blob: 7c5bcf885be9b7f20f94f03254687d947a80af73 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <atomic>
#include "src/base/platform/time.h"
#include "src/execution/thread-id.h"
#include "src/objects/js-objects.h"
#include "src/objects/js-struct.h"
// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards):
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
#include "torque-generated/src/objects/"
namespace detail {
class WaiterQueueLockGuard;
class WaiterQueueNode;
} // namespace detail
using detail::WaiterQueueLockGuard;
using detail::WaiterQueueNode;
// JSSynchronizationPrimitive is the base class for JSAtomicsMutex and
// JSAtomicsCondition. It contains a 32-bit state field and a pointer to a
// waiter queue head, used to manage the queue of waiting threads for both: the
// mutex and the condition variable.
class JSSynchronizationPrimitive
: public TorqueGeneratedJSSynchronizationPrimitive<
JSSynchronizationPrimitive, AlwaysSharedSpaceJSObject> {
// Synchronization only store raw data as state.
static constexpr int kEndOfTaggedFieldsOffset = JSObject::kHeaderSize;
class BodyDescriptor;
Tagged<Object> NumWaitersForTesting(Isolate* requester);
inline void SetNullWaiterQueueHead();
using StateT = uint32_t;
// The `HasWaitersField` bitfield has the following properties:
// - It isn't a lock bit, meaning that if this bit is 1,
// that doesn't imply that some thread has exclusive write access to the
// lock state.
// - It is a metadata bit that's only written with the queue lock bit held.
// - It is set iff the external pointer is non-null.
// - It can be read without holding any lock bit.
// - It allows for fast and threadsafe checking if there is a waiter,
// as dereferencing the waiter queue should be done only when the
// `IsWaiterQueueLockedField` bit is set.
using HasWaitersField = base::BitField<bool, 0, 1>;
// The `IsWaiterQueueLockedField` bitfield protects the waiter queue head from
// concurrent modification. It is set through as CAS operation in a spinlock.
using IsWaiterQueueLockedField = HasWaitersField::Next<bool, 1>;
template <class T, int size>
using NextBitField = IsWaiterQueueLockedField::Next<T, size>;
inline std::atomic<StateT>* AtomicStatePtr();
inline WaiterQueueNode* DestructivelyGetWaiterQueueHead(Isolate* requester);
// Store the waiter queue head in the synchronization primitive. If the head
// is not null, the returned state has the kHasWaitersBit set.
// In case of pointer compression, the waiter queue head is encoded as an
// `ExternalPointerHandle`.
inline StateT SetWaiterQueueHead(Isolate* requester,
WaiterQueueNode* waiter_head,
StateT new_state);
// Set the new state without modifying bits outside the waiter queue mask.
static void SetWaiterQueueStateOnly(std::atomic<StateT>* state,
StateT new_state);
static bool TryLockWaiterQueueExplicit(std::atomic<StateT>* state,
StateT& expected);
using TorqueGeneratedJSSynchronizationPrimitive<
JSSynchronizationPrimitive, AlwaysSharedSpaceJSObject>::state;
using TorqueGeneratedJSSynchronizationPrimitive<
JSSynchronizationPrimitive, AlwaysSharedSpaceJSObject>::set_state;
static constexpr StateT kEmptyState = 0;
static constexpr StateT kWaiterQueueMask =
base::BitFieldUnion<HasWaitersField, IsWaiterQueueLockedField>::kMask;
friend class WaiterQueueLockGuard;
// When pointer compression is enabled, the pointer to the waiter queue head
// is stored in the external pointer table and the object itself only contains
// a 32-bit external pointer handles.
inline ExternalPointerHandle* waiter_queue_head_handle_location() const;
inline WaiterQueueNode** waiter_queue_head_location() const;
// A non-recursive mutex that is exposed to JS.
// It has the following properties:
// - Slim: 12-16 bytes. Lock state is 4 bytes, waiter queue head is 4 bytes
// when V8_COMPRESS_POINTERS, and sizeof(void*) otherwise. Owner thread is
// an additional 4 bytes.
// - Fast when uncontended: a single weak CAS.
// - Possibly unfair under contention.
