blob: 32410030f3c47c92892843f443a160be60de1f2f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/base/atomicops.h"
#include "src/base/macros.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/common/ptr-compr.h"
#include "src/objects/tagged-value.h"
namespace v8::internal {
// TaggedMember<T> represents an potentially compressed V8 tagged pointer, which
// is intended to be used as a member of a V8 object class.
// TODO(leszeks): Merge with TaggedField.
template <typename T, typename CompressionScheme = V8HeapCompressionScheme>
class TaggedMember;
// Base class for all TaggedMember<T> classes.
// TODO(leszeks): Merge with TaggedImpl.
using TaggedMemberBase = TaggedImpl<HeapObjectReferenceType::STRONG, Tagged_t>;
template <typename T, typename CompressionScheme>
class TaggedMember : public TaggedMemberBase {
constexpr TaggedMember() = default;
inline Tagged<T> load() const;
inline void store(HeapObjectLayout* host, Tagged<T> value,
WriteBarrierMode mode = UPDATE_WRITE_BARRIER);
inline Tagged<T> Relaxed_Load() const;
inline void store_no_write_barrier(Tagged<T> value);
inline void Relaxed_Store_no_write_barrier(Tagged<T> value);
static inline Address tagged_to_full(Tagged_t tagged_value);
static inline Tagged_t full_to_tagged(Address value);
static_assert(alignof(TaggedMember<Object>) == alignof(Tagged_t));
static_assert(sizeof(TaggedMember<Object>) == sizeof(Tagged_t));
template <typename T>
class UnalignedValueMember {
UnalignedValueMember() = default;
T value() const { return base::ReadUnalignedValue<T>(storage_); }
void set_value(T value) { base::WriteUnalignedValue(storage_, value); }
alignas(alignof(Tagged_t)) char storage_[sizeof(T)];
class UnalignedDoubleMember : public UnalignedValueMember<double> {
UnalignedDoubleMember() = default;
uint64_t value_as_bits() const {
return base::ReadUnalignedValue<uint64_t>(storage_);
void set_value_as_bits(uint64_t value) {
base::WriteUnalignedValue(storage_, value);
static_assert(alignof(UnalignedDoubleMember) == alignof(Tagged_t));
static_assert(sizeof(UnalignedDoubleMember) == sizeof(double));
// FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER(T, name) represents a marker for a variable-sized
// suffix of members for a type.
// It behaves as if it were the last member of a class, and creates an accessor
// for `T* name()`.
// This macro is used instead of the C99 flexible array member syntax, because
// a) That syntax is only in C++ as an extension,
// b) On all our major compilers, it doesn't allow the class to have
// subclasses (which means it doesn't work for e.g. TaggedArrayBase or
// BigIntBase),
// c) The similar zero-length array extension _also_ doesn't allow subclasses
// on some compilers (specifically, MSVC).
// On compilers that do support zero length arrays (i.e. not MSVC), we use one
// of these instead of `this` pointer fiddling. This gives LLVM better
// information for optimization, and gives us the warnings we'd want to have
// (e.g. only allowing one FAM in a class, ensuring that OFFSET_OF_DATA_START is
// only used on classes with a FAM) on clang -- the MSVC version then doesn't
// check the same constraints, and relies on the code being equivalent enough.
#if V8_CC_MSVC && !defined(__clang__)
// MSVC doesn't support zero length arrays in base classes. Cast the
// one-past-this value to a zero length array reference, so that the return
// values match that in GCC/clang.
#define FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER(Type, name) \
using FlexibleDataReturnType = Type[0]; \
FlexibleDataReturnType& name() { \
static_assert(alignof(Type) <= alignof(decltype(*this))); \
using ReturnType = Type[0]; \
return reinterpret_cast<ReturnType&>(*(this + 1)); \
} \
const FlexibleDataReturnType& name() const { \
static_assert(alignof(Type) <= alignof(decltype(*this))); \
using ReturnType = Type[0]; \
return reinterpret_cast<const ReturnType&>(*(this + 1)); \
} \
using FlexibleDataType = Type
// GCC and clang allow zero length arrays in base classes. Return the zero
// length array by reference, to avoid array-to-pointer decay which can lose
// aliasing information.
#define FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER(Type, name) \
using FlexibleDataReturnType = Type[0]; \
FlexibleDataReturnType& name() { return flexible_array_member_data_; } \
const FlexibleDataReturnType& name() const { \
return flexible_array_member_data_; \
} \
Type flexible_array_member_data_[0]; \
using FlexibleDataType = Type
// OFFSET_OF_DATA_START(T) returns the offset of the FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER of
// the class T.
