blob: fa1e85279a6875262a3972913f934642de0b17c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/base/macros.h"
#include "src/snapshot/serializer.h"
#include "src/snapshot/snapshot-data.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class PersistentHandles;
class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE AlignedCachedData {
AlignedCachedData(const byte* data, int length);
~AlignedCachedData() {
if (owns_data_) DeleteArray(data_);
AlignedCachedData(const AlignedCachedData&) = delete;
AlignedCachedData& operator=(const AlignedCachedData&) = delete;
const byte* data() const { return data_; }
int length() const { return length_; }
bool rejected() const { return rejected_; }
void Reject() { rejected_ = true; }
bool HasDataOwnership() const { return owns_data_; }
void AcquireDataOwnership() {
owns_data_ = true;
void ReleaseDataOwnership() {
owns_data_ = false;
bool owns_data_ : 1;
bool rejected_ : 1;
const byte* data_;
int length_;
enum class SerializedCodeSanityCheckResult {
kSuccess = 0,
kMagicNumberMismatch = 1,
kVersionMismatch = 2,
kSourceMismatch = 3,
kFlagsMismatch = 5,
kChecksumMismatch = 6,
kInvalidHeader = 7,
kLengthMismatch = 8
class CodeSerializer : public Serializer {
struct OffThreadDeserializeData {
friend class CodeSerializer;
MaybeHandle<SharedFunctionInfo> maybe_result;
std::vector<Handle<Script>> scripts;
std::unique_ptr<PersistentHandles> persistent_handles;
SerializedCodeSanityCheckResult sanity_check_result;
CodeSerializer(const CodeSerializer&) = delete;
CodeSerializer& operator=(const CodeSerializer&) = delete;
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static ScriptCompiler::CachedData* Serialize(
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> info);
AlignedCachedData* SerializeSharedFunctionInfo(
Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> info);
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static MaybeHandle<SharedFunctionInfo> Deserialize(
Isolate* isolate, AlignedCachedData* cached_data, Handle<String> source,
ScriptOriginOptions origin_options);
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static OffThreadDeserializeData
StartDeserializeOffThread(LocalIsolate* isolate,
AlignedCachedData* cached_data);
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static MaybeHandle<SharedFunctionInfo>
FinishOffThreadDeserialize(Isolate* isolate, OffThreadDeserializeData&& data,
AlignedCachedData* cached_data,
Handle<String> source,
ScriptOriginOptions origin_options);
uint32_t source_hash() const { return source_hash_; }
CodeSerializer(Isolate* isolate, uint32_t source_hash);
~CodeSerializer() override { OutputStatistics("CodeSerializer"); }
virtual bool ElideObject(Object obj) { return false; }
void SerializeGeneric(Handle<HeapObject> heap_object);
void SerializeObjectImpl(Handle<HeapObject> o) override;
bool SerializeReadOnlyObject(HeapObject obj,
const DisallowGarbageCollection& no_gc);
uint32_t source_hash_;
// Wrapper around ScriptData to provide code-serializer-specific functionality.
class SerializedCodeData : public SerializedData {
// The data header consists of uint32_t-sized entries:
// [0] magic number and (internally provided) external reference count
// [1] version hash
// [2] source hash
// [3] flag hash
// [4] payload length
// [5] payload checksum
// ... serialized payload
static const uint32_t kVersionHashOffset = kMagicNumberOffset + kUInt32Size;
static const uint32_t kSourceHashOffset = kVersionHashOffset + kUInt32Size;
static const uint32_t kFlagHashOffset = kSourceHashOffset + kUInt32Size;
static const uint32_t kPayloadLengthOffset = kFlagHashOffset + kUInt32Size;
static const uint32_t kChecksumOffset = kPayloadLengthOffset + kUInt32Size;
static const uint32_t kUnalignedHeaderSize = kChecksumOffset + kUInt32Size;
static const uint32_t kHeaderSize = POINTER_SIZE_ALIGN(kUnalignedHeaderSize);
// Used when consuming.
static SerializedCodeData FromCachedData(
AlignedCachedData* cached_data, uint32_t expected_source_hash,
SerializedCodeSanityCheckResult* rejection_result);
// For cached data which is consumed before the source is available (e.g.
// off-thread).
static SerializedCodeData FromCachedDataWithoutSource(
AlignedCachedData* cached_data,
SerializedCodeSanityCheckResult* rejection_result);
// For cached data which was previously already sanity checked by
// FromCachedDataWithoutSource. The rejection result from that call should be
// passed into this one.
static SerializedCodeData FromPartiallySanityCheckedCachedData(
AlignedCachedData* cached_data, uint32_t expected_source_hash,
SerializedCodeSanityCheckResult* rejection_result);
// Used when producing.
SerializedCodeData(const std::vector<byte>* payload,
const CodeSerializer* cs);
// Return ScriptData object and relinquish ownership over it to the caller.
AlignedCachedData* GetScriptData();
base::Vector<const byte> Payload() const;
static uint32_t SourceHash(Handle<String> source,
ScriptOriginOptions origin_options);
explicit SerializedCodeData(AlignedCachedData* data);
SerializedCodeData(const byte* data, int size)
: SerializedData(const_cast<byte*>(data), size) {}
base::Vector<const byte> ChecksummedContent() const {
return base::Vector<const byte>(data_ + kHeaderSize, size_ - kHeaderSize);
SerializedCodeSanityCheckResult SanityCheck(
uint32_t expected_source_hash) const;
SerializedCodeSanityCheckResult SanityCheckJustSource(
uint32_t expected_source_hash) const;
SerializedCodeSanityCheckResult SanityCheckWithoutSource() const;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8