blob: bbb0d67f9c3f42eadc3622084cb1795b40a5a575 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <limits>
#include "src/heap/heap-inl.h"
#include "src/logging/counters.h"
#include "src/objects/js-array-buffer-inl.h"
#include "src/objects/objects-inl.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-engine.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-limits.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-memory.h"
#include "src/wasm/wasm-module.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace wasm {
namespace {
constexpr size_t kNegativeGuardSize = 1u << 31; // 2GiB
void AddAllocationStatusSample(Isolate* isolate,
WasmMemoryTracker::AllocationStatus status) {
bool RunWithGCAndRetry(const std::function<bool()>& fn, Heap* heap,
bool* did_retry) {
// Try up to three times; getting rid of dead JSArrayBuffer allocations might
// require two GCs because the first GC maybe incremental and may have
// floating garbage.
static constexpr int kAllocationRetries = 2;
for (int trial = 0;; ++trial) {
if (fn()) return true;
// {fn} failed. If {kAllocationRetries} is reached, fail.
*did_retry = true;
if (trial == kAllocationRetries) return false;
// Otherwise, collect garbage and retry.
// TODO(wasm): Since reservation limits are engine-wide, we should do an
// engine-wide GC here (i.e. trigger a GC in each isolate using the engine,
// and wait for them all to finish). See
heap->MemoryPressureNotification(MemoryPressureLevel::kCritical, true);
void* TryAllocateBackingStore(WasmMemoryTracker* memory_tracker, Heap* heap,
size_t size, size_t max_size,
void** allocation_base,
size_t* allocation_length) {
using AllocationStatus = WasmMemoryTracker::AllocationStatus;
constexpr bool kRequireFullGuardRegions = true;
constexpr bool kRequireFullGuardRegions = false;
// Let the WasmMemoryTracker know we are going to reserve a bunch of
// address space.
size_t reservation_size = std::max(max_size, size);
bool did_retry = false;
auto reserve_memory_space = [&] {
// For guard regions, we always allocate the largest possible offset
// into the heap, so the addressable memory after the guard page can
// be made inaccessible.
// To protect against 32-bit integer overflow issues, we also
// protect the 2GiB before the valid part of the memory buffer.
*allocation_length =
? RoundUp(kWasmMaxHeapOffset + kNegativeGuardSize, CommitPageSize())
: RoundUp(base::bits::RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(reservation_size),
DCHECK_GE(*allocation_length, size);
DCHECK_GE(*allocation_length, kWasmPageSize);
return memory_tracker->ReserveAddressSpace(*allocation_length);
if (!RunWithGCAndRetry(reserve_memory_space, heap, &did_retry)) {
// Reset reservation_size to initial size so that at least the initial size
// can be allocated if maximum size reservation is not possible.
reservation_size = size;
// We are over the address space limit. Fail.
// When running under the correctness fuzzer (i.e.
// --correctness-fuzzer-suppressions is preset), we crash
// instead so it is not incorrectly reported as a correctness
// violation. See
if (FLAG_correctness_fuzzer_suppressions) {
FATAL("could not allocate wasm memory");
heap->isolate(), AllocationStatus::kAddressSpaceLimitReachedFailure);
return nullptr;
// The Reserve makes the whole region inaccessible by default.
auto allocate_pages = [&] {
*allocation_base =
AllocatePages(GetPlatformPageAllocator(), nullptr, *allocation_length,
kWasmPageSize, PageAllocator::kNoAccess);
return *allocation_base != nullptr;
if (!RunWithGCAndRetry(allocate_pages, heap, &did_retry)) {
AddAllocationStatusSample(heap->isolate(), AllocationStatus::kOtherFailure);
return nullptr;
byte* memory = reinterpret_cast<byte*>(*allocation_base);
if (kRequireFullGuardRegions) {
memory += kNegativeGuardSize;
// Make the part we care about accessible.
auto commit_memory = [&] {
return size == 0 || SetPermissions(GetPlatformPageAllocator(), memory,
RoundUp(size, kWasmPageSize),
// SetPermissions commits the extra memory, which may put us over the
// process memory limit. If so, report this as an OOM.
if (!RunWithGCAndRetry(commit_memory, heap, &did_retry)) {
V8::FatalProcessOutOfMemory(nullptr, "TryAllocateBackingStore");
memory_tracker->RegisterAllocation(heap->isolate(), *allocation_base,
*allocation_length, memory, size);
did_retry ? AllocationStatus::kSuccessAfterRetry
: AllocationStatus::kSuccess);
return memory;
// MIPS64 has a user space of 2^40 bytes on most processors,
// address space limits needs to be smaller.
constexpr size_t kAddressSpaceLimit = 0x8000000000L; // 512 GiB
constexpr size_t kAddressSpaceLimit = 0x10100000000L; // 1 TiB + 4 GiB
constexpr size_t kAddressSpaceLimit = 0xC0000000; // 3 GiB
} // namespace
WasmMemoryTracker::~WasmMemoryTracker() {
// All reserved address space should be released before the allocation tracker
// is destroyed.
