blob: bb3ebbeb15bac4ca68fa11232fc83ba3d06767ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/objects/struct.h"
#include "torque-generated/bit-fields.h"
// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards):
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
class MessageLocation;
class WasmInstanceObject;
class StructBodyDescriptor;
#include "torque-generated/src/objects/"
class CallSiteInfo : public TorqueGeneratedCallSiteInfo<CallSiteInfo, Struct> {
inline bool IsWasm() const;
inline bool IsAsmJsWasm() const;
inline bool IsAsmJsAtNumberConversion() const;
inline bool IsStrict() const;
inline bool IsConstructor() const;
inline bool IsAsync() const;
bool IsEval() const;
bool IsUserJavaScript() const;
bool IsSubjectToDebugging() const;
bool IsMethodCall() const;
bool IsToplevel() const;
bool IsPromiseAll() const;
bool IsPromiseAllSettled() const;
bool IsPromiseAny() const;
bool IsNative() const;
DECL_ACCESSORS(code_object, HeapObject)
// Dispatched behavior.
// Used to signal that the requested field is unknown.
static constexpr int kUnknown = kNoSourcePosition;
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static int GetLineNumber(Handle<CallSiteInfo> info);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static int GetColumnNumber(Handle<CallSiteInfo> info);
static int GetEnclosingLineNumber(Handle<CallSiteInfo> info);
static int GetEnclosingColumnNumber(Handle<CallSiteInfo> info);
// Returns the script ID if one is attached,
// Message::kNoScriptIdInfo otherwise.
static MaybeHandle<Script> GetScript(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<CallSiteInfo> info);
int GetScriptId() const;
Object GetScriptName() const;
Object GetScriptNameOrSourceURL() const;
Object GetScriptSource() const;
Object GetScriptSourceMappingURL() const;
static Handle<PrimitiveHeapObject> GetEvalOrigin(Handle<CallSiteInfo> info);
V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static Handle<PrimitiveHeapObject> GetFunctionName(
Handle<CallSiteInfo> info);
static Handle<String> GetFunctionDebugName(Handle<CallSiteInfo> info);
static Handle<Object> GetMethodName(Handle<CallSiteInfo> info);
static Handle<String> GetScriptHash(Handle<CallSiteInfo> info);
static Handle<Object> GetTypeName(Handle<CallSiteInfo> info);
// These methods are only valid for Wasm and asm.js Wasm frames.
uint32_t GetWasmFunctionIndex() const;
WasmInstanceObject GetWasmInstance() const;
static Handle<Object> GetWasmModuleName(Handle<CallSiteInfo> info);
// Returns the 0-based source position, which is the offset into the
// Script in case of JavaScript and Asm.js, and the bytecode offset
// in the module in case of actual Wasm. In case of async promise
// combinator frames, this returns the index of the promise.
static int GetSourcePosition(Handle<CallSiteInfo> info);
// Attempts to fill the |location| based on the |info|, and avoids
// triggering source position table building for JavaScript frames.
static bool ComputeLocation(Handle<CallSiteInfo> info,
MessageLocation* location);
using BodyDescriptor = StructBodyDescriptor;
static int ComputeSourcePosition(Handle<CallSiteInfo> info, int offset);
base::Optional<Script> GetScript() const;
SharedFunctionInfo GetSharedFunctionInfo() const;
class IncrementalStringBuilder;
void SerializeCallSiteInfo(Isolate* isolate, Handle<CallSiteInfo> frame,
IncrementalStringBuilder* builder);
MaybeHandle<String> SerializeCallSiteInfo(Isolate* isolate,
Handle<CallSiteInfo> frame);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"