blob: 1754aabb562d16983ce423721a9e5639ae1c7b8c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <type_traits>
#include "src/common/checks.h"
#include "src/common/globals.h"
#include "src/objects/tagged-impl.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class Object;
class Smi;
class HeapObject;
class HeapObjectLayout;
class TaggedIndex;
class FieldType;
// Tagged<T> represents an uncompressed V8 tagged pointer.
// The tagged pointer is a pointer-sized value with a tag in the LSB. The value
// is either:
// * A small integer (Smi), shifted right, with the tag set to 0
// * A strong pointer to an object on the V8 heap, with the tag set to 01
// * A weak pointer to an object on the V8 heap, with the tag set to 11
// * A cleared weak pointer, with the value 11
// The exact encoding differs depending on 32- vs 64-bit architectures, and in
// the latter case, whether or not pointer compression is enabled.
// On 32-bit architectures, this is:
// |----- 32 bits -----|
// Pointer: |______address____w1|
// Smi: |____int31_value___0|
// On 64-bit architectures with pointer compression:
// |----- 32 bits -----|----- 32 bits -----|
// Pointer: |________base_______|______offset_____w1|
// Smi: |......garbage......|____int31_value___0|
// On 64-bit architectures without pointer compression:
// |----- 32 bits -----|----- 32 bits -----|
// Pointer: |________________address______________w1|
// Smi: |____int32_value____|00...............00|
// where `w` is the "weak" bit.
// We specialise Tagged separately for Object, Smi and HeapObject, and then all
// other types T, so that:
// Tagged<Object> -> StrongTaggedBase
// Tagged<Smi> -> StrongTaggedBase
// Tagged<T> -> Tagged<HeapObject> -> StrongTaggedBase
// We also specialize it separately for MaybeWeak types, with a parallel
// hierarchy:
// Tagged<MaybeWeak<Object>> -> WeakTaggedBase
// Tagged<MaybeWeak<Smi>> -> WeakTaggedBase
// Tagged<MaybeWeak<T>> -> Tagged<MaybeWeak<HeapObject>> -> WeakTaggedBase
template <typename T>
class Tagged;
// MaybeWeak<T> represents a reference to T that may be either a strong or weak.
// MaybeWeak doesn't really exist by itself, but is rather a sentinel type for
// templates on tagged interfaces (like Tagged). For example, where Tagged<T>
// represents a strong reference to T, Tagged<MaybeWeak<T>> represents a
// potentially weak reference to T, and it is the responsibility of the Tagged
// interface to provide some mechanism (likely template specialization) to
// distinguish between the two and provide accessors to the T reference itself
// (which will always be strong).
template <typename T>
class MaybeWeak {};
// `is_maybe_weak<T>::value` is true when T is a MaybeWeak type.
template <typename T>
struct is_maybe_weak : public std::false_type {};
template <typename T>
struct is_maybe_weak<MaybeWeak<T>> : public std::true_type {};
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool is_maybe_weak_v = is_maybe_weak<T>::value;
// ClearedWeakValue is a sentinel type for cleared weak values.
class ClearedWeakValue {};
// Convert a strong reference to T into a weak reference to T.
template <typename T>
inline Tagged<MaybeWeak<T>> MakeWeak(Tagged<T> value);
template <typename T>
inline Tagged<MaybeWeak<T>> MakeWeak(Tagged<MaybeWeak<T>> value);
// Convert a weak reference to T into a strong reference to T.
template <typename T>
inline Tagged<T> MakeStrong(Tagged<T> value);
template <typename T>
inline Tagged<T> MakeStrong(Tagged<MaybeWeak<T>> value);
// `is_subtype<Derived, Base>::value` is true when Derived is a subtype of Base
// according to our object hierarchy. In particular, Smi is considered a subtype
// of Object.
