blob: fc7bde4213465fa58a632c38fb13be8437300d24 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/objects/js-atomics-synchronization.h"
#include "src/base/macros.h"
#include "src/base/platform/yield-processor.h"
#include "src/execution/isolate-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/js-atomics-synchronization-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/waiter-queue-node.h"
#include "src/sandbox/external-pointer-inl.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace detail {
// The waiter queue lock guard provides a RAII-style mechanism for locking the
// waiter queue. It is a non copyable and non movable object and a new state
// must be set before destroying the guard.
class V8_NODISCARD WaiterQueueLockGuard final {
using StateT = JSSynchronizationPrimitive::StateT;
// Spinlock to acquire the IsWaiterQueueLockedField bit. current_state is
// updated to the last value of the state before the waiter queue lock was
// acquired.
explicit WaiterQueueLockGuard(std::atomic<StateT>* state,
StateT& current_state)
: state_(state), new_state_(kInvalidState) {
while (!JSSynchronizationPrimitive::TryLockWaiterQueueExplicit(
state, current_state)) {
// Constructor for creating a wrapper around a state whose waiter queue
// is already locked and owned by this thread.
explicit WaiterQueueLockGuard(std::atomic<StateT>* state, bool is_locked)
: state_(state), new_state_(kInvalidState) {
WaiterQueueLockGuard(const WaiterQueueLockGuard&) = delete;
WaiterQueueLockGuard() = delete;
~WaiterQueueLockGuard() {
DCHECK_NE(new_state_, kInvalidState);
new_state_ = JSSynchronizationPrimitive::IsWaiterQueueLockedField::update(
new_state_, false);
state_->store(new_state_, std::memory_order_release);
void set_new_state(StateT new_state) { new_state_ = new_state; }
static std::optional<WaiterQueueLockGuard>
NewAlreadyLockedWaiterQueueLockGuard(std::atomic<StateT>* state) {
return std::optional<WaiterQueueLockGuard>(std::in_place, state, true);
static constexpr StateT kInvalidState =
std::atomic<StateT>* state_;
StateT new_state_;
} // namespace detail
// static
bool JSSynchronizationPrimitive::TryLockWaiterQueueExplicit(
std::atomic<StateT>* state, StateT& expected) {
// Try to acquire the queue lock.
expected = IsWaiterQueueLockedField::update(expected, false);
return state->compare_exchange_weak(
expected, IsWaiterQueueLockedField::update(expected, true),
std::memory_order_acquire, std::memory_order_relaxed);
// static
void JSSynchronizationPrimitive::SetWaiterQueueStateOnly(
std::atomic<StateT>* state, StateT new_state) {
// Set the new state changing only the waiter queue bits.
DCHECK_EQ(new_state & ~kWaiterQueueMask, 0);
StateT expected = state->load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
StateT desired;
do {
desired = new_state | (expected & ~kWaiterQueueMask);
} while (!state->compare_exchange_weak(
expected, desired, std::memory_order_release, std::memory_order_relaxed));
Tagged<Object> JSSynchronizationPrimitive::NumWaitersForTesting(
Isolate* requester) {
DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
std::atomic<StateT>* state = AtomicStatePtr();
StateT current_state = state->load(std::memory_order_acquire);
// There are no waiters.
if (!HasWaitersField::decode(current_state)) return Smi::FromInt(0);
int num_waiters;
// If this is counting the number of waiters on a mutex, the js mutex
// can be taken by another thread without acquiring the queue lock. We
// handle the state manually to release the queue lock without changing the
// "is locked" bit.
while (!TryLockWaiterQueueExplicit(state, current_state)) {
if (!HasWaitersField::decode(current_state)) {
// The queue was emptied while waiting for the queue lock.
SetWaiterQueueStateOnly(state, kEmptyState);
return Smi::FromInt(0);
// Get the waiter queue head.
WaiterQueueNode* waiter_head = DestructivelyGetWaiterQueueHead(requester);
num_waiters = WaiterQueueNode::LengthFromHead(waiter_head);
// Release the queue lock and reinstall the same queue head by creating a
// new state.
IsWaiterQueueLockedField::update(current_state, true));
StateT new_state = SetWaiterQueueHead(requester, waiter_head, kEmptyState);
new_state = IsWaiterQueueLockedField::update(new_state, false);
SetWaiterQueueStateOnly(state, new_state);
return Smi::FromInt(num_waiters);
// static
bool JSAtomicsMutex::TryLockExplicit(std::atomic<StateT>* state,
StateT& expected) {
// Try to lock a possibly contended mutex.
expected = IsLockedField::update(expected, false);
return state->compare_exchange_weak(
expected, IsLockedField::update(expected, true),
std::memory_order_acquire, std::memory_order_relaxed);
// static
std::optional<WaiterQueueLockGuard> JSAtomicsMutex::LockWaiterQueueOrJSMutex(
std::atomic<StateT>* state, StateT& current_state) {
for (;;) {
if (IsLockedField::decode(current_state) &&
TryLockWaiterQueueExplicit(state, current_state)) {
return WaiterQueueLockGuard::NewAlreadyLockedWaiterQueueLockGuard(state);
// Also check for the lock having been released by another thread during
// attempts to acquire the queue lock.
if (TryLockExplicit(state, current_state)) return std::nullopt;
bool JSAtomicsMutex::LockJSMutexOrDequeueTimedOutWaiter(
Isolate* requester, std::atomic<StateT>* state,
WaiterQueueNode* timed_out_waiter) {
// First acquire the queue lock, which is itself a spinlock.
