blob: 976aeb80652b2b19bc9d085f04c4945e12f2751b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/objects/string-table.h"
#include <atomic>
#include "src/base/atomicops.h"
#include "src/base/macros.h"
#include "src/common/assert-scope.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/common/ptr-compr-inl.h"
#include "src/execution/isolate-utils-inl.h"
#include "src/heap/safepoint.h"
#include "src/objects/internal-index.h"
#include "src/objects/object-list-macros.h"
#include "src/objects/off-heap-hash-table-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/slots-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/slots.h"
#include "src/objects/string-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/string-table-inl.h"
#include "src/snapshot/deserializer.h"
#include "src/utils/allocation.h"
#include "src/utils/ostreams.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class StringTable::OffHeapStringHashSet
: public OffHeapHashTableBase<OffHeapStringHashSet> {
static constexpr int kEntrySize = 1;
static constexpr int kMaxEmptyFactor = 4;
static constexpr int kMinCapacity = 2048;
explicit OffHeapStringHashSet(int capacity)
: OffHeapHashTableBase<OffHeapStringHashSet>(capacity) {}
static uint32_t Hash(PtrComprCageBase, Tagged<Object> key) {
return String::cast(key)->hash();
template <typename IsolateT, typename StringTableKey>
static bool KeyIsMatch(IsolateT* isolate, StringTableKey* key,
Tagged<Object> obj) {
auto string = Tagged<String>::cast(obj);
if (string->hash() != key->hash()) return false;
if (string->length() != key->length()) return false;
return key->IsMatch(isolate, string);
Tagged<Object> GetKey(PtrComprCageBase cage_base, InternalIndex index) const {
return slot(index).Acquire_Load(cage_base);
void SetKey(InternalIndex index, Tagged<Object> key) {
void Set(InternalIndex index, Tagged<String> key) { SetKey(index, key); }
void CopyEntryExcludingKeyInto(PtrComprCageBase, InternalIndex,
OffHeapStringHashSet*, InternalIndex) {
// Do nothing, since the entry size is 1 (just the key).
friend class StringTable::Data;
// Data holds the actual data of the string table, including capacity and number
// of elements.
// It is a variable sized structure, with a "header" followed directly in memory
// by the elements themselves. These are accessed as offsets from the elements_
// field, which itself provides storage for the first element.
// The elements themselves are stored as an open-addressed hash table, with
// quadratic probing and Smi 0 and Smi 1 as the empty and deleted sentinels,
// respectively.
class StringTable::Data {
static std::unique_ptr<Data> New(int capacity);
static std::unique_ptr<Data> Resize(PtrComprCageBase cage_base,
std::unique_ptr<Data> data, int capacity);
void* operator new(size_t size, int capacity);
void* operator new(size_t size) = delete;
void operator delete(void* description);
OffHeapStringHashSet& table() { return table_; }
const OffHeapStringHashSet& table() const { return table_; }
// Helper method for StringTable::TryStringToIndexOrLookupExisting.
template <typename Char>
static Address TryStringToIndexOrLookupExisting(Isolate* isolate,
Tagged<String> string,
Tagged<String> source,
size_t start);
void IterateElements(RootVisitor* visitor) {
table_.IterateElements(Root::kStringTable, visitor);
Data* PreviousData() { return previous_data_.get(); }
void DropPreviousData() { previous_data_.reset(); }
void Print(PtrComprCageBase cage_base) const;
size_t GetCurrentMemoryUsage() const;
explicit Data(int capacity) : table_(capacity) {}
std::unique_ptr<Data> previous_data_;
OffHeapStringHashSet table_;
void* StringTable::Data::operator new(size_t size, int capacity) {
// Make sure the size given is the size of the Data structure.