// A `precedence` parameter allows for specializations which are otherwise
// ambiguous with one of the specializations here to be applied after checking
// all of these specializations.
template <typename Derived, typename Base, unsigned precedence = 0,
typename Enabled = void>
struct is_subtype
: public std::conditional_t<precedence == 1, std::is_base_of<Base, Derived>,
is_subtype<Derived, Base, precedence + 1>> {
static_assert(precedence <= 1);
template <typename Derived, typename Base>
static constexpr bool is_subtype_v = is_subtype<Derived, Base>::value;
template <>
struct is_subtype<Object, Object, 0> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct is_subtype<Smi, Object, 0> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct is_subtype<TaggedIndex, Object, 0> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct is_subtype<FieldType, Object, 0> : public std::true_type {};
template <typename Base>
struct is_subtype<Base, Object, 0,
std::is_base_of<HeapObject, Base>,
std::is_base_of<HeapObjectLayout, Base>>>>
: public std::true_type {};
template <typename Base>
struct is_subtype<Base, HeapObject, 0,
std::is_base_of<HeapObject, Base>,
std::is_base_of<HeapObjectLayout, Base>>>>
: public std::true_type {};
// Any strong reference to a value is also a maybe weak reference.
template <typename T, typename U>
struct is_subtype<T, MaybeWeak<U>, 0> : public is_subtype<T, U> {};
template <typename T, typename U>
struct is_subtype<MaybeWeak<T>, MaybeWeak<U>, 0> : public is_subtype<T, U> {};
// ClearedWeakValue can be used in place of any weak value, hence it behaves as
// a subtype of all cleared values.
template <typename T>
struct is_subtype<ClearedWeakValue, MaybeWeak<T>, 0> : public std::true_type {};
// TODO(jgruber): Clean up this artificial FixedArrayBase hierarchy. Only types
// that can be used as elements should be in it.
// TODO(jgruber): Replace FixedArrayBase with a union type, once they exist.
class FixedArrayBase;
#define DEF_FIXED_ARRAY_SUBTYPE(Subtype) \
class Subtype; \
template <> \
struct is_subtype<Subtype, FixedArrayBase> : public std::true_type {};
static_assert(is_subtype_v<Smi, Object>);
static_assert(is_subtype_v<HeapObject, Object>);
static_assert(is_subtype_v<HeapObject, HeapObject>);
// `is_taggable<T>::value` is true when T is a valid type for Tagged. This means
// de-facto being a subtype of Object.
template <typename T>
using is_taggable = is_subtype<T, MaybeWeak<Object>>;
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool is_taggable_v = is_taggable<T>::value;
// `is_castable<From, To>::value` is true when you can use `::cast` to cast from
// From to To. This means an upcast or downcast, which in practice means
// checking `is_subtype` symmetrically.
template <typename From, typename To>
using is_castable =
std::disjunction<is_subtype<To, From>, is_subtype<From, To>>;
template <typename From, typename To>
static constexpr bool is_castable_v = is_castable<From, To>::value;
// TODO(leszeks): Remove this once there are no more conversions between
// Tagged<Foo> and Foo.
static constexpr bool kTaggedCanConvertToRawObjects = true;
// Base class for all Tagged<T> classes.
using StrongTaggedBase = TaggedImpl<HeapObjectReferenceType::STRONG, Address>;
using WeakTaggedBase = TaggedImpl<HeapObjectReferenceType::WEAK, Address>;
namespace detail {
// {TaggedOperatorArrowRef} is returned by {Tagged::operator->}. It should never
// be stored anywhere or used in any other code; no one should ever have to
// spell out {TaggedOperatorArrowRef} in code. Its only purpose is to be
// dereferenced immediately by "operator-> chaining". Returning the address of
// the field is valid because this objects lifetime only ends at the end of the
// full statement.
template <typename T>
class TaggedOperatorArrowRef {
V8_INLINE constexpr T* operator->() { return &object_; }
friend class Tagged<T>;
V8_INLINE constexpr explicit TaggedOperatorArrowRef(T object)
: object_(object) {}
T object_;
template <typename T>
struct BaseForTagged {
using type = Tagged<HeapObject>;
template <typename T>
struct BaseForTagged<MaybeWeak<T>> {
using type = Tagged<MaybeWeak<HeapObject>>;
// FieldType is special, since it can be Smi or Map. It could probably even be
// its own specialization, to avoid exposing an operator->.
template <>
struct BaseForTagged<FieldType> {
using type = Tagged<Object>;
} // namespace detail
// Specialization for Object, where it's unknown whether this is a Smi or a
// HeapObject.
template <>
class Tagged<Object> : public StrongTaggedBase {
// Allow all strong casts -- all classes are subclasses of Object, nothing to
// check here.
static V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged<Object> cast(StrongTaggedBase other) {
return Tagged<Object>(other);
static V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged<Object> cast(WeakTaggedBase other) {
return Tagged<Object>(other.ptr());
static V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged<Object> unchecked_cast(
StrongTaggedBase other) {
return Tagged<Object>(other);
static V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged<Object> unchecked_cast(
WeakTaggedBase other) {
return Tagged<Object>(other.ptr());
// Allow Tagged<Object> to be created from any address.
