blob: f4791c0369e385bebcebb7fe548e76118e967ec2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/objects/js-objects.h"
#include "src/objects/smi.h"
// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards):
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
#include "torque-generated/src/objects/"
class AlwaysSharedSpaceJSObject
: public TorqueGeneratedAlwaysSharedSpaceJSObject<AlwaysSharedSpaceJSObject,
JSObject> {
// Prepare a Map to be used as the instance map for shared JS objects.
static void PrepareMapNoEnumerableProperties(Tagged<Map> map);
static void PrepareMapNoEnumerableProperties(
Isolate* isolate, Tagged<Map> map, Tagged<DescriptorArray> descriptors);
static void PrepareMapWithEnumerableProperties(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Map> map, Handle<DescriptorArray> descriptors,
int enum_length);
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static Maybe<bool> DefineOwnProperty(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<AlwaysSharedSpaceJSObject> shared_obj,
Handle<Object> key, PropertyDescriptor* desc,
Maybe<ShouldThrow> should_throw);
// This is a generic `HasInstance` that checks the constructor's initial map
// against the object's map. It is on `AlwaysSharedSpaceJSObject` because this
// kind of instanceof resolution resolution is used only for shared objects.
static Maybe<bool> HasInstance(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<JSFunction> constructor,
Handle<Object> object);
static_assert(kHeaderSize == JSObject::kHeaderSize);
class JSSharedStruct
: public TorqueGeneratedJSSharedStruct<JSSharedStruct,
AlwaysSharedSpaceJSObject> {
static Handle<Map> CreateInstanceMap(
Isolate* isolate, const std::vector<Handle<Name>>& field_names,
const std::set<uint32_t>& element_names,
MaybeHandle<String> maybe_registry_key);
static MaybeHandle<String> GetRegistryKey(Isolate* isolate,
Tagged<Map> instance_map);
static bool IsRegistryKeyDescriptor(Isolate* isolate,
Tagged<Map> instance_map,
InternalIndex i);
static MaybeHandle<NumberDictionary> GetElementsTemplate(
Isolate* isolate, Tagged<Map> instance_map);
static bool IsElementsTemplateDescriptor(Isolate* isolate,
Tagged<Map> instance_map,
InternalIndex i);
class BodyDescriptor;
class SharedStructTypeRegistry final {
static constexpr Tagged<Smi> deleted_element() { return Smi::FromInt(1); }
MaybeHandle<Map> Register(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> key,
const std::vector<Handle<Name>>& field_names,
const std::set<uint32_t>& element_names);
void IterateElements(Isolate* isolate, RootVisitor* visitor);
void NotifyElementsRemoved(int count);
class Data;
MaybeHandle<Map> RegisterNoThrow(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> key,
const std::vector<Handle<Name>>& field_names,
const std::set<uint32_t>& element_names);
MaybeHandle<Map> CheckIfEntryMatches(
Isolate* isolate, InternalIndex entry, Handle<String> key,
const std::vector<Handle<Name>>& field_names,
const std::set<uint32_t>& element_names);
void EnsureCapacity(PtrComprCageBase cage_base, int additional_elements);
std::unique_ptr<Data> data_;
// Protects all access to the registry.
base::Mutex data_mutex_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"