DCHECK_EQ(reserved_address_space_, 0u);
DCHECK_EQ(allocated_address_space_, 0u);
void* WasmMemoryTracker::TryAllocateBackingStoreForTesting(
Heap* heap, size_t size, void** allocation_base,
size_t* allocation_length) {
return TryAllocateBackingStore(this, heap, size, size, allocation_base,
void WasmMemoryTracker::FreeBackingStoreForTesting(base::AddressRegion memory,
void* buffer_start) {
base::MutexGuard scope_lock(&mutex_);
ReleaseAllocation_Locked(nullptr, buffer_start);
reinterpret_cast<void*>(memory.begin()), memory.size()));
bool WasmMemoryTracker::ReserveAddressSpace(size_t num_bytes) {
size_t reservation_limit = kAddressSpaceLimit;
while (true) {
size_t old_count = reserved_address_space_.load();
if (old_count > reservation_limit) return false;
if (reservation_limit - old_count < num_bytes) return false;
if (reserved_address_space_.compare_exchange_weak(old_count,
old_count + num_bytes)) {
return true;
void WasmMemoryTracker::ReleaseReservation(size_t num_bytes) {
size_t const old_reserved = reserved_address_space_.fetch_sub(num_bytes);
DCHECK_LE(num_bytes, old_reserved);
void WasmMemoryTracker::RegisterAllocation(Isolate* isolate,
void* allocation_base,
size_t allocation_length,
void* buffer_start,
size_t buffer_length) {
base::MutexGuard scope_lock(&mutex_);
allocated_address_space_ += allocation_length;
// Report address space usage in MiB so the full range fits in an int on all
// platforms.
static_cast<int>(allocated_address_space_ / MB));
AllocationData{allocation_base, allocation_length,
buffer_start, buffer_length});
WasmMemoryTracker::AllocationData WasmMemoryTracker::ReleaseAllocation_Locked(
Isolate* isolate, const void* buffer_start) {
auto find_result = allocations_.find(buffer_start);
CHECK_NE(find_result, allocations_.end());
size_t num_bytes = find_result->second.allocation_length;
DCHECK_LE(num_bytes, reserved_address_space_);
DCHECK_LE(num_bytes, allocated_address_space_);
reserved_address_space_ -= num_bytes;
allocated_address_space_ -= num_bytes;
AllocationData allocation_data = find_result->second;
return allocation_data;
const WasmMemoryTracker::AllocationData* WasmMemoryTracker::FindAllocationData(
const void* buffer_start) {
base::MutexGuard scope_lock(&mutex_);
const auto& result = allocations_.find(buffer_start);
if (result != allocations_.end()) {
return &result->second;
return nullptr;
bool WasmMemoryTracker::IsWasmMemory(const void* buffer_start) {
base::MutexGuard scope_lock(&mutex_);
return allocations_.find(buffer_start) != allocations_.end();
bool WasmMemoryTracker::IsWasmSharedMemory(const void* buffer_start) {
base::MutexGuard scope_lock(&mutex_);
const auto& result = allocations_.find(buffer_start);
// Should be a wasm allocation, and registered as a shared allocation.