V8_INLINE constexpr explicit Tagged(Address o) : StrongTaggedBase(o) {}
// Allow explicit uninitialized initialization.
// TODO(leszeks): Consider zapping this instead, since it's odd that
// Tagged<Object> implicitly initialises to Smi::zero().
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged() : StrongTaggedBase(kNullAddress) {}
// Allow implicit conversion from const HeapObjectLayout* to Tagged<Object>.
// TODO(leszeks): Make this more const-correct.
// TODO(leszeks): Consider making this an explicit conversion.
V8_INLINE Tagged(const HeapObjectLayout* ptr)
: Tagged(reinterpret_cast<Address>(ptr) + kHeapObjectTag) {}
// Implicit conversion for subclasses -- all classes are subclasses of Object,
// so allow all tagged pointers.
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged(StrongTaggedBase other)
: StrongTaggedBase(other.ptr()) {}
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged& operator=(StrongTaggedBase other) {
return *this = Tagged(other);
// Specialization for Smi disallowing any implicit creation or access via ->,
// but offering instead a cast from Object and an int32_t value() method.
template <>
class Tagged<Smi> : public StrongTaggedBase {
// Explicit cast for sub- and superclasses (in practice, only Object will pass
// this static assert).
template <typename U>
static constexpr Tagged<Smi> cast(Tagged<U> other) {
static_assert(is_castable_v<U, Smi>);
return Tagged<Smi>(other.ptr());
V8_INLINE static constexpr Tagged<Smi> unchecked_cast(
StrongTaggedBase other) {
return Tagged<Smi>(other.ptr());
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged() = default;
V8_INLINE constexpr explicit Tagged(Address ptr) : StrongTaggedBase(ptr) {}
// No implicit conversions from other tagged pointers.
V8_INLINE constexpr bool IsHeapObject() const { return false; }
V8_INLINE constexpr bool IsSmi() const { return true; }
V8_INLINE constexpr int32_t value() const {
return Internals::SmiValue(ptr());
// Specialization for TaggedIndex disallowing any implicit creation or access
// via ->, but offering instead a cast from Object and an intptr_t value()
// method.
template <>
class Tagged<TaggedIndex> : public StrongTaggedBase {
// Explicit cast for sub- and superclasses (in practice, only Object will pass
// this static assert).
template <typename U>
static constexpr Tagged<TaggedIndex> cast(Tagged<U> other) {
static_assert(is_castable_v<U, TaggedIndex>);
return Tagged<TaggedIndex>(other.ptr());
static V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged<TaggedIndex> unchecked_cast(
StrongTaggedBase other) {
return Tagged<TaggedIndex>(other.ptr());
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged() = default;
V8_INLINE constexpr explicit Tagged(Address ptr) : StrongTaggedBase(ptr) {}
// No implicit conversions from other tagged pointers.
V8_INLINE constexpr bool IsHeapObject() const { return false; }
V8_INLINE constexpr bool IsSmi() const { return true; }
// Returns the integer value.
V8_INLINE constexpr intptr_t value() const {
// Truncate and shift down (requires >> to be sign extending).
return static_cast<intptr_t>(ptr()) >> kSmiTagSize;
// Implicit conversions to/from raw pointers
// TODO(leszeks): Remove once we're using Tagged everywhere.
