blob: f5c3bd71a09aa7d7a9474a89b674285670e2b0f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "src/objects/bytecode-array.h"
#include "src/objects/fixed-array.h"
// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards):
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
// This class holds data required during deoptimization. It does not have its
// own instance type.
class DeoptimizationLiteralArray : public TrustedWeakFixedArray {
// Getters for literals. These include runtime checks that the pointer was not
// cleared, if the literal was held weakly.
inline Tagged<Object> get(int index) const;
inline Tagged<Object> get(PtrComprCageBase cage_base, int index) const;
// TODO(jgruber): Swap these names around. It's confusing that this
// WeakFixedArray subclass redefines `get` with different semantics.
inline Tagged<MaybeObject> get_raw(int index) const;
// Setter for literals. This will set the object as strong or weak depending
// on InstructionStream::IsWeakObjectInOptimizedCode.
inline void set(int index, Tagged<Object> value);
OBJECT_CONSTRUCTORS(DeoptimizationLiteralArray, TrustedWeakFixedArray);
// The DeoptimizationFrameTranslation is the on-heap representation of
// translations created during code generation in a (zone-allocated)
// DeoptimizationFrameTranslationBuilder. The translation specifies how to
// transform an optimized frame back into one or more unoptimized frames.
enum class TranslationOpcode;
class DeoptimizationFrameTranslation : public TrustedByteArray {
struct FrameCount {
int total_frame_count;
int js_frame_count;
class Iterator;
#ifdef V8_USE_ZLIB
// Constants describing compressed DeoptimizationFrameTranslation layout. Only
// relevant if
// --turbo-compress-frame-translation is enabled.
static constexpr int kUncompressedSizeOffset = 0;
static constexpr int kUncompressedSizeSize = kInt32Size;
static constexpr int kCompressedDataOffset =
kUncompressedSizeOffset + kUncompressedSizeSize;
static constexpr int kDeoptimizationFrameTranslationElementSize = kInt32Size;
#endif // V8_USE_ZLIB
inline uint32_t get_int(int offset) const;
inline void set_int(int offset, uint32_t value);
void PrintFrameTranslation(
std::ostream& os, int index,
Tagged<DeoptimizationLiteralArray> literal_array) const;
OBJECT_CONSTRUCTORS(DeoptimizationFrameTranslation, TrustedByteArray);
class DeoptTranslationIterator {
DeoptTranslationIterator(base::Vector<const uint8_t> buffer, int index);
int32_t NextOperand();
uint32_t NextOperandUnsigned();
DeoptimizationFrameTranslation::FrameCount EnterBeginOpcode();
TranslationOpcode NextOpcode();
TranslationOpcode SeekNextJSFrame();
TranslationOpcode SeekNextFrame();
bool HasNextOpcode() const;
void SkipOperands(int n) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) NextOperand();
TranslationOpcode NextOpcodeAtPreviousIndex();
uint32_t NextUnsignedOperandAtPreviousIndex();
void SkipOpcodeAndItsOperandsAtPreviousIndex();
std::vector<int32_t> uncompressed_contents_;
const base::Vector<const uint8_t> buffer_;
int index_;
// This decrementing counter indicates how many more times to read operations
// from the previous translation before continuing to move the index forward.
int remaining_ops_to_use_from_previous_translation_ = 0;
// An index into buffer_ for operations starting at a previous BEGIN, which
// can be used to read operations referred to by MATCH_PREVIOUS_TRANSLATION.
int previous_index_ = 0;
// When starting a new MATCH_PREVIOUS_TRANSLATION operation, we'll need to
// advance the previous_index_ by this many steps.
int ops_since_previous_index_was_updated_ = 0;
// Iterator over the deoptimization values. The iterator is not GC-safe.
class DeoptimizationFrameTranslation::Iterator
: public DeoptTranslationIterator {
Iterator(Tagged<DeoptimizationFrameTranslation> buffer, int index);
DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc_;
// DeoptimizationData is a fixed array used to hold the deoptimization data for
// optimized code. It also contains information about functions that were
// inlined. If N different functions were inlined then the first N elements of
// the literal array will contain these functions.
