blob: 2763c218b4e0b06d60cb859d282dc7daf0e70252 [file] [log] [blame]
<div>This is view contains hints about available keyboard shortcuts.</div>
<div id="info-global" class="info-topic">
<div class="info-topic-header">Global shortcuts</div>
<div class="info-topic-content">
<td>Open load file dialog.</td>
<td>Reload turbolizer (Chrome shortcut)</td>
<div id="info-common-graph-view" class="info-topic">
<div class="info-topic-header">Sea of Nodes/Turboshaft graph view</div>
<div class="info-topic-content">
<td>Relayout graph</td>
<td>Show graph with selected nodes for next phase</td>
<td>Show graph with selected nodes for previous phase</td>
<td>Show hovered node's history</td>
<td>Select all nodes</td>
<td>Select search box</td>
<div id="info-graph-view" class="info-topic">
<div class="info-topic-header">Sea of Nodes graph view</div>
<div class="info-topic-content">
<td>Reveal node's input nodes</td>
<td>Reveal node's output nodes</td>
<td>Hide selected nodes</td>
<td>Hide unselected nodes</td>
<div id="info-turboshaft-graph-view" class="info-topic">
<div class="info-topic-header">Turboshaft graph view</div>
<div class="info-topic-content">
<td>Select all selected block's nodes</td>
<td>Collapse selected blocks</td>
<td>Uncollapse selected blocks</td>
<td>Copy hovered node's info</td>
<td>Collapse unused blocks (blocks that don't have direct inputs and outputs of a hovered node)</td>
<td>Collapse unused blocks (blocks that don't have direct inputs and outputs of selected nodes)</td>
<div id="info-common-nodes" class="info-topic">
<div class="info-topic-header">Sea of Nodes/Turboshaft graph nodes</div>
<div class="info-topic-content">
<div>The following commands transform node selections, i.e. each operation will be applied
to each node in the current selection and the union of the resulting nodes will become the
new selection.</div>
<td>Select all input nodes</td>
<td>Select all output nodes</td>
<div id="info-graph-nodes" class="info-topic">
<div class="info-topic-header">Sea of Nodes graph nodes</div>
<div class="info-topic-content">
<td>Select input node 1-9</td>
<td>Toggle input edge 1-9</td>
<td>Select control output node</td>
<td>Select effect output node</td>
<td>Select node's origin node</td>
<div id="info-graph-search" class="info-topic">
<div class="info-topic-header">Sea of Nodes/Turboshaft graph search</div>
<div class="info-topic-content">
<td>Select nodes according to regular expression. Invisible nodes are included depending on the state of the
checkbox "only visible".</td>
<td>Select nodes according to regular expression, always including invisible nodes regardless of checkbox.</td>
<div style="font-weight: bold; margin-top: 0.5em;">Useful patterns</div>
<td>Select nodes which have 'IfTrue' in title or description.</td>
<td>Select exactly the node with id 42.</td>
<td>Select nodes which were created while node with id 42 was reduced. This is inaccurate if the node was
changed in-place.</td>
<div id="info-ts-graph" class="info-topic">
<div class="info-topic-header">Turboshaft operation effects</div>
<div class="info-topic-content">
<td>neither produce nor consume: can be reordered freely</td>
<td>produce: do not move after consume in same dimension</td>
<td>consume: do not move before produce in same dimension</td>
<td>produce and consume</td>
<div style="font-weight: bold; margin-top: 0.5em;">Dimensions</div>
<td> load_heap_memory </td>
<td> load_off_heap_memory </td>
<td> store_heap_memory</td>
<td> store_off_heap_memory </td>
<td> before_raw_heap_access </td>
<td> after_raw_heap_access </td>
<td> control_flow</td>
<td> can_create_identity </td>
<td> can_allocate </td>