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged(TaggedIndex raw);
// Handles of the same type are allowed to access the Address constructor.
friend class Handle<TaggedIndex>;
friend class DirectHandle<TaggedIndex>;
template <typename TFieldType, int kFieldOffset, typename CompressionScheme>
friend class TaggedField;
// Specialization for HeapObject, to group together functions shared between all
// HeapObjects
template <>
class Tagged<HeapObject> : public StrongTaggedBase {
using Base = StrongTaggedBase;
// Explicit cast for sub- and superclasses.
template <typename U>
static constexpr Tagged<HeapObject> cast(Tagged<U> other) {
static_assert(is_castable_v<U, HeapObject>);
return Tagged<HeapObject>(other.ptr());
static V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged<HeapObject> unchecked_cast(
StrongTaggedBase other) {
// Don't check incoming type for unchecked casts, in case the object
// definitions are not available.
return Tagged<HeapObject>(other.ptr());
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged() = default;
// Allow implicit conversion from const HeapObjectLayout* to
// Tagged<HeapObject>.
// TODO(leszeks): Make this more const-correct.
// TODO(leszeks): Consider making this an explicit conversion.
V8_INLINE Tagged(const HeapObjectLayout* ptr)
: Tagged(reinterpret_cast<Address>(ptr) + kHeapObjectTag) {}
// Implicit conversion for subclasses.
template <typename U,
typename = std::enable_if_t<is_subtype_v<U, HeapObject>>>
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged& operator=(Tagged<U> other) {
return *this = Tagged(other);
// Implicit conversion for subclasses.
template <typename U,
typename = std::enable_if_t<is_subtype_v<U, HeapObject>>>
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged(Tagged<U> other) : Base(other) {}
V8_INLINE constexpr HeapObject operator*() const;
V8_INLINE constexpr detail::TaggedOperatorArrowRef<HeapObject> operator->()
V8_INLINE constexpr bool is_null() const {
return static_cast<Tagged_t>(this->ptr()) ==
constexpr V8_INLINE bool IsHeapObject() const { return true; }
constexpr V8_INLINE bool IsSmi() const { return false; }
// Implicit conversions and explicit casts to/from raw pointers
// TODO(leszeks): Remove once we're using Tagged everywhere.
template <typename U,
typename = std::enable_if_t<is_subtype_v<U, HeapObject>>>
constexpr Tagged(U raw) : Base(raw.ptr()) {
template <typename U>
static constexpr Tagged<HeapObject> cast(U other) {
return Tagged<HeapObject>::cast(Tagged<U>(other));
Address address() const { return this->ptr() - kHeapObjectTag; }
V8_INLINE constexpr explicit Tagged(Address ptr) : Base(ptr) {}
friend class HeapObject;
// Handles of the same type are allowed to access the Address constructor.
friend class Handle<HeapObject>;
friend class DirectHandle<HeapObject>;
template <typename TFieldType, int kFieldOffset, typename CompressionScheme>
friend class TaggedField;
friend Tagged<HeapObject> MakeStrong<>(Tagged<HeapObject> value);
friend Tagged<HeapObject> MakeStrong<>(Tagged<MaybeWeak<HeapObject>> value);
V8_INLINE constexpr HeapObject ToRawPtr() const;
// Specialization for MaybeWeak<Object>, where it's unknown whether this is a
// Smi, a strong HeapObject, or a weak HeapObject
template <>
class Tagged<MaybeWeak<Object>> : public WeakTaggedBase {
// Allow all casts -- all classes are subclasses of Object, nothing to check
// here.
static V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged<MaybeWeak<Object>> cast(
WeakTaggedBase other) {
return Tagged<MaybeWeak<Object>>(other);
static V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged<MaybeWeak<Object>> unchecked_cast(
WeakTaggedBase other) {
return Tagged<MaybeWeak<Object>>(other);
// Also allow strong cases
static V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged<MaybeWeak<Object>> cast(
StrongTaggedBase other) {
return Tagged<MaybeWeak<Object>>(other);
static V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged<MaybeWeak<Object>> unchecked_cast(
StrongTaggedBase other) {
return Tagged<MaybeWeak<Object>>(other);
// Allow Tagged<MaybeWeak<Object>> to be created from any address.
V8_INLINE constexpr explicit Tagged(Address o) : WeakTaggedBase(o) {}
// Allow explicit uninitialized initialization.
// TODO(leszeks): Consider zapping this instead, since it's odd that
// Tagged<MaybeWeak<Object>> implicitly initialises to Smi::zero().