DCHECK_EQ(size, sizeof(StringTable::Data));
return OffHeapStringHashSet::Allocate<Data, offsetof(Data, table_.elements_)>(
void StringTable::Data::operator delete(void* table) {
size_t StringTable::Data::GetCurrentMemoryUsage() const {
size_t usage = sizeof(*this) + table_.GetSizeExcludingHeader();
if (previous_data_) {
usage += previous_data_->GetCurrentMemoryUsage();
return usage;
std::unique_ptr<StringTable::Data> StringTable::Data::New(int capacity) {
return std::unique_ptr<Data>(new (capacity) Data(capacity));
std::unique_ptr<StringTable::Data> StringTable::Data::Resize(
PtrComprCageBase cage_base, std::unique_ptr<Data> data, int capacity) {
std::unique_ptr<Data> new_data(new (capacity) Data(capacity));
data->table_.RehashInto(cage_base, &new_data->table_);
new_data->previous_data_ = std::move(data);
return new_data;
void StringTable::Data::Print(PtrComprCageBase cage_base) const {
OFStream os(stdout);
os << "StringTable {" << std::endl;
for (InternalIndex i : InternalIndex::Range(table_.capacity())) {
os << " " << i.as_uint32() << ": " << Brief(table_.GetKey(cage_base, i))
<< std::endl;
os << "}" << std::endl;
StringTable::StringTable(Isolate* isolate)
: data_(Data::New(OffHeapStringHashSet::kMinCapacity).release()),
isolate_(isolate) {
DCHECK_EQ(empty_element(), OffHeapStringHashSet::empty_element());
DCHECK_EQ(deleted_element(), OffHeapStringHashSet::deleted_element());
StringTable::~StringTable() { delete data_; }
int StringTable::Capacity() const {
return data_.load(std::memory_order_acquire)->table().capacity();
int StringTable::NumberOfElements() const {
base::MutexGuard table_write_guard(&write_mutex_);
return data_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)->table().number_of_elements();
// InternalizedStringKey carries a string/internalized-string object as key.
class InternalizedStringKey final : public StringTableKey {
explicit InternalizedStringKey(DirectHandle<String> string, uint32_t hash)
: StringTableKey(hash, string->length()), string_(string) {
// When sharing the string table, it's possible that another thread already
// internalized the key, in which case StringTable::LookupKey will perform a
// redundant lookup and return the already internalized copy.
bool IsMatch(Isolate* isolate, Tagged<String> string) {
return string_->SlowEquals(string);
void PrepareForInsertion(Isolate* isolate) {
StringTransitionStrategy strategy =
string_, &maybe_internalized_map_);
switch (strategy) {
case StringTransitionStrategy::kCopy:
case StringTransitionStrategy::kInPlace:
// In-place transition will be done in GetHandleForInsertion, when we
// are sure that we are going to insert the string into the table.
case StringTransitionStrategy::kAlreadyTransitioned:
// We can see already internalized strings here only when sharing the
// string table and allowing concurrent internalization.
internalized_string_ = string_;
// Copying the string here is always threadsafe, as no instance type
// requiring a copy can transition any further.
StringShape shape(*string_);
// External strings get special treatment, to avoid copying their
// contents as long as they are not uncached or the string table is shared.
// If the string table is shared, another thread could lookup a string with
// the same content before this thread completes MakeThin (which sets the
// resource), resulting in a string table hit returning the string we just
// created that is not correctly initialized.
const bool can_avoid_copy =
!v8_flags.shared_string_table && !shape.IsUncachedExternal();
if (can_avoid_copy && shape.IsExternalOneByte()) {
// Shared external strings are always in-place internalizable.
// If this assumption is invalidated in the future, make sure that we
// fully initialize (copy contents) for shared external strings, as the
// original string is not transitioned to a ThinString (setting the
// resource) immediately.
internalized_string_ =
} else if (can_avoid_copy && shape.IsExternalTwoByte()) {
// Shared external strings are always in-place internalizable.
// If this assumption is invalidated in the future, make sure that we
// fully initialize (copy contents) for shared external strings, as the
// original string is not transitioned to a ThinString (setting the
// resource) immediately.
internalized_string_ =
} else {
// Otherwise allocate a new internalized string.
internalized_string_ = isolate->factory()->NewInternalizedStringImpl(
string_, length(), raw_hash_field());
DirectHandle<String> GetHandleForInsertion() {
DirectHandle<Map> internalized_map;
// When preparing the string, the strategy was to in-place migrate it.
if (maybe_internalized_map_.ToHandle(&internalized_map)) {
// It is always safe to overwrite the map. The only transition possible
// is another thread migrated the string to internalized already.
