blob: 60cf9b237b50eb3d00112a41767c80ac994604fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/handles/handles-inl.h"
#include "src/heap/heap-write-barrier-inl.h"
#include "src/numbers/conversions.h"
#include "src/objects/bigint.h"
#include "src/objects/compressed-slots.h"
#include "src/objects/fixed-array.h"
#include "src/objects/map.h"
#include "src/objects/maybe-object-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/objects-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/oddball.h"
#include "src/objects/slots-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/slots.h"
#include "src/roots/roots-inl.h"
#include "src/torque/runtime-macro-shims.h"
#include "src/torque/runtime-support.h"
// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards):
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
#include "torque-generated/src/objects/"
template <class D, class S, class P>
int TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::capacity() const {
return Smi::ToInt(TaggedField<Smi, D::kCapacityOffset>::load(*this));
template <class D, class S, class P>
int TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::capacity(AcquireLoadTag tag) const {
return Smi::ToInt(TaggedField<Smi, D::kCapacityOffset>::Acquire_Load(*this));
template <class D, class S, class P>
void TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::set_capacity(int value) {
TaggedField<Smi, D::kCapacityOffset>::store(*this, Smi::FromInt(value));
template <class D, class S, class P>
void TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::set_capacity(int value, ReleaseStoreTag tag) {
TaggedField<Smi, D::kCapacityOffset>::Release_Store(*this,
template <class D, class S, class P>
template <typename, typename>
int TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::length() const {
return capacity();
template <class D, class S, class P>
template <typename, typename>
int TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::length(AcquireLoadTag tag) const {
return capacity(tag);
template <class D, class S, class P>
template <typename, typename>
void TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::set_length(int value) {
template <class D, class S, class P>
template <typename, typename>
void TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::set_length(int value, ReleaseStoreTag tag) {
set_capacity(value, tag);
template <class D, class S, class P>
bool TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::IsInBounds(int index) const {
return static_cast<unsigned>(index) < static_cast<unsigned>(capacity());
template <class D, class S, class P>
bool TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::IsCowArray() const {
return this->map() ==
template <class D, class S, class P>
Tagged<typename TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::ElementT>
TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::get(int index) const {
// TODO(jgruber): This tag-less overload shouldn't be relaxed.
return ElementFieldT::Relaxed_Load(*this, OffsetOfElementAt(index));
template <class D, class S, class P>
Tagged<typename TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::ElementT>
TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::get(int index, RelaxedLoadTag) const {
return ElementFieldT::Relaxed_Load(*this, OffsetOfElementAt(index));
template <class D, class S, class P>
Tagged<typename TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::ElementT>
TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::get(int index, AcquireLoadTag) const {
return ElementFieldT::Acquire_Load(*this, OffsetOfElementAt(index));
template <class D, class S, class P>
Tagged<typename TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::ElementT>
TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::get(int index, SeqCstAccessTag) const {
return ElementFieldT::SeqCst_Load(*this, OffsetOfElementAt(index));
template <class D, class S, class P>
void TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::ConditionalWriteBarrier(
Tagged<HeapObject> object, int offset, Tagged<ElementT> value,
WriteBarrierMode mode) {
if constexpr (kElementsAreMaybeObject) {
CONDITIONAL_WEAK_WRITE_BARRIER(object, offset, value, mode);
} else {
CONDITIONAL_WRITE_BARRIER(object, offset, value, mode);
template <class D, class S, class P>
void TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::set(int index, Tagged<ElementT> value,
WriteBarrierMode mode) {
// TODO(jgruber): This tag-less overload shouldn't be relaxed.