return (result != allocations_.end() && result->second.is_shared);
void WasmMemoryTracker::MarkWasmMemoryNotGrowable(
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> buffer) {
base::MutexGuard scope_lock(&mutex_);
const auto& allocation = allocations_.find(buffer->backing_store());
if (allocation == allocations_.end()) return;
allocation->second.is_growable = false;
bool WasmMemoryTracker::IsWasmMemoryGrowable(Handle<JSArrayBuffer> buffer) {
base::MutexGuard scope_lock(&mutex_);
if (buffer->backing_store() == nullptr) return true;
const auto& allocation = allocations_.find(buffer->backing_store());
if (allocation == allocations_.end()) return false;
return allocation->second.is_growable;
bool WasmMemoryTracker::FreeWasmMemory(Isolate* isolate,
const void* buffer_start) {
base::MutexGuard scope_lock(&mutex_);
const auto& result = allocations_.find(buffer_start);
if (result == allocations_.end()) return false;
if (result->second.is_shared) {
// This is a shared WebAssembly.Memory allocation
FreeMemoryIfNotShared_Locked(isolate, buffer_start);
return true;
// This is a WebAssembly.Memory allocation
const AllocationData allocation =
ReleaseAllocation_Locked(isolate, buffer_start);
CHECK(FreePages(GetPlatformPageAllocator(), allocation.allocation_base,
return true;
void WasmMemoryTracker::RegisterWasmMemoryAsShared(
Handle<WasmMemoryObject> object, Isolate* isolate) {
// Only register with the tracker if shared grow is enabled.
if (!FLAG_wasm_grow_shared_memory) return;
const void* backing_store = object->array_buffer().backing_store();
// TODO(V8:8810): This should be a DCHECK, currently some tests do not
// use a full WebAssembly.Memory, and fail on registering so return early.
if (!IsWasmMemory(backing_store)) return;
base::MutexGuard scope_lock(&mutex_);
// Register as shared allocation when it is post messaged. This happens only
// the first time a buffer is shared over Postmessage, and track all the
// memory objects that are associated with this backing store.
RegisterSharedWasmMemory_Locked(object, isolate);
// Add isolate to backing store mapping.
void WasmMemoryTracker::SetPendingUpdateOnGrow(Handle<JSArrayBuffer> old_buffer,
size_t new_size) {
base::MutexGuard scope_lock(&mutex_);
// Keep track of the new size of the buffer associated with each backing
// store.
AddBufferToGrowMap_Locked(old_buffer, new_size);
// Request interrupt to GROW_SHARED_MEMORY to other isolates
void WasmMemoryTracker::UpdateSharedMemoryInstances(Isolate* isolate) {
base::MutexGuard scope_lock(&mutex_);
// For every buffer in the grow_entry_map_, update the size for all the
// memory objects associated with this isolate.
for (auto it = grow_update_map_.begin(); it != grow_update_map_.end();) {
UpdateSharedMemoryStateOnInterrupt_Locked(isolate, it->first, it->second);
// If all the isolates that share this buffer have hit a stack check, their
// memory objects are updated, and this grow entry can be erased.
if (AreAllIsolatesUpdated_Locked(it->first)) {
it = grow_update_map_.erase(it);
} else {
void WasmMemoryTracker::RegisterSharedWasmMemory_Locked(
Handle<WasmMemoryObject> object, Isolate* isolate) {
void* backing_store = object->array_buffer().backing_store();
// The allocation of a WasmMemoryObject should always be registered with the
// WasmMemoryTracker.
const auto& result = allocations_.find(backing_store);
if (result == allocations_.end()) return;
// Register the allocation as shared, if not alreadt marked as shared.
if (!result->second.is_shared) result->second.is_shared = true;
// Create persistent global handles for the memory objects that are shared
GlobalHandles* global_handles = isolate->global_handles();
object = global_handles->Create(*object);
// Add to memory_object_vector to track memory objects, instance objects
// that will need to be updated on a Grow call
SharedMemoryObjectState(object, isolate));
void WasmMemoryTracker::AddBufferToGrowMap_Locked(
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> old_buffer, size_t new_size) {
void* backing_store = old_buffer->backing_store();
auto entry = grow_update_map_.find(old_buffer->backing_store());
if (entry == grow_update_map_.end()) {
// No pending grow for this backing store, add to map.
grow_update_map_.emplace(backing_store, new_size);
// If grow on the same buffer is requested before the update is complete,
// the new_size should always be greater or equal to the old_size. Equal
// in the case that grow(0) is called, but new buffer handles are mandated
// by the Spec.