// Migrations to thin are impossible, as we only call this method on table
// misses inside the critical section.
return string_;
// We prepared an internalized copy for the string or the string was already
// internalized.
// In theory we could have created a copy of a SeqString in young generation
// that has been promoted to old space by now. In that case we could
// in-place migrate the original string instead of internalizing the copy
// and migrating the original string to a ThinString. This scenario doesn't
// seem to be common enough to justify re-computing the strategy here.
return internalized_string_.ToHandleChecked();
DirectHandle<String> string_;
// Copy of the string to be internalized (only set if the string is not
// in-place internalizable). We can't override the original string, as
// internalized external strings don't set the resource directly (deferred to
// MakeThin to ensure unique ownership of the resource), and thus would break
// equality checks in case of hash collisions.
MaybeDirectHandle<String> internalized_string_;
MaybeDirectHandle<Map> maybe_internalized_map_;
namespace {
void SetInternalizedReference(Isolate* isolate, Tagged<String> string,
Tagged<String> internalized) {
if (string->IsShared() || v8_flags.always_use_string_forwarding_table) {
uint32_t field = string->raw_hash_field(kAcquireLoad);
// Don't use the forwarding table for strings that have an integer index.
// Using the hash field for the integer index is more beneficial than
// using it to store the forwarding index to the internalized string.
if (Name::IsIntegerIndex(field)) return;
// Check one last time if we already have an internalized forwarding index
// to prevent too many copies of the string in the forwarding table.
if (Name::IsInternalizedForwardingIndex(field)) return;
// If we already have an entry for an external resource in the table, update
// the entry instead of creating a new one. There is no guarantee that we
// will always update existing records instead of creating new ones, but
// races should be rare.
if (Name::IsForwardingIndex(field)) {
const int forwarding_index =
// Update the forwarding index type to include internalized.
field = Name::IsInternalizedForwardingIndexBit::update(field, true);
string->set_raw_hash_field(field, kReleaseStore);
} else {
const int forwarding_index =
} else {
string->MakeThin(isolate, internalized);
} // namespace
DirectHandle<String> StringTable::LookupString(Isolate* isolate,
DirectHandle<String> string) {
// When sharing the string table, internalization is allowed to be concurrent
// from multiple Isolates, assuming that:
// - All in-place internalizable strings (i.e. old-generation flat strings)
// and internalized strings are in the shared heap.
// - LookupKey supports concurrent access (see comment below).
// These assumptions guarantee the following properties:
// - String::Flatten is not threadsafe but is only called on non-shared
// strings, since non-flat strings are not shared.
// - String::ComputeAndSetRawHash is threadsafe on flat strings. This is safe
// because the characters are immutable and the same hash will be
// computed. The hash field is set with relaxed memory order. A thread that
// doesn't see the hash may do redundant work but will not be incorrect.
// - In-place internalizable strings do not incur a copy regardless of string
// table sharing. The map mutation is threadsafe even with relaxed memory
// order, because for concurrent table lookups, the "losing" thread will be
// correctly ordered by LookupKey's write mutex and see the updated map
// during the re-lookup.
// For lookup misses, the internalized string map is the same map in RO space
// regardless of which thread is doing the lookup.
// For lookup hits, we use the StringForwardingTable for shared strings to
// delay the transition into a ThinString to the next stop-the-world GC.