const int offset = OffsetOfElementAt(index);
ElementFieldT::Relaxed_Store(*this, offset, value);
ConditionalWriteBarrier(*this, offset, value, mode);
template <class D, class S, class P>
template <typename, typename>
void TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::set(int index, Tagged<Smi> value) {
set(index, value, SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER);
template <class D, class S, class P>
void TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::set(int index, Tagged<ElementT> value,
RelaxedStoreTag tag, WriteBarrierMode mode) {
const int offset = OffsetOfElementAt(index);
ElementFieldT::Relaxed_Store(*this, offset, value);
ConditionalWriteBarrier(*this, offset, value, mode);
template <class D, class S, class P>
template <typename, typename>
void TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::set(int index, Tagged<Smi> value,
RelaxedStoreTag tag) {
set(index, value, tag, SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER);
template <class D, class S, class P>
void TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::set(int index, Tagged<ElementT> value,
ReleaseStoreTag tag, WriteBarrierMode mode) {
const int offset = OffsetOfElementAt(index);
ElementFieldT::Release_Store(*this, offset, value);
ConditionalWriteBarrier(*this, offset, value, mode);
template <class D, class S, class P>
template <typename, typename>
void TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::set(int index, Tagged<Smi> value,
ReleaseStoreTag tag) {
set(index, value, tag, SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER);
template <class D, class S, class P>
void TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::set(int index, Tagged<ElementT> value,
SeqCstAccessTag tag, WriteBarrierMode mode) {
const int offset = OffsetOfElementAt(index);
ElementFieldT::SeqCst_Store(*this, offset, value);
ConditionalWriteBarrier(*this, offset, value, mode);
template <class D, class S, class P>
template <typename, typename>
void TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::set(int index, Tagged<Smi> value,
SeqCstAccessTag tag) {
set(index, value, tag, SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER);
template <class D, class S, class P>
Tagged<typename TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::ElementT>
TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::swap(int index, Tagged<ElementT> value,
SeqCstAccessTag, WriteBarrierMode mode) {
Tagged<ElementT> previous_value =
SEQ_CST_SWAP_FIELD(*this, OffsetOfElementAt(index), value);
ConditionalWriteBarrier(*this, OffsetOfElementAt(index), value, mode);
return previous_value;
template <class D, class S, class P>
Tagged<typename TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::ElementT>
TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::compare_and_swap(int index, Tagged<ElementT> expected,
Tagged<ElementT> value,
WriteBarrierMode mode) {
Tagged<ElementT> previous_value = SEQ_CST_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_FIELD(
*this, OffsetOfElementAt(index), expected, value);
if (previous_value == expected) {
ConditionalWriteBarrier(*this, OffsetOfElementAt(index), value, mode);
return previous_value;
template <class D, class S, class P>
void TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::MoveElements(Isolate* isolate, Tagged<D> dst,
int dst_index, Tagged<D> src,
int src_index, int len,
WriteBarrierMode mode) {
if (len == 0) return;
DCHECK_GE(len, 0);
DCHECK_LE(dst_index + len, dst->length());
DCHECK_LE(src_index + len, src->length());
DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
SlotType dst_slot(dst->RawFieldOfElementAt(dst_index));
SlotType src_slot(src->RawFieldOfElementAt(src_index));
isolate->heap()->MoveRange(dst, dst_slot, src_slot, len, mode);
template <class D, class S, class P>
void TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::CopyElements(Isolate* isolate, Tagged<D> dst,
int dst_index, Tagged<D> src,
int src_index, int len,
WriteBarrierMode mode) {
if (len == 0) return;
DCHECK_GE(len, 0);
DCHECK_LE(dst_index + len, dst->capacity());
DCHECK_LE(src_index + len, src->capacity());
DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
SlotType dst_slot(dst->RawFieldOfElementAt(dst_index));
SlotType src_slot(src->RawFieldOfElementAt(src_index));
isolate->heap()->CopyRange(dst, dst_slot, src_slot, len, mode);
template <class D, class S, class P>
void TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::RightTrim(Isolate* isolate, int new_capacity) {
int old_capacity = capacity();
CHECK_GT(new_capacity, 0); // Due to possible canonicalization.
CHECK_LE(new_capacity, old_capacity);
if (new_capacity == old_capacity) return;
isolate->heap()->RightTrimArray(D::cast(*this), new_capacity, old_capacity);
// Due to right-trimming (which creates a filler object before publishing the
// length through a release-store, see Heap::RightTrimArray), concurrent
// visitors need to read the length with acquire semantics.
template <class D, class S, class P>
int TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::AllocatedSize() const {
return SizeFor(capacity(kAcquireLoad));
template <class D, class S, class P>
typename TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::SlotType
TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::RawFieldOfFirstElement() const {
return RawFieldOfElementAt(0);
template <class D, class S, class P>
typename TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::SlotType
TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::RawFieldOfElementAt(int index) const {
if constexpr (kElementsAreMaybeObject) {
return this->RawMaybeWeakField(OffsetOfElementAt(index));
} else {
return this->RawField(OffsetOfElementAt(index));
// static
template <class IsolateT>
Handle<FixedArray> FixedArray::New(IsolateT* isolate, int capacity,
AllocationType allocation) {
if (V8_UNLIKELY(static_cast<unsigned>(capacity) >
FixedArrayBase::kMaxLength)) {
FATAL("Fatal JavaScript invalid size error %d (see",
} else if (V8_UNLIKELY(capacity == 0)) {
return isolate->factory()->empty_fixed_array();
base::Optional<DisallowGarbageCollection> no_gc;
Handle<FixedArray> result =
Handle<FixedArray>::cast(Allocate(isolate, capacity, &no_gc, allocation));
ReadOnlyRoots roots{isolate};
MemsetTagged((*result)->RawFieldOfFirstElement(), roots.undefined_value(),
return result;
// static
template <class IsolateT>
Handle<TrustedFixedArray> TrustedFixedArray::New(IsolateT* isolate,
int capacity) {
if (V8_UNLIKELY(static_cast<unsigned>(capacity) >
TrustedFixedArray::kMaxLength)) {
FATAL("Fatal JavaScript invalid size error %d (see",
// TODO(saelo): once we have trusted read-only roots, we can return the
// empty_trusted_fixed_array here. Currently this isn't possible because the
// (mutable) empty_trusted_fixed_array will be created via this function.
