blob: 78ba27ef19633cf62cc2f6dbc5f98f88e6c5bfc7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "src/base/bit-field.h"
#include "src/builtins/builtins.h"
#include "src/codegen/bailout-reason.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/objects/compressed-slots.h"
#include "src/objects/function-kind.h"
#include "src/objects/function-syntax-kind.h"
#include "src/objects/objects.h"
#include "src/objects/script.h"
#include "src/objects/slots.h"
#include "src/objects/smi.h"
#include "src/objects/struct.h"
#include "src/roots/roots.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest_prod.h" // nogncheck
#include "torque-generated/bit-fields.h"
// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards):
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class AsmWasmData;
class BytecodeArray;
class CoverageInfo;
class DebugInfo;
class IsCompiledScope;
template <typename>
class Signature;
class WasmFunctionData;
class WasmCapiFunctionData;
class WasmExportedFunctionData;
class WasmJSFunctionData;
class WasmResumeData;
namespace wasm {
struct WasmModule;
class ValueType;
using FunctionSig = Signature<ValueType>;
} // namespace wasm
#include "torque-generated/src/objects/"
// Defines whether the source positions should be created during function
// compilation.
enum class CreateSourcePositions { kNo, kYes };
// Data collected by the pre-parser storing information about scopes and inner
// functions.
// PreparseData Layout:
// +-------------------------------+
// | data_length | children_length |
// +-------------------------------+
// | Scope Byte Data ... |
// | ... |
// +-------------------------------+
// | [Padding] |
// +-------------------------------+
// | Inner PreparseData 1 |
// +-------------------------------+
// | ... |
// +-------------------------------+
// | Inner PreparseData N |
// +-------------------------------+
class PreparseData
: public TorqueGeneratedPreparseData<PreparseData, HeapObject> {
inline int inner_start_offset() const;
inline ObjectSlot inner_data_start() const;
inline uint8_t get(int index) const;
inline void set(int index, uint8_t value);
inline void copy_in(int index, const uint8_t* buffer, int length);
inline Tagged<PreparseData> get_child(int index) const;
inline void set_child(int index, Tagged<PreparseData> value,
WriteBarrierMode mode = UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER);
// Clear uninitialized padding space.
inline void clear_padding();
static const int kDataStartOffset = kSize;
class BodyDescriptor;
static int InnerOffset(int data_length) {
return RoundUp(kDataStartOffset + data_length * kByteSize, kTaggedSize);
static int SizeFor(int data_length, int children_length) {
return InnerOffset(data_length) + children_length * kTaggedSize;
inline Tagged<Object> get_child_raw(int index) const;
// Abstract class representing extra data for an uncompiled function, which is
// not stored in the SharedFunctionInfo.
class UncompiledData
: public TorqueGeneratedUncompiledData<UncompiledData, HeapObject> {
inline void InitAfterBytecodeFlush(
Tagged<String> inferred_name, int start_position, int end_position,
std::function<void(Tagged<HeapObject> object, ObjectSlot slot,
Tagged<HeapObject> target)>
// Class representing data for an uncompiled function that does not have any
// data from the pre-parser, either because it's a leaf function or because the
// pre-parser bailed out.
class UncompiledDataWithoutPreparseData
: public TorqueGeneratedUncompiledDataWithoutPreparseData<
UncompiledDataWithoutPreparseData, UncompiledData> {
class BodyDescriptor;
// Class representing data for an uncompiled function that has pre-parsed scope
// data.
class UncompiledDataWithPreparseData
: public TorqueGeneratedUncompiledDataWithPreparseData<
UncompiledDataWithPreparseData, UncompiledData> {
class BodyDescriptor;
// Class representing data for an uncompiled function that does not have any
// data from the pre-parser, either because it's a leaf function or because the
// pre-parser bailed out, but has a job pointer.
class UncompiledDataWithoutPreparseDataWithJob
: public TorqueGeneratedUncompiledDataWithoutPreparseDataWithJob<
UncompiledDataWithoutPreparseData> {
class BodyDescriptor;
// Class representing data for an uncompiled function that has pre-parsed scope
// data and a job pointer.
