blob: 2be38f4521518c90131b344d9144aa1cb9f9a2f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/objects/primitive-heap-object.h"
// Has to be the last include (doesn't have include guards):
#include "src/objects/object-macros.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
#include "torque-generated/src/objects/"
// The Oddball describes objects null, undefined, true, and false.
class Oddball : public PrimitiveHeapObject {
// [to_number_raw]: Cached raw to_number computed at startup.
DECL_PRIMITIVE_ACCESSORS(to_number_raw, double)
inline void set_to_number_raw_as_bits(uint64_t bits);
// [to_string]: Cached to_string computed at startup.
DECL_ACCESSORS(to_string, String)
// [to_number]: Cached to_number computed at startup.
DECL_ACCESSORS(to_number, Object)
// [typeof]: Cached type_of computed at startup.
DECL_ACCESSORS(type_of, String)
inline byte kind() const;
inline void set_kind(byte kind);
// ES6 section 7.1.3 ToNumber for Boolean, Null, Undefined.
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static inline Handle<Object> ToNumber(
Isolate* isolate, Handle<Oddball> input);
V8_INLINE bool ToBool(Isolate* isolate) const;
// Dispatched behavior.
// Initialize the fields.
static void Initialize(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Oddball> oddball,
const char* to_string, Handle<Object> to_number,
const char* type_of, byte kind);
// Layout description.
DECL_FIELD_OFFSET_TQ(ToNumberRaw, HeapObject::kHeaderSize, "float64")
DECL_FIELD_OFFSET_TQ(ToString, kToNumberRawOffset + kDoubleSize, "String")
DECL_FIELD_OFFSET_TQ(ToNumber, kToStringOffset + kTaggedSize, "Number")
DECL_FIELD_OFFSET_TQ(TypeOf, kToNumberOffset + kTaggedSize, "String")
DECL_FIELD_OFFSET_TQ(Kind, kTypeOfOffset + kTaggedSize, "Smi")
static const int kSize = kKindOffset + kTaggedSize;
static const byte kFalse = 0;
static const byte kTrue = 1;
static const byte kNotBooleanMask = static_cast<byte>(~1);
static const byte kTheHole = 2;
static const byte kNull = 3;
static const byte kArgumentsMarker = 4;
static const byte kUndefined = 5;
static const byte kUninitialized = 6;
static const byte kOther = 7;
static const byte kException = 8;
static const byte kOptimizedOut = 9;
static const byte kStaleRegister = 10;
static const byte kSelfReferenceMarker = 10;
static const byte kBasicBlockCountersMarker = 11;
using BodyDescriptor =
FixedBodyDescriptor<kToStringOffset, kKindOffset, kSize>;
static_assert(kKindOffset == Internals::kOddballKindOffset);
static_assert(kNull == Internals::kNullOddballKind);
static_assert(kUndefined == Internals::kUndefinedOddballKind);
OBJECT_CONSTRUCTORS(Oddball, PrimitiveHeapObject);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8
#include "src/objects/object-macros-undef.h"