// The same is true for the other trusted-space arrays below.
base::Optional<DisallowGarbageCollection> no_gc;
Handle<TrustedFixedArray> result = Handle<TrustedFixedArray>::cast(
Allocate(isolate, capacity, &no_gc, AllocationType::kTrusted));
MemsetTagged((*result)->RawFieldOfFirstElement(), Smi::zero(), capacity);
return result;
// static
template <class IsolateT>
Handle<ProtectedFixedArray> ProtectedFixedArray::New(IsolateT* isolate,
int capacity) {
if (V8_UNLIKELY(static_cast<unsigned>(capacity) >
ProtectedFixedArray::kMaxLength)) {
FATAL("Fatal JavaScript invalid size error %d (see",
base::Optional<DisallowGarbageCollection> no_gc;
Handle<ProtectedFixedArray> result = Handle<ProtectedFixedArray>::cast(
Allocate(isolate, capacity, &no_gc, AllocationType::kTrusted));
MemsetTagged((*result)->RawFieldOfFirstElement(), Smi::zero(), capacity);
return result;
// static
template <class D, class S, class P>
template <class IsolateT>
Handle<D> TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::Allocate(
IsolateT* isolate, int capacity,
base::Optional<DisallowGarbageCollection>* no_gc_out,
AllocationType allocation) {
// Note 0-capacity is explicitly allowed since not all subtypes can be
// assumed to have canonical 0-capacity instances.
DCHECK_GE(capacity, 0);
DCHECK_LE(capacity, kMaxCapacity);
Tagged<D> xs = D::unchecked_cast(
isolate->factory()->AllocateRawArray(SizeFor(capacity), allocation));
ReadOnlyRoots roots{isolate};
if (DEBUG_BOOL) no_gc_out->emplace();
Tagged<Map> map = Map::cast(roots.object_at(S::kMapRootIndex));
xs->set_map_after_allocation(map, SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER);
return handle(xs, isolate);
// static
template <class D, class S, class P>
constexpr int TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::NewCapacityForIndex(int index,
int old_capacity) {
DCHECK_GE(index, old_capacity);
// Note this is currently based on JSObject::NewElementsCapacity.
int capacity = old_capacity;
do {
capacity = capacity + (capacity >> 1) + 16;
} while (capacity <= index);
return capacity;
int FixedArrayBase::length() const {
return Smi::ToInt(
TaggedField<Smi, TaggedArrayShape::kCapacityOffset>::load(*this));
int FixedArrayBase::length(AcquireLoadTag tag) const {
return Smi::ToInt(
TaggedField<Smi, TaggedArrayShape::kCapacityOffset>::Acquire_Load(*this));
void FixedArrayBase::set_length(int value) {
TaggedField<Smi, TaggedArrayShape::kCapacityOffset>::store(
*this, Smi::FromInt(value));
void FixedArrayBase::set_length(int value, ReleaseStoreTag tag) {
TaggedField<Smi, TaggedArrayShape::kCapacityOffset>::Release_Store(
*this, Smi::FromInt(value));
OBJECT_CONSTRUCTORS_IMPL(WeakFixedArray, WeakFixedArray::Super)
OBJECT_CONSTRUCTORS_IMPL(TrustedWeakFixedArray, TrustedWeakFixedArray::Super)
template <class D, class S, class P>
TaggedArrayBase<D, S, P>::TaggedArrayBase(Address ptr) : P(ptr) {}
template <class D, class S, class P>
PrimitiveArrayBase<D, S, P>::PrimitiveArrayBase(Address ptr) : P(ptr) {}
OBJECT_CONSTRUCTORS_IMPL(FixedArray, FixedArray::Super)
OBJECT_CONSTRUCTORS_IMPL(TrustedFixedArray, TrustedFixedArray::Super)
OBJECT_CONSTRUCTORS_IMPL(ProtectedFixedArray, ProtectedFixedArray::Super)
OBJECT_CONSTRUCTORS_IMPL(FixedDoubleArray, FixedDoubleArray::Super)
OBJECT_CONSTRUCTORS_IMPL(TrustedByteArray, TrustedByteArray::Super)
OBJECT_CONSTRUCTORS_IMPL(ExternalPointerArray, FixedArrayBase)
bool FixedArray::is_the_hole(Isolate* isolate, int index) {
return IsTheHole(get(index), isolate);
void FixedArray::set_the_hole(Isolate* isolate, int index) {
set_the_hole(ReadOnlyRoots(isolate), index);
void FixedArray::set_the_hole(ReadOnlyRoots ro_roots, int index) {
set(index, ro_roots.the_hole_value(), SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER);
void FixedArray::FillWithHoles(int from, int to) {