StateT current_state = state->load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
// There are no waiters, but the js mutex lock may be held by another thread.
if (!HasWaitersField::decode(current_state)) return false;
// The details of updating the state in this function are too complicated
// for the waiter queue lock guard to manage, so handle the state manually.
while (!TryLockWaiterQueueExplicit(state, current_state)) {
WaiterQueueNode* waiter_head = DestructivelyGetWaiterQueueHead(requester);
if (waiter_head == nullptr) {
// The queue is empty but the js mutex lock may be held by another thread,
// release the waiter queue bit without changing the "is locked" bit.
SetWaiterQueueStateOnly(state, kUnlockedUncontended);
return false;
WaiterQueueNode* dequeued_node = WaiterQueueNode::DequeueMatching(
[&](WaiterQueueNode* node) { return node == timed_out_waiter; });
// Release the queue lock and install the new waiter queue head.
IsWaiterQueueLockedField::update(current_state, true));
StateT new_state = kUnlockedUncontended;
new_state = SetWaiterQueueHead(requester, waiter_head, new_state);
if (!dequeued_node) {
// The timed out waiter was not in the queue, so it must have been dequeued
// and notified between the time this thread woke up and the time it
// acquired the queue lock, so there is a risk that the next queue head is
// never notified. Try to take the js mutex lock here, if we succeed, the
// next node will be notified by this thread, otherwise, it will be notified
// by the thread holding the lock now.
// Since we use strong CAS below, we know that the js mutex lock will be
// held by either this thread or another thread that can't go through the
// unlock fast path because this thread is holding the waiter queue lock.
// Hence, it is safe to always set the "is locked" bit in new_state.
new_state = IsLockedField::update(new_state, true);
current_state = IsLockedField::update(current_state, false);
if (state->compare_exchange_strong(current_state, new_state,
std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
// The CAS atomically released the waiter queue lock and acquired the js
// mutex lock.
return true;
state->store(new_state, std::memory_order_release);
return false;
SetWaiterQueueStateOnly(state, new_state);
return false;
// static
bool JSAtomicsMutex::LockSlowPath(Isolate* requester,
Handle<JSAtomicsMutex> mutex,
std::atomic<StateT>* state,
base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> timeout) {
for (;;) {
// Spin for a little bit to try to acquire the lock, so as to be fast under
// microcontention.
// The backoff algorithm is copied from PartitionAlloc's SpinningMutex.
constexpr int kSpinCount = 64;
constexpr int kMaxBackoff = 16;
int tries = 0;
int backoff = 1;
StateT current_state = state->load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
do {
if (TryLockExplicit(state, current_state)) return true;
for (int yields = 0; yields < backoff; yields++) {
backoff = std::min(kMaxBackoff, backoff << 1);
} while (tries < kSpinCount);
// At this point the lock is considered contended, so try to go to sleep and
// put the requester thread on the waiter queue.
// Allocate a waiter queue node on-stack, since this thread is going to
// sleep and will be blocked anyway.
WaiterQueueNode this_waiter(requester);
// Try to acquire the queue lock, which is itself a spinlock.
current_state = state->load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
std::optional<WaiterQueueLockGuard> waiter_queue_lock_guard =
LockWaiterQueueOrJSMutex(state, current_state);
if (!waiter_queue_lock_guard.has_value()) {
// There is no waiter queue lock guard, so the lock was acquired.
return true;
IsWaiterQueueLockedField::update(current_state, true));
// With the queue lock held, enqueue the requester onto the waiter queue.
this_waiter.should_wait = true;
WaiterQueueNode* waiter_head =
WaiterQueueNode::Enqueue(&waiter_head, &this_waiter);
// Enqueue a new waiter queue head and release the queue lock.
StateT new_state =
mutex->SetWaiterQueueHead(requester, waiter_head, current_state);
// The lock is held, just not by us, so don't set the current thread id as
// the owner.
new_state = IsLockedField::update(new_state, true);
bool rv;
// Wait for another thread to release the lock and wake us up.
if (timeout) {
rv = this_waiter.WaitFor(*timeout);
// Reload the state pointer after wake up in case of shared GC while
// blocked.
state = mutex->AtomicStatePtr();
if (!rv) {
// If timed out, remove ourself from the waiter list, which is usually
// done by the thread performing the notifying.
rv = mutex->LockJSMutexOrDequeueTimedOutWaiter(requester, state,
return rv;
} else {
// Reload the state pointer after wake up in case of shared GC while
// blocked.
state = mutex->AtomicStatePtr();
// After wake up we try to acquire the lock again by spinning, as the
// contention at the point of going to sleep should not be correlated with
// contention at the point of waking up.
void JSAtomicsMutex::UnlockSlowPath(Isolate* requester,
std::atomic<StateT>* state) {
// The fast path unconditionally cleared the owner thread.