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged() : WeakTaggedBase(kNullAddress) {}
// Allow implicit conversion from const HeapObjectLayout* to
// Tagged<MaybeWeak<Object>>.
// TODO(leszeks): Make this more const-correct.
// TODO(leszeks): Consider making this an explicit conversion.
V8_INLINE Tagged(const HeapObjectLayout* ptr)
: Tagged(reinterpret_cast<Address>(ptr) + kHeapObjectTag) {}
// Implicit conversion for subclasses -- all classes are subclasses of Object,
// so allow all tagged pointers, both weak and strong.
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged(WeakTaggedBase other)
: WeakTaggedBase(other.ptr()) {}
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged(StrongTaggedBase other)
: WeakTaggedBase(other.ptr()) {}
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged& operator=(WeakTaggedBase other) {
return *this = Tagged(other);
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged& operator=(StrongTaggedBase other) {
return *this = Tagged(other);
// Specialization for MaybeWeak<HeapObject>, to group together functions shared
// between all HeapObjects
template <>
class Tagged<MaybeWeak<HeapObject>> : public WeakTaggedBase {
using Base = WeakTaggedBase;
// Explicit cast for sub- and superclasses.
template <typename U>
static constexpr Tagged<MaybeWeak<HeapObject>> cast(Tagged<U> other) {
static_assert(is_castable_v<U, HeapObject>);
return Tagged<MaybeWeak<HeapObject>>(other.ptr());
template <typename U>
static constexpr Tagged<MaybeWeak<HeapObject>> cast(
Tagged<MaybeWeak<U>> other) {
static_assert(is_castable_v<U, HeapObject>);
// Allow strong, weak and cleared values, i.e. anything that's not a Smi.
return Tagged<MaybeWeak<HeapObject>>(other.ptr());
static V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged<MaybeWeak<HeapObject>> unchecked_cast(
WeakTaggedBase other) {
// Don't check incoming type for unchecked casts, in case the object
// definitions are not available.
return Tagged<MaybeWeak<HeapObject>>(other.ptr());
static V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged<MaybeWeak<HeapObject>> unchecked_cast(
StrongTaggedBase other) {
// Don't check incoming type for unchecked casts, in case the object
// definitions are not available.
return Tagged<MaybeWeak<HeapObject>>(other.ptr());
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged() = default;
// Allow implicit conversion from const HeapObjectLayout* to
// Tagged<HeapObject>.
// TODO(leszeks): Make this more const-correct.
// TODO(leszeks): Consider making this an explicit conversion.
V8_INLINE Tagged(const HeapObjectLayout* ptr)
: Tagged(reinterpret_cast<Address>(ptr) + kHeapObjectTag) {}
// Implicit conversion for subclasses.
template <typename U,
typename = std::enable_if_t<is_subtype_v<U, MaybeWeak<HeapObject>>>>
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged& operator=(Tagged<U> other) {
return *this = Tagged(other);
// Implicit conversion for subclasses.
template <typename U,
typename = std::enable_if_t<is_subtype_v<U, MaybeWeak<HeapObject>>>>
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged(Tagged<U> other) : Base(other.ptr()) {}
template <typename U,
typename = std::enable_if_t<is_subtype_v<U, MaybeWeak<HeapObject>>>>
V8_INLINE explicit constexpr Tagged(Tagged<U> other,
HeapObjectReferenceType type)
: Base(type == HeapObjectReferenceType::WEAK ? MakeWeak(other)
: MakeStrong(other)) {}
V8_INLINE constexpr bool is_null() const {
return static_cast<Tagged_t>(this->ptr()) ==
constexpr V8_INLINE bool IsSmi() const { return false; }
V8_INLINE constexpr explicit Tagged(Address ptr) : Base(ptr) {}
// Handles of the same type are allowed to access the Address constructor.
friend class Handle<MaybeWeak<HeapObject>>;
friend class DirectHandle<MaybeWeak<HeapObject>>;
friend Tagged<MaybeWeak<HeapObject>> MakeWeak<>(Tagged<HeapObject> value);
friend Tagged<MaybeWeak<HeapObject>> MakeWeak<>(
Tagged<MaybeWeak<HeapObject>> value);
// Generic Tagged<T> for any T that is a subclass of HeapObject. There are
// separate Tagged<T> specializations for T==Smi and T==Object, so we know that
// all other Tagged<T> are definitely pointers and not Smis.
