blob: b8e2da0a3eff5871976507fde1fa4093e342af71 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/objects/compressed-slots-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/off-heap-hash-table.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
template <typename Derived>
OffHeapHashTableBase<Derived>::OffHeapHashTableBase(int capacity)
: number_of_elements_(0),
capacity_(capacity) {
MemsetTagged(slot(InternalIndex(0)), empty_element(),
capacity * Derived::kEntrySize);
template <typename Derived>
void OffHeapHashTableBase<Derived>::RehashInto(PtrComprCageBase cage_base,
Derived* new_table) {
DCHECK_LT(number_of_elements(), new_table->capacity());
Derived* derived_this = static_cast<Derived*>(this);
// Rehash the elements and copy them into new_table.
for (InternalIndex i : InternalIndex::Range(capacity())) {
Tagged<Object> key = derived_this->GetKey(cage_base, i);
if (!IsKey(key)) continue;
uint32_t hash = Derived::Hash(cage_base, key);
InternalIndex insertion_index =
new_table->FindInsertionEntry(cage_base, hash);
new_table->SetKey(insertion_index, key);
derived_this->CopyEntryExcludingKeyInto(cage_base, i, new_table,
new_table->number_of_elements_ = number_of_elements();
template <typename Derived>
inline bool OffHeapHashTableBase<Derived>::ShouldResizeToAdd(
int additional_elements, int* new_capacity) {
// Grow or shrink table if needed. We first try to shrink the table, if it
// is sufficiently empty; otherwise we make sure to grow it so that it has
// enough space.
int capacity_after_shrinking = ComputeCapacityWithShrink(
capacity_, number_of_elements_ + additional_elements);
if (capacity_after_shrinking < capacity_) {
capacity_after_shrinking, number_of_elements_, 0, additional_elements));
*new_capacity = capacity_after_shrinking;
return true;
} else if (!HasSufficientCapacityToAdd(additional_elements)) {
*new_capacity = ComputeCapacity(number_of_elements_ + additional_elements);
return true;
} else {
*new_capacity = -1;
return false;
// static
template <typename Derived>
bool OffHeapHashTableBase<Derived>::HasSufficientCapacityToAdd(
int capacity, int number_of_elements, int number_of_deleted_elements,
int number_of_additional_elements) {
int nof = number_of_elements + number_of_additional_elements;
// Return true if:
// 50% is still free after adding number_of_additional_elements elements and
// at most 50% of the free elements are deleted elements.
if ((nof < capacity) &&
((number_of_deleted_elements <= (capacity - nof) / 2))) {
int needed_free = nof / 2;
if (nof + needed_free <= capacity) return true;
return false;
// static
template <typename Derived>
int OffHeapHashTableBase<Derived>::ComputeCapacity(int at_least_space_for) {
// Add 50% slack to make slot collisions sufficiently unlikely.
// See matching computation in HasSufficientCapacityToAdd().
int raw_capacity = at_least_space_for + (at_least_space_for >> 1);
int capacity = base::bits::RoundUpToPowerOfTwo32(raw_capacity);
return std::max(capacity, Derived::kMinCapacity);
// static
template <typename Derived>
int OffHeapHashTableBase<Derived>::ComputeCapacityWithShrink(
int current_capacity, int at_least_space_for) {
// Only shrink if the table is very empty to avoid performance penalty.
DCHECK_GE(current_capacity, Derived::kMinCapacity);
if (at_least_space_for > (current_capacity / Derived::kMaxEmptyFactor)) {
return current_capacity;
// Recalculate the smaller capacity actually needed.
int new_capacity = ComputeCapacity(at_least_space_for);
DCHECK_GE(new_capacity, at_least_space_for);
// Don't go lower than room for {kMinCapacity} elements.
if (new_capacity < Derived::kMinCapacity) return current_capacity;
return new_capacity;
template <typename Derived>
void OffHeapHashTableBase<Derived>::IterateElements(Root root,
RootVisitor* visitor) {
OffHeapObjectSlot first_slot = slot(InternalIndex(0));
OffHeapObjectSlot end_slot = slot(InternalIndex(capacity_));
visitor->VisitRootPointers(root, nullptr, first_slot, end_slot);
template <typename Derived>
template <typename IsolateT, typename FindKey>
InternalIndex OffHeapHashTableBase<Derived>::FindEntry(IsolateT* isolate,
FindKey key,
uint32_t hash) const {
const Derived* derived_this = static_cast<const Derived*>(this);
uint32_t count = 1;
for (InternalIndex entry = FirstProbe(hash, capacity_);;
entry = NextProbe(entry, count++, capacity_)) {
// TODO(leszeks): Consider delaying the decompression until after the
// comparisons against empty/deleted.
Tagged<Object> element = derived_this->GetKey(isolate, entry);
if (element == empty_element()) return InternalIndex::NotFound();
if (element == deleted_element()) continue;
if (Derived::KeyIsMatch(isolate, key, element)) return entry;
template <typename Derived>
InternalIndex OffHeapHashTableBase<Derived>::FindInsertionEntry(
PtrComprCageBase cage_base, uint32_t hash) const {
// The derived class must guarantee the hash table is never full.
const Derived* derived_this = static_cast<const Derived*>(this);
uint32_t count = 1;
for (InternalIndex entry = FirstProbe(hash, capacity_);;
entry = NextProbe(entry, count++, capacity_)) {
// TODO(leszeks): Consider delaying the decompression until after the
// comparisons against empty/deleted.
Tagged<Object> element = derived_this->GetKey(cage_base, entry);
if (!IsKey(element)) return entry;
template <typename Derived>
template <typename IsolateT, typename FindKey>
InternalIndex OffHeapHashTableBase<Derived>::FindEntryOrInsertionEntry(
IsolateT* isolate, FindKey key, uint32_t hash) const {
// The derived class must guarantee the hash table is never full.
const Derived* derived_this = static_cast<const Derived*>(this);
InternalIndex insertion_entry = InternalIndex::NotFound();
uint32_t count = 1;
for (InternalIndex entry = FirstProbe(hash, capacity_);;
entry = NextProbe(entry, count++, capacity_)) {
// TODO(leszeks): Consider delaying the decompression until after the
// comparisons against empty/deleted.
Tagged<Object> element = derived_this->GetKey(isolate, entry);
if (element == empty_element()) {
// Empty entry, it's our insertion entry if there was no previous Hole.
if (insertion_entry.is_not_found()) return entry;
return insertion_entry;
if (element == deleted_element()) {
// Holes are potential insertion candidates, but we continue the search
// in case we find the actual matching entry.
if (insertion_entry.is_not_found()) insertion_entry = entry;
if (Derived::KeyIsMatch(isolate, key, element)) return entry;
// static
template <typename Derived>
template <typename Container, size_t OffsetOfElementsInContainer>
void* OffHeapHashTableBase<Derived>::Allocate(int capacity) {
// Make sure that the elements_ array is at the end of Container, with no
// padding, so that subsequent elements can be accessed as offsets from
// elements_.
static_assert(OffsetOfElementsInContainer ==
sizeof(Container) - sizeof(Tagged_t));
// Make sure that elements_ is aligned when Container is aligned.
static_assert(OffsetOfElementsInContainer % kTaggedSize == 0);
return AlignedAllocWithRetry(
sizeof(Container) + GetSizeExcludingHeader(capacity),
std::max(alignof(Container), alignof(void*)));
// static
template <typename Derived>
void OffHeapHashTableBase<Derived>::Free(void* table) {
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8