an associated InstructionStream (embedded
// builtins don't).
inline bool has_instruction_stream() const;
inline bool has_instruction_stream(RelaxedLoadTag) const;
// The start of the associated instruction stream. Points either into an
// on-heap InstructionStream object, or to the beginning of an embedded
// builtin.
DECL_GETTER(instruction_start, Address)
DECL_PRIMITIVE_ACCESSORS(instruction_size, int)
inline Address instruction_end() const;
inline CodeEntrypointTag entrypoint_tag() const;
inline void SetInstructionStreamAndInstructionStart(
IsolateForSandbox isolate, Tagged<InstructionStream> code,
WriteBarrierMode mode = UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER);
inline void SetInstructionStartForOffHeapBuiltin(IsolateForSandbox isolate,
Address entry);
inline void ClearInstructionStartForSerialization(IsolateForSandbox isolate);
inline void UpdateInstructionStart(IsolateForSandbox isolate,
Tagged<InstructionStream> istream);
inline void initialize_flags(CodeKind kind, bool is_turbofanned,
int stack_slots);
// Clear uninitialized padding space. This ensures that the snapshot content
// is deterministic.
inline void clear_padding();
// Flushes the instruction cache for the executable instructions of this code
// object. Make sure to call this while the code is still writable.
void FlushICache() const;
DECL_PRIMITIVE_ACCESSORS(can_have_weak_objects, bool)
DECL_PRIMITIVE_ACCESSORS(marked_for_deoptimization, bool)
DECL_PRIMITIVE_ACCESSORS(metadata_size, int)
// [handler_table_offset]: The offset where the exception handler table
// starts.
DECL_PRIMITIVE_ACCESSORS(handler_table_offset, int)
// [unwinding_info_offset]: Offset of the unwinding info section.
DECL_PRIMITIVE_ACCESSORS(unwinding_info_offset, int32_t)
// [deoptimization_data]: Array containing data for deopt for non-baseline
// code.
DECL_ACCESSORS(deoptimization_data, Tagged<ProtectedFixedArray>)
// [parameter_count]: The number of formal parameters, including the
// receiver. Currently only available for optimized functions.
// TODO(saelo): make this always available. This is just a matter of figuring
// out how to obtain the parameter count during code generation when no
// BytecodeArray is available from which it can be copied.
DECL_PRIMITIVE_ACCESSORS(parameter_count, uint16_t)
// Whether this type of Code uses deoptimization data, in which case the
// deoptimization_data field will be populated.
inline bool uses_deoptimization_data() const;
// If neither deoptimization data nor bytecode/interpreter data are used
// (e.g. for builtin code), the respective field will contain Smi::zero().
inline void clear_deoptimization_data_and_interpreter_data();
inline bool has_deoptimization_data_or_interpreter_data() const;
// [bytecode_or_interpreter_data]: BytecodeArray or InterpreterData for
// baseline code.
inline Tagged<TrustedObject> bytecode_or_interpreter_data() const;
inline void set_bytecode_or_interpreter_data(
Tagged<TrustedObject> value,
WriteBarrierMode mode = UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER);
// [source_position_table]: ByteArray for the source positions table for
// non-baseline code.
DECL_ACCESSORS(source_position_table, Tagged<TrustedByteArray>)
// [bytecode_offset_table]: ByteArray for the bytecode offset for baseline
// code.
DECL_ACCESSORS(bytecode_offset_table, Tagged<TrustedByteArray>)
inline bool has_source_position_table_or_bytecode_offset_table() const;
inline bool has_source_position_table() const;
inline bool has_bytecode_offset_table() const;
inline void clear_source_position_table_and_bytecode_offset_table();
DECL_PRIMITIVE_ACCESSORS(inlined_bytecode_size, unsigned)
DECL_PRIMITIVE_ACCESSORS(osr_offset, BytecodeOffset)
// [code_comments_offset]: Offset of the code comment section.
DECL_PRIMITIVE_ACCESSORS(code_comments_offset, int)
// [constant_pool offset]: Offset of the constant pool.
DECL_PRIMITIVE_ACCESSORS(constant_pool_offset, int)
// [wrapper] The CodeWrapper for this Code. When the sandbox is enabled, the
// Code object lives in trusted space outside of the sandbox, but the wrapper
// object lives inside the main heap and therefore inside the sandbox. As
// such, the wrapper object can be used in cases where a Code object needs to
// be referenced alongside other tagged pointer references (so for example
// inside a FixedArray).