template <typename T>
class Tagged : public detail::BaseForTagged<T>::type {
using Base = typename detail::BaseForTagged<T>::type;
// Explicit cast for sub- and superclasses.
template <typename U>
static constexpr Tagged<T> cast(Tagged<U> other) {
static_assert(is_castable_v<T, U>);
return T::cast(other);
template <typename U>
static constexpr Tagged<T> cast(Tagged<MaybeWeak<U>> other) {
static_assert(is_castable_v<T, U>);
DCHECK(other.IsStrong() || other.IsSmi());
return T::cast(Tagged<U>(other.ptr()));
static V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged<T> unchecked_cast(StrongTaggedBase other) {
// Don't check incoming type for unchecked casts, in case the object
// definitions are not available.
return Tagged<T>(other.ptr());
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged() = default;
template <typename U = T>
// Allow implicit conversion from const T* to Tagged<T>.
// TODO(leszeks): Make this more const-correct.
// TODO(leszeks): Consider making this an explicit conversion.
V8_INLINE Tagged(const T* ptr)
: Tagged(reinterpret_cast<Address>(ptr) + kHeapObjectTag) {
static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<HeapObjectLayout, U>);
// Implicit conversion for subclasses.
template <typename U, typename = std::enable_if_t<is_subtype_v<U, T>>>
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged& operator=(Tagged<U> other) {
*this = Tagged(other);
return *this;
// Implicit conversion for subclasses.
template <typename U, typename = std::enable_if_t<is_subtype_v<U, T>>>
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged(Tagged<U> other) : Base(other) {}
template <typename U = T,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<HeapObjectLayout, U>>>
V8_INLINE T& operator*() const {
return *ToRawPtr();
template <typename U = T,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<HeapObjectLayout, U>>>
V8_INLINE T* operator->() const {
return ToRawPtr();
template <typename U = T, typename = std::enable_if_t<
!std::is_base_of_v<HeapObjectLayout, U>>>
V8_INLINE constexpr T operator*() const {
return ToRawPtr();
template <typename U = T, typename = std::enable_if_t<
!std::is_base_of_v<HeapObjectLayout, U>>>
V8_INLINE constexpr detail::TaggedOperatorArrowRef<T> operator->() const {
return detail::TaggedOperatorArrowRef<T>{ToRawPtr()};
// Implicit conversions and explicit casts to/from raw pointers
// TODO(leszeks): Remove once we're using Tagged everywhere.
template <typename U, typename = std::enable_if_t<is_subtype_v<U, T>>>
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged(U raw) : Base(raw.ptr()) {
template <typename U>
static constexpr Tagged<T> cast(U other) {
return Tagged<T>::cast(Tagged<U>(other));
friend T;
// Handles of the same type are allowed to access the Address constructor.
friend class Handle<T>;
friend class DirectHandle<T>;
template <typename TFieldType, int kFieldOffset, typename CompressionScheme>
friend class TaggedField;
template <typename TFieldType, typename CompressionScheme>
friend class TaggedMember;
friend Tagged<T> MakeStrong<>(Tagged<T> value);
friend Tagged<T> MakeStrong<>(Tagged<MaybeWeak<T>> value);
V8_INLINE constexpr explicit Tagged(Address ptr) : Base(ptr) {}
template <typename U = T,
typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<HeapObjectLayout, U>>>
V8_INLINE T* ToRawPtr() const {
// Check whether T is taggable on raw ptr access rather than top-level, to
// allow forward declarations.
