blob: 056ee7162d1a7cfdcc75262cac09a91c53d768d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/base/macros.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/objects/instance-type.h"
#include "src/objects/slots.h"
#include "src/objects/tagged-field.h"
#include "src/sandbox/indirect-pointer-tag.h"
#include "src/sandbox/isolate.h"
// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards):
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class Heap;
class PrimitiveHeapObject;
class ExternalPointerSlot;
class IndirectPointerSlot;
class ExposedTrustedObject;
class ObjectVisitor;
class WritableFreeSpace;
V8_OBJECT class HeapObjectLayout {
HeapObjectLayout() = delete;
// [map]: Contains a map which contains the object's reflective
// information.
inline Tagged<Map> map() const;
inline Tagged<Map> map(AcquireLoadTag) const;
inline void set_map(Tagged<Map> value);
inline void set_map(Tagged<Map> value, ReleaseStoreTag);
// This method behaves the same as `set_map` but marks the map transition as
// safe for the concurrent marker (object layout doesn't change) during
// verification.
inline void set_map_safe_transition(Tagged<Map> value, ReleaseStoreTag);
inline void set_map_safe_transition_no_write_barrier(
Tagged<Map> value, RelaxedStoreTag = kRelaxedStore);
// Initialize the map immediately after the object is allocated.
// Do not use this outside Heap.
inline void set_map_after_allocation(
Tagged<Map> value, WriteBarrierMode mode = UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER);
// The no-write-barrier version. This is OK if the object is white and in
// new space, or if the value is an immortal immutable object, like the maps
// of primitive (non-JS) objects like strings, heap numbers etc.
inline void set_map_no_write_barrier(Tagged<Map> value,
RelaxedStoreTag = kRelaxedStore);
// Access the map word using acquire load and release store.
inline void set_map_word_forwarded(Tagged<HeapObject> target_object,
// Returns the tagged pointer to this HeapObject.
// TODO(leszeks): Consider bottlenecking this through Tagged<>.
inline Address ptr() const { return address() + kHeapObjectTag; }
// Returns the address of this HeapObject.
inline Address address() const { return reinterpret_cast<Address>(this); }
// This method exists to help remove GetIsolate/GetHeap from HeapObject, in a
// way that doesn't require passing Isolate/Heap down huge call chains or to
// places where it might not be safe to access it.
inline ReadOnlyRoots GetReadOnlyRoots() const;
// This is slower, but safe to call during bootstrapping.
inline ReadOnlyRoots EarlyGetReadOnlyRoots() const;
// Returns the heap object's size in bytes
inline int Size() const;
// Given a heap object's map pointer, returns the heap size in bytes
// Useful when the map pointer field is used for other purposes.
// GC internal.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE int SizeFromMap(Tagged<Map> map) const;
// Return the write barrier mode for this. Callers of this function
// must be able to present a reference to an DisallowGarbageCollection
// object as a sign that they are not going to use this function
// from code that allocates and thus invalidates the returned write
// barrier mode.
inline WriteBarrierMode GetWriteBarrierMode(
const DisallowGarbageCollection& promise);
void PrintHeader(std::ostream& os, const char* id);
friend class HeapObject;
TaggedMember<Map> map_;
static_assert(sizeof(HeapObjectLayout) == kTaggedSize);
inline bool operator==(const HeapObjectLayout* obj, StrongTaggedBase ptr) {
return Tagged<HeapObject>(obj) == ptr;
inline bool operator==(StrongTaggedBase ptr, const HeapObjectLayout* obj) {
return ptr == Tagged<HeapObject>(obj);
inline bool operator!=(const HeapObjectLayout* obj, StrongTaggedBase ptr) {
return Tagged<HeapObject>(obj) != ptr;
inline bool operator!=(StrongTaggedBase ptr, const HeapObjectLayout* obj) {
return ptr != Tagged<HeapObject>(obj);
template <typename T>
struct ObjectTraits {
using BodyDescriptor = typename T::BodyDescriptor;
// HeapObject is the superclass for all classes describing heap allocated
// objects.
class HeapObject : public TaggedImpl<HeapObjectReferenceType::STRONG, Address> {
constexpr HeapObject() = default;
// [map]: Contains a map which contains the object's reflective
// information.
