blob: 46c0b03d2f856c5ae29c2ffc1eb0d48db2b93fd9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
extern class FixedArrayBase extends HeapObject {
// length of the array.
const length: Smi;
extern class FixedArray extends FixedArrayBase {
objects[length]: Object;
type EmptyFixedArray extends FixedArray;
extern class FixedDoubleArray extends FixedArrayBase {
floats[length]: float64_or_hole;
extern class WeakFixedArray extends HeapObject {
const length: Smi;
@cppRelaxedLoad objects[length]: MaybeObject;
extern class ByteArray extends FixedArrayBase {
bytes[length]: uint8;
extern class ArrayList extends FixedArray {
extern class TemplateList extends FixedArray {
extern class WeakArrayList extends HeapObject {
const capacity: Smi;
length: Smi;
@cppRelaxedLoad objects[capacity]: MaybeObject;
extern operator '.length_intptr' macro LoadAndUntagFixedArrayBaseLength(
FixedArrayBase): intptr;
extern operator '.objects[]' macro LoadFixedArrayElement(
FixedArray, intptr): Object;
extern operator '.objects[]' macro LoadFixedArrayElement(
FixedArray, Smi): Object;
extern operator '.objects[]' macro LoadFixedArrayElement(
FixedArray, constexpr int31): Object;
extern operator '.objects[]=' macro StoreFixedArrayElement(
FixedArray, intptr, Smi): void;
extern operator '.objects[]=' macro StoreFixedArrayElement(
FixedArray, Smi, Smi): void;
extern operator '.objects[]=' macro StoreFixedArrayElement(
FixedArray, intptr, HeapObject): void;
extern operator '.objects[]=' macro StoreFixedArrayElement(
FixedArray, intptr, Object): void;
extern operator '.objects[]=' macro StoreFixedArrayElement(
FixedArray, constexpr int31, Smi): void;
extern operator '.objects[]=' macro StoreFixedArrayElement(
FixedArray, constexpr int31, HeapObject): void;
extern operator '.objects[]=' macro StoreFixedArrayElement(
FixedArray, Smi, Object): void;
extern macro StoreFixedArrayElement(
FixedArray, Smi, Object, constexpr WriteBarrierMode): void;
extern macro StoreFixedArrayElement(
FixedArray, Smi, Smi, constexpr WriteBarrierMode): void;
extern macro StoreFixedArrayElement(
FixedArray, constexpr int31, Object, constexpr WriteBarrierMode): void;
extern macro StoreFixedArrayElement(
FixedArray, constexpr int31, Smi, constexpr WriteBarrierMode): void;
extern macro StoreFixedArrayElement(
FixedArray, intptr, Object, constexpr WriteBarrierMode): void;
extern macro StoreFixedArrayElement(
FixedArray, intptr, Smi, constexpr WriteBarrierMode): void;
extern operator '.floats[]=' macro StoreFixedDoubleArrayElement(
FixedDoubleArray, intptr, float64): void;
extern operator '.floats[]=' macro StoreFixedDoubleArrayElement(
FixedDoubleArray, Smi, float64): void;
extern operator '.floats[]' macro LoadFixedDoubleArrayElement(
FixedDoubleArray, intptr): float64;
operator '[]=' macro StoreFixedDoubleArrayDirect(
a: FixedDoubleArray, i: Smi, v: Number): void {
a.floats[i] = Convert<float64_or_hole>(Convert<float64>(v));
operator '[]=' macro StoreFixedArrayDirect(
a: FixedArray, i: Smi, v: Object): void {
a.objects[i] = v;
extern macro AllocateFixedArray(
constexpr ElementsKind, intptr, constexpr AllocationFlag): FixedArrayBase;
extern macro AllocateZeroedFixedArray(intptr): FixedArray;
extern macro AllocateZeroedFixedDoubleArray(intptr): FixedDoubleArray;
extern macro CalculateNewElementsCapacity(Smi): Smi;
extern macro CalculateNewElementsCapacity(intptr): intptr;
extern macro AllocateFixedArrayWithHoles(
intptr, constexpr AllocationFlag): FixedArray;
extern macro AllocateFixedDoubleArrayWithHoles(
intptr, constexpr AllocationFlag): FixedDoubleArray;
extern macro CopyFixedArrayElements(
constexpr ElementsKind, FixedArray, constexpr ElementsKind, FixedArray,
intptr, intptr): void;
extern macro CopyFixedArrayElements(
constexpr ElementsKind, FixedArray, constexpr ElementsKind, FixedArray,
intptr, intptr, intptr): void;
macro ExtractFixedArray(
source: FixedArray, first: intptr, count: intptr,
capacity: intptr): FixedArray {
// TODO(turbofan): This should be optimized to use memcpy for initialization.
return NewFixedArray(
(&source.objects).Iterator(first, first + count),
macro ExtractFixedDoubleArray(
source: FixedDoubleArray, first: intptr, count: intptr,
capacity: intptr): FixedDoubleArray|EmptyFixedArray {
// TODO(turbofan): This should be optimized to use memcpy for initialization.
return NewFixedDoubleArray(
(&source.floats).Iterator(first, first + count),
namespace runtime {
extern runtime FatalProcessOutOfMemoryInvalidArrayLength(NoContext): never;
macro NewFixedArray<Iterator: type>(length: intptr, it: Iterator): FixedArray {
if (length == 0) return kEmptyFixedArray;
if (length > kFixedArrayMaxLength) deferred {
return new
FixedArray{map: kFixedArrayMap, length: Convert<Smi>(length), objects:};
macro NewFixedDoubleArray<Iterator: type>(
length: intptr, it: Iterator): FixedDoubleArray|EmptyFixedArray {
if (length == 0) return kEmptyFixedArray;
if (length > kFixedDoubleArrayMaxLength) deferred {
return new FixedDoubleArray{
map: kFixedDoubleArrayMap,
length: Convert<Smi>(length),