class UncompiledDataWithPreparseDataAndJob
: public TorqueGeneratedUncompiledDataWithPreparseDataAndJob<
UncompiledDataWithPreparseData> {
class BodyDescriptor;
class InterpreterData
: public TorqueGeneratedInterpreterData<InterpreterData,
ExposedTrustedObject> {
DECL_PROTECTED_POINTER_ACCESSORS(bytecode_array, BytecodeArray)
DECL_PROTECTED_POINTER_ACCESSORS(interpreter_trampoline, Code)
class BodyDescriptor;
// SharedFunctionInfo describes the JSFunction information that can be
// shared by multiple instances of the function.
class SharedFunctionInfo
: public TorqueGeneratedSharedFunctionInfo<SharedFunctionInfo, HeapObject> {
// This initializes the SharedFunctionInfo after allocation. It must
// initialize all fields, and leave the SharedFunctionInfo in a state where
// it is safe for the GC to visit it.
// Important: This function MUST not allocate.
void Init(ReadOnlyRoots roots, int unique_id);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static constexpr Tagged<Smi> const kNoSharedNameSentinel =
// [name]: Returns shared name if it exists or an empty string otherwise.
inline Tagged<String> Name() const;
inline void SetName(Tagged<String> name);
// Get the code object which represents the execution of this function.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE Tagged<Code> GetCode(Isolate* isolate) const;
// Get the abstract code associated with the function, which will either be
// a Code object or a BytecodeArray.
inline Tagged<AbstractCode> abstract_code(Isolate* isolate);
// Set up the link between shared function info and the script. The shared
// function info is added to the list on the script.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void SetScript(ReadOnlyRoots roots,
Tagged<HeapObject> script_object,
int function_literal_id,
bool reset_preparsed_scope_data = true);
// Copy the data from another SharedFunctionInfo. Used for copying data into
// and out of a placeholder SharedFunctionInfo, for off-thread compilation
// which is not allowed to touch a main-thread-visible SharedFunctionInfo.
void CopyFrom(Tagged<SharedFunctionInfo> other, IsolateForSandbox isolate);
// Layout description of the optimized code map.
static const int kEntriesStart = 0;
static const int kContextOffset = 0;
static const int kCachedCodeOffset = 1;
static const int kEntryLength = 2;
static const int kInitialLength = kEntriesStart + kEntryLength;
static const int kNotFound = -1;
static constexpr int kAgeSize = kAgeOffsetEnd - kAgeOffset + 1;
static constexpr uint16_t kMaxAge = UINT16_MAX;
DECL_ACQUIRE_GETTER(scope_info, Tagged<ScopeInfo>)
// Deprecated, use the ACQUIRE version instead.
DECL_GETTER(scope_info, Tagged<ScopeInfo>)
// Slow but safe:
inline Tagged<ScopeInfo> EarlyScopeInfo(AcquireLoadTag tag);
// Set scope_info without moving the existing name onto the ScopeInfo.
inline void set_raw_scope_info(Tagged<ScopeInfo> scope_info,
WriteBarrierMode mode = UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER);
inline void SetScopeInfo(Tagged<ScopeInfo> scope_info,
WriteBarrierMode mode = UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER);
inline bool is_script() const;
inline bool needs_script_context() const;
// End position of this function in the script source.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE int EndPosition() const;
// Start position of this function in the script source.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE int StartPosition() const;
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void UpdateFromFunctionLiteralForLiveEdit(
FunctionLiteral* lit);
// [outer scope info | feedback metadata] Shared storage for outer scope info
// (on uncompiled functions) and feedback metadata (on compiled functions).
DECL_ACCESSORS(raw_outer_scope_info_or_feedback_metadata, Tagged<HeapObject>)
using TorqueGeneratedSharedFunctionInfo::
using TorqueGeneratedSharedFunctionInfo::
// Get the outer scope info whether this function is compiled or not.
inline bool HasOuterScopeInfo() const;
inline Tagged<ScopeInfo> GetOuterScopeInfo() const;
// [feedback metadata] Metadata template for feedback vectors of instances of
// this function.
inline bool HasFeedbackMetadata() const;
inline bool HasFeedbackMetadata(AcquireLoadTag tag) const;
DECL_GETTER(feedback_metadata, Tagged<FeedbackMetadata>)
DECL_RELEASE_ACQUIRE_ACCESSORS(feedback_metadata, Tagged<FeedbackMetadata>)
// Returns if this function has been compiled yet. Note: with bytecode
// flushing, any GC after this call is made could cause the function
// to become uncompiled. If you need to ensure the function remains compiled
// for some period of time, use IsCompiledScope instead.
inline bool is_compiled() const;
// Returns an IsCompiledScope which reports whether the function is compiled,
// and if compiled, will avoid the function becoming uncompiled while it is
// held.
template <typename IsolateT>
inline IsCompiledScope is_compiled_scope(IsolateT* isolate) const;
// [internal formal parameter count]: The declared number of parameters.