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(this->ptr() - kHeapObjectTag);
template <typename U = T, typename = std::enable_if_t<
!std::is_base_of_v<HeapObjectLayout, U>>>
V8_INLINE constexpr T ToRawPtr() const {
// Check whether T is taggable on raw ptr access rather than top-level, to
// allow forward declarations.
return T(this->ptr(), typename T::SkipTypeCheckTag{});
// Specialized Tagged<T> for cleared weak values. This is only used, in
// practice, for conversions from Tagged<ClearedWeakValue> to a
// Tagged<MaybeWeak<T>>, where subtyping rules mean that this works for
// aribitrary T.
template <>
class Tagged<ClearedWeakValue> : public WeakTaggedBase {
V8_INLINE explicit Tagged(Address ptr) : WeakTaggedBase(ptr) {}
// Generic Tagged<T> for any T that is a subclass of HeapObject. There are
// separate Tagged<T> specializations for T==Smi and T==Object, so we know that
// all other Tagged<T> are definitely pointers and not Smis.
template <typename T>
class Tagged<MaybeWeak<T>> : public detail::BaseForTagged<MaybeWeak<T>>::type {
using Base = typename detail::BaseForTagged<MaybeWeak<T>>::type;
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged() = default;
template <typename U = T>
// Allow implicit conversion from const T* to Tagged<MaybeWeak<T>>.
// TODO(leszeks): Make this more const-correct.
// TODO(leszeks): Consider making this an explicit conversion.
V8_INLINE Tagged(const T* ptr)
: Tagged(reinterpret_cast<Address>(ptr) + kHeapObjectTag) {
static_assert(std::is_base_of_v<HeapObjectLayout, U>);
// Implicit conversion for subclasses.
template <typename U, typename = std::enable_if_t<is_subtype_v<U, T>>>
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged& operator=(Tagged<U> other) {
*this = Tagged(other);
return *this;
// Implicit conversion for subclasses.
template <typename U, typename = std::enable_if_t<is_subtype_v<U, T>>>
V8_INLINE constexpr Tagged(Tagged<U> other) : Base(other) {}
V8_INLINE constexpr explicit Tagged(Address ptr) : Base(ptr) {}
friend T;
// Handles of the same type are allowed to access the Address constructor.
friend class Handle<MaybeWeak<T>>;
friend class DirectHandle<MaybeWeak<T>>;
friend Tagged<MaybeWeak<T>> MakeWeak<>(Tagged<T> value);
friend Tagged<MaybeWeak<T>> MakeWeak<>(Tagged<MaybeWeak<T>> value);
using MaybeObject = MaybeWeak<Object>;
using HeapObjectReference = MaybeWeak<HeapObject>;
template <typename T>
inline Tagged<MaybeWeak<T>> MakeWeak(Tagged<T> value) {
return Tagged<MaybeWeak<T>>(value.ptr() | kWeakHeapObjectTag);
template <typename T>
inline Tagged<MaybeWeak<T>> MakeWeak(Tagged<MaybeWeak<T>> value) {
return Tagged<MaybeWeak<T>>(value.ptr() | kWeakHeapObjectTag);
template <typename T>
inline Tagged<T> MakeStrong(Tagged<T> value) {
return Tagged<T>(value.ptr() & (~kWeakHeapObjectTag | kHeapObjectTag));
template <typename T>
inline Tagged<T> MakeStrong(Tagged<MaybeWeak<T>> value) {
return Tagged<T>(value.ptr() & (~kWeakHeapObjectTag | kHeapObjectTag));
// Deduction guide to simplify Foo->Tagged<Foo> transition.
// TODO(leszeks): Remove once we're using Tagged everywhere.
template <class T>
Tagged(T object) -> Tagged<T>;
Tagged(const HeapObjectLayout* object) -> Tagged<HeapObject>;
template <class T>
Tagged(const T* object) -> Tagged<T>;
template <class T>
Tagged(T* object) -> Tagged<T>;
template <typename T>
struct RemoveTagged {
using type = T;
template <typename T>
struct RemoveTagged<Tagged<T>> {
using type = T;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
namespace std {
// Template specialize std::common_type to always return Object when compared
// against a subtype of Object.
// This is an incomplete specialization for objects and common_type, but
// sufficient for existing use-cases. A proper specialization would need to be
// conditionally enabled via `requires`, which is C++20, or with `enable_if`,
// which would require a custom common_type implementation.
template <class T>
struct common_type<T, i::Object> {
static_assert(i::is_subtype_v<T, i::Object>,
"common_type with Object is only partially specialized.");
using type = i::Object;
} // namespace std
#endif // V8_OBJECTS_TAGGED_H_