blob: 1731a8bff862ae2f60a35c6b1ee37251c1b44c34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include 'src/objects/property-descriptor-object.h'
bitfield struct PropertyDescriptorObjectFlags extends uint31 {
is_enumerable: bool: 1 bit;
has_enumerable: bool: 1 bit;
is_configurable: bool: 1 bit;
has_configurable: bool: 1 bit;
is_writable: bool: 1 bit;
has_writable: bool: 1 bit;
has_value: bool: 1 bit;
has_get: bool: 1 bit;
has_set: bool: 1 bit;
extern class PropertyDescriptorObject extends Struct {
macro IsDataDescriptor(): bool {
return this.flags.has_value || this.flags.has_writable;
macro IsAccessorDescriptor(): bool {
return this.flags.has_get || this.flags.has_set;
macro IsGenericDescriptor(): bool {
if (this.IsDataDescriptor() || this.IsAccessorDescriptor()) {
return false;
return true;
macro IsEmptyOrEquivalentTo(current: PropertyDescriptorObject): bool {
return (!this.flags.has_enumerable ||
this.flags.is_enumerable == current.flags.is_enumerable) &&
(!this.flags.has_configurable ||
this.flags.is_configurable == current.flags.is_configurable) &&
(!this.flags.has_value || SameValue(this.value, current.value)) &&
(!this.flags.has_writable ||
this.flags.is_writable == current.flags.is_writable) &&
(!this.flags.has_get || SameValue(this.get, current.get)) &&
(!this.flags.has_set || SameValue(this.get, current.set));
flags: SmiTagged<PropertyDescriptorObjectFlags>;
value: JSAny|TheHole;
get: JSAny|TheHole;
set: JSAny|TheHole;
macro IsCompatiblePropertyDescriptor(
_extensible: bool, newDesc: PropertyDescriptorObject,
current: PropertyDescriptorObject): bool {
if (newDesc.IsEmptyOrEquivalentTo(current)) return true;
// 5. If current.[[Configurable]] is false, then
// 5a. If Desc has a [[Configurable]] field and Desc.[[Configurable]] is
// true, return false. 5b. If Desc has an [[Enumerable]] field and
// SameValue(Desc.[[Enumerable]], current.[[Enumerable]]) is false, return
// false. 5c. If IsGenericDescriptor(Desc) is false and
// SameValue(IsAccessorDescriptor(Desc), IsAccessorDescriptor(current)) is
// false, return false. 5d. If IsAccessorDescriptor(Desc) is true, then
// i. If Desc has a [[Get]] field and SameValue(Desc.[[Get]],
// current.[[Get]]) is false, return false.
// ii. If Desc has a [[Set]] field and SameValue(Desc.[[Set]],
// current.[[Set]]) is false, return false.
// 5e. Else if current.[[Writable]] is false, then
// i. If Desc has a [[Writable]] field and Desc.[[Writable]] is true,
// return false.
// ii. ii. If Desc has a [[Value]] field and SameValue(Desc.[[Value]],
// current.[[Value]]) is false, return false.
if (!current.flags.is_configurable) {
if (newDesc.flags.has_configurable && newDesc.flags.is_configurable)
return false;
if (!current.flags.has_enumerable &&
(newDesc.flags.is_enumerable != current.flags.is_enumerable))
return false;
const isAccessor = newDesc.IsAccessorDescriptor();
if (!newDesc.IsGenericDescriptor() &&
isAccessor != current.IsAccessorDescriptor())
return false;
if (isAccessor) {
if (newDesc.flags.has_get && !SameValue(newDesc.get, current.get))
return false;
if (newDesc.flags.has_set && !SameValue(newDesc.set, current.set))
return false;
} else if (!current.flags.is_writable) {
if (newDesc.flags.is_writable) return false;
if (newDesc.flags.has_value && !SameValue(newDesc.value, current.value))
return false;
return true;
macro IsCompatiblePropertyDescriptor(
extensible: bool, newDesc: (PropertyDescriptorObject|Undefined),
current: PropertyDescriptorObject): bool {
// 3. If every field in Desc is absent, return true. (This also has a shortcut
// not in the spec: if every field value matches the current value, return.)
typeswitch (newDesc) {
case (Undefined): {
return true;
case (newDesc: PropertyDescriptorObject): {
return IsCompatiblePropertyDescriptor(extensible, newDesc, current);
macro IsCompatiblePropertyDescriptor(
extensible: bool, newDesc: (PropertyDescriptorObject|Undefined),
current: (PropertyDescriptorObject|Undefined)): bool {
// 2. If current is undefined, then
// 2a. If extensible is false, return false.
// 2b. If O is undefined, return true.
typeswitch (current) {
case (Undefined): {
return extensible;
case (current: PropertyDescriptorObject): {
return IsCompatiblePropertyDescriptor(extensible, newDesc, current);
macro CompletePropertyDescriptor(desc: PropertyDescriptorObject): void {
// 1. Let like be the Record { [[Value]]: undefined, [[Writable]]: false,
// [[Get]]: undefined,
// [[Set]]: undefined, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false }.
if (!desc.IsAccessorDescriptor()) {
if (!desc.flags.has_value) {
desc.flags.has_value = true;
desc.value = Undefined;
if (!desc.flags.has_writable) {
desc.flags.has_writable = true;
desc.flags.is_writable = false;
} else {
if (!desc.flags.has_get) {
desc.flags.has_get = true;
desc.get = Undefined;
if (!desc.flags.has_set) {
desc.flags.has_set = true;
desc.set = Undefined;
if (!desc.flags.has_enumerable) {
desc.flags.has_enumerable = true;
desc.flags.is_enumerable = false;
if (!desc.flags.has_configurable) {
desc.flags.has_configurable = true;
desc.flags.is_configurable = false;
extern macro AllocatePropertyDescriptorObject(implicit context: Context)():