// It can be empty.
class DeoptimizationData : public ProtectedFixedArray {
// Layout description. Indices in the array.
static const int kFrameTranslationIndex = 0;
static const int kInlinedFunctionCountIndex = 1;
static const int kLiteralArrayIndex = 2;
static const int kOsrBytecodeOffsetIndex = 3;
static const int kOsrPcOffsetIndex = 4;
static const int kOptimizationIdIndex = 5;
static const int kSharedFunctionInfoWrapperIndex = 6;
static const int kInliningPositionsIndex = 7;
static const int kDeoptExitStartIndex = 8;
static const int kEagerDeoptCountIndex = 9;
static const int kLazyDeoptCountIndex = 10;
static const int kFirstDeoptEntryIndex = 11;
// Offsets of deopt entry elements relative to the start of the entry.
static const int kBytecodeOffsetRawOffset = 0;
static const int kTranslationIndexOffset = 1;
static const int kPcOffset = 2;
#ifdef DEBUG
static const int kNodeIdOffset = 3;
static const int kDeoptEntrySize = 4;
#else // DEBUG
static const int kDeoptEntrySize = 3;
#endif // DEBUG
// Simple element accessors.
#define DECL_ELEMENT_ACCESSORS(name, type) \
inline type name() const; \
inline void Set##name(type value);
DECL_ELEMENT_ACCESSORS(InlinedFunctionCount, Tagged<Smi>)
DECL_ELEMENT_ACCESSORS(LiteralArray, Tagged<DeoptimizationLiteralArray>)
DECL_ELEMENT_ACCESSORS(OsrBytecodeOffset, Tagged<Smi>)
DECL_ELEMENT_ACCESSORS(OptimizationId, Tagged<Smi>)
DECL_ELEMENT_ACCESSORS(SharedFunctionInfoWrapper, Tagged<Object>)
DECL_ELEMENT_ACCESSORS(DeoptExitStart, Tagged<Smi>)
DECL_ELEMENT_ACCESSORS(EagerDeoptCount, Tagged<Smi>)
DECL_ELEMENT_ACCESSORS(LazyDeoptCount, Tagged<Smi>)
inline Tagged<Object> SharedFunctionInfo() const;
// Accessors for elements of the ith deoptimization entry.
#define DECL_ENTRY_ACCESSORS(name, type) \
inline type name(int i) const; \
inline void Set##name(int i, type value);
DECL_ENTRY_ACCESSORS(BytecodeOffsetRaw, Tagged<Smi>)
DECL_ENTRY_ACCESSORS(TranslationIndex, Tagged<Smi>)
#ifdef DEBUG
#endif // DEBUG
// In case the innermost frame is a builtin continuation stub, then this field
// actually contains the builtin id. See uses of
// `Builtins::GetBuiltinFromBytecodeOffset`.
// TODO(olivf): Add some validation that callers do not misinterpret the
// result.
inline BytecodeOffset GetBytecodeOffsetOrBuiltinContinuationId(int i) const;
inline void SetBytecodeOffset(int i, BytecodeOffset value);
inline int DeoptCount() const;
static const int kNotInlinedIndex = -1;
// Returns the inlined function at the given position in LiteralArray, or the
// outer function if index == kNotInlinedIndex.
Tagged<class SharedFunctionInfo> GetInlinedFunction(int index);
// Allocates a DeoptimizationData.
static Handle<DeoptimizationData> New(Isolate* isolate,
int deopt_entry_count);
static Handle<DeoptimizationData> New(LocalIsolate* isolate,
int deopt_entry_count);
// Return an empty DeoptimizationData.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static Handle<DeoptimizationData> Empty(Isolate* isolate);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static Handle<DeoptimizationData> Empty(
LocalIsolate* isolate);
#ifdef DEBUG
void Verify(Handle<BytecodeArray> bytecode) const;
void PrintDeoptimizationData(std::ostream& os) const;
static int IndexForEntry(int i) {
return kFirstDeoptEntryIndex + (i * kDeoptEntrySize);
static int LengthFor(int entry_count) { return IndexForEntry(entry_count); }
OBJECT_CONSTRUCTORS(DeoptimizationData, ProtectedFixedArray);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"