blob: d81c474d0857a7908fed57d686a578df8a90ff6b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/base/memory.h"
#include "src/common/assert-scope.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/sandbox/external-pointer-table.h"
#include "src/sandbox/external-pointer.h"
#include "src/sandbox/indirect-pointer-tag.h"
#include "src/sandbox/isolate.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class Object;
class ExposedTrustedObject;
using TaggedBase = TaggedImpl<HeapObjectReferenceType::STRONG, Address>;
template <typename Subclass, typename Data,
size_t SlotDataAlignment = sizeof(Data)>
class SlotBase {
using TData = Data;
static constexpr size_t kSlotDataSize = sizeof(Data);
static constexpr size_t kSlotDataAlignment = SlotDataAlignment;
Subclass& operator++() { // Prefix increment.
ptr_ += kSlotDataSize;
return *static_cast<Subclass*>(this);
Subclass operator++(int) { // Postfix increment.
Subclass result = *static_cast<Subclass*>(this);
ptr_ += kSlotDataSize;
return result;
Subclass& operator--() { // Prefix decrement.
ptr_ -= kSlotDataSize;
return *static_cast<Subclass*>(this);
Subclass operator--(int) { // Postfix decrement.
Subclass result = *static_cast<Subclass*>(this);
ptr_ -= kSlotDataSize;
return result;
bool operator<(const SlotBase& other) const { return ptr_ < other.ptr_; }
bool operator<=(const SlotBase& other) const { return ptr_ <= other.ptr_; }
bool operator>(const SlotBase& other) const { return ptr_ > other.ptr_; }
bool operator>=(const SlotBase& other) const { return ptr_ >= other.ptr_; }
bool operator==(const SlotBase& other) const { return ptr_ == other.ptr_; }
bool operator!=(const SlotBase& other) const { return ptr_ != other.ptr_; }
size_t operator-(const SlotBase& other) const {
DCHECK_GE(ptr_, other.ptr_);
return static_cast<size_t>((ptr_ - other.ptr_) / kSlotDataSize);
Subclass operator-(int i) const { return Subclass(ptr_ - i * kSlotDataSize); }
Subclass operator+(int i) const { return Subclass(ptr_ + i * kSlotDataSize); }
friend Subclass operator+(int i, const Subclass& slot) {
return Subclass(slot.ptr_ + i * kSlotDataSize);
Subclass& operator+=(int i) {
ptr_ += i * kSlotDataSize;
return *static_cast<Subclass*>(this);
Subclass operator-(int i) { return Subclass(ptr_ - i * kSlotDataSize); }
Subclass& operator-=(int i) {
ptr_ -= i * kSlotDataSize;
return *static_cast<Subclass*>(this);
void* ToVoidPtr() const { return reinterpret_cast<void*>(address()); }
Address address() const { return ptr_; }
// For symmetry with Handle.
TData* location() const { return reinterpret_cast<TData*>(ptr_); }
explicit SlotBase(Address ptr) : ptr_(ptr) {
DCHECK(IsAligned(ptr, kSlotDataAlignment));
// This field usually describes an on-heap address (a slot within an object),
// so its type should not be a pointer to another C++ wrapper class.
// Type safety is provided by well-defined conversion operations.
Address ptr_;
// An FullObjectSlot instance describes a kSystemPointerSize-sized field
// ("slot") holding a tagged pointer (smi or strong heap object).
// Its address() is the address of the slot.