ReadOnlyRoots roots = GetReadOnlyRoots();
for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
set(i, roots.the_hole_value(), SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER);
void FixedArray::MoveElements(Isolate* isolate, int dst_index, int src_index,
int len, WriteBarrierMode mode) {
MoveElements(isolate, *this, dst_index, *this, src_index, len, mode);
void FixedArray::CopyElements(Isolate* isolate, int dst_index,
Tagged<FixedArray> src, int src_index, int len,
WriteBarrierMode mode) {
CopyElements(isolate, *this, dst_index, src, src_index, len, mode);
// static
Handle<FixedArray> FixedArray::Resize(Isolate* isolate, Handle<FixedArray> xs,
int new_capacity,
AllocationType allocation,
WriteBarrierMode mode) {
Handle<FixedArray> ys = New(isolate, new_capacity, allocation);
int elements_to_copy = std::min(new_capacity, xs->capacity());
FixedArray::CopyElements(isolate, *ys, 0, *xs, 0, elements_to_copy, mode);
return ys;
inline int WeakArrayList::AllocatedSize() const { return SizeFor(capacity()); }
// Perform a binary search in a fixed array.
template <SearchMode search_mode, typename T>
int BinarySearch(T* array, Tagged<Name> name, int valid_entries,
int* out_insertion_index) {
DCHECK_IMPLIES(search_mode == VALID_ENTRIES, out_insertion_index == nullptr);
int low = 0;
// We have to search on all entries, even when search_mode == VALID_ENTRIES.
// This is because the InternalIndex might be different from the SortedIndex
// (i.e the first added item in {array} could be the last in the sorted
// index). After doing the binary search and getting the correct internal
// index we check to have the index lower than valid_entries, if needed.
int high = array->number_of_entries() - 1;
uint32_t hash = name->hash();
int limit = high;
DCHECK(low <= high);
while (low != high) {
int mid = low + (high - low) / 2;
Tagged<Name> mid_name = array->GetSortedKey(mid);
uint32_t mid_hash = mid_name->hash();
if (mid_hash >= hash) {
high = mid;
} else {
low = mid + 1;
for (; low <= limit; ++low) {
int sort_index = array->GetSortedKeyIndex(low);
Tagged<Name> entry = array->GetKey(InternalIndex(sort_index));
uint32_t current_hash = entry->hash();
if (current_hash != hash) {
// 'search_mode == ALL_ENTRIES' here and below is not needed since
// 'out_insertion_index != nullptr' implies 'search_mode == ALL_ENTRIES'.
// Having said that, when creating the template for <VALID_ENTRIES> these
// ifs can be elided by the C++ compiler if we add 'search_mode ==
if (search_mode == ALL_ENTRIES && out_insertion_index != nullptr) {
*out_insertion_index = sort_index + (current_hash > hash ? 0 : 1);
return T::kNotFound;
if (entry == name) {
if (search_mode == ALL_ENTRIES || sort_index < valid_entries) {
return sort_index;
return T::kNotFound;
if (search_mode == ALL_ENTRIES && out_insertion_index != nullptr) {
*out_insertion_index = limit + 1;
return T::kNotFound;
// Perform a linear search in this fixed array. len is the number of entry
// indices that are valid.
template <SearchMode search_mode, typename T>
int LinearSearch(T* array, Tagged<Name> name, int valid_entries,
int* out_insertion_index) {
if (search_mode == ALL_ENTRIES && out_insertion_index != nullptr) {
uint32_t hash = name->hash();
int len = array->number_of_entries();
for (int number = 0; number < len; number++) {
int sorted_index = array->GetSortedKeyIndex(number);
Tagged<Name> entry = array->GetKey(InternalIndex(sorted_index));
uint32_t current_hash = entry->hash();
if (current_hash > hash) {
*out_insertion_index = sorted_index;
return T::kNotFound;
if (entry == name) return sorted_index;
*out_insertion_index = len;
return T::kNotFound;
} else {
DCHECK_LE(valid_entries, array->number_of_entries());
DCHECK_NULL(out_insertion_index); // Not supported here.
