blob: c96fbc9ce6f1847910893e8b82a8ebfd4b50cc9a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
extern class PreparseData extends HeapObject {
// TODO(v8:8983): Add declaration for variable-sized region.
data_length: int32;
children_length: int32;
extern class InterpreterData extends ExposedTrustedObject {
// TODO(saelo): we should consider also moving InterpreterData out of the
// sandbox as it can often occur in places where BytecodeArrays are expected
// (which live outside of the sandbox). When we do this, this field can again
// always directly reference the BytecodeArray through a tagged pointer.
@if(V8_ENABLE_SANDBOX) bytecode_array: IndirectPointer<BytecodeArray>;
@ifnot(V8_ENABLE_SANDBOX) bytecode_array: BytecodeArray;
@if(V8_ENABLE_SANDBOX) interpreter_trampoline: IndirectPointer<Code>;
@ifnot(V8_ENABLE_SANDBOX) interpreter_trampoline: Code;
type FunctionKind extends uint8 constexpr 'FunctionKind';
type FunctionSyntaxKind extends uint8 constexpr 'FunctionSyntaxKind';
type BailoutReason extends uint8 constexpr 'BailoutReason';
type CachedTieringDecision extends uint8 constexpr 'CachedTieringDecision';
bitfield struct SharedFunctionInfoFlags extends uint32 {
// Have FunctionKind first to make it cheaper to access.
function_kind: FunctionKind: 5 bit;
is_native: bool: 1 bit;
is_strict: bool: 1 bit;
function_syntax_kind: FunctionSyntaxKind: 3 bit;
is_class_constructor: bool: 1 bit;
has_duplicate_parameters: bool: 1 bit;
allow_lazy_compilation: bool: 1 bit;
is_asm_wasm_broken: bool: 1 bit;
function_map_index: uint32: 5 bit;
disabled_optimization_reason: BailoutReason: 4 bit;
requires_instance_members_initializer: bool: 1 bit;
construct_as_builtin: bool: 1 bit;
name_should_print_as_anonymous: bool: 1 bit;
has_reported_binary_coverage: bool: 1 bit;
is_top_level: bool: 1 bit;
properties_are_final: bool: 1 bit;
private_name_lookup_skips_outer_class: bool: 1 bit;
bitfield struct SharedFunctionInfoFlags2 extends uint8 {
class_scope_has_private_brand: bool: 1 bit;
has_static_private_methods_or_accessors: bool: 1 bit;
is_sparkplug_compiling: bool: 1 bit;
maglev_compilation_failed: bool: 1 bit;
sparkplug_compiled: bool: 1 bit;
cached_tiering_decision: CachedTieringDecision: 2 bit;
extern class SharedFunctionInfo extends HeapObject {
// When the sandbox is enabled, the SFI's function data is split into a
// trusted and an untrusted part.
// The field is treated as a custom weak pointer. We visit this field as a
// weak pointer if there is aged bytecode. If there is no bytecode or if the
// bytecode is young then we treat it as a strong pointer. This is done to
// support flushing of bytecode.
// TODO(chromium:1490564) in the future, this field could be replaced by a
// generic code reference, which contains all information needed to (safely)
// invoke the function (Code/BytecodeArray, number of parameters, etc.).
// Then, function_data would only contain metadata used by the invoked code.
// With that, the function_data field would no longer require custom weak
// marking as that is only required for (byte)code flushing.
@customWeakMarking trusted_function_data: IndirectPointer;
@customWeakMarking function_data: Object;
name_or_scope_info: String|NoSharedNameSentinel|ScopeInfo;
outer_scope_info_or_feedback_metadata: HeapObject;
script: Script|Undefined;
// [length]: The function length - usually the number of declared parameters
// (always without the receiver).
// Use up to 2^16-2 parameters (16 bits of values, where one is reserved for
// kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel). The value is only reliable when the function
// has been compiled.
length: int16;
// [formal_parameter_count]: The number of declared parameters (or the special
// value kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel to indicate that arguments are passed
// unaltered).
// In contrast to [length], formal_parameter_count includes the receiver.
formal_parameter_count: uint16;
function_token_offset: uint16;
// [expected_nof_properties]: Expected number of properties for the
// function. The value is only reliable when the function has been compiled.
expected_nof_properties: uint8;
flags2: SharedFunctionInfoFlags2;
flags: SharedFunctionInfoFlags;
// [function_literal_id] - uniquely identifies the FunctionLiteral this
// SharedFunctionInfo represents within its script, or -1 if this
// SharedFunctionInfo object doesn't correspond to a parsed FunctionLiteral.
function_literal_id: int32;
// [unique_id] - An identifier that's persistent even across GC.
// TODO(jgruber): Merge with function_literal_id by storing the base id on
// Script (since the literal id is used for table lookups).
unique_id: int32;
// Age used for code flushing.
// TODO(dinfuehr): Merge this field with function_literal_id to save memory.
age: uint16;
padding: uint16;
// A wrapper around a SharedFunctionInfo in trusted space.
// Can be useful in cases where a protected pointer reference to a
// SharedFunctionInfo is required, for example because it is stored inside an
// ProtectedFixedArray.
extern class SharedFunctionInfoWrapper extends TrustedObject {
shared_info: SharedFunctionInfo;
const kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel: constexpr int32
generates 'kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel';
macro LoadSharedFunctionInfoFormalParameterCountWithoutReceiver(
sfi: SharedFunctionInfo): uint16 {
let formalParameterCount = sfi.formal_parameter_count;
if (Convert<int32>(formalParameterCount) != kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel) {
formalParameterCount =
Convert<uint16>(formalParameterCount - kJSArgcReceiverSlots);
return formalParameterCount;
macro LoadSharedFunctionInfoFormalParameterCountWithReceiver(
sfi: SharedFunctionInfo): uint16 {
return sfi.formal_parameter_count;
macro IsSharedFunctionInfoDontAdaptArguments(sfi: SharedFunctionInfo): bool {
const formalParameterCount = sfi.formal_parameter_count;
return Convert<int32>(formalParameterCount) == kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel;
extern class UncompiledData extends HeapObject {
inferred_name: String;
start_position: int32;
end_position: int32;
extern class UncompiledDataWithoutPreparseData extends UncompiledData {}
extern class UncompiledDataWithPreparseData extends UncompiledData {
preparse_data: PreparseData;
extern class UncompiledDataWithoutPreparseDataWithJob extends
UncompiledDataWithoutPreparseData {
// TODO(v8:10391): Define the field as ExternalPointer or move jobs into cage.
job: RawPtr;
extern class UncompiledDataWithPreparseDataAndJob extends
UncompiledDataWithPreparseData {
// TODO(v8:10391): Define the field as ExternalPointer or move jobs into cage.
job: RawPtr;
type PodArrayOfIntegerPairs extends ByteArray
constexpr 'PodArray<std::pair<int32_t, int32_t>>';
type FixedInt32Array extends ByteArray constexpr 'FixedInt32Array';
type FixedUInt32Array extends ByteArray constexpr 'FixedUInt32Array';
class OnHeapBasicBlockProfilerData extends HeapObject {
block_ids: FixedInt32Array;
counts: FixedUInt32Array;
branches: PodArrayOfIntegerPairs;
name: String;
schedule: String;
code: String;
hash: Smi;