blob: df33337936987028df694635f768289a00ff25dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
extern class JSFinalizationGroup extends JSObject {
native_context: NativeContext;
cleanup: Object;
active_cells: Undefined|WeakCell;
cleared_cells: Undefined|WeakCell;
key_map: Object;
next: Undefined|JSFinalizationGroup;
flags: Smi;
extern class JSFinalizationGroupCleanupIterator extends JSObject {
finalization_group: JSFinalizationGroup;
extern class WeakCell extends HeapObject {
finalization_group: Undefined|JSFinalizationGroup;
target: Undefined|JSReceiver;
holdings: Object;
// For storing doubly linked lists of WeakCells in JSFinalizationGroup's
// "active_cells" and "cleared_cells" lists.
prev: Undefined|WeakCell;
next: Undefined|WeakCell;
// For storing doubly linked lists of WeakCells per key in
// JSFinalizationGroup's key-based hashmap. WeakCell also needs to know its
// key, so that we can remove the key from the key_map when we remove the last
// WeakCell associated with it.
key: Object;
key_list_prev: Undefined|WeakCell;
key_list_next: Undefined|WeakCell;
extern class JSWeakRef extends JSObject {
target: Undefined|JSReceiver;