for (int number = 0; number < valid_entries; number++) {
if (array->GetKey(InternalIndex(number)) == name) return number;
return T::kNotFound;
template <SearchMode search_mode, typename T>
int Search(T* array, Tagged<Name> name, int valid_entries,
int* out_insertion_index, bool concurrent_search) {
SLOW_DCHECK_IMPLIES(!concurrent_search, array->IsSortedNoDuplicates());
if (valid_entries == 0) {
if (search_mode == ALL_ENTRIES && out_insertion_index != nullptr) {
*out_insertion_index = 0;
return T::kNotFound;
// Do linear search for small arrays, and for searches in the background
// thread.
const int kMaxElementsForLinearSearch = 8;
if (valid_entries <= kMaxElementsForLinearSearch || concurrent_search) {
return LinearSearch<search_mode>(array, name, valid_entries,
return BinarySearch<search_mode>(array, name, valid_entries,
template <class D, class S, class P>
int PrimitiveArrayBase<D, S, P>::length() const {
return Smi::ToInt(TaggedField<Smi, D::kLengthOffset>::load(*this));
template <class D, class S, class P>
int PrimitiveArrayBase<D, S, P>::length(AcquireLoadTag tag) const {
return Smi::ToInt(TaggedField<Smi, D::kLengthOffset>::Acquire_Load(*this));
template <class D, class S, class P>
void PrimitiveArrayBase<D, S, P>::set_length(int value) {
TaggedField<Smi, D::kLengthOffset>::store(*this, Smi::FromInt(value));
template <class D, class S, class P>
void PrimitiveArrayBase<D, S, P>::set_length(int value, ReleaseStoreTag tag) {
TaggedField<Smi, D::kLengthOffset>::Release_Store(*this, Smi::FromInt(value));
template <class D, class S, class P>
int PrimitiveArrayBase<D, S, P>::capacity() const {
return length();
template <class D, class S, class P>
int PrimitiveArrayBase<D, S, P>::capacity(AcquireLoadTag tag) const {
return length(tag);
template <class D, class S, class P>
void PrimitiveArrayBase<D, S, P>::set_capacity(int value) {
template <class D, class S, class P>
void PrimitiveArrayBase<D, S, P>::set_capacity(int value, ReleaseStoreTag tag) {
set_length(value, tag);
template <class D, class S, class P>
bool PrimitiveArrayBase<D, S, P>::IsInBounds(int index) const {
return static_cast<unsigned>(index) < static_cast<unsigned>(length());
template <class D, class S, class P>
typename S::ElementT PrimitiveArrayBase<D, S, P>::get(int index) const {
return this->template ReadField<typename S::ElementT>(
template <class D, class S, class P>
void PrimitiveArrayBase<D, S, P>::set(int index, typename S::ElementT value) {
this->template WriteField<typename S::ElementT>(OffsetOfElementAt(index),
// Due to right-trimming (which creates a filler object before publishing the
// length through a release-store, see Heap::RightTrimArray), concurrent
// visitors need to read the length with acquire semantics.
template <class D, class S, class P>
int PrimitiveArrayBase<D, S, P>::AllocatedSize() const {
return SizeFor(length(kAcquireLoad));
template <class D, class S, class P>
typename S::ElementT* PrimitiveArrayBase<D, S, P>::AddressOfElementAt(
int index) const {
return reinterpret_cast<ElementT*>(
template <class D, class S, class P>
typename S::ElementT* PrimitiveArrayBase<D, S, P>::begin() const {
return AddressOfElementAt(0);
template <class D, class S, class P>
typename S::ElementT* PrimitiveArrayBase<D, S, P>::end() const {
return AddressOfElementAt(length());
template <class D, class S, class P>
int PrimitiveArrayBase<D, S, P>::DataSize() const {
int data_size = SizeFor(length()) - S::kHeaderSize;
DCHECK_EQ(data_size, OBJECT_POINTER_ALIGN(length() * S::kElementSize));
return data_size;
// static
template <class D, class S, class P>
inline Tagged<D> PrimitiveArrayBase<D, S, P>::FromAddressOfFirstElement(
Address address) {
return D::cast(Tagged<Object>(address - S::kHeaderSize + kHeapObjectTag));
// static
template <class IsolateT>
Handle<FixedArrayBase> FixedDoubleArray::New(IsolateT* isolate, int length,
AllocationType allocation) {
if (V8_UNLIKELY(static_cast<unsigned>(length) > kMaxLength)) {
FATAL("Fatal JavaScript invalid size error %d (see",
} else if (V8_UNLIKELY(length == 0)) {
return isolate->factory()->empty_fixed_array();
base::Optional<DisallowGarbageCollection> no_gc;
return Handle<FixedDoubleArray>::cast(
Allocate(isolate, length, &no_gc, allocation));
// static
template <class D, class S, class P>
template <class IsolateT>
Handle<D> PrimitiveArrayBase<D, S, P>::Allocate(
IsolateT* isolate, int length,
base::Optional<DisallowGarbageCollection>* no_gc_out,
AllocationType allocation) {
// Note 0-length is explicitly allowed since not all subtypes can be
// assumed to have canonical 0-length instances.