// The slot's contents can be read and written using operator* and store().
class FullObjectSlot : public SlotBase<FullObjectSlot, Address> {
using TObject = Tagged<Object>;
using THeapObjectSlot = FullHeapObjectSlot;
// Tagged value stored in this slot is guaranteed to never be a weak pointer.
static constexpr bool kCanBeWeak = false;
FullObjectSlot() : SlotBase(kNullAddress) {}
explicit FullObjectSlot(Address ptr) : SlotBase(ptr) {}
explicit FullObjectSlot(const Address* ptr)
: SlotBase(reinterpret_cast<Address>(ptr)) {}
inline explicit FullObjectSlot(TaggedBase* object);
template <typename T>
explicit FullObjectSlot(SlotBase<T, TData, kSlotDataAlignment> slot)
: SlotBase(slot.address()) {}
// Compares memory representation of a value stored in the slot with given
// raw value.
inline bool contains_map_value(Address raw_value) const;
inline bool Relaxed_ContainsMapValue(Address raw_value) const;
inline Tagged<Object> operator*() const;
inline Tagged<Object> load() const;
inline Tagged<Object> load(PtrComprCageBase cage_base) const;
inline void store(Tagged<Object> value) const;
inline void store_map(Tagged<Map> map) const;
inline Tagged<Map> load_map() const;
inline Tagged<Object> Acquire_Load() const;
inline Tagged<Object> Acquire_Load(PtrComprCageBase cage_base) const;
inline Tagged<Object> Relaxed_Load() const;
inline Tagged<Object> Relaxed_Load(PtrComprCageBase cage_base) const;
inline Address Relaxed_Load_Raw() const;
static inline Tagged<Object> RawToTagged(PtrComprCageBase cage_base,
Address raw);
inline void Relaxed_Store(Tagged<Object> value) const;
inline void Release_Store(Tagged<Object> value) const;
inline Tagged<Object> Relaxed_CompareAndSwap(Tagged<Object> old,
Tagged<Object> target) const;
inline Tagged<Object> Release_CompareAndSwap(Tagged<Object> old,
Tagged<Object> target) const;
// A FullMaybeObjectSlot instance describes a kSystemPointerSize-sized field
// ("slot") holding a possibly-weak tagged pointer (think: Tagged<MaybeObject>).
// Its address() is the address of the slot.
// The slot's contents can be read and written using operator* and store().
class FullMaybeObjectSlot
: public SlotBase<FullMaybeObjectSlot, Address, kSystemPointerSize> {
using TObject = Tagged<MaybeObject>;
using THeapObjectSlot = FullHeapObjectSlot;
// Tagged value stored in this slot can be a weak pointer.
static constexpr bool kCanBeWeak = true;
FullMaybeObjectSlot() : SlotBase(kNullAddress) {}
explicit FullMaybeObjectSlot(Address ptr) : SlotBase(ptr) {}
explicit FullMaybeObjectSlot(TaggedBase* ptr)
: SlotBase(reinterpret_cast<Address>(ptr)) {}
explicit FullMaybeObjectSlot(Tagged<MaybeObject>* ptr)
: SlotBase(reinterpret_cast<Address>(ptr)) {}
template <typename T>
explicit FullMaybeObjectSlot(SlotBase<T, TData, kSlotDataAlignment> slot)
: SlotBase(slot.address()) {}
inline Tagged<MaybeObject> operator*() const;
inline Tagged<MaybeObject> load(PtrComprCageBase cage_base) const;
inline void store(Tagged<MaybeObject> value) const;
inline Tagged<MaybeObject> Relaxed_Load() const;
inline Tagged<MaybeObject> Relaxed_Load(PtrComprCageBase cage_base) const;
inline Address Relaxed_Load_Raw() const;
static inline Tagged<Object> RawToTagged(PtrComprCageBase cage_base,
Address raw);
inline void Relaxed_Store(Tagged<MaybeObject> value) const;
inline void Release_CompareAndSwap(Tagged<MaybeObject> old,
Tagged<MaybeObject> target) const;
// A FullHeapObjectSlot instance describes a kSystemPointerSize-sized field
// ("slot") holding a weak or strong pointer to a heap object (think:
// Tagged<HeapObjectReference>).
// Its address() is the address of the slot.
// The slot's contents can be read and written using operator* and store().