CHECK_LE(entry->second, new_size);
entry->second = new_size;
// Flush instances_updated everytime a new grow size needs to be updates
void WasmMemoryTracker::TriggerSharedGrowInterruptOnAllIsolates_Locked(
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> old_buffer) {
// Request a GrowShareMemory interrupt on all the isolates that share
// the backing store.
const auto& isolates = isolates_per_buffer_.find(old_buffer->backing_store());
for (const auto& isolate : isolates->second) {
void WasmMemoryTracker::UpdateSharedMemoryStateOnInterrupt_Locked(
Isolate* isolate, void* backing_store, size_t new_size) {
// Update objects only if there are memory objects that share this backing
// store, and this isolate is marked as one of the isolates that shares this
// buffer.
if (MemoryObjectsNeedUpdate_Locked(isolate, backing_store)) {
UpdateMemoryObjectsForIsolate_Locked(isolate, backing_store, new_size);
// As the memory objects are updated, add this isolate to a set of isolates
// that are updated on grow. This state is maintained to track if all the
// isolates that share the backing store have hit a StackCheck.
bool WasmMemoryTracker::AreAllIsolatesUpdated_Locked(
const void* backing_store) {
const auto& buffer_isolates = isolates_per_buffer_.find(backing_store);
// No isolates share this buffer.
if (buffer_isolates == isolates_per_buffer_.end()) return true;
const auto& updated_isolates = isolates_updated_on_grow_.find(backing_store);
// Some isolates share the buffer, but no isolates have been updated yet.
if (updated_isolates == isolates_updated_on_grow_.end()) return false;
if (buffer_isolates->second == updated_isolates->second) {
// If all the isolates that share this backing_store have hit a stack check,
// and the memory objects have been updated, remove the entry from the
// updatemap, and return true.
return true;
return false;
void WasmMemoryTracker::ClearUpdatedInstancesOnPendingGrow_Locked(
const void* backing_store) {
// On multiple grows to the same buffer, the entries for that buffer should be
// flushed. This is done so that any consecutive grows to the same buffer will
// update all instances that share this buffer.
const auto& value = isolates_updated_on_grow_.find(backing_store);
if (value != isolates_updated_on_grow_.end()) {
void WasmMemoryTracker::UpdateMemoryObjectsForIsolate_Locked(
Isolate* isolate, void* backing_store, size_t new_size) {
const auto& result = allocations_.find(backing_store);
if (result == allocations_.end() || !result->second.is_shared) return;
for (const auto& memory_obj_state : result->second.memory_object_vector) {
DCHECK_NE(memory_obj_state.isolate, nullptr);
if (isolate == memory_obj_state.isolate) {
HandleScope scope(isolate);
Handle<WasmMemoryObject> memory_object = memory_obj_state.memory_object;
// Permissions adjusted, but create a new buffer with new size
// and old attributes. Buffer has already been allocated,
// just create a new buffer with same backing store.
bool is_external = memory_object->array_buffer().is_external();
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> new_buffer = SetupArrayBuffer(
isolate, backing_store, new_size, is_external, SharedFlag::kShared);
memory_obj_state.memory_object->update_instances(isolate, new_buffer);
bool WasmMemoryTracker::MemoryObjectsNeedUpdate_Locked(
Isolate* isolate, const void* backing_store) {
// Return true if this buffer has memory_objects it needs to update.
const auto& result = allocations_.find(backing_store);
if (result == allocations_.end() || !result->second.is_shared) return false;
// Only update if the buffer has memory objects that need to be updated.
if (result->second.memory_object_vector.empty()) return false;
const auto& isolate_entry = isolates_per_buffer_.find(backing_store);
return (isolate_entry != isolates_per_buffer_.end() &&
isolate_entry->second.count(isolate) != 0);
void WasmMemoryTracker::FreeMemoryIfNotShared_Locked(
Isolate* isolate, const void* backing_store) {
RemoveSharedBufferState_Locked(isolate, backing_store);
if (CanFreeSharedMemory_Locked(backing_store)) {
const AllocationData allocation =
ReleaseAllocation_Locked(isolate, backing_store);
CHECK(FreePages(GetPlatformPageAllocator(), allocation.allocation_base,
bool WasmMemoryTracker::CanFreeSharedMemory_Locked(const void* backing_store) {
const auto& value = isolates_per_buffer_.find(backing_store);
// If no isolates share this buffer, backing store can be freed.