DCHECK_GE(length, 0);
DCHECK_LE(length, kMaxLength);
Tagged<D> xs = D::unchecked_cast(
isolate->factory()->AllocateRawArray(SizeFor(length), allocation));
ReadOnlyRoots roots{isolate};
if (DEBUG_BOOL) no_gc_out->emplace();
Tagged<Map> map = Map::cast(roots.object_at(S::kMapRootIndex));
xs->set_map_after_allocation(map, SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER);
return handle(xs, isolate);
double FixedDoubleArray::get_scalar(int index) {
return Super::get(index);
uint64_t FixedDoubleArray::get_representation(int index) {
// Bug(v8:8875): Doubles may be unaligned.
return base::ReadUnalignedValue<uint64_t>(
Handle<Object> FixedDoubleArray::get(Tagged<FixedDoubleArray> array, int index,
Isolate* isolate) {
if (array->is_the_hole(index)) {
return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).the_hole_value_handle();
} else {
return isolate->factory()->NewNumber(array->get_scalar(index));
void FixedDoubleArray::set(int index, double value) {
if (std::isnan(value)) {
value = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
Super::set(index, value);
void FixedDoubleArray::set_the_hole(Isolate* isolate, int index) {
void FixedDoubleArray::set_the_hole(int index) {
bool FixedDoubleArray::is_the_hole(Isolate* isolate, int index) {
return is_the_hole(index);
bool FixedDoubleArray::is_the_hole(int index) {
return get_representation(index) == kHoleNanInt64;
void FixedDoubleArray::MoveElements(Isolate* isolate, int dst_index,
int src_index, int len,
WriteBarrierMode mode) {
MemMove(AddressOfElementAt(dst_index), AddressOfElementAt(src_index),
len * Shape::kElementSize);
void FixedDoubleArray::FillWithHoles(int from, int to) {
for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
// static
template <class IsolateT>
Handle<WeakFixedArray> WeakFixedArray::New(IsolateT* isolate, int capacity,
AllocationType allocation) {
CHECK_LE(static_cast<unsigned>(capacity), kMaxCapacity);
if (V8_UNLIKELY(capacity == 0)) {
return isolate->factory()->empty_weak_fixed_array();
base::Optional<DisallowGarbageCollection> no_gc;
Handle<WeakFixedArray> result = Handle<WeakFixedArray>::cast(
Allocate(isolate, capacity, &no_gc, allocation));
ReadOnlyRoots roots{isolate};
MemsetTagged((*result)->RawFieldOfFirstElement(), roots.undefined_value(),
return result;
template <class IsolateT>
Handle<TrustedWeakFixedArray> TrustedWeakFixedArray::New(IsolateT* isolate,
int capacity) {
if (V8_UNLIKELY(static_cast<unsigned>(capacity) >
TrustedFixedArray::kMaxLength)) {
FATAL("Fatal JavaScript invalid size error %d (see",
base::Optional<DisallowGarbageCollection> no_gc;
Handle<TrustedWeakFixedArray> result = Handle<TrustedWeakFixedArray>::cast(
Allocate(isolate, capacity, &no_gc, AllocationType::kTrusted));
MemsetTagged((*result)->RawFieldOfFirstElement(), Smi::zero(), capacity);
return result;
Tagged<MaybeObject> WeakArrayList::Get(int index) const {
PtrComprCageBase cage_base = GetPtrComprCageBase(*this);
return Get(cage_base, index);
Tagged<MaybeObject> WeakArrayList::get(int index) const { return Get(index); }
Tagged<MaybeObject> WeakArrayList::Get(PtrComprCageBase cage_base,
int index) const {
DCHECK_LT(static_cast<unsigned>(index), static_cast<unsigned>(capacity()));
return objects(cage_base, index, kRelaxedLoad);
void WeakArrayList::Set(int index, Tagged<MaybeObject> value,
WriteBarrierMode mode) {
set_objects(index, value, mode);
void WeakArrayList::Set(int index, Tagged<Smi> value) {
Set(index, value, SKIP_WRITE_BARRIER);
MaybeObjectSlot WeakArrayList::data_start() {
return RawMaybeWeakField(kObjectsOffset);
void WeakArrayList::CopyElements(Isolate* isolate, int dst_index,
Tagged<WeakArrayList> src, int src_index,
int len, WriteBarrierMode mode) {
if (len == 0) return;