// For subclass constructors, also includes
// The size of function's frame is
// internal_formal_parameter_count_with_receiver.
inline void set_internal_formal_parameter_count(int value);
inline uint16_t internal_formal_parameter_count_with_receiver() const;
inline uint16_t internal_formal_parameter_count_without_receiver() const;
using TorqueGeneratedSharedFunctionInfo::formal_parameter_count;
using TorqueGeneratedSharedFunctionInfo::set_formal_parameter_count;
// Set the formal parameter count so the function code will be
// called without using argument adaptor frames.
inline void DontAdaptArguments();
inline bool IsDontAdaptArguments() const;
// Returns the data associated with this SFI.
// Currently it can be one of:
// - a FunctionTemplateInfo to make benefit the API [IsApiFunction()].
// - a BytecodeArray for the interpreter [HasBytecodeArray()].
// - a InterpreterData with the BytecodeArray and a copy of the
// interpreter trampoline [HasInterpreterData()]
// - an AsmWasmData with Asm->Wasm conversion [HasAsmWasmData()].
// - a Smi containing the builtin id [HasBuiltinId()]
// - a UncompiledDataWithoutPreparseData for lazy compilation
// [HasUncompiledDataWithoutPreparseData()]
// - a UncompiledDataWithPreparseData for lazy compilation
// [HasUncompiledDataWithPreparseData()]
// - a WasmExportedFunctionData for Wasm [HasWasmExportedFunctionData()]
// If the (expected) type of data is known, prefer to use the specialized
// accessors (e.g. bytecode_array(), uncompiled_data(), etc.).
// TODO(chromium:1490564): it might be nice if we could split this into a
// "code" and a "data" field. The code field is a trusted pointer to
// executable code (bytecode or machine code) to run when invoking the
// function. The "data" field on the other hand should only contain metadata
// about the function and might be empty. GetCode() would then always return
// the Code object based on the code field (and possibly lazily compute that
// based on the data field, e.g. the builtin id), and GetData() would always
// return the additional data, but never any code. This requires going
// through the callers of this method to see if they want the code or the
// data of the SFI (or both) and making them call GetCode() instead if that's
// what they are interested in. It would also mean that for code flushing,
// we'd then only have to load the code field, but then had to check if we're
// bytecode, baseline code, or builtin code (which is never flushed).
inline Tagged<Object> GetData(IsolateForSandbox isolate) const;
// When the sandbox is enabled, the function's data is split across two
// fields, with the "trusted" part containing a trusted pointer and the
// regular/untrusted part containing a tagged pointer. In that case, code
// accessing the data field will first load the trusted data field. If that
// is empty (i.e. kNullIndirectPointerHandle), it will then load the regular
// field. With that, the only racy transition would be a tagged -> trusted
// transition (one thread may first read the empty trusted pointer, then
// another thread transitions to the trusted field, clearing the tagged
// field, and then the first thread continues to load the tagged field). As
// such, this transition is only allowed on the main thread. From a GC
// perspective, both fields always contain a valid value and so can be
// processed unconditionally.
// Only one of these two fields should be in use at any time and the other
// field should be cleared. As such, when setting these fields prefer to use
// SetData() which automatically clears the inactive field.