// Erase the buffer entry.
if (value == isolates_per_buffer_.end() || value->second.empty()) return true;
return false;
void WasmMemoryTracker::RemoveSharedBufferState_Locked(
Isolate* isolate, const void* backing_store) {
if (isolate != nullptr) {
DestroyMemoryObjectsAndRemoveIsolateEntry_Locked(isolate, backing_store);
RemoveIsolateFromBackingStore_Locked(isolate, backing_store);
} else {
// This happens for externalized contents cleanup shared memory state
// associated with this buffer across isolates.
void WasmMemoryTracker::DestroyMemoryObjectsAndRemoveIsolateEntry_Locked(
const void* backing_store) {
const auto& result = allocations_.find(backing_store);
CHECK(result != allocations_.end() && result->second.is_shared);
auto& object_vector = result->second.memory_object_vector;
if (object_vector.empty()) return;
for (const auto& mem_obj_state : object_vector) {
// Remove isolate from backing store map.
void WasmMemoryTracker::DestroyMemoryObjectsAndRemoveIsolateEntry_Locked(
Isolate* isolate, const void* backing_store) {
// This gets called when an internal handle to the ArrayBuffer should be
// freed, on heap tear down for that isolate, remove the memory objects
// that are associated with this buffer and isolate.
const auto& result = allocations_.find(backing_store);
CHECK(result != allocations_.end() && result->second.is_shared);
auto& object_vector = result->second.memory_object_vector;
if (object_vector.empty()) return;
for (auto it = object_vector.begin(); it != object_vector.end();) {
if (isolate == it->isolate) {
it = object_vector.erase(it);
} else {
void WasmMemoryTracker::RemoveIsolateFromBackingStore_Locked(
Isolate* isolate, const void* backing_store) {
const auto& isolates = isolates_per_buffer_.find(backing_store);
if (isolates == isolates_per_buffer_.end() || isolates->second.empty())
void WasmMemoryTracker::DeleteSharedMemoryObjectsOnIsolate(Isolate* isolate) {
base::MutexGuard scope_lock(&mutex_);
// This is possible for buffers that are externalized, and their handles have
// been freed, the backing store wasn't released because externalized contents
// were using it.
if (isolates_per_buffer_.empty()) return;
for (auto& entry : isolates_per_buffer_) {
if (entry.second.find(isolate) == entry.second.end()) continue;
const void* backing_store = entry.first;
DestroyMemoryObjectsAndRemoveIsolateEntry_Locked(isolate, backing_store);
for (auto& buffer_isolates : isolates_updated_on_grow_) {
auto& isolates = buffer_isolates.second;
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> SetupArrayBuffer(Isolate* isolate, void* backing_store,
size_t size, bool is_external,
SharedFlag shared) {
Handle<JSArrayBuffer> buffer =
isolate->factory()->NewJSArrayBuffer(shared, AllocationType::kOld);
constexpr bool is_wasm_memory = true;
JSArrayBuffer::Setup(buffer, isolate, is_external, backing_store, size,
shared, is_wasm_memory);
return buffer;
MaybeHandle<JSArrayBuffer> AllocateAndSetupArrayBuffer(Isolate* isolate,
size_t size,
size_t maximum_size,
SharedFlag shared) {
// Enforce flag-limited maximum allocation size.
if (size > max_mem_bytes()) return {};
WasmMemoryTracker* memory_tracker = isolate->wasm_engine()->memory_tracker();
// Set by TryAllocateBackingStore.
void* allocation_base = nullptr;
size_t allocation_length = 0;
void* memory = TryAllocateBackingStore(memory_tracker, isolate->heap(), size,
maximum_size, &allocation_base,
if (memory == nullptr) return {};
// Double check the API allocator actually zero-initialized the memory.
const byte* bytes = reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(memory);
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
DCHECK_EQ(0, bytes[i]);
constexpr bool is_external = false;
return SetupArrayBuffer(isolate, memory, size, is_external, shared);
MaybeHandle<JSArrayBuffer> NewArrayBuffer(Isolate* isolate, size_t size) {
return AllocateAndSetupArrayBuffer(isolate, size, size,
MaybeHandle<JSArrayBuffer> NewSharedArrayBuffer(Isolate* isolate,
size_t initial_size,
size_t max_size) {
return AllocateAndSetupArrayBuffer(isolate, initial_size, max_size,
void DetachMemoryBuffer(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSArrayBuffer> buffer,
bool free_memory) {
if (buffer->is_shared()) return; // Detaching shared buffers is impossible.
const bool is_external = buffer->is_external();
if (!is_external) {
if (free_memory) {
// We need to free the memory before detaching the buffer because
// FreeBackingStore reads buffer->allocation_base(), which is nulled out
// by Detach. This means there is a dangling pointer until we detach the
// buffer. Since there is no way for the user to directly call
// FreeBackingStore, we can ensure this is safe.
} // namespace wasm
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8