// In case it is known that that slot contains a strong heap object pointer,
// ToHeapObject() can be used to retrieve that heap object.
class FullHeapObjectSlot : public SlotBase<FullHeapObjectSlot, Address> {
FullHeapObjectSlot() : SlotBase(kNullAddress) {}
explicit FullHeapObjectSlot(Address ptr) : SlotBase(ptr) {}
explicit FullHeapObjectSlot(TaggedBase* ptr)
: SlotBase(reinterpret_cast<Address>(ptr)) {}
template <typename T>
explicit FullHeapObjectSlot(SlotBase<T, TData, kSlotDataAlignment> slot)
: SlotBase(slot.address()) {}
inline Tagged<HeapObjectReference> operator*() const;
inline Tagged<HeapObjectReference> load(PtrComprCageBase cage_base) const;
inline void store(Tagged<HeapObjectReference> value) const;
inline Tagged<HeapObject> ToHeapObject() const;
inline void StoreHeapObject(Tagged<HeapObject> value) const;
// TODO(ishell, v8:8875): When pointer compression is enabled the [u]intptr_t
// and double fields are only kTaggedSize aligned so in order to avoid undefined
// behavior in C++ code we use this iterator adaptor when using STL algorithms
// with unaligned pointers.
// It will be removed once all v8:8875 is fixed and all the full pointer and
// double values in compressed V8 heap are properly aligned.
template <typename T>
class UnalignedSlot : public SlotBase<UnalignedSlot<T>, T, 1> {
// This class is a stand-in for "T&" that uses custom read/write operations
// for the actual memory accesses.
class Reference {
explicit Reference(Address address) : address_(address) {}
Reference(const Reference&) V8_NOEXCEPT = default;
Reference& operator=(const Reference& other) V8_NOEXCEPT {
base::WriteUnalignedValue<T>(address_, other.value());
return *this;
Reference& operator=(T value) {
base::WriteUnalignedValue<T>(address_, value);
return *this;
// Values of type UnalignedSlot::reference must be implicitly convertible
// to UnalignedSlot::value_type.
operator T() const { return value(); }
void swap(Reference& other) {
T tmp = value();
base::WriteUnalignedValue<T>(address_, other.value());
base::WriteUnalignedValue<T>(other.address_, tmp);
bool operator<(const Reference& other) const {
return value() < other.value();
bool operator==(const Reference& other) const {
return value() == other.value();
T value() const { return base::ReadUnalignedValue<T>(address_); }
Address address_;
// The rest of this class follows C++'s "RandomAccessIterator" requirements.
// Most of the heavy lifting is inherited from SlotBase.
using difference_type = int;
using value_type = T;
using reference = Reference;
using pointer = T*;
using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
UnalignedSlot() : SlotBase<UnalignedSlot<T>, T, 1>(kNullAddress) {}
explicit UnalignedSlot(Address address)
: SlotBase<UnalignedSlot<T>, T, 1>(address) {}
explicit UnalignedSlot(T* address)
: SlotBase<UnalignedSlot<T>, T, 1>(reinterpret_cast<Address>(address)) {}
Reference operator*() const {
return Reference(SlotBase<UnalignedSlot<T>, T, 1>::address());
Reference operator[](difference_type i) const {
return Reference(SlotBase<UnalignedSlot<T>, T, 1>::address() +
i * sizeof(T));
friend void swap(Reference lhs, Reference rhs) { lhs.swap(rhs); }
friend difference_type operator-(UnalignedSlot a, UnalignedSlot b) {
return static_cast<int>(a.address() - b.address()) / sizeof(T);
// An off-heap uncompressed object slot can be the same as an on-heap one, with
// a few methods deleted.
class OffHeapFullObjectSlot : public FullObjectSlot {
OffHeapFullObjectSlot() : FullObjectSlot() {}
explicit OffHeapFullObjectSlot(Address ptr) : FullObjectSlot(ptr) {}
explicit OffHeapFullObjectSlot(const Address* ptr) : FullObjectSlot(ptr) {}
inline Tagged<Object> operator*() const = delete;
using FullObjectSlot::Relaxed_Load;
// An ExternalPointerSlot instance describes a kExternalPointerSlotSize-sized
// field ("slot") holding a pointer to objects located outside the V8 heap and
// V8 sandbox (think: ExternalPointer_t).