// TODO(chromium:1490564): if we decide to do the refactoring described
// above, the trusted part would become the code field.
inline Tagged<ExposedTrustedObject> trusted_function_data(
IsolateForSandbox isolate, AcquireLoadTag) const;
inline void set_trusted_function_data(
Tagged<ExposedTrustedObject> value, ReleaseStoreTag,
// Direct access to the indirect pointer handle referencing the trusted
// object.
inline IndirectPointerHandle trusted_function_data_handle(
AcquireLoadTag) const;
DECL_RELEASE_ACQUIRE_ACCESSORS(function_data, Tagged<Object>)
enum class DataType { kRegular, kTrusted };
inline void SetData(Tagged<Object> value, ReleaseStoreTag,
DataType type = DataType::kRegular,
WriteBarrierMode mode = UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER);
inline void clear_function_data(ReleaseStoreTag);
inline void clear_trusted_function_data(ReleaseStoreTag);
inline bool has_trusted_function_data() const;
inline bool IsApiFunction() const;
inline bool is_class_constructor() const;
DECL_ACCESSORS(api_func_data, Tagged<FunctionTemplateInfo>)
DECL_GETTER(HasBytecodeArray, bool)
template <typename IsolateT>
inline Tagged<BytecodeArray> GetBytecodeArray(IsolateT* isolate) const;
// Sets the bytecode for this SFI. This is only allowed when this SFI has not
// yet been compiled or if it has been "uncompiled", or in other words when
// there is no existing bytecode yet.
inline void set_bytecode_array(Tagged<BytecodeArray> bytecode);
// Like set_bytecode_array but allows overwriting existing bytecode.
inline void overwrite_bytecode_array(Tagged<BytecodeArray> bytecode);
inline Tagged<Code> InterpreterTrampoline(IsolateForSandbox isolate) const;
inline bool HasInterpreterData(IsolateForSandbox isolate) const;
inline Tagged<InterpreterData> interpreter_data(
IsolateForSandbox isolate) const;
inline void set_interpreter_data(
Tagged<InterpreterData> interpreter_data,
WriteBarrierMode mode = UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER);
DECL_GETTER(HasBaselineCode, bool)
DECL_RELEASE_ACQUIRE_ACCESSORS(baseline_code, Tagged<Code>)
inline void FlushBaselineCode();
inline Tagged<BytecodeArray> GetActiveBytecodeArray(
IsolateForSandbox isolate) const;
inline void SetActiveBytecodeArray(Tagged<BytecodeArray> bytecode,
IsolateForSandbox isolate);
inline bool HasAsmWasmData() const;
inline bool HasWasmFunctionData() const;
inline bool HasWasmExportedFunctionData() const;
inline bool HasWasmJSFunctionData() const;
inline bool HasWasmCapiFunctionData() const;
inline bool HasWasmResumeData() const;
DECL_ACCESSORS(asm_wasm_data, Tagged<AsmWasmData>)
DECL_GETTER(wasm_exported_function_data, Tagged<WasmExportedFunctionData>)
DECL_GETTER(wasm_function_data, Tagged<WasmFunctionData>)
DECL_GETTER(wasm_js_function_data, Tagged<WasmJSFunctionData>)
DECL_GETTER(wasm_capi_function_data, Tagged<WasmCapiFunctionData>)
DECL_GETTER(wasm_resume_data, Tagged<WasmResumeData>)
inline const wasm::WasmModule* wasm_module() const;
inline const wasm::FunctionSig* wasm_function_signature() const;
inline int wasm_function_index() const;
// builtin corresponds to the auto-generated Builtin enum.
inline bool HasBuiltinId() const;
inline bool HasUncompiledData() const;
DECL_ACCESSORS(uncompiled_data, Tagged<UncompiledData>)
inline bool HasUncompiledDataWithPreparseData() const;
inline bool HasUncompiledDataWithoutPreparseData() const;
inline void ClearUncompiledDataJobPointer();
// Clear out pre-parsed scope data from UncompiledDataWithPreparseData,
// turning it into UncompiledDataWithoutPreparseData.
inline void ClearPreparseData();
// The inferred_name is inferred from variable or property assignment of this
// function. It is used to facilitate debugging and profiling of JavaScript
// code written in OO style, where almost all functions are anonymous but are
// assigned to object properties.
inline bool HasInferredName();
DECL_GETTER(inferred_name, Tagged<String>)
// All DebugInfo accessors forward to the Debug object which stores DebugInfo
// objects in a sidetable.
bool HasDebugInfo(Isolate* isolate) const;
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE Tagged<DebugInfo> GetDebugInfo(Isolate* isolate) const;
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE base::Optional<Tagged<DebugInfo>> TryGetDebugInfo(
Isolate* isolate) const;
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool HasBreakInfo(Isolate* isolate) const;
bool BreakAtEntry(Isolate* isolate) const;
bool HasCoverageInfo(Isolate* isolate) const;
Tagged<CoverageInfo> GetCoverageInfo(Isolate* isolate) const;
// The function's name if it is non-empty, otherwise the inferred name.
std::unique_ptr<char[]> DebugNameCStr() const;
static Handle<String> DebugName(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared);
// Used for flags such as --turbo-filter.
bool PassesFilter(const char* raw_filter);
// [script]: the Script from which the function originates, or undefined.