DECL_GETTER(map, Tagged<Map>)
inline void set_map(Tagged<Map> value);
// This method behaves the same as `set_map` but marks the map transition as
// safe for the concurrent marker (object layout doesn't change) during
// verification.
inline void set_map_safe_transition(Tagged<Map> value);
inline ObjectSlot map_slot() const;
// The no-write-barrier version. This is OK if the object is white and in
// new space, or if the value is an immortal immutable object, like the maps
// of primitive (non-JS) objects like strings, heap numbers etc.
inline void set_map_no_write_barrier(Tagged<Map> value,
RelaxedStoreTag = kRelaxedStore);
inline void set_map_no_write_barrier(Tagged<Map> value, ReleaseStoreTag);
inline void set_map_safe_transition_no_write_barrier(
Tagged<Map> value, RelaxedStoreTag = kRelaxedStore);
inline void set_map_safe_transition_no_write_barrier(Tagged<Map> value,
// Access the map using acquire load and release store.
inline void set_map(Tagged<Map> value, ReleaseStoreTag);
inline void set_map_safe_transition(Tagged<Map> value, ReleaseStoreTag);
// Compare-and-swaps map word using release store, returns true if the map
// word was actually swapped.
inline bool release_compare_and_swap_map_word_forwarded(
MapWord old_map_word, Tagged<HeapObject> new_target_object);
// Initialize the map immediately after the object is allocated.
// Do not use this outside Heap.
inline void set_map_after_allocation(
Tagged<Map> value, WriteBarrierMode mode = UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER);
static inline void SetFillerMap(const WritableFreeSpace& writable_page,
Tagged<Map> value);
// During garbage collection, the map word of a heap object does not
// necessarily contain a map pointer.
DECL_RELAXED_GETTER(map_word, MapWord)
inline void set_map_word(Tagged<Map> map, RelaxedStoreTag);
inline void set_map_word_forwarded(Tagged<HeapObject> target_object,
// Access the map word using acquire load and release store.
DECL_ACQUIRE_GETTER(map_word, MapWord)
inline void set_map_word(Tagged<Map> map, ReleaseStoreTag);
inline void set_map_word_forwarded(Tagged<HeapObject> target_object,
// This method exists to help remove GetIsolate/GetHeap from HeapObject, in a
// way that doesn't require passing Isolate/Heap down huge call chains or to
// places where it might not be safe to access it.
inline ReadOnlyRoots GetReadOnlyRoots() const;
// This version is intended to be used for the isolate values produced by
// i::GetPtrComprCageBase(HeapObject) function which may return nullptr.
inline ReadOnlyRoots GetReadOnlyRoots(PtrComprCageBase cage_base) const;
// This is slower, but safe to call during bootstrapping.
inline ReadOnlyRoots EarlyGetReadOnlyRoots() const;
// Converts an address to a HeapObject pointer.
static inline Tagged<HeapObject> FromAddress(Address address) {
return Tagged<HeapObject>::unchecked_cast(
Tagged<Object>(address + kHeapObjectTag));
// Returns the address of this HeapObject.
inline Address address() const { return ptr() - kHeapObjectTag; }
// Iterates over pointers contained in the object (including the Map).
// If it's not performance critical iteration use the non-templatized
// version.
void Iterate(PtrComprCageBase cage_base, ObjectVisitor* v);
template <typename ObjectVisitor>
inline void IterateFast(PtrComprCageBase cage_base, ObjectVisitor* v);
template <typename ObjectVisitor>
inline void IterateFast(Tagged<Map> map, ObjectVisitor* v);
template <typename ObjectVisitor>
inline void IterateFast(Tagged<Map> map, int object_size, ObjectVisitor* v);
// Iterates over all pointers contained in the object except the
// first map pointer. The object type is given in the first
// parameter. This function does not access the map pointer in the
// object, and so is safe to call while the map pointer is modified.
// If it's not performance critical iteration use the non-templatized
// version.
void IterateBody(PtrComprCageBase cage_base, ObjectVisitor* v);
void IterateBody(Tagged<Map> map, int object_size, ObjectVisitor* v);
template <typename ObjectVisitor>
inline void IterateBodyFast(PtrComprCageBase cage_base, ObjectVisitor* v);
template <typename ObjectVisitor>
inline void IterateBodyFast(Tagged<Map> map, int object_size,
ObjectVisitor* v);
// Returns the heap object's size in bytes
DECL_GETTER(Size, int)
// Given a heap object's map pointer, returns the heap size in bytes
// Useful when the map pointer field is used for other purposes.