// It's basically an ExternalPointer_t* but abstracting away the fact that the
// pointer might not be kExternalPointerSlotSize-aligned in certain
// configurations. Its address() is the address of the slot.
class ExternalPointerSlot
: public SlotBase<ExternalPointerSlot, ExternalPointer_t,
kTaggedSize /* slot alignment */> {
: SlotBase(kNullAddress)
explicit ExternalPointerSlot(Address ptr, ExternalPointerTag tag)
: SlotBase(ptr)
template <ExternalPointerTag tag>
explicit ExternalPointerSlot(ExternalPointerMember<tag>* member)
: SlotBase(member->storage_address())
inline void init(IsolateForSandbox isolate, Tagged<HeapObject> host,
Address value);
// When the external pointer is sandboxed, or for array buffer extensions when
// pointer compression is on, its slot stores a handle to an entry in an
// ExternalPointerTable. These methods allow access to the underlying handle
// while the load/store methods below resolve the handle to the real pointer.
// Handles should generally be accessed atomically as they may be accessed
// from other threads, for example GC marking threads.
// TODO(wingo): Remove if we switch to use the EPT for all external pointers
// when pointer compression is enabled.
bool HasExternalPointerHandle() const {
return V8_ENABLE_SANDBOX_BOOL || tag() == kArrayBufferExtensionTag;
inline ExternalPointerHandle Relaxed_LoadHandle() const;
inline void Relaxed_StoreHandle(ExternalPointerHandle handle) const;
inline void Release_StoreHandle(ExternalPointerHandle handle) const;
inline Address load(IsolateForSandbox isolate);
inline void store(IsolateForSandbox isolate, Address value);
// ExternalPointerSlot serialization support.
// These methods can be used to clear an external pointer slot prior to
// serialization and restore it afterwards. This is useful in cases where the
// external pointer is not contained in the snapshot but will instead be
// reconstructed during deserialization.
// Note that GC must be disallowed while an object's external slot is cleared
// as otherwise the corresponding entry in the external pointer table may not
// be marked as alive.
using RawContent = ExternalPointer_t;
inline RawContent GetAndClearContentForSerialization(
const DisallowGarbageCollection& no_gc);
inline void RestoreContentAfterSerialization(
RawContent content, const DisallowGarbageCollection& no_gc);
// The ReadOnlySerializer replaces the RawContent in-place.
inline void ReplaceContentWithIndexForSerialization(
const DisallowGarbageCollection& no_gc, uint32_t index);
inline uint32_t GetContentAsIndexAfterDeserialization(
const DisallowGarbageCollection& no_gc);
ExternalPointerTag tag() const { return tag_; }
ExternalPointerTag tag() const { return kExternalPointerNullTag; }
ExternalPointerHandle* handle_location() const {
return reinterpret_cast<ExternalPointerHandle*>(address());
// The tag associated with this slot.
ExternalPointerTag tag_;
// Similar to ExternalPointerSlot with the difference that it refers to an
// `CppHeapPointer_t` which has different sizing and alignment than
// `ExternalPointer_t`.
class CppHeapPointerSlot
: public SlotBase<CppHeapPointerSlot, CppHeapPointer_t,
/*SlotDataAlignment=*/sizeof(CppHeapPointer_t)> {
: SlotBase(kNullAddress)
CppHeapPointerSlot(Address ptr, ExternalPointerTag tag)
: SlotBase(ptr)
// When V8 runs with pointer compression, the slots here store a handle to an
// entry in a dedicated ExternalPointerTable that is only used for CppHeap
// references. These methods allow access to the underlying handle while the
// load/store methods below resolve the handle to the real pointer. Handles
// should generally be accessed atomically as they may be accessed from other
// threads, for example GC marking threads.
inline CppHeapPointerHandle Relaxed_LoadHandle() const;
inline void Relaxed_StoreHandle(CppHeapPointerHandle handle) const;
inline void Release_StoreHandle(CppHeapPointerHandle handle) const;
inline Address try_load(IsolateForPointerCompression isolate) const;
inline void store(IsolateForPointerCompression isolate, Address value) const;
inline void init() const;
ExternalPointerTag tag() const { return tag_; }
ExternalPointerTag tag() const { return kExternalPointerNullTag; }
// The tag associated with this slot.