// Use `raw_script` if deserialization of this SharedFunctionInfo may still
// be in progress and thus the `script` field still equal to
// Smi::uninitialized_deserialization_value.
DECL_RELEASE_ACQUIRE_ACCESSORS(raw_script, Tagged<Object>)
// TODO(jgruber): Remove these overloads and pass the kAcquireLoad tag
// explicitly.
inline Tagged<HeapObject> script() const;
inline Tagged<HeapObject> script(PtrComprCageBase cage_base) const;
inline bool has_script(AcquireLoadTag tag) const;
// True if the underlying script was parsed and compiled in REPL mode.
inline bool is_repl_mode() const;
// The offset of the 'function' token in the script source relative to the
// start position. Can return kFunctionTokenOutOfRange if offset doesn't
// fit in 16 bits.
using TorqueGeneratedSharedFunctionInfo::function_token_offset;
using TorqueGeneratedSharedFunctionInfo::set_function_token_offset;
// The position of the 'function' token in the script source. Can return
// kNoSourcePosition if raw_function_token_offset() returns
// kFunctionTokenOutOfRange.
inline int function_token_position() const;
// Returns true if the function has shared name.
inline bool HasSharedName() const;
// [flags] Bit field containing various flags about the function.
// True if the outer class scope contains a private brand for
// private instance methods.
CachedTieringDecision cached_tiering_decision();
void set_cached_tiering_decision(CachedTieringDecision decision);
// Is this function a top-level function (scripts, evals).
// Indicates if this function can be lazy compiled.
// Indicates the language mode.
inline LanguageMode language_mode() const;
inline void set_language_mode(LanguageMode language_mode);
// How the function appears in source text.
DECL_PRIMITIVE_ACCESSORS(syntax_kind, FunctionSyntaxKind)
// Indicates whether the source is implicitly wrapped in a function.
inline bool is_wrapped() const;
// True if the function has any duplicated parameter names.
// Indicates whether the function is a native function.
// These needs special treatment in .call and .apply since
// null passed as the receiver should not be translated to the
// global object.
// Indicates that asm->wasm conversion failed and should not be re-attempted.
// Indicates that the function was created by the Function function.
// Though it's anonymous, toString should treat it as if it had the name
// "anonymous". We don't set the name itself so that the system does not
// see a binding for it.
// Whether or not the number of expected properties may change.
// Indicates that the function has been reported for binary code coverage.
// Indicates that the private name lookups inside the function skips the
// closest outer class scope.
inline FunctionKind kind() const;
// Defines the index in a native context of closure's map instantiated using
// this shared function info.
// Clear uninitialized padding space. This ensures that the snapshot content
// is deterministic.
inline void clear_padding();
// Recalculates the |map_index| value after modifications of this shared info.
inline void UpdateFunctionMapIndex();
// Indicates whether optimizations have been disabled for this shared function
// info. If we cannot optimize the function we disable optimization to avoid
// spending time attempting to optimize it again.
inline bool optimization_disabled() const;
// The reason why optimization was disabled.
inline BailoutReason disabled_optimization_reason() const;
// Disable (further) attempted optimization of all functions sharing this
// shared function info.
void DisableOptimization(Isolate* isolate, BailoutReason reason);
// This class constructor needs to call out to an instance fields
// initializer. This flag is set when creating the
// SharedFunctionInfo as a reminder to emit the initializer call
// when generating code later.