DCHECK_LE(dst_index + len, capacity());
DCHECK_LE(src_index + len, src->capacity());
DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
MaybeObjectSlot dst_slot(data_start() + dst_index);
MaybeObjectSlot src_slot(src->data_start() + src_index);
isolate->heap()->CopyRange(*this, dst_slot, src_slot, len, mode);
Tagged<HeapObject> WeakArrayList::Iterator::Next() {
if (!array_.is_null()) {
while (index_ < array_->length()) {
Tagged<MaybeObject> item = array_->Get(index_++);
if (!item.IsCleared()) return item.GetHeapObjectAssumeWeak();
array_ = WeakArrayList();
return Tagged<HeapObject>();
SMI_ACCESSORS(ArrayList, length, ArrayList::Shape::kLengthOffset)
// static
template <class IsolateT>
Handle<ArrayList> ArrayList::New(IsolateT* isolate, int capacity,
AllocationType allocation) {
if (capacity == 0) return isolate->factory()->empty_array_list();
DCHECK_GT(capacity, 0);
DCHECK_LE(capacity, kMaxCapacity);
base::Optional<DisallowGarbageCollection> no_gc;
Handle<ArrayList> result =
Handle<ArrayList>::cast(Allocate(isolate, capacity, &no_gc, allocation));
ReadOnlyRoots roots{isolate};
MemsetTagged(result->RawFieldOfFirstElement(), roots.undefined_value(),
return result;
// static
template <class IsolateT>
Handle<ByteArray> ByteArray::New(IsolateT* isolate, int length,
AllocationType allocation) {
if (V8_UNLIKELY(static_cast<unsigned>(length) > kMaxLength)) {
FATAL("Fatal JavaScript invalid size error %d", length);
} else if (V8_UNLIKELY(length == 0)) {
return isolate->factory()->empty_byte_array();
base::Optional<DisallowGarbageCollection> no_gc;
Handle<ByteArray> result =
Handle<ByteArray>::cast(Allocate(isolate, length, &no_gc, allocation));
int padding_size = SizeFor(length) - OffsetOfElementAt(length);
memset(result->AddressOfElementAt(length), 0, padding_size);
return result;
uint32_t ByteArray::get_int(int offset) const {
DCHECK_LE(offset + sizeof(uint32_t), length());
return ReadField<uint32_t>(OffsetOfElementAt(offset));
void ByteArray::set_int(int offset, uint32_t value) {
DCHECK_LE(offset + sizeof(uint32_t), length());
WriteField<uint32_t>(OffsetOfElementAt(offset), value);
// static
template <class IsolateT>
Handle<TrustedByteArray> TrustedByteArray::New(IsolateT* isolate, int length) {
if (V8_UNLIKELY(static_cast<unsigned>(length) > kMaxLength)) {
FATAL("Fatal JavaScript invalid size error %d", length);
base::Optional<DisallowGarbageCollection> no_gc;
Handle<TrustedByteArray> result = Handle<TrustedByteArray>::cast(
Allocate(isolate, length, &no_gc, AllocationType::kTrusted));
int padding_size = SizeFor(length) - OffsetOfElementAt(length);
memset(result->AddressOfElementAt(length), 0, padding_size);
return result;
template <typename Base>
Address FixedAddressArrayBase<Base>::get_sandboxed_pointer(int offset) const {
DCHECK_GE(offset, 0);
DCHECK_GT(this->length(), offset);
PtrComprCageBase sandbox_base = GetPtrComprCageBase(*this);
return this->ReadSandboxedPointerField(
FixedAddressArrayBase::OffsetOfElementAt(offset), sandbox_base);
template <typename Base>
void FixedAddressArrayBase<Base>::set_sandboxed_pointer(int offset,
Address value) {
DCHECK_GE(offset, 0);
DCHECK_GT(this->length(), offset);
PtrComprCageBase sandbox_base = GetPtrComprCageBase(*this);
FixedAddressArrayBase::OffsetOfElementAt(offset), sandbox_base, value);
template <typename Base>
template <typename... MoreArgs>
// static
Handle<FixedAddressArrayBase<Base>> FixedAddressArrayBase<Base>::New(
Isolate* isolate, int length, MoreArgs&&... more_args) {
return Handle<FixedAddressArrayBase>::cast(
Underlying::New(isolate, length, std::forward<MoreArgs>(more_args)...));
template <typename Base>
FixedAddressArrayBase<Base>::FixedAddressArrayBase(Address ptr)
: Underlying(ptr) {}