// To wake a sleeping thread, first acquire the queue lock, which is itself
// a spinlock.
StateT current_state = state->load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
WaiterQueueLockGuard waiter_queue_lock_guard(state, current_state);
if (!HasWaitersField::decode(current_state)) {
// All waiters were removed while waiting for the queue lock, possibly by
// timing out. Release both the lock and the queue lock.
StateT new_state = IsLockedField::update(current_state, false);
WaiterQueueNode* waiter_head = DestructivelyGetWaiterQueueHead(requester);
WaiterQueueNode* old_head = WaiterQueueNode::Dequeue(&waiter_head);
// Release both the lock and the queue lock, and install the new waiter queue
// head.
StateT new_state = IsLockedField::update(current_state, false);
new_state = SetWaiterQueueHead(requester, waiter_head, new_state);
// static
bool JSAtomicsCondition::WaitFor(Isolate* requester,
Handle<JSAtomicsCondition> cv,
Handle<JSAtomicsMutex> mutex,
base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> timeout) {
DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
bool rv;
// Allocate a waiter queue node on-stack, since this thread is going to
// sleep and will be blocked anyway.
WaiterQueueNode this_waiter(requester);
// The state pointer should not be used outside of this block as a shared
// GC may reallocate it after waiting.
std::atomic<StateT>* state = cv->AtomicStatePtr();
// Try to acquire the queue lock, which is itself a spinlock.
StateT current_state = state->load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
WaiterQueueLockGuard waiter_queue_lock_guard(state, current_state);
// With the queue lock held, enqueue the requester onto the waiter queue.
this_waiter.should_wait = true;
WaiterQueueNode* waiter_head =
WaiterQueueNode::Enqueue(&waiter_head, &this_waiter);
// Release the queue lock and install the new waiter queue head.
IsWaiterQueueLockedField::update(current_state, true));
StateT new_state =
cv->SetWaiterQueueHead(requester, waiter_head, current_state);
// Release the mutex and wait for another thread to wake us up, reacquiring
// the mutex upon wakeup.
if (timeout) {
rv = this_waiter.WaitFor(*timeout);
if (!rv) {
// If timed out, remove ourself from the waiter list, which is usually
// done by the thread performing the notifying.
std::atomic<StateT>* state = cv->AtomicStatePtr();
requester, cv, state, [&](WaiterQueueNode** waiter_head) {
WaiterQueueNode* dequeued = WaiterQueueNode::DequeueMatching(
[&](WaiterQueueNode* node) { return node == &this_waiter; });
return dequeued ? 1 : 0;
} else {
rv = true;
JSAtomicsMutex::Lock(requester, mutex);
return rv;
// static
uint32_t JSAtomicsCondition::DequeueExplicit(
Isolate* requester, Handle<JSAtomicsCondition> cv,
std::atomic<StateT>* state, const DequeueAction& action_under_lock) {
// First acquire the queue lock, which is itself a spinlock.
StateT current_state = state->load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (!HasWaitersField::decode(current_state)) return 0;
WaiterQueueLockGuard waiter_queue_lock_guard(state, current_state);
// Get the waiter queue head.
WaiterQueueNode* waiter_head = cv->DestructivelyGetWaiterQueueHead(requester);
// There's no waiter to wake up, release the queue lock by setting it to the
// empty state.
if (waiter_head == nullptr) {
StateT new_state = kEmptyState;
return 0;
uint32_t num_dequeued_waiters = action_under_lock(&waiter_head);
// Release the queue lock and install the new waiter queue head.
IsWaiterQueueLockedField::update(current_state, true));
StateT new_state =
cv->SetWaiterQueueHead(requester, waiter_head, current_state);
return num_dequeued_waiters;
// static
uint32_t JSAtomicsCondition::Notify(Isolate* requester,
Handle<JSAtomicsCondition> cv,
uint32_t count) {
std::atomic<StateT>* state = cv->AtomicStatePtr();
// Dequeue count waiters.
return DequeueExplicit(
requester, cv, state, [=](WaiterQueueNode** waiter_head) -> uint32_t {
WaiterQueueNode* old_head;
if (count == 1) {
old_head = WaiterQueueNode::Dequeue(waiter_head);
if (!old_head) return 0;
return 1;
if (count == kAllWaiters) {
old_head = *waiter_head;
*waiter_head = nullptr;
} else {
old_head = WaiterQueueNode::Split(waiter_head, count);
if (!old_head) return 0;
// Notify while holding the queue lock to avoid notifying
// waiters that have been deleted in other threads.
return old_head->NotifyAllInList();
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8