// [source code]: Source code for the function.
bool HasSourceCode() const;
static Handle<Object> GetSourceCode(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared);
static Handle<Object> GetSourceCodeHarmony(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared);
// Tells whether this function should be subject to debugging, e.g. for
// - scope inspection
// - internal break points
// - coverage and type profile
// - error stack trace
inline bool IsSubjectToDebugging() const;
// Whether this function is defined in user-provided JavaScript code.
inline bool IsUserJavaScript() const;
// True if one can flush compiled code from this function, in such a way that
// it can later be re-compiled.
inline bool CanDiscardCompiled() const;
// Flush compiled data from this function, setting it back to CompileLazy and
// clearing any compiled metadata.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void DiscardCompiled(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_info);
// Discard the compiled metadata. If called during GC then
// |gc_notify_updated_slot| should be used to record any slot updates.
void DiscardCompiledMetadata(
Isolate* isolate,
std::function<void(Tagged<HeapObject> object, ObjectSlot slot,
Tagged<HeapObject> target)>
gc_notify_updated_slot = [](Tagged<HeapObject> object,
ObjectSlot slot,
Tagged<HeapObject> target) {});
// Returns true if the function has old bytecode that could be flushed. This
// function shouldn't access any flags as it is used by concurrent marker.
// Hence it takes the mode as an argument.
inline bool ShouldFlushCode(base::EnumSet<CodeFlushMode> code_flush_mode);
enum Inlineability {
// Different reasons for not being inlineable:
// Actually inlineable!
// Returns the first value that applies (see enum definition for the order).
template <typename IsolateT>
Inlineability GetInlineability(IsolateT* isolate) const;
// Source size of this function.
int SourceSize();
// Returns `false` if formal parameters include rest parameters, optional
// parameters, or destructuring parameters.
// TODO(caitp): make this a flag set during parsing
inline bool has_simple_parameters();
// Initialize a SharedFunctionInfo from a parsed or preparsed function
// literal.
template <typename IsolateT>
static void InitFromFunctionLiteral(IsolateT* isolate,
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_info,
FunctionLiteral* lit, bool is_toplevel);
template <typename IsolateT>
static void CreateAndSetUncompiledData(IsolateT* isolate,
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_info,
FunctionLiteral* lit);
// Updates the expected number of properties based on estimate from parser.
void UpdateExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate(FunctionLiteral* literal);
void UpdateAndFinalizeExpectedNofPropertiesFromEstimate(
FunctionLiteral* literal);
// Sets the FunctionTokenOffset field based on the given token position and
// start position.
void SetFunctionTokenPosition(int function_token_position,
int start_position);
static void EnsureBytecodeArrayAvailable(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_info,
IsCompiledScope* is_compiled_scope,
CreateSourcePositions flag = CreateSourcePositions::kNo);
inline bool CanCollectSourcePosition(Isolate* isolate);
static void EnsureSourcePositionsAvailable(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_info);
template <typename IsolateT>
bool AreSourcePositionsAvailable(IsolateT* isolate) const;
// Hash based on function literal id and script id.
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE uint32_t Hash();
inline bool construct_as_builtin() const;
// Determines and sets the ConstructAsBuiltinBit in |flags|, based on the
// |function_data|. Must be called when creating the SFI after other fields
// are initialized. The ConstructAsBuiltinBit determines whether
// JSBuiltinsConstructStub or JSConstructStubGeneric should be called to
// construct this function.
inline void CalculateConstructAsBuiltin();
// Replaces the current age with a new value if the current value matches the
// one expected. Returns the value before this operation.
inline uint16_t CompareExchangeAge(uint16_t expected_age, uint16_t new_age);
// Bytecode aging
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void EnsureOldForTesting(
Tagged<SharedFunctionInfo> sfu);
// Dispatched behavior.
void SharedFunctionInfoVerify(LocalIsolate* isolate);
void PrintSourceCode(std::ostream& os);
// Iterate over all shared function infos in a given script.
class ScriptIterator {
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE ScriptIterator(Isolate* isolate, Tagged<Script> script);
explicit ScriptIterator(Handle<WeakFixedArray> shared_function_infos);
ScriptIterator(const ScriptIterator&) = delete;
ScriptIterator& operator=(const ScriptIterator&) = delete;
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE Tagged<SharedFunctionInfo> Next();
int CurrentIndex() const { return index_ - 1; }
// Reset the iterator to run on |script|.
void Reset(Isolate* isolate, Tagged<Script> script);
Handle<WeakFixedArray> shared_function_infos_;
int index_;
// Constants.