// GC internal.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE int SizeFromMap(Tagged<Map> map) const;
template <class T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value ||
int>::type = 0>
inline T ReadField(size_t offset) const {
return ReadMaybeUnalignedValue<T>(field_address(offset));
template <class T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value ||
int>::type = 0>
inline void WriteField(size_t offset, T value) const {
return WriteMaybeUnalignedValue<T>(field_address(offset), value);
// Atomically reads a field using relaxed memory ordering. Can only be used
// with integral types whose size is <= kTaggedSize (to guarantee alignment).
template <class T,
typename std::enable_if<(std::is_arithmetic<T>::value ||
std::is_enum<T>::value) &&
int>::type = 0>
inline T Relaxed_ReadField(size_t offset) const;
// Atomically writes a field using relaxed memory ordering. Can only be used
// with integral types whose size is <= kTaggedSize (to guarantee alignment).
template <class T,
typename std::enable_if<(std::is_arithmetic<T>::value ||
std::is_enum<T>::value) &&
int>::type = 0>
inline void Relaxed_WriteField(size_t offset, T value);
// Atomically compares and swaps a field using seq cst memory ordering.
// Contains the required logic to properly handle number comparison.
template <typename CompareAndSwapImpl>
static Tagged<Object> SeqCst_CompareAndSwapField(
Tagged<Object> expected_value, Tagged<Object> new_value,
CompareAndSwapImpl compare_and_swap_impl);
// SandboxedPointer_t field accessors.
inline Address ReadSandboxedPointerField(size_t offset,
PtrComprCageBase cage_base) const;
inline void WriteSandboxedPointerField(size_t offset,
PtrComprCageBase cage_base,
Address value);
inline void WriteSandboxedPointerField(size_t offset, Isolate* isolate,
Address value);
// BoundedSize field accessors.
inline size_t ReadBoundedSizeField(size_t offset) const;
inline void WriteBoundedSizeField(size_t offset, size_t value);
// ExternalPointer_t field accessors.
template <ExternalPointerTag tag>
inline void InitExternalPointerField(size_t offset, IsolateForSandbox isolate,
Address value);
template <ExternalPointerTag tag>
inline Address ReadExternalPointerField(size_t offset,
IsolateForSandbox isolate) const;
// Same as `ReadExternalPointerField()` with returning kNullAddress on
// encountering a 0-handle (instead of crashing). Will use the
// CppHeapPointerTable for access.
template <ExternalPointerTag tag>
inline Address TryReadCppHeapPointerField(
size_t offset, IsolateForPointerCompression isolate) const;
inline Address TryReadCppHeapPointerField(
size_t offset, IsolateForPointerCompression isolate,
ExternalPointerTag tag) const;
template <ExternalPointerTag tag>
inline void WriteExternalPointerField(size_t offset,
IsolateForSandbox isolate,
Address value);
template <ExternalPointerTag tag>
inline void WriteLazilyInitializedExternalPointerField(
size_t offset, IsolateForSandbox isolate, Address value);
inline void SetupLazilyInitializedExternalPointerField(size_t offset);
inline void SetupLazilyInitializedCppHeapPointerField(size_t offset);
template <ExternalPointerTag tag>
inline void WriteLazilyInitializedCppHeapPointerField(
size_t offset, IsolateForPointerCompression isolate, Address value);
inline void WriteLazilyInitializedCppHeapPointerField(
size_t offset, IsolateForPointerCompression isolate, Address value,
ExternalPointerTag tag);
// Indirect pointers.
// These are only available when the sandbox is enabled.
inline void InitSelfIndirectPointerField(size_t offset,
IsolateForSandbox isolate);
template <IndirectPointerTag tag>
inline Tagged<Object> ReadIndirectPointerField(
size_t offset, IsolateForSandbox isolate) const;
template <IndirectPointerTag tag>
inline void WriteIndirectPointerField(size_t offset,
Tagged<ExposedTrustedObject> value);
// Trusted pointers.
// A pointer to a trusted object. When the sandbox is enabled, these are
// indirect pointers using the the TrustedPointerTable (TPT). When the sandbox
// is disabled, they are regular tagged pointers. They must always point to an
// ExposedTrustedObject as (only) these objects can be referenced through the
// trusted pointer table.
template <IndirectPointerTag tag>
inline Tagged<ExposedTrustedObject> ReadTrustedPointerField(
size_t offset, IsolateForSandbox isolate) const;
template <IndirectPointerTag tag>
inline void WriteTrustedPointerField(size_t offset,
Tagged<ExposedTrustedObject> value);
// Trusted pointer fields can be cleared, in which case they no longer point
// to any object. When the sandbox is enabled, this will set the fields
// indirect pointer handle to the null handle (referencing the zeroth entry in
// the TrustedPointerTable which just contains nullptr). When the sandbox is
// disabled, this will set the field to Smi::zero().
inline bool IsTrustedPointerFieldCleared(size_t offset) const;
inline void ClearTrustedPointerField(size_t offest);
// Code pointers.
