blob: 7c60df214afe39c882536e22c47554f29e044113 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
bitfield struct JSRegExpFlags extends uint31 {
global: bool: 1 bit;
ignore_case: bool: 1 bit;
multiline: bool: 1 bit;
sticky: bool: 1 bit;
unicode: bool: 1 bit;
dot_all: bool: 1 bit;
linear: bool: 1 bit;
has_indices: bool: 1 bit;
extern class JSRegExp extends JSObject {
data: FixedArray|Undefined;
source: String|Undefined;
flags: SmiTagged<JSRegExpFlags>|Undefined;
// Note: Although a condition for a FastJSRegExp is having a positive smi
// lastIndex (see RegExpBuiltinsAssembler::BranchIfFastRegExp), it is possible
// for this to change without transitioning the transient type. As a precaution,
// validate the lastIndex is positive smi when used in fast paths.
transient type FastJSRegExp extends JSRegExp;
extern operator '.global' macro
RegExpBuiltinsAssembler::FastFlagGetterGlobal(FastJSRegExp): bool;
extern operator '.unicode' macro
RegExpBuiltinsAssembler::FastFlagGetterUnicode(FastJSRegExp): bool;
extern operator '.lastIndex' macro
RegExpBuiltinsAssembler::FastLoadLastIndex(FastJSRegExp): Smi;
extern operator '.lastIndex=' macro
RegExpBuiltinsAssembler::FastStoreLastIndex(FastJSRegExp, Smi): void;
extern class JSRegExpConstructor extends JSFunction
generates 'TNode<JSFunction>';
extern shape JSRegExpResult extends JSArray {
// In-object properties:
// The below fields are externally exposed.
index: JSAny;
input: JSAny;
groups: JSAny;
// The below fields are for internal use only.
names: FixedArray|Undefined;
regexp_input: String;
regexp_last_index: Smi;
extern shape JSRegExpResultWithIndices extends JSRegExpResult {
indices: JSAny;
extern shape JSRegExpResultIndices extends JSArray {
// In-object properties:
// The groups field is externally exposed.
groups: JSAny;