static const int kMaximumFunctionTokenOffset = kMaxUInt16 - 1;
static const uint16_t kFunctionTokenOutOfRange = static_cast<uint16_t>(-1);
static_assert(kMaximumFunctionTokenOffset + 1 == kFunctionTokenOutOfRange);
static_assert(kSize % kTaggedSize == 0);
class BodyDescriptor;
// Bailout reasons must fit in the DisabledOptimizationReason bitfield.
static_assert(BailoutReason::kLastErrorMessage <=
static_assert(FunctionKind::kLastFunctionKind <= FunctionKindBits::kMax);
static_assert(FunctionSyntaxKind::kLastFunctionSyntaxKind <=
// Sets the bytecode in {shared}'s DebugInfo as the bytecode to
// be returned by following calls to GetActiveBytecodeArray. Stores a
// reference to the original bytecode in the DebugInfo.
static void InstallDebugBytecode(Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared,
Isolate* isolate);
// Removes the debug bytecode and restores the original bytecode to be
// returned by following calls to GetActiveBytecodeArray.
static void UninstallDebugBytecode(Tagged<SharedFunctionInfo> shared,
Isolate* isolate);
#ifdef DEBUG
// Verifies that all SFI::unique_id values on the heap are unique, including
// Isolate::new_unique_sfi_id_.
static bool UniqueIdsAreUnique(Isolate* isolate);
#endif // DEBUG
void SharedFunctionInfoVerify(ReadOnlyRoots roots);
// [name_or_scope_info]: Function name string, kNoSharedNameSentinel or
// ScopeInfo.
DECL_RELEASE_ACQUIRE_ACCESSORS(name_or_scope_info, Tagged<Object>)
// [outer scope info] The outer scope info, needed to lazily parse this
// function.
DECL_ACCESSORS(outer_scope_info, Tagged<HeapObject>)
// [properties_are_final]: This bit is used to track if we have finished
// parsing its properties. The properties final bit is only used by
// class constructors to handle lazily parsed properties.
inline void set_kind(FunctionKind kind);
inline uint16_t get_property_estimate_from_literal(FunctionLiteral* literal);
// For ease of use of the BITFIELD macro.
inline int32_t relaxed_flags() const;
inline void set_relaxed_flags(int32_t flags);
template <typename Impl>
friend class FactoryBase;
friend class V8HeapExplorer;
FRIEND_TEST(PreParserTest, LazyFunctionLength);
// A SharedFunctionInfoWrapper wraps a SharedFunctionInfo from trusted space.
// It can be useful when a protected pointer reference to a SharedFunctionInfo
// is needed, for example for a ProtectedFixedArray.
class SharedFunctionInfoWrapper : public TrustedObject {
DECL_ACCESSORS(shared_info, Tagged<SharedFunctionInfo>)
#define FIELD_LIST(V) \
V(kSharedInfoOffset, kTaggedSize) \
V(kHeaderSize, 0) \
V(kSize, 0)
class BodyDescriptor;
OBJECT_CONSTRUCTORS(SharedFunctionInfoWrapper, TrustedObject);
// When the sandbox is enabled, the data field is split into a trusted pointer
// part and a tagged part.
static constexpr int kStaticRootsSFISize = 48;
static constexpr int kStaticRootsSFISize = 44;
static_assert(SharedFunctionInfo::kSize == kStaticRootsSFISize);
#endif // V8_STATIC_ROOTS
// Printing support.
struct SourceCodeOf {
explicit SourceCodeOf(Tagged<SharedFunctionInfo> v, int max = -1)
: value(v), max_length(max) {}
const Tagged<SharedFunctionInfo> value;
int max_length;
// IsCompiledScope enables a caller to check if a function is compiled, and
// ensure it remains compiled (i.e., doesn't have it's bytecode flushed) while
// the scope is retained.
class V8_NODISCARD IsCompiledScope {
inline IsCompiledScope(const Tagged<SharedFunctionInfo> shared,
Isolate* isolate);
inline IsCompiledScope(const Tagged<SharedFunctionInfo> shared,
LocalIsolate* isolate);
inline IsCompiledScope() : retain_code_(), is_compiled_(false) {}
inline bool is_compiled() const { return is_compiled_; }
MaybeHandle<HeapObject> retain_code_;
bool is_compiled_;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SourceCodeOf& v);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"