// These are special versions of trusted pointers that always point to Code
// objects. When the sandbox is enabled, they are indirect pointers using the
// code pointer table (CPT) instead of the TrustedPointerTable. When the
// sandbox is disabled, they are regular tagged pointers.
inline Tagged<Code> ReadCodePointerField(size_t offset,
IsolateForSandbox isolate) const;
inline void WriteCodePointerField(size_t offset, Tagged<Code> value);
inline bool IsCodePointerFieldCleared(size_t offset) const;
inline void ClearCodePointerField(size_t offest);
inline Address ReadCodeEntrypointViaCodePointerField(
size_t offset, CodeEntrypointTag tag) const;
inline void WriteCodeEntrypointViaCodePointerField(size_t offset,
Address value,
CodeEntrypointTag tag);
// Returns the field at offset in obj, as a read/write Object reference.
// Does no checking, and is safe to use during GC, while maps are invalid.
// Does not invoke write barrier, so should only be assigned to
// during marking GC.
inline ObjectSlot RawField(int byte_offset) const;
inline MaybeObjectSlot RawMaybeWeakField(int byte_offset) const;
inline InstructionStreamSlot RawInstructionStreamField(int byte_offset) const;
inline ExternalPointerSlot RawExternalPointerField(
int byte_offset, ExternalPointerTag tag) const;
inline CppHeapPointerSlot RawCppHeapPointerField(
int byte_offset, ExternalPointerTag tag) const;
inline IndirectPointerSlot RawIndirectPointerField(
int byte_offset, IndirectPointerTag tag) const;
// Return the write barrier mode for this. Callers of this function
// must be able to present a reference to an DisallowGarbageCollection
// object as a sign that they are not going to use this function
// from code that allocates and thus invalidates the returned write
// barrier mode.
inline WriteBarrierMode GetWriteBarrierMode(
const DisallowGarbageCollection& promise);
// Dispatched behavior.
void HeapObjectShortPrint(std::ostream& os);
void Print();
static void Print(Tagged<Object> obj);
static void Print(Tagged<Object> obj, std::ostream& os);
void PrintHeader(std::ostream& os, const char* id);
inline void VerifyObjectField(Isolate* isolate, int offset);
inline void VerifySmiField(int offset);
inline void VerifyMaybeObjectField(Isolate* isolate, int offset);
// Verify a pointer is a valid HeapObject pointer that points to object
// areas in the heap.
static void VerifyHeapPointer(Isolate* isolate, Tagged<Object> p);
static void VerifyCodePointer(Isolate* isolate, Tagged<Object> p);
static inline AllocationAlignment RequiredAlignment(Tagged<Map> map);
bool inline CheckRequiredAlignment(PtrComprCageBase cage_base) const;
// Whether the object needs rehashing. That is the case if the object's
// content depends on v8_flags.hash_seed. When the object is deserialized into
// a heap with a different hash seed, these objects need to adapt.
bool NeedsRehashing(InstanceType instance_type) const;
bool NeedsRehashing(PtrComprCageBase cage_base) const;
// Rehashing support is not implemented for all objects that need rehashing.
// With objects that need rehashing but cannot be rehashed, rehashing has to
// be disabled.
bool CanBeRehashed(PtrComprCageBase cage_base) const;
// Rehash the object based on the layout inferred from its map.
template <typename IsolateT>
void RehashBasedOnMap(IsolateT* isolate);
// Layout description.
static constexpr int kMapOffset = offsetof(HeapObjectLayout, map_);
static constexpr int kHeaderSize = sizeof(HeapObjectLayout);
static_assert(kMapOffset == Internals::kHeapObjectMapOffset);
using MapField = TaggedField<MapWord, HeapObject::kMapOffset>;
inline Address GetFieldAddress(int field_offset) const;
HeapObject* operator->() { return this; }
const HeapObject* operator->() const { return this; }
struct SkipTypeCheckTag {};
friend class Tagged<HeapObject>;
explicit V8_INLINE constexpr HeapObject(Address ptr,
: TaggedImpl(ptr) {}
explicit inline HeapObject(Address ptr);
// Static overwrites of TaggedImpl's IsSmi/IsHeapObject, to avoid conflicts
// with IsSmi(Tagged<HeapObject>) inside HeapObject subclasses' methods.