ExternalPointerTag tag_;
// An IndirectPointerSlot instance describes a 32-bit field ("slot") containing
// an IndirectPointerHandle, i.e. an index to an entry in a pointer table which
// contains the "real" pointer to the referenced HeapObject. These slots are
// used when the sandbox is enabled to securely reference HeapObjects outside
// of the sandbox.
class IndirectPointerSlot
: public SlotBase<IndirectPointerSlot, IndirectPointerHandle,
kTaggedSize /* slot alignment */> {
: SlotBase(kNullAddress)
explicit IndirectPointerSlot(Address ptr, IndirectPointerTag tag)
: SlotBase(ptr)
// Even though only HeapObjects can be stored into an IndirectPointerSlot,
// these slots can be empty (containing kNullIndirectPointerHandle), in which
// case load() will return Smi::zero().
inline Tagged<Object> load(IsolateForSandbox isolate) const;
inline void store(Tagged<ExposedTrustedObject> value) const;
// Load the value of this slot.
// The isolate parameter is required unless using the kCodeTag tag, as these
// object use a different pointer table.
inline Tagged<Object> Relaxed_Load(IsolateForSandbox isolate) const;
inline Tagged<Object> Acquire_Load(IsolateForSandbox isolate) const;
// Store a reference to the given object into this slot. The object must be
// indirectly refereceable.
inline void Relaxed_Store(Tagged<ExposedTrustedObject> value) const;
inline void Release_Store(Tagged<ExposedTrustedObject> value) const;
inline IndirectPointerHandle Relaxed_LoadHandle() const;
inline IndirectPointerHandle Acquire_LoadHandle() const;
inline void Relaxed_StoreHandle(IndirectPointerHandle handle) const;
inline void Release_StoreHandle(IndirectPointerHandle handle) const;
IndirectPointerTag tag() const { return tag_; }
IndirectPointerTag tag() const { return kIndirectPointerNullTag; }
// Whether this slot is empty, i.e. contains a null handle.
inline bool IsEmpty() const;
// Retrieve the object referenced by the given handle by determining the
// appropriate pointer table to use and loading the referenced entry in it.
// This method is used internally by load() and related functions but can
// also be used to manually implement indirect pointer accessors.
inline Tagged<Object> ResolveHandle(IndirectPointerHandle handle,
IsolateForSandbox isolate) const;
// Retrieve the object referenced through the given trusted pointer handle
// from the trusted pointer table.
inline Tagged<Object> ResolveTrustedPointerHandle(
IndirectPointerHandle handle, IsolateForSandbox isolate) const;
// Retrieve the Code object referenced through the given code pointer handle
// from the code pointer table.
inline Tagged<Object> ResolveCodePointerHandle(
IndirectPointerHandle handle) const;
// The tag associated with this slot.
IndirectPointerTag tag_;
class WritableJitAllocation;
template <typename SlotT>
class WriteProtectedSlot : public SlotT {
using TObject = typename SlotT::TObject;
using SlotT::kCanBeWeak;
explicit WriteProtectedSlot(WritableJitAllocation& jit_allocation,
Address ptr)
: SlotT(ptr), jit_allocation_(jit_allocation) {}
inline TObject Relaxed_Load() const { return SlotT::Relaxed_Load(); }
inline TObject Relaxed_Load(PtrComprCageBase cage_base) const {
return SlotT::Relaxed_Load(cage_base);
inline void Relaxed_Store(TObject value) const;
WritableJitAllocation& jit_allocation_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#endif // V8_OBJECTS_SLOTS_H_