// - Moving GC safe. It uses an index into the shared Isolate's external
// pointer table to store a queue of sleeping threads.
// - Parks the main thread LocalHeap when the thread is blocked on acquiring
// the lock. Unparks the main thread LocalHeap when unblocked. This means
// that the lock can only be used with main thread isolates (including
// workers) but not with helper threads that have their own LocalHeap.
// This mutex manages its own queue of waiting threads under contention, i.e.
// it implements a futex in userland. The algorithm is inspired by WebKit's
// ParkingLot.
// The state variable encodes the locking state as a single word: 0bLQW.
// - W: Whether there are waiter threads in the queue.
// - Q: Whether the waiter queue is locked.
// - L: Whether the lock itself is locked.
// The locking algorithm is as follows:
// 1. Fast Path. Unlocked+Uncontended(0b000) -> Locked+Uncontended(0b100).
// 2. Otherwise, slow path.
// a. Attempt to acquire the L bit (set current state | 0b100) on the state
// using a CAS spin loop bounded to some number of iterations.
// b. If L bit cannot be acquired, park the current thread:
// i. Acquire the Q bit (set current state | 0b010) in a spinlock.
// ii. Destructively get the waiter queue head.
// iii. Enqueue this thread's WaiterQueueNode to the tail of the list
// pointed to by the head, possibly creating a new list.
// iv. Release the Q bit and set the W bit
// (set (current state | 0b001) & ~0b010 in a single CAS operation).
// iv. Put the thread to sleep.
// v. Upon wake up, go to i.
// The unlocking algorithm is as follows:
// 1. Fast Path. Locked+Uncontended(0b100) -> Unlocked+Uncontended(0b000).
// 2. Otherwise, slow path.
// a. Acquire the Q bit (set current state | 0b010) in a spinlock.
// b. Destructively get the waiter queue head.
// c. If the head is not null, dequeue the head.
// d. Store the new waiter queue head (possibly null).
// f. If the list is empty, clear the W bit (set current state & ~0b001).
// g. Release the Q bit and clear the L bit (set current state & ~0b100).
// (The W and Q bits must be set in a single CAS operation).
// h. If the list was not empty, notify the dequeued head.
class JSAtomicsMutex
: public TorqueGeneratedJSAtomicsMutex<JSAtomicsMutex,
JSSynchronizationPrimitive> {
// A non-copyable wrapper class that provides an RAII-style mechanism for
// owning the `JSAtomicsMutex`.
class V8_NODISCARD LockGuardBase {
LockGuardBase(const LockGuardBase&) = delete;
LockGuardBase& operator=(const LockGuardBase&) = delete;
inline ~LockGuardBase();
bool locked() const { return locked_; }
inline LockGuardBase(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSAtomicsMutex> mutex,
bool locked);
Isolate* isolate_;
Handle<JSAtomicsMutex> mutex_;
bool locked_;
// The mutex is attempted to be locked via `Lock` when a `LockGuard`
// object is created, the lock will be acquired unless the timeout is reached.
// If the mutex was acquired, then it is released when the `LockGuard` object
// is destructed.
class V8_NODISCARD LockGuard final : public LockGuardBase {
inline LockGuard(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSAtomicsMutex> mutex,
base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> timeout = base::nullopt);
// The mutex is attempted to be locked via `TryLock` when a `TryLockGuard`
// object is created. If the mutex was acquired, then it is released when the
// `TryLockGuard` object is destructed.
class V8_NODISCARD TryLockGuard final : public LockGuardBase {
inline TryLockGuard(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSAtomicsMutex> mutex);
// Lock the mutex, blocking if it's currently owned by another thread.