template <typename Base>
template <typename T, typename Base>
FixedIntegerArrayBase<T, Base>::FixedIntegerArrayBase(Address ptr) : Base(ptr) {
DCHECK_EQ(Base::length() % sizeof(T), 0);
template <typename T, typename Base>
Tagged<FixedIntegerArrayBase<T, Base>> FixedIntegerArrayBase<T, Base>::cast(
Tagged<Object> object) {
Tagged<Base> base = Tagged<Base>::cast(object);
DCHECK_EQ(0, base->length() % sizeof(T));
return FixedIntegerArrayBase<T, Base>{base.ptr()};
template <typename T, typename Base>
template <typename... MoreArgs>
// static
Handle<FixedIntegerArrayBase<T, Base>> FixedIntegerArrayBase<T, Base>::New(
Isolate* isolate, int length, MoreArgs&&... more_args) {
int byte_length;
CHECK(!base::bits::SignedMulOverflow32(length, sizeof(T), &byte_length));
return Handle<FixedIntegerArrayBase<T, Base>>::cast(
Base::New(isolate, byte_length, std::forward<MoreArgs>(more_args)...));
template <typename T, typename Base>
T FixedIntegerArrayBase<T, Base>::get(int index) const {
DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
DCHECK_LT(index, length());
return this->template ReadField<T>(Base::kHeaderSize + index * sizeof(T));
template <typename T, typename Base>
void FixedIntegerArrayBase<T, Base>::set(int index, T value) {
DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
DCHECK_LT(index, length());
this->template WriteField<T>(Base::kHeaderSize + index * sizeof(T), value);
template <typename T, typename Base>
int FixedIntegerArrayBase<T, Base>::length() const {
DCHECK_EQ(Base::length() % sizeof(T), 0);
return Base::length() / sizeof(T);
template <ExternalPointerTag tag>
inline Address ExternalPointerArray::get(int index, Isolate* isolate) {
return ReadExternalPointerField<tag>(OffsetOfElementAt(index), isolate);
template <ExternalPointerTag tag>
inline void ExternalPointerArray::set(int index, Isolate* isolate,
Address value) {
isolate, value);
// static
Handle<ExternalPointerArray> ExternalPointerArray::New(
Isolate* isolate, int length, AllocationType allocation) {
return isolate->factory()->NewExternalPointerArray(length, allocation);
template <class T, class Super>
int PodArrayBase<T, Super>::length() const {
return Super::length() / sizeof(T);
template <class T, class Super>
PodArrayBase<T, Super>::PodArrayBase(Address ptr) : Super(ptr) {}
// static
template <class T>
Handle<PodArray<T>> PodArray<T>::New(Isolate* isolate, int length,
AllocationType allocation) {
int byte_length;
CHECK(!base::bits::SignedMulOverflow32(length, sizeof(T), &byte_length));
return Handle<PodArray<T>>::cast(
isolate->factory()->NewByteArray(byte_length, allocation));
// static
template <class T>
Handle<PodArray<T>> PodArray<T>::New(LocalIsolate* isolate, int length,
AllocationType allocation) {
int byte_length;
CHECK(!base::bits::SignedMulOverflow32(length, sizeof(T), &byte_length));
return Handle<PodArray<T>>::cast(
isolate->factory()->NewByteArray(byte_length, allocation));
template <class T>
PodArray<T>::PodArray(Address ptr) : PodArrayBase<T, ByteArray>(ptr) {}
template <class T>
// static
template <class T>
Handle<TrustedPodArray<T>> TrustedPodArray<T>::New(Isolate* isolate,
int length) {
int byte_length;
CHECK(!base::bits::SignedMulOverflow32(length, sizeof(T), &byte_length));
return Handle<TrustedPodArray<T>>::cast(
// static
template <class T>
Handle<TrustedPodArray<T>> TrustedPodArray<T>::New(LocalIsolate* isolate,
int length) {
int byte_length;
CHECK(!base::bits::SignedMulOverflow32(length, sizeof(T), &byte_length));
return Handle<TrustedPodArray<T>>::cast(
template <class T>
TrustedPodArray<T>::TrustedPodArray(Address ptr)
: PodArrayBase<T, TrustedByteArray>(ptr) {}
template <class T>
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"