DirectHandle<String> result =
String::Flatten(isolate, indirect_handle(string, isolate));
if (!IsInternalizedString(*result)) {
uint32_t raw_hash_field = result->raw_hash_field(kAcquireLoad);
if (String::IsInternalizedForwardingIndex(raw_hash_field)) {
const int index =
result = direct_handle(
isolate->string_forwarding_table()->GetForwardString(isolate, index),
} else {
if (!Name::IsHashFieldComputed(raw_hash_field)) {
raw_hash_field = result->EnsureRawHash();
InternalizedStringKey key(result, raw_hash_field);
result = LookupKey(isolate, &key);
if (*string != *result && !IsThinString(*string)) {
SetInternalizedReference(isolate, *string, *result);
return result;
template <typename StringTableKey, typename IsolateT>
DirectHandle<String> StringTable::LookupKey(IsolateT* isolate,
StringTableKey* key) {
// String table lookups are allowed to be concurrent, assuming that:
// - The Heap access is allowed to be concurrent (using LocalHeap or
// similar),
// - All writes to the string table are guarded by the Isolate string table
// mutex,
// - Resizes of the string table first copies the old contents to the new
// table, and only then sets the new string table pointer to the new
// table,
// - Only GCs can remove elements from the string table.
// These assumptions allow us to make the following statement:
// "Reads are allowed when not holding the lock, as long as false negatives
// (misses) are ok. We will never get a false positive (hit of an entry no
// longer in the table)"
// This is because we _know_ that if we find an entry in the string table, any
// entry will also be in all reallocations of that tables. This is required
// for strong consistency of internalized string equality implying reference
// equality.
// We therefore try to optimistically read from the string table without
// taking the lock (both here and in the NoAllocate version of the lookup),
// and on a miss we take the lock and try to write the entry, with a second
// read lookup in case the non-locked read missed a write.
// One complication is allocation -- we don't want to allocate while holding
// the string table lock. This applies to both allocation of new strings, and
// re-allocation of the string table on resize. So, we optimistically allocate
// (without copying values) outside the lock, and potentially discard the
// allocation if another write also did an allocation. This assumes that
// writes are rarer than reads.
// Load the current string table data, in case another thread updates the
// data while we're reading.
Data* const current_data = data_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
OffHeapStringHashSet& current_table = current_data->table();
// First try to find the string in the table. This is safe to do even if the
// table is now reallocated; we won't find a stale entry in the old table
// because the new table won't delete it's corresponding entry until the
// string is dead, in which case it will die in this table too and worst
// case we'll have a false miss.
InternalIndex entry = current_table.FindEntry(isolate, key, key->hash());
if (entry.is_found()) {
DirectHandle<String> result(
String::cast(current_table.GetKey(isolate, entry)), isolate);
DCHECK_IMPLIES(v8_flags.shared_string_table, InAnySharedSpace(*result));
return result;
// No entry found, so adding new string.
base::MutexGuard table_write_guard(&write_mutex_);
Data* data = EnsureCapacity(isolate, 1);
OffHeapStringHashSet& table = data->table();
// Check one last time if the key is present in the table, in case it was
// added after the check.
entry = table.FindEntryOrInsertionEntry(isolate, key, key->hash());
Tagged<Object> element = table.GetKey(isolate, entry);
if (element == OffHeapStringHashSet::empty_element()) {
// This entry is empty, so write it and register that we added an
// element.
DirectHandle<String> new_string = key->GetHandleForInsertion();
DCHECK_IMPLIES(v8_flags.shared_string_table, new_string->IsShared());
table.AddAt(isolate, entry, *new_string);
return new_string;
} else if (element == OffHeapStringHashSet::deleted_element()) {
// This entry was deleted, so overwrite it and register that we
// overwrote a deleted element.
DirectHandle<String> new_string = key->GetHandleForInsertion();
DCHECK_IMPLIES(v8_flags.shared_string_table, new_string->IsShared());
table.OverwriteDeletedAt(isolate, entry, *new_string);
return new_string;
} else {
// Return the existing string as a handle.
