blob: b95a4648bb426ec6c7e5a52939cd10d2df626caa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// JSPromise constants
const kJSPromiseStatusMask: constexpr int31
generates 'JSPromise::kStatusMask';
const kJSPromiseStatusShift: constexpr int31
generates 'JSPromise::kStatusShift';
const kJSPromiseHasHandlerMask: constexpr int31
generates 'JSPromise::kHasHandlerMask';
extern class JSPromise extends JSObject {
Status(): PromiseState {
StaticAssert(kJSPromiseStatusShift == 0);
const status: int32 = Convert<int32>(this.flags) & kJSPromiseStatusMask;
return Convert<PromiseState>(status);
SetStatus(status: constexpr PromiseState): void {
assert(this.Status() == kPromisePending);
assert(status != kPromisePending);
const mask: Smi = SmiConstant(status);
this.flags = this.flags | mask;
HasHandler(): bool {
return (this.flags & kJSPromiseHasHandlerMask) != 0;
SetHasHandler(): void {
this.flags |= kJSPromiseHasHandlerMask;
// Smi 0 terminated list of PromiseReaction objects in case the JSPromise was
// not settled yet, otherwise the result.
reactions_or_result: Zero|PromiseReaction|JSAny;
flags: Smi;