template <typename T>
static bool IsSmi(T obj);
template <typename T>
static bool IsHeapObject(T obj);
inline Address field_address(size_t offset) const {
return ptr() + offset - kHeapObjectTag;
enum class VerificationMode {
enum class EmitWriteBarrier {
template <EmitWriteBarrier emit_write_barrier, typename MemoryOrder>
V8_INLINE void set_map(Tagged<Map> value, MemoryOrder order,
VerificationMode mode);
inline HeapObject::HeapObject(Address ptr) : TaggedImpl(ptr) {
template <typename T>
// static
bool HeapObject::IsSmi(T obj) {
return i::IsSmi(obj);
template <typename T>
// static
bool HeapObject::IsHeapObject(T obj) {
return i::IsHeapObject(obj);
// Define Tagged<HeapObject> now that HeapObject exists.
constexpr HeapObject Tagged<HeapObject>::operator*() const {
return ToRawPtr();
constexpr detail::TaggedOperatorArrowRef<HeapObject>
Tagged<HeapObject>::operator->() const {
return detail::TaggedOperatorArrowRef<HeapObject>{ToRawPtr()};
constexpr HeapObject Tagged<HeapObject>::ToRawPtr() const {
return HeapObject(this->ptr(), HeapObject::SkipTypeCheckTag{});
// Overload Is* predicates for HeapObject.
V8_INLINE bool Is##Type(Tagged<HeapObject> obj); \
V8_INLINE bool Is##Type(Tagged<HeapObject> obj, PtrComprCageBase cage_base); \
V8_INLINE bool Is##Type(HeapObject obj); \
V8_INLINE bool Is##Type(HeapObject obj, PtrComprCageBase cage_base); \
V8_INLINE bool Is##Type(const HeapObjectLayout* obj); \
V8_INLINE bool Is##Type(const HeapObjectLayout* obj, \
PtrComprCageBase cage_base);
// Most calls to Is<Oddball> should go via the Tagged<Object> overloads, withst
// an Isolate/LocalIsolate/ReadOnlyRoots parameter.
#define IS_TYPE_FUNCTION_DECL(Type, Value, _) \
V8_INLINE bool Is##Type(Tagged<HeapObject> obj); \
V8_INLINE bool Is##Type(HeapObject obj); \
V8_INLINE bool Is##Type(const HeapObjectLayout* obj, Isolate* isolate); \
V8_INLINE bool Is##Type(const HeapObjectLayout* obj);
IS_TYPE_FUNCTION_DECL(NullOrUndefined, , /* unused */)
#define DECL_STRUCT_PREDICATE(NAME, Name, name) \
V8_INLINE bool Is##Name(Tagged<HeapObject> obj); \
V8_INLINE bool Is##Name(Tagged<HeapObject> obj, PtrComprCageBase cage_base); \
V8_INLINE bool Is##Name(HeapObject obj); \
V8_INLINE bool Is##Name(HeapObject obj, PtrComprCageBase cage_base); \
V8_INLINE bool Is##Name(const HeapObjectLayout* obj); \
V8_INLINE bool Is##Name(const HeapObjectLayout* obj, \
PtrComprCageBase cage_base);
// Whether the object is in the RO heap and the RO heap is shared, or in the
// writable shared heap.
V8_INLINE bool InAnySharedSpace(Tagged<HeapObject> obj);
V8_INLINE bool InWritableSharedSpace(Tagged<HeapObject> obj);
V8_INLINE bool InReadOnlySpace(Tagged<HeapObject> obj);
// Whether the object is located outside of the sandbox or in read-only
// space. Currently only needed due to Code objects. Once they are fully
// migrated into trusted space, this can be replaced by !InsideSandbox().
V8_INLINE bool OutsideSandboxOrInReadonlySpace(Tagged<HeapObject> obj);
// Returns true if obj is guaranteed to be a read-only object or a specific
// (small) Smi. If the method returns false, we need more checks for RO space
// objects or Smis. This can be used for a fast RO space/Smi check which are
// objects for e.g. GC than can be exlucded for processing.
V8_INLINE constexpr bool FastInReadOnlySpaceOrSmallSmi(Tagged_t obj);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"