return direct_handle(String::cast(element), isolate);
template DirectHandle<String> StringTable::LookupKey(Isolate* isolate,
OneByteStringKey* key);
template DirectHandle<String> StringTable::LookupKey(Isolate* isolate,
TwoByteStringKey* key);
template DirectHandle<String> StringTable::LookupKey(
Isolate* isolate, SeqOneByteSubStringKey* key);
template DirectHandle<String> StringTable::LookupKey(
Isolate* isolate, SeqTwoByteSubStringKey* key);
template DirectHandle<String> StringTable::LookupKey(LocalIsolate* isolate,
OneByteStringKey* key);
template DirectHandle<String> StringTable::LookupKey(LocalIsolate* isolate,
TwoByteStringKey* key);
template DirectHandle<String> StringTable::LookupKey(
Isolate* isolate, StringTableInsertionKey* key);
template DirectHandle<String> StringTable::LookupKey(
LocalIsolate* isolate, StringTableInsertionKey* key);
StringTable::Data* StringTable::EnsureCapacity(PtrComprCageBase cage_base,
int additional_elements) {
// This call is only allowed while the write mutex is held.
// This load can be relaxed as the table pointer can only be modified while
// the lock is held.
Data* data = data_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
int new_capacity;
if (data->table().ShouldResizeToAdd(additional_elements, &new_capacity)) {
std::unique_ptr<Data> new_data =
Data::Resize(cage_base, std::unique_ptr<Data>(data), new_capacity);
// `new_data` is the new owner of `data`.
DCHECK_EQ(new_data->PreviousData(), data);
// Release-store the new data pointer as `data_`, so that it can be
// acquire-loaded by other threads. This string table becomes the owner of
// the pointer.
data = new_data.release();, std::memory_order_release);
return data;
namespace {
template <typename Char>
class CharBuffer {
void Reset(size_t length) {
if (length >= kInlinedBufferSize)
outofline_ = std::make_unique<Char[]>(length);
Char* Data() {
if (outofline_)
return outofline_.get();
return inlined_;
static constexpr size_t kInlinedBufferSize = 256;
Char inlined_[kInlinedBufferSize];
std::unique_ptr<Char[]> outofline_;
} // namespace
// static
template <typename Char>
Address StringTable::Data::TryStringToIndexOrLookupExisting(
Isolate* isolate, Tagged<String> string, Tagged<String> source,
size_t start) {
// TODO(leszeks): This method doesn't really belong on StringTable::Data.
// Ideally it would be a free function in an anonymous namespace, but that
// causes issues around method and class visibility.
DisallowGarbageCollection no_gc;
int length = string->length();
// The source hash is usable if it is not from a sliced string.
// For sliced strings we need to recalculate the hash from the given offset
// with the correct length.
const bool is_source_hash_usable = start == 0 && length == source->length();
// First check if the string constains a forwarding index.
uint32_t raw_hash_field = source->raw_hash_field(kAcquireLoad);
if (Name::IsInternalizedForwardingIndex(raw_hash_field) &&
is_source_hash_usable) {
const int index = Name::ForwardingIndexValueBits::decode(raw_hash_field);
Tagged<String> internalized =
isolate->string_forwarding_table()->GetForwardString(isolate, index);
return internalized.ptr();
uint64_t seed = HashSeed(isolate);
CharBuffer<Char> buffer;
const Char* chars;
SharedStringAccessGuardIfNeeded access_guard(isolate);
if (IsConsString(source, isolate)) {
String::WriteToFlat(source, buffer.Data(), 0, length, access_guard);
chars = buffer.Data();
} else {
chars = source->GetDirectStringChars<Char>(no_gc, access_guard) + start;
if (!Name::IsHashFieldComputed(raw_hash_field) || !is_source_hash_usable) {
raw_hash_field =
StringHasher::HashSequentialString<Char>(chars, length, seed);
// TODO(verwaest): Internalize to one-byte when possible.
SequentialStringKey<Char> key(raw_hash_field,
base::Vector<const Char>(chars, length), seed);
// String could be an array index.
if (Name::ContainsCachedArrayIndex(raw_hash_field)) {
return Smi::FromInt(String::ArrayIndexValueBits::decode(raw_hash_field))
if (Name::IsIntegerIndex(raw_hash_field)) {
// It is an index, but it's not cached.
return Smi::FromInt(ResultSentinel::kUnsupported).ptr();
Data* string_table_data =
InternalIndex entry =
string_table_data->table().FindEntry(isolate, &key, key.hash());
if (entry.is_not_found()) {
// A string that's not an array index, and not in the string table,
// cannot have been used as a property name before.
return Smi::FromInt(ResultSentinel::kNotFound).ptr();
Tagged<String> internalized =
String::cast(string_table_data->table().GetKey(isolate, entry));
// string can be internalized here, if another thread internalized it.