DECL_ACCESSORS(wrapper, Tagged<CodeWrapper>)
// Unchecked accessors to be used during GC.
inline Tagged<ProtectedFixedArray> unchecked_deoptimization_data() const;
inline CodeKind kind() const;
inline void set_builtin_id(Builtin builtin_id);
inline Builtin builtin_id() const;
inline bool is_builtin() const;
inline bool is_optimized_code() const;
inline bool is_wasm_code() const;
inline bool is_interpreter_trampoline_builtin() const;
inline bool is_baseline_trampoline_builtin() const;
inline bool is_baseline_leave_frame_builtin() const;
// Tells whether the code checks the tiering state in the function's feedback
// vector.
inline bool checks_tiering_state() const;
// Tells whether the outgoing parameters of this code are tagged pointers.
inline bool has_tagged_outgoing_params() const;
// [is_maglevved]: Tells whether the code object was generated by the
// Maglev optimizing compiler.
inline bool is_maglevved() const;
// [is_turbofanned]: Tells whether the code object was generated by the
// TurboFan optimizing compiler.
inline bool is_turbofanned() const;
// [uses_safepoint_table]: Whether this InstructionStream object uses
// safepoint tables (note the table may still be empty, see
// has_safepoint_table).
inline bool uses_safepoint_table() const;
// [stack_slots]: If {uses_safepoint_table()}, the number of stack slots
// reserved in the code prologue; otherwise 0.
inline int stack_slots() const;
inline Tagged<TrustedByteArray> SourcePositionTable(
Isolate* isolate, Tagged<SharedFunctionInfo> sfi) const;
inline Address safepoint_table_address() const;
inline int safepoint_table_size() const;
inline bool has_safepoint_table() const;
inline Address handler_table_address() const;
inline int handler_table_size() const;
inline bool has_handler_table() const;
inline Address constant_pool() const;
inline int constant_pool_size() const;
inline bool has_constant_pool() const;
inline Address code_comments() const;
inline int code_comments_size() const;
inline bool has_code_comments() const;
inline Address unwinding_info_start() const;
inline Address unwinding_info_end() const;
inline int unwinding_info_size() const;
inline bool has_unwinding_info() const;
inline uint8_t* relocation_start() const;
inline uint8_t* relocation_end() const;
inline int relocation_size() const;
inline int safepoint_table_offset() const { return 0; }
inline Address body_start() const;
inline Address body_end() const;
inline int body_size() const;
inline Address metadata_start() const;
inline Address metadata_end() const;
// The size of the associated InstructionStream object, if it exists.
inline int InstructionStreamObjectSize() const;
// TODO(jgruber): This function tries to account for various parts of the
// object graph, but is incomplete. Take it as a lower bound for the memory
// associated with this Code object.
inline int SizeIncludingMetadata() const;
// The following functions include support for short builtin calls:
// When builtins un-embedding is enabled for the Isolate
// (see Isolate::is_short_builtin_calls_enabled()) then both embedded and
// un-embedded builtins might be exeuted and thus two kinds of |pc|s might
// appear on the stack.
// Unlike the paremeterless versions of the functions above the below variants
// ensure that the instruction start correspond to the given |pc| value.
// Thus for off-heap trampoline InstructionStream objects the result might be
// the instruction start/end of the embedded code stream or of un-embedded
// one. For normal InstructionStream objects these functions just return the
// instruction_start/end() values.
// TODO(11527): remove these versions once the full solution is ready.
inline Address InstructionStart(Isolate* isolate, Address pc) const;
inline Address InstructionEnd(Isolate* isolate, Address pc) const;
inline bool contains(Isolate* isolate, Address pc) const;
inline int GetOffsetFromInstructionStart(Isolate* isolate, Address pc) const;
// Support for short builtin calls END.
SafepointEntry GetSafepointEntry(Isolate* isolate, Address pc);
MaglevSafepointEntry GetMaglevSafepointEntry(Isolate* isolate, Address pc);
void SetMarkedForDeoptimization(Isolate* isolate, const char* reason);
inline bool CanContainWeakObjects();
inline bool IsWeakObject(Tagged<HeapObject> object);
static inline bool IsWeakObjectInOptimizedCode(Tagged<HeapObject> object);
static inline bool IsWeakObjectInDeoptimizationLiteralArray(
Tagged<Object> object);
// This function should be called only from GC.
void ClearEmbeddedObjects(Heap* heap);
// [embedded_objects_cleared]: If CodeKindIsOptimizedJSFunction(kind), tells
// whether the embedded objects in the code marked for deoptimization were
// cleared. Note that embedded_objects_cleared() implies
// marked_for_deoptimization().
inline bool embedded_objects_cleared() const;
inline void set_embedded_objects_cleared(bool flag);
bool IsIsolateIndependent(Isolate* isolate);
inline uintptr_t GetBaselineStartPCForBytecodeOffset(
int bytecode_offset, Tagged<BytecodeArray> bytecodes);
inline uintptr_t GetBaselineEndPCForBytecodeOffset(
int bytecode_offset, Tagged<BytecodeArray> bytecodes);
// Returns true if the function is inlined in the code.
bool Inlines(Tagged<SharedFunctionInfo> sfi);
// Returns the PC of the next bytecode in execution order.