// Returns false if the lock times out, true otherwise.
static inline bool Lock(
Isolate* requester, Handle<JSAtomicsMutex> mutex,
base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> timeout = base::nullopt);
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT inline bool TryLock();
inline void Unlock(Isolate* requester);
inline bool IsHeld();
inline bool IsCurrentThreadOwner();
friend class Factory;
friend class WaiterQueueNode;
// There are 3 state bits: whether there are waiter threads in the queue,
// whether the waiter queue is locked (both inherited from the base class),
// and whether the lock itself is locked (IsLockedField).
using IsLockedField = JSSynchronizationPrimitive::NextBitField<bool, 1>;
static constexpr StateT kUnlockedUncontended = kEmptyState;
static constexpr StateT kLockedUncontended = IsLockedField::encode(true);
inline void SetCurrentThreadAsOwner();
inline void ClearOwnerThread();
inline std::atomic<int32_t>* AtomicOwnerThreadIdPtr();
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static bool LockSlowPath(
Isolate* requester, Handle<JSAtomicsMutex> mutex,
std::atomic<StateT>* state, base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> timeout);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void UnlockSlowPath(Isolate* requester,
std::atomic<StateT>* state);
// Returns true if the JS mutex was taken and false otherwise.
bool LockJSMutexOrDequeueTimedOutWaiter(Isolate* requester,
std::atomic<StateT>* state,
WaiterQueueNode* timed_out_waiter);
static bool TryLockExplicit(std::atomic<StateT>* state, StateT& expected);
// Returns nullopt if the JS mutex is acquired, otherwise return an optional
// with a `WaiterQueueLockGuard` object.
static std::optional<WaiterQueueLockGuard> LockWaiterQueueOrJSMutex(
std::atomic<StateT>* state, StateT& current_state);
using TorqueGeneratedJSAtomicsMutex<
JSAtomicsMutex, JSSynchronizationPrimitive>::owner_thread_id;
using TorqueGeneratedJSAtomicsMutex<
JSAtomicsMutex, JSSynchronizationPrimitive>::set_owner_thread_id;
// A condition variable that is exposed to JS.
// It has the following properties:
// - Slim: 8-12 bytes. Lock state is 4 bytes, waiter queue head is 4 bytes
// when V8_COMPRESS_POINTERS, and sizeof(void*) otherwise.
// - Moving GC safe. It uses an index into the shared Isolate's external
// pointer table to store a queue of sleeping threads.
// - Parks the main thread LocalHeap when waiting. Unparks the main thread
// LocalHeap after waking up.
// This condition variable manages its own queue of waiting threads, like
// JSAtomicsMutex. The algorithm is inspired by WebKit's ParkingLot.
// The state variable encodes the locking state as a single word: 0bQW.
// - W: Whether there are waiter threads in the queue.
// - Q: Whether the waiter queue is locked.
// The waiting algorithm is as follows:
// 1. Acquire the Q bit (set current state | 0b010) in a spinlock.
// 2. Destructively get the waiter queue head.
// 3. Enqueue this thread's WaiterQueueNode to the tail of the list pointed to
// by the head, possibly creating a new list.
// 4. Release the Q bit and set the W bit (set (current state | 0b001) & ~0b010
// in a single CAS operation).
// 5. Put the thread to sleep.
// The notification algorithm is as follows:
// 1. Acquire the Q bit (set current state | 0b010) in a spinlock.
// 2. Destructively get the waiter queue head.
// 3. If the head is not null, dequeue the head.
// 4. Store the new waiter queue head (possibly null).
// 5. If the list is empty, clear the W bit (set current state & ~0b001).
// 6. Release the Q bit (set current state & ~0b010).
// (The W and Q bits must be set in a single CAS operation).
// 7. If the list was not empty, notify the dequeued head.
class JSAtomicsCondition
: public TorqueGeneratedJSAtomicsCondition<JSAtomicsCondition,
JSSynchronizationPrimitive> {
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static bool WaitFor(
Isolate* requester, Handle<JSAtomicsCondition> cv,
Handle<JSAtomicsMutex> mutex, base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> timeout);
static constexpr uint32_t kAllWaiters = UINT32_MAX;
// Notify {count} waiters. Returns the number of waiters woken up.
static V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE uint32_t Notify(Isolate* requester,
Handle<JSAtomicsCondition> cv,
uint32_t count);
friend class Factory;
friend class WaiterQueueNode;
using DequeueAction = std::function<uint32_t(WaiterQueueNode**)>;
static uint32_t DequeueExplicit(Isolate* requester,
Handle<JSAtomicsCondition> cv,
std::atomic<StateT>* state,
const DequeueAction& dequeue_action);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"