// If we found and entry in the string table and string is not internalized,
// there is no way that it can transition to internalized later on. So a last
// check here is sufficient.
if (!IsInternalizedString(string)) {
SetInternalizedReference(isolate, string, internalized);
} else {
return internalized.ptr();
// static
Address StringTable::TryStringToIndexOrLookupExisting(Isolate* isolate,
Address raw_string) {
Tagged<String> string = String::cast(Tagged<Object>(raw_string));
if (IsInternalizedString(string)) {
// string could be internalized, if the string table is shared and another
// thread internalized it.
return raw_string;
// Valid array indices are >= 0, so they cannot be mixed up with any of
// the result sentinels, which are negative.
size_t start = 0;
Tagged<String> source = string;
if (IsSlicedString(source)) {
Tagged<SlicedString> sliced = SlicedString::cast(source);
start = sliced->offset();
source = sliced->parent();
} else if (IsConsString(source) && source->IsFlat()) {
source = ConsString::cast(source)->first();
if (IsThinString(source)) {
source = ThinString::cast(source)->actual();
if (string->length() == source->length()) {
return source.ptr();
if (source->IsOneByteRepresentation()) {
return StringTable::Data::TryStringToIndexOrLookupExisting<uint8_t>(
isolate, string, source, start);
return StringTable::Data::TryStringToIndexOrLookupExisting<uint16_t>(
isolate, string, source, start);
void StringTable::InsertForIsolateDeserialization(
Isolate* isolate, const base::Vector<DirectHandle<String>>& strings) {
DCHECK_EQ(NumberOfElements(), 0);
const int length = static_cast<int>(strings.size());
base::MutexGuard table_write_guard(&write_mutex_);
Data* const data = EnsureCapacity(isolate, length);
for (const DirectHandle<String>& s : strings) {
StringTableInsertionKey key(
isolate, s, DeserializingUserCodeOption::kNotDeserializingUserCode);
InternalIndex entry =
data->table().FindEntryOrInsertionEntry(isolate, &key, key.hash());
DirectHandle<String> inserted_string = key.GetHandleForInsertion();
DCHECK_IMPLIES(v8_flags.shared_string_table, inserted_string->IsShared());
data->table().AddAt(isolate, entry, *inserted_string);
DCHECK_EQ(NumberOfElements(), length);
void StringTable::InsertEmptyStringForBootstrapping(Isolate* isolate) {
DCHECK_EQ(NumberOfElements(), 0);
base::MutexGuard table_write_guard(&write_mutex_);
Data* const data = EnsureCapacity(isolate, 1);
DirectHandle<String> empty_string =
uint32_t hash = empty_string->EnsureHash();
InternalIndex entry = data->table().FindInsertionEntry(isolate, hash);
DCHECK_IMPLIES(v8_flags.shared_string_table, empty_string->IsShared());
data->table().AddAt(isolate, entry, *empty_string);
DCHECK_EQ(NumberOfElements(), 1);
void StringTable::Print(PtrComprCageBase cage_base) const {
size_t StringTable::GetCurrentMemoryUsage() const {
return sizeof(*this) +
void StringTable::IterateElements(RootVisitor* visitor) {
// This should only happen during garbage collection when background threads
// are paused, so the load can be relaxed.
void StringTable::DropOldData() {
// This should only happen during garbage collection when background threads
// are paused, so the load can be relaxed.
DCHECK_NE(isolate_->heap()->gc_state(), Heap::NOT_IN_GC);
void StringTable::NotifyElementsRemoved(int count) {
// This should only happen during garbage collection when background threads
// are paused, so the load can be relaxed.
DCHECK_NE(isolate_->heap()->gc_state(), Heap::NOT_IN_GC);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8