blob: bd96e168d48b14c6f5f2f7849862790f3946cf57 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/base/bounds.h"
#include "src/execution/isolate-utils-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/instance-type.h"
#include "src/objects/map-inl.h"
// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards):
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace InstanceTypeChecker {
// Define type checkers for classes with single instance type.
#define INSTANCE_TYPE_CHECKER(type, forinstancetype) \
V8_INLINE constexpr bool Is##type(InstanceType instance_type) { \
return instance_type == forinstancetype; \
// Checks if value is in range [lower_limit, higher_limit] using a single
// branch. Assumes that the input instance type is valid.
template <InstanceType lower_limit, InstanceType upper_limit>
struct InstanceRangeChecker {
static constexpr bool Check(InstanceType value) {
return base::IsInRange(value, lower_limit, upper_limit);
template <InstanceType upper_limit>
struct InstanceRangeChecker<FIRST_TYPE, upper_limit> {
static constexpr bool Check(InstanceType value) {
return value <= upper_limit;
template <InstanceType lower_limit>
struct InstanceRangeChecker<lower_limit, LAST_TYPE> {
static constexpr bool Check(InstanceType value) {
return value >= lower_limit;
// Define type checkers for classes with ranges of instance types.
#define INSTANCE_TYPE_CHECKER_RANGE(type, first_instance_type, \
last_instance_type) \
V8_INLINE constexpr bool Is##type(InstanceType instance_type) { \
return InstanceRangeChecker<first_instance_type, \
last_instance_type>::Check(instance_type); \
V8_INLINE constexpr bool IsHeapObject(InstanceType instance_type) {
return true;
V8_INLINE constexpr bool IsInternalizedString(InstanceType instance_type) {
static_assert(kNotInternalizedTag != 0);
return (instance_type & (kIsNotStringMask | kIsNotInternalizedMask)) ==
(kStringTag | kInternalizedTag);
V8_INLINE constexpr bool IsExternalString(InstanceType instance_type) {
return (instance_type & (kIsNotStringMask | kStringRepresentationMask)) ==
V8_INLINE constexpr bool IsThinString(InstanceType instance_type) {
return (instance_type & kStringRepresentationMask) == kThinStringTag;
V8_INLINE constexpr bool IsFreeSpaceOrFiller(InstanceType instance_type) {
return instance_type == FREE_SPACE_TYPE || instance_type == FILLER_TYPE;
} // namespace InstanceTypeChecker
// INSTANCE_TYPE_CHECKERS macro defines some "types" that do not have
// respective C++ classes (see TypedArrayConstructor, FixedArrayExact) or
// the respective C++ counterpart is actually a template (see HashTable).
// So in order to be able to customize IsType() implementations for specific
// types, we declare a parallel set of "types" that can be compared using
// std::is_same<>.
namespace InstanceTypeTraits {
#define DECL_TYPE(type, ...) class type;
#undef DECL_TYPE
} // namespace InstanceTypeTraits
#define TYPE_CHECKER(type, ...) \
bool HeapObject::Is##type() const { \
/* In general, parameterless IsBlah() must not be used for objects */ \
/* that might be located in external code space. Note that this version */ \
/* is still called from Blah::cast() methods but it's fine because in */ \
/* production builds these checks are not enabled anyway and debug */ \
/* builds are allowed to be a bit slower. */ \
PtrComprCageBase cage_base = GetPtrComprCageBaseSlow(*this); \
return HeapObject::Is##type(cage_base); \
} \
/* The cage_base passed here is must to be the base of the pointer */ \
/* compression cage where the Map space is allocated. */ \
bool HeapObject::Is##type(PtrComprCageBase cage_base) const { \
Map map_object = map(cage_base); \
return InstanceTypeChecker::Is##type(map_object.instance_type()); \
// TODO(v8:7786): For instance types that have a single map instance on the
// roots, and when that map is a embedded in the binary, compare against the map
// pointer rather than looking up the instance type.
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"