#if V8_CC_MSVC && !defined(__clang__)
#define OFFSET_OF_DATA_START(Type) sizeof(Type)
#define OFFSET_OF_DATA_START(Type) offsetof(Type, flexible_array_member_data_)
// This helper static class represents a tagged field of type T at offset
// kFieldOffset inside some host HeapObject.
// For full-pointer mode this type adds no overhead but when pointer
// compression is enabled such class allows us to use proper decompression
// function depending on the field type.
template <typename T, int kFieldOffset = 0,
typename CompressionScheme = V8HeapCompressionScheme>
class TaggedField : public AllStatic {
static_assert(is_taggable_v<T> || std::is_same<MapWord, T>::value,
"T must be strong or weak tagged type or MapWord");
// True for Smi fields.
static constexpr bool kIsSmi = std::is_same<Smi, T>::value;
// True for HeapObject and MapWord fields. The latter may look like a Smi
// if it contains forwarding pointer but still requires tagged pointer
// decompression.
static constexpr bool kIsHeapObject =
is_subtype<T, HeapObject>::value || std::is_same_v<MapWord, T>;
// Types should be wrapped in Tagged<>, except for MapWord which is used
// directly.
// TODO(leszeks): Clean this up to be more uniform.
using PtrType =
std::conditional_t<std::is_same_v<MapWord, T>, MapWord, Tagged<T>>;
static inline Address address(Tagged<HeapObject> host, int offset = 0);
static inline PtrType load(Tagged<HeapObject> host, int offset = 0);
static inline PtrType load(PtrComprCageBase cage_base,
Tagged<HeapObject> host, int offset = 0);
static inline void store(Tagged<HeapObject> host, PtrType value);
static inline void store(Tagged<HeapObject> host, int offset, PtrType value);
static inline PtrType Relaxed_Load(Tagged<HeapObject> host, int offset = 0);
static inline PtrType Relaxed_Load(PtrComprCageBase cage_base,
Tagged<HeapObject> host, int offset = 0);
static inline void Relaxed_Store(Tagged<HeapObject> host, PtrType value);
static inline void Relaxed_Store(Tagged<HeapObject> host, int offset,
PtrType value);
static inline PtrType Acquire_Load(Tagged<HeapObject> host, int offset = 0);
static inline PtrType Acquire_Load_No_Unpack(PtrComprCageBase cage_base,
Tagged<HeapObject> host,
int offset = 0);
static inline PtrType Acquire_Load(PtrComprCageBase cage_base,
Tagged<HeapObject> host, int offset = 0);
static inline PtrType SeqCst_Load(Tagged<HeapObject> host, int offset = 0);
static inline PtrType SeqCst_Load(PtrComprCageBase cage_base,
Tagged<HeapObject> host, int offset = 0);
static inline void Release_Store(Tagged<HeapObject> host, PtrType value);
static inline void Release_Store(Tagged<HeapObject> host, int offset,
PtrType value);
static inline void SeqCst_Store(Tagged<HeapObject> host, PtrType value);
static inline void SeqCst_Store(Tagged<HeapObject> host, int offset,
PtrType value);
static inline PtrType SeqCst_Swap(Tagged<HeapObject> host, int offset,
PtrType value);
static inline PtrType SeqCst_Swap(PtrComprCageBase cage_base,
Tagged<HeapObject> host, int offset,
PtrType value);
static inline Tagged_t Release_CompareAndSwap(Tagged<HeapObject> host,
PtrType old, PtrType value);
static inline PtrType SeqCst_CompareAndSwap(Tagged<HeapObject> host,
int offset, PtrType old,
PtrType value);
// Note: Use these *_Map_Word methods only when loading a MapWord from a
// MapField.
static inline PtrType Relaxed_Load_Map_Word(PtrComprCageBase cage_base,
Tagged<HeapObject> host);
static inline void Relaxed_Store_Map_Word(Tagged<HeapObject> host,
PtrType value);
static inline void Release_Store_Map_Word(Tagged<HeapObject> host,
PtrType value);
static inline Tagged_t* location(Tagged<HeapObject> host, int offset = 0);
template <typename TOnHeapAddress>
static inline Address tagged_to_full(TOnHeapAddress on_heap_addr,
Tagged_t tagged_value);
static inline Tagged_t full_to_tagged(Address value);
template <typename T>
class TaggedField<Tagged<T>> : public TaggedField<T> {};
template <typename T, int kFieldOffset>
class TaggedField<Tagged<T>, kFieldOffset>
: public TaggedField<T, kFieldOffset> {};
template <typename T, int kFieldOffset, typename CompressionScheme>
class TaggedField<Tagged<T>, kFieldOffset, CompressionScheme>
: public TaggedField<T, kFieldOffset, CompressionScheme> {};
} // namespace v8::internal