// If the bytecode at the given offset is JumpLoop, the PC of the jump target
// is returned. Other jumps are not allowed.
// For other bytecodes this is equivalent to
// GetBaselineEndPCForBytecodeOffset.
inline uintptr_t GetBaselinePCForNextExecutedBytecode(
int bytecode_offset, Tagged<BytecodeArray> bytecodes);
inline int GetBytecodeOffsetForBaselinePC(Address baseline_pc,
Tagged<BytecodeArray> bytecodes);
inline void IterateDeoptimizationLiterals(RootVisitor* v);
static inline Tagged<Code> FromTargetAddress(Address address);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void Disassemble(const char* name, std::ostream& os,
Isolate* isolate,
Address current_pc = kNullAddress);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void DisassembleOnlyCode(const char* name, std::ostream& os,
Isolate* isolate,
Address current_pc,
size_t range_limit);
void CodePrint(std::ostream& os, const char* name = nullptr,
Address current_pc = kNullAddress);
// Layout description.
/* The deoptimization_data_or_interpreter_data field contains: */ \
/* - A DeoptimizationData for optimized code (maglev or turbofan) */ \
/* - A BytecodeArray or InterpreterData for baseline code */ \
/* - Smi::zero() for all other types of code (e.g. builtin) */ \
V(kDeoptimizationDataOrInterpreterDataOffset, kTaggedSize) \
/* This field contains: */ \
/* - A bytecode offset table (trusted byte array) for baseline code */ \
/* - A (possibly empty) source position table (trusted byte array) for */ \
/* most other types of code */ \
/* - Smi::zero() for embedded builtin code (in RO space) */ \
/* TODO(saelo) once we have a trusted RO space, we could instead use */ \
/* empty_trusted_byte_array to avoid using Smi::zero() at all. */ \
V(kPositionTableOffset, kTaggedSize) \
/* Strong pointer fields. */ \
V(kStartOfStrongFieldsOffset, 0) \
V(kWrapperOffset, kTaggedSize) \
V(kEndOfStrongFieldsWithMainCageBaseOffset, 0) \
/* The InstructionStream field is special: it uses code_cage_base. */ \
V(kInstructionStreamOffset, kTaggedSize) \
V(kEndOfStrongFieldsOffset, 0) \
/* Untagged data not directly visited by GC starts here. */ \
/* When the sandbox is off, the instruction_start field contains a raw */ \
/* pointer to the first instruction of this Code. */ \
/* If the sandbox is on, this field does not exist. Instead, the */ \
/* instruction_start is stored in this Code's code pointer table entry */ \
/* referenced via the kSelfIndirectPointerOffset field */ \
V(kInstructionStartOffset, V8_ENABLE_SANDBOX_BOOL ? 0 : kSystemPointerSize) \
/* The serializer needs to copy bytes starting from here verbatim. */ \
V(kFlagsOffset, kUInt32Size) \
V(kInstructionSizeOffset, kIntSize) \
V(kMetadataSizeOffset, kIntSize) \
/* TODO(jgruber): TF-specific fields could be merged with builtin_id. */ \
V(kInlinedBytecodeSizeOffset, kIntSize) \
V(kOsrOffsetOffset, kInt32Size) \
V(kHandlerTableOffsetOffset, kIntSize) \
V(kUnwindingInfoOffsetOffset, kInt32Size) \
V(kConstantPoolOffsetOffset, V8_EMBEDDED_CONSTANT_POOL_BOOL ? kIntSize : 0) \
V(kCodeCommentsOffsetOffset, kIntSize) \
/* This field is currently only used during deoptimization. If this space */ \
/* is ever needed for other purposes, it would probably be possible to */ \
/* obtain the parameter count from the BytecodeArray instead. */ \
V(kParameterCountOffset, kUInt16Size) \
/* TODO(jgruber): 12 bits would suffice, steal from here if needed. */ \
V(kBuiltinIdOffset, kInt16Size) \
V(kUnalignedSize, OBJECT_POINTER_PADDING(kUnalignedSize)) \
/* Total size. */ \
V(kSize, 0)
template <typename T>
using ExternalCodeField =
TaggedField<T, kInstructionStreamOffset, ExternalCodeCompressionScheme>;
template <typename T>
using ExternalCodeField = TaggedField<T, kInstructionStreamOffset>;
class BodyDescriptor;
// Flags layout.
#define FLAGS_BIT_FIELDS(V, _) \
V(KindField, CodeKind, 4, _) \
V(IsTurbofannedField, bool, 1, _) \
/* Steal bits from here if needed: */ \
V(StackSlotsField, int, 24, _) \
V(MarkedForDeoptimizationField, bool, 1, _) \
V(EmbeddedObjectsClearedField, bool, 1, _) \
V(CanHaveWeakObjectsField, bool, 1, _)
static_assert(FLAGS_BIT_FIELDS_Ranges::kBitsCount == 32);
static_assert(FLAGS_BIT_FIELDS_Ranges::kBitsCount <=
FIELD_SIZE(kFlagsOffset) * kBitsPerByte);
static_assert(kCodeKindCount <= KindField::kNumValues);
// The {marked_for_deoptimization} field is accessed from generated code.
static const int kMarkedForDeoptimizationBit =
static const int kIsTurbofannedBit = IsTurbofannedField::kShift;
// Reserve one argument count value as the "don't adapt arguments" sentinel.
static const int kArgumentsBits = 16;
static const int kMaxArguments = (1 << kArgumentsBits) - 2;
inline void set_instruction_start(IsolateForSandbox isolate, Address value);
// TODO(jgruber): These field names are incomplete, we've squashed in more
// overloaded contents in the meantime. Update the field names.
Tagged<Object> raw_deoptimization_data_or_interpreter_data() const;
Tagged<Object> raw_position_table() const;
enum BytecodeToPCPosition {
// End of bytecode equals the start of the next bytecode.
// We need it when we deoptimize to the next bytecode (lazy deopt or deopt
// of non-topmost frame).
inline uintptr_t GetBaselinePCForBytecodeOffset(
int bytecode_offset, BytecodeToPCPosition position,
Tagged<BytecodeArray> bytecodes);
template <typename IsolateT>
friend class Deserializer;
friend Factory;
friend FactoryBase<Factory>;
friend FactoryBase<LocalFactory>;
OBJECT_CONSTRUCTORS(Code, ExposedTrustedObject);
// A Code object when used in situations where gc might be in progress. The
// underlying pointer is guaranteed to be a Code object.
// Semantics around Code and InstructionStream objects are quite delicate when
// GC is in progress and objects are currently being moved, because the
// tightly-coupled object pair {Code,InstructionStream} are conceptually
// treated as a single object in our codebase, and we frequently convert
// between the two. However, during GC, extra care must be taken when accessing
// the `Code::instruction_stream` and `InstructionStream::code` slots because
// they may contain forwarding pointers.
// This class a) clarifies at use sites that we're dealing with a Code object
// in a situation that requires special semantics, and b) safely implements
// related functions.
// Note that both the underlying Code object and the associated
// InstructionStream may be forwarding pointers, thus type checks and normal
// (checked) casts do not work on GcSafeCode.
class GcSafeCode : public HeapObject {
// Use with care, this casts away knowledge that we're dealing with a
// special-semantics object.
inline Tagged<Code> UnsafeCastToCode() const;
// Safe accessors (these just forward to Code methods).
inline Address instruction_start() const;
inline Address instruction_end() const;
inline bool is_builtin() const;
inline Builtin builtin_id() const;
inline CodeKind kind() const;
inline bool is_interpreter_trampoline_builtin() const;
inline bool is_baseline_trampoline_builtin() const;
inline bool is_baseline_leave_frame_builtin() const;
inline bool has_instruction_stream() const;
inline bool is_maglevved() const;
inline bool is_turbofanned() const;
inline bool has_tagged_outgoing_params() const;
inline bool marked_for_deoptimization() const;
inline Tagged<Object> raw_instruction_stream() const;
inline Address constant_pool() const;
inline Address safepoint_table_address() const;
inline int stack_slots() const;
inline int GetOffsetFromInstructionStart(Isolate* isolate, Address pc) const;
inline Address InstructionStart(Isolate* isolate, Address pc) const;
inline Address InstructionEnd(Isolate* isolate, Address pc) const;
inline bool CanDeoptAt(Isolate* isolate, Address pc) const;
inline Tagged<Object> raw_instruction_stream(
PtrComprCageBase code_cage_base) const;
// A CodeWrapper wraps a Code but lives inside the sandbox. This can be useful
// for example when a reference to a Code needs to be stored along other tagged
// pointers inside an array or similar container datastructure.
class CodeWrapper : public Struct {
#define FIELD_LIST(V) \
V(kCodeOffset, kCodePointerSize) \
V(kHeaderSize, 0) \
V(kSize, 0)
class BodyDescriptor;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"
#endif